B&ES Book 2015

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A client’s guide

Building & Engineering Services B&ES Book covers all aspects of building energy management to help clients make those important decisions to meet corporate, social and financial goals.


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Book 2015

A client’s guide to building engineering services The B&ES Book covers all aspects of building energy management to help clients make those important decisions to meet corporate social and financial goals, and to find the right contractor to deliver the job.

B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locate-member/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region. However most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic area and will welcome your enquiry.

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Published by: B&ES Esca House 34 Palace Court London W2 4JG T: +44 (0)20 7313 4900 E: contact@b-es.org W: www.b-es.org Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the advice given, the company cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. © B&ES 2015 The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the firms whose advertisements appear in this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, or for the products or services advertised. The information contained in the list of members was correct as at September 2014. All photographs and drawings © B&ES, except as noted otherwise in captions.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Contents 09






Chief Executive

Taking control

B&ES is the leading UK trade association for engineering companies.

B&ES President Andy Sneyd says goodbye to the oily rag.

B&ES Chief Executive Roderick Pettigrew on how payment reform can boost the industry.

BCIA President Steve Harrison explains how new controls technology is delivering better performance.






Market surge

Tax burden

Safety fears

The most important measures from the rapidly changing regulatory and financial landscape in 2015.

The construction market is predicted to grow by 22% in five years.

New self-employment rules are pushing up contractors’ overheads, explains B&ES head of employment affairs and skills Peter Rimmer

Cost cutting is still prevalent in building maintenance raising health and safety risks, explains head of technical and safety Bob Towse.





Building value

Modest progress

Falling standards

Cash flow

Greater focus on energy efficiency and maintenance can help the NHS hit its savings targets.

The revised Part L of the Building Regulations is a step in the right direction, but only a small step.

More than a third of commercial buildings would fail to meet proposed mandatory energy standards.

The Wales Government is setting the pace on supply chain finance reform.


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org






School working


Working together

Going underground

The major renovation of a Glasgow school was a valuable proving ground for combining low carbon and renewable technologies.

A look at the most important technology options available and how engineers make the right choices.

The hard fought campaign to limit damaging changes to the F-Gas Regulation showed the value of different industry groups collaborating.

B&ES has carried out in-depth research to find out what is going wrong with many ground source heat pump





Getting radical

Protecting the workforce

Hot topic

RHI boost

The latest update to the guidance for ductwork installation and manufacture sets a radical new direction for the industry.

The HSE statistics show a staggering 12,000 preventable deaths occur annually from Occupational Respiratory Diseases. Jane Bastow reports.

Persuading clients to take a whole life approach to commercial heating specifications will be crucial for the industry’s attempts to deliver cost savings and carbon reductions.

Biomass heating has had a huge boost from the Renewable Heat Incentive, which now seeks to drive uptake of other carbon saving heat sources.





Top maintenance

Digital world

Clean air

Breathe easy

FM companies and service and maintenance providers have an array of sophisticated new tools available to improve building performance, but clients are often unaware of just what is possible.

The explosion of digital engineering tools and online connectivity is transforming the way contractors work and paving the way for a more effective supply chain.

The demand for ventilation hygiene services is growing rapidly as legal and insurance pressure grows on building owners to tackle fire risks and threats to occupant health.

Poor indoor air quality is having a direct impact on the ability of children to concentrate and learn in the classroom, according to a huge body of research. B&ES is working with like-minded organisations to find a solution.


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org






Smoke Ventilation

It’s only natural

Manufacturers & Suppliers

Going global

Using smoke ventilation systems for natural ventilation has been highlighted as a key strategy for helping commercial sites adapt to climate change.

Two decades of heavy focus on making buildings more energy efficient have led to serious indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. David Fitzpatrick urges specifiers to look for a natural solution.

A guide to companies involved in heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment in the UK.

CIBSE is growing the international influence of UK building engineering services.





Cool running

B&ES Contacts

B&ES Offices

B&ES Affiliates

FETA Chairman Mike Lawrence explains how dramatic changes to the air conditioning and refrigeration sectors affect us all.

Contact details for all the Association’s UK locations, its affiliates and for members of the Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance.

Contact details for all B&ES’s UK locations.

B&ES Affiliate status allows organisations that are not eligible for membership to enjoy a close relationship with the Association.




Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance

B&ES Members Geographically

B&ES Members Index

Administered by B&ES.

A region-by-region directory giving full details of all Association members.

Alphabetical directory giving details of all Association members.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Introduction B&ES is the leading UK trade association for engineering companies delivering energy efficient and high performing building systems. Our experts have their finger on the pulse of the major trends and changes that will help clients make key decisions about their built assets in 2015.





Chief Executive

Taking control

B&ES President Andy Sneyd says goodbye to the oily rag.

B&ES Chief Executive Roderick Pettigrew on how payment reform can boost the industry.

BCIA President Steve Harrison explains how new controls technology is delivering better performance.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Saying goodbye to the oily rag Welcome from B&ES president Andy Sneyd.

The building engineering services industry needs to polish up its image, says B&ES President Andy Sneyd. Why would a woman want to work in the building engineering sector? Why would a young person? Why, for that matter, would anyone? As far as the ‘outside world’ is concerned our industry is all about oily rags, builders’ bums and our careers are – to misquote Hobbes: ‘Nasty, brutish, poorly paid…and short.’ Yes, forget it – everyone should work in a nice, clean, well air conditioned office…or be an architect. I exaggerate, but it is a fact that building engineering services is not the first profession that springs into the mind of a young person considering their career options – even if they do have an appetite and aptitude for Maths and Physics. Engineering, in general, struggles to overcome its image problem and, as a result, the UK is short – by a matter of 1.3 million – of the engineers we need to deliver the government’s infrastructure targets that are crucial to the economic recovery. In his recent ‘Review of Engineering Skills’, Professor John Perkins said we would need that number of new recruits by 2020 to maintain our place as a major economic power in the world. Somewhere in that figure are the missing thousands of building services engineers.

Suitable profession

Just half of all 11 to 14-year olds say they would consider a career in engineering; and that proportion falls to less than 35% among girls. Even more alarmingly, just 24% of parents say they think engineering is a suitable profession for their daughters. Not only do we have to fight for engineering to get its fair share of recruits in the face of competition from the financial sector; healthcare etc. building engineering services then has to fight the civil and structural engineering sector for its share of an already small pool. Yet the growing importance of building engineering services makes our shortage particularly acute. Buildings are becoming increasingly sophisticated and our expertise is rising in value to clients and the wider economy. Our industry also has the best career retention rate of any outside healthcare and the financial sector is not exactly in a good place just now. The task for us is not so much to reform our profession to make it more attractive, but to get the message out there that we are already more attractive than people realise. Our industry has modernised out of all recognition and the government has recognised its vital role in delivering economic value. As part of its Industrial Strategy it identified construction as an ‘enabling sector’ delivering around £69 billion GVA (£107bn output) to the UK economy employing around 2.5 million workers and as such is a key contributor to UK growth.

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


It is also critical to the achievement of UK climate change targets. ‘The UK has a comparative advantage in certain construction services, primarily engineering, architecture and activities associated with low-carbon built environment solutions. This advantage will be important in creating opportunities which are driven by technological change, increasing environmental awareness and emerging economies,’ the strategy notes. We deliver this value via high tech, sophisticated approaches and are completely locked into the digital world via our design modelling packages and project delivery processes. Our work is ideal for anyone with an eye for detail; an interest in improving the built environment for generations to come; an ambition to make our world more sustainable – and a talent for working with computers. I would go further and say that teenagers/ young adults are the best people to drive the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) because of its similarities to

online gaming and the multi-dimensional computer environment in which they thrive. They have grown up in that world, but are largely unaware that our sector is now trying to adopt it. We have come a long way from oily rags and men bashing old boilers with spanners. This changed world of building engineering brings new opportunities for the next generation and there is plenty of work to them to do.

Maggie and the miners

When I was growing up Mrs Thatcher was waging war on the miners, who were determined to preserve the status quo and keep their dirty, dangerous, but well paid jobs. Nobody then had a good word to say about her, but there are many people who now realise that whole painful process brought about a change that has ultimately created great opportunities for those communities – not least improved education prospects for their children. I am now President of this great association with its 110 year history,

but I started my career as a 16 year old apprentice via the CITB Youth Training Scheme. The industry has changed out of all recognition in the 30 years since and, being under 50, I am still considered ‘young’ for our industry. Apprenticeships are still out there, but we also have to take a more modern approach to coaxing people into our sector. To attract the new generation we need to show our modern face and make sure we look different. We stand next to architects in terms of importance to the built environment so we need to look more like them. We need to dress differently; present a more ‘professional’ and ‘corporate’ image because, yes, we are technical people, but we are also business people and should not be embarrassed to project that image. Image is important when you are vying for attention with the best and brightest – young people like to feel they are joining a profession that has status and commands respect. Our expertise and value is recognised within the supply chain – we need to project that to the outside world.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Payment reform can boost our industry B&ES chief executive Roderick Pettigrew welcomes signs of progress on the most pressing issue of all for building engineering contractors – the scourge of late payment.

The government has promised that, by 2025, the construction industry will no longer “be defined by its problems with payment”. It is a sad fact that our supply chain has suffered more than most from issues of late payment bringing untold misery to smaller firms in particular – including many specialist building engineering services contractors. Quite apart from the human cost of failed businesses, late payment and payment retentions disrupt the smooth delivery of projects and undermine quality right across construction. At the last count there was £3bn of supply chain money tied up in delayed or withheld payments. That is money that could be securing the future of our sector by ensuring the profitability of companies and allowing them to invest in skills and new technologies. Instead small contractors are being forced to operate as bankers to larger firms and, as a result, many are flirting with insolvency. The biggest threat to our sector is no longer shortage of work, but shortage of cash. Lack of capitalisation and cash flow within the building engineering services industry could stall many crucial projects. While trade credit as a whole trebled to £30bn during the recession, lending to our industry actually fell because our sector was seen as too risky. Shortage of credit accompanied by poor cash flow when payment is delayed is a recipe for disaster.


In an election year it is important that the political baton is passed on and there does seem to be cross-party consensus on


this issue. The penny has finally dropped that payment problems can – and often do – disrupt workflow and threaten the wider economic recovery by derailing vital infrastructure projects. No government should wish to see supply chains embroiled in financial and legal disputes when they should be getting on with delivering new buildings and employing more people. New payment legislation, unveiled as part of the proposed Small Business Bill in last year’s Queen’s Speech, would enforce 30-day payment terms on main contractors – many of whom currently sit on sub-contractors’ money for more than six months. It is proposed that large contractors will be required to pay their suppliers on time in order to access public sector construction projects. The Business Secretary Vince Cable also moved on this issue by requiring larger firms to publish information about their payment practices. He promised to work with the Institute of Credit Management (ICM) to strengthen the Prompt Payment Code. “For too long too many large companies have been getting away with not paying their suppliers on time to maximise their profits. It is small business that is suffering as a result and it needs to stop,” he said. “The government has taken action to create a responsible payment culture, but we need to go further. We will now make it compulsory for large companies to publish information about their payment practices so that those who are not playing fair can be held to account.”

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Welcome through their supply chains. This plea fell, largely, on deaf ears, although there are a number of exceptions, such as Balfour Beatty, who demonstrate what is possible when large companies have the will to do the right thing. A number of the ‘supply chain finance’ schemes that appeared in the wake of the Prime Minister’s intervention turned out to be little more than scams with suppliers forced to pay a fee if they wanted to be paid on time.

The government has also promised to abolish payment retentions as part of its 2025 Strategy. This antediluvian system has been in place in the UK for 150 years and needs to be scrapped – or at very least reformed. In many other countries, retention money is held in trust so there is no financial benefit to the main contractor if he hangs onto the money. Instead it is used, as it should be, as a surety against the satisfactory completion of a project. On the plus side, the recovery is definitely underway and overall construction activity is expected to grow by 22% over the next five years with a consequent trebling of the workforce to 64,000 over the next two to three years. [See ‘Construction to grow by 22%’ on page 23]. However, margins remain very tight for specialist contractors because material and labour costs are going up faster than prices. As a result, a contractor can quickly get squeezed if he takes on too much work. It only takes one job to go bad or one big payment to be delayed and the business is in trouble.


On the other hand, if we have good cash flow we are a better and more productive industry. We are more effective at using new technologies and it is the client who benefits. In other words, sorting

out payment is absolutely central to the success, or otherwise, of the government’s Construction 2025 strategy, which requires projects to be delivered faster, cheaper and to a better standard with reduced carbon emissions and energy consumption. To give credit where it is due, successive governments have recognised the importance of this issue – Sir Michael Latham first flagged it up properly 20 years ago in his seminal ‘Trust and Money’ report and there have been 19 commitments to improving payment since 2006. These have included amendments to legislation and various threats of retribution against those who failed to comply. Sadly, none really made a huge difference largely because they were not backed up by sufficient penalties for offenders. The latest such initiative, unveiled in April 2014, was yet another late payment ‘charter’ drawn up by the Construction Leadership Council – the body charged with driving delivery of Construction 2025. Again this is a well-meaning, but voluntary initiative with very little apparent sanction should main contractors refuse to play ball. And it also doesn’t fully come into force until 2018. David Cameron himself intervened to appeal to main contractors to oil the wheels of the recovery by allowing money to flow

The wider use of Project Bank Accounts (PBAs), which are set up to keep the financial side of a project independent of the main contractor, is, of course, the most sustainable and long-term solution. They make sure cash from the client goes directly to the supply chain and are being more widely adopted – particularly on public sector projects. Mr Cable would do well to push these harder to major private sector clients. A PBA ensures there is full visibility of the funds and an assurance that they will be released at pre-agreed intervals. The main contractor cannot block payment unreasonably and has no motivation to do so as the money does not sit in his account. It also protects the supply chain – and the client for that matter – from the threat of main contractor insolvency. As for the CLC’s charter, adhering to its payment terms could (and should) be made a pre-qualifying requirement for all public sector projects. It could also be backed up by an ombudsman to overcome the problem that contractors are often afraid to complain about their clients – there is already a similar scheme operating in the retail sector to discourage large supermarkets from bullying suppliers. Large firms must play fair with their supply chains and it is encouraging to see government ministers talking tough on this issue. However, talk is cheap and voluntary codes are easy to put in place, but much harder to enforce. The government should not be afraid to legislate to ensure the supply chain is financially secure and, therefore, able to deliver the projects all clients – the government more than most – want and need.

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A new era in technology Steve Harrison* examines important developments for the building controls sector, and considers the impact of energy prices and technology in the future.

Since the economic downturn of 2008, the building controls sector has slowly been regaining lost ground. The most recent figures from the BCIA’s unique Market Information Service (MIS) show that the industry is almost back to its twenty-year high of six years ago. Of course, the recovery of new-build has helped in the past year or so, but the refurbishment and maintenance markets have been particularly strong. What’s more, the increasing concern with energy use and how to optimise it, is putting building controls and building energy management systems (BEMS) firmly on the agenda. The importance of controls for energy management in non-dwellings was supported in 2014 by the inclusion of BS EN15232 in the Non-Domestic Compliance Guide that accompanies Part L (2013) of the Building Regulations. This is a British and European Standard that was developed as part of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The document demonstrates the impact on energy use of different levels of control, from A to D. The Compliance Guide recommends a minimum of Level C for controls in new buildings - though the BCIA would consider this a low starting point. What’s more, by using BS EN15232 it is possible to calculate the investment required to upgrade an existing BEMS and the resulting energy savings offering a standardised method to calculate the payback on investments in building controls.


Organisations can be at very different points in the journey to greater energy efficiency. Many are only just starting to think about how to approach it; others have already plucked the low-hanging fruit such as a switch to low-energy lighting or increasing use of technologies such as photovoltaics or heat pumps. In spite of their energy saving potential, unfortunately it is the case that building controls can be overlooked when organisations are considering how to lower energy use. And here the controls industry has to take some responsibility because our technologies are viewed as difficult to understand, not only by occupants, but also the FM profession and even engineers. The BCIA is working hard to address this by publishing guides with BIFM, or holding ‘controls clinics’ for CIBSE members. But controls are worth the investment of time that might be required to understand them better, because they can do far more than simply manage the operation of building services such as air conditioning or heating. One of the most important trends over the next few years will be the recognition that data from the BEMS offers highly valuable insights into building performance and energy use. And this information has a direct financial value to the business. The increasing amount of information that flows out of a building energy management system has led to the adoption of a new term: Big Data. Harnessing this flood of information is becoming a business in itself, and we are already seeing this trend in the US.

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Data at this level gives a clear picture of building energy performance and can be used, for example, to compare energy use across a portfolio. Energy managers can quickly spot which buildings use more energy than others - and identify why. For retail, store managers can be targeted not only on sales but also on driving greater efficiency, making energy use a business target. Manufacturers can calculate the energy used to produce each of their products, giving them a clearer idea of the full cost of manufacture. Big data is already being used this way by leading businesses. One of the main reasons that the amount of data available has grown is the adoption of advanced controls into building services equipment. Air conditioning, lighting, heating, fans – leading manufacturers are now supplying these with built-in intelligence that can be linked to the wider building energy management system. This smart kit, as it’s known, is another important trend for both the controls sector and the wider building services industry.

The advance of controls-related technology will continue to provide opportunities for controls specialists and contractors alike. The next development we are seeing for the nottoo-distant future is the Internet of Things (IoT). The latest technology means that objects have Internet connectivity, which enables them to send and receive data.


Consumers are already able to tap into this development through smart watches that can inform wearers when an email arrives; or send them calendar reminders. In building services, this will be the next step from smart kit – the signals that are sent and received by equipment could become more complex and the ways in which building services can be controlled become far more advanced. Google, Apple and IBM are moving into the area of intelligent, web-based controls for homes. Given the potential for commercial buildings, it is very easy to envision a time when they approach the commercial buildings market. This is both an opportunity and threat for those of us already in this sector.

The adoption of smart kit already means that building services contractors and controls engineers are now part of the same team. It is increasingly important that members of the BCIA and the B&ES understand the role that each takes in creating efficient and effective working environments within buildings. That is why the two organisations worked together on the 2014 Building Services Summit, which highlighted the importance of building services to the longterm operation of buildings. However, given the complexity of modern buildings, I believe that BCIA and B&ES members have a strong advantage over newcomers, based on our know-how and practical experience. By working together, the two Associations can help to keep our memberships informed of the latest developments, and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technology and the drive to energy efficiency. *Steve Harrison is President of the Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) and Global Products Manager for Belimo Automation. www.bcia.co.uk

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Strategic The most important measures from the rapidly changing regulatory and financial landscape that will impact the building engineering sector in 2015 are highlighted in this section.




Market surge

Tax burden

Safety fears

The construction market is predicted to grow by 22% in five years.

New self-employment rules are pushing up contractors’ overheads, explains B&ES head of employment affairs and skills Peter Rimmer

Cost cutting is still prevalent in building maintenance raising health and safety risks, explains head of technical and safety Bob Towse.




Building value

Modest progress

Falling standards

Greater focus on energy efficiency and maintenance can help the NHS hit its savings targets.

The revised Part L of the Building Regulations is a step in the right direction, but only a small step.

More than a third of commercial buildings would fail to meet proposed mandatory energy standards.



Cash flow

School working

The Wales Government is setting the pace on supply chain finance reform.

The major renovation of a Glasgow school was a valuable proving ground for combining low carbon and renewable technologies.

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Market Growth \ Business

Construction to grow 22% in five years The construction industry will grow by 22% over the next five years, according to the Construction Products Association (CPA).

Construction output will grow by 4.8% in 2015, and go on to match its pre-recession peak (reached in 2007) by 2017, the CPA’s latest forecasts reveal. Private housing starts are expected to have grown by 18% in 2014 and by 10% in 2015. Commercial office output was up by 10% last year and will enjoy a further increase of 8% in 2015. “The forecasts reflect the increasing strength of the sector, though risks remain,” said CPA economics director Dr Francis. “We anticipate the recovery will continue through the forecast horizon in 2018 and broaden both across sectors and regions.” The activity will primarily be led by private housing, infrastructure and commercial offices in the short-term, according to Noble, but work on schools and hospitals should also pick up in the longer term.

However, he added that this year’s general election “will cast the future of housing policies into doubt” and that uncertainty, together with questions about affordability and higher mortgage repayment costs, “will likely subdue private housing growth to 5% per year from 2016”. The commercial building sector will have a more profound influence in the longer term and the CPA expects that to contribute 23.4% growth up to 2018. “In the short-term, the activity will primarily be led by private housing, infrastructure and commercial. Notably, in the long-term, we expect this activity will be boosted by work on schools and hospitals,” said Dr Francis. “Commercial, the largest sector, has a greater influence than housing on the overall outlook for the construction industry and should contribute 23.4% growth over the forecast horizon to 2018. “The offices sub-sector is the primary driver in commercial, and recovery in the sector has been dominated so far by growth in London. Activity in regional markets is starting to pick up, however. During the last 18 months, increased demand and rising rents have been reported in key regional markets such as Manchester, Edinburgh and Birmingham which should feed through to new offices construction from 2015.” The CPA also expects that infrastructure output will increase during the forecast period across all key sub-sectors including roads, rail, energy, and water and sewerage. Output is expected to rise by 7% in 2015, primarily due to major projects such as Crossrail and nuclear decommissioning.

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Tax \ PAYE

New tax rules increase contractors’ PAYE burden Building engineering contractors must be aware of new tax rules governing selfemployed workers, explains B&ES head of employment affairs and skills Peter Rimmer.

Employers across the construction and building engineering services sectors face a considerable rise in overheads as the result of new self-employment regulations confirmed in the Budget and brought into force during 2014. An estimated 200,000 labour agency workers may have to be moved onto fully employed PAYE status under so-called ‘false’ self-employment rules potentially pushing up labour costs by 25% on projects that were already underway. Previously contractors were not liable for the 13.8% employers’ National Insurance contributions and the costs of administering PAYE, holiday pay, sick pay, redundancy pay and pension contributions for many workers, who were considered to be self-employed. It has been standard practice to use labour agency workers due to the transient nature of many contracts. However, the government is determined to bear down on what it sees as a situation where workers are effectively in full time employment, but for whom it receives no employer’s NI contributions.

“This is a huge additional burden for employers and risks stalling the economic recovery,” said Peter Rimmer, B&ES head of employment affairs and skills. “While workloads are clearly rising and business prospects improving, margins are still very tight.” He said that B&ES and the Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance had lobbied hard to negotiate a “reasonable delay” that would give firms a chance “to budget for these significant increases in fixed costs”. As a result, the Treasury has agreed that the relevant tax returns need not be delivered until April 2015. There will also be no penalties for failure to produce returns or penalties for incorrect returns before then. However, tax authorities say that any agency supplying labour must account for PAYE on that labour backdated to April 2014 unless PAYE is paid by others along the payment chain or they hold evidence that the worker will not be and cannot be “controlled, supervised or directed”.


Labour agencies will now have to operate PAYE for the workers they supply, as well as accounting for their tax and NI contributions. They will also have to find a further 12% in holiday pay entitlement. All of these extra costs will have to be passed onto their contractor clients.

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

Strategic \ Health & Safety

Cost cutting raises safety fears The threat posed by Legionnaires’ disease is well understood, but as B&ES head of technical and safety Bob Towse explains, some risky cost cutting continues to put vulnerable building occupants at risk.

These days we know quite a bit about the bacteria that can cause outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, but that doesn’t seem to have made us any better at stopping outbreaks. There are around 300 reported cases in the UK every year, but experts believe the figure is more like 9,000 because it is often misdiagnosed as other forms of pneumonia. 120,000 people are thought to have died in the US since the cause of the disease was established there more than 30 years ago. [It was first identified and received its name following an outbreak among delegates at a meeting of the American Legion in a Philadelphia hotel in July 1976.] Around 12% of cases are fatal, but the proportion is much higher among the old and infirm where up to 50% die. That is why it should be such a major concern for those charged with running hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The risks are increasing and some experts believe the bug is mutating and can, in some instances, survive in water that meets current safe temperature guidelines. It is also showing resistance to some of the chemicals designed to kill it.

Short sighted

There are also problems with the way in which water systems in care homes, hotels, schools and a host of other establishments are monitored and treated. Reportedly some of the logbooks designed to identify areas at risk, particularly within internal pipework, are not being filled in properly. This is extremely risky and short sighted. Cuts to building maintenance budgets were among the worst side-effects of the

recession and the intense pressure on public sector spending. The whole topic of maintenance is poorly understood by some managers, who often regard it as an optional extra and struggle to understand where it can add value. It has been widely reported that spending on water treatment designed to guard against the threat of legionella has been cut in hundreds of buildings meaning that the frequency of dosing with chemicals, for example, is reduced to dangerous levels. A risky way to deliver budget cuts, but a risk many seem prepared to take and keep on taking. Ironically, aside from the health and safety implications, planned and well organised water treatment will also reduce building running costs by improving energy efficiency so managers could actually earn a rapid return on a modest investment. However, that requires a clear understanding of the issues and a willingness to invest for the medium to long-term. The greatest risk from legionella bacteria is found in the hot and cold water systems in buildings where water is delivered as an aerosol or fine spray through taps and shower heads and can, therefore, be inhaled. The bacteria is present in a great many places, it is only once it is airborne that it becomes a threat. Legionella bacteria also thrive in water temperatures between 20-45 degrees Celsius, but some mutations are thought to be surviving in even higher temperatures – up to 60degC. The bacteria will multiply into large numbers if water is stored at these temperatures.

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Hospitals are particularly vulnerable because of the amount of hot water they use and the relative old age of the equipment used to both heat and store it. ‘Dead legs’ in pipework – another common feature of old-fashioned systems – will provide ideal breeding grounds for the bacteria that can then be circulated around the rest of the system when those sections are flushed out. Poorly maintained cooling towers and air conditioning systems can often be the source of the bacteria, which then proliferates and circulates around the piped water network of the building. There is also evidence of a growing resistance to some of the biocides designed to kill legionella bugs.


Risks are also increasing because many water heating systems are being shut down for periods, or hot water temperatures lowered, to save energy. This means the temperature of the stored water drops into the ‘danger zone’ where the bacteria proliferates. The increased use of renewables can create problems because these systems generate hot water at lower temperatures than conventional heating. Again, without the proper controls and maintenance, these systems can create the ideal breeding conditions for legionella bacteria. Rainwater harvesting systems are also becoming more common and they are a particular threat because they store large amounts of water that could already be contaminated. There is a pressing need for everyone involved in building maintenance and management to understand where the risks lie. In particular, building owners/ users and facilities managers must be aware of the increasing dangers posed by the disease, especially to the infirm, and must ensure that adequate steps are taken to control the circumstances in which the legionella bacterium is likely to thrive. Risk assessments are a vital starting point and these must be updated to take new factors into account as technologies and building layouts change. One additional risk is the fact that, in many places, staff numbers have been reduced to meet budget cuts. The resultant higher


workloads on those remaining mean there is more room for human error. For example, monthly temperature checking and manual flushing can be compromised. And even if monthly checks are meticulous, who knows what is happening, day-in-day-out, as temperatures fluctuate within any system? One solution, which is becoming increasingly popular, is ‘continuous dosing’. This is designed to maintain water systems in a permanent state of excellent hygiene – 24 hours a day/365 days a year. There are a number of dosing systems capable of releasing controlled levels of chemical treatment into the water system at a set times or in response to changing conditions in the water so removing some of the potential for human error or omission. By reducing the labour intensity of the process it can also help hard pressed managers meet their cost cutting obligations, but this time without compromising safety. Well planned and resourced water treatment also reduces energy consumption – another saving. For one thing, systems that are continuously maintained do not have to be run at high temperatures in order to guard against legionella build up. A number of buildings run their heating systems all hours of the day and night just to guard against the threat, but that is not necessary if the system is properly treated and monitored.


Continually running heating systems at high temperatures also increases the build-up of scale, which further reduces efficiency and shortens the operating life of expensive heating and hot water equipment. Scale acts as insulation inside pipes and heat exchangers so reducing heat transfer. Each millimetre of lime-scale reduces energy efficiency by 8%. Also, extremely hot water – a common feature of many hospitals – increases the risk of scalding injuries to patients and staff. Many building owners have had to introduce thermostatic mixing valves at considerable expense to address the problem, but they could save themselves time, trouble and money on a number of fronts if they could maintain water at a more civilised temperature.

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Strategic \ Health & Safety Properly treated systems also suffer from fewer breakdowns, so reducing the need for costly repairs. All in all, a planned and sophisticated maintenance regime for water systems could be one of the best investments a building operator ever makes – both in terms of critical health protection and running costs. The cost of cutting back on water treatment was demonstrated all too tragically last year at Basildon Hospital in Essex where the resulting outbreak led to two deaths, six seriously ill patients and a £100,000 fine. It appears that managers had ignored warnings from regulators and consultants and reduced their spending on chemical treatment of their water system. Pascal Bates, prosecuting the case for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), revealed that the hospital cut spending on chemical treatment of the water system in an “inappropriate cost saving measure”. There are, of course, onerous legal responsibilities on the managers and overseers of buildings charged with preserving the health and well-being of occupants. These legal obligations are clearly set out in a single document, published by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC), called ‘Legionnaires’ disease – The control of legionella bacteria in water systems’. This is the Code of Practice (ACoP), commonly referred to as L8. Under L8 it is the building owner’s responsibility to put a proper control strategy in place that includes a system for managing the maintenance of water systems; regular monitoring with the records kept for five years; and training for everyone in the management chain with their skills updated periodically. L8 is a legal document, so if a building operator does not follow its instructions they leave themselves open to legal action. They are also subject to the legal measures outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act, which includes wider provision for protecting employees. Accurate record keeping, corrective action and complete audit trails are essential parts of the guidance. Anyone who thinks these might be sensible things to cut back on to meet short-term budget targets is taking a huge and unnecessary risk.

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Strategic \ Procurement

NHS getting ‘bad value’ from buildings Energy efficiency and improved maintenance of buildings should be greater priorities for the National Health Service as it seeks to make £4bn worth of cost cuts, according to participants in a B&ES Roundtable.

A debate hosted by B&ES and the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) brought the amount of energy wastage and poor performance in healthcare facilities to the attention of NHS specifiers. It also revealed that poor procurement practices are producing buildings that are not fit for purpose and poor value for money. A group of experts drawn from both bodies agreed that building services were often regarded as ‘bolt on’ to healthcare facilities, but were actually a crucial factor in delivering more effective clinical care. The speakers, including leading figures from NHS Trusts, said there was a major opportunity for healthcare managers to improve facilities by investing in more strategic building infrastructure measures. Greater focus on running costs and making better use of existing facilities means there is huge potential for building engineering firms to work more closely with the healthcare sector. Energy targets are being driven hard by the government with new facilities designed to be 35% more energy efficient than old style PFI projects.


The debate also agreed that the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) could improve design and long-term maintenance of facilities and that there would be increasing demand for offsite fabrication and standardisation of design to cut costs and improve quality. “The NHS has a massive task to make £4bn worth of savings, but it can be done with improved education, awareness and political will,” said energy expert Mike Malina, who chaired the discussion.

The Taxpayers Alliance has said that many NHS Trusts are buying energy on the wrong tariffs. However, the roundtable debate agreed that there were further savings to be made through efficiency improvements and that this would become more of a priority as energy costs rise. “Commissioning is the key - this is not just about using new technology it is about making things work properly and work for people,” said Mr Malina. Christopher Shaw from Architects for Health – a specialist arm of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) – said procurement in the NHS had been a major concern for some time, but had “reached the tipping point” where it creates “major shortfalls and delivers bad value to the NHS”. “It is a poor fit for many of the organisations because the procurement routes were designed by people who see things very neatly, but the estate is not built neatly - it is built through processes and roles; the system usually assumes you have a full project brief in advance and often you don’t. “It is going to be a bumpy ride, but there will be changes to the way the NHS procures things,” said Mr Shaw. Chris Johnston-Stewart from North Bristol NHS Trust said most building projects in the NHS were, not surprisingly, driven by clinical need, but this meant energy issues were often not considered early enough in the planning process. “The Estates Department are largely ignored until the project is well advanced so we often have to point out that what [the management] have planned can’t be

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delivered. The budgets don’t allow for the necessary changes to make it work so we end up with disappointed clients,” he said. Healthcare buildings are major consumers of energy, but potential improvements are subjected to a rule that they must pay back their cost inside two years, which Mr Johnston-Steward described as “ludicrous”. “We need three to five year paybacks to be able to make a real difference.” Specialist contractors are not involved early enough to influence the designs, according to B&ES head of technical and safety Bob Towse. He told the discussion that ‘value engineering’ often stripped out proposals that would improve the long-term performance of a building at the design stage in a bid to cut short-term costs.


