Userguide introduction to ecentral

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Introduction to eCentral

Introduction to eCentral

Table of Contents About this Guide ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Welcome to eCentral ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 eCentral Support ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Navigate the System ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

The Home Page ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Add or Remove Home Page Tiles .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Edit Quick Links ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Home Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Company Info.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Org Chart............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Employee Directory............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Email a List of Employees ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Employee Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Access the Employee Profile ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Navigate the Employee Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Add or Change Your Photo .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Personalize Your Public Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Add or Update Profile Information ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Profile Tiles.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Employee Scorecard............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Employee History ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

About this Guide The Introduction to eCentral guide gives employees and managers a basic understanding of navigating the eCentral system and using the Employee Profile and Company Info features. Use this guide to support your system training. Note: Always confirm with your manager or Human Resources team for policies/procedures that may have changed.

Document Conventions Text Element


Bold text

Bold text is used to call out user interface elements on the screen when taking action on them, such as clicking a button or tab.

Italic text

Italic text is used to emphasize important information, such as a key term used for the first time.


Notes and tips indicate neutral or positive information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Welcome to eCentral In order to build a talented workforce aligned to JELD-WEN’s key business initiatives, the Company is implementing a formalized Performance Management Program (PMP). The PMP provides a framework for managing employee performance across the organization and establishes a strong foundation for talent development. Currently, the PMP population includes management employees (exempt, salaried, white-collar workforce) at JELD-WEN. At this time, staff and hourly employees are not included in the PMP; therefore, their information will not appear in eCentral. eCentral is the new cloud-based HR system that provides a single location for the administration of HR processes and employee data. Initially, eCentral will be used to govern JELD-WEN’s PMP. eCentral provides talent management tools that can be utilized throughout the year, not only for year-end performance evaluations.

eCentral Support After reviewing this User Guide, you should be able to begin using eCentral and complete your Employee Profile. Please visit the HR Portal for announcements and updates related to eCentral and the PMP. For further assistance, please reach out to your Regional HR Manager.

Navigate the System Navigating eCentral is similar to navigating any other online application or web page. The system is designed with a modern interface so it is easy to use. However, keep the following in mind: 1. 2. 3.

Do not use your Back button to return to a previous page. Instead, use the links provided within eCentral to return to where you were. Disable the pop-up blocker in your web browser. eCentral features require pop-up windows and messages. Don’t double-click. Links, buttons, and other navigational items are executed via a single-click (like other web applications).

The Home Page The Home Page is the landing page when you enter eCentral. From here you can access all the modules and processes in the system. Note: Since you are able to customize the appearance of your Home Page, yours may appear different than what is shown here.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral









K A. The Home menu lists all eCentral modules available to you. By clicking the down arrow, the list of

modules will appear. B. Use the People search field to search for colleagues by name. Please note: legal names of employees will

appear in this search and throughout eCentral. C. Information on the Home Page is organized in tiles, which you can move around the page. You can

expand or shrink a tile by hovering over the title, then clicking D. Click


in the My Info tile for quick access to your information in eCentral.

E. JELD-WEN Culture & Values are listed here. To learn more, click on each value for a definition. F. The To Do list centralizes all tasks to be completed for the year-end performance evaluation. Tasks will

appear once the year-end performance evaluation process begins. G. The My Team tile is visible to managers who have direct reports in the PMP population. Click a team

member’s photo (or name if no photo appears) to access information about that employee. H. The My Goals tile lists your performance goals for the current year. Click a link to open your goal plan.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral


The IDP Items tile is visible only to managers who have direct reports. Click on the bar graph to see approval status by employee. Please note: This tile will remain blank until an employee has created a Development Plan.


The Links tile allows you to access frequently-used areas of eCentral, such as organization charts.

K. To customize your homepage, click Add/remove tiles in the Tile Browser.

Add or Remove Home Page Tiles The Tile Browser allows you to personalize your eCentral Home page by adding or removing tiles. Adding or removing tiles only updates your view of the Home Page. Steps: Add/Remove Home Page Tiles 1.

On the eCentral Home Page, click Add/remove tiles in the Tile Browser tile.


The list of available tiles is listed on the left side of the window. Click the tile you would like to add or remove.


Tiles already included on your Home page display with a Remove button. Tiles not currently displayed will display an Add to Home button. Click Add to Home or Remove to add or remove the tile.


Use Reset to Default to reset your entire home page back to its original setting.

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Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Edit Quick Links The Links tile allows you to add hyperlinks to the areas of eCentral that you use most. You can also remove or reorder the links that display in the tile. Steps: Edit Quick Links 1.

On the eCentral Home Page, click Edit in the Links tile.


