Opal Rising APRIL 2024

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OPAL RISING Living a Balanced Life





APRIL 2024 ISSN 2818-0941 Available by subscription

APRIL 8: Total Solar Eclipse A total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada

OPAL RISING PUBLISHED BY Opal Publishing Published in Nanaimo, BC., Canada MARCH 2024 Published Monthly C$4.99 single copy ISSN 2818-0941 Holistic healing modalities, empowering personal stories, and a deep exploration of the spiritual and metaphysical modalities. Join us on this journey towards holistic wellness and energy healing. Opal Rising Magazine is published in the beautiful port city of Nanaimo, B.C. and we are proud to live and work in the traditional territory of the Snuneymuxw first nation.


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Barb Ashcroft Boris Glikman Bonita Mosley Carol Pilkington Cindy DeJager Dr. Stephen Hobbs Jacinta Yang James Kawainui Jeannie Vassos Michelle Falzone Theresa Stone Veronica Weston

Magazine Layout ...Cindy DeJager

Cover Image Thoughtful girl reading a book under a tree Dean Drobot

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those of Opal Publishing. The information

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contained in this magazine is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so.






As a student of Sher Astrology and a teacher myself, I’d like to share my personal experiences that led me to astrology, and specifically to the more spiritual aspects of it.



It's about correcting inequities in our relationships and within ourselves. It's a way of living and a way of being.

& SOUL 24 KARMA AGREEMENTS I feel there are incredible events lining up in my life at this moment that both scare me and excite me - karmic agreements and contracts that I have undertaken to fulfill in this specific lifetime.






DIAMONDS Hold out your hands. Take a good look. Can it be possible that you already have what you need to accomplish your dreams and goals for this year in your hands? Yes!


I was growing a wellness team, and we found the Golden Rule did not always work well. People did NOT want to be treated how YOU want to be treated.

MIRACLES IN ACTION After experiencing a series of several ‘close calls’ over the last couple of months, that upon reflection could only be deemed miraculous.

You may have heard of past lives or past-life regression. There are theories about past lives. Past life is a life lived previously in a different body at a different time, also known as reincarnation.


APRIL 2024



Message from the Publisher



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Here on beautiful Vancouver Island we are in full spring season with the cherry blossoms bursting and the deciduous tree leaves popping out. I still have to pinch myself to see if I am not dreaming. Living here has been my dream for more than 40 years! I am looking forward to what the year has to bring. And speaking of new things -- this issue of Opal Rising has a few new things that I want to bring to your attention. First I want to tell you about the book project that Dr. Stephen Hobbs is working on and we are working on in collaboration with the magazine. This is a project where we invite you to share your insights and be a part of a book that will be published in 2025. If you are interested in walking in nature, journaling, and sharing stories, snippets, photos with us you can find out more about this project in Stephen’s article on page 17.

And last, I want to tell you about what I have been working on in order to bring you the best experience of Opal Rising that I can. Currently, the Opal Rising Magazine flip issue is on ISSUU.COM, and it is great there but the platform is very expensive and I also have to redirect my traffic to their site instead of my own. I have been improving the Opal Rising / Opal Publishing website and now I have all the magazines and articles, columnist/practitioners, collaborators, and resources in one place and easier for everyone. Instead of going to one place to read an issue and another to see more about a practitioner or find an event, I will have everything in one beautiful place. When you subscribe to the Opal Rising Magazine it allows you access to special paid content which includes ALL the magazine issues, articles, and bonuses. If you have just subscribed to the magazine don’t worry! I will elevate your subscription automatically. I am really excited about growing the Opal Rising hub and as I do, I will keep you posted!!

In Joy, Cindy

In this month’s issue I want to introduce you to 2 more new columnists in the magazine: Barb Ashcroft and Michelle Falzone. Barb is an author, a mentor, and a thought leader who lives in B.C. and you can read her first article, How is Your Spiritual Job Description? on page 22. Michelle Falzone is an exercise physiologist and lives in Edmonton, AB. She coaches women through her private practice, Pivot Your Wellness and this month she teaches us how strength training can alleviate menopause. Her article, Lifting Your Menopause Hopes is on page 18.




A MISFIT Who Found Astrology and Her Calling I have studied astrology for over 20 years and spoken with friends, clients and students about how they found astrology and what they experienced when they did. What they all have in common is that there was some type of crisis that caused them to seek answers that might not be explained by the usual answers given by religion or even by ordinary psychology. As a student of Sher Astrology and a teacher myself, I’d like to share my personal experiences that led me to astrology, and specifically to the more spiritual aspects of it. Growing up I didn’t fit in with the athletic crowd; I didn’t fit in with the academics; I didn’t fit in with the theater group. I was very much a loner and didn’t know where I belonged. I was in chorus for a while because I enjoyed singing although I couldn’t read a lick of music. But even that didn’t last long. It’s not that I didn’t have any friends at all but I didn’t have a bunch that I hung out with regularly like you often hear about. I was always afraid that if I had a party at my house no one would show up because for the most part hardly any one did. It wasn’t until my 20-year high school reunion that I even realized that people knew I existed. I wouldn’t say I was a lonely kid. Because truth be told, when I really thought about these different groups and being involved, I actually wasn’t interested.


I was an observant and contemplative person and was more interested in understanding human nature and what it meant to be here. I was disturbed by the way humans treated one another. I seemed to notice so much pain, sadness and anger in the world which made me question what was the point of being here when we treated one another so horrifically. This even made me fit in less because I had an experience and was flooded with a Love that transcended anything that could be put into words. But it informed me that I am that. It was so incongruent with what I saw around me. My family didn’t have any ties to the religious community. Even when I did go to church to get some sense of it (for some reason my parents were on a kick at one point and sent my sister and me to Sunday school for a while), I knew I didn’t fit in there either. I immediately saw the hypocrisy where once people left the sanctity of the building called a church, they went right back to treating one another as they did Monday through Saturday.

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance

There is a quote by Rumi:

For more than half my life whether I was conscious of it or not I was on a path to discover what it means to be human and what does it mean to even exist and how do I fit into all of this. Befuddled, I knew the Church couldn’t help me from what I saw already and while I might have wondered if there was something wrong with me at times, I somehow knew that Therapy couldn’t provide the answers I was looking for. I feel as though I was in an existential crisis for most of my life. When I was around 20 an older neighbor who was interested in astrology asked me for my birthdate and where I was born (I didn’t have my time of birth nor did I know how to get it) and for my birthday, she handed me a tape cassette of an astrology reading she had someone do for me. I was fascinated by what I heard because some things resonated deep within. I was shocked that someone with such little information to go on could tell me things about myself that rang true and she hadn’t even met me. For the first time in my life, I felt a hint of comfort and even relief that I was cosmically seen, although I didn’t have those words for it at the time. Nonetheless a seed was planted. It would be another 20+ years before I was again introduced to astrology. But this time I would begin to study and learn about it in earnest. I found that astrology was the very thing I was looking for that would help me discover answers to the questions I mentioned above and to better understand that spiritual download I had experienced when I was a young child.

