Userguide goal management in ecentral

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Goal Management

Goal Management

Table of Contents About this Guide ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Performance Management Program (PMP) ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Overview of Goal Management ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Goal Setting ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 SMART Goals ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 What is Your Role? ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 What are the Benefits of Managing Goals in eCentral? ........................................................................................................................................ 4 When Are Goals Developed? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Goal Plans ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Access Your Goal Plan ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Key Features of the Goal Plan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7

View Goal Plans for Your Direct Reports........................................................................................................................................... 9 Add a SMART Goal .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Create a Personal or Library Goal........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Goal Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Email Notifications .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Approve a Performance Goal.......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Edit Goals ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 View Goal Details/History ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Change Display Options .................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

About this Guide The Goal Management guide is a reference tool for employees and managers to use when managing their goal plan in eCentral. Use this guide to support your system training. Note: Always confirm with your manager or Human Resources team for policies/procedures that may have changed.

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Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

JELD-WEN’s Performance Management Program (PMP) Performance Management at JELD-WEN is used to describe a formalized set of processes for managing employee performance throughout the year. JELD-WEN’s Performance Management Program (PMP) allows employees to be recognized for both what they achieve (results on goals) as well as how they achieve those results (behaviors). The program is focused on developing a solid workforce that can grow and sustain JELD-WEN’s business operations, and, in turn, increase the profitability of the company. JELD-WEN’s PMP operates as a continuous process and consists of three key components (or phases): Goal Setting, Development Planning and the Performance Evaluation. The PMP emphasizes active communication between managers and employees and is designed to ensure:    

Employees establish with their manager clear goals and objectives at the beginning of the year. Managers monitor progress on employee’s goals, meet with employee on a regular basis and provide ongoing feedback to employee throughout the year. Employees and managers agree upon an Individual Development Plan (IDP), discussing career aspirations and development opportunities. Employees participate in a performance discussion with their manager and receive a documented performance evaluation at the end of the year.

At this time, the PMP includes management employees at JELD-WEN. (exempt, salaried, white-collar workforce) Staff and hourly employees are not included in the PMP and therefore will not appear in eCentral.

Overview of Goal Management Goal setting is important for our organization as it provides focus on key initiatives that help JELD-WEN deliver on its strategic plan, such as improving operational efficiencies and increasing the profitability of the company. The goal- setting process enhances organizational and individual performance and provides clarity to employees around what is expected of them in their role at JELD-WEN.

Goal Setting As goal setting is the first phase of the PMP, managers and employees will collaborate to develop a Goal Plan that includes a set of specific, measurable goals for the employee to work on throughout the year.

SMART Goals When creating goals, it’s important to follow the S.M.A.R.T format (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) to ensure goals are focused on results and outcomes can be measured: S = Specific

Goals should be clear and detailed and emphasize the task(s) that you want to achieve.

M = Measurable

Goals must have observable, verifiable measures.

A = Attainable

The measures must be fully attainable by the employee and agreed upon by the manager and employee.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

R = Relevant

Goals should have significance to the employee’s job duties and to the organizational goals and mission.

T = Time-bound

Goals must be measurable within the performance period. Setting an end point for a goal gives you a clear target to work towards.

Following are examples of S.M.A.R.T goals: Example 1: In line with departmental goals, conduct a program participant survey (with a sample size of at least st th 100) by November 1 for the purpose of identifying and implementing one program enhancement by June 30 . Example 2: To support the goals of the team, form a collaborative, cross-functional committee of 5-8 employees to plan and hold 2 all staff team building retreats. Consult with unit leaders on retreat strategy and content. Example 3: To support the company’s business initiatives, ensure 100% compliance with research protocols and rd safety guidelines for each project by 3 Quarter for the purpose of preparing the company for an external audit.

What is your Role? Developing a solid goal plan is important not only for setting performance expectations at the beginning of the year but also for evaluating employee performance at the end of year. As a participant in the PMP, you have several key responsibilities in the process; further, if you have employees reporting to you who are in the PMP population, you have additional responsibilities as listed below: As an Employee: 

Collaborate with your manager to identify SMART goals that align with the team’s and organization’s goals.

Enter your goals into eCentral to create your goal plan.

Meet with your manager to regularly review progress on goals.