“The industry needs to engage better with senior members of the Trust to demonstrate how engineering supports the wider healthcare strategy. Otherwise it will always come down to cost,” said Chris Barrass of BG Energy Performance. Mr Shaw added that energy costs were important, but “not nearly as important as staff costs and the need to attract patients”. He urged the industry to express its arguments for better investment in facilities “in those terms to get traction and buy-in from trusts”. Bad decisions are often made because the people with responsibility for procuring services do not have the right expertise, the debate heard. A number of the NHS professionals pointed out that the process for selecting project managers can be a lot less rigorous than that used to choose contractors. As a result, there is a danger of the manager being railroaded into decisions – often related to the project timetable or costs – where the full consequences have not been considered because that person did not fully understand construction process. For example, the commissioning process often gets squeezed to save time on the project and that leads to problems postoccupancy. “Commissioning periods are


almost zero these days. They just throw you the keys and ask you drive the car even if it only has three wheels,” said Chris James from University Hospital Southampton. Alan Newman from the consulting engineering practice Troup Bywaters and Anders (TBA) added that the expertise and knowledge from the Procure 21 and PFI models “where there was a measure of partnership” could be lost because trusts want to set up their own framework contracts. This could make it more difficult to ensure a building continues to work as intended after it is handed over. Robin Whitby from Laing O’Rourke explained that the major projects - £100m plus – often received the necessary post-handover resource for ongoing management, “but the smaller ones don’t and they are just as technically challenging - often more so because you need to plug new systems into existing services which creates real operating problems”. “Managers are often from clinical or administrative backgrounds and don’t know a lot about running buildings,” he added. Maintenance is not well understood by trusts, many of whom don’t recognise how it can add value by improving the operation and extending the life of their equipment, according to Mr James. “This is a big issue because we are now concentrating more on existing estates where we are trying to maintain 50 or 60-year-old technology,” he said. “We have enough money to maintain what we have, but what we are maintaining is past its sell by date,” said Mr Johnston-Stewart. “Often the capital budget is allocated too late for us to do anything strategic and well planned so the improvements we make only make a small difference. If the money was made available earlier we could carry out better projects.” The group also agreed that there could be serious legal implications if managers fail to ensure their facilities comply with national legislation.

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Strategic \ Procurement

Mr Towse said there was “anarchy” in the marketplace because the regulations were rarely enforced; commissioning was not being done properly; mandatory air conditioning inspections were not being carried out and Energy Performance and Display Energy Certificates were not being delivered. He also said many buildings didn’t even have an asbestos register. Mr Malina warned that, as a result, many building operators were in danger of invalidating their insurance policies. The debate also agreed that NHS design guidance published in some Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) was out of date and this was creating confusion about the specific standards contractors were expected to deliver.

IHEEM chief executive Julian Amey said the Institute was already working with health estates to update HTMs. “It will be a long process, but we hope to have better guidance in the next three to five years,” he informed the group. He also said IHEEM was helping to get the message to the Department of Health that there needed to be better focused investment in healthcare facilities to ensure they delivered better value for money in the long-term and, as a result, were better places for patient care. www.iheem.org.uk

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Strategic \ Building regulations

‘Modest Part L’ now in force The 2013 version of Part L of the Building Regulations finally came into force in 2014 – delays are all part and parcel of energy regulations it seems.

The changes to Part L only stipulate a modest 9% uplift in energy efficiency for commercial buildings compared with the 2010 regulations and this was condemned by many as a ‘missed opportunity’ to enshrine stringent low energy standards. However, they do represent progress. For example, the new fabric efficiency standards should have been welcomed by the industry because they should ensure that developers adopt a more rounded, whole building approach using ‘passive’ ventilation and higher insulation standards. The regulators have tried to address the problem that too many of today’s buildings are not designed to be energy efficient and, therefore, are not well suited to having renewables installed. The new regulations allow engineers some room for innovation and to come up with the most appropriate overall design for a building rather than going for the easy, but often most expensive, option.

Insulation values

Heavy focus on improving the insulation values in the building fabric does have some dangers, however. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) concluded that buildings conforming to the new Part L will actually be less energy efficient in the long run than those built to the 2010 regulations. Consultants at Sturgis Carbon Profiling, working on behalf of RICS, concluded that the combination of a warming climate and increased insulation and airtightness could lead to comfort problems in thousands of new buildings.

They believe that, by 2030, these buildings will have to be retrofitted with additional mechanical cooling systems to make them habitable so completely undermining their intended carbon footprint. Buildings built to the 2010 version would not need additional cooling until 2050, the researchers said. Their findings also suggest that the increased cooling will outweigh any carbon saving benefits from the reduced demand for heating as winters also become warmer. Carbon produced during the construction phase to make buildings more airtight could also be 10% more than the buildings go on to save during 60 years of operation. The use of mechanical ventilation systems – often with heat recovery (MVHR) to try and recoup some of the energy costs – has increased dramatically to try and offset the impact of sealed buildings. However, BSRIA has also found that many of these systems are not meeting quality standards because installers don’t have the right experience to fit them correctly. A number of systems have been found to be delivering just five litres per second (l/s) of fresh outside air when the ventilation fan is rated at 25l/s. The industry will have to tread carefully when addressing the issues raised by Part L. Engineers will have to think about a building in its entirety and be mindful that buildings are not just about saving energy, but must be comfortable and productive spaces for human beings. We will have to learn to ventilate better because energy saving standards will continue to rise under future revisions to Part L.

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Strategic \ Energy Standards

One third of buildings ‘below standard’ More than 35% of commercial buildings in the UK would fail to meet proposed mandatory energy efficiency standards, it has been revealed.

The Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) plans to introduce measures that would prohibit commercial landlords from renting out properties with energy ratings lower than E on their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) from 2018.

The British Property Federation (BPF) said the standards would have a “significant influence on the future quality of the UK’s rental stock”, but said that ensuring buildings have an E rating would “require significant investment”.

Consulting engineers WSP said many buildings currently at E will have been downgraded to F by 2018 because EPC scoring will have tightened to reflect more stringent Building Regulations. This means far more than the 18% of the current stock estimated by DECC would fail to reach a mandatory standard.

Property investors want clarity, both in the way that the new regulations are introduced and a clear trajectory for the next few years, but the BPF said it might be “prohibitively expensive or difficult” to upgrade to an EPC rating of E’ for some properties.

WSP modelled five reference buildings to show how the EPC bandings have changed between 2008 and 2013 and then compared that with how the regulations will change by 2018. “Our research shows EPC ratings drop half to one band each time the regulations change,” said Anna Walton, WSP’s lead on EPCs. “These proposals will have a significant impact on owners’ ability to lease their buildings if they’re adopted. Many property owners are already reviewing their buildings and developing proactive strategies in anticipation of the regulations and getting ahead of the game, which is the right approach in our view.”

“The Government’s suggestion of a forward trajectory for MEPS, which will allow property owners to see how the regulations will change over time, is extremely welcome. This means that owners will be able to exercise their judgement when undertaking capital expenditure as to whether they should shoot higher than the regulatory minimum in order to stave off regulatory obsolescence,” it added. WSP said it was important that an EPC was based on “accurate data, not assumptions’ and urged property owners to focus on efficient lighting as this has a “significant influence on the rating”.

The property industry is broadly supportive of mandatory energy targets, but is concerned about the cost of getting buildings up to standard.

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Strategic \ PBA’s / Renewables

Wales sets the pace on payment reform Welsh politicians have taken significant steps to improve cash flow in the construction supply chain. Mike McDonald* from B&ES Wales explains why this is important for the country’s whole economic recovery.

Ecofit Energy Systems

Minister for Finance Jane Hutt, recognised some time ago that tackling late payment in the construction supply chain should be a key priority for the Wales Government. Speaking at the launch of the Building & Engineering Services Association (B&ES) Wales/ Cymru, at the Senedd (Welsh parliament) building in Cardiff earlier this year, the Minister said “prompt payment is vital and we know there is a serious problem in the supply chain”. She also condemned the “unfair practices” that undermine confidence among specialist contractors and promised “no sympathy for people who withhold payment for work that has been satisfactorily completed”. The Welsh government has been working closely with B&ES and the umbrella contractors’ body the Specialist Engineering Contractors’ (SEC) Group, of which it is a member, ever since to introduce and extend the use of Project Bank Accounts (PBAs). PBAs are now being widely adopted throughout the UK on public sector projects as a way of improving security of payment for sub-contractors to safeguard the supply chain and eliminate the risk of insolvencies down the supply chain. There are now three major public sector trial projects proposed in Wales that use PBAs as their payment mechanism.


Public sector construction procurement is worth £346m to Wales and, according to Mrs Hutt, 86% of that has been reinvested in the region by employing local firms. It has also contributed 13,000 weeks of training to local apprentices. Ensuring this vital and growing work stream is not disrupted by payment delays and the legal disputes that follow is, therefore, crucial to the Wales Government’s infrastructure plans and, with them, the whole economic recovery of the region.

There are serious moves afoot to ensure that main contractors only get access to public sector projects in Wales if they treat their suppliers fairly by either agreeing to use PBAs, which places project money into a Trust status account. Similar moves are underway in Scotland and Northern Ireland following indepth reviews of public sector procurement policies in those countries. The devolved assemblies are blazing a procurement trail for the rest of the UK to follow. Supply chain security is vital to the economic revival in our industry especially when workloads are improving. It is at times like this that sub-contractors can become even more vulnerable as they risk over-reaching themselves in a bid to secure a share of the new workload. The renewables sector, in particular, is benefitting from the improving economic situation, but it is even more crucial with socalled ‘emerging’ technologies that companies feel confident enough to invest in expanding and improving their skills base. Strangling cash flow to small businesses can lead to bankruptcy and the consequent loss to the economy of vital employment opportunities. My own company Ecofit Energy Systems has taken off rapidly in the past year as demand for specialist renewables expertise has soared, both in Wales and further afield. However, margins remain very tight and often main contractors impose 90-day payment terms on their suppliers. In reality, this can mean waiting 120 days and beyond for the money to actually reach your account because they will only initiate the 90-day period once certain assurances have been received. It is very hard for a small business – in any industry – to function on those terms

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and to bear that level of risk. We all have suppliers and staff to pay as well as the basic overheads any business needs to maintain. Specialist contractors also carry an unusually high administrative burden to achieve pre-qualification status with many industry clients despite the ongoing efforts of B&ES to persuade the industry to accept a standardised and streamlined process.


There is an opportunity for Wales to become a centre of excellence for this industry for the delivery of high quality renewable solution; as well as the better procurement practices that underpin the burgeoning supply chain required to deliver them. . As a smaller market, we have an advantage over the businesses in England where it is harder to embed best practice right across the board. There is also a great opportunity for B&ES Wales/Cymru to attract wider membership from the renewables community to help embed high technical standards and financial stability – using Wales as a showcase for wider adoption across the UK. There is a problem with the quality of work in the renewables sector as a whole. Accreditation under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is no guarantee that the finished project will perform and my company is often called in to put things right after others have failed due to lack of experience and understanding. Ecofit Energy Systems MCS will only take you so far – there are gaps – and we encourage companies to join B&ES because membership involves the third party Competence Assessment Scheme (CAS) that can reassure clients they are employing reputable firms with broadly-based engineering skills and sound finances. B&ES members are also backed by the association’s double guarantee insurance scheme; they are also deemed to satisfy the consumer protection Trustmark quality assurance scheme and several health & safety qualifications, via Safety Schemes in Procurement [SSiP]. The big technical challenge is to make sure renewables integrate successfully with the rest of the building and conventional building engineering systems, in particular. As demand increases the need for engineers to adopt a ‘whole project’ approach will be vital.


Solar thermal and photovoltaics (PV) are proving particularly popular at the moment, along with heat pumps in combination with low temperature underfloor heating. [SEE PROJECT PANELS] The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) has had some impact on end user demand, but the returns on solar thermal are not that great – it is still a ten or 11 year payback and domestic RHI payments are only guaranteed for seven years. In many cases, the customer will be better selecting PV to receive feed-in tariff payments, which are promised for 20 years, and offset their carbon emissions that way. Also, in a large number of projects consultants forget to include heat meters in the specification so the contractor will refuse to fit them. This means the end user cannot claim RHI payments. We often raise this with the contractor because it only costs a few hundred pounds to fit the meters as the system is being installed and it is much more expensive to add them later. However, many will simply say that if they are not included in the specification they will not be fitted. Ecofit will put space panels where the meters should be to make it easier for the customer to retrofit them, but it is a major oversight and weakness in the system that they are not specified as standard practice. In fact, the main driver for growth in the solar thermal market – in our experience – is in new build where the client is looking to achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating. Using solar to produce hot water gains valuable BREEAM points because it dramatically cuts your long-term running costs. Progress is being made and some excellent projects delivered. However, late payment and the amount of PQQ administration remain big headaches for specialist contractors and there must be no let-up in the campaign to improve procurement practices and the adoption of fair payment mechanisms like PBAs. The Wales Government – and Mrs Hutt in particular – deserve congratulations for the steps they have taken so far because they recognise that, without a secure supply chain, it will be hard to maintain standards in an expanding market and, in the end, everyone right up to the end client will suffer. *Mike McDonald is vice-chairman of B&ES Wales and commercial manager of Ecofit Energy Systems. www.b-es.org

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Strategic \ PBA’s / Renewables Mike on Ecofit ‘The speed of development at Ecofit Energy Systems meant that I ended up having to get back on site to install underfloor heating. After 40 years in the industry – the first 25 with BSS and eight as a senior executive in the Newmond and Baxi Groups – that was something of a culture shock. ‘Fortunately [for the customers] it didn’t last too long and we realised we had to recruit more engineering staff. You might save a bit on labour doing the work yourself, but you miss out on the business opportunities because you don’t have time to deal with enquiries. ‘I originally set up the company with my son-in-law Kieran Swift as the specialist renewables arm of a larger contractor, but for the past year it has been a standalone business. Turnover was expected to be about £150,000 in the first year, but it will be three times that thanks to the acceleration in demand for renewable building engineering systems. ‘We are employed by a number of larger contractors, who don’t necessarily have the specialist expertise and who are looking to outsource the renewable element of large contracts. ‘The company is also still working for domestic customers, but primarily where there is a relatively large underfloor heating or solar thermal requirement. ‘Solar PV is usually part of the electrical specification rather than the mechanical so it is important for m&e firms to have the right relationships and to be able to take a different approach to that kind of work. ‘Profit margins remain tight so we manage our overheads carefully by operating the business largely from our two homes. However, we recognise we will quickly need to increase capacity. My daughter Lauren has also given up her work as a solicitor to add some more family expertise on the financial administration side. ‘Ecofit has now recruited four installation engineers and is seeking a fifth. It makes more sense to employ directly these days anyway because of the new tax rules and because it allows you to control the quality of the work more easily. This is crucial in the renewables market because the industry as a whole has less experience in this area and it is important to keep a close eye on each project to make sure it meets performance standards.’


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Strategic \ Renewables / CHP

School shows GSHP and CHP can work together The refurbishment and re-engineering work at Notre Dame primary school in Glasgow has produced a solution to a problem that has been giving many building services engineers sleepless nights: How to get ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) and CHP to work effectively together.

Both are highly effective carbon saving technologies in their own right, but are not always comfortable bed-fellows because they each need sizeable heat demand to operate at their best. At the same time, criticism of GSHPs has been increasing because many have experienced operating problems in the UK – often due to inappropriate specification or poor installation. In some cases, wrongly sized heat pumps have been known to freeze the ground because they are trying to extract too much energy in a despairing attempt to meet the heat demand from a building. By solving two problems at once – getting the best out of GSHP technology and marrying it successfully with CHP – Glasgow City Council has created a design model for the rest of the industry to follow and produced some impressive energy cost savings and cuts in carbon emissions.


Originally built in 1894, the original Victorian red sandstone building is still very much the heart of the school complex which is, following extensive refurbishment and the addition of a five-storey extension, now home to three schools: Notre Dame, St Peter’s and the former Anderson Street Nursery, which has been renamed Elie Street Nursery. The original building itself, which is listed, has been considerably upgraded to improve natural lighting levels and the campus now boasts 15 modern classrooms, two general purpose rooms, a games hall, a library and ICT suite, an assembly and dining hall, a games area and nursery playrooms accommodating 434 school children and 60 in the Nursery.

The project aim was to refurbish Notre Dame Primary School to create, within the existing Victorian structure, a 21st century working environment and to integrate the most effective combination of technologies to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.

Previously, up to the 1930s, the building was heated by ducted warm air fed by a steam-driven air pump after external air was drawn in through furnace coils. The warm air was then pumped up from the basement of the building to the classrooms as part of a ‘downdraught ventilation’ system. This approach was subsequently discredited because of its detrimental impact on children’s health and a single pipe heating system with cast iron ‘Princess’ column radiators was introduced before the Second World War.

A key benchmark was provided by a group of 29 other comparable schools in Glasgow and the electricity consumption of Notre Dame Primary School is the lowest of them all, despite its opening hours being the longest.

A major part of the refurbishment focused on reducing the school’s carbon footprint and Glasgow City Council’s engineering department took the opportunity to install and test a combination of low carbon

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three and one of two units). They produce 27.5kW of electricity during the day (16.5kW at night) to satisfy the requirements of the school buildings. The Dachs CHP array operates as the lead heat source in tandem with the Ciat GSHPs. Hamworthy Wessex ModuMax modulating gas boilers act as back up and, so far, have only been required during the very coldest months. There are three heating modes: Summer, Winter and Holiday, with the Winter mode using the standby boilers as the main source of heat.


The full CHP array is worked very hard during the winter months, but even at times of low heat demand i.e. in summer, they will continue to operate and any heat not required for hot water is diverted to the GSHP system to replenish the heat source. The combined running hours of the CHP compensate for the high maximum electrical loads from the GSHPs and their borehole pump (90.5kW). In practice the high electrical load seldom occurs as the Ciat GSHPs come on in four stages dependant on heat demand. The GSHPs are only enabled by the BMS, so their on-board controls are able to manage the running of the scroll compressors.

technologies. This was a particularly valuable exercise because of the restrictions placed on the engineering team by the need to work within the constraints of a Victorian building.

For the new building underfloor heating was selected to optimise space as it includes the main Dining Room and Gym as well as the large Nursery.

“The aim of the project was to create a model that all future schools in Glasgow could seek to emulate in terms of carbon reduction and electricity costs,” says Bob McNair, lead mechanical engineer on the project and a member of the Council’s development and regeneration team.

The operating temperature of the school heating system is 45degC as this lends itself to underfloor heating and low surface temperatures for the radiators to make them safe for the children. The carbon foot print is lowered by using the GSHPs whilst the electricity bills are considerably reduced by the CHP compared with the more conventional approach of making gas boilers the lead heating technology.

The old building was completely gutted and rebuilt. The best architectural features were kept and restored including original ‘Princess’ cast iron radiators that were stripped down, shot blasted, rebuilt and pressure tested to 6 bar and placed back into the newly refurbished Victorian building.


Five Dachs mini-CHP units, supplied and commissioned by Baxi Commercial Division, were specified as part of the upgrade. These are controlled in two banks (one of

The GSHP draws its energy from 100m deep boreholes and, by replenishing these, the CHP ensures there is a steady supply of heat during times of high heat demand. Mr McNair believes this approach can be adopted almost anywhere so long as the geological conditions allow for a GSHP installation. The CHP is continually monitored remotely by Baxi via a modem link installed in the plant room and the operating data is shared with Mr McNair so he can fine tune the system to, for example, make sure the boilers don’t kick in too early, which would take the heat demand away from the CHP and the renewables. He now has a full year’s worth of data to study and make comparisons. The old external plantroom was reused for the CHP, boilers and an Andrews water heater with another small room built for the GSHPs and the heating pumps. This separation is important as it removes the hydrocarbon fire risk from the gas-fired equipment in the old plantroom.

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Strategic \ Renewables / CHP The new system has allowed the basement, which was formerly needed for warm air ductwork, to be converted into extra, valuable classroom space. Mechanical ventilation has had to be fitted in the classrooms, even though they retained the high ceilings, because of restrictions placed on the design by Historic Scotland who would not permit natural ventilation ducts to penetrate the roof spaces. Again, however, Mr McNair was able to innovate by using mechanical ventilation to boost the thermal output of the cast iron radiators with tempered air pumped from heat recovery units, installed in the attic, between the columns of the radiators. This effectively supplements the thermal radiation heat loss from the cast iron radiators due to the reduction in mean temperature (75 OC to 40OC). The use of mechanical ventilation also satisfies the requirements of the advisory Building Bulletins on the design of classroom ventilation.


A 5,000 litre Heat Store, which can accept hot water from any of the three heat sources, helps to keep the whole array running smoothly by ensuring there is plenty of demand for hot water. This ensures long running hours for the CHP and a generous supply of ‘free’ electricity as a result. The loading and unloading of the Heat Store was modelled to ensure the CHPs could easily charge and discharge the tank during most of the working year. The gas fuelled Andrews domestic hot water heater is also preheated by the Heat Store. With electrical costs currently almost 4 or 5 times that of gas, there is a major incentive to maximise energy savings. So, when the school was handed over, the BMS was adjusted periodically to both optimise electrical savings and maximise CHP running hours. Although, at first, both objectives seem to contradict each other, both the GSHP system and the heat demand from the school’s heating and hot water can be optimised if the CHPs are the prime source of heat and are capable of being modulated to suit the school’s electrical power demand. At present there is no electricity export facility, but this can be accommodated if incentives are introduced in future.

Notre Dame came top in a comparison of electrical consumption with 29 other Glasgow CC schools in May 2014. It was benchmarked against St Constantine’s, which is a similar size but unlike Notre Dame, has no community activity or weekend occupancy. So, despite the additional loads and heating demands, Notre Dame still performs better. The telling point being that St Constantine’s has no CHP and no renewables. Mr McNair calculates that Notre Dame will avoid more than 90 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually thanks to the combination of CHP and GSHP. He also expects it to achieve a running cost saving of at least £48,200 a year including the anticipated repayments from the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme. “Multi-module CHP units were considered to be the most effective solution to avoid the inefficiencies of modulating engines, and this will also optimise the total electrical running hours of the GSHPs and cut the electrical bills still further,” says Mr McNair. “In my experience as a marine engineer it is possible to lose cylinder combustion pressure and thereby drop the efficiency

of the piston rings when an internal combustion engine is asked to perform at low power. As this project was to be a model for the city – I was not taking any chances.” He says the Baxi Dachs units are “reliable, widely used and so there are no problems with sourcing spare parts and carrying out maintenance”. In short, he believes the opportunity afforded by the Notre Dame refurbishment project will provide very valuable lessons for Glasgow City Council “and hopefully small scale CHP will be used more and more within the council’s property”. In fact, engineers across the UK will sit up and take notice not least because a primary school with no leisure centre and no swimming pool would not normally be considered an ideal candidate for CHP. However, by taking an innovative approach to the design Mr McNair and his team at Glasgow City Council demonstrated that a wider range of buildings than previously thought can benefit from the energy and carbon savings offered by CHP and GSHP working in tandem.

Summary Potential carbon savings were predicted to be more than 90 tonnes CO2 /annum but are now estimated to be in the region of 125 tonnes CO2 /annum, based on current operational performance data. Glasgow City Council set out to make Notre Dame Primary School a model for the city and now believes that this approach to CHP can be adopted almost anywhere so long as the geological conditions allow for a GSHP installation. A modular CHP installation was selected as the most suitable carbon reducing solution with additional, underground thermal storage being used to extend the running hours during times of low load. The GSHPs draw on this heat store at times of high heat demand and the CHPs offset the high electricity demand of the heat pumps. CHP efficiency of 79% gross (88% net) is being achieved, and over a 79 day period, from 27th May to 12th August 2014, the CHPs: • Ran for an average of 12.85 hrs/day • Generated a total of 27.67 MWhe • Generated a total of 62.96 MWht

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69 Protecting the workforce The HSE statistics show a staggering 12,000 preventable deaths occur annually from Occupational Respiratory Diseases. Jane Bastow reports.

89 Clean air The demand for ventilation hygiene services is growing rapidly as legal and insurance pressure grows on building owners to tackle fire risks and threats to occupant health.


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Technical The technology available to building engineers and their clients is changing all the time. In this section, we take a look at the most important options and how to make the right choices.




Working together

Going underground

Getting radical

The hard fought campaign to limit damaging changes to the F-Gas Regulation showed the value of different industry groups collaborating.

B&ES has carried out in-depth research to find out what is going wrong with many ground source heat pump


The latest update to the guidance for ductwork installation and manufacture sets a radical new direction for the industry.





Hot topic

RHI boost

Top maintenance

Digital world

Persuading clients to take a whole life approach to commercial heating specifications will be crucial for the industry’s attempts to deliver cost savings and carbon reductions.

Biomass heating has had a huge boost from the Renewable Heat Incentive, which now seeks to drive uptake of other carbon saving heat sources.

FM companies and service and maintenance providers have an array of sophisticated new tools available to improve building performance.

The explosion of digital engineering tools and online connectivity is transforming the way contractors work and paving the way for a more effective supply chain.




Breathe easy

Smoke Ventilation

It’s only natural

Poor indoor air quality is having a direct impact on the ability of children to concentrate and learn in the classroom. B&ES is working with like-minded organisations to find a solution.

Using smoke ventilation systems for natural ventilation has been highlighted as a key strategy for helping commercial sites adapt to climate change.

Two decades of heavy focus on making buildings more energy efficient have led to serious indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. David Fitzpatrick urges specifiers to look for a natural solution.

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Technical \ Air Conditioning

F-Gas rule changes are sensible The eventual outcome to a tough three years of negotiations over changes to the European F-Gas Regulation proved what the refrigeration and air conditioning industry can achieve when it works together, says Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump group chairman Tony Williams.

For a long time, the process for revising the F-Gas Regulations flirted with disaster. At one point it looked as if we might end up with legislation that could force many small businesses to make expensive and, largely, unnecessary changes to their air conditioning equipment.

That would have been a wholly impractical and environmentally damaging outcome coming on the back of an earlier agreement to ban the previous generation of refrigerants – HCFCs – including the highly popular R22, which came into force on 1 January 2015.

However, in the end sanity prevailed and the industry was able to head off some of the least practical and most potentially damaging proposals. There is still plenty of confusion and the danger of unintended consequences from the revised legislation, but overall we are in a better place now than where we started.

Apart from heading off potentially unhelpful measures, the industry was also able to lobby for more positive improvements to the Regulation that will help to raise professional standards across the sector. In particular, the imposition of a legal duty on wholesalers and distributors to only sell f-gas containing equipment to qualified installers could revolutionise the industry’s supply chain.

The biggest challenge was the threat of a blanket ban on HFC refrigerant gases proposed by the powerful environmental lobby groups in Brussels. We also had to dissuade the European Commission from implementing service bans that could have had a catastrophic effect on small high street retailers.

Online auction sites, in particular, have been giving serious cause for concern and have been stoking the trade in DIY air conditioning installation, which threatens to increase the amount of global warming gas lost into the atmosphere. Now the seller will have to provide a paper trail to show where gas has gone and who is using it.


The previous version of the F-Gas Regulation was full of loopholes; with one of the most gaping meaning almost all split air conditioning units up to 12kW cooling capacity fell outside the requirements for leakage checking. This has now been addressed by revising equipment thresholds so they are now based on tonnes of CO2 equivalent rather than kilogrammes of refrigerant charge.

The phase down of fluorinated gases, such as the HFCs widely used in air conditioning and refrigeration, will happen, but at a gradual pace that is economically sustainable thanks to the efforts of the industry to rein in some of the more radical proposals from the ‘green lobby’. For example, recycled HFCs will still be available for servicing equipment until 2030, following a ban on new HFC supplies from 2020. Outlawing them completely and prematurely would have pushed end users into a corner and forced them to rip out perfectly serviceable and efficient equipment before it reached the end of its serviceable life.

However, a proposal by the regulator to impose a ban on servicing equipment with a charge over five tonnes CO2 equivalent had to be nipped in the bud. It could have led to small retailers, who use a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant like R404A, having to rip out their equipment. The cost to small businesses could have been crippling.

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Technical \ Air Conditioning Again, the industry lobby managed to get this threshold pushed up to 40 tonnes so the phase down of global warming refrigerants can now be achieved more gradually and without creating a huge unintended commercial penalty for UK businesses. The new service restriction will come into force in 2020. There will also be a new obligation on contractors to provide improved record keeping to their customers, but as this has a potential cost implication for clients it remains to be seen how well this will be implemented.


We will have to address a serious training shortfall to bring the sector’s ability to work with ‘natural’ refrigerants, such as hydrocarbons and CO2. The number of operatives suitably qualified to handle flammable gases and work with much higher system pressures is still too low to bring about the swift growth in use of these alternative gases that the Commission would like to see. We will continue to warn Brussels of the inherent dangers in pushing too hard and too fast in this area. There are significant insurance implications from working with flammable gases and suitable equipment for recovering this type of gas is in short supply. This is a long-term challenge for the industry, particularly as mandatory certification of individual operatives was rejected as a possible addition to the new F-Gas Regulation. At a seminar hosted by B&ES last year, the Environment Agency’s Chemical Compliance Team said it was aggressively pursuing people who breach the existing F-Gas Regulation.

Alarmed by the number of DIY heat pump installations and online auction sites offering air conditioning systems for sale to unregulated buyers, enforcement officer Richard Troup told delegates that the EA wanted to work more closely with contractors and trade bodies to improve enforcement. He said that simply because there hadn’t been any prosecutions so far did not mean there wouldn’t be any in the future. “We can and do get products removed from e-bay and other auction sites within hours. We are also closely monitoring the sale of imported and second hand equipment.” He said the promotion of DIY installation was under scrutiny and that the EA had contacted a number of companies who promoted products as ‘easy to fit’. “If they require the connection of refrigerant pipework they fall under the Regulation,” Mr Troup said. The EA said it would act on any reports it receives of potential breaches of the Regulation adding there was now an opportunity to remove ‘rogue traders’ from the sector. “The industry clearly wanted this Regulation and we want to help you create a level playing field for legitimate businesses. You have spent a lot of money making sure you are compliant so it makes business sense to get rid of those who break the rules,” explained Mr Troup. Enforcement is very difficult and the industry should have sympathy with the EA because it is clear their resources are extremely stretched – not helped, I’m sure, by the ongoing drive for cuts in public sector spending. There is quite a bit of ‘self-policing’ that contractors can do by keeping our ears and eyes open and reporting any ‘rogue’ activity we come across in the field. We should also feel more positive about helping out regulators since we have managed to achieve a more balanced and realistic set of regulations. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears – not to mention huge amounts of volunteer time over those three years – but it was crucial that industry bodies like B&ES stayed closely involved and did not allow the process to be hijacked to the detriment of the industry, its clients and, ultimately, the environment.

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Technical \ Air Conditioning R22 phased out New Year’s Day 2015 marked the end of R22 as a commercial refrigerant gas. From that day on, contractors will not be able to use the gas to top up and service refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Owners of equipment will not be able to buy it. Many large commercial refrigeration and air conditioning users have already taken the necessary steps to retrofit their systems to gases like ammonia; hydrocarbons; R407C and R404a that are considered to be more environmentally benign because they have no ozone depletion potential – however, there are many thousands more yet to act. R22 refrigerants are widely used by the process chiller and industrial refrigerant plants. The arguments about the logic in phasing out such an energy efficient refrigerant continue to rumble on, but the legislators have spoken and we have no choice, but to comply. Most equipment built for R22 is already well through its working life as manufacturers stopped producing them some years ago in anticipation of this change. However, end users must expect some disruption when switching over – there will inevitably be some equipment downtime. Also, they need to closely question their contractors about what is involved. Some of the ‘new’ refrigerants have specific issues such as higher operating pressures and flammability, which can only be dealt with by specially trained engineers. In the long-term, users should, however, see many improvements. R410a is highly energyefficient refrigerant with a 35% greater heat transfer rate than R22. Also, the replacement systems are, by definition, the latest technology so should – at least in theory – give users long and reliable service. Also, many of the replacement systems qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) that gives the purchasing organisation 100% tax relief in the first year of the investment in an energy saving technology that appears on the Energy Technology List (ETL).

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Technical \ Heat Pumps

The great ground source scandal A huge number of ground source heat pump (GSHP) installations are failing to meet their performance targets leaving end users angry and frustrated. David Frise* goes beneath the surface to find out what is going wrong.

Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) are being misapplied, poorly designed and installed, and badly operated right across the country. As a result experts are now urging building engineering contractors to switch their efforts to air source systems instead. In fact many GSHPs are being ripped out and replaced by air source alternatives. B&ES researchers have analysed a large number of installed systems and found them wanting. Poor understanding of the technology and failure to calculate system capacities properly is undermining projects and leaving clients with an expensive legacy. The loss of one third of a system’s capacity is not uncommon as a result of transmission losses as heat leaks away from poorly insulated pipework and plant components – this in turn leads to considerable problems with system undersizing. In some cases the B&ES team found losses as high as 45% of the total capacity as a result of poorly insulated pipework. Ironically, the insulation does meet the standard required to meet Part L of the Building Regulations in many instances, but this is proving largely inadequate. It seems that double the statutory levels may be required to mitigate transmission losses.