You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. What you seek is seeking you. I was never one that wanted to change the world, however, I always find comfort in the last sentence of this quote “What you seek is seeking you.” because it answers the question for me of why it might take a while for us to meet the person(s) or be in the right place at the right time for us to be ready to receive the next level of guidance on our path. The same is true for that which is seeking us. When that which is seeking us is ready there is a convergence. Astrology has shown me that there is a cosmic corresponding need and the part I play in fulfilling that need. This type of astrology is transpersonal in nature. It informed me that I’ve always belonged and in a way that is so much bigger than I could ever have imagined. Each and every one of us fulfills a cosmic need that we may not understand at first. If you allow yourself to be led and follow the breadcrumbs along the way that need will reveal itself. If you are seeking to understand your place in the great cosmos, Transpersonal astrology may be what helps you discover what you are being called for and how you can consciously fulfill that need.

With over 40 years combined training in spirituality including astrological counseling, personal development and deep transformational work has learned the secret of how to rest quietly and comfortably in the vast Unknown and to appreciate the mystery and wonder that Life is. https://www.carolpilkington.com/counseling/




What is Ho‘oponopono?

Ho‘oponopono is about setting things right, It's about correcting inequities in our relationships and within ourselves. It's a way of living and a way of being. It's about creating harmonious balance and living in right action and integrity. Ho‘oponopono actually means, "To correct."

I’m sorry Please forgive me Thank you I love you. For years, this mantra has been attributed to the Hawaiian practice of Ho‘oponopono. It's what was peddled to the "new age" community as a Hawaiian practice of forgiveness. It's purportedly helped thousands of people and has launched a whole line of teachings, classes, and certification programs based on the idea.

The reality is, the mantra isn't Hawaiian and it's not Ho‘oponopono! I'm not disputing or saying that the mantra hasn't changed lives. I've had countless conversations with people I know and people who have come up to me after a class I've taught to talk with me about the amazing transformations in their lives because of it. For a long time, I didn't say anything even though I knew it was a lie and a cultural misappropriation. I didn't feel like pushing up against the tidal wave of energy it's built up over the last 20 or so years.

Ho‘oponopono is about resolving conflict, taking responsibility for one's actions, and creating harmony in our lives. It's about listening, communicating, and relating with each other so we can find common ground and find a peaceful way to live with one another. Forgiveness may be a result of the Ho'oponopono process but not its only intent or focus. I'll be sharing more about Ho‘oponopono as I go along to help you understand how and why it was used in Old Hawaii, how it's still used today in our Culture, and how you can use it as a model for living your life..

If you have any questions, please reach out. I'll be sharing dates for a class on Ho‘oponopono, Setting the Record Straight in March. It's time to set the record straight and understand what Ho‘oponopono is really about.

I am a Native Hawaiian Healer, Mentor, and Teacher with Family roots going back over 20 generations in Hawaii. My family are the "shaman" of my culture and I bring that ancient wisdom into the work I do with people. I have come to understand my gift by helping people identify the causes of their pain and suffering and creating permanent solutions so they can move forward in their lives with more clarity and less stress.

But the more I didn't say anything the harder my Kūpuna (ancestors) pushed me to set the record straight... So I am.





Walk with Legacy Contributions “During a walk with nature, As the dogs played, as the breeze tickled the leaves, I thought about what meaning my Next Fifty gifts”

It’s from this walk, from earlier walks

from internal questioning and queries, from considerable reflection written and drawn, I crafted the context and content of this article… Before moving on, like a Prologue to a book, here is a broad stroke list of actions to Walk with Legacy Contributions:



These italicized sentences have arrived screaming: Make it so, so IT is! For legacy to exist, it requires a recipient & a contributor. For a story to exist, it requires a writer & a reader.

Quick Actions… Make one happen on your terms! Remain Relevant - Leverage Experience - Evolve Society

Discover, Shape, and Share Legacy from an Aging Approach Write the Way Forward - Walk with Nature - Serve as a Mentor

Resource Time, Effort, and Money Aligned with Your Hierarchy of Values Manage Wholistic Psycho-Social Safe Systems & Lead Safer Practices

My answer to the question, from my journals and poetry, my reflective moments sipping a coffee overlooking the ravine behind the house - SWH:

Embrace Your Aging Journey with Purpose and Impact You’ve reached [about to reach] your Next Fifty with experience, wisdom, and opportunities. It's time to live and leave a legacy that will resonate for years and decades to come. As Olders to Elders (alternatively, the term Agers), we have the power to discover, shape, and share our unique gifts for the world affecting the lives of others.

Uncover the Gifts Within Through self-discovery, embrace the wisdom that comes with age and take a moment to reflect on your life experiences and talents. What brings you joy? What makes your heart sing? What have you always wanted to explore but never had the chance? Perhaps you have a hidden talent for storytelling, painting, or music that has been waiting to surface. Or maybe you possess a gift for mentoring, coaching, or helping others. Your gifts are not bound by age or time. Embrace your experiences - the good and the challenging - for they have shaped you into the remarkable individual you are today.

Let’s continue, walking over the bridge from here to there… Asking, “While Walking with Legacy Contributions, what does it have to do with us - you and I? Walk with me here. You decide what happens next!

Remember, discovering your gifts is not about comparison or competition. It's about embracing your individuality and recognizing the value you bring for the world. Whether you're an artist, a storyteller, a problem-solver, or a compassionate listener, your gifts matter, and they have the potential to ignite optimistic shifts in the lives of others.

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



Nurture Growth and Continuous Learning

Be the voice that lends a listening ear, the hand that extends help, and the heart that embraces with empathy.

As Agers living our Next Fifty, we have the incredible opportunity to shape our gifts into meaningful expressions. Thus, embrace growth and continuous learning as you refine your talents and cultivate new skills. Your age brings with it a wealth of evidence, wellth of experiences, & health of education -- all wisdom that can enrich your gifts.

Share your stories, your experiences, and your wisdom with the youngers and other agers.

If you're an artist, continue honing your craft and exploring new techniques. Take up that pottery class you've always wanted to try or delve into digital art to stay relevant in today's creative media. If you're a mentor or a coach, embrace new education methodologies or techniques to connect with youngers and olders. Aging is not a barrier to learning; it is an invitation to embrace the joy of discovery and the thrill of learning something new. Let your curiosity be your guide, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Every step you take towards shaping your gifts will deepen your impact on the world around you.

Sharing Your Gifts Be the Light That Inspires Others The true essence of legacy contributions lies in sharing. As Olders to Elders living our Next Fifty, we have the power to be the light that inspires others. Share your gifts FOR the world and WITH the planet. Your contributions can have a profound impact on the lives of others. Be the person who uplifts, encourages, and supports those around you.


Your journey has equipped you with valuable insights that can guide and inspire others as they navigate life's challenges and opportunities. The connections you make and the optimistic influence you have with others will be the genuine evidence of your legacy.