Focus current job performance on achieving goals.

Maintain current goal plan, tracking status of completion and updating goals when needed per your manager’s instructions.

As a Manager: 

Collaborate with each employee to identify performance expectations for the review period. Meet with employees to set SMART goals and establish clear performance expectations for the year.

Ensure employee goals are aligned to the business initiatives and departmental goals, making adjustments as needed.

Review and approve each goal in the employee’s goal plan using eCentral.

Provide ongoing feedback to employees, monitoring progress and results against goals.

Utilize capabilities of eCentral to access and review your employee’s goal plan.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

The basic steps in creating and managing your goal plan throughout the year are outlined below: Step


Manager meets one-on-one with employee to discuss performance expectations and develop 3-5 SMART goals.

Manager and Employee

After meeting with the manager, employee enters agreed-upon goals into eCentral.


Manager receives email notification from eCentral and logs into eCentral to approve the goals.


Manager monitors employee’s progress on approved goals and meets with employee on a regular basis to provide feedback throughout the year.


Using eCentral, employee maintains current goal plan throughout the year, tracks progress on goals and updates goals based on information provided by the manager.


At the end of the year, employee completes a selfevaluation providing a rating and supporting comments for each goal.


Manager completes the performance evaluation on the employee, evaluation achievement of goals and demonstration of behaviors aligned with the 10 Company Values.


Manager and employee participate in a one-on-one year-end performance discussion and finalized evaluation process by submitting approved form in eCentral.

Manager and Employee

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

What are the Benefits of Managing Goals in eCentral? eCentral is HR automated system that is used for developing performance goals and documenting expected accomplishments. Tools are available in eCentral to help you create robust goals: 

Use the Goal Library to access templates for creating new goals.

View goal history to see how goals have changed over time.

Add and maintain goals in your goal plan in eCentral. You and your manager can track progress on goals you plan to focus on during the review period.

Strategic Goals Divisional/Functional Goals Team/Department Goals Individual Goals

When Are Goals Developed? Goals are developed as the performance year begins. They are reviewed throughout the year and discussed at year end, where they are automatically populated onto the employee’s performance evaluation form.

Set as performance year begins

Annual performance evaluation

Status updates year round

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Goal Plans Employees and managers use goal plans as a central location to document goals to be accomplished throughout the year. The employee will enter 3 – 5 goals into eCentral to create his/her goal plan and using eCentral and can add, edit, and track status on goals and print his/her Goal Plan at any time. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain a current Goal Plan and make necessary adjustments throughout the year. The manager’s responsibility is to set clear goal expectations for the employees by providing coaching and ongoing feedback.

Access Your Goal Plan To access your goal plan, select Goals from the eCentral Home menu.

Note: You can also access your goal plan by clicking Goal Plan.

in the My Info tile on the eCentral Home Page, then clicking

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

If you already have goals created a goal plan, you can access it by clicking any goal link in the My Goals tile on the eCentral Home Page.

Key Features of the Goal Plan All the information contained within a goal plan is viewed in a common area called the Goals Page. Use the functionality available on the Goals Page to edit or add goals to your goal plan. You can also customize what is displayed on your goal plan and take additional action as needed, such view the goal history.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management








A. Select Goals from the Home menu to open your goal plan. B. The name and photo of the employee’s goal plan you are currently viewing is displayed here. Click the

drop-down list then select an employee’s name to access a direct report’s goal plan. C. To view a goal plan from a previous year, click the drop-down list and select the name of the plan. D. Click Add New to add a new goal to the goal plan. E. Click Display to change the items displayed on the plan. Check or uncheck boxes from the drop-down list,

then click Update to change the fields displayed. F. Click

to view the goal plan in an HTML or PDF format. You can then print the goal plan from your

browser or PDF reader. G. Click Edit to update a goal. H. Click I.

to view additional options.

Goal comments and alerts are displayed here. If you hid alerts or comments in the Display options, alerts and comments will not show.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

View Goal Plans (Managers with Direct Reports) eCentral allows you to access the goal plans of each of your direct reports who are included in the PMP and, therefore, in eCentral. This allows you to view, approve, add, edit and print goals for your employees. You cannot view the goal plans of employees outside your team, including dotted line reporting relationships. If you manage employees who alsohave direct reports, you can view goal plans further down your departmental group. *Please Note: Only employees who are in the PMP will appear in the eCentral tool. (exempt, salaried, white-collar workforce) – If you have direct reports outside of the PMP populaton (for example, staff and hourly employees), you will not be able to access their information in the system.