The industry is still on a steep learning curve with GSHPs so is applying many of its ‘rules of thumb’ learned from more traditional heating systems. As a result they are massively underestimating the capacity required in many projects. Buildings are becoming better sealed

so the requirement for space heating is reduced, but the systems still require long pipe runs that must be properly insulated. A common fault is that valve bodies and strainers are not insulated because installers believe they need to be left clear for service and maintenance purposes. However, this creates another source of heat loss further degrading the overall performance of the system. Insulation products are available that will allow temporary removal of the covering to allow access. It is not uncommon for a GSHP calculated to deliver 28kW of heating capacity to a sizeable domestic property to be losing as much as 9kW through transmission losses. This completely undermines the design strategy and means the system is not up to the task. The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) will usually advise installers to upgrade the ground loops in this situation, but this considerably drives up the capital cost and increases the ground area required for the system. Doubling the size of the ground work is usually practically and commercially impossible. An added problem in the UK is that our chalky soil drains quickly so is not a good conductor for heat. Also, if we push the system to make up the losses by extracting more energy we risk exhausting the ground very quickly – this can lead to permanent damage to gardens including the creation of permafrost. The effect of extracting heat from the ground often does not become apparent until the second year following installation, but by then damage is very hard to reverse.

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Technical \ Heat Pumps Alternatively, it is possible to abandon the ground loop approach and drill boreholes, but these would need to go down to around 100 metres below the surface. That is a considerable and expensive civil engineering challenge – and totally impossible due to geological conditions in many places. Rather than embarking on such an expensive and potentially harmful exercise, the B&ES experts are urging contractors to first address the fundamental problems of transmission losses so the systems will perform more efficiently. The implications could become even more serious because the government has made district heating a cornerstone of its policy for reforming the way the country delivers heat. A similar level of transmission losses rolled out nationwide could be devastating for the economic case for such an approach.


GSHP is seeking to deliver coefficients of performance (CoP) in the UK of between 3 and 3.5, but you can achieve this much more easily and cheaply with ASHPs that deliver the heating load at the point of use without the risk of transmission losses. ASHPs are also much cheaper and easier to install – they can also be retrofitted to existing properties and to a wider range of buildings because they do not require so much space. Air source should not be seen as the perfect solution for every project, but they do represent a far lower risk for the user as there is no need for geological surveys and highly expensive ground works. However, we have found that this is not a popular message for many contractors who have invested in ground work expertise in anticipation of a growing market. Another common failure on GSHP installations in this country is with manifolds. Metal manifolds connected to plastic pipework by brass fittings regularly experience stress fractures because the connecting nuts are subject to almost constant condensation in ground conditions just above freezing. A high percentage of metal manifolds have now been replaced with plastic alternatives, but this is not a cheap or easy process.

Most of the GSHP systems used in the UK were originally supplied by manufacturers from continental Europe where they have not had the same level of failures. This is largely because we have attempted to adapt their systems to much more complicated projects. In the main, European projects supply a single building using a packaged system with all the components pre-installed and tested. Sweden and Germany seem to have GSHPs down to a fine art. A lot of UK firms have tried to adapt the same equipment to supply multiple buildings and have overcomplicated the design. A common finding of the B&ES team was that space heating capacity would disappear completely when the system was delivering domestic hot water (DHW) because the system was undersized and/or poorly controlled. A packaged approach keeps the installation simple, but even more importantly contractors should ‘modularise’ their designs. By breaking the whole system down into sub-systems it becomes easier to accurately calculate capacities and performance characteristics. The message of the importance of keeping things simple has also travelled across the Atlantic. Steve Kavanaugh, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering at the University of Alabama and author of ASHRAE’s guidance on GSHPs says manufacturers’ sales people have confused the process. Author of the ASHRAE guidebook on GSHPs, Professor Kavanaugh points out that early installations for commercial and institutional buildings mimicked simple residential designs, but this approach “was largely abandoned in preference for more complex systems”. Results from his field studies showed simple systems outperformed complex GSHPs by a wide margin in the US. “In complex systems you have a lot of pieces of equipment generating extra heat, which pulls a lot of energy. Sometimes you end up with COP of 2.2, which is rather low for something you have paid a lot of money for,” he said.

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Technical \ Heat Pumps


He added that it was easier to get Energy Star (the US energy efficiency certification scheme) ratings with the simple GSHPs. He also said that US field studies had revealed only one out of 14 systems with variable speed drives were working properly. “Many engineering companies are not training their junior engineers properly, which means that too much of the direction on equipment specification is coming from equipment vendors who would rather sell something more complex,” he added. If there is an information gap in our industry it is only natural that manufacturers will move in to plug that gap. That is their prerogative, but the engineering community has to be able to assimilate that information and shape it so they can deliver the right solution. That is not to say manufacturers’ information is not good, but it is technology specific and aimed at giving the contractor the cheapest solution to secure the projects whereas contractors require a project-wide overview.

At the end of the day, it is the end user who is left to pick up the bill and electricity suppliers are now getting wise to heat pump installations. They will check the starting current for the system so those without ‘soft start’ functions will be put on a much higher tariff. Starting currents can be between six and eight times higher than running currents in heat pump systems. Also, many manufacturers’ figures are based on the equipment’s full load performance and as soon as demand drops off the efficiency plummets. In one case our researchers found that pump efficiencies had dropped to just 11% in part-load conditions. We have to stand back and reassess what we are doing. The industry cannot continue to do the same things it has been doing for 20 years. This applies to gas boilers just as much as renewable technologies. In particular, we have to focus on how systems are integrating and how well they are being controlled – a single technology improvement will not deliver the performance goals required on

large projects. We have to split the system down into sub-systems and ensure each part is properly engineered and controlled. Ideally all projects would reference CIBSE Guidance TM51 and be designed to that level. However, clients don’t like spending money on design so D&B contractors are often put under pressure to either leave out this level of detailed design work or find a way of absorbing the cost. The best way is to take the modular approach, standardise it as much as possible so it can be used on repeat projects. At the moment, there is a lot of guessing going on. Using Degree Days to estimate annual performance figures for an installation can deliver a result as much as 40% away from operational reality. Can we really turn round to a client and say I estimate this will cost you £5,000 a year to run – give or take 30 or 40%? That is one hell of a performance gap. Not good enough – and with energy prices rising, not a recipe for a happy client. *David Frise is B&ES head of sustainability.

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Technical \ Ductwork

Radical ductwork specification launches new era It might seem strange to refer to a new ductwork specification as ‘radical’, but Bob Lane* believes we are seeing the dawn of a new era with the publication of the revised DW/144 (2013): Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork.

First published just over 50 years ago, this comprehensive reference work has long been recognised as the standard specification for the manufacture and installation of low, medium and high pressure/velocity sheet metal air systems. However, like most things, it needs to be refreshed from time to time and in the 16 years since the last version our industry has moved on apace. Therefore, everyone associated with it – primarily the members of the B&ES Ductwork Group – should be very proud that they have produced a publication fit for the modern era”. Past President of B&ES President Bruce Bisset said, during last year’s specialist groups’ AGM event in London, DW/144 is one of the most distinguished, authoritative and widely used of all the standards and good practice guides published by our association, but this new version takes us forward again. It is also very well timed because the industry is seeing a gradual return to prerecession levels of workload and we want market growth to be built on solid technical and commercial foundations.


By including provision for reducing the thickness of the sheet metal used in some sizes of rectangular ductwork, it addresses an issue that has been argued over long and hard. For years ductwork specialists have argued that some ductwork gauges were over-specified and, therefore, thicker than they needed to be. The new DW/144 puts that right and supports the new thinner gauges with in-depth test data and validation that provide the right level of reassurance to end clients and specifiers. Reducing the thickness of sheet metal in certain applications brings multiple environmental, cost and resource benefits to our industry and to our clients. The significance of this move will not be lost on the wider construction industry in the light of new research by the University of Cambridge, which has revealed that buildings contain double the amount of steel and concrete they actually need. The construction industry uses half of the 1.5 billion tonnes of steel produced every year for UK consumption, but according to the researchers, this could be reduced by more than half without any detrimental impact on safety. Although the research was primarily concerned with structural steelwork, its conclusions about reducing materials to minimise the carbon footprint of buildings and cut construction costs would equally apply to the steel used in ductwork.

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Technical \ Ductwork

As raw materials become increasingly rare and expensive engineers should not be looking to take the line of least resistance, which often means over-specification to be ‘on the safe side’. They should be thinking harder about the wider implications of decisions made at the design stage. Avoiding over-design could provide the same amount of built space with just 20% of the materials and, therefore, 20% of the carbon emissions, the Cambridge research concluded. The B&ES Ductwork Group technical committee has captured this new awareness by focusing on resource efficiency. Reducing steel gauges in certain types of ductwork will make our industry more competitive and more efficient and will cut the cost of manufacturing and transportation. The new DW/144 specification also brings our sector into the digital age by better reflecting modern working practices and aligning it with the emergence of Building

Information Modelling (BIM). Again the group should be congratulated for ensuring our most important reference work is fully in line with growing demand from the supply chain that project and product information is provided in digital formats. The 200-page document has also been aligned to all current British, European and international standards. It covers ductwork application, materials, classification and air leakage rates. It defines the technical information to be provided by system designers to ductwork contractors; and looks in detail at rectangular, circular, and flat oval ductwork.


The content has been expanded to give more detail on hangers and supports, smoke and fire dampers, external ductwork, internal duct linings, thermal insulation, air terminal units, connections to builders work, as well as re-affirming the importance of the provision of a clean, dry environment into which sheet metal ductwork should be installed. It also contains a large number of reference tables.

Special emphasis has been placed on the inclusion of access panels in ductwork installations to make it easier for systems to be properly cleaned and maintained in situ. Often access panels are left out to save upfront costs at the long-term expense of the end client. In other words, the new DW/144 has not shied away from any of the big issues the ductwork sector has to grapple with and represents a ‘brave new era’ for all of us. So, we are not ashamed to describe the revised DW/144 as ‘radical’ and we are delighted that our specialist ductwork members have had the courage to produce such a modern publication and at exactly the right time. *Bob Lane is chairman of the B&ES Ductwork Group.

DW/144 is available in hard copy for £80 (£40 for B&ES members) by contacting B&ES Publications Tel: 01768 860405; Email: b-espublications@welplan.co.uk or online at www.b-es.org.

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Technical \ Local Exhaust Ventilation

Helping to protect the workforce The HSE statistics show a staggering 12,000 preventable deaths occur annually from Occupational Respiratory Diseases, 130,000 people have breathing or lung problems caused by their work and the current estimate is 13,000 new cases per year. Jane Bastow reports.

Lung disorders may take many years to manifest themselves and are usually irreversible. Managers and workers are usually unaware of the dangers until it is too late. Many millions of pounds are spent annually on Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV), commonly referred to as Dust and Fume Extraction, which is one of the most common control measures employed to prevent exposure in the workplace. Often this money is not spent on providing effective systems. The LEV industry has traditionally concentrated on evaluating LEV systems against a set of standard airflows and velocities whilst typically ignoring the issue of effective capture of the contaminant by means of properly designed and positioned extraction hoods. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that often the manufacturers of production machinery that will generate fumes or dust in use fail to locate the extraction ports / duct connections in the most effective location or to size them appropriately, the LEV expert often has to modify the extraction outlets provided as standard, supplement or replace them.

Suppliers and users of LEV systems were largely oblivious to the fact that the purpose of the extraction system was not to move a set amount of air from A to B, but actually to capture the hazardous substance as close to source as possible. Consequently many millions of pounds are spent on LEV systems that achieve target airflows but fail to capture or adequately control the hazardous substance. Achieving effective LEV is not usually more expensive than ineffective LEV, it’s not a question of a higher budget being required, just appropriate design by a competent LEV specialist and detailed commissioning that is not simply a list of target and achieved velocities and air volumes but includes proving the effectiveness at controlling the dust or fumes, usually by some form of air sampling. To stimulate an improvement in the effectiveness of LEV systems and promote awareness of the issues the HSE began involving key stakeholders in the LEV industry in the ‘LEV Project’ in 2005. This HSE engagement with the LEV supply chain hoped to highlight deficiencies within the LEV industry and promote an industry wide improvement in LEV competency. The HSE’s aim was to ensure that LEV suppliers, employers and duty holders understood how to be sure that an LEV system is appropriate and effective and that the correct effectiveness checking, maintenance, training and ongoing testing procedures are adopted.

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Technical \ Local Exhaust Ventilation

Key stakeholders in the HSE LEV Project collaborated to develop the Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers in 2010, to bring about a significant improvement in the effectiveness of the equipment and services provided by the LEV Industry, to raise awareness and to provide a platform for competent LEV Engineers and service providers. ILEVE is Engineering Institute for individuals to develop their professional career and have their competencies assessed and rewarded. ILEVE is part of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). Most employers of ILEVE engineers are B&ES members who are also members of the B&ES LEV special interest group. There have been no previous criteria for competency in the LEV industry and those managers wishing to assess suppliers have had to rely on their own ‘gut feeling assessment’ or at best the proposer’s certificate from a short training course which takes no account of experience.

ILEVE members are assessed in five LEV related disciplines, Occupational Hygiene, LEV Design, LEV Installation Management, LEV Commissioning and LEV Thorough Examination & Testing. A pass in any category is only achieved with appropriate Experience, Technical knowledge, Qualification and Submitted evidence. After independent evaluation of the submitted portfolio of work examples and evidence of experience, qualifications and training an ILEVE Competency card is awarded together with a member grade and post nominal designatory letters. i.e. pass in 5 disciplines and a minimum of 5 years’ experience would be awarded Full Membership (MILEVE), with 3 years and 3 disciplines for Associate Member (AILEVE) and 1 year and 1 discipline for Licentiate Member (LILEVE) Each card is issued annually to ensure current knowledge and the individual must participate in the CIBSE ILEVE CPD scheme to maintain their status.

The key message to anyone responsible for purchasing LEV systems and services is: ‘Within your supplier assessment procedures please ask to see the supplier’s ILEVE Competency card as proof of their abilities in each LEV specialism for your project and insist that all personnel involved in LEV Design, Commissioning and Testing produce ILEVE Competency cards for that scope of work’ ILEVE is supported by the HSE, speaking ahead of the launch of the ILEVE in May 2011, Judith Hackett, Chair of the HSE, said: “The formation of ILEVE is the first step to achieving the goal of improved competence for the LEV industry.” ILEVE and the HSE continue to seek improvements in LEV effectiveness and the professionalism and competence of the LEV Industry. To maintain the positive dialogue with key LEV stakeholders that was developed during the HSE project the HSE have a representative on the ILEVE Steering Committee. For more information visit www.hse.gov.uk/lev/ileve.htm

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Technical \ Heating

A whole life approach to commercial heating systems Every day in the news we are faced with a different story about energy targets, government policies, funding and new legislations.

The 2020 EU climate change target, 2030 renewable energy target, energy act 2013, Carbon Reduction Commitment, Part L Building Regulations, and Energy Related Products Directive (ErP), to name but a few. Ultimately these initiatives are all working towards common goals – lowering energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions and encouraging the use of high efficiency or renewable technologies. The UK Government signed up to the 2008 Climate Change Act, making a commitment to cut Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% (from 1990 baseline) by 2050. During 2008-2012 the UK produced fewer emissions than allowed under its first carbon budget. Under the Act they are allowed to use these ‘surplus’ emissions on future carbon budgets. However in June this year the DECC decided not to do this after being advised by the Committee on Climate Change that it would effectively water down the target and threaten its ability to meet longer-term carbon goals. “In order to help the UK continue to achieve these targets and reduce carbon emissions we need to educate people to make informed decisions,” said Hamworth Heating’s sales and marketing director Keith Thompson (pictured). “With commercial sector buildings being responsible for 10% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, we need to take stock of what heating and hot water equipment is currently being used in the market and look at ways this can be improved.”

There is a large installed base of atmospheric boilers in the field that needs replacing. The use of atmospheric boilers is declining and the efficiency criteria set out in the Building Regulation Part L 2013 that came into force in April 2014 and ErP that will be fully enforced by the end of 2015 will effectively wipe out the use of atmospheric boilers, firstly in new build and then in existing buildings. Keith continued, “There is no getting away from the fact that more efficient products such as condensing boilers are going to cost more than atmospheric boilers – in both the capital and installation costs. This often sways the product choice towards atmospheric boilers. But that view is very short term, particularly as atmospheric boilers can be up to 20% less efficient.”

Short term cost vs long term value

No longer can we solely focus on the acquisition cost of a product, but instead need to review the economics over the lifetime. This means taking into account both the capital and operational costs of the system to truly realise what is the most efficient and economical solution for the application. The Government is fully backing this principle with their Government Soft Landings Framework and the introduction of PAS 1192-3, a new BIM specification that focuses on the information management requirements during the operational phase of assets. It recognises that operating and maintaining buildings can represent a large percentage of the

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Technical \ Heating Upgrading from atmospheric to condensing boilers, with a thorough site survey and objective review of the existing heating and hot water system, meant the number of boilers in this hotel plant room could be reduced from 16 seven, creating more space and reducing servicing and maintenance costs.

whole life costs and operational savings can pay back any upfront premium in construction expenses in just a few years. An EU Directive on Public Procurement is also due to come into force in the UK by 2016 that will see public sector organisations choosing the ‘most economically advantageous tender’. From the point of view of the contracting authority this shall be identified on the basis of the price or cost, using a costeffectiveness approach, such as life-cycle, and may include the best price-quality ratio. “The long term energy savings and financial rewards that can be reaped from upgrading to condensing boilers speak for themselves,” said Mr Thompson.

Reviewing the whole life costs

The following example compares an atmospheric boiler system with a condensing boiler system, in a building with heating available on demand continuously, 7 days a week, for a 39 week heating season. The costs have been based on a 25-year life and the operational and energy costs have included an inflationary rate of 2% (somewhat lower than recent energy inflation).

Energy costs (in particular gas) account for the highest proportion over the life of both products - typically 90-95%. • Over the life of the boiler plant you could see a 35% saving in gas consumption – £220,000 • Taking into account the initial outlay for condensing boilers, a saving of more than £200,000 can still be gained over the life of the boiler - an annual saving of approximately £8,000 • As a result of reducing the gas consumption there will be an associated reduction in carbon emissions – 35%. This is a saving of 915 Tons of CO2 • Newer condensing boilers can provide up to 80% reduction in NOx emissions, and are more likely to comply with the NOx level stipulated in ErP Sept 2015 (levels to be at less than 56 mg/kWhr).

Further improvements

With energy price inflation consistently far higher than consumer price index derived inflation rates (roughly at 7% for the last 5 years), the figures presented are conservative and can be expected to be much greater in reality over the product life. The example is a direct system comparison and hasn’t factored in any improvements to the system such as the use of multiple boiler controls and weather compensation, or

enhancements to the building itself. There is also the opportunity to integrate renewable energy products such as biomass boilers or combined heat and power plant. Looking beyond the gas boiler to the whole system and building could result in even more efficiency gains and reductions in energy use. “Although incentives for renewables and energy efficient products are plentiful at the moment, we at Hamworthy have always advocated that projects need to be financially viable in their own right,” said Mr Thompson. “Government grants and incentives should be seen as a bonus – not relied on to justify the business case. The example proves that real, substantial savings can be made without extra incentives. “The task we face as an industry is communicating these benefits to the end user and getting beyond the initial outlay costs to look at the long term. “Often in large organisations or leased buildings the capital expenditure comes out of a different budget to the gas bills. Getting the message across to the right people can be challenging but it is a challenge we should be taking on.” www.hamworthy-heating.com

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Technical \ Renewable Heat Incentive

RHI gives huge boost to biomass More than 5,000 wood heating installations have been accredited under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) as total installed capacity passed the 1GW capacity milestone in 2014.

There were also some significant changes made to the government-backed scheme last year, which gained the approval of the building engineering services sector including support for solar water heating raised to 10p per kWh. Figures from the Wood Heat Association (WHA) showed a rapid increase in wood heating system installations under the RHI, which was launched in 2011, with many businesses in the commercial, industrial and public sectors moving to take advantage of renewable heat generation. The Renewable Energy Association (REA) said its research showed that the UK wood heating industry sustains more than 13,000 jobs and accounted for more than 56% of investment in renewable heat generation between 2010 and 2012. There remain some challenges, primarily ensuring installers have all the necessary skills to keep pace with this rapidly growing market so quality do not suffer as the industry grows. REA chief executive Dr Nina Skorupska claimed that the future was looking brighter for renewable heat: “Thousands of UK businesses have realised the benefits of biomass for delivering reliable, low cost, low-carbon heating, and yet we’ve only just scratched the surface.” Backing calls for additional funding for RHI, Dr Skorupska said: “We want renewable technologies to be the go-to option for all buildings and industrial processes, which will make a huge dent in our greenhouse gas emissions and greatly reduce our dependence on imported gas. To secure

this, the Government must take the advice of the Committee on Climate Change and commit to sufficient funding for the RHI in the next spending round.” Between 2010 and 2012, more than £760m was invested in heat from bioenergy in the UK and renewable heat generation increased by 19% between 2012 and 2013. However, last year the UK produced just 2.8% of its energy for heating from renewables. Almost all renewable heat applications are now supported under the scheme, offering businesses greater choice than ever before on how to sustainably meet their heating needs. Local authorities and housing associations can also benefit from the expanded support for technologies that can feed district heating schemes, such as biomass, geothermal and energy from waste.

Key changes to the RHI made in 2014: Increased support for: • Large biomass heat projects • Deep geothermal heating • Ground source heat pumps • Solar heating New support for: • Air source heat pumps • Biomass combined heat and power (CHP) • On-site combustion of biogas from anaerobic digestion at all scales (previously limited to less than 200kW) • Waste-based heating projects using commercial and industrial waste as well as municipal solid waste

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Technical \ Service and Maintenance

New tools could revolutionise building maintenance Building owners will have to improve their understanding of building maintenance techniques or face serious cost and legal problems, according to Simon Carter*, chairman of the B&ES Service and Facilities Group.

If buildings are to remain fit for purpose and up to the challenge of tackling rising energy costs, their owners will have to take a closer interest in how building services systems are maintained. There is a big gap between how many buildings are designed and how they are operated, but the availability of more sophisticated service and maintenance techniques means we are now well equipped to narrow that gap and ensure buildings perform closer to how they were designed – if we are given the opportunity. 80% of the value of a building is realised during its operating lifetime, but the biggest effort to modernise and reform working practices is focused on the design and installation phases – just 10% of the value (the other 10% being at decommissioning). Clients need to be better educated about the value of their built assets during operation.


The modern FM company has a fantastic array of modern tools at its disposal to tackle energy efficiency and extend the operating life of equipment. We can also keep owners out of jail by ensuring they fully comply with legislation. However, too many companies fail to sell their expertise properly – preferring simply to compete on price rather than promote innovative maintenance techniques.

‘Non-invasive’ techniques like thermal imaging and vibration analysis could revolutionise the way buildings are serviced. These techniques, along with increased use of BMS intelligence, means maintenance programmes can be based on usage rather than frequency. This, in turn, allows the FM service provider to preempt equipment failures; save clients huge amounts of money and disruption; while also ensuring buildings perform more energy efficiently. The use of condition-based monitoring of building services systems is well understood, but not as widely used as it could be. As a result, clients miss out on the lower costs and reduction in down time for critical equipment delivered by a maintenance service that also does not disrupt their working patterns. With modern non-invasive monitoring there is no need to shut down parts of a building. Work can also be carried out during normal working hours, which also means the maintenance team can see how the building is really operating under load. It should also be standard practice to provide more system automation by using the sophisticated IT networks that are already installed in commercial buildings as a platform. Increased occupancy monitoring of local lighting and HVAC systems can be delivered this way.

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Technical \ Service and Maintenance In an attempt to extend the reach of best practice in building maintenance, B&ES has updated the industry’s building maintenance specification SFG20. This is being increasingly adopted by public sector end users, in particular, to establish strategic maintenance programmes for many building types including prisons, schools and commercial offices. It is now available as a dynamic online tool accessible via mobile devices. The SFG20 web service offers bespoke maintenance models for specific building types including schools, commercial offices, banks, airport terminals, prisons, hotels and large retail establishments. By customising the core task library, clients, consultants and contractors can ensure relevant statutory/regulatory compliance and prevent the costly over-maintaining of assets. Inclusion of RICS new rules of measurement completes the build, maintain, replace standard life-cycle costing model, and new criticality ratings enable clear prioritisation of maintenance tasks to streamline budget and project management.


The SFG20 ‘Customiser Compliance’ tool allows users to create a bespoke building maintenance task library, including adding new non-core tasks such as fabric maintenance, and printing bespoke booklets of applicable standards. It includes links to all relevant statutory/ legal obligations and references, together with regular updates to define compliant maintenance and an ‘asset criticality rating’ system which flags up – with a red warning – if a user is missing a maintenance task necessary for legal compliance. Providing this kind of support is important because many clients simply don’t know what they are buying when they acquire a building and have no idea of what is now possible in terms of improved performance and the enhancements the industry can provide. Regrettably, despite the upturn in the economy the main focus remains on the bottom line cost and not the long term gain. There are many ways for building owners and operators to reduce their carbon footprint and cut energy costs that are simply not being exploited.

Many building owners and operators remain unclear about the link between strategic planned maintenance and reducing running costs. The FM sector needs to do a better job in promoting this link and in updating clients’ knowledge. With energy prices still on an inexorable upward slope this will become a greater priority for finance departments and it is important to deliver the message that managing energy costs is not just about shopping around for the best tariff. Our industry has the tools to take a far more proactive and far sighted approach that also keeps clients on the right side of the law. *Simon Carter is chairman of the B&ES Service and Facilities Group (SFG) and Bid Manager for NG Bailey’s Facilities Services division.

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Heads in the Cloud B&ES head of sustainability David Frise explains how digital technologies are transforming the way contractors work.

The Internet of Things is all around us. From Harvard University’s ‘microbots’ modelled on termites and capable of building a brick wall without any human interference; to the man who helped to develop the iPod inventing his own intelligent room thermostat. Things that we might have considered to be science fiction just a few years ago are now fairly commonplace and some of the world’s most innovative technology companies are motivated by the opportunities in cutting greenhouse gas emissions. It might not seem that glamorous to the geeks in Silicon Valley, but the clever devices they are developing have huge potential to make buildings much easier to control and, therefore, energy efficient. The implications for traditional building services engineering are both exciting and alarming in equal measure.


Simultaneously our future is being shaped by the profit driven motives of the Amazons and Wal Marts – retail behemoths who continually peer over the horizon to find better ways of reaching customers. Google, Apple, Dyson and co are all becoming increasingly relevant to building engineers. The key question is how relevant will building engineers be to this new tech-driven world? Answer: Those who set about making themselves relevant by recognising what is no longer valuable about what they do and where their expertise is uniquely placed to add value. It is already possible to link millions of devices – including building thermostats – to the web and vastly improving access, control and the cost of upgrading and maintaining systems. Research by the McKinsey Global Institute showed that this increased level of connectivity will boost productivity to the tune of $33 trillion a year by 2015. The medical profession has embraced this wholeheartedly with heart monitors and


other life critical systems hooked into the web. They are moving rapidly towards a situation where the ‘physical’ doctor could be replaced by a Cloud-based one with access to unprecedented amounts of medical data and, therefore, far better placed to deliver an accurate diagnosis of a patient’s condition. If it is likely to be good enough for doctors – how much more for engineers? iPod pioneer Tony Fadell has already intervened in our market. He was amazed to discover that he could not control the temperature of his new home, and therefore his carbon footprint, from his mobile – so invented his own thermostat. This led to the foundation of Nest Labs, which was then bought by Google. His invention uses tiny sensors to monitor and learn about energy consumption in the home or office; it then shuts down systems that are not needed and starts them up again when they are. It is that simple and cheap because of the vast proliferation of web-based connectivity. It is something building services engineers have been talking about for years, but it takes the marriage of mechanical engineering and tech intelligence to deliver. It does, however, beg the question: Once the IT has the engineering data it needs, does it need the engineer? Of course, we will still need traditional technologies at the end of the delivery process – air conditioning and refrigeration systems are not going away – but how they are connected, controlled and manufactured is changing fast. 3D printing will revolutionise development and manufacturing. The speed and ease of prototyping plus the low cost production of replacement components will have a dramatic impact on the efficiency of our manufacturing sector. Design sketches can quickly be converted into physical prototypes for testing and visualisation.

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Digital Design \ Integration


3D printing will produce anything in plastic, ceramic and wood plus small metal objects. In other words, the components of many building engineering systems can now be produced this way. Increased use of insulation is driving up the energy efficiency of buildings so heating plant will continue to decrease in size in any case. 4D printing is not that far behind and allows systems to self-repair so changing the future for maintenance specialists. This is particularly relevant to pipework systems, which will have inbuilt properties allowing them to change shape to meet new design requirements. In short, our world is being digitalised. This is not about Building Information Modelling (BIM) – that is just a tool and a symptom of a more data rich environment with a need for better organisation of information. This is about the world that engineers working in BIM inhabit. Engineers will have to learn to interact with this digital environment and analyse the information it produces. The speed and flexibility of the web-based activities means we can continue to look for better solutions – we are not waiting for a technical

breakthrough – the availability of information and the connection to the product in use means we can be constantly tweaking to produce improvements. Self-learning control systems, like those produced by Nest Labs, mean air conditioning systems will automatically adjust to their occupants’ behaviour patterns as long as they have been commissioned and set up properly in the first place, which requires the input of expert engineering teams Building services engineers will be focused on the integration of the control systems with the installed technologies. For example, they will be needed to ensure the air conditioning system works well in tandem with phase change materials used in the fabric of the building that make it more responsive to changing outside temperatures. The availability of easily accessible performance data means engineers can monitor and tweak designs to ensure the systems work to their optimum. This ability to influence systems in operation has long been the Holy Grail of building engineering and offers the prospect of finally closing the yawning performance gap that leaves our

industry regularly embarrassed. It should allow us to make progress in the area of indoor air quality (IAQ), for example, as the systems will be constantly feeding back information about the state of filters; ductwork cleanliness and levels of diesel particulates and CO2. Detailed knowledge about the conditions and forewarning about possible problems will allow the engineers to respond in a more proactive way. It is a new look world, but not radically different in engineering terms. The truly significant differences are in access to information and the way installed systems respond to their environment. It is radically different in terms of how the supply chain is organised and in how information is shared. Our notoriously suspicious and legally confrontational industry will have to learn to be open with its information. This could, ultimately, have an impact on payment as everything will have to be disclosed about the project in the digital world and any reasons for withholding payment will be open to the ultimate scrutiny. That has to be a good and progressive development for contractors.

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Technical \ Ventilation Hygiene

Building owners waking up to risk in the air Building owners have recognised the health and safety risks posed by their water systems for decades, but the danger from poorly maintained ventilation has been more of a grey area…until now, says Richard Norman*.

Risk assessments for water systems have been standard practice for many years – largely thanks to the level of publicity surrounding outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease. The threat posed by inadequate water treatment of cooling systems and hot water supplies is now well understood and regularly addressed. Indoor air quality and the associated health and safety risks from poorly maintained ventilation has always been a more mysterious affair to the majority of building owners and operators. Out of sight out of mind – that’s to be expected, but even when the risks have been explained they have struggled to get to grips with strategies for protecting occupants. However, that is all set to change thanks to the comprehensive revision of the ventilation hygiene industry’s main source of technical guidance: TR/19 Guide to Good Practice – ‘Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems’, produced by B&ES Publications. Since it first appeared in 1998, TR/19 has been widely accepted within the building engineering services sector and by the UK insurance industry as the standard to which ventilation systems should be cleaned. It is now almost 10 years since this comprehensive guidance document was last revised, but it now provides the latest legal requirements for testing and cleaning of ventilation systems. This newly updated edition of TR/19 was developed to complement the new British and European Standard BS EN 15780:

‘Ventilation for Buildings – Ductwork – Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems’ introduced in 2011. It highlights the important role ventilation hygiene plays in maintaining healthy indoor conditions for building occupants. However, the revised B&ES guidance also explains best practice for ensuring that kitchen extract ventilation is maintained to minimise the fire risk associated with grease accumulation, which is not covered by BS EN 15780. The association felt it was important to cover this area as well because of the increasing awareness among building owners and their insurers of the role extract ventilation plays in fires. If there is a coating of grease inside the ductwork it will act as a highly efficient transmitter of heat and flames through the rest of the building – all it needs is an ignition source and kitchens have plenty of those.


Often a fire will start inside the ductwork simply because the temperature becomes high enough to ignite the grease and 90% of catering fires are exacerbated and intensified by ignition of grease deposits in grease extract ducting. As a result, many insurance providers will simply not cover commercial kitchens or, where insurance is provided, will include caveats in their policies that can lead to claims being rejected on the grounds that the building operator has failed to maintain the ventilation effectively – or, simply, can’t prove that they have maintenance strategies in place.