WELLcome the Journey of Legacy Contributions As Agers living our Next Fifty, we have the power to walk with legacy contributions, shaping the world with our unique gifts. And so — Embrace your aging approach with purpose and impact Discover the treasures within-without Shape your gifts (of time, effort, and/or money) with continuous learning Share your gifts for the world, with the planet Cuddle your next fifty with joy Create a lasting impact with a legacy with mentoring project and stories Illuminate the world, the planet, the whole with love and inspiration


Sitting on a Log, Thinking Outloud! As we journey through life, we leave footprints of our existence along the path we tread. These footprints, the impressions we make for the world, with the planet, become our legacy contributions.

Grand gestures or monumental achievements sometimes confirm legacy. However, the smallest acts of kindness, the words of encouragement we offer, and the time we dedicate to helping others are memorable. It is about the essence of who we are and how we choose to touch the lives of those around us. Walking with legacy contributions means embracing the responsibility to leave the world a better place, the planet a better space than we found it. It is a conscious choice to sow seeds of confidence, commitment, and clarity that will grow and flourish in the hearts of others. Our legacy highlights what we achieve for ourselves and our accomplishments with others. Imagine a world where each person walks with legacy contributions - where compassion and empathy guide our actions, where we uplift and support one another, and where we walk as lightpersons of hope for future youngers-olders. Our collective legacy, woven with threads of love and generosity, connects us all in a web of profound significare (significant caring).

Invitation for You as Contributor and/or Reader of Opal Rising Magazine Do you want to contribute to a book: Walk With Legacy Contributions Stories, Snippets and Synergies Felt Important to Share (Starting title - likely shift)

The book is on the 2025 Opal Rising Magazine and WELLth Movement production/publication list - so it will happen! Will it happen with your contribution(s)? As to your contributions - whatever the form (written, image, diagram, etc.), we’ll include it in a flip magazine style book - minimum! We’ll consider other formats depending on the content! Publication Date: March 21st, 2025. Submit by February 25th, 2025!!! Use the form to show your interest and answer a few questions. Walk With Legacy Contributions form


Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance


Here’s what to watch for in the coming months! May 2024: Ager as Creator: Unleashing Creative Power… Explore the transformative journey of agers as creators. Embrace their wisdom and innovative spirit in shaping an evolving society. Discover the artistry that knows no age limits. June 2024: Embracing Creative Aging: Ager as Developer… Learn how creative expression enriches the lives of agers. Discover the benefits of creativity/innovation in aging and its impact on overall well-being/well-living. Unleash your inner artist today. July 2024: Ageless Imagination: Mix and Match Fiction and Faction… Discover the age-defying power of imagination in fostering the creative process. Unleash your boundless imagination and unleash your enterprising potential. August 2024: Aging With Words, Shapes, and Images: The Power of Visual Language… Delve into the world of creative aging and its profound impact on individual growth. Embrace the journey of selfdiscovery through artistic expression. September 2024: Adventure Together: Ager in a Mentorheart*… Uncover the wisdom of agers as co-creators, shaping the future through their stories and contributions together. Witness the fusion of shared experiences. [*Instead of MasterMind]

October 2024: Emotional Expression: Unleash Your Voice with Authority, Mastery, and Position… Embrace the cathartic power of emotional expression through pathways, along avenues with nature as muse and metaphor Unleash your authentic voice as a creator. November 2024: Resilience and Reciprocity: Ager as a Trailblazer… Witness the resilience and reciprocity of agers as they forge ahead as trailblazing creators. Unleash your inner resilience through the power of reciprocity. December 2024: Artistic Legacy: Leave Your Mark for the World, Footfalls With the Planet… Create a lasting artistic legacy and inspire those who have not arrived yet. Explore ways to preserve and share your “scenius genius”. January 2025: Nurturing Creative Process From the Whole… Delve into the wholehearted artistry of agers, nurturing the multi-senses of significare (significant caring). Explore the transformative power of the creative process. February 2025: Healing Artistry: Ager as a Younger-Older-Elder Healer… Discover the healing power of art and the role of agers as multidimensional, artistic healers. Explore the connection between art and ager. AND, you can send a contribution in June linked with the December title. That works as well! Or other combinations that work for you. Oh yes — We can start curating your submissions now (and add them to Opal Rising Magazine as seedbed contributions in growing a community garden!) Look forward to co-creating with you ))smiles





It is the middle of a serene spring day. I am running down the stairs, quickly and excitedly, with my neighbours behind me. We all want to see Uranus. It just fell down next to the crowded marketplace. A throng has gathered, gawking, the way people eye a car crash, trying to appear compassionate but unable to disguise their curiosity. No one dares approach it. I alone rush up, with youthful abandon, to the prostrate planet, compelled by some urge to soak up in my bony kid body the genius spirit gushing from it like lifeblood, hoping its vital fluid will raise me to heights yet unscaled by mankind. In my childish, reckless eagerness to embrace my destiny, I care not at all about the price I might have to pay for being permeated with boundless, inexhaustible creativity.

Uranus Whilst close to Uranus, I sense it has a distinctly offended air. For a moment I’m perplexed, hoping I did not inadvertently insult it by my intrusion into its personal space.

And then it hits me: Uranus is hurt by the countless crude jokes that have been made over the centuries at its expense, due to the mispronunciation of its name. I apologise on behalf of mankind, but my words tumble out awkwardly. I recall still Uranus looking at me askance as its life seeped away, not accepting my apology, blaming the earthy humour for bringing it down to the ground.

Notes 1) In astrology, Uranus is considered to be the planet that governs genius. It is associated with individuality, new and unconventional ideas, discoveries and inventions. 2) Unlike all the other planets in the Solar System, Uranus rotates on its side or askance.

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



L I F T I N G Your Menopause Hopes I remember growing up and my mother and aunts would never peep a word about menopause. Such an important transition of a woman’s life that can last up to 20 years was never spoken of. Then, when I started working in the healthcare field as a movement professional, hearing woman after woman as early as their late 30’s and all the way into their 60’s say things like… “I’ve gained so much weight and what I’ve done in the past to lose it, isn’t working”, “I’ve had horrible sleep for so long, I don’t know how to fix it”, “I have no libido, and I barely have the energy to get through these hot flashes”, “I don’t understand why I’m so snappy, and I can’t seem to manage stress like I used to.” …made it very important for me and the women’s health space to make this topic less taboo and to get women the help they were asking for. Menopause can sometimes get the best of us and the great news is that it doesn’t have to. I work with women who want to get stronger, more confident and live pain-free. I do this in three ways. One, I teach them how to lift weights safely and effectively. Two, I coach them through sustainable lifestyle improvement. And three, by making the journey fun and approachable.