Available links are grouped by function. To add a link, select the check box. To remove a link, clear the check box.


To reorder links, hover over the list of selected links in the right pane, then click the up and down arrows.


Once finished, click Save.

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Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

The Home Menu Use the Home drop-down menu to access all available modules of eCentral. Use the Home drop-down menu to navigate eCentral from anywhere in the system. Note: This drop-down menu is customized, which may provide you with additional modules/functionality based on your position.

     

Home: Takes you to the eCentral Home Page. Performance: Accesses your performance review and the reviews of your direct reports during the yearend performance evaluation process. Goals: Accesses your goal plan - an online worksheet used to create performance goals and track progress on them throughout the year. Development: Similar to the goal plan, this option accesses a worksheet to store your development plan. Company Info: Provides an interactive org chart and employee directory. Employee Files: Stores your employee profile, which is your “online resume” within eCentral. For employees with no direct reports, this option reads My Employee File.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Company Info The Company Info page provides both an online company org chart and an employee directory to search for employee contact information. Choose Company Info from the eCentral Home menu to display this page.

Org Chart The eCentral Org Chart provides an interactive graphical view of your team that lets you drill up and down to view team information. You can also search for employees outside of your team to view where they are located within the corporate hierarchy.






C D C A. Click the Org Chart link to open the Org Chart. B. Your immediate hierarchy is displayed upon accessing the Org Chart. C. Click the employee’s name to view the employee’s business card. D. On the employee’s business card, click Take Action to view additional options for the employee, such as

viewing to the employee’s profile or goal plan. Accessibility depends on access rights. E. Type in the Search field to display the Org Chart for another individual. Begin typing the employee’s

name, and then click the employee from the lookup list. F. Click + or - to zoom in/zoom out of the view. G. Use the tools in the toolbar to change your view:


to print the org chart.


to show or hide the top navigation area.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Employee Directory The employee directory provides an easily accessible and searchable interface to find other eCentral users at JELDWEN. To access the employee directory, choose Company Info from the Home menu, and then choose Directory. To find an employee in the directory, type all or part of the employee’s first or last name, then click Go. For example, typing Richardson returns Robert Richardson. After clicking Go, the results display in a list (shown below).




A. Click the Directory link to open the Employee Directory page. B. Use the search field to find employees by name. C. Customize the columns shown in the search results by selecting and clearing the options in the Display

Options menu. For example, to hide the employee’s email address, clear the Email check box. D. Click Advanced search to create a list of employees based on advanced criteria, such as department. E. To print the employees in the list, click Print Preview, and then click Send To Printer.

Note: The print feature only prints employees in the current view – it will not print employees on subsequent pages. Therefore, be sure to show all employees you would like to print in the current view before printing. F. To navigate the list of employees, use the page options:

Click the Items per page drop-down list to change the number of employees shown per page.

Type a page number in the text field, or click the arrow buttons to move to the next page.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Email a List of Employees The employee directory lets you create a list of employees, and then email all employees on the list. Steps: Email a List of Employees 1. 2. 3. 4.

On the Employee Directory page, click Advanced search. Filter the list of employees by using the search tools (for example, choose Company Location - IL in the Location drop-down list to filter all Illinois employees). Click Search. With the employees displayed in the list, click Email All.

Employee Profile The Employee Profile captures your experience, education, and special skill sets. It acts as your online resume within eCentral that managers can use during the talent review process. Because the Employee Profile enables you to track your accomplishments, career progression, certifications and other information, it is good practice to update it on a regular basis. Each employee has two profiles: the Profile and Public Profile. 

The Profile contains information such as your personal information, skills, and employment history. Your Profile is only visible to you and managers up your team hierarchy. Only you can edit the fields on your Profile – managers up your team hierarchy have read only access.

The Public Profile allows you to search and view information for other users of eCentral. It contains limited information that all employees can see, such as your photo, job title, phone number, email address, and your position on the Org Chart.

Access the Employee Profile To access your profile, choose My Employee File from the eCentral Home menu. (For managers with direct reports in the PMP population, this option reads Employee Files.) You can also access your profile by clicking the gear icon

in the My Info tile on the Home Page.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Navigate the Employee Profile Similar to the eCentral Home Page, the Profile is organized using tiles.