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Technical \ Ventilation Hygiene

B&ES Publications published the revised ‘TR/19 Guide to Good Practice - Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems’ last year.

Many insurers insist that, unless ventilation systems are cleaned to the standards set in TR/19, commercial kitchens are effectively uninsurable. B&ES member firms are also regularly called to testify as expert witnesses in cases where fires have broken out in kitchens and then spread along grease-laden ductwork to other parts of the building.

The updated version includes references to the new British and European Standard BS EN 15780 ‘Ventilation for Buildings – Ductwork – Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems’ which first came out in 2011. It now includes best practice for kitchen extraction systems maintenance to minimise fire risk which is common if grease accumulates.

Even if there is a good fire suppression system in the cooking area, the risk remains because a ventilation duct may run through several floors touching the structure of the building in a number of places. This creates a huge risk for spreading fire. In many cases, the heat build-up will be enough for part of the structure to catch fire, particularly if the ductwork is not insulated and is in close proximity to wooden supports or other flammable building materials.

“The internal cleanliness of ventilation systems is vital for human comfort and health, energy consumption, system service life and for cleanliness of operation or processes carried out in the ventilated area. As such, the guiding principle of this document is that a defined, measurable level of cleanliness should be achieved,” said then B&ES President, Bruce Bisset.

The updated TR/19 provides clarity about when and to what standard grease extract systems should be cleaned, and provides a detailed explanation of the frequency of cleaning required based on the type of cooking and the hours of kitchen usage.

The new TR/19

“The guide places a clear responsibility on the designers to ensure proper maintenance of building systems – crucial for the safe operation of occupied spaces – and to conform to workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations, in particular when compliance failure from inadequately cleaned systems can heighten the risk and spread of fire.”

This will also help building owners to meet their obligations under the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 and stay on the right side of fire officers who have the power to close down a building if they are not satisfied that the extract systems are safe. Every business which employs five or more people must carry out a fire risk assessment for the premises as a whole, and it is a legal requirement that the assessment includes both general and kitchen ventilation ductwork systems. In addition to a regular cleaning regime, TR/19 also offers guidance on the fitting of efficient filtration systems such as the new generation of high capacity filters capable of removing up to 94.6% of grease deposits. By virtually doubling the efficiency of a standard baffle filter the required cleaning frequencies – not to mention the associated costs – can be reduced by up to 50% as less grease gets into the ductwork in the first place.


Methods for reducing fire risk at the design stage are also included. For example, ends and turning vanes within ductwork are high risk because they will accumulate large

amounts of grease, so are they required? Attenuators and attenuator pods are also very difficult to clean even with good access. Also, is a 90 degree bend in the ductwork really necessary as that will create a place for grease to accumulate? Radius bends are much safer. The increasing use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the design of building engineering systems means there is a greater appetite for this kind of specific information because there is more pressure being applied to ensure a system can be designed with maintenance in mind, to minimise risks, but also to help facilities managers keep the whole building running efficiently. The failure of many buildings to operate as they were designed is a source of general concern across the industry and among property clients – prompted primarily by rising energy costs – but also because of the impact of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) on a building’s fitness for purpose. TR/19 now has an explicit link with another key piece of B&ES guidance: ‘Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork’ (DW144), which was also updated this year and provides detailed guidance on how ventilation ductwork should be specified and constructed. That document now also specifically references how ductwork system designers must take ease of maintenance into account. This is largely in response to historic problems of ventilation hygiene companies being unable to gain access to systems, or parts of systems, for cleaning because they were poorly designed. BSRIA’s commissioning guidance also makes this link to ensure systems are handed over in a condition that will allow them to be properly and safely maintained and, by creating this direct link between design and maintenance, B&ES is taking a huge step towards addressing the ‘performance gap’ that has left many building end users disappointed – and out of pocket. The research used to prepare the new TR/19 provided clear evidence of why ventilation needs to be cleaned and revealed the link between residual or impacted dust and microbial activity that contaminates indoor air with harmful microorganisms. This, clearly, is not good for occupants.

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Technical \ Ventilation Hygiene Historically, the TR/19 deposit thickness test (DTT) was used to measure the total accumulation of dust in ducts prior to cleaning and the vacuum test (VT) has been used to validate cleanliness after duct cleaning. However, BS EN 15780 introduced a new preferred vacuum test (PVT) to measure the total amount of dust deposited in a duct. Until now, practitioners using the older DTT testing method have been unable to verify whether they are compliant with the BS EN 15780 as neither the standard nor the TR/19 have provided a comparison of PVT values (measured in grams) and DTT values (measured in microns). The newly updated TR/19 guide has addressed this by including a reference table, which practitioners can use to determine whether a ventilation system needs to be cleaned, without undergoing a time-consuming laboratory analysis of the test filters.


Also, to determine if a system needs to be cleaned, without the need to wait for laboratory results, practitioners can use the DTT method to more easily check that they are compliant with the requirements of BS EN 15780. The internal cleanliness of ventilation systems is vital for human comfort, productivity and health –there is no more basic human right than having good quality air to breathe in your place of work or home. It also influences the overall energy consumption of building engineering systems and their length of operational life. Therefore, a defined, measurable level of cleanliness is essential and that is what the new TR/19 sets out to deliver. Building owners and their FMs can now have more confidence in the way they manage the safety of their ventilation system because, like water systems, there is now a procedure in place to carry out the required risk assessments and ensure their legal obligations are met.

*Richard Norman is chairman of the B&ES Ventilation Hygiene group and managing director of Indepth Hygiene.

Copies of TR19 Edition 2 (2013) and DW/144 Edition 2 (2013) can be purchased online at: www.b-espublications.co.uk

That is a huge shift and one that should provide a massive boost to the ventilation sector as a whole and the ventilation hygiene specialism, in particular. Not to mention the positive impact on end users’ experience of living and working in their buildings.

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Technical \ Indoor Air Quality / Ventilation

Children at risk from poor air quality The importance of good ventilation in classrooms has been recognised since Victorian times, but many of today’s schools fail to reach even basic levels of indoor air quality. B&ES has now launched a special interest group to study a number of the factors and work out what the industry can do to deliver better solutions.

The group will look to unite the construction supply chain so that Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is addressed as a fundamental part of the project process. “IAQ is very much in our sights,” said B&ES head of technical and safety Bob Towse. “We think this is as much about the way the supply chain functions as equipment selection. “There are plenty of good quality solutions around, but it is a wide and complex subject, which is poorly understood by contractors, consultants and clients alike. We will be seeking to raise the profile of this whole topic so that it becomes a clearly defined part of any building specification,” added Mr Towse.


This is increasingly important because evidence shows that two decades of heavy focus on making buildings more energy efficient may be responsible, at least partly, for a legacy of poor IAQ. The fact that the problem seems most acute in schools is giving rise to serious concern about the long-term health implications for children. There is even growing evidence of a link between outbreaks of winter flu and poor classroom IAQ. Air pollution causes up to 360,000 premature deaths per year in the EU, according to research from the European Commission’s Environment Committee. However, there is concern that this number could rise because of the drive to improve energy efficiency by sealing buildings. The Healthvent EU research project reported that almost two thirds of the burden of disease due to IAQ was from pollutants coming into the building. Pollution experts suggest this threat continues to grow because government policy is focused on reducing CO2 emissions and has led to the

promotion of diesel vehicles. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared diesel particulates as a Class 1 carcinogen. The increase in respiratory diseases linked to sealed buildings and condensation is becoming better understood, but the range of factors involved in measuring IAQ levels remains confusing – particularly for end users. For good health and productivity the rule of thumb suggests the temperature needs to be about 20-24degC with relative humidity (RH) between 40% and 60%. The ventilation system needs to dilute CO2 levels and replace oxygen. CIBSE guidance calls for an air change rate of between six and eight litres per second per person, but striking the right balance seems increasingly hard when most establishments are heavily focused on energy. Air tight building envelopes are effective at keeping out external pollutants, but the use of openable windows as part of passive or ‘natural’ ventilation strategies is a concern because of rising levels of harmful diesel particulates in urban areas. This is a particular problem for schools situated close to major roads. Also, while it is now common practice to monitor energy consumption, IAQ is all but ignored. This means there is a growing temptation among building operators to sacrifice ventilation in order to reduce energy use. The situation in schools is of particular concern because of the potential impact increased concentrations of harmful particulates on growing bodies and pupils’ ability to concentrate and, therefore, learn. A large body of research shows that poor air quality has a much more serious impact on ‘cognitive performance’ than high temperatures.

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Technical \ Indoor Air Quality / Ventilation

‘There are a lot of people turning off plant to save energy without thinking about the wider implications,’ said Peter Dyment, air quality consultant at Camfil Farr and a member of the B&ES Service and Facilities Group. ‘If you turn things off then you have to measure and monitor particulate levels in the air otherwise you will get people nodding off at their desks and becoming ill.’

impairment of concentration increases; 2,000-5,000 ppm leads to fatigue, headaches, increasing loss of concentration; and beyond 5,000 ppm we are into serious territory where lack of oxygen causes faintness so that tasks are ‘seriously affected’.

Mr Dyment believes ‘cost engineering’ has much to answer for. ‘People who should know better often don’t provide the right advice and simply look for an easy saving.’

SE Controls measured CO2 levels and temperature in 28 classrooms in six schools around England for between three and 20 months. This revealed that ‘excessively high’ CO2 concentrations of over 4,000ppm are not uncommon in classrooms where the principle ventilation is via manually operated windows.

Studies carried out by the University of Exeter show that CO2 levels exceeding 1,500 ppm (parts per million) can lead to a 5% reduction in ‘power of attention’ and further research from Denmark has shown there is an improvement in school performance when classroom ventilation is increased from around 3 litres per second per person to 8.5 litres (Wargocki & Wyon 2007).

‘IAQ tends to be better during the summer months when occupants are more likely to open vents for thermal comfort, compared to winter months. During November to December 2013, 85% of monitored manually ventilated classrooms failed to deliver average occupied CO2 concentrations of less than 1,500ppm,’ the SE Controls report said.

Restricting CO2 levels to between 400 and 1,000 ppm is considered optimal for learning. At between 1,200-2,000 ppm fatigue and

SE’s design manager Chris Iddon added that IAQ ‘doesn’t appear to be high up on the agenda of the education sector perhaps

Easy saving

because the effects of poor IAQ on health and performance are not well understood’. He also said there were no ‘drivers to incentivise the use of limited maintenance budgets on remediating IAQ problems’ along with a general reluctance to pay for the post occupancy evaluations needed to assess the seriousness of the issue. ‘Air flow rates for classrooms are actually quite large because these spaces are heavily occupied,’ added Mr Iddon. ‘The main practical challenge is to deliver these rates in a manner that does not impact on occupant discomfort by producing cold draughts during the heating season, for example. Just opening the windows may not always be an appropriate solution.’ Openable windows are an allowable ventilation solution under Part F of the Building Regulations despite the fact they are likely to remain firmly closed during the heating season. However, there are a growing number of consulting engineers who believe the best approach is mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) despite some highly publicised problems caused by installation mistakes.

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Technical \ Indoor Air Quality / Ventilation Mr Munson also pointed out that the people responsible for specifying the solutions are often under pressure to buy at the cheapest price. “IAQ needs to be part of the commissioning process, but that is often left out. If we could make it part of the handover then we would have a value at the outset that we could monitor during maintenance to show that our IAQ measures are working. It would also show the client why good ventilation is worth paying for.” Many planned maintenance programmes leave out regular checks on air handling unit performance and ductwork hygiene so are undermining efforts to keep particulate levels under control, according to Dyment, who also called for closer attention to be paid to the quality of air filters. “Standard G3 filters will not deliver the level of clean air quality required; the only thing available at the moment that also provides improvements at low energy are F7 filters.”


Lars Fabricius of SAV Systems believes MVHR is the most appropriate solution because it solves a number of practical problems specific to schools and can be set up to avoid wasteful continuous ventilation of spaces that are often empty or only partially occupied. “The common alternative, opening windows, offers no opportunity to recover heat from the outgoing air,” said Mr Fabricius. “School staff also tend to open windows in response to rising temperatures rather than ‘stuffiness’ caused by elevated CO2 levels. There are also issues of security, air pollution and noise ingress associated with opening windows.” He suggested MVHR units could be individually mounted in each space with direct connections to the outside through the wall or roof. “Such units are easily retrofitted to existing classrooms and can be configured to provide true demand controlled ventilation by modifying the ventilation rate in relation to the key IAQ parameters of CO2 concentration or relative humidity.” Control can also be arranged via PIR movement sensors, timers or through an interface with a BMS, according to Mr Fabricius, who also

recommends a combination of automatic bypass, fan speed differentials, night cooling and optional cooling modules to improve temperature control.


The success of this approach depends on the installation and commissioning process backed up by planned maintenance strategies. The new BS EN 15780 standard includes recommended inspection time periods for air systems so they are properly monitored and remedial action taken if air quality conditions are worsening. The newly revised Guide to Good Practice for ventilation system hygiene (TR/19) underpins the standard with practical guidance for contractors engaged in ventilation installation and maintenance. However, Kevin Munson, managing director of Ruskin Air Management, believes some project teams are building IAQ issues into buildings from the moment their project starts. “We need to impress upon specifiers and clients that IAQ considerations need to be part of the complete solution for the building,” he said. “If your envelope is not airtight you are building in problems.”

However, he warned that even good filters can be compromised if they inserted in side withdrawal mounting rails, which allow the air to bypass the filter. “Second stage filters are designed to remove smaller particles and they must be in properly engineered front withdrawal mountings to ensure they can be fully sealed to ensure air bypass does not compromise the design,” said Mr Dyment. On the plus side, sales of energy saving filters are growing by 20-30% per year because of the pressure on FMs to cut running costs. The user gets the added benefit that these products will also last two or three times as long as commodity filters. So the major elements that contribute to IAQ are understood and a large body of research work exists, but the complete picture is missing, according to James Griffiths, regional operational marketing manager for Flakt Woods. ‘Everyone is just talking about their part of the project and the products they are selling, but what we need is a Code of Practice covering design, construction, installation, through to commissioning and ongoing maintenance.’

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Technical \ Ventilation Case Study

Double your money with smoke ventilation Using smoke ventilation systems for natural ventilation has been highlighted as a key strategy for helping commercial sites adapt to climate change, explains Rob Davies*.

Many commercial buildings are obliged to install smoke ventilation systems to meet health and safety legislation. However, the industry has long argued for end users to extract greater benefit from these systems by also adapting them to provide low cost natural ventilation that improves indoor air quality, reduces the threat of overheating and cuts potential carbon emissions. In this way life safety smoke ventilation can also play an important role in the day-to-day operation of commercial facilities as well as being ready to respond in the event of a fire and an in-depth study for improving the resilience of frame and lightweight clad buildings has now added weight to that argument. The detailed climate adaptation study at a mixed used scheme in Ammanford, South Wales was project managed by consultants Kassanis+Thomas for the client Quadrant Estates and funded by the Technology Strategy Board. The purpose of the study was to investigate a range of strategies that could be used by different types of building to mitigate the increasingly extreme weather conditions caused by climate change.


The Betws Washery facility at Ammanford was seen as an ideal test case because it comprises a wide variety of facilities including a food store; petrol station; drive-through restaurant; retail terrace; starter units; doctor’s surgery; retirement complex; and a residential scheme. Weather trends based on climate change scenarios were derived from the University of Exeter’s PROMETHEUS ‘weather generator’. Emerging patterns are likely to be increased average temperatures throughout

the year; higher peak temperatures for part of the year; lower relative humidity during the summer; potentially less rainfall during the summer, but more in the winter; as well as increased frequency and intensity of storm events. The effect these weather trends would have on the food store, retail units and the external areas (valued together at around £15m) was then examined. This revealed that the site would become increasingly vulnerable to problems with thermal comfort and energy use; water management; and green infrastructure. The research team created a series of design models that assumed an overall increase in temperature throughout the year of between 2-3ºC by 2030 with exaggerated summer peak temperatures up to 7ºC higher than today’s by 2050. In theory this would mean the buildings required lower levels of heating in the winter, but higher levels of cooling in the summer to maintain comfort conditions. The design study showed that the current strategy for cooling would be unable to cope with the summer peaks to a point that some of the buildings could become unusable at certain times of year. It also revealed that the energy demand for additional cooling would outstrip the energy saved from the reduced winter heating bills – unless innovative solutions were considered. “There may come a point when, combined with rising energy prices, the overall energy bill threatens the viability of the retailer’s business,” the study said. It was important, therefore, to identify strategies for offsetting the most extreme

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Technical \ Ventilation Case Study climate conditions, but any adaptations of the existing buildings would have to be realistic in cost terms to maintain the viability of the retail premises, in particular. It quickly became apparent that the smoke ventilation system could play a significant role. Most major retailers are legally required to use smoke ventilators as part of their fire safety strategy as detailed in the Building Regulations. As a general rule, smoke ventilation will be employed to improve the buildings life safety and means of escape if a building is more than 2,000m2 in overall floor area or has a 45 metres escape distance. When a mezzanine floor is included the fire/ smoke scenario is even more problematic, with escape routes and safe travel distances impeded. It is, therefore, not unusual for food stores and retail units to already have smoke ventilation systems installed in the roof.


The equipment should be tested and CE certified to EN12101-2 for smoke ventilation, but also for a secondary purpose as a natural ventilation system. Good quality smoke ventilation products, such as the Certilam Natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilator (NSHEV) from Adexsi UK, can be adapted to respond to given climatic conditions including temperature, light levels, wind, rain, and CO2.

A comparatively simple addition to the control strategy will instruct the system to purge the occupied areas of warm stale air under certain conditions. One major benefit of this approach is that the end user gains natural ventilation at no additional energy penalty and only a small extra capital cost.

This adaptation was simulated in the project team’s climate model by setting the vents to open when the internal temperature reached 23°C with the aim of producing five air changes per hour. Other ways of delivering the same air change rate were possible, but none at such a low capital and energy cost, the study concluded. “Using the smoke vents for natural ventilation makes enough inroads into reducing overheating to warrant them having a role to play, especially as this can be achieved at a comparatively low cost,” the researchers concluded. Rising summer temperatures and more extreme winter weather events are increasingly regular features of the UK climate so more innovative strategies for dealing with buildings overheating and air quality are clearly going to be needed, as this study shows. As smoke ventilation systems are already a requirement for many facilities, it seems sensible to at least investigate their further use for this purpose before embarking on other potentially more costly solutions. *Rob Davies is Director of Adexsi UK.

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Technical \ Natural Ventilation

It’s only natural Two decades of heavy focus on making buildings more energy efficient have led to serious indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. David Fitzpatrick* urges specifiers to look for a natural solution.

Building professionals and UK regulators have been, quite rightly, concentrating on improving the energy efficiency of our buildings for over 20 years. Since it became apparent that our fossil fuel supplies were dwindling and carbon emissions rising, the emphasis in building design has been heavily weighted towards improving air tightness standards to reduce heat losses and the consequential energy waste. And they have made really good progress, but building occupants are paying a heavy price through falling standards of indoor air quality (IAQ). Improved energy standards under Part L of the Building Regulations have made UK buildings increasingly airtight, which means they need a consequently higher level of ventilation to safeguard the health of the occupants. While this is clearly stated in Part F of those same regulations, many buildings are falling short. Building research body BSRIA reports that 89% of the 10,000 air tightness tests it has carried out met standards set by Part L proving that building standards have risen to meet the energy challenge. However, it has also measured serious problems with the quality of many mechanical ventilation systems selected to compensate by delivering the necessary frequency of air changes.


As a result, it poses the question: ‘We are building right, but are we ventilating right?’ Or, put another way: ‘Are we suffocating occupants in order to reduce our energy bills?’

For good health and productivity the rule of thumb suggests the temperature within an occupied space needs to be about 20-24degC with relative humidity (RH) between 40% and 60%. The ventilation system needs to dilute CO2 levels and replace oxygen. CIBSE guidance calls for an air change rate of between six and eight litres per second per person, but striking the right balance seems increasingly hard when most establishments are heavily focused on energy savings. The increase in respiratory diseases linked to sealed buildings and condensation is becoming better understood, but the range of factors involved in measuring IAQ levels remains confusing – particularly for end users. There is growing concern that IAQ problems in schools, particularly, are creating health problems associated with children’s growing bodies. There is even evidence of a link between outbreaks of winter flu and poor classroom IAQ. A large body of research also shows that poor air quality has a much more serious impact on ‘cognitive performance’ than high temperatures. Restricting CO2 levels to between 400 and 1,000 parts per million (ppm) is considered optimal for learning. At between 1,2002,000 ppm fatigue and impairment of concentration increases; 2,000-5,000 ppm leads to fatigue, headaches, increasing loss of concentration; and beyond 5,000 ppm we are into serious territory where lack of oxygen can lead to fainting. Building ventilation systems should be able to meet the basic brief of reducing overheating and maintaining good IAQ all year round without increasing operating and capital costs – or driving up carbon emissions.

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Technical \ Natural Ventilation

Developments in the design of natural ventilation systems, in particular, mean it is very possible to significantly reduce lifecycle costs while actually improving the IAQ at very low levels of energy consumption. However, it does require some extra effort to design a natural ventilation solution and those charged with installing this kind of system must be properly trained to regard the ventilation as an integral part of the whole building. That effort will pay dividends because there is strong evidence that naturally ventilated buildings have lower levels of airborne contaminants. Architects are increasingly involved in the specification and design of ventilation systems because of the potential impact on the building’s aesthetics and, if you go down the natural route, the ventilation must be an inherent part of the overall building design.


Manufacturers need, therefore, to be capable of marrying the functional aspects of the ventilation with the architect’s

requirements for how the building should look. The functional and the aesthetic are not always good bed fellows, but at Ruskin Air Management we have proved, by working closely with architects, that a solution to suit everyone can be achieved. The secret is in ensuring you design the system as a complete package. In the past manufacturers tended to concentrate on designing and testing individual components such as external louvres, windows, and dampers to calculate ventilation rates and air flows within the building. However, you can only establish an accurate picture of how the system will perform if you test the products in combination. This means the specifier can be confident the system will work in situ.

Specifiers and building operators do not need to make a false choice here. It is perfectly possible to combine energy savings with a healthy building using natural ventilation, but a successful outcome depends on all members of the supply chain considering the ventilation from the outset and making it an intrinsic part of the overall building design. *David Fitzpatrick is sales director of Ruskin Air Management.

To back up this approach, we have developed a natural ventilation CPD presentation that is accredited by CIBSE and is increasingly popular with building services consultants and architects. It gives a good overview of the principles of natural ventilation and the features you need to deliver an effective solution for any particular project.

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Manufacturers & Suppliers A guide to companies involved in the production and distribution of heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment in the UK.




Manufacturers & Suppliers A guide to companies involved in heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment in the UK.

Going global

Cool running

CIBSE is growing the international influence of UK building engineering services.

FETA Chairman Mike Lawrence explains how dramatic changes to the air conditioning and refrigeration sectors affect us all.

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CIBSE \ Manufacturers & Suppliers

UK building services goes global The first ever ‘international’ President of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) believes there has never been a better time to work in the building engineering sector.

Peter Kinsella works and lives in Australia and is the first President of the Institution to be based outside of the UK and Ireland. During his inaugural address in London, he said the profession would grow in “stature and relevance” because of the “uncertainties of the future”. He said that a rapidly changing world would require “continual adaptation of the built environment to meet society’s future needs”, and stressed the vital role of building services engineers in delivering this on a global scale. He also urged the industry to address the “the elephant in the room”: the fact that most of the buildings that will be here in more than 40 years’ time have already been built. “We cannot wait until they are knocked down to make their replacements better… payback periods on energy efficiency measures [on existing buildings] are of course longer than on new build, but can still be very clearly justified.” The priorities for his term of office will be: • developing CIBSE’s influence worldwide; • promoting a more comprehensive feedback loop for the design and operation of buildings; • driving forward the benchmarking of energy use in buildings. “Buildings and their services play a very large part in a nation’s energy consumption and the resulting carbon emissions,” he said. “Buildings are responsible for approximately 40-45% of aggregate energy demand. Delivering significant cuts in this demand and balancing the economic and the environmental imperatives will require very careful management.” He used an example from his home country to illustrate how voluntary measures can drive change and raise the profile of the profession. The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) and The Green Building Council’s Green Star Rating Scheme have increased public engagement with energy efficiency across Australia.

The importance of engaging with the whole supply chain is also at the top of the CIBSE agenda and is being driven by the Institution’s supporters from the CIBSE Patrons – a group of over 80 organisations, including B&ES, who provide financial and practical support for CIBSE’ activities, particularly in the area of education and the recruitment of young engineers into the industry. CIBSE Patrons has been in operation for 35 years, which is a “huge amount of financial and professional support to the business of raising the profile of our sector and increasing interest in careers in building services engineering”, according to current chairman David Fitzpatrick. How our sector tackles its skills shortages and continues to compete for the very best people is the main thrust of the Patrons work in 2015. “The demographic of our industry is changing and we must see more women, more young people and more people from different ethnic backgrounds being attracted to the profession,” said Mr Fitzpatrick. “Their familiarity with digital technology and lack of fear of IT means many young people are being drawn to the building services industry.” The dual appeal of the climate change agenda and the use of cutting edge software makes a career in our sector more attractive than ever, according to CIBSE. Our industry also offers a continuity of employment that few others can. In fact, building services engineering has a better retention rate than all professions outside healthcare. “We have much to be optimistic about as the lengthy recession slips further into our collective memory, but equally there is a huge amount to play for and CIBSE Patrons are uniquely placed at the heart of our industry’s future planning,” said Mr Fitzpatrick.

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A ActionAir

South Street, Whitstable, Kent CT5 3DU Tel: 01227 276100 Fax: 01227 264262 Email: sales@actionair.co.uk Website: www.actionair.co.uk Ruskin Air Management is a market leader in air distribution and fire and smoke control. It combines Actionair; Air Diffusion; and Naco and boasts 520 years combined sales experience. The companies work together to provide complete hvac solutions for the built environment. The group operates out of two modern production centres in the UK. One is at Bridgnorth in Shropshire where Air Diffusion grille and diffuser products are designed and assembled together with Naco metal and glass louvre ranges. The other is in Whitstable, Kent where Actionair fire and smoke control dampers and fan coils are fabricated. Actionair has been producing fire, smoke and air control products, including a full range of dampers and fan coil units, for almost 40 years.

Airflow Design Services Ltd

Unit 8, Colne Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 232360 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: info@airflowdesignservices.co.uk Website: www.airflowdesignservices.co.uk Airflow Design Services offer a full turnkey solution for all your ventilation requirements, from the design and scoping stage through to installation and commissioning. With over 25 years of in house experience within the ventilation industry, airflow design services have the knowledge and experience to tailor our designs to suit your requirements. Please find below a list of the services offered by Airflow within the commercial arena: • Ductwork and ventilation system design • Bespoke manufacturing • Ductwork filtration systems • Ductwork heating and cooling systems • Insulation and acoustics • Supply, delivery and installation • Kitchen extract systems • Ductwork cleaning • System maintenance.

Air Diffusion

Stourbridge Road, Bridgnorth Shropshire WV15 5BB Tel: 01746 761921 Fax: 01746 760127 Email: sales@air-diffusion.co.uk Website: www.air-diffusion.co.uk

Aquatech Pressmain Limited

Ruskin Air Management is a market leader in air distribution and fire and smoke control. It combines Actionair; Air Diffusion; and Naco and boasts 520 years combined sales experience. The companies work together to provide complete hvac solutions for the built environment. The group operates out of two modern production centres in the UK. One is at Bridgnorth in Shropshire where Air Diffusion grille and diffuser products are designed and assembled together with Naco metal and glass louvre ranges. The other is in Whitstable, Kent where Actionair fire and smoke control dampers and fan coils are fabricated. Air Diffusion began manufacturing grilles and diffusers in 1972 and is now recognised as one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of air distribution products.


AGM House, London Road, Copford Colchester, Essex CO7 0JZ Tel: 01206 215121 Fax: 01206 215131 Email: info@aquatechpressmain.co.uk Website: www.aquatechpressmain.co.uk Aquatech Pressmain is a leading specialist manufacturer of packaged pumping equipment for Building Services and Process Industries. Products include; water pressure boosted sets, fire fighting pumps, heating and chilled system pressurisation units, storage tanks, waste water pumps and rain water products. Registered by BSI to BS EN ISO9001, for product design, manufacture and assembly, Aquatech Pressmain has total commitment to quality and customer service through a highly skilled and dedicated workforce.


Fens Pool Avenue, Brierley Hill West Midlands DY5 1QA Tel: 01384 489700 Fax: 01384 89707 Email: ambiradsales@nordyne.com Website: www.ambirad.co.uk

Air Vent Technology Ltd

Unit 1, Regents Court Walworth Industrial Estate, Andover Hampshire SP10 5NX Tel: 01264 356415 Email: sales@airventtechnology.co.uk Website: www.airventtechnology.co.uk Manufacturer of a comprehensive range of low energy products with EC motors including heat recovery, air handling, supply and extract units together with associated controls and accessories.

Leading European manufacturer of gasfired radiant heaters, warm-air systems and air curtains. AmbiRad develops and manufactures high quality, environmentally friendly, energy and cost-efficient heating systems.

As part of Aquatronic Group Management plc, Aquatech Pressmain has a secure and diverse base from which it can draw on expertise and experience to fulfil its customers needs.

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Beehive Coils Ltd

Blygold UK Ltd

Studlands Park Avenue Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7AU Tel: +44 (0)1638 664134 Fax: +44 (0)1638 561542 Email: info@beehivecoils.co.uk Website: www.beehivecoils.co.uk

Olympic House, 63 Wallingford Road Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2RW Tel: 01895 259346 Fax: 01895 259356 Email: unitedkingdom@blygold.com Website: www.Blygold.com

Manufacturers of all types of CO2, evaporator, condenser, water or steam coils. Design assistance & fast lead times for bespoke or bulk supply. Brilliant. British. Beehive.

Blygold apply anti-corrosion Energy Saving coatings to chillers, AHUs, Air-Conditioning, Heat Pumps. The coatings can be applied to new units or existing units on site.

Circulating Pumps Limited

21 Tuesday Market Place Kinds Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1JW Tel: 01558 815 005 Fax: 01553 815 058 Email: sales@circulatingpumps.co.uk Website: www.circulatingpumps.co.uk Circulating Pumps Limited is a leading manufacturer of domestic circulating pumps and has over forty years experience of providing cost effective pumping solutions to domestic heating installers.

DAB Pumps Limited

Units 4&5, Stortford Hall Industrial Park Dunmow Road, Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 5GZ Tel: +44(0) 1279 652776 Fax: +44(0) 1279 657727 Email: salesuk@dwtgroup.com Website: www.dabpumps.co.uk DAB Pumps, global manufacturer of water pumps and pumping equipment. 37 Years experience supplying pump solutions to all building services applications including heating and chilled water circulation and cold water boosting.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation

Biddle Air Systems Limited

10 Highdown Road Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1XT Tel: 01926 463 540 Fax: 01926 463 541 Email: steve.c@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Website: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

St. Mary’s Road, Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 5AU Tel: 024 76 384233 Fax: 024 76 373621 Email: sales@biddle-air.co.uk Website: www.biddle-air.co.uk

Leading UK manufacturer of HVAC products. Range includes fan convectors, fan coils, unit heaters, radiant panels and air curtains for commercial, retail and industrial applications.

Market leading specialist in kitchen Extract canopy’s and ventilation systems, Including odour control (ultra violet) filtration. Full design, supply, installation service with maintenance options available.

Coldrooms and Coldstores

Colsec Ltd

Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate Kidderminster Rd, Droitwich Worcestershire WR9 0NX Tel: 01905 795070 Email: sales@colsec.co.uk Website: www.colsec.co.uk All new Spares & Repairs website: www.coldroomspares.co.uk Colsec Ltd, established for over 40 years, are specialists in the construction of temperature controlled environments and insulated structures.


47 Central Avenue West Molesey Surrey KT8 2QZ Tel: 02087 830033 Fax: 02087 830140 Email: diffusion@etenv.co.uk Website: www.diffusion-group.com

c Constant Air Systems Ltd

Bitzer UK Limited

Advantage One, Third Avenue Denbigh West, Bletchley Milton Keynes, MK1 1DR Tel: +44 (0) 1908 642966 Fax: +44 (0) 1908 644330 Website: www.bitzeruk.com Manufacturer of compressors, condensers and refrigeration condensing units.

Casaire Limited

CAS House, Hillbottom Road Sands Industrial Estate High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 4HJ Contact: kevin.knight@casaire.co.uk Mbl: 07970 851218 Contact: James.Clayton@casaire.co.uk Mbl: 07970 851219 Fax: 01494 469549 Website: www.casaire.co.uk Specialists in the design, supply, installation and commissioning of high velocity induction heating, ventilation and cooling systems for industrial and commercial applications.