So why does Michelle (me) encourage lifting weights throughout menopause? I strongly encourage children to start at a young age and to keep the habit into older adulthood. However, if you are a woman in the menopause lifestage, read on to consider how strength training can lift your menopause hopes. With hormones such as estrogen and progesterone having too much fun on the menopause rollercoaster ride, women experience: Physical symptoms such as menstrual changes, sleep disruption and disturbances, headaches, acne, wrinkling, vaginal dryness, changes in libido, weight redistribution and gain, hair loss, dizziness, urinary dysfunction, urinary tract infections, unwanted hair growth, water retention and bloating, heart palpitations, dry skin, hot flashes, night sweats. Emotional symptoms such as anxiety, short-term memory loss, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, anger. An overall increased risk of sarcopenia (low muscle mass), osteoporosis, heart disease, sleep disorders, mood disorders and interestingly, divorce, if left untreated through lifestyle change and/or medical/non-medical therapies. We know there are bountiful opportunities with lifestyle improvements to help balance our hormones, and strength training is a piece of the menopause puzzle.




Here’s why lifting weights throughout menopause is something to consider: 1. Increases strength. Physical strength can start declining as early as our 30’s if we don’t train it. Strength training improves the connection from our brain to our muscles, and when muscles are strong and trained we can confidently lift grandchildren or groceries, do yardwork or renovations, or raise our carry on with ease on the airplane. Lifting weights can help us feel more capable and independent. 2. Increases muscle mass and bone density. On average, women lose up to 10% of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause. What most women don't know is that estrogen impacts the bone and muscle-building process. Strength training mimics the bone and musclebuilding behaviour of estrogen, in turn preventing and/or managing conditions like sarcopenia (low muscle mass) and osteoporosis (low bone mineral density). Both conditions can lead to decreased function and quality of life, especially if we experience a fracture. 3. Improves metabolism. By carrying more muscle, our metabolic engine is bigger. This means it requires more energy simply to exist, raising our resting metabolic rate. This can help decrease fat mass and the risk (and support the management) of metabolic conditions such as diabetes and thyroid disorders. 4. Decreases chronic pain and risk of injury. Strength training (when programmed safe and effectively!) can increase the tolerance of our tissues such as tendons and ligaments, making them more resilient against potential injury.


Lifting weights can also improve joint stability, posture and muscle imbalances, and with the release of natural pain relievers with exercise, we tend to be happy campers after pumping some iron to fight inflammation! 5. Decrease fall and fracture risk. When our muscles are conditioned by using strength and power-based programming, the probability of catching ourselves to prevent a slip and fall increases, yay! Fracture risk decreases because our bones are stronger. Many of us are aware of how one’s quality of life can dramatically plummet once we fracture a hip or another bone in older adulthood, and if it so happens to occur, if we have adequate muscle mass and strength, we can often regain function and recover more quickly than our untrained counterparts. 6. Improves hot flashes. Some studies have shown that the endorphins released during strength training can help regulate our internal temperatures through two ways. By decreasing our core body temperature and by changing both the temperature threshold and sensitivity for the onset of sweating. This can decrease the occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats during menopause.

7. Improves heart health. With muscle being an extra storage for calories, it can help reduce visceral fat, which is the fat around our organs. When we have high amounts of visceral fat, it puts more pressure on our organs, leading to heart-related conditions like hypertension and heart disease. Research has found that higher handgrip strength was associated with lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, lower blood sugar, and higher good cholesterol. Also, a decreased risk of future disability and death.

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance

8. Improves mood, energy and confidence. We all know this, we feel good after moving our bodies. Besides feeling like a happy energizer bunny, strength training has an added benefit. When we feel strong, we feel powerful. Especially at a time when our bodies are experiencing a change that we can’t control, building up our physical strength can offer us more body confidence and appreciation.

9. Enhances libido. Lifting weights increases the “youth promoting” growth hormone and testosterone in women which helps improve sex drive, energy levels and overall vitality. Also, women who lift weights tend to be more comfortable and confident in their bodies, have better mobility and less pain, which makes the act of physical intimacy more enjoyable. Happy time between the sheets for the win!

Outside of menopause, strength training has shown a decreased risk of cognitive decline (against diseases like Alzheimer's), and enhanced immunity & longevity among many other benefits.

I will always promote moving in ways that you enjoy. I too practice yoga and go hiking. The research is very clear that getting women of all ages to lift weights at least 2x/week is crucial for living a life of length and depth. I know many of us would enjoy less time engaging with the healthcare system, and more time getting what we came here for. Menopause can feel frustrating and confusing. I encourage women to see it as a time to get curious and learn more about their body, to BE with it as it evolves and matures, and to choose to embark on an empowered menopause journey.

Has this lifted your hopes about menopause? If so, let me know by firing an email my way at michelle@pivotyourwellness.com. If you would like to try a complimentary online movement class, click this link to reserve your spot. It would be wonderful to have you there and move together!

Complimentary Consultation Gift https://calendly.com/pivotyourwellness/co mplimentary-consultation

Michelle is an Exercise Physiologist and Online Women's Health & Movement Coach. She has been practicing for 7 years and has focused on coaching women over the last 3 years through her private practice, Pivot Your Wellness. With her personal experiences with body image challenges, surgery, chronic pain and seeing her loved ones struggle with their health, she has made it her mission to help more women make strength training a pivotal part of their lifestyle. She believes that empowering women through lifting weights and sustainable lifestyle change can better support a healing world, and help us live with more joy and ease. Website: https://www.pivotyourwellness.com/



How’s Your Spiritual Job Description? I am excited to participate in a Spiritual Gifts Study and to grow in my understanding of this important aspect of my ‘Self Care Wellness’.


Why bother with Spiritual Gifts?

They are our spiritual ‘job description’.

The study description shared: Recognizing and using our unique SHAPE: Spiritual Gifts Heart – our passion, what fire is in our belly. Abilities – our talents Personality Experiences I was already well acquainted with the ‘P’ aspect. In the ‘90’s I had been trained in ‘Personality Styles’. That introduction was called The Magic of Colors by Jerry Clark. I loved it as it lived up to “the shortest distance between you and massive success is how well you relate to others”. I was growing a wellness team, and we found the Golden Rule did not always work well. People did NOT want to be treated how YOU want to be treated. They had their own personality type, and they wanted to be treated how THEY wanted to be treated. I was not ‘Right’ and they were not ‘Wrong’, we were just different. That was a huge growth factor for my success. This workshop I loved, trained and taught for many years. Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green – we all are a rainbow with a mix of these. Learning the strengths and weaknesses of all was so helpful for decreasing conflicts and growing teamwork. It was also very entertaining and brought lots of new awareness to my personal growth So, I had a BIG understanding of ‘P’ but I desired to do a deep dive related to all the other aspects of SHAPE, and grow my understanding. I hope to share some worthwhile takeaways with you.

We’ll begin with ‘S’. Some foundational truths: The Spirit is identified as the source of all gifts. The Spirit acts to enable us to minister/serve others in tangible ways according to the need. Each grouping of gifts is couched in one way or another with LOVE. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. That last one is key: There is no BROWNIE POINT system as to spiritual gifts. One is not better than the next, we as human-kind require them all – to make up a new ‘whole healthy planet’. Now, next is learning how to recognize the Spiritual Gifts in others. It’s interesting to find that AWARENESS is always an important step in our personal growth journey.

✅ The word Charisma means Spiritual Gift! I’m looking forward to the next lesson.