A. To update your preferred phone number in the Personal Information tile, click on the Edit link, which is

located in the upper right hand corner. B. Click your name to open a drop-down menu. From this menu, click an employee’s name to view that

employee’s profile, or type an employee’s name in the search field to search for an employee’s profile. C. Click the drop-down menu to access other areas of the system. For example, from here you can jump to

your Public Profile, Scorecard, or Goal Plan. D. Use the Take Action > Print/PDF to open the profile in a printer friendly format. You can then click Create

PDF to save the profile as a PDF file, or click Print to send the profile to your printer. E. In order to add or delete information in your Employee Profile, you must click on the Edit link in each tile to

update information.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Add or Change Your Photo Add a photo to your Employee Profile. Photos must be professional, appropriate for business and display a clear image of your face. Steps: Add or Change Your Photo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

On your Employee Profile, select Profile to open your Profile. Hover over your picture, and then click Edit Photo from the pop-up menu. Click Upload a profile photo. Navigate to your photo file and double-click it (not shown). Make adjustments to the photo as needed (zoom, pan left or right). Click Save.






Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Personalize Your Public Profile Personalize your Public Profile so your colleagues can learn more about you. You can include information such as your interests, personal goals, or hobbies. Steps: Personalize Your Public Profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Click the gear icon in the My Info tile on the eCentral Home page. Click Public Profile. Click Edit Profile. Click Introduction. Add a few short sentences about yourself. Consider adding a fun fact or something interesting that you’d like to share with your colleagues. The Public Profile is visible to all users of eCentral so please make sure that your Introduction includes language appropriate for business use. Once complete, click Save in the bottom right corner.




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Add or Update Profile Information Employees are able to edit information and add documents to their Employee Profile. Click the Edit link in the upper-right corner of the tile you wish to update. The fields within the tile become editable. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory and must be filled in to save your changes. Note: Only employees are able to edit information on their own profiles. Managers are able to see and print their employee’s profile (including attachments) but are unable to edit their information.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

When adding information, your most recent entries appear at the top of the list. Where applicable, the list should appear chronologically. For example, when adding your work experience in the Work Experience Within JELDWEN tile, your current position should appear at the top of the list.



D A. To add an item, click B. To delete an item, click

. .

C. To move items up or down in the list, click

or .

D. When updates are complete, click Save.

Profile Tiles Below is a list of the tiles on your Profile, including a description for each and important notes to consider. Tile


Personal Information

Your name, title, and contact information are listed here. Editing this tile allows you to edit the Preferred Phone field only – the remaining information is read-only.

Work Experience within JELDWEN

List all the positions you have held at JELD-WEN, making sure to list your responsibilities and key accomplishments. When adding positions, your most recent position should appear at the top of the list.

Previous Employment

Outline your employment history, listing the positions you have held at other companies. Indicate responsibilities and key accomplishments associated with each role. Your employment history should appear chronologically with the most recent position at the top of the list.

Formal Education

List the school you attended, the degree you earned as well as your major.


Add any certifications or licenses you have earned that are relevant to your job.

Language Skills

Add the languages you can speak, read, and/or write.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Add your relocation preference. It is important to enter only one option – multiple entries should not exist in this section.

Relocation Preference

When adding your relocation preference, today’s date is required. This helps JELD-WEN capture your current preference. If your preference changes, please update the date as well to timestamp the change.

Completed Courses/Workshops/Seminars

Add any courses, workshops, or seminars you have completed.

Professional Memberships

If you belong to any professional memberships, add them in this tile. Use the Documents tile to upload file attachments. For example, you can upload your resume, or copies of any courses or certifications you have completed. Documents uploaded to this tile will remain as an attachment only – the system does not use logic to scan the document for information.


Please note: The purpose of attaching a resume is to enhance, not replace, your Employee Profile. You must complete your Employee Profile regardless of whether you decide to upload a resume.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Employee Scorecard The Scorecard page of the Employee Profile displays an overview of the employee’s JELD-WEN experience, the employee’s organizational profile, as well as the employee’s performance, goals, and Culture and Values ratings. This information is read-only and is visible to the employee, their direct manager and higher level managers within the same organizational group. Note: This page will display empty if you do not yet have any ratings in eCentral. As you continue to use the system, information will display here.

Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


Introduction to eCentral

Employee History The employee, their direct manager, and higher level managers within the same organizational group can access links to previous goal plans and performance forms using the History page of the Employee Profile. Note: At the beginning of each year, you will find the History page contains historical performance evaluations forms. As you continue to use the system, links will display here. Your performance evaluation form will become available during the year performance evaluation period. You can access your History page by clicking the gear icon History.

in the My Info tile on the Home Page, then clicking

Steps: View an Employee’s Goal and Performance History 1. 2.

On the employee’s profile, click History from the Profile drop-down list. Click goal or performance links to access the employee’s goal plans or performance forms.



Developed by Aasonn LLC for internal use by Aasonn customers and licensed SuccessFactors customers only. All rights reserved. SuccessFactors and the SuccessFactors logo are registered trademarks of SuccessFactors Inc. Rev 3.6.15


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