CAS House, Hillbottom Road Sands Industrial Estate, High Wycombe Bucks HP12 4HJ Tel: 01494 469529 Fax: 01494 469549 Email: admin@constantair.co.uk Website: www.constantair.co.uk CAS are one of the UK Market leaders providing offsite fully fitted out Prefabricated Weatherfproof plantrooms and skids for the Building Services Industry.

With over 50 years in the H&V industry Diffusion is one of the oldest most established manufactures of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning products in the UK. Over many years Diffusion has been involved with many challenging and prestigious projects across a spectrum of sectors including hotels, commercial offices, retail, schools, hospitals, residential and so on. Whether you are looking for fan coil units, air handling units for an office block, or over door heaters for a retail outlet, Diffusion Heating & Cooling has the experience and range of products to offer a creative, dependable solution to satisfy your requirements.

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Docherty Group

Docherty Group Head Office, Units 15/16 Colthrop Business Park, Colthrop Lane Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4NB Tel: 01635 292 400 Email: info@docherty.co.uk Website: www.docherty.co.uk Specialist distributor of flues, chimneys and renewable appliances. • HETAS Training Centre • Commercial Chimney Installation • Biomass Specialists • Exodraft Technical Centre

Elta Fans Ltd - Building Services 46 Third Avenue, Pensnett Trading Estate Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7US Tel: +44 (0) 1384 275800 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 275810 Email: bs@eltafans.co.uk Website: www.eltafans.com Elta Fans specialise in the design, development and manufacture of ventilation equipment for a wide range of building applications and other specialist markets.

ESG Pool Ventilation Ltd 25 Burrel Road, St Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 3LE Tel: 01480 492140 Fax: 01480 492026 Email: enquiries@esgpv.co.uk Website: www.esgpv.co.uk

Leading pool ventilation specialist. ESG provide the complete package from start to finish. Design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of energy saving pool ventilation systems.

Fläkt Woods Ltd

Axial Way, Colchester, Essex CO4 5ZD Tel: 01206 222 555 Email: uk.sales@flaktwoods.com Website: www.flaktwoods.co.uk Fläkt Woods Limited is a leading global supplier of Air-Technology based solutions for Buildings, focusing on Air Comfort & Fire Safety.

Flowcrete UK Ltd

The Flooring Technology Centre Booth Lane, Sandbach Cheshire CW11 3QF Tel: 01270 753 000 Fax: 01270 753 333 Email: uk@flowcrete.com Website: www.flowcrete.co.uk

ESPA Pumps (UK) Ltd

15-16 Riverside Avenue West Lawford, Manningtree Essex CO11 1UN Tel: 01206 391291 Fax: 01206 391239 Email: boosters@espa.co.uk Website: www.espa-pumps.co.uk ESPA are one of the leading manufactures of booster/ pressurisation sets and bespoke packaged pump systems with break tanks etc.

Delivering economic, environmental and efficiency savings up to 30%, Isowarm Underfloor Heating is a pioneering system geared up to the specialist needs of today’s construction environment.

Foam Techniques Ltd

39 Booth Drive Park Farm South, Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 6GR Tel: (0)1933 400096 Fax: (0)1933 400095 Email: nblythe@foamtechniques.co.uk Website: www.foamtechniques.co.uk Leading manufacturer of acoustic and thermal insulation. Products may be purchased in sheets/rolls or as cut parts to your design and supplied in kits.


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Manufacturers & Suppliers

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FETA \ Manufacturers & Suppliers

Cool running FETA Chairman Mike Lawrence explains how manufacturers right across the sector have been impacted by major changes in the approach to cooling.

The businesses within FETA are usually regarded as staid and not subject to many technological changes. This may have been true for prolonged periods in the past, but is emphatically wrong today. Three of our associations (HEVAC, HPA and BRA) have been heavily affected by developments in the cooling area with a fourth – BCIA – also affected, but to a lesser extent. In the 1980s, the usual arrangement of refrigerating plant, used in different ways by members of all four associations, changed. Commercial systems changed. For quite a long time previously the standard arrangement had been to use many relatively small single compressors each dealing with relatively small loads.


In BRA’s case, it was 1 to 3 display cabinets; and for the other associations it was similar small loads. This changed to using packs consisting of a number of larger compressors in parallel feeding a multitude of loads; the number of compressors running at any one time depended on the load. As an alternative, used mainly by members of the other three associations, modulation was provided by inverters controlling the speed of a single compressor. At the same time electronic controls were replacing mechanical control. This level of innovation challenged the industry. In general, the industry acquitted itself well in rising to the change in system architecture and meeting electronic control challenges.

Soon after these moves, the industry was presented with another challenge. The refrigerants, which had been in use since the 1930s, were found to be damaging the ozone layer. (A result of this ozone layer damage was an increase in skin cancer.) The refrigerants that we had been using (CFCs and then HCFCs) were phased out and then banned. The replacements, developed at considerable cost, were HFCs. HFCs did not damage the ozone layer. Changing refrigerants was a challenge: in particular, there were problems with the oils used in the lubrication system. At the same time as this phase-out was occurring, new types of compressor were gaining traction in the marketplace. These were scroll compressors. As these were particularly sensitive to oil difficulties, their arrival exacerbated the refrigerant change difficulties. Nevertheless, the whole situation was overcome and is now a fairly distant memory. Now in 2015 we are another problem – the HFC refrigerants that replaced the CFC/ HCFC refrigerants 15 to 20 years ago are now being phased down. The reason for the phase-down is that the chemicals add to global warming when/ if released. We are having to work on ways to continue to provide cooling without the good refrigerants that we have relied on in the past. Until now all of this has had a limited impact on two of our associations – ADCAS and BFCMA. However, other changes have had, and will continue to have, major impacts on them. These are the continuing revisions to the Building Regulations – mainly Part L – and the various clean air ventilation requirements, building tightness specifications, and fire resistant duct work issues.

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Frese Limited

Guntner UK Ltd

605 Merlin Park, Ringtail Road Burscough, Lancashire L40 8JY Tel: 01704 896012 Fax: 01704 894019 Email: info@frese.co.uk Website: www.frese.so.uk Manufacturer and supplier of pressure independent flow and temperature control valves, heat interface units and associated equipment for hydronic heating, cooling and hot water systems.


Manufacturers of coolers, evaporators, dry coolers, condensers and plate heat exchangers.

H Gilberts (Blackpool) Ltd

Hamworthy Heating Ltd

Clifton Rd, Blackpool Lancashire FY4 4QT Tel: 01253 766911 Fax: 01253 767941 Email: sales@gilbertsblackpool.com Website: www.gilbertsblackpool.com Leading designer and manufacturer of air distribution products including grilles, diffusers and external louvres as well as natural ventilation solutions in wind driven, stack or mixed mode formats.

Fleets Corner, Poole Dorset BH17 0HH Tel: 0845 450 2865 Fax: 01202 662550 Email: sales@hamworthy-heating.com Website: www.hamworthy-heating.com Leading British commercial boiler manufacturer. We supply energy efficient commercial heating, hot water and renewable solutions for new build and refurbishment projects.


Hubbard Products Ltd


Tel: 01942 889555 Fax: 01942 889777 Email: sales@grada.co.uk Manufacturers of engineered air distribution products. Our vast range includes High Induction Swirl diffusers, slot diffusers & linear bar grilles. Clean room: laminar flow panels, wall panels and all accessories to complete a full clean room. Stainless Steel grilles including antiligature grilles, Brass grilles. VAV, Natural Ventilation Systems. External louvre systems from singular - triple bank.


Coliseum Business Centre Riverside Way, Camberley Surrey GU15 3YL Tel: 0844 22 50 600 Fax: 0844 33 50 601 Email: info@guntner.co.uk Website: www.guntner.co.uk

Hillview Church Road Otley Ipswich Suffolk IP6 9NP Tel: 01473 890 522 Email: enq@hubbard.co.uk Website: www.hubbard.co.uk

Award winning U.K. leaders in the design and manufacture of energy-efficient commercial refrigeration and heat recovery systems, Hubbard Products offer bespoke and stock solutions.


PO BOX 1399, Southampton Hampshire SO18 9AA Tel: 02380443127 Fax: 08701670346 Email: info@hygromatik.co.uk Website: www.hygromatik.com HygroMatik is a leading manufacturer and installer of humidification solutions to the HVAC sector, exporting world-wide. Providing and installing isothermal and adiabatic humidifiers.

Dravo Division Johnson and Starley

Rhosili Road Brackmills Industrial Estate Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 7LZ Tel: 01604 707022 Fax: 01604 706467 Email: dravo@johnsonandstarley.co.uk Website: www.dravo.co.uk

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Dravo offer an extensive range of highly efficient industrial and commercial heating equipment along with being renowned specialists for High Velocity Nozzle Distribution Systems.

FETA \ Manufacturers & Suppliers Training

One area in which we are all interested and worried by the present situation is the quality of training for people to enter our professions. There is a chicken and egg situation here. The number of training places available are too few; and the number of people coming forward to traintoo low. There is also a belief that the training syllabuses are inappropriate leading to the” trained” lacking critical knowledge. If we do not solve this, our whole sector will have problems which will result in a lack of usability of much of the equipment that makes modern life possible. Working together and sharing the overheads of having one central administration and technical staff at FETA is clearly beneficial to our members. There are so many regulations, directives and changes coming at us that the viability of even our bigger members to employ the number of staff needed to keep up with them has to be doubted. As FETA, we are deeply embedded into other European and Global organisations so we can see the direction of travel in regulations and have our say in trying to make new regulations beneficial and workable.

Feta The Federation of Environmental Associations (FETA) is a federation of associations involved in the business of supplying hardware and systems that make buildings comfortable and work. The interests of our members are in the fields of: - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HEVAC) - Controls for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (BCIA) - Heat Pumps (HPA) - Ducting for Heated/Cooled and/or Fresh Air (ADCAS) - Flues, Chimneys and Biomass (BFCMA) - Refrigeration (BRA)

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Mitsubishi Electric

Living Environmental Systems Travellers Lane, Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 8XB Tel: 01707 282880 Email: air.conditioning@meuk.mee.com Website: www.livingenvironmentalsystems. mitsubishielectric.co.uk Buildings account for around half of all UK greenhouse emissions, and legislation demands higher standards of air quality and increased energy efficiency. To reduce the impact of the built environment the challenge is to find cooling, heating and ventilation solutions that match efficiency with design and control flexibility.


Stourbridge Rd, Bridgnorth Shropshire WV15 5BB Tel: 01746 761921 Fax: 01746 766450 Email: sales@naco.co.uk Website: www.naco.co.uk

Ruskin Air Management is a market leader in air distribution and fire and smoke control. It combines Actionair; Air Diffusion; and Naco and boasts 520 years combined sales experience. The companies work together to provide complete hvac solutions for the built environment.

Mitsubishi Electric provides pioneering solutions that cool, heat and ventilate our buildings in some of the most energy efficient ways possible.

The group operates out of two modern production centres in the UK. One is at Bridgnorth in Shropshire where Air Diffusion grille and diffuser products are designed and assembled together with Naco metal and glass louvre ranges. The other is in Whitstable, Kent where Actionair fire and smoke control dampers and fan coils are fabricated.

We aim to help individuals and businesses reduce both energy consumption and running costs. Whatever the requirement we offer a solution that matches the needs to almost any building.

Naco produces glass louvres, standard metal louvres, natural air ventilators and sunscreens / brise soleil. It has been manufacturing since the early 60s offering the full design, draw, supply and install service.


Precolor Tank Division

Newport Road, Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 2AA Tel: 01630 657281 Fax: 01630 655545 Email: enquiries@precolortankdivision.co.uk Website: www.precolortankdivision.co.uk The UK’s leading specialist in WRAS Approved GRP Cold Water Storage Tanks and Chemical Storage Tanks. We enjoy a reputation for quality which is second to none, and are considered market leaders in our industry.


Park Farm Road Folkestone, Kent CT19 5DR Tel: 01303 259141 Fax: 01303 850002 Email: reznorsales@nordyne.com Website: www.reznor.co.uk Reznor specialises in the design and production of bespoke direct gas-fired warm air unit heaters, warm air heating systems and air induction systems.

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Ruskin Air Management Stourbridge Road, Bridgnorth Shropshire WV15 5BB Website: www.ruskinuk.co.uk

S & P UK Ventilation Systems

Ruskin Air Management is a market leader in air distribution and fire and smoke control. It combines Actionair; Air Diffusion; and Naco and boasts 520 years combined sales experience. The companies work together to provide complete hvac solutions for the built environment. The group operates out of two modern production centres in the UK. One is at Bridgnorth in Shropshire where Air Diffusion grille and diffuser products are designed and assembled together with Naco metal and glass louvre ranges. The other is in Whitstable, Kent where Actionair fire and smoke control dampers and fan coils are fabricated.

S & P House Wentworth Road, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9SW Tel: 0845 4700074 Fax: 0845 4700075 Email: sales.uk@solerpalau.com Website: www.solerandpalau.co.uk

S&P is a global manufacturer of fans and air movement products for all industrial, commercial and residential applications. We supply all products through a comprehensive network of H&V distributors.

Systemair Fans & Spares Ltd 72 Cheston Road, Birmingham B7 5EJ Tel: 0121 322 0200 Fax: 0121 322 0201 Web: www.systemair.co.uk


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1 Cranmore Drive, Shirley Solihull, West Midlands B90 4RZ Tel: 0208 451 3344 Email: salessupport@spirotech.co.uk Website: www.spirotech.co.uk Spirotech is the global leader and manufacturer in providing a turnkey “Total Solutions” approach for the conditioning of both Heating and Cooling system fluids, to include Pressurisation, Dirt, Air, Chemical and water sampling analysis to the commercial market. Spirotech is not only Europe’s largest manufacturer of Air & Dirt Separators but also produces a further range of products ideally suited to meet the needs of the commercial marketplace. Its product range includes: pressurisation systems (SpiroPress) dirt and air separation (SpiroVent and SpiroTrap); deaeration (SpiroVent Superior vacuum degasser); combined deaeration and dirt separation (SpiroCombi); hydraulic deaeration and dirt separation (SpiroCross); a range of flushing agents and additives (SpiroPlus) and its innovative aftersales package, SpiroCare - providing customers with a total system solution.

United Technologies House Guildford Road, Leatherhead Surrey KT22 9UT Tel: 01372 220240 Fax: 01372 220241 Email: marketing.uk@toshiba-ac.com Website: www.toshiba-aircon.co.uk Toshiba continues to deliver the highest standards of quality, innovation and market leading products, as well as first class customer service.

The Cavendish Centre Winnall Close, Winchester Hampshire SO23 0LB Tel: +44 (0) 1962 840465 Email: kbristow@airsysco.com Website: www.trioniaq-emea.com Providing Clean, Comfortable and Safe Indoor Air Quality Solutions. Since 1947, Trion has provided quality products for the commercial, industrial, and residential markets, which are engineered specifically to provide a clean, safe, and comfortable indoor air environment. Trion has developed a level of technical expertise that allows us to create innovative products and cost effective solutions to serve our customers’ air cleaning problems worldwide.


Today, Trion IAQ is a division of Air System Components, Inc. A leading global manufacturer of air distribution and ventilation solutions.

The Grille Shop

2 Flightway, Dunkeswell Devon EX14 4RD Tel: 01404 891539 Fax: 01404 891485 Email: sales@thegrilleshop.co.uk Website: www.thegrilleshop.co.uk

Trios Compliance

Suppliers of grilles, diffusers, heavy duty floor grilles. Agents for range of Brofer equipment including swirls and dampers. Call or visit our website for a competitive quote.

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015



Toshiba Air Conditioning


Fleming Way, Crawley West Sussex RH10 9YX Tel: 0844 856 0590 Fax: (0)1293 565169 Email: sales@vent-axia.com Website: www.vent-axia.com

Unit Products Ltd t/a Unitair 2 Mount Road, Hampton Road west Hanworth, Middlesex TW13 6AR Tel: 0208 755 4216 Fax: 0208 898 4711 Email: enquiries@unitproducts.co.uk Website: www.unitproducts.co.uk

Air handling equipment manufacturer, established in1980. Client base includes London Underground, National Air Traffic Services, Severn Trent Water. All units are bespoke construction.

V Vent Vision Ltd

Units 59 & 60, Gravelly Industrial Park Birmingham, West Midlands B24 8TQ Tel: 0121 327 6020 Fax: 0121 327 6025 Email: sales@ventvision.com Website: www.ventvision.com

For 75 years, Vent-Axia has set the ventilation standard. A dynamic British Manufacturer Vent-Axia is the sector’s clear leader, chief innovator and forerunner in energy-saving, lo-carbon products. Providing the sector’s largest, comprehensive choice from any single manufacturer, Vent-Axia’s range covers not just air movement, air handling and ventilation technologies but heat recovery, electric heating, cooling and clean-air systems for residential, commercial, public sector and industrial applications. A trusted brand Vent-Axia holds the Royal Warrant and is renowned for its commitment to high quality, innovation and excellence. From volume development to landmark project, Vent-Axia’s solutions provide reliability and ‘fit-for-purpose’ performance.


Vent Vision is one of the UK’s leading distributors of Heating, Ventilation and Heat Recovery products. The Company was formed in 1999 and from its launch to the present time the Company has continued to strive for excellence within its market sector. With the Head Office based in Birmingham and having a network of Nationwide Branches, and as part of a continued target expansion, Vent Vision is committed to providing quality products and the ability to offer an even greater range of services. The Company pride’s itself on having a unique awareness of its customers needs and a vision that allows it to go that extra mile and think outside the box above and beyond its competitors, offering “on time, right first time” to specification at competitive prices.

Wilo UK Limited

Centrum 100, Second Avenue Burton upon Trent Staffordshire DE14 2WJ Tel: 01283 523000 Fax: 01283 523099 Email: sales@wilo.co.uk Website: www.wilo.co.uk Since 1872, we at Wilo have been turning visionary ideas into intelligent solutions that regularly set new standards in the industry. The goal of our company founder, Louis Oplander was to use his copper and brass goods factory to improve and facilitate the supply of water and heat to people. He did this with great success: in 1978 he designed the world’s first circulation accelerator and revolutionised the field of heating technology. Since then, our company history has been marked again and again by pioneering innovations such as the world’s first high efficiency pump for heating, air conditioning and cooling.

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B&ES Contacts Contact details for all the Association’s UK locations, its affiliates and for members of the Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance.




B&ES Offices Contact details for all B&ES’s UK locations.

B&ES Affiliates B&ES Affiliate status allows organisations that are not eligible for membership to enjoy a close relationship with the Association.

Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance Administered by B&ES.

143 B&ES Members Geographically + Members’ Index A region-by-region directory giving full details of all Association members.

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B&ES Offices Head Office

Esca House, 34 Palace Court London W2 4JG Tel: 020 7313 4900 Fax: 020 7727 9268 Email: contact@b-es.org

B&ES Publications

Old Mansion House, Eamont Bridge Penrith, Cumbria CA10 2BX Tel: 01768 860400 Fax: 01768 860401 Email: b-espublications@welplan.co.uk

B&ES Scotland

NationalExecutive Officer B&ES Scotland and B&ES Northern Ireland: Bob Dyer Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0SD Tel: 0131 445 5580 Mob: 07860 794734 Email: bob.dyer@b-es.org

B&ES Cymru / Wales

National Executive Officer, B&ES and SEC Group Wales/Cymru: Andrew Marchant Garden House, Tyle House Close, Llanmaes, Vale of Glamorgan CF61 2XZ Tel: 01446 790159 Mob: 07795 394499 Email: andrew.marchant@b-es.org


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B&ES Contacts \ Offices

B&ES Regional Offices

South Midlands regional branch Branch Secretary: Rob Hughes 5 Willsmer Close, Broughton Astley, Leicester LE9 6UL Mob: 07967 794547 Email: rob.hughes@b-es.org

Kent, London and South East

Regional Manager: Tim Acland Lambden Barn, Lambden Road, Pluckley, Nr Ashford, Kent TN27 0RB Tel: 01233 840531 Mob: 07762 240440 Email: tim.acland@b-es.org

Eastern Counties and East Midlands Regional Manager: Mike Malina Pinewoods, Drift Road, Lakenheath IP27 9JL Tel: 0115 8883080 Mob: 07720 418711 Email: mike.malina@b-es.org

North East, North West and Yorkshire

Regional Manager: Neil Ashford 18 Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 6EA Tel: 01535 661567 Mob: 07795 010061 Email: neil.ashford@b-es.org

Hertfordshire regional branch

Wessex and the Channel Islands regional branches Assistant Regional Manager: Nina Gardner 2 The Avenue, Cobham, Surrey GU24 8RU Mob: 07768 782132 Fax: 01276 855693 Email: nina.gardner@b-es.org

South West, West Midlands and West of England

Surrey and Sussex regional branches Branch Secretary: Tony Godby 2 Hitch Hurst, Stane Street, Ockley, Surrey RH5 5TH Tel: 01306 627619 Mob: 07770 454520 Email: tony.godby@hotmail.co.uk

Branch Secretary: Fred Perryman 10 Millfield, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 3BH Tel: 01442 875419 Fax: 01442 875419 Email: perrymanfs@gmail.com

Regional Manager: Martin Prince Flat 5 Links Court, 2 Moorland Road, Weston Super Mare, Somerset BS23 4HN Tel: 01934 420139 Mob: 07712 397723 Email: martin.prince@b-es.org

B&ES Specialist Groups BEST

Chief Operating Officer: Steve Leighton The Priory Stomp Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire SL1 7LW Tel: 01628 607800 Fax: 01628 607801 Email: steveleighton@best-ltd.co.uk

Piper Assessments

Acting Chief Executive / Centre Manager: Dave Shepherd Unit 36-37 Church Road, Business Centre Church Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3RS Tel: 01795 410055 Fax: 01628 607801 Email: steveleighton@best-ltd.co.uk

SummitSkills Ltd

Chief Executive: Nigel Hollett Esca House, 34 Palace Court London W2 4HY Tel: 020 7313 4890 Email: nigel.hollettl@summitskills.org.uk

Welplan Ltd

Chief Executive: Bruce Kirton Old Mansion House, Eamont Bridge, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 2BX Tel: 01768 860400 Email: b.kirton@welplan.co.uk

SEC Group

Chief Executive: Professor Rudi Klein Executive Secretary: Sarah Greatorex PA / Administrator: Carol Cooper ESCA House, 34 Palace Court, London W2 4HY Tel: (Rudi Klien) 020 7313 4923 Email: rudi.klien@secgroup.co.uk Tel: (Sarah Greatorex) 020 7313 4819 Email: sarah.greatorex@eca.co.uk Tel: (Carol Cooper) 020 7313 4920 Email: carol.cooper@secgroup.co.uk

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B&ES Affiliates


Mail order suppliers of gas and plumbing fixtures & fitting Unit 3, Junction Six Industrial Park, Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham B6 7JA Tel: 0121 322 6400 Fax: 0121 322 6440 Email: kellymcgregor@bes.ltd.uk Web: www.bes.co.uk Contact: Kelly McGregor

Compliance Air & Water Ltd

Consultants within the industry Freehold House, 7 Freehold Road, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4AL Tel: 0116 267 2232 Email: pdowning@complianceairandwater.com Web: www.complianceairandwater.com Contact: Paul Downing

Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd

B&ES Affiliate status allows organisations that are not eligible for membership to enjoy a close relationship with the Association. Affiliate applications are vetted by the B&ES Membership Committee and are required to adhere to the Association’s Code of Fair Trading and other codes of conduct.

The package of benefits available to B&ES Affiliates comprises: • Access to the Association’s regional, regional branch, specialist group and group branch network, in order to arrange promotions, presentations, seminars and other activities; • Complimentary copies of selected publications, including The B&ES Book; • Attendance at B&ES training and management courses at member rates; • Use of the prestigious B&ES Affiliate logo. For details of the Affiliate application process, contact Jim Gould, Membership & Affiliate Development Adviser on: Email: jim.gould@b-es.org Tel: 01636 678081


Manufacturers/distributors of high quality, high efficiency A/C & ventilation systems for all kinds of applications The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0NY Tel: 0845 641 9100 Fax: 0845 641 9109 Email: wrightg@daikin.co.uk Web: www.daikin.co.uk Contact: Graham Wright

Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd AEME

National specialists in ductwork cleaning training 2 Flightway Business Park, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RD Tel: 01404 890888 Email: training@aeme.co.uk Web: www.aeme.co.uk/ductwork-cleaning-products Contact: Peter Reid

Allcool London Ltd

Manufacturers of airconditioning coils Unit 4 Rippleside Commercial Estate, Ripple Road, Barking, Essex IG11 0RJ Tel: 020 8593 5333 Mob: 07714 262885 Fax: 020 8593 3222 Email: sales@allcool.co.uk Web: www.allcool.co.uk Contact: Steven Hodge

Balmoral Tanks Ltd

Manufacturers of tank & environmental products Balmoral Park, Loirston, Aberdeen AB12 3GY Tel: 01224 859068 Fax: 01224 859059 Email: group@balmoral.co.uk Web: www.balmoral-group.com Contact: Alan Archibald

Baxi Commercial

Manufacturers/distributors of water heaters etc Wood Lane, Erdington, Birmingham B24 9QP Tel: 08450 701055 Fax: 08706 001516 Email: jeff.house@baxicommercialdivision.com Contact: Jeff House

Manufacturers/distributors of high quality, high efficiency A/C & ventilation systems for all kinds of applications 17b Cobra Court, Blackmore Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M32 0QY Tel: 0845 641 9340 Fax: 0845 641 9349 Web: www.daikin.co.uk Contact: Liam Mahr

EES Estimating & Engineering Services Ltd

Multi-disciplined Estimating Co that provides tendering solutions for nationwide contractors Unit 20 South Suffolk Bus’s Centre, Alexandra Rd, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2ZX Tel: 01787 881702 Fax: 01787 881704 Email: j.oconnor@ees-eng.co.uk Web: www.ees-eng.co.uk Contact: John O’Connor


Manufacturers of advertising signs/ identification products 177 Lower High Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1TG Tel: 01384 378436 Fax: 01384 392542 Email: martin.southall@dsi.pipex.com Web: www.eguk.com Contact: Martin Southall

Gas Contract Services Ltd

Consultancy and inspection service to our industry sector Suite 2, Taunton House, Waterside Court, Neptune Way, Rochester, Kent ME2 4NZ Tel: 01634 295515 Web: www.gas-contract-services.co.uk/about.php Contact: Geoff Golding

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B&ES Contacts \ Affiliates Grada UK Ltd

Manufacturer/supplier of ventilation equipment Unit C3 (4) Centre Court, Moss I E, St Helens Road, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3PT Tel: 01942 676259 Fax:01942 676477 Email: ian@grada.co.uk Web: www.grada.co.uk Contact: Ian Clifford

Gripple Ltd

Suppliers of suspension and fastening systems The Old West Gun Works, Saville Street East, Sheffield S4 7UQ Tel: 0114 275 2255 Fax: 0114 275 1155 Email: k.haldenby@gripple.com Web: www.gripple.com Contact: Katie Haldenby

Hamworthy Heating Ltd

John Laing Integrated Services Ltd

Redring Xpelair Products Ltd

Kane International Ltd

Rinnai UK Ltd

Project investment management consultants 1 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AN Tel: 0207 901 3200 Fax: 0207 901 3520 Email: martin.jameson@laing.com Contact: Martin Jameson

Design/manufacturing portable test and measurement equipment Kane House, Swallowfield, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JG Tel: 01707 375550 Fax: 01707 393277 Email: chris.collins@kane.co.uk Web: www.kane.co.uk Contact: Chris Collins

Kingspan Insulation Ltd

Design/manufacture innovative htg equipment Fleets Corner, Poole, Dorset BH17 0HH Tel: 0845 450 2865 Email: keith.thompson@hamworthy-heating.com Web: www.hamworthy-heating.co.uk Contact: Keith Thompson

Manufacturers of insulated materials Pembridge, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9LA Tel: 01544 388601 Fax: 01544 388888 Email: justin.davies@kingspan.com Web: www.insulation.kingspan.com Contact: Justin Davies

Hasman Technology Ltd

Lindab Ltd

Ductwork cleaning consultancy service 1 West View, Sidbury, Devon EC10 0RE Tel: 03330 121626 Email: craig.booth@hasman.co.uk Contact: Craig Booth

Spiral ductwork manufacturers 10 Woodall Road, Redburn Industrial Estate, Enfield, Middx EN3 4LE Tel: 07801 926265 Email: margi.kent@lindab.co.uk Web: www.lindab.co.uk Contact: Margi Kent

Heating Save

Manufacture control system for boilers Hail Weston House, Hail Weston, St Neots, Cambs PE19 5JY Tel: 01480 215530 Email: nsmith@tensor.co.uk Web: www.heatingsave.co.uk Contact: Nigel Smith

Mr Plant Hire plc

Plant & tool hire/training 120 Hertford Road, Enfield, Middx EN3 5AX Tel: 020 8351 3434 Fax: 020 8351 3636 Email: david.elsdon@mrplanthire.co.uk Web: www.mrplanthire.co.uk Contact: David Elsdon

Hilti (GB) Ltd

Manufacturers & maintenance of power tools 1 Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1BY Tel: 0161 886 1000 Fax: 0161 872 1240 Email: gbsales@hilti.com Web: www.hilti.com Contact: Eddie Mills

Nationwide Platforms Ltd

Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management

Manufacturer of fittings and valves St Catherines Avenue, Doncaster DN4 8DF Tel: 0113 270 1104 Fax: 0113 270 5644 Email: phill.jackson@pegleryorkshire.co.uk Web: www.yorkshirefittings.co.uk Contact: Phil Jackson

Trade association for companies/personnel who operate in the health industry 2 Abingdon House, Cumberland Business Centre, Portsmouth, Hants PO5 1DS Tel: 02392 823186 Fax: 02392 815927 Email: chris.parker@iheem.org.uk Contact: Chris Parker

ITT Lowara UK Ltd

Develop/mfg/distribute pumps/systems for water tech Millway Rise Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon EX13 5HU Tel: 01297 630200 Fax: 01297 630270 Email: lowaraukenquiries@xyleminc.com Web: www.lowara.co.uk Contact: Gary Wilde

Access equipment to the industry and others 15 Midland Court, Central Park, Lutterworth, Leicester LE17 4PN Tel: 01455 558874 Fax: 01455 559569 Email: gillian.ricketts@nationwideplatforms.co.uk Contact: Gillian Ricketts

Pegler Yorkshire Group Ltd


Training & assessment centre – NVQ’s for the building sector Grd Flr, Thorens Hse, Beck Ct, Cardiff Bus’ns Pk, Cardiff CF23 8RP Tel: 02920 549774 Email: joseph.lloyd@qtstraining.co.uk Web: www.qtstraining.co.uk Contact: Joseph Lloyd

Manufacturers of electric domestic appliances Morley Way, Peterborough PE2 9JJ Tel: 01733 456789 Fax: 01733 310606 Email: noel.murray@redringxpelair.com Web: www.redringxpelair.com Contact: Noel Murray

Manufacturers/Distributors of gas appliances 9 Christleton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1ST Tel: 01928 531879 Email: chrisgoggin@rinnaiuk.com Web: www.rinnai.com Contact: Chris Goggin

Saint-Gobain Isover

Design/production/distribution of materials for the construction, industrial and consumer markets Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 3DP Tel: 01928 796180 Fax: 01928 796180 Email: michael.hunter@saint-gobain.com Web: www.isover.co.uk Contact: Michael Hunter

Sentinel Performance & Solutions Ltd

Provide & produce products which help with restoring & maintaining energy-primarily chemicals for central heating etc The Heath Business & Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4QX Tel: 01928 588330 Fax: 01928 588368 Email: chris.shelton@sentinel-solutions.net Contact: Chris Shelton

Smedegaard Pumps Ltd

Pump manufacturers 10 Beech Business Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4FF Tel: 01278 458686 Fax: 01278 452454 Web: www.smedegaard.com Contact: Chris Barrett

S & P UK Ventilation Systems Ltd Suppliers of specialist fan and air moving products S & P House, Wentworth Rd, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9SW Tel: 0845 4700074 Fax: 0845 4700075 Email: ahowie@solerpalau.com Web: www.solerandpalau.co.uk Contact: Alasdair Howie

Tata Steel – Tubes

Tracer Management Systems Ltd

Computer software/service based workforce and vehicle tracking Redhill Road, Hay Mill, Birmingham B25 8EY Tel: 0121 250 1027 Fax: 0121 250 1026 Email: richardp@tracersystems.co.uk Web: www.tracersystems.co.uk Contact: Richard Pryce

Ventam Systems Ltd

Manufacturers of gas safety interlocking/gas proving systems Unit D4, Seedbed Bus’s Centre, Vanguard Way, Shoeburyness SS3 9QY Tel: 01702 382307 Fax: 01702 382340 Email: sales@ventamsystems.co.uk Web: www.ventamsystems.co.uk Contact: Laurence Burke