Barb is someone who was always hungry to learn and then implement principles of personal development. It has made her a HUB where people value her wisdom, and expertise to help them navigate Life’s Highway. As an entrepreneur, she helps folks Find Renewed Purpose’ and ‘Joy in the Journey’. Her passion is helping people navigate loss and lessen grief illiteracy. She has 40+ years as an entrepreneur Team Leadership with Top Awards Natural Health training in a vast array of modalities. Author of ‘When your Bucket List Springs a Leak’ Follow her: www.linkedin.com/in/bjashcroft

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance




In my last article in the March issue of Opal Rising magazine I recounted how the Violet Flame came into my life.

The Universe orchestrated timing and events over many years - almost forty years to be precise! And now I feel that I am remembering a purpose that I have spent my entire life preparing for. I am not a spring chicken anymore; I am in my 67th revolution around the sun (as my friend Stephen Hobbs would say). I feel there are incredible events lining up in my life at this moment that both scare me and excite me - karmic agreements and contracts that I have undertaken to fulfill in this specific lifetime. Perhaps you are nodding your head now, you too are feeling something similar in your own lifetime?

TIME IS DIVINE We know when the time is nearing by the strong gut feeling that we will have - it could be a nudging feeling or it could be a strong urging that pulls at you. You will feel it. We still have Free Will. We don't have to follow this urging - or perhaps we don't even recognize the timing - this time around! And if we do recognize the timing we may also reject it for various reasons: it is overwhelming, it is too hard, I am not ready. It is never an easy purpose because it will usually involve a deep pain or wound that is either conscious or unconscious.


These urgings and calling from the Universe remind us that this thing we are feeling is ripe for correction. We can choose to delay it - but it will continue to show up in our life and lifetimes.

WHAT IS KARMA? Karma is our greatest benefactor, returning to us the good we have sent to others...it is also our greatest teacher, providing us the opportunity to understand the consequences of our actions or interactions so that we can learn from our mistakes and our soul can grow. -Violet Flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet

As a child I was already open and had already experienced premonitions, astral travel, and communication with loved ones who had passed on. And though I often say that my life took the Scenic Route, I lived a life of variety and experiences, rather than playing it safe, and then in my 50s I began to feel an urging, and a calling - to change course and delve into the esoteric and holistic and energy studies. Things kind of culminated in 2014 and 2015 when both my younger sister and my mom passed away. For the first time in my life I could see the sacredness of living breathing and exhaling - I was honored to be there for not just their lives, but their passing. The importance of this shook me like an earthquake.

The pain of loss didn’t go away overnight but rather it would take another 7-8 years. It was at this same time that another change was happening. I needed to have a relationship with my dad. Feelings and urgings and a LOT of mixed emotions bubbled to the surface. And then a KNOWING - a knowing that this was the TIME - the time to make it right. If I missed this opportunity I would miss it completely in this lifetime. And if I missed it in this lifetime I would likely repeat these circumstances or something similar. And this is where I want to talk about Karma and Soul Contracts. Karma is a law just like gravity, but a soul contract is an agreement or understanding that we have with another soul. We come together into this life with the intention to heal a past wrong. I knew intrinsically that I had to take this opportunity right now - to have a relationship with my dad. It is not important to me what we had in the past, but rather that we need to have a new relationship now - 50 years later. And I am overjoyed to tell you that I know in my heart now that what needed to be healed is done. But, I am not finished with my soul contracts because as I write this I am called to mend perhaps the MOST DIFFICULT of all the relationships in my life. Next month I will talk more about Karma and Soul Agreements - there is so much more to discuss!

In Joy, Cindy

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



Springing into Action! By the time you will be reading this article we will have welcomed the Spring Equinox. The days are getting longer signaling the time to come out of hibernation. A time for planting the seeds of what you wish to harvest in the coming months. When the Sun moved into Aries on March 20th it started a new Astrological Cycle as Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It’s a great time to start a new project, play around with new ideas and recreate routines that support the lifestyle you want to live. As a Certified Moonologer, it’s my version of tax season, as I will be making 12 month Moon Planners for myself and my clients mapping out the New and Full Moons (a.k.a. Lunations) as they move through the Houses of our Astrological Charts. It’s an exciting time because it feels like a fresh start and I get to start dreaming about everything I look forward to experiencing over the next year. To make it all the more exciting, on April 8th, North America will witness a Total Super New Moon Solar Eclipse. In Moonology™, the New Moon is the time to make wishes and set intentions. It’s referred to as a Super New Moon this month because the Moon’s orbit is at its closest proximity to Earth, meaning we feel its energy more intensely. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun's light. In Astrology and Moonology™, eclipses are believed to exponentially increase the power of the Lunation.

What does this mean for you? It means that this month, you have the potential of dreaming yourself into a whole new chapter of your life. Some believe, this Super New Moon Eclipse will open a portal to Quantum Jumping, allowing you to leap into a whole new reality. Now is the time to dream BIG. The most important aspect of Manifesting with any New Moon, is believing in yourself and your ability to achieve what it is you are wishing for. I recommend taking some time to meditate and allow your truest, most authentic desires to reveal themselves. Take some time to bathe in the feeling of having what you desire most. Visualize using all of your senses to really immerse yourself in this new reality you wish to create. Quantum Jumping and Manifesting do not typically happen over night so do not get discouraged. Keep your vision close to your heart and in your mind, taking small steps every day towards honouring yourself and your wish. Use a vision board, or set the wallpaper on your desktop and smartphone to remind you of what you want. Work on yourself to overcome any barriers you have towards achieving your goal. Get a coach or join a mastermind group to keep you accountable and on track. Before you know it, you’ll be in your new reality and feeling pride and gratitude for the journey that brought you here! For more information on Moon Planners and how we can work together, send me an email at support@veronicaweston.ca Veronica Weston Personal Development Coach and Certified Moonologer

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



Miracles in Action Some of my ‘close calls’ include; narrowly being side swiped in my car by a large SUV, nearly being crushed by a huge warehouse door after the spring broke seconds upon going through it, almost being hit by a driver running a stop sign, falling on the ice without too much injury, and then falling again a week later, only to realize I just barely avoided impalement on a 12–inch metal pipe! Each occurrence left me feeling incredibly grateful for them all being minor in comparison. Although, on a deeper level I felt greatly changed, forever transformed, as if the person I once was had died away, leaving me as a new version.

Aww, miracles… What comes to mind when you think of a miracle? If you’re anything like me, it’s likely you haven’t given much thought to the concept of miracles; except when it’s brought to the forefront by an outside source like the news, movies, videos, books, conversations, etc., or when something monumental happens. After experiencing a series of several ‘close calls’ over the last couple of months, that upon reflection could only be deemed miraculous. I’ve been contemplating the concept of miracles more and more. Mostly focusing on, what they are, what purpose they hold, and their ability to transform those graced by them.