A. Click Goals from the Home menu to open your goal plan. B. Click your name to open a drop-down list. C. To search for an employee’s goal plan (such as an employee further down your departmental group), begin

typing the employee’s name in the search field. Then, click the employee’s name from the pop-up menu of suggested names. D. Your manager’s name is listed here, but your manager’s goal plan is not accessible. E. If applicable, the names of your direct reports in the PMP population are listed here. Click the name of a

direct report to access his/her goal plan.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Add a SMART Goal The employee can add a goal to his/her goal plan. There are two ways to add a goal to a goal plan. Choose the method that works best for you:  

Goal: Create a SMART Goal to define a unique goal from a blank template. Goal Library: Use the Goal Library to start with system-generated goals from which you can choose. Copy to your goal plan and adjust as needed.

Create a Personal or Library Goal Steps: Create a Personal or Library Goal 1.

Display the goal plan and click Add New.


Click Create a New Goal.


Select either a Personal Goal or a Library Goal. Personal goals allow you to describe your own goal and assign metrics. Library goals are samples that you may select from an organized list with suggested descriptions and metrics. If you choose to add a Library goal, select the goal from the library. Complete the fields on the page, making sure to complete all required fields (labeled with an asterisk). See “Goal Fields” for goal field descriptions.


Click Save Changes (not shown).

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Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Goal Fields When adding a Personal or Library Goal, complete the fields shown below. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required to save the goal.

Goal Fields *Goal Name

This is the Goal Description. Enter your goal in SMART format.


Enter how the goal will be measured, using clarifying details from the SMART goal concept. (Answer the questions: “how many”, “how much”, or “how often”)

*Start Date/*Due Date

Enter the date that work should begin and the goal completion date.


Tracks the goal’s status. During conversations with your manager, update the status on goals as appropriate.


Use this field to add any additional information regarding the goal. This field is always open to add comments to support updates, such as status changes. Managers use this field to indicate approval of the goal. See “Approve a Performance Goal” for details.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Email Notifications When the employee adds a goal to his or her goal plan, an email notification is sent to the employee’s manager – and vice versa. Email notifications keep both employees and managers informed when updates are made to an employee’s goal plan. If several updates are made to an employee’s goal plan, the employee/manager will receive only a single daily email notification with a list of all changes made (see example below).

Approve a Performance Goal (Managers with Direct Reports) When an employee creates a goal, the employee’s manager is notified via email. At this time, the manager opens the employee’s goal plan and adds a comment to indicate that he or she approves of the newly added goal.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Steps: Approve a Performance Goal (Managers with Direct Reports) 1.

On the eCentral Home Page, click the employee’s name or photo in the My Team tile.


Click Actions.


Click Goal Plan.


Click Edit for the goal to approve.


Click Add Comments.


Type your initials, and then indicate your approval.


Click Save Changes.

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Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

Edit Goals You are encouraged to keep your goals updated throughout the year based on business needs and accomplishments toward completing the goals. For example, you may wish to edit a goal in order to:   

Change the definition or description of the goal Change the due date Update status

Users can edit goals on their own goal plans. Managers can also edit goals on their direct reports’ goal plans. If a change is made to a goal, an email notification is sent to the manager or employee. See “Email Notifications” for details. Note: All changes made to a goal are recorded in goal detail/history.

Steps: Edit a goal 1.

Display the goal plan.


Click the Edit link next to the goal name.


Update information as needed.


Click Save Changes.

View Goal Details/History To view the details and history of a goal, click

for the goal, and then click View goal detail.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Goal Management

The Detail View of the goal displays.

The Detail View shows the current view of the goal with the most recent change highlighted. Refer to the Audit History table and click the view link to display other versions of the goal.

Change Display Options Click Display in the upper right corner of a goal plan to change the details displayed on the plan.

The check boxes show or hide information on the goal plan. Select or clear check boxes, then click Update to refresh the goal plan. Show or hide fields based on what information is important to you. Settings are retained so that next time you access a goal plan, only the selected information displays.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


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