Vokera Ltd

Manufacturers of boilers and heating products Promo Dept. Unit 7 Riverside Industrial Estate, London Colney, Herts AL2 1HG Tel: 0844 391 0999 Fax: 0844 391 0998 Email: marketing@vokera.co.uk Web: www.vokera.co.uk Contact: Eleanor Fox

West Wise Manufacturing Ltd

Mfgs of ductwork, spiral fittings, Grilles, domestic and industrial fans etc Hawthorne House, Darklake View, Estover, Plymouth, Devon PL6 7TL Tel: 01752 695557 Fax: 01752 695558 Email: mike@westwise.co.uk Web: www.westwise.co.uk Contact: Michael Potter

WHT Ltd (Water Hygiene Training Ltd)

Specialist training company Hereford House, Mitre Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RY Tel: 01626 337237 Email: simon.french@whtlimited.com Web: www.whtlimited.com Contact: Simon French

Wilo (UK) Ltd

Suppliers of building service pumps Centrum 100, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire DE14 2WJ Tel: 01283 523000 Fax: 01283 523099 Email: gary.manus@wilo.co.uk Web: www.wilo.co.uk Contact: Gary Manus

Manufacturer of steel tubes to a wide cross-industry sector P O Box 101, Weldon Road, Corby, Northampton NN17 5UA Tel: 01536 402121 Email: chris.owen@tatasteel.com Web: tatasteeleurope.com Contact: Dr Chris Owen

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Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance administered by B&ES The Building Services Engineering Employment Agency Alliance was founded in 2008 in order to promote best practice in recruitment to the industry. It was created by the Association and a select group of specialist agencies in order to give confidence to contractors and service providers that stringent recruitment practices are in place to ensure that suitably qualified and competent personnel are supplied to the industry. In order to become an approved Agency Alliance member, an agency must adhere to the Alliance’s Key Commitments and there is a rigorous independent initial audit process followed by an annual review of compliance. The Alliance is an elite group of specialist agencies supplying and exceeding the expectations of building services engineering contractors. www.agencyalliance.org.uk


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B&ES Contacts \ Agency Alliance 1ST STEP SOLUTIONS LTD




West Hill House, West Hill Dartford, Kent DA1 2EU Contact: Matthew Jones Tel: 0844 576 3800 Email: info@1ststepsolutions.co.uk Web: www.1ststepsolutions.co.uk Branches: Dartford, Chelmsford, Nottingham

1 Crown Court, Cheapside London EC2V 6LR Contact: Tony Shipley Tel: 020 7826 4400 Email: tony.shipley@bmsgroupltd.co.uk Web: www.bmsgroupltd.co.uk Branches: Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Eastbourne, Fareham, Hartlepool, Leicester, London, Lincolnshire, Livingstone, Manchester, Middlesbrough

CSS RECRUITMENT & TRAINING LTD CSS House, 10-12 Manor Street Braintree, Essex CM7 3HP Contact: Linda Miller Tel: 01376 330700 Email: linda@csspeople.co.uk Web: www.csspeople.co.uk Branches: Essex, London, Manchester, Kings Lynn, Thetford

DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING RECRUITMENT LTD Elm Court, Southend Road Wickford, Essex SS11 8DU Contact: Paul Hoffman Tel: 01268 570570 Email: paul@dcer.co.uk Web: www.dcer.co.uk Branches: Wickford (Essex)

8 Commercial Road Dereham, Norfolk NR19 1AE Contact: Kathy Mitchell Tel: 01362 656156 Email: kmitchell@jark.co.uk Web: www.jark.co.uk/construction Branches: Nationwide

4th Floor, Roberts House, Manchester Road Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4PL Contact: Matt Geary Tel: 0161 929 3860 Email: mgeary@meridianbs.co.uk Web: www.meridianbs.co.uk Branches: Nationwide


Arundel House, 42-46 Arundel Street Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 1RT Contact: Darren Burnett Tel: 0845 070 3883 Email: darren.burnett@theonsitegroup.co.uk Web: www.theonsitegroup.co.uk Branches: Portsmouth, Sutton, London, Leeds, Birmingham, Edinburgh


3rd floor, Atherton House 88-92 Talbot Road, Old Trafford Manchester M16 0GF Contact: Dominic Marston Tel: 0161 772 7220 Email: dominic.marston@rullion.co.uk Web: www.rullionbuild.co.uk Branches: Birmingham, Brighton, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Altrincham, Manchester, Newcastle


Unit 1, Canterbury Court, Kennington Park 1-3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE Contact: Mike Power Tel: 020 3617 5960 Email: mike.power@vital-resource.com Web: www.vital-resource.com Branches: Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, London, Manchester, Newcastle


Unit 5, Kingsway Business Park Oldfield Road, Hampton TW12 2HD Contact: Antony Weir Tel: 020 8783 9222 Email: antonyweir@optimasitesolutions.com Web: www.optimasitesolutions.com Branches: Hampton, London City, Watford

PHOENIX RESOURCING SERVICES LTD 1 Alie Street, Suite 309-310 London E1 8DE Contact: Mark Evans Tel: 020 7553 5660 Email: mbe@prsjobs.com Web: www.prsjobs.com Branches: London and regional offices, with national coverage

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B&ES Members Geographically





B&ES Members: East Midlands

B&ES Members: Eastern Counties

B&ES Members: London

B&ES Members: North East





B&ES Members: North West

B&ES Members: Northern Ireland

B&ES Members: Scotland

B&ES Members: South East





B&ES Members: South West

B&ES Members: Wales

B&ES Members: West Midlands

B&ES Members: Yorkshire

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


East Midlands If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

a A T Services Ltd

61 The Whittley Estate, Cambridge Road, Whetstone, Leicestershire LE8 6LH Tel: 0116 286 9804 Fax: 0116 286 9811 Email: atservices@webleicester.co.uk Web: www.atserviceslimited.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 Specialist Group: HAPS

ACS Group Maintenance

Concept Park, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire NN12 7YD Tel: 01327 810511 Fax: 01327 810529 Email: marc.knibbs@airsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABINOSV Specialist Group: SFG

ACS Renewable Solutions

Concept Park, Watling Strreet, Towcester, Northamptonshire NN12 7YD Tel: 01327 810513 Fax: 01327 810515 Email: marc@airconsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHINOV Contracted Out: CDEFZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Ailsen Ltd

Finch Close, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2NN Tel: 0115 986 9686 Fax: 0115 986 1430 Email: mail@ailsen.ltd.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABGHIJMRSZ Contracted Out: CDEFLNOTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Ability Ltd

44 Westley Grange, West Avenue, Wigston, Leicestershire LE18 2FB Tel: 0116 288 4333 Fax: 0116 288 1444 Email: info@airability.co.uk Web: www.airability.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGMOS


East Midlands Region Regional Manager: Mike Malina Pinewoods House, Drift Road, Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9JL Tel: 01158 883080 Email: mike.malina@b-es.org

Air Conditioning & Chiller Co Ltd

26 Paddock Close, High Oakham, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5AS Tel: 01623 658580 Fax: 01623 659506 Email: g.marshall@airconditioning-chiller.co.uk Web: www.airconditioning-chiller.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Conditioning Solutions (UK) Ltd Concept Park, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire NN12 7YD Tel: 01327 810510 Fax: 01327 811529 Email: dave@airconsolutions.co.uk Web: www.airconsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABIMNOSV Specialist Group: RACHP


Chestnut House, Alconbury Hill, Alconbury, Weston, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 4JG Tel: 01480 890011 Fax: 01480 890707 Email: enquiries@aircover.co.uk Web: www.aircover.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ACDEFIKSTVW Contracted Out: BN Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ambivent Facilities Management Ltd

1 Moulton Court, Anglia Way, Moulton Park, Northamptonshire NN3 6JA Tel: 01604 645788 Fax: 01604 673763 Email: steve.dudson@ambivent.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCEFGILMNPRS Contracted Out: DJKOQTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Ambivent Group

1 Moulton Court, Anglia Way, Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6JA Tel: 01604 645788 Fax: 01604 491178 Email: sales@ambivent.co.uk Web: www.ambivent.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABCGILMNPRS Contracted Out: DEFJKOQTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Andrew Engineering Ltd 1a Foxwood Way, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9RA Tel: 0845 126 7873 Fax: 0845 126 7874 Email: sales@andrew-eng.co.uk Web: www.andrew-eng.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABCEFIN Contracted Out: GLTU Specialist Group: RACHP

APPM Contracts Ltd

305 Ashby Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE65 3LH Tel: 01530 612000 Fax: 01530 612001 Email: appmcontracts@btconnect.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGHJLMNSZ Contracted Out: IKOPQRTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Arcade UK Ltd

Arcade House, Kym Road, Bicton Industrial Estate, Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire PE28 0LW Tel: 01480 861111 Fax: 01480 860033 Email: mikewest@arcade-uk.ltd.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCEGIJKMNPRSVX Contracted Out: TUWZ

Arthur Pollard Ltd

38 Churchill Way, Fleckney, Leicester LE8 8UD Tel: 0116 240 3728 Fax: 0116 240 3950 Email: davepollard@arthurpollard.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

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B&ES Members \ East Midlands Atmosphere Air Conditioning Ltd The Old Chapel, Chapel Street, Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire NN14 3DA Tel: 01832 734308 Fax: 01832 735246 Email: info@atmosphereaircon.com Web: www.atmosphereaircon.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CDEFJKTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Crown Deepclean Ltd

CK Direct (Peterborough) Ltd

Unit 9, Botolph Trading Estate, Oundle Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE2 9QP Tel: 01733 569444 Fax: 01733 569433 Email: tony@ckdirect.co.uk Web: www.ckdirect.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CEFIMST Contracted Out: ABDGHNOPQRV Specialist Group: DWG


Clean Air Group

Batecool Refrigeration Ltd

Technology House, 5 Newton Close, Drayton Fields, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 5RR Tel: 01327 301383 Fax: 01327 301384 Email: info@cleanair.co.uk Web: www.cleanair.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGMNS Specialist Group: RACHP

22 Hillside, Findern, Derby, Derbyshire DE65 6AZ Tel: 0800 358 0537 Fax: 01283 704 249 Email: info@batecool.co.uk Web: www.batecool.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCDEFGIJMNPSTU Contracted Out: HKLRWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Coldcare Ltd

The Broadway Industrial Estate, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2RL Tel: 01623 424944 Fax: 01623 653865 Email: andy@coldcareltd.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEINV Contracted Out: FST

Blandfords LLP

Broughton Grange, Headland, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6XA Tel: 01536 483 699 Fax: 01536 411 505 Email: chris@blandfords.net Web: www.blandfords.net Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEGLNSUVYZ Contracted Out: T

Combined Energy Solutions Ltd

Briggs & Forrester (MEP) Ltd

Bembridge House, Bembridge Drive, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ Tel: 01604 720072 Fax: 01604 720357 Email: duncan.Benedetti@briggs.uk.com Web: www.briggsandforrester.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: DEFGHIJLMRVZ Contracted Out: ABCNOPQUWX

Briggs & Forrester (Special Projects) Ltd

Bembridge House, Bembridge Drive, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ Tel: 01604 720072 Fax: 01604 720357 Email: trevor.brunt@briggs.uk.com Web: www.briggsandforrester.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GHKMOPZ Contracted Out: AILRUVW

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd


Bembridge House, Bembridge Drive, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ Tel: 01604 720072 Fax: 01604 720357 Email: paul.burton@briggs.uk.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

Bembridge House, Bembridge Drive, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ Tel: 01604 720072 Fax: 01604 791337 Email: nick.redmond@combinedenergy.co.uk Web: www.combinedenergysolutions.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1962 In-House: ABGIMOSUY Contracted Out: CDEFLWX Specialist Group: SFG

Combined Energy Solutions Ltd

Hamilton House, Kestral Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5FT Tel: 01623 422766 Fax: 01623 629479 Email: julian.chantrey@combinedenergy.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: ABGIMOSUY Contracted Out: CDEFLWX Specialist Group: SFG

Cristalair Air Conditioning

55 Longfield Lane, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4DX Tel: 0115 932 0725 Email: info@cristalairconditioning.co.uk Web: www.cristalairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEFNV Contracted Out: CDIST Specialist Group: RACHP

Cristalair Air Conditioning

7 Brookside Avenue, Nottingham NG8 2RD Tel: 0115 917 7035 Email: info@cristalairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: CDST

2 Goodwood Avenue, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 7BB Tel: 01159 204069 Fax: 01159 679256 Email: info@crowndeepclean.co.uk Web: www.crowndeepclean.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

d D H Fathers Ltd

Denison House, 2 Coombe Road, Newthorpe, Nottingham NG16 3SU Tel: 01773 537 520 Fax: 01773 537 599 Email: iconway@dhfathers.co.uk Web: www.dhfathers.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHIZ Contracted Out: ABCFMNSTUVY

DAE Mechanical Services Ltd

21-39 Basford Road, Nottingham NG6 0JG Tel: 0115 970 4552 Fax: 0115 978 3680 Email: deden@daeltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: GHJKMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Easy Clean Contractors Ltd

4COsprey Way, Eagle Business Park, Yaxley, Peterborough PE7 3GT Tel: 01733 244935 Fax: 01733 248770 Email: nicksmith@easyclean-contractors.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

EGP Building Services Ltd Units 31 & 32, Craftsmans Way, East Goscote, Leicester LE7 3SL Tel: 0116 264 5114 Fax: 0116 264 0376 Email: chrisp@egpltd.co.uk Web: www.egpltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: DFGHIMOPRSV Contracted Out: ABCEJKLNTUWXYZ

Electrum Services Ltd

Thurnham House, Clarke Road, Wigston, Leicester LE18 2BG Tel: 0116 303 3214 Fax: 0116 236 4273 Email: rweller@electrumservices.co.uk Web: www.electrumservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEFGHJLMNSTUWYZ Contracted Out: KX Specialist Group: RACHP

Dave Clarke & Son Ltd

2 Southfield Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 1UB Tel: 01455 618187 Fax: 01455 233600 Email: dave@daveclarke.biz Web: www.daveclarke.biz Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJKLMNOPQRSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFTXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Derry Building Services Ltd

The Old Hospital, London Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1JP Tel: 01636 614300 Fax: 01636 605387 Email: steve.hudson@derry-bs.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: AGIMSZ Contracted Out: BCDEFJKLNOPRTUVWXY

e East Kirkby Engineering Co Ltd

Avocet House, Bittern Way, Riverside Industrial Estate, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7NX Tel: 01205 366 833 Fax: 01205 353 811 Email: simon@ekeng.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: DEFGHIJKMNOPRSV Contracted Out: ABCLTUWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Elite Cooling Solutions Ltd

Griffiths Air Conditioning & Electrical Contractors

54 Langham Road, Raunds, Northamptonshire NN9 6LD Tel: 0844 414 5494 Email: info@elitecoolingsolutions.com Web: www.elitecoolingsolutions.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

111 High Street, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northants NN15 5RL Tel: 01536 420666 Fax: 01536 721133 Email: brian@griffithsaircon.co.uk Web: www.griffithsaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ALNOPSZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Environmental & Mechanical Services Ltd

Sentinel House, 11 High Street, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire NN6 7RE Tel: 01327 844 848 Fax: 01327 844 849 Email: duncan@environmental-mechanicalservices.co.uk Web: www.aquacraft.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: W Specialist Group: SFG

Europa Nationwide Technical Services Ltd

Nene House, Drayton Way, Drayton Fields Estate, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 5EA Tel: 01327 311303 Fax: 01327 300835 Email: jquigley@europa-services.co.uk Web: www.nationmaint.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: ABGHIJLMNOPQRSVWXYZ Contracted Out: CDEKTU Specialist Group: SFG

f FWP UK Ltd

4 Grantham Road, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG12 2DR Tel: 01159 655042 Fax: 01159 654581 Email: info@fwp-air-conditioning.co.uk Web: www.fwp-air-conditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: AFISV Specialist Group: RACHP

g Gascoynes (Derby) Ltd

Unit 12, Derby Trading Estate, Stores Road, Derby, DE21 4BE Tel: 01332 385511 Fax: 01332 295373 Email: gascoynesderby1@btconnect.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GHLM Specialist Group: SFG

Gelder Plumbing & Mechanical Century House, Lincoln Road, Aisthorpe, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN1 2SG Tel: 01522 733944 Fax: 01522 733948 Email: info@century-plumbing.co.uk Web: www.century-plumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHLMOPSVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKNQRTUXY Specialist Group: HAPS



Shamrock House off Holmes Way, Boston Road Industrial Estate, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6SB Tel: 01507 522280 Fax: 01507 522119 Email: hatadmin@btconnect.com Web: www.hatltd.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005

Heatcare Ltd

The Broadway Industrial Estate, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2RL Tel: 01623 428276 Fax: 01623 653865 Email: garry@heatcare.com Web: www.heatcare.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GIKMPRUWX Contracted Out: ABCDEFJLNOQVY

Heating & Ventilating Services (Nottingham) Ltd 50/56 Park Lane, Basford, Nottingham NG6 0DT Tel: 0115 978 1445 Fax: 0115 978 1596 Email: simon@hvserve.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: ABGHIJKLMS Contracted Out: CDUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Howvale Ltd

53 Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6AU Tel: 0115 945 5050 Fax: 0115 945 5511 Email: matt.leckie@howvale.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: BGHIMV Contracted Out: CDEFOPQRST

i Imtech Engineering Services Central Ltd

Hooton Street, Carlton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG3 5GL Tel: 0115 950 5100 Fax: 0115 958 1200 Email: damian.harrison@imtechgandh.co.uk Web: www.imtech.eu/uk/gandh Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2003

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Facilities Management and Service, Pride Park View, 1 Victoria Way, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8AN Tel: 01332 206551 Fax: 01332 206583 Email: sean.finnegan@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: MC

In Line Duct Cleaning Ltd

PO Box 481, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15 0ZJ Tel: 01295 760491 Email: grant@ildc.co.uk Web: www.ildc.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


m M J Robinson Ltd

Cedar Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2RZ Tel: 01623 620 174 Fax: 01623 623 662 Email: admin@mjrobinsonltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: ALNUWZ


13 Pate Road, Leicester Road Industrial Estate, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0RG Tel: 01664 480111 Fax: 01664 410403 Email: bob.wolfendon@mrs.gb.com Web: www.mrs.gb.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABCENZ

M W Cripwell Ltd


30 Carlton Road, Wilbarston, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 8QD Tel: 01536 772186 Email: info@kitchencleaningsolutions.com Web: www.kitchencleaningsolutions.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

119a Derby Street, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire DE14 2LE Tel: 01283 564269 Fax: 01283 543934 Email: d.seward@cripwellcbs.co.uk Web: www.imsltd.biz Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHIMOSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFJLNPTVWXY Specialist Group: DWG

Matro Ltd

l L M Building Services Ltd

100 Mansfield Street, Sherwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 4BN Tel: 01159 622339 Fax: 0115 9620408 Email: louie@lmbuildingservicesltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: HJNOX Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIMPQRSTV

Lorne Stewart plc

Autumn Park, Dysart Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7DD Tel: 01476 571857 Fax: 01476 566836 Email: ross.maynard@lornestewar.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHKMYZ Contracted Out: ABCKLQTUVXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Loughborough Air Conditioning Ltd 243 Derby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 5HJ Tel: 01509 341134 Email: jason@lacltd.uk.com Web: www.loughboroughairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 9, Byron Business Centre, Duke Street, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire NG15 7HP Tel: 0115 859 8151 Email: office@matromaintenance.co.uk Web: www.matromaintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2008 Specialist Group: SFG

McCarthy Environmental Ltd

80 Henry Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4JE Tel: 01604 635333 Fax: 01604 621257 Email: mick@mccarthy-environmental.co.uk Web: www.mccarthy-environmental.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CDEISUV Contracted Out: AB Specialist Group: DWG

MCL Energy Ltd

Metcalfe House, Park View, Langwith, Nottinghamshire NG20 9DE Tel: 01623 741940 Fax: 01623 744693 Email: reception@mclenergy.co.uk Web: www.mclenergy.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GIJKMSV Contracted Out: AT Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ East Midlands McVeigh Technical Solutions Ltd

Unit 9, Hill Lane Close, Hill Lane Industrial Estate, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9PY Tel: 01530 245777 Fax: 01530 245888 Email: gary@mcveigh-aircon.co.uk Web: www.mcveigh-aircon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABEGHIMNOPQRSV Contracted Out: CDFJKLTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Mellor Bromley Air Conditioning Services Ltd 141 Barkby Road, Leicester, LE4 9LW Tel: 0116 2766636 Fax: 0116 2460426 Email: mail@mellorbromley.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1965 Specialist Group: DWG

Unit C12 Hartley Workspace, Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 1DG Tel: 0115 962 3482 Fax: 0115 969 2881 Email: david.ingram@metalduct.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: DWG

Quantaqua Ltd

254-256 Bath Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 9LX Tel: 01536 524161 Fax: 01536 485833 Email: rick@phpservicesltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: EFGJKLMSTVW Contracted Out: ABNUYZ

P J Services Ltd

A4 Langham Park Industrial Estate, Lows Lane, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4RJ Tel: 0115 931 6720 Fax: 0115 931 6721 Email: paul.harrison@paragonbsltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIJKMPRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOQTUVWXY

Rees House, 27 Parker Street, Mansfield Road, Derby, Derbyshire DE21 4SZ Tel: 01332 851880 Fax: 01332 851888 Email: paul.cockerham@midland-counties.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: FLMNUZ Contracted Out: I


Parsons Contracting (Chesterfield) Ltd

Brimington Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7UL Tel: 01246 276536 Fax: 01246 203315 Email: wayne@parsonscontracting.co.uk Web: www.parsonscontracting.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJLMSV Contracted Out: ACDFTUWYZ

Premier Facilities Maintenance Ltd

Neil Shacklock Plumbing & Heating Contractors Ltd

Shacklock House, Brierley Industrial Estate, Brierley Park Close, Stanton Hill, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG17 3FW Tel: 01623 557865 Fax: 01623 440247 Email: dshacklock@shacklocks.com Web: www.shacklocks.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: HOPV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 10, Weldon Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 5RN Tel: 01509 261100 Fax: 01509 261148 Email: clare.shaw@on365.co.uk Web: www.on365.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDGINSUVZ Contracted Out: KWY

P H P Services Ltd

Paragon Building Services Ltd

Midland Counties Heating Services Ltd

ON365 Ltd


Unit 22, Eventus, Sunderland Road, Northfields Industrial Estate, Market Deeping, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE6 8FD Tel: 01778 382722 Email: info@pjsltd.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: DEGJKLMSVW Contracted Out: ABCFHINTUXYZ

Metalduct (Nottingham) Ltd



Unit 9 Enterprise Court, Harcourt Close, Manners Industrial Estate, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8EW Tel: 0115 930 3026 Fax: 0115 944 5595 Email: admin@premier-fm.co.uk Web: www.premier-fm.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GJMSVZ Contracted Out: IKLTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Pure-Air Building Services Ltd Unit 1-7, Fulwood Industrial Estate, Fulwood Road South, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire NG17 2JZ Tel: 01623 741004 Email: info@pure-air.co.uk Web: www.pure-air.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDEFGIJKMNSUZ Contracted Out: LTWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Trace Energy Systems (Leicester)

The Old Brewery, Duffield Road, Little Eaton, Derbyshire DE21 5DS Tel: 01332 834693 Fax: 0844 443 2620 Email: craig@quantaqua.co.uk Web: www.quantaqua.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Unit M2, Harrison Road, Airfield Business Park, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7WB Tel: 01858 438940 Fax: 01858 411085 Email: nick@trace.uk.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABGINS Contracted Out: MT Specialist Group: RACHP

u Uni-Clean Maintenance Services

Refrigeration & Heat Pump Services Ltd Unit 7a, Canalside Industrial Park, Kinoulton Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire NG12 3BE Tel: 0115 989 9985 Fax: 0115 989 1730 Email: info@rhp-services.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: DF Specialist Group: RACHP

s Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

15 Bennerley Court, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG6 8UT Tel: 01159 101011 Fax: 01159 101011 Email: iain.scott@sparksms.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABGIJKMNSZ

Surevent (UK) Ltd

76 Rushton Road, Rothwell, Nr Kettering, Northamptonshire NN14 6HQ Tel: 0800 345 7529 Email: enquiries@sureventuk.com Web: www.surevent.info Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: CDEFGHSTVW Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

3 Scraptoft Business Centre, Main Streeet, Scraptoft, Leicester, LE7 9TD Tel: 0800 243 471 Email: g.nicholls@swiftclean.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

t T Clarke (Midlands) Ltd

Windsor Court, Ascot Drive, Derby, Derbyshire DE24 8GZ Tel: 01332 332177 Fax: 01332 374769 Email: admin.derby@tclarke.co.uk Web: www.tclarke.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCDEFGHIKLMNORSVWZ Contracted Out: JTUXY

Springfield Business Park, Springfiield Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7BG Tel: 01476 514614 Email: office@uni-cleanservices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: EFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

v Venduct Engineering Ltd

141 Barkby Road, Leicester LE4 9LW Tel: 0116 2766636 Fax: 0116 2460426 Email: dave.chapman@venducteng.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1967 In-House: CF Specialist Group: DWG

w Walter Miles Building Services Ltd

657 Melton Road, Thurmaston, Leicester, Leicestershire LE4 8EB Tel: 0116 311 2477 Email: grahamcherry@wmbuildingservices.com Web: www.waltermiles.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ACEFGINeitherMNOPSZ Contracted Out: DJKLTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

William Bailey Ltd

Merlin Court, Ripley Road, Ambergate, Derbyshire DE56 2EP Tel: 01773 853703 Fax: 01773 856930 Email: enquiry@williambailey.co.uk Web: www.williambailey.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIJKLMOPRSWX Contracted Out: ABCDEFNQTUVYZ

Wright Favell Ltd

Winston Avenue, Croft, Leicester LE9 3GQ Tel: 01455 283011 Fax: 01455 285198 Email: mandy@wright-favell.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: CEF Specialist Group: DWG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Eastern Counties If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

0-9 1st Cool Ltd

Yard 5, Riverside Industrial Estate, Oliver Road, West Thurrock, Essex RM20 3ED Tel: 01375 846346 Fax: 01375 856968 Email: david@1st-cool.co.uk Web: www.1st-cool.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABIV Contracted Out: CDEFHS Specialist Group: RACHP

21st Century Contracts Ltd

Unit 11, Northgate Industrial Estate, Collier Row Road, Romford, Essex RM5 2BG Tel: 020 8597 8008 Fax: 020 8597 9810 Email: martin@21stcenturycontracts.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: DEFGHMSXZ Contracted Out: ABCIJKLNTUWY Specialist Group: HAPS

24Seven Companies Ltd

Unit 2, Hall Farm, Little Walden, Essex CB10 1XA Tel: 0870 300 3232 Fax: 0870 300 3235 Email: steve@24sevengroup.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

A Absolute Mechanical Ltd

Pear Tree Farm, The Street, Weybread, Diss, Norfolk IP21 5TH Tel: 01379 586316 Email: absolutejohn@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HIJKLSV Contracted Out: ETUZ


Eastern Counties Region Regional Manager: Mike Malina Pinewoods House, Drift Road, Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9JL Tel: 01158 883080 Email: mike.malina@b-es.org

Acorn Pressurisation Services Ltd

Allied Mechanical Services Ltd

Advanced Building Management Ltd

Anglia Air Conditioning Ltd


Anglia Boiler Maintenance Ltd

AGM House, London Road, Copford, Essex CO6 1GT Tel: 01206 215 151 Fax: 01206 215 161 Email: service@acornps.co.uk Web: www.acornps.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: GIKS Specialist Group: SFG

27 Pantile Hill, Southminster, Essex CM0 7BA Tel: 01621 772058 Fax: 05602 047411 Email: dkiernan@advancedbml.com Web: www.advancedbml.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLMSTUVXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

79 Crescent Road, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex CM9 4SN Tel: 0560 3411826 Fax: 01621 874647 Email: aircarelimited@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.aircarelimited.co.uk Year Joined: 2009 Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 1, Brookside Centre, Sumpters Way, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 5RR Tel: 01702 619698 Fax: 01702 619269 Email: alan@ajr-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ajrheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHJKLMNOPRX Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

Depot Road, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 0AL Tel: 01638 661062 Fax: 01638 666538 Email: sales@alliedservices.co.uk Web: www.alliedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: CGIJKMSWX Contracted Out: ABDEFLNOTUVYZ Specialist Group: SFG

7 Fletcher Way, Weston Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 3ST Tel: 01603 787383 Fax: 01603 403480 Email: sales@anglia-aircon.co.uk Web: www.anglia-aircon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: ABINV

70a High Street, Caister-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 5EH Tel: 01493 721373 Fax: 01493 377770 Email: sales@anglia-boiler.co.uk Web: www.anglia-boiler.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: SFG

Arcus Engineering Ltd

Enterprise House, 168-170 Upminster Road, Upminster, Essex RM14 2RB Tel: 01708 462946 Email: shaun.webb@arcus-engineering.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABEGHJMNRSTUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Alan Gray Heating & Plumbing Ltd 1 Sayers Court, Bluntisham, Cambridgeshire PE28 3NP Tel: 01487 841094 Email: alanagray@msn.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHLMSV Specialist Group: HAPS

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Eastern Counties B

Cambridge Maintenance Services Ltd

B & F Mechanical Services Ltd

Warren’s Barn, Jack’s Field, The Street, Witnesham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 9HG Tel: 01473 785115 Fax: 01473 785116 Email: bfmechanic@aol.com Web: www.bfmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GJKMX Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRSTUVWYZ


Severalls Business Park, Heckworth Close Colchester, Essex CO4 9TB Tel: 01206 838550 Fax: 01206 838560 Email: enquiries@burgin.co.uk Website: www.burgin.co.uk

Balcomm Ltd

Unit 9, Cambria Close, Charfleet Industrial Estate, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0JX Tel: 01268 694102 Fax: 01268 696615 Email: simon@balcomm.co.uk Web: www.balcomm.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Our qualified M&E Design and Installation Contracting team are fully experienced in the running and organizing of fast track installation and refurbishment work and are capable of carrying out the full design required on projects either working from the clients design brief or recommending and preparing a design from their own expertise and recognized design standards. The very latest Hevacomp, Amtech and AutoCAD design software support the experienced Burgin inhouse design team.

Bower Fuller

6 Bermuda Road, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9RU Tel: 01473 272277 Fax: 01473 270100 Email: ngreen@bowerfuller.co.uk Web: www.bowerfuller.biz Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1968 In-House: GHJKMSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUWXY

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Unit A South Cambridge Business Park, Babraham Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 3JH Tel: 01223 830009 Fax: 01223 830098 Email: rob.allen@briggs.uk.com Web: www.briggsandforrester.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

Bright Hygiene Management (London) Ltd

The Burgin engineers provide roundthe-clock cover for customers over an area which encompasses London, East Anglia and the Home Counties.

Heckworth Close, Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 9TB Tel: 01206 838550 Fax: 01206 838560 Email: jim.burgin@burgin.co.uk Web: www.burgin.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: ABGHIJKLMNSVWZ Contracted Out: CDEFT Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS

Old Engine House, Factory Road Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0BN Tel: 0845 313 2425 Fax: 0845 313 2434 Email: info@burwellmaintenance.ltd.uk Website: www.burwellmaintenance.ltd.uk

A Commercial Heating and Building Maintenance Company, (part of The Anglia Heating Group) supplying key clients with quality driven service. Our trained and experienced workforce aims to meet our customers needs, ensuring the efficient operation of their equipment.

Burwell Maintenance Ltd

Old Engine House, Factory Road, Burwell, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB25 0BN Tel: 0845 313 2425 Fax: 0845 313 2434 Email: ray@burwellmaintenance.ltd.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: AGHLMNOPRSTW Contracted Out: BCDEFUYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Burwell Mechanical Services Ltd 1 Dalzells Lane, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0GA Tel: 01638 741275 Fax: 01638 742236 Email: geraldine@burmech.co.uk Web: www.burmech.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1971 In-House: ABGHIJMNRSTV Contracted Out: CDEFKLUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Cambridge Piped Services Ltd

Tyburn House, Station Road, Oakington, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 3AH Tel: 01223 232054 Email: mark@cambridgepipedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: BFGHMNOPRSUVZ Contracted Out: CDEIJKLTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

We cover East Anglia with our offices in Norwich and Cambridge. We will maintain all makes of boilers, heating and commercial plumbing. Air conditioning, electrical systems, water treatment and fabric maintenance. We will install all forms of heating, boilers and air conditioning. All contracts and customers are equally important to us and we provide support and service to each and every one.