Upon sharing some of these experiences with others, I received responses like, ‘You’re so lucky!’, ‘Boy, your angels must be hard at work!’, and ‘Why do you think these types of things keep happening?’. These responses left me feeling even deeper gratitude for how incredibly safe and protected I had been, and continue to be. Along with the building wonderment of, yes, just why were all these events happening? It was indeed curious. Did luck really have anything to do with it? Maybe. Or were they merely random? Perhaps they were strategically created with the Universe for a grander reason?

Let’s dive further!


What is a miracle? One could say a miracle is when something deemed impossible happens, or when something happens without any logical explanation as to how. Oxford Languages defines a miracle as, “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.” When I think of miracles, they often appear unbelievable and leave an impression, like when we see random acts of heroism, such as lifting a car to free a person, rescuing a person from a horrific accident, narrowly missing a dangerous occurrence, etc. However, if we broaden our view, we could certainly include our bodies, in that our heart, lungs, breath, etc. all operate without our conscious thought, keeping us alive. This in itself is miraculous! Miracles may also be seen when it comes to our resiliency. For instance, when a person is down and out, then somehow by the grace of God, they are able to pull themselves out of the depths of despair, saving themselves from destruction.

If I really think about it, I’ve witnessed hundreds of miracles on my journey thus far, and I’m sure I’ll witness hundreds more! How about you?

So what is the true purpose of a miracle?


If we look at what happens during the act of a miracle, it results in survival and the maintenance of life. With regards to our body’s internal operating system, its function is to keep the body alive. When people are rescued from dangerous situations this in turn saves their lives, allowing them to live on. When it comes to our emotional and mental states, we can see the continued drive forward moving us further along our soul’s journey. We could deduce that miracles not only allow life to continue, but perhaps they initiate the ability to shift and change the people affected by them as well.

What happens afterwards? What happens to us after we experience or witness such acts of divine support, known as a miracle? Does it forever change us? Does it create continued change? How can we utilize its gift in our everyday life, especially when things start to feel monotonous? I know for myself I certainly feel forever changed, and my perception has changed for sure. I feel a greater sense of gratitude for life in general. I also started pondering what propels a miracle into occurring. I suppose a miracle could be sparked into action with the simple call for help, like in times of great duress, or danger. Or in the subtle conscious or unconscious asking where do I go from here, what’s next for me, what can I do to be of service, etc. Or maybe a miracle is initiated by a divine act of Source to keep something from happening or to ensure something happens. I guess it’s anyone’s guess as to what generates a miracle into action…

Looking deeper… What if we consider the perceptions; everything is here to help us, we are always in the right place at the right time, and we are co-creating our realities in harmony with the Universe? Then are miracles really impossible happenings or simple ways the Universe and our Spirit Teams guide us further along our journeys? As for there being no logical explanation for miracles, what if this is only because we haven’t expanded our beliefs and hearts to embrace the understandings (memories) we’ve long forgotten? What if the unexplained events we see happening are merely because we haven’t been educated in the teachings to open us to see beyond what we think we know… What if miracles are no more than occurrences to wake us up, shake us out of our patterns, focus our attention, or move us into a new direction, with no luck involved… In all these ‘close calls’ with my experiences which could have been far worse, one thing is quite clear—miracles do happen, both in the smallest and the biggest sense, whether we are consciously or unconsciously aware of them.

I’ve also gained a greater love for my body, as it’s truly miraculous how our bodies operate keeping us alive, and yet we hardly give it notice. It’s curious how it often takes something like a ‘close call’ or ‘near death’ experience to grab our attention and pull us into a place of awakened gratitude, love and appreciation for the life we get to live, for the time we get to spend here, and the choices we get to make. May this be an invitation for you to observe what miracles you’ve witnessed and explore how or if they’ve changed you? How can you use them to shift yourself closer to the person you wish to become?

In Grateful Service, Theresa Stone Theresa is a lifelong learner and holds knowledge in several areas within business and the metaphysical. Lightworker Navigation, utilizes her long-hidden divine abilities, which she has been honing for 20+ years to guide those dealing with fear, uncertainty, and or curiosities of the supernatural to help them live masterfully and love wholly. Theresa is honoured to hold the space of love for all those guided her way, helping them shift into more of their divine brilliance! Learn more about Theresa here: https://linktr.ee/LightworkerNavigation

I’m still not entirely sure how these ‘close calls’ have helped me, as we may never really learn how something is helping us. Although, I can say, it has prompted me to write about it, and given I’d been asking for guidance on what to write, this could be one of the reasons. I’m also reminded of the phrase, ‘Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.’, which appears to have some merit for you never know what may play out from asking or wishing for something. Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



Keeping Your Aura Clean and Healthy

After being introduced to someone, have you ever just known you didn’t want to continue a conversation with them? It may have been something they said, or maybe they had bad breath, or perhaps something was “off” about their energy? You weren’t ‘vibing’ with them, or maybe you felt they were going to bring you down.

You don’t want to be that person, right? While we can get a lot of information about keeping our physical, mental, and emotional selves healthy, ways to keep our energy body healthy and clean might be more difficult to find and sort through.

Your energy body has a working aura, which is like a bubble that surrounds you. It is between 3 to 9 feet in diameter. Your skin holds in your organs, and your aura acts as a similar barrier as it holds in your other energetic systems, such as your chakra, magnetic, etheric, etc…. Your aura also has 7 layers to it, which each have a different function. There is a lot going on that we don’t always realize! You can damage your energetic systems by having poor eating habits, hot caffeine (thank goodness cold brew is ok), and processed foods. Lack of sleep and regular exercise, negativity and negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, grief, sadness, depression, and anxiety, all weaken your aura. Pollution, chemicals, and addictions to alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, and drugs, (prescription and street drugs, and interestingly marijuana causes the most irreparable damage) are usually the worst. Sounds depressing, doesn’t it? And while we do our best to be healthy and minimize the negative influences on our aura, sometimes we don’t have much choice.




Perhaps we live in a high pollution area, or have a chronic illness or pain which needs strong medication, and so the goal is to choose wisely and keep yourself in balance. You know that if you have an important day coming up, you’re not going to drink alcohol to excess, right? Also, if your medication allows you to get out of bed in the morning, it is more important to take it than to be immobile. There is a LOT you can do to support your aura, keep it healthy, and outweigh the damage to stay in balance! Live a healthy lifestyle, with gratitude and purpose Get proper sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly Spend time in nature, swim in lakes and oceans, and hug a tree Take a salt bath (use Himalayan, sea, or Epsom), and you can add essential oils to your bath, or you can also diffuse them into the air. Make sure they are of a good quality, find someone knowledgeable who sells them, and there are many great oil tips in this magazine every month! Do you like crystals? Place them around your house, or carry them with you. Selenite, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz are always good choices. Learn proper breathing, chi exercises, and meditate. Use music to uplift your mood to keep you positive. Did you know certain songs and sounds (tuning forks, bowls, toning, etc…) can actually clear negativity? Did you know that singing the Sound of Music’s “do, re, mi…” will open and balance your chakras. Smudge your room and also yourself (it’s sometimes easier if someone else does it for you). Use white sage, Palo Santo, or other natural leaves, petals, resins, or wood.


Say mantras and prayers. Some of us of a certain age here in Canada have the Lord’s Prayer memorized because we recited it every morning in school. It, and the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”, are super powerful and can shift and clear your energy. Get regular energy healings and aura healings, just like our physical bodies, our energy body and aura need maintenance too. Find a reputable practitioner or energy healing.

You get your car cleaned regularly, so why not make sure your aura is clean as well. When you have this awareness and begin implementing these suggestions, you’ll feel better. You may even have less physical pain and discomfort, and feel more peaceful and calmer. People are attracted to vibrant energy and your relationships with friends, family, partners, or clients, will require less effort, and you may even get more promotions and opportunities. Having a cleaner and clearer energy field will enable you to see more options to your issues and problems. As well, you’ll begin to have more energy to do daily tasks, and also for your passion projects and hobbies. I invite you to take a look at your poor habits and realistically make an effort to change them, and also choose which recommendations are doable and begin implementing them in your life.

Jeannie’s passion is offering tools of Empowerment to others by facilitating Energy Healing and Advanced Spiritual Training as a Professional Healer, Teacher, and Guide. She is Initiated as a Celtic Shaman, Knights Templar, Kabbalist, and Magus Hermeticus. Her Energy Healing and Advanced Spiritual Training is in the prestigious Royal Lineage of King Salomon. http://www.themiddlepillar.ca/

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance


Are you holding Diamonds in Your Hands? Hold out your hands. Take a good look. Can it be possible that you already have what you need to accomplish your dreams and goals for this year in your hands? Yes!

The daily grind of life creates a fog that clouds our vision of what’s possible. I often forget that we all walk in the seen and unseen. The seen contains life between sleep. The unseen carries the vision to make life meaningful. They have to be used together. Can you identify with millions of people who feel like we’re in a spin cycle between being whipped around by endless breaking news and tasks on the ‘to do list’? Are you drained by a crazy busy life without meaning? Anxiety seems to be the latest word for many of my friends. Anxiety is fear that you are being left behind in your pursuit of life’s meaning. I heard a true story that changed my thinking about this fear. It’s Acres of Diamonds, by Russel Conwell. It was about a man who had a homestead in South Africa. Year after year he barely fed his family and floundered to make a prosperous business from his farm, because he spent all he had on searching for diamonds. Finally he gave in and sold his farm at a loss to a young geologist and his wife. The farmer left and continued his poverty elsewhere.

As the young geologist surveyed his new property, he discovered that it was sitting on one of the world’s largest diamond fields. He put his skill to work immediately, gathered a crew, and a diamond mine was formed! He became fabulously wealthy. A few years later the farmer revisited his old homestead. He was shocked to see a mansion where his ram-shackled home has been and a huge mining operation at work. He realized how close he’d been to everything he’d ever wanted right in his own backyard. Various versions of this story float around the motivational world for a reason. More often than not, our success comes from what we already have. Dr. Robert Schuller said, “Find a need for something you can make or do and fill it.” Do you know who the wealthiest people in the California and Alaskan Gold Rush days were? They were the women who set up laundries, bake shops, and boarding houses! Their wealth wasn’t as dramatic as a gold strike, but it was sustaining. They didn’t have a degree in “laundryology” or “ biscuitry”. They found a need for what they knew how to do and did it! I’ve finally applied this wisdom to my own situation. I’m an artist with years of skill as an educator, coach, and partner to nonprofits. For years I wanted to paint the “popular” thing. The lure to be seen in the “enlightened” artists group was powerful. I searched for something new that held the golden ticket through countless workshops to learn the secret techniques of other artists.

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance



Last year I came across the story of the African farmer again. I realized that I held the key to success in my own hands by using what I have, where I am. I turned my art towards portraying the beauty of the southern lakes & lands where I live. I’m developing a body of work that appeals to local pride and reflects the majesty of God’s creation. In addition, I’m meeting needs by partnering with local nonprofits who need quality artwork for their fundraising and promotional efforts. Doors have opened for me to counsel a group of young ladies with loving art healing. It’s everything I’ve wanted! What a difference this approach has made! I’ve gone from being frustrated that I have a stack of work sitting in a closet, to having a waiting list of commissions for causes that are dear to my heart. It was in my hands the whole time! We’ve gained skills and knowledge that can be shared. Like deep water, if it’s not flowing in and out, it stagnates and is useless to refresh anyone. Take a dive into your lake and see what’s in there to meet a need. It’s your secret for satisfying days.

GRAB YOUR JOURNAL AND MAKE A FEW HEADINGS What do I know that someone else might like or need to know? What do I make that someone else needs or would enjoy? What problems make me mad that I can do something helpful to solve? Who are people that share my thoughts and passions? They are your team. What resources are available to me to take my first steps toward my dream?


A young Mom needed some extra cash to pay for the tuition to a good local school for her children. She asked, “What can I do and stay home with the babies?” She bakes pies. She made a website for taking orders. A couple early mornings a week she sets a card table in her driveway filled with the ordered pies. Cars wait in lines to pick up her fresh pies. She expanded her hours to include pie pick up for dinner time drivers. Now, she’s easily paying the school and saving for a bake shop when all the kids are older. Even if your yard is a goldmine, it’s going to take sweat, investment and dedication to tap into the riches. Save yourself years of effort by avoiding the “shiny object syndrome” which is pursuing something you’re completely unfamiliar with. I’m 72, at this age it might take a while to become a marine biologist! The learning curve may be so high that I’d become discouraged and quit or run out of time. Worse yet, I’d lose all that time for doing the best thing for me. That’s why you should choose something you already know and others need. These are the diamonds in your backyard and you’re already holding them in your hands. The South African farmer needed more than land ownership. He needed the vision of the young geologist and his ability to pull the diamonds from the ground. You’ll need to find a mentor like that too. It takes a team to pull it all together. Then you can use the gifts and talents you have in your hands and really create something beautiful.

Bonita Mosley is a freelance content copywriter, artist, vision board workshop leader, and children’s book illustrator. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bonita-mosleycustomer-success-story-content-writer/


JACINTA YANG EXPLORING PAST LIVES A Journey into Past-Life Regression Therapy Have you ever wondered why you feel what you feel about someone or something and do not know why? You experience Deja Vu or have some unexplained fears or phobias. You were born with an innate talent evident at a very young age for which you have not had any formal training. Do you have an explicable knowledge about something or can identify strongly with another culture? You may have heard of past lives or past-life regression. There are theories about past lives. Past life is a life lived previously in a different body at a different time, also known as reincarnation. Some religions in Eastern culture believe in reincarnation; however, in recent years, western cultures have shown more interest and acceptance in past lives.

If you are familiar with Silvia Brown, you may have read her book about past lives, about how some incidents in past lives can affect current life. Brian Weiss, my teacher from Weiss Institute, also has written books on Past Lives titled "Many Lives Many Masters" and "Same Soul Many Bodies," among others he has written. He has practiced healing through past life regression, and I was trained to be a Past Life Regression Therapist by him. I never planned on becoming a Past Life Regression Therapist—it kind of just happened. It all started 19 years ago at a Women’s Day Event. I was there offering Reiki healing. But something weird happened that day.