C C & L Facilities Ltd

Omega House, 7 Sarbir Industrial Park, Cambridge Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2EU Tel: 01279 444821 Fax: 01279 444869 Email: joseph@brighthygiene.co.uk Web: www.brighthygiene.co.uk Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: SFG, DWG, VHB

Burgin Ltd

Our range of activities extends from Planned Preventative Maintenance (resident and mobile) for clients of all sizes and professions, including reactive call out and repairs, small works, through to Design and Installation of new M&E services and equipment.

Burwell Maintenance Limited

Unit 30, Stephenson Road, St Ives, Cambridgeshire PE27 3WJ Tel: 01480 493800 Fax: 01480 495664 Email: safety@smsl.co.uk Web: www.cambridgemaintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABG Specialist Group: SFG

Phoenix House, 5 New Street, Braintree, Essex CM7 1ER Tel: 01376 328266 Fax: 01376 328280 Email: info@clfacilities.com Web: www.cl-facilities.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGHIKMSVZ Contracted Out: CDEFJLNOPTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

C H Lindsey & Son Ltd

Brunel Way, Severalls Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 9QW Tel: 01206 844567 Fax: 01206 844483 Email: info@chlindsey.co.uk Web: www.chlindsey.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1927 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPRSVW Contracted Out: TUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Capri Mechanical Services Ltd

53-55 Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5XJ Tel: 01245 321144 Fax: 01245 324551 Email: john.uwins@caprimechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCEFGIKMUVZ Contracted Out: DLSWXY Specialist Group: DWG

Cascade Systems (UK) Ltd

Unit 10, West Place, West Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2GY Tel: 01279 626695 Fax: 01279 626799 Email: info@cascadesystems.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABCEFINSV Specialist Group: RACHP

Ceetech Ltd

Acorn Business Centre, Paper Mill Lane, Bramford, Ipswich IP8 4BZ Tel: 01473 830095 Email: kerry.briggs@ceetech.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIMUYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRSTWX

Ceilite Airconditioning

Unit 1, The Alcorns, Cambridge Road, Stansted, Essex CM24 8DF Tel: 01279 815503 Fax: 01279 813971 Email: scott.gleed@ceilite.com Web: www.ceilite.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGIMNV Specialist Group: RACHP

Chadwell Construction Ltd Tralin House, Chesham Close, Romford, Essex RM7 7PJ Tel: 01708 767100 Fax: 01708 759920 Email: nick@chadwell.co.uk Web: www.chadwell.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABEFGIJLNVYZ Contracted Out: CDUW


11 Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF Tel: 01223 357777 Fax: 01223 395553 Email: dean@coel.uk.com Web: www.coel.uk.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHKLMNSVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJTUWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS


Cooper & Brome (Contracts) Ltd


11 Nuffield Road, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1TF Tel: 01223 357777 Fax: 01223 351888 Email: dean@coel.uk.com Website: www.coel.uk.com COEL Mechanical services can offer fast quote turnaround, professional design and installation along with a reliable install team, Office back up and maintenance department.

Units 3 & 4, 85 London Road, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex CO6 1EB Tel: 01206 212582 Fax: 01206 212137 Email: services@cooperandbrome.co.uk Web: www.cooperandbrome.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GHIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRSTUVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Cooper & Brome (Plumbing & Heating) Ltd

43 Colne Road, Brightlingsea, Colchester, Essex CO7 0DU Tel: 01206 303832 Fax: 01206 305856 Email: mail@cooperandbromepandh.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHLM Contracted Out: ACU Specialist Group: HAPS

Danimak Limited

CSM House, Chequers Lane Dagenham, Essex RM9 6PR Tel: 0208 596 9040 Fax: 0208 896 9045 Email: info@danimak.com Website: www.danimak.com Mechanical and Electrical Engineers specialising in the commercial, leisure and retail sectors.

CRT Air Conditioning Services COFELY Ltd

Ipswich Branch, Unit 19 Sterling Complex, Farthing Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5AP Tel: 01473 470006 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Commercial Hygiene Services Ltd 11 Paignton Close, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9PW Tel: 01268 782233 Fax: 01268 784557 Email: info@commercialhygiene.co.uk Web: www.commercialhygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ST Contracted Out: EFI Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Constant Cooling Ltd

Catherine House, London Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 3JH Tel: 01223 834711 Fax: 01223 837818 Email: info@constantcooling.com Web: www.constantcooling.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABHNS Specialist Group: RACHP

Cool Heat Services Ltd

167 Hulbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5LN Tel: 01245 321615 Fax: 01245 328981 Email: admin@coolheat.co.uk Web: www.coolheat.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABGHINSUV Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 9, Foundary Business Park, Station Approach, Hockley, Essex SS5 4HS Tel: 01702 208788 Fax: 01702 208789 Email: sales@crtairconditioning.co.uk Web: www.crtairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGILNOSUVW

Curaim UK Ltd

Units 11 & 12 Cockridden Farm Estate, Brentwood Road, Herongate, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3LH Tel: 01277 811003 Fax: 01277 811522 Email: carly@curaim.co.uk Web: www.curaim.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABGHLMNSV Contracted Out: CEFTUWYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

D D & K Facilities Maintenance Ltd

32 Hornsby Square, Southfields Industrial Estate, Laindon, Essex SS15 6SD Tel: 01268 545737 Fax: 01268545770 Email: glenn@dandkfacilities.co.uk Web: www.dandkfacilities.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: MNV Specialist Group: SFG

Delta T Services Ltd

Unit 6, West Station Industrial Estate, Spital Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 6TR Tel: 01621 850843 Fax: 01621 854759 Email: sales@deltatservices.co.uk Web: www.deltatservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABEFHINSTUVYZ Contracted Out: CDGJKLMWX Specialist Group: RACHP

DMG Delta Ltd

Bentfield Place, Bentfield Road, Stansted, Essex CM24 8HL Tel: 01279 810100 Fax: 01279 815554 Email: rupertm@dmgdelta.co.uk Web: www.dmgdelta.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGHJLMRSUVWZ Contracted Out: CDEIKTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Danimak Ltd

CSM House, Chequers Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM9 6PR Tel: 020 8596 9040 Fax: 020 8596 9045 Email: info@danimak.com Web: www.danimak.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABFGIMS Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Eastern Counties E

Elanar Technical Services Ltd

Eastern Fabrications Building Services Ltd

4 Horsecroft Place, The Pinnacles, Harlow, Essex CM19 5BT Tel: 01279 454 609 Fax: 01279 454 588 Email: jenny.cox@efabs.co.uk Web: www.efabs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ACDFKNSTV Contracted Out: LW

Eaton Engineering Ltd

Hunts Farm, Chapel Road, Ridgewell, Halstead, Essex CO9 4RU Tel: 01440 788101 Fax: 01440 788101 Email: info@eatonengineering.co.uk Web: www.eatonengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: EGISVW Contracted Out: CDHMZ Specialist Group: SFG

Edmund Services Ltd

12/13 Saxon House, Warley Street, Upminster, Essex RM14 3PJ Tel: 01708 222221 Fax: 01708 224460 Email: eddie@edmundservices.com Web: www.edmund-services.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABGIMNSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFTWY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 3, Stone Street Court, Stone Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HY Tel: 01473 824019 Fax: 01473 828750 Email: info@elanar.co.uk Web: www.elanar.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHMPS Contracted Out: ABLNTUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Eyre Building Services Group Ltd

27 Yarmouth Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR7 0EE Tel: 01603 700565 Fax: 01603 700495 Email: mcontracts@eyre-norwich.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABGHIJMNORSVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLTUWX

Elite Services (Environmental) Ltd

4 Main Drive, Dunton Park, Lower Dunton Road, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3SX Tel: 01268 542 030 Fax: 01268 542120 Email: lee@eliteservices.co.uk Web: www.eliteservices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMNOPS Contracted Out: CEFITUVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Eyre Building Services Group Limited

27 Yarmouth Road Norwich, Norfolk NR7 0EE Tel: 01603 700565 Fax: 01603 700495 Email: mail@eyre-norwich.co.uk Website: www.eyre-electrical-mechanical.co.uk

Elm Site Services Ltd

Elm House, Southend Arterial Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3UB Tel: 01708 440026 Fax: 01708 440051 Email: afosbraey@elmsiteservices.com Web: www.elmsiteservices, com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: AEIKSVY Contracted Out: CTW Specialist Group: SFG

EMS - Engineering Maintenance Services Ltd

Rowan House, 28 Queens Road, Hethersett, Norwich, Norfolk NR9 3DB Tel: 01603 813952 Email: enquiries@ems-maintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GW Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG

For over 25 years Eyre has provided mechanical and electrical services, and is at the forefront of the construction industry in East Anglia offering: M&E SERVICES, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, SECURITY & FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING & VENTILATION SYSTEMS, NETWORK STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS. The head office in Norwich oversees prestigious projects in Norfolk, Suffolk, North and East Essex, whilst our office based in Royston covers Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, North London, South and West Essex. Our experienced team of qualified electrical and mechanical engineers provides a complete DESIGN-TO-INSTALL service. This is supported by our design team operating modern CAD systems.

Essex Electric Ltd

Elanar Technical Services Ltd Unit 3, Stone Street Court, Hadleigh Ipswitch, Suffolk IP7 6HY Tel: 01473 824019 Fax: 01473 828750 Email: info@elanar.co.uk Website: www.elanar.co.uk

A small but capable company providing a full planned and reactive maintenance service for domestic & industrial heating and ventilating systems call for more information

8a Coopers Way, Temple Farm Industrial Estate, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 5TE Tel: 01702 461999 Fax: 01702 462001 Email: david.murton@emersons.uk.com Web: www.essexelectic.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABEIV Contracted Out: CD

European Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 8, Annwood Lodge Business Park, Arterial Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7UA Tel: 01268 590198 Fax: 01268 590199 Email: sales@erl-info.co.uk Web: www.erl-info.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP

F Fisher Refrigeration

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR Tel: 01223 861103 Fax: 01223 440686 Email: trevor@fisherrefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.fisherrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABNZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Fisher Refrigeration Ltd

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR Tel: 01223 861103 Fax: 01223 440686 Email: trevor@fisherrefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.fisherrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABNZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Fisher Refrigeration Ltd

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR Tel: 01223 861103 Fax: 01223 440686 Email: trevor@fisherrefrigeration.co.uk Website: www.fisherrefrigeration.co.uk We are a small second generation family firm. We supply, install, repair, maintain all sorts of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment (24/7). We specialize in low temperature -80/140’C cabinets and prototype work. As well as standard cold and freezer rooms, fridges, freezers, ice machines, air conditioning units, basically anything that gets cold (and some that heat). We have been serving Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas for nearly 40 years, and have experienced and fully trained engineers with current F-Gas certs. We look after a wide range of customers varying from domestics, shops, restaurants, laboratories, construction sites and industrial equipment. Any enquiry welcomed.

G Genesis Facilities Maintenance Ltd Squires House, 81-87 High Street, Billericay, Essex CM12 9BH Tel: 01277 636556 Fax: 01277 636577 Email: chris.heath@genesisfm.co.uk Web: www.genesisfm.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGMSZ Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: SFG

Gowing & Hunt Ltd

Unit 4, Greenham Park, Common Road, Witchford, Cambridgeshire CB6 2HF Tel: 01353 666669 Fax: 01353 666686 Email: mary@gowingandhunt.co.uk Web: www.gowingandhunt.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: DGHIJKLMNRSVWXZ Contracted Out: ABCEFOPQTUY

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Guardian Water Treatment Ltd Units 9 & 10, The Capricorn Centre, Cranes Farm, Basildon, Essex SS14 3JJ Tel: 01268 287477 Fax: 01268 287156 Email: clairep@gwtltd.com Web: www.gwtltd.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CDFTW Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I A C Service Group Ltd

3 Radford Business Centre, Radford Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0DP Tel: 01277 623262 Fax: 01277 623261 Email: chris@iac.uk.com Web: www.iac.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABCDEFGILNSUV Contracted Out: HJKMTWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP


Iceberg Building Services Ltd

H & V 2000 Ltd

Unit 9, Honywood Business Park, Honywood Road, Basildon, Essex SS14 3HW Tel: 01268 663900 Fax: 01268 739749 Email: gemma@icebergbuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.icebergbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCEFGHKLNSVY Contracted Out: DJMOPQRTUWXZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 8 Blackhall Industrial Estate, Hamberts Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5UW Tel: 01245 329300 Fax: 01245 329700 Email: info@hv2000.co.uk Web: www.hv2000.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CEFI Contracted Out: ABDNSTUVYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Imtech Aqua Ltd

H20 Nationwide Ltd

Repton Court Enterprise Park, Repton Close, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN Tel: 01268 282700 Fax: 01268 288777 Email: info@h2onationwide.co.uk Web: www.h2onationwide.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Unit 1 & 2 Orwell Close, Fairview Ind Estate, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex RM13 8UX Tel: 01708 558158 Fax: 01708 550608 Email: steven.thomas@mw-hargreaves.net Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFIJKSTX Contracted Out: DESTUZ Specialist Group: MC, DWG

Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers 2 - 6 Gibcracks, Basildon, Essex SS14 1PE Tel: 01268 556 663 Fax: 01268 584 525 Email: martin@refrigeration-uk.com Web: www.refrigeration-uk.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABDEFIJNSTVZ Contracted Out: CW Specialist Group: RACHP

Henry Martin & Sons Ltd

Independent Air Quality Consultancy Services Ltd

Aqua House, Rose and Crown Road, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire CB24 4RB Tel: 01954 230948 Fax: 01954 230593 Email: darren.paice@imtechaqua.co.uk Web: www.imtechaqua.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1973 Specialist Group: HAPS

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Facilities Management & Service, Nash House, 17 Portman Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BP Tel: 01473 346 300 Fax: 01473 226 036 Email: nigel.stopforth@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Building Systems, Nash House, 17 Portman Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BP Tel: 01473 219921 Fax: 01473 231317 Email: colin.clements@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: MC

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Unit 18 Brunel Units, Brunel Road, Gorse Lane Industrial Estate, Clacton on Sea, Essex CO15 4LU Tel: 01255 428730 Fax: 01255 430784 Email: martin@henrymartinandsons.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 Specialist Group: HAPS

40 Curtis Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 6RB Tel: 01603 258 500 Fax: 01603 301 398 Email: david.worsley@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: SFG, MC

11 Mersey Road, Witham CM8 1LL Tel: 01376 538472 Email: info@iaqservices.co.uk Web: www.iaqservices.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ETV Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: SFG

Ingot Canopy & Fan Services Ltd 48a Claydon Business Park, Gipping Road, Great Blakenham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0NL Tel: 01473 833480 Fax: 01473 830970 Email: sales@ingotservices.co.uk Web: www.ingotservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Integral UK Ltd

Suite 4 Rosemary House, Lanwades Business Park, Kentford, Newmarket, CB8 7PN Tel: 01638 554420 Fax: 01638 751274 Email: mark.young@integral.co.uk Web: www.integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIM Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

JCW Energy Services Ltd

Unit 7, Saxon Business Centre, Saxon Way, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire SG8 6DN Tel: 01763 264300 Fax: 01763 264301 Email: john.burgoyne@jcwes.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

Jordan Environmental Ltd

Unit 8 Woodside Business Park, Thetford Road, Ingham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1NR Tel: 01284 728 848 Fax: 01284 728 841 Email: aj@jordanenviro.co.uk Web: www.jordanenviro.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1999 Specialist Group: SFG

Jupiter Facilities Management Ltd 3 Repton Court, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN Tel: 01268 288988 Fax: 01268 288458 Email: info@jupiterfm.com Web: www.jupiterfm.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGHMSZ Contracted Out: CDINTUVWY

K Kershaw Contracting Services Ltd Edward Leonard House, Pembridge Avenue, Dennyend Road, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire CB25 9QR Tel: 01223 715820 Email: ian.macklin@kershaw-grp.co.uk Web: www.kershawcontracting.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHLMNOPRZ Contracted Out: AB Specialist Group: HAPS


JL Environmental Limited

Unit 27 River Road, 33 River Road Barking, London, Essex IG11 0EA Tel: 0208 507 2989 Email: jlenvironltd@aol.com Website: www.jlenvironmental.co.uk J L Environmental Limited can offer a wide range of services within the H & V industry, predominantly air conditioning design and installation, service and maintenance to all types of air conditioning and ventilation equipment, to suit customers own requirements. We offer a 24/7 call out service to contractual clients. In addition to our newer clients, we have a number of long standing clients with whom we have built up good working relationships. The delivery of good customer service is paramount as is the successful outcomes of all projects undertaken by us.

Kershaw Mechanical Services Ltd Edward Leonard House, Pembroke Avenue, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB25 9QR Tel: 01223 715800 Fax: 01223 411061 Email: ian.greenstock@kershaw-grp.co.uk Web: www.kershaw-grp.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1955 In-House: ABCEFGHIJKMSTWZ Contracted Out: LN Specialist Group: DWG

KGB Commercial Heating

Diamond House, Vulcan Road North, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 6AQ Tel: 0845 230 0696 Fax: 0845 230 0697 Email: kgbcomheat@aol.com Web: www.kgbcommercialheating.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GMUWZ Contracted Out: EI Specialist Group: SFG

Air Conditioning Installation, Refrigeration, Service & Maintenance


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B&ES Members \ Eastern Counties Klein Environmental Ltd

Madson Air Conditioning Ltd


Magnolia Air UK Ltd

16d New Barns, Reeds Farm, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3SB Tel: 01245 421923 Fax: 01245 421962 Email: admin@klein-environmental.com Web: www.klein-environmental.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: G Contracted Out: IKLMTUVWXY

10 Edward Park, Grange Way, Colchester, Essex CO2 8FZ Tel: 01206 866000 Fax: 01206 866008 Email: aircon@madson.co.uk Web: www.aircondesign.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEFINSUV Contracted Out: GLMTWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Beckney Lodge, Lower Road, Hockley, Essex SS5 5LD Tel: 0800 032 2760 Fax: 01702 206266 Email: simonsargent@magnoliaair.co.uk Web: www.magnoliaair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABEFGHMSTVWYZ Contracted Out: CDIU Specialist Group: SFG

L A Maintenance Ltd

Folkes Farm, Folkes Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 1TH Tel: 01277 205046 Fax: 01277 205049 Email: lam@lamaintenance-ltd.co.uk Web: www.lamaintenance-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABFGHIJLMNSUVW Contracted Out: CDEKTXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Maplin Mechanical Services

57 Haltwhistle Road, Western Industrial Estate, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5ZA Tel: 01245 324188 Fax: 01245 324903 Email: nyates@maplinaircon.co.uk Web: www.maplinaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: ABGIUV Contracted Out: CDEFM Specialist Group: RACHP

Lorne Stewart plc

No 12 Regency Square, Regency Road, Colchester, Essex CO4 5YQ Tel: 01245 459 000 Fax: 01245 465 568 Email: simon.chorchill@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: BGHIMYZ Contracted Out: ABEFLNOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Munro Building Services (South) Ltd Unit 11, Kingsdale Business Centre, Regina Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1PE Tel: 01245 392610 Fax: 01245 260069 Email: vernon.cox@munrogroup.co.uk Web: www.munrobuildingservices.co.k Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: JSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIKLMNOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

M M & D Mechanical Services Ltd Baytree Farmhouse, Coggeshall Road, Braintree, Essex CM77 8AE Tel: 01376 344916 Email: manddmechanical@yahoo.co.uk Web: www.manddmechanical.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: HAPS

M Rogerson Ltd

Munro Building Services Ltd

Unit 2, The Dock, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4GS Tel: 01353 662339 Email: marksims@mrogerson.co.uk Web: www.mrogerson.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJLMNPRSV Contracted Out: KTUWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Mac Marney Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

The Old Forge, Stone Street, Crowfield, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 9SZ Tel: 01449 760560 Fax: 01449 760590 Email: glen@macmarney.co.uk Web: www.macmarney.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Murdoch House, Unit 1, 30 Garlic Row, Cambridge, CB5 8HW Tel: 01223 702100 Fax: 01223 702101 Email: enquiries@munrogroup.co.uk Web: www.munrobuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: GJMPSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOQRTUVWXY

N NCPI Solutions

5 Station Road, Shepreth, Cambridgeshire SG8 6PZ Tel: 01763 261778 Fax: 01763 263431 Email: martin@ncpisolutions.co.uk Web: www.ncpisolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGSZ Contracted Out: CFMWY

Norfolk Heating Ltd

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Avian Way, Salhouse Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR7 9AR Tel: 01603 429426 Fax: 01603 424380 Email: janie.sewell@aol.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GHILM Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit D, Olympus Close, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5LJ Tel: 01473 740500 Fax: 01473 740499 Email: damian.nunn@pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Web: www.pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

NWG Building Services Ltd

Polarcool Refrigeration Ltd

Kingsmans Farm, The Common, Billericay, Essex CM12 9PZ Tel: 01277 230449 Fax: 01277 280639 Email: nigel@nwgbuildingservices.co.uk Web: wwwnwguildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: AHI Contracted Out: BCDEFGLMNTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit K1, Beckingham Business Park, Tolleshunt Major, Maldon, Essex CM9 8LZ Tel: 01621 868584 Fax: 01621 868989 Email: sales@polarcool.co.uk Web: www.polarcool.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABNSZ Specialist Group: RACHP

P P.I.P. Building Services plc

Fenton House, Fenton Way, Southfields Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS15 6TD Tel: 01268 541651 Fax: 01268 541625 Email: geoff.bennett@pip.uk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHJKMSUVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILTWXY

Pipe2000 Ltd

Kelvin Road, Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet, Essex SS7 4QB Tel: 01268 759 567 Fax: 01268 569932 Email: pipe@pipe2000.co.uk Web: www.pipe2000.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: GIJLPR

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Unit 1, Capital Estate, Whapload Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 1TY Tel: 01502 563629 Fax: 01502 500930 Email: dean.clackett@pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Web: www.pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Unit 6, Mercers Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7HX Tel: 01284 767579 Fax: 01284 760784 Email: les.mitchell@pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Web: www.pitkin-ruddock.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


PR Hemingway Ltd

44 Warner Drive, Springwood Industrial Estate, Braintree, Essex CM7 2YW Tel: 01376 344899 Email: paulrhemingway@hotmail.com Web: www.p.r.hemingwaycombustionandcontrols Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDEGJKLMSU Contracted Out: ABFNTWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Pro-Duct Clean Ltd

The Gattinetts, Hadleigh Road, East Bergholt, Colchester, Essex CO7 6QT Tel: 0870 609 2080 Fax: 01206 299746 Email: nigel@pro-ductclean.com Web: www.pro-ductclean.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: EF Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 8, Easter Industrial Park, Ferry Lane, Rainham, Essex RM13 9BP Tel: 01708 528240 Fax: 01708 556291 Email: chris@quantumcooling.co.uk Web: www.quantumcooling.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: BGHILNPV Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: RACHP

S & W Process Engineering Ltd S & W House, Longhill Road, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 0BL Tel: 01354 659444 Fax: 01354 659445 Email: sw@swprocess.co.uk Web: www.swprocess.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: IJKVW

Rainbow International (Great Dunmow)

Rainbow House, Flitch Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1XJ Tel: 01371 859859 Fax: 01371 859858 Email: jez@rainbow.me.uk Web: www.rainbow-int.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EFLST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Scott Heating & Ventilation Ltd

Mill Cottage, The Strood, Peldon, Colchester, Essex CO5 7QL Tel: 0843 289 2482 Fax: 0870 874 2482 Email: office@resolveheatingandcooling.co.uk Web: www.resolveheatingandcooling.co.uk Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: RACHP


30 Hornsby Square, Southfields Business Park, Laindon, Essex SS15 6SD Tel: 01268 544844 Fax: 01268 544884 Email: elouise.eagling@rsebuildingservices.com Web: www.rsebuildingservices.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: IZ



Unit 4 Meadow Business Park, Reach Road, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0GH Tel: 01638 743 500 Fax: 01638 743 843 Email: roganhs@globalnet.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GKMS Specialist Group: SFG

RSE Building Services Ltd

Unit 27, Olympic Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EX Tel: 01268 280333 Fax: 01268 287703 Email: admin@rydanservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGHIJ Contracted Out: CDEFKLMUWXYZ

Quantum Group

Rogan Heating Services Ltd

8 Lime Grove Estate, Falconer Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 7XU Tel: 01440 712345 Fax: 01440 712929 Email: stephenbeer@roycegroup.ltd.uk Web: www.roycegroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCGIMNSV Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: RACHP

SHL Maintenance Ltd

Sotham Engineering Services Ltd

Silenster Building Services Ltd

Sotham Engineering Services Ltd

Unit 12, Forbes Business Centre, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7AR Tel: 0330 999 2477 Email: helpdesk@shlservices.co.uk Web: www.shlservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHJKLMSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFINOPQRTXY Specialist Group: SFG

The Old Stables, Hockwold Lodge, Cowles Drove, Hockwold, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 4JQ Tel: 01842 829709 Fax: 01842 828958 Email: keith.ladell@silenster.co.uk Web: www.silenster.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GM Specialist Group: SFG

Rydan Mechanical Services Ltd


Resolve Building Services Ltd

Royce Group Ltd

Unit 20, Brookside Industrial Estate, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 5SB Tel: 01487 831735 Fax: 01487 832465 Email: adrian@scottventilation.co.uk Web: www.scottventilation.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDEFIV Contracted Out: ABGJKMSTUZ Specialist Group: DWG

Home End, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5BS Tel: 01223 881081 Fax: 01223 880169 Email: info@sotham.co.uk Web: www.sotham.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHIJKLMNOPVZ Contracted Out: ABSTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Ocean House, Iceni Court, Delft Way, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 6BB Tel: 01603 412411 Fax: 01603 412416 Email: info@sotham.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHIJKLMNOPQVZ Contracted Out: ABSTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Southern Thermal Integrated Services Ltd

Silenster Building Services Limited

The Old Stables, Cowles Drove Hockwold, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 4JQ Tel: 01842 829709 Fax: 01842 828958 Email: service@silenster.co.uk Website: www.silenster.co.uk We are a Building Repairs Company and offer a 24/7, 365 service to our Clients. Our operatives are directly employed by us and we offer cover for almost all Building Tasks, from routine tasks to a scheduled boiler maintenance contracts. We have electricians, plumbers, bathroom fitters, carpenters and gas engineers ready to offer their skills to your project. Our office staff are helpful, polite and knowledgeable. There is no job too big or small and we will offer our highest quality of service tailored to your needs.

Unit 7, The Shannon Centre, Thames Estuary Industrial Estate, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0PE Tel: 01268 515130 Fax: 01268 515943 Email: info@southernthermal.co.uk Web: www.stfs.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: RACHP

SSE Contracting Ltd

East Region, Unit 8a The Irwin Centre, Scotland Road, Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire CB23 8AR Tel: 01924 213553 Email: nigel.romans@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABFGHMNOPQRZ Contracted Out: CDEJKLUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

T T Clarke East Ltd

Bicton Industrial Park, Kym Road, Kimbolton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 0LW Tel: 01480 861544 Fax: 01480 861520 Email: info@tclarke-east.co.uk Web: www.tclarke-east.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGHJKMNPRSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFILOQTVWXY

SES Mechanical Services Ltd

Telford Way, Severalls Lane Industrial Est, Colchester, Essex CO4 9QP Tel: 01206 845 333 Fax: 01206 844 601 Email: sales@sesmechanical.co.uk Web: www.sesmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: AGHIJKLMNRU Contracted Out: CDEFVWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Soltec UK Ltd

Unit 3, Priory Works, Priory Avenue, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 6LD Tel: 01702 301080 Fax: 01702 303405 Email: info@soltecuk.com Web: www.soltecuk.com Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNSTUVZ Specialist Group: RACHP

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Eastern Counties TWO Services Ltd

2 Hovefields Lodge, Burnt Hills, Basildon, Essex SS13 1EB Tel: 01268 727603 Fax: 01268 727688 Email: barry@two-services.com Web: www.two-services.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Trios Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

Total Electrical Ltd

7 Rose Way, Purdeys Industrial Estate, Rochford, Essex SS4 1LY Tel: 01702 547744 Fax: 01702 547741 Email: totalelectrical@onetel.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABDEFISUYZ Contracted Out: CGHMTV

U United Facilities Management Ltd

Suite 4 The Sanctuary, Steeple View Farm, Dunton Road, Steeple View, Laindon, Essex SS15 4DB Tel: 01268 548346 Fax: 01708 860003 Email: mandy@unitedfm.com Web: www.unitedfm.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGHIJMNSVWZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLOPQRTUXY Specialist Group: SFG

W Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd 74 Fryerning Lane, Ingatestone, Essex CM4 0NN Tel: 01277 353306 Fax: 01277 354903 Email: info@keepingcool.co.uk Web: www.keepingcool.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ACEFINS Contracted Out: BDGJKLMTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Wonters FM Ltd

Unit 16, Ronald Rolph Court, Cambridge CB5 8PX Tel: 01223 240542 Fax: 01223 413888 Email: info@wonters.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HIJKLMRSTUVXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNY Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Regional Manager: Tim Acland Lambden Barn, Lambden Road, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent TN27 0RB Tel: 01233 840531 Email: tim.acland@b-es.org

A A C Direct Ltd

Stable Yard, 65 Albert Road, South Woodford, London E18 1LE Tel: 020 8989 8989 Email: info@ac-direct.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABINV Contracted Out: LW

A C Preou Ltd

Hobson House, 12b Bridge Close, Romford, Essex RM7 0AU Tel: 01708 755055 Fax: 01708 732297 Email: info@preou.co.uk Web: www.preou.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: FGMR Contracted Out: ABCDETVWZ

A C R London Ltd

134-134a Park View Road, Welling, Kent DA16 1SJ Tel: 020 8331 5603 Fax: 020 8303 8046 Email: info@acrLondon .co.uk Web: www.acrLondon .co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABEFJNSTUVZ Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: RACHP

Advanced Building Management

27 Pantile Hill Southminster, Essex CM0 7BA Tel: 01621 772058 Fax: 05602 047411 Email: service@advancedbml.com Website: www.advancedbml.com

Accurate Cooling Services Ltd

147a London Road, Dunton Green Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2UP Tel: 01732 669 202 Email: mc1xx@aol.com Website: www.accuratecoolingservicesltd.com Accurate Cooling Services Ltd is an established air conditioning and refrigeration company with 13 years experience, based in Sevenoaks Kent. We offer a variety of services including new installation, repair and maintenance of fixed air conditioning units, and the hire or sale of portable A/C units. We also specialise in the service and repair of large commercial chillers. Although we are based in the South East of England, we are able to carry out work throughout the UK and overseas if required. We keep our prices competitive and provide a high standard of work. We are Safecontractor and CHAS accredited.

WHO ARE ADVANCED BML? Advanced Building Management Limited is the brainchild of Declan Kiernan. Declan has many years in the building management industry. We specialise in the management of the buildings of Blue Chip companies ACREDDITATIONS We are accredited with the following companies: • B&ES Heating Ventilation Contracting Association • National Britannia Safe Contractor We have also applied for NICEIC to carry out testing and installation of electrical equipment in large commercial buildings.

A G O’Malley Ltd

6 The Avenue, West Wickham, Kent BR4 0DY Tel: 020 8916 9322 Fax: 020 8916 9322 Email: tony@fabfit.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GJKLMX

Accent Services (AC) Ltd

Unit 4, Brooklands Close, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7DX Tel: 01932 765648 Fax: 01932 788706 Email: ian@accent.ac Web: www.accentac Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABNS Specialist Group: RACHP


London Region

ADC Environmental Services Ltd 53 Bankside Close, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 7EW Tel: 020 8891 0228 Fax: 020 8891 0279 Email: philipcross@adc2002.fsnet.co.uk Web: www.ventilationing.org Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: FGSTVW Contracted Out: ABCDEIM Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Advent Ductwork Systems Ltd

56b Hamm Moor Lane, Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2SF Tel: 01932 856249 Fax: 01932 841573 Email: peter@adventds.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCEFGINSV Contracted Out: LTUWYZ Specialist Group: DWG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ London Aim Mechanical Services Ltd

2 Veridion Way (Suite 45), Veridion Park, Erith, Kent DA18 4AL Tel: 020 8320 1060 Fax: 020 8320 1061 Email: peggy.lane@aimmechanical.co.uk Web: www.aimmec.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGMNS Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Air Source Climate Control Ltd

Air Conditioning Associates Limited

Unit 11, Teddington Business Park Station Road, Teddington, Middx TW11 9BQ Tel: 0208 977 0208 Fax: 0208 977 0200 Email: info@airconac.co.uk Website: www.airconac.co.uk Air Conditioning Associates specialise in all aspects of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. We operate across London, the South East and beyond. All types of commercial air conditioning can be catered for, from a single unit to a multiple application VRV system, chilled water system or close control computer room.