Every time I put my hands on someone for Reiki, I start seeing pictures of their past lives in my mind. It was like watching a movie of their previous adventures! It was fascinating. I'd see these glimpses of what they did in past lives, and it explained a lot about why they loved certain things or were naturally good at certain stuff, even if it didn't match their current job. After that day, it kept happening. Every time I worked with someone, I’d get these visions of their past lives. And somehow, those visions helped them find answers to their questions about life. It's been an unexpected journey, but it's amazing how it's helped so many people along the way. Fourteen years ago, I met someone who heard about my gifts through a colleague and was eager to meet me and wanted to hear about my psychic and paranormal experiences. This man shared some very interesting suggestions for me to adopt as a healer. I took his suggestions seriously and adopted them into my healing practice and experienced miraculous healing for a client. He also recommended that I should seek out Brian Weiss and be trained as a Past Life Regression Therapist. Although life got in the way and I was too busy to act upon it until 2019, I decided to take the training from Weiss Institute. I have practiced Past Life Regression on occasion; the concept of this therapy is still yet to be accepted. In Eastern Culture, this concept is a part of their culture and belief, so when you communicate with them about past life it is not considered strange. Medical practitioners discredit this form of therapy as being unscientific and claim these memories to be fantasies or delusions.


I feel that at present the Universe has other plans for me and I am working on what I am meant to do currently. My holistic practice evolved from me doing healing for physical ailments now to more mental and emotional well-being, through which physical health has been greatly improved. Past-Life Regression Therapy has helped many. Brian Weiss practiced it for years and is currently a training practitioner. Past Life Regression therapy is an attempt to recover past-life memories through hypnosis. Many mental issues people experience may have origins in their past life according to many past life regression therapists. During regression therapy, we help and guide the client to a relaxed state. Once they feel safe and open to recovering memories to the surface. They are then asked to describe events from past life from a personal standpoint. We then encourage any emotions that may come up to be validated and released. Some of us have the ability to see what the client is seeing; however, we are to simply let them take us there on their own. Those of us who are able to see the vision of what the client is seeing when they visit their past life generally have a gift of mediumships. When the time comes for me to practice more Past-Life Regression Therapy, I am ready and equipped to do so. I tend to follow my inner guidance to lead me on my path. Have you ever been curious about who you were in your past life? If you'd like to connect and chat, feel free to reach out.

Jacinta Yang, a gifted holistic healer and author, transitioned from floral design to holistic healing, infusing funeral flowers with profound energy. Certified in Reiki, Reflexology, and Crystal Healing, Jacinta, founder of Jacinta Healing Arts, empowers others to reclaim happiness and inner power. www.jacintahealingarts.com

Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance

Visit my website http://www.jacintahealingarts.com/



SUBMISSIONS ARTICLES Opal Rising magazine accepts articles written by holistic practitioners that are interested in sharing their knowledge with our readers. Suggested word count: 300-1200 words

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An example of some of the modalities would be: Acupuncture Akashic Records Aromatherapy Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Meditation and Mindfulness Therapeutic Yoga Astrology Reiki ...and there are so many more.

SHORTS, QUIZZES Shorts are compact, concise, information condensed down into 200 words.

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Editorial /AD Deadline: 5th of May for the JUNE 2024 issue.

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mind spirit body

Products / Services ENERGY HEALER, SPIRITUAL TEACHER AND GUIDE My passion is spiritual progression and wellness. In order to help people upgrade their personal and professional lives, I use the best Lineage tools for true Spiritual Empowerment. Jeannie Vassos | Book a consultation Distance Healings - receive 20% off Ensofic Reiki or Spark of Life Email: jeannie@themiddlepillar.ca | www.themiddlepillar.ca DISTRIBUTOR FOR YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS: I have been a distributor for Young Living since 2014. Essential oils are a part of my daily living in every part of my life. I'll introduce you to some of my favourites in my ads and articles in this magazine. To place an order or open your own account please reach out to me. Cindy DeJager | cindy@opalpublishing.ca

Events & Announcements

Reminder Do you want to contribute to a book: Walk With Legacy Contributions Stories, Snippets and Synergies Felt Important to Share See Page 14

How to Place an Event or Announcement Post your events and announcements here for only $28 Max word count 60 Email: cindy@opalpublishing.ca


Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance


Essential Oil Lavender Most universal oil

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil has a scent that’s a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It’s this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, fresheners, and beauty products. As one of our most popular products, Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home. Lavender essential oil isn’t just a favourite because of its classic scent—it’s also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Product code: 357503 $43.42 // 15 ml

CINDY DEJAGER Distributor Young Living Essential Oils To Place an Order Email: cindy@opalpublishing

Commonly Used For Promotes feelings of calm and fights occasional nervous tension Has balancing properties that calm the mind and body Helps to support digestive discomfort Reduces the symptoms of cough and cold Can be soothing to the skin after a day in the sun Reduces the appearance of blemishes Helps to relieve headaches Supports aging skin Includes the naturally occurring constituents linalyl acetate, linalool, and ocimene Helps to relieve joint or muscle pain associated with sprains, strains, and rheumatoid arthritis

Publications by DR. STEPHEN HOBBS Currently available are Legacy Journal, Notebook, and Workbook, AND Nature Journal and Notebook. If you prefer access to a pdf version to print selected pages, reach out through the contact page WellthMovement.com/contact Connect: https://wellthmovement.com/contact – Fastest way to say hi and ask a question. https://wellthmovement.com/store – Journals and Prompt Notebooks

BE A BUSINESS SPONSOR Opal Rising highly values our Business Sponsors. When you support our Opal Rising Magazine and online content you are helping to ensure that I can continue to offer all the magazine and its content to our readers for free every month. CONTACT cindy@opalpublishing.ca Visit http://opalpublishing.ca/advertise Holistic Wellness and Mind Body Soul Balance

Moo n

dar en

e s C a a h l P


New Moon APRIL 8 Initiate new ventures. Make lists of things to accomplish in the month ahead.

First Quarter APRIL 15 Change your mind. Ask for what you want.

Last Quarter APRIL 2 Edit your work. Organize your workplace or home and figure out what you can let go.

Full Moon APRIL 23 Take an honest look at where you are. Ask for, and pay attention to feedback from others.

Add a fact or snippet to the magazine - free! Include your name and a link for only $5!!

Essential Oil Copaiba

Soft, Sweet, Balsamic Commonly Used For Anxiety Pain Muscle Aches Can be applied to skin to promote the appearance of a youthful, radiant glow Body systems affected: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system, muscles and bones. Copaiba helps to elevate mood and lift depression. It is believed to amplify the effects of any other essential oil.

Product code: 343103 $78.95 // 15 ml

CINDY DEJAGER Distributor Young Living Essential Oils To Place an Order Email: cindy@opalpublishing

I use Copaiba together with peppermint or

Wintergreen on my lower back to reduce the pain

and inflammation caused by joint and muscle pain. -Cindy

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