Aim Mechanical Services Ltd 2 Veridion Way, Veridion Park Erith, Kent DA18 4AL Tel: 020 8320 1060 Email: info@aimmechanical.co.uk Website: www.aimmechanical.co.uk

Aim Mechanical Services offer efficient combined heating and ventilation systems. We offer a full supply and installation service with maintenance packages available. Split air conditioning systems a speciality. We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical and Heating installations to a wide range of commercial and industrial premises throughout London and the South East. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. Delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction is the forefront of our philosophy.

Air Conditioning Projects Ltd

Chancery Court, Lincoln Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RE Tel: 01494 429329 Fax: 01494 471468 Email: info@acprojects.co.uk Web: www.acprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: B Contracted Out: ACDINSTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Conditioning Associates can design a bespoke commercial system to meet any requirement. We pride ourselves in being able to offer diverse and cutting edge designs with energy efficiency and environmental impact a primary consideration.

76 Rectory Grove, Hampton, Middlesex TW12 1EE Tel: 0800 334 5231 Email: info@airsourceclimatecontrol.co.uk Web: www.airsourceclimatecontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABDHILNOP Contracted Out: CEFGJKMTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

ALB Building Services Ltd

All Seasons Climate Control Ltd

Unit 5, Prospect Business Park, Langston Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 3TR Tel: 020 8502 4540 Fax: 020 8502 2200 Email: eddie@allseasonscc.co.uk Web: www.beattheheat.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

5 Royal Court, London SE16 7TA Tel: 020 8563 7403 Fax: 020 8563 8935 Email: allan@albltd.co.uk Web: www.albltd.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CDEFGHIJLMNSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABKOPQRTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Allen-Hubbard Services Ltd

All Comfort Solutions Ltd

Amey Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd

315 Croydon Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 7LB Tel: 020 8669 1112 Fax: 020 8835 2479 Email: savva@allcomfortsolutions.com Web: www.allcomfortsolutions.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ACGHIMNSUV Contracted Out: BEFJKLTWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

198 Hither Green Lane, London SE13 6QB Tel: 020 8852 3391 Fax: 020 8852 0892 Email: enquiry@allen-hubbard.co.uk Web: www.allen-hubbard.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: AGMSV Contracted Out: BCDEFIKLNOPTUWXZ

Cirrus House, Bedford Road, Stanwell, Staines, Middlesex TW19 7NL Tel: 01784 263259 Email: ian.edmiston@amey.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1956 In-House: ABFGHMSUZ Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

We offer the complete solution, from free site surveys and quotations, through to design, assistance with planning applications, installations and preventative maintenance.

ACS Facilities

Airflow Design Services Ltd

Unit 8, Colne Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 232360 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: info@airflowdesignservices.co.uk Website: www.airflowdesignservices.co.uk Airflow Design Services offer a full turnkey solution for all your ventilation requirements, from the design and scoping stage through to installation and commissioning. With over 25 years of in house experience within the ventilation industry, airflow design services have the knowledge and experience to tailor our designs to suit your requirements. Please find below a list of the services offered by Airflow within the commercial arena: • Ductwork and ventilation system design • Bespoke manufacturing • Ductwork filtration systems • Ductwork heating and cooling systems • Insulation and acoustics • Supply, delivery and installation • Kitchen extract systems • Ductwork cleaning • System maintenance.

315 Croydon Road, Wallington Croydon, Surrey SM6 7LB Tel: 020 8669 1112 Fax: 020 8835 2479 Email: office@allcomfortsolutions.com Website: www.allcomfortsolutions.com ACS Facilities offer a full menu of services across Facilities Management, Air Conditioning and Building Management to both Commercial and Residential Clients. By regularly maintaining your properties not only do you save money on expensive call-outs, but your buildings operate at optimum efficiency and meet sustainability standards and compliance. We develop an individual tailored solution to meet your needs. Whether you are a larger organisation looking to outsource all your FM services or are a Residential Client ACS has the systems and resources to ensure you property is fully maintained and meets all Health and Safety requirements.

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Artic Building Services Ltd

16-17 Schooner Park, Schooner Court, Dartford, Kent DA2 6NW Tel: 020 8314 2919 Fax: 0845 308 2301 Email: enquiries@articbuildingservices.com Web: www.articbuildingservices.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDGHIJKLMNSTUVYZ Contracted Out: EFWX Specialist Group: SFG

All Seasons Climate Control Ltd

Unit 5, Prospect Business Park Langston Road, Loughton Essex IG10 3TR Tel: 0800 814 2000 Fax: 020 8502 2200 Email: info@allseasonscc.co.uk Website: www.allseasonscc.co.uk

Ashford Environmental Service Ltd

We are an innovative and customer orientated business delivering a wide range of bespoke services to London and the South East encompassing air-conditioning, ventilation, heating, plumbing, electrical services, service, maintenance and building works supported by a fully qualified in house team of industry specialists. Our services are designed to provide our clients, existing and prospective with a cost effective “one stop shop”. Working across both public and private sectors alike no job is too large or too small. Visit our website at www.allseasonscc.co.uk to see what we can do for you.

The Offices, Mill Mead, Staines, Middlesex TW18 4UQ Tel: 01784 465838 Fax: 01784 465848 Email: rjc@ashford-group.co.uk Web: www.ashford-group.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: HSVW Contracted Out: T

Aspect Maintenance Services Ltd Unit 4, Rufus Business Centre, Ravensbury Terrace, London SW18 4RL Tel: 0844 884 1180 Fax: 0844 884 1181 Email: enquiries@allaspectsltd.co.uk Web: www.aspect-maintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Associated Pipework (SE) Ltd Unit 35, Swan Centre, Rosemary Road, London SW17 0AR Tel: 020 8879 7042 Fax: 020 8947 9139 Email: info@associatedpipework.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GJKX

Axis Ductwork Ltd

Unit 5, Orangery Studios, 21 Orangery Lane, London SE9 1HN Tel: 020 8850 6620 Fax: 020 8850 8540 Email: info@axisductwork.co.uk Web: www.axisductworkhotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 Contracted Out: CDEFI Specialist Group: DWG

B Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Kingsgate, 62 High Street, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1SG Tel: 01737 785400 Email: mike.harris@bbesl.com Web: www.bbesl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Blue Flame Gas Services

276 Wickham Lane, Abbey Wood, London SE2 0XS Tel: 020 8311 7842 Fax: 020 8355 0709 Email: admin@blue-flame.co.uk Web: www.blue-flame.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

Boon Building Services Ltd

Bridge House, Bridge Street, Staines, Middlesex TW18 4TW Tel: 01784 437999 Fax: 01784 436611 Email: stuart@boonbuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.boonbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: BGHIJKMORSXZ Contracted Out: ACDEFLNPQTUVWY

Boostfine Ltd

16 Falcon Business Centre, Ashton Road, Romford, Essex RM3 8UR Tel: 01708 386252 Fax: 01708 386060 Email: djhourihan@boostfine.co.uk Web: www.boostfine.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRTUWXYZ

Bancroft Ltd Andrews Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 5, Peninsula Park Road, Charlton, London SE7 7TZ Tel: 0800 731 8833 Fax: 0161 945 7412 Email: alasdair.mclean@andrews-sykes.com Web: www.aacr-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: AS Specialist Group: SFG

ASPEN Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps

Apex Way Hailsham BN27 3WA Head Office Tel: 01323 849 955 London Office Tel: 0207 412 8931 Email: info@aspen-ac.co.uk Website: www.aspen-ac.co.uk

Aqua Technologies (Europe) Ltd

Unit 2, Hounslow Business Park, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 3UD Tel: 020 8577 1104 Fax: 020 8572 9777 Email: info@atleurope.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGHMV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: RACHP

Argent FM Ltd

Argent House, Wild’s Rents, London SE1 4QG Tel: 020 7403 1204 Fax: 020 7378 0036 Email: info@argentfm.com Web: www.argentfm.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIJLMNSTUVWXZ Contracted Out: CDEFKOPQRY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Established in 1986 Aspen have been providing bespoke air conditioning solutions through all building sectors. Designed and Installed to the highest industry standard and trusted by our Manufacture business partners, we offer 7-10year extended warranties giving our clients peace of mind. Our dedicated maintenance division provide pre planned and reactive maintenance solutions keeping your comfort constant. Aspen, your comfort provided by our expertise for 30 years.

Arodene House, 41-55 Perth Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6BX Tel: 020 8709 2500 Fax: 020 8709 2525 Email: jason.dodd@bancroft.uk.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: IZ Contracted Out: ABCEFGKLWY

Beacon Group Ltd

Unit 5 Kingside Business Park, Ruston Road, Woolwich, London SE18 5BX Tel: 020 8309 8555 Fax: 020 8309 8666 Email: enquiries@beacongroup.org.uk Web: www.beacongroup.org.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004

Bilfinger HSG Facility Management Ltd

9 Astley House, Cromwell Business Park, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire OX7 5SR Tel: 0845 230 4232 Fax: 0845 230 4233 Email: cgranger@rollright.co.uk Web: www.rollright.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMNSUZ Contracted Out: EJKLTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Bilfinger HSG Facility Management Ltd

61 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AF Tel: 020 7634 2374 Email: pexcell@rollright.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABFGHMSUZ Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Borahurst Limited

75 Bell Street Reigate Surrey RH2 7AN Tel: 01737 221733 Fax: 01737 223512 Email: info@borahurst.com Website: www.borahurst.com Website: www.r-22.co.uk Twitter: @borahurstltd Borahurst are a “Multi Award Winning” forward thinking, privately owned, customer focussed business. We have been delivering Mechanical, Air Conditioning, Plumbing installation and R-22 replacement to a wide range of commercial and residential premises throughout the UK for the past 37 years. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen, allowing projects to be completed to the highest standards. The majority of our work is through repeat business/ recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manor and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction at the forefront of our philosophy.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ London C

Bouygues E&S FM UK Ltd

Waterloo Centre, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London SE1 7NQ Tel: 020 7401 0020 Fax: 020 7633 9106 Email: giuseppe.borgese@bouygues-es.co.uk Web: www.bouygues-es.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGLMNSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFIJKOPQRTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

3rd Floor, 35 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SE Tel: 020 7490 2067 Fax: 020 7253 4358 Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

BSW Heating Ltd

3 Old Barn Lane, Kenley, Surrey CR8 5AT Tel: 020 8763 5300 Fax: 020 8763 5353 Email: mbelliere@bsw-heating.com Web: www.bsw-heating.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: GHKMNVZ Contracted Out: AIUW Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

38 Weyside Road, Guildford Surrey GU1 1JB Tel: 01483 590600 Fax: 01483 590601 Email: enquiries@btu-installation.com Website: www.btu-group.com An established Company of over 50 years, BTU has built a reputation for high quality delivery and engineering excellence in both domestic and commercial projects.

Severalls Business Park, Heckworth Close Colchester, Essex CO4 9TB Tel: 01206 838550 Fax: 01206 838560 Email: enquiries@burgin.co.uk Website: www.burgin.co.uk Our range of activities extends from Planned Preventative Maintenance (resident and mobile) for clients of all sizes and professions, including reactive call out and repairs, small works, through to Design and Installation of new M&E services and equipment.

Rock Lodge Vineyard, Lewes Road Scaynes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7NG Tel: 01444 831138 Fax: 01444 831183 Email: sales@bsw-bs.co.uk Website: www.bsw-bs.co.uk BSW Building Services is a leading heating and mechanical services contractor working throughout South East England. A family run business stretching over 50 years of operation, BSW has a proven history of excellent customer service, a wealth of experience and in-house capabilities and resources to fulfil the heating and mechanical services of any type of property. BSW are fully qualified to work with gas, oil and LPG as well as being MCS accredited installers of solar thermal, solar PV, biomass and heat pumps.

Cleaveland Mews, 9 Cleaveland Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4AH Tel: 020 8390 6500 Fax: 020 8390 6581 Email: mail@cadoganbs.co.uk Web: www.cadoganbs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GIKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFJLNOPQRUVW

BTU (Installation & Maintenance) Limited


BSW Building Services

Cadogan Building Services Ltd

Our qualified M&E Design and Installation Contracting team are fully experienced in the running and organizing of fast track installation and refurbishment work and are capable of carrying out the full design required on projects either working from the clients design brief or recommending and preparing a design from their own expertise and recognized design standards. The very latest Hevacomp, Amtech and AutoCAD design software support the experienced Burgin inhouse design team. The Burgin engineers provide roundthe-clock cover for customers over an area which encompasses London, East Anglia and the Home Counties.

Cool Systems Air Conditioning Ltd

Systems House, Horndon Industrial Park, Station Road, West Horndon, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3XL Tel: 01277 810050 Fax: 01277 811788 Email: contactus@csgroupuk.co.uk Website: www.csgroupuk.co.uk We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Air Conditioning design and installations to a wide range of commercial and industrial premises thought out the UK. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

C N C Heating Ltd

Unit F, Fawkham Business Park, Fawkham Road, Longfield, Dartford, Kent DA3 7BE Tel: 01474 700111 Fax: 01474 700123 Email: sales@cncheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GH Specialist Group: SFG

Carillion Services

One Euston Tower, 40 Molton Street, London NW1 2FD Tel: 020 8326 9787 Fax: 8767835024 Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHIKLMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJQVX

Carillion Services

8th Floor, 1 Eversholt Street, London NW1 2DN Tel: 01924 221733 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: diane.mckeith@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVX Specialist Group: SFG

Cartel (London ) Ltd

Hobbs Cross Open Farm, Hobbs Cross Road, Theydon Garnon, Epping, Essex CM16 7NY Tel: 01992 812522 Fax: 01992 815991 Email: enquiries@cartelLondon .com Web: www.cartelLondon .com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: F Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Catering Hygiene Specialists Ltd

Unit 1, Midas Industrial Estate, Longbridge Way, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2YT Tel: 01895 812117 Fax: 01895 259467 Email: john@cateringhygiene.co.uk Web: www.cateringhygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Cavendish (UK) Ltd

CNC Heating Limited

Unit F Fawkham Business Park Fawkham Road, Longfield, Kent DA3 7BE Tel: 01474 700 111 Fax: 01474 700 123 Email: service@cncheating.co.uk Website: www.cncheating.co.uk CNC Heating are a specialist company working in partnership with today’s market leaders in both commercial and domestic gas and oil fired appliances. Based in Kent and with an engineering workforce which is highly qualified we are able to provide clients a comprehensive range of services in a vast area of London and the South of England.

36 Spital Square, London E1 6DY Tel: 020 7375 3526 Email: lizzie.phillips@cavendishengineers.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ISZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFGJMNOPQRVY Specialist Group: SFG

Cavendish Engineers Ltd

36 Spital Square, London E1 6DY Tel: 020 7375 3526 Fax: 020 7375 1168 Email: info@cavendishengineers.net Web: www.cavendishengineers.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: IOQRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFGJMNPVY Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


CBAC Services Ltd

Contract Energy Management Ltd

Woodcot, Grays Avenue, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex SS16 5LP Tel: 0844 980 8636 Fax: 0844 980 8656 Email: info@cbacservices.co.uk Web: www.cbacservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABGNZ Contracted Out: LMUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 13, Brentford Business Centre, Commerce Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 8LG Tel: 020 8568 4655 Fax: 020 8568 4487 Email: rossf@cemuk.com Web: www.cemuk.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GIJKLMSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Claremore Mechanical Services Ltd

31 Grangewood Street, East Ham, London E6 1HB Tel: 020 8552 5124 Fax: 020 8552 2419 Email: gavin.pykerman@claremore.co.uk Web: www.claremore.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHMSW Contracted Out: CDEFITUVZ Specialist Group: SFG

Climate Facilities Ltd

657 North Circular Road, London NW2 7AY Tel: 020 8452 3030 Fax: 020 8452 1010 Email: samir@crystalsigma.com Web: www.crystalsigma.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABLNSV Contracted Out: IT Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit E1, Thamesview Business Centre, Barlow Way, Rainham, Essex RM13 8EW Tel: 01708 559799 Email: norm.pattison@coalit.com Web: www.coalservices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABHINSVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFTU Specialist Group: SFG

Current Development Ltd

Kings Yard, 1 Waterden Road, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E15 2GP Tel: 0208 221 6530 Email: jaz.gaberria@cofely-gdfsuez.com Web: www.cofely-gdfsuez.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP


Cooksons Mechanical Services Ltd

Crystal Sigma Ltd

Coal Services Ltd

195-197 Victoria Street, London SW1E 5NE Tel: 020 3384 2482 Fax: 020 7900 2924 Email: as@completecoolingsolutions.co.uk Web: www.completecoolingsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIS Contracted Out: LNUWX

15 Dock Street, London E1 8JN Tel: 020 7553 0310 Fax: 020 7488 1366 Email: tony.smith@contract-plus.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: B Contracted Out: GIMOP Specialist Group: RACHP

Crystal House, 4 Dolman Road, London W4 5UY Tel: 020 8994 9398 Fax: 020 8994 1445 Email: crystal@crystalrefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.crystalrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABINSVZ

Newlands, Boars Head, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 3HD Tel: 01892 662255 Email: prodemcouk@btinternet.com Web: www.close.be Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: AIW Contracted Out: UXZ

Complete Cooling Solutions Ltd

83 Queenhythe Road, Jacobs Well Guildford, Surrey GU4 7NU Tel: +448445027670 Email: dgrover@cubeacltd.com Website: www.cubeacltd.com

Cube Air-conditioning Ltd is a company that specialize in Daikin A/C Equipment. The company can offer a complete A/C Service package, ensuring you receive the best service available. Our 16 years of Daikin A/C in-house and field experience, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of the complete Daikin product range has enabled us to gear the business to meet end user requirements Associations Members of B&ES (formally HVCA), Trustmark Safe Contractor, EXOR, CHAPS, REFCOM Elite, Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Refrigeration, ACRIB and SkillCard.

Crystal Refrigeration

Close Technical Services Ltd


Cube Airconditioning Limited

Contract Plus Ltd

The Joint, Wexham Street, Wexham, South Buckinghamshire SL3 6NX Tel: 01753 664421 Fax: 01753 664161 Email: info@cooksonsmechanical.co.uk Web: www.cooksonsmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: DEGMRW Contracted Out: ACFIKLNU Specialist Group: HAPS

Allied House, Kelpatrick Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 6BW Tel: 0844 770 4404 Fax: 0845 770 4405 Email: info@climate-facilities.co.uk Web: www.climate-facilities.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABHILMNSTUZ Contracted Out: CDEFGJKOPQRVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

DBS Services Ltd

7 Beechwood Rise, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6TF Tel: 020 8295 2295 Fax: 020 8295 2295 Email: jim.kitson@currentdevelopment.co.uk Web: www.currentdevelopment.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ACEGIMNSV Contracted Out: BFHTUYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 8, Colne Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 246381 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: info@dbsservices.co.uk Website: www.dbsservices.co.uk

D D G Robson Mechanical Services Ltd Tenter House, 45Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE Tel: 020 7997 7550 Fax: 020 7997 7551 Email: danny.robson@dgrmechanical.com Web: www.dgrmechanical.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GJKMX Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUVWYZ

Darenth Valley Building Services Ltd Clive House, Cray Road, Crockenhill, Kent BR8 8LN Tel: 01322 615665 Fax: 01322 615010 Email: terry@darenthvalley.co.uk Web: www.darenthvalley.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGMS Contracted Out: TUY Specialist Group: SFG

Designer Group

Unit 22, Berghem Mews, Blythe Road, London W14 0HN Tel: 020 7603 1024 Fax: 020 7183 3588 Email: shirleyjones@designergroupuk.com Web: www.designergroup.ie Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: I Contracted Out: ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ

Based in Watford and operating in London and the South East, we are commercial air conditioning, refrigeration and heating engineers specializing in planned and re-active maintenance, commercial installations and system upgrades. We have an in house ventilation and electrical department minimizing invoicing and management of contractors. As a Mitsubishi Electric Business Solutions Partner we can offer a 7 year warranty on new installations when accompanied by a fixed term maintenance contract. Our engineers are experienced with all equipment manufacturers and are all equipped with I-Pads on site for immediate sending of service sheets to the client and our Service Department.

DMG Delta Ltd

9 Weymouth Street, London W1N 3FF Tel: 020 7580 3658 Fax: 01279 815554 Email: davec@dmgdelta.co.uk Web: www.dmgdelta.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABEFGHLMNOPQRSTUVWZ Contracted Out: CDFJKY Specialist Group: SFG

Domino Building Services Ltd

Solution Point, Unit 12, Guildford Road Trading Estate, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9PZ Tel: 01252 732345 Fax: 01252 732346 Email: pcarpenter@dominobuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.dominobuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABGMNSUV Contracted Out: IJKLTWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Dornan Engineering Services Ltd 36 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH Tel: 020 7340 1030 Email: robert.feaheny@dornan.ie Web: www.dornan.ie Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHJKLMXZ Contracted Out: ABINOPQRSTUVWY

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B&ES Members \ London E

ECG Facilities Services

Elmec (Southern) Ltd

Enterprise House, 102 Hatfields, London SE1 9PG Tel: 01698 828778 Fax: 020 7033 3962 Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJKMNSWZ Contracted Out: CDEFIKLTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

E H G E Ltd

Morritt House, 54-60 Station Approach, South Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 6SA Tel: 020 8839 2640 Fax: 020 8839 2641 Email: dmullins@ehge.co.uk Web: www.ehge.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCEGIMSTUVYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

48/60 Footscray Road, Eltham, London SE9 2SU Tel: 020 8331 2960 Fax: 020 8331 2903 Email: ggatehouse@elmecsouthern.com Web: www.elmecsouthern.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABDEFGHILMNRVYZ Contracted Out: CJKOPQSTUWX

Edge DBS Ltd

East West Connect Ltd

Unit 5, Silicone Business Centre, 28 Wadsworth Road, Perivale, Middlesex UB6 7JZ Tel: 0845 601 4184 Fax: 0845 601 4181 Email: paul.fitzgerald@eastwestelectric.com Web: www.eastwestelectric.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJMNRSVZ Contracted Out: LTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Eaton Air Ltd

Unit 5, Saffron Court, Southfields Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex SS15 6SS Tel: 0800 118 2778 Email: paul@eaton.org Web: www.eatonair.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

2nd Floor, 76-77 Watling Street, London EC4M 9BJ Tel: 020 7904 1033 Fax: 020 7397 8400 Email: dsmith@edgedbs.co.uk Web: www.edgedbs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009

Eastern Fabrications Building Services Ltd (efabs)

Elmstead Mechanical Services Ltd

Elanar Technical Services Ltd Unit 3, Stone Street Court, Hadleigh Ipswitch, Suffolk IP7 6HY Tel: 01473 824019 Fax: 01473 828750 Email: info@elanar.co.uk Website: www.elanar.co.uk

A small but capable company providing a full planned and reactive maintenance service for domestic & industrial heating and ventilating systems call for more information

4 Horsecroft Place, The Pinnacles Harlow, Essex CM19 5BT Tel: 01279 454609 Email: info@efabs.co.uk Website: www.efabs.com

We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering a wide range of Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical installations to various commercial businesses in the South East. We offer high quality installations using skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards and within set timescales. A considerable amount of our work is through repeat business and recommendations.

Edmund Services Limited

12 Saxon House, Warley Street Upminster, Essex RM14 3PJ Tel: 01708 222221 Fax: 01708 224460 Email: sales@edmundservices.com Website: www.edmundservices.com

We are continuing to expand our business in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction at the forefront of our philosophy.

We are a building services provider specialising in planned maintenance and project work to all forms of building engineering expertise and to our client’s specification. We provide cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with an emergency call out service response within 2 hours and around the clock responsibility for the efficient operation of building services systems. • Air Conditioning • Electrical • Mechanical • Ventilation • Heating • Installation • Maintenance • Controls Visit our website at www.edmundservices.com

Elco Building Services Ltd

Hartcran House, Suite 9 Gibbs Couch, Carpenters Park, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 5EZ Tel: 020 8421 6196 Fax: 020 8428 6401 Email: dwest@elcobuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.elcobuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHJKMSTUZ Contracted Out: VWY Specialist Group: SFG

Emerald House Global Engineering Ltd

1st Floor - Bates Business Centre, The Old Brickworks, Church Road, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0JF Tel: 01708 378787 Fax: 01708 371836 Email: info@elmstead.co.uk Web: www.elmstead.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: AHIN Contracted Out: BCDEFGJKLMOPSTUVWXYZ

EMCOR Facilities Services Ltd

No 1, Thameside Centre, Kew Bridge Road, Kew, Middlesex TW8 0HF Tel: 020 8380 6700 Fax: 020 8380 6701 Web: www.emcoruk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ACDEFHSTYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Our talent is undertaking building services led refurbishment projects. Fast to react, we are highly versatile with particular experience in security sensitive, high-specification and 24/7 operational environments.

Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting

We pride ourselves in delivering tailored projects working co-operatively with our clients, consistently and cost effectively aiming for whole-life energy efficiency and maintainability using our expertise in value engineering and green technologies.

SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

Unit B, Braintree Industrial Estate Braintree Road, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 0EJ Tel: 020 8839 2640 Fax: 020 8839 2641 Email: us@ehge.co.uk Website: www.ehge.co.uk EHGE is a leading Building Services Integration Specialist. We offer premium quality mechanical, electrical and cabled services installation and maintenance, using high calibre engineers. Excellence is our standard with a guarantee of quality, consistency and reliability.

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Enevis Ltd

EMCOR Group (UK) Plc

1 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4BN Tel: 0845 600 2300 Fax: 0800 066 4801 Email: mick.walker@emcoruk.com Web: www.emcoruk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1931 In-House: ACDEFHYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

EMS - Engineering Maintenance Services Ltd 15-29 Eyre Street Hill, London EC1R 5LB Tel: 020 7837 4707 Fax: 020 7833 8299 Email: don@ems-maintenance.co.uk Web: www.ems-maintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGMNSU Contracted Out: CDEILOPQRTVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Eton Associates Ltd

9 Quebec Wharf, Thomas Road, London E14 7AF Tel: 020 7068 7900 Fax: 020 7068 7901 Email: enquiries@etonassociates.com Web: www.eton-group.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHLMNSUVWZ Contracted Out: CDEFIJKOPQRTXY

F Fire Protection Ltd

Essex Services Group PLC

Unit 14, Viking Business Centre Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HL Tel: 01708 708888 Fax: 01708 708877 Email: info@esgplc.com Website: www.esgplc.com

EMS (Installations) Ltd

Wharf Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2RU Tel: 01474 360390 Fax: 01474 321523 Email: kevin.gray@emspipework.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GM

As a progressive, multi-disciplined company, formed in 1975 we continue to be at the forefront of innovative technologies providing Mechanical, Electrical and Maintenance Services to the construction industry. Focusing on quality, efficiency, dependability and value ensures we maintain our competitive edge within the marketplace offering the highest standards of workmanship and Health and Safety within the Commercial, Residential, Data Centre, Retail, Public and Education sectors. Our in house ‘Design & Build’ team and ‘Project Management’ service is able to offer a comprehensive, well equipped solution to any task at hand.

Enigma Environmental Services Limited

Unit 8, Chiltern Enterprise Centre Station Road, Theale, Reading Berkshire RG7 4AA Tel: 01189 303766 Fax: 01189 303765 Email: info@enigmaesl.com Website: www.enigmaesl.com Enigma ESL is a private limited company founded in 1999 with extensive capabilities in the design, installation, service and maintenance of air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and heat pump systems.

Essex Services Group Plc

Operating from our Head Office in Theale, near Reading, Berkshire the company has an established portfolio of domestic, commercial, industrial and marine project experience both in the UK and overseas. The management and our team of directly employed engineers are committed to quality, the environment and health and safety which is evidenced by our accreditations with recognised and respected industry bodies such as B&ES, REFCOM Elite, BESCA, SSIP and Trust Mark.


Priory House, Twisleton Court, Priory Hill, Dartford, Kent DA1 2EN Tel: 01322 284555 Fax: 01322 228156 Email: info@enevis.co.uk Web: www.enevis.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: AGHIMNOPRSTV Contracted Out: CDEFJKLUWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Viking Business Centre, Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HL Tel: 01708 708888 Fax: 01708 708877 Email: eemrich@esgplc.com Web: www.esgplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GIJMOPQRSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Essex Ventilation Services Ltd

26 Wallenger Avenue, Gideo Park, Essex RM2 6ER Tel: 01708 301234 Email: justinblue@essexventilationservices.co.uk Web: www.essexventilationservices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ACDEFST Contracted Out: BIV Specialist Group: DWG

Flamebar House, South Road, Templefields, Harlow, Essex CM20 2AR Tel: 01279 634230 Fax: 01279 634231 Email: alankinnear@fireprotection.co.uk Web: www.fireprotection.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CEFY Specialist Group: DWG

Fletchers Facilities Ltd

Jubilee Lodge (First Floor), 21 Jubilee Way, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1TR Tel: 020 8391 2972 Fax: 020 8391 1876 Email: mikef@ffl11.co.uk Web: www.cfletchersons.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GLMSUWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNT

Fredericks (Mechanical Services) Ltd 2 Park Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 1SL Tel: 01322 288101 Fax: 01322 289483 Email: mail@fmsluk.com Web: www.fmsluk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GJKMORSVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNTUWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

G G & D Higgins Mechanical Services Ltd

Masters House, 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 1UX Tel: 020 8863 0003 Fax: 020 8863 0029 Email: ron.moysey@gdhiggins.co.uk Web: www.commercial-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHIKLMRSVX Contracted Out: EFW

G B S (South East)

7 Kemerton Road, Beckenham, Bromley, Kent BR3 6NJ Tel: 020 8650 5019 Fax: 020 8650 5019 Email: gbssoutheast@btinternet.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: S Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: SFG

G W Franklin M & E Services Ltd

Fredericks (Mechanical Services) Ltd

2 Park Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 1SL Tel: 01322 288101 Fax: 01322 289483 Email: mail@fmsluk.com Website: www.fmsluk.com Specialists in Heating, Aircon and Industrial Pipework Surveys, Estimates and Reports. Co-ordination, Planning, Installation, Testing, Inspection and Commissioning of Building Services. Project Management, Refurbishment and Installation with fully Integrated and Co-ordinated Multi Service Packages. Planned Maintenance, all with a callout facility.

4 Drakes Courtyard, 291 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR Tel: 020 7328 6611 Fax: 020 7328 4932 Email: ahenson@gwfranklin.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLMNSTUVWXY

GBE Services Ltd

Unit 19, Mulberry Court, Bourne Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 4BF Tel: 01322 554466 Fax: 0913 255 0044 Email: info@gbeltd.co.uk Web: www.gbe.ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CGH

GEM Environmental Building Services Ltd Unit 121 - 122 Omega Works, 4 Roach Road, London E3 2PF Tel: 020 8985 0409 Fax: 020 8525 5282 Email: gary.martin@gemebs.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHIJKMRUVWXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNY Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ London Graith Ltd

H & V Building Services Ltd

5 Hamilton Road, Cowley, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3AJ Tel: 01895 239940 Fax: 01895 239940 Email: glen@graith.ltd.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: W

The Old Dairy, 4 New Road, South Darenth, Dartford, Kent DA4 9AR Tel: 01322 420040 Fax: 01322 861385 Email: enquiries@hvbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEFGJKLMNSTUWZ

Gratte Brothers Ltd

2 Regents Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL Tel: 020 7837 6433 Fax: 020 7520 8100 Email: ahills@gratte.com Web: www.gratte.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1949 In-House: AGIJMXYZ Contracted Out: BCDFKLNQRTUVW Specialist Group: MC

Gratte Brothers Specialist Services Ltd

H & V Building Services Ltd

2 Regents Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL Tel: 020 7837 6433 Fax: 020 7520 8100 Email: info@gratte.com Web: www.gratte.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDFGIMRSXYZ Contracted Out: ABLNOPTUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Greentherm Mechanical Services Ltd Unit A1, The Seedbed Centre, Davidson Way, Romford, Essex RM7 0AZ Tel: 01708 720190 Fax: 01708 728740 Email: john.allsopp@greentherm.co.uk Web: www.greentherm.co.uk Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: HAPS

The Old Dairy, 4 New Road South Darenth, Kent DA4 9AR Tel: 01322 420040 Fax: 01322 861385 Email: enquiries@hvbuildingservices.co.uk Providing multi services installations throughout London & the South in the Commercial, Local Authority & Public Sectors including works in Universities, Schools, Hospitals, Museums, Laboratories & Housing Trusts primarily in the occupied refurbishment market. If you require a fully integrated mechanical, electrical & building contractor to fullfil all of your requirements, look no further than H & V.


Haydon Mechanical & Electrical Ltd

Hoveair (Maintenance Services) Ltd

Henshall & Sheehy Support Services Ltd

HSL Group Ltd

City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, Docklands, London E14 9NN Tel: 020 7987 3555 Fax: 020 7987 3646 Email: sales@haydonme.co.uk Web: www.haydonme.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GHIMSZ Contracted Out: L Specialist Group: HAPS

5th Floor, Cromwell House, 14 Fulwood Place, London WC1V 6HZ Tel: 0207 242 5110 Fax: 020 7831 9345 Email: info@hssupport.co.uk Web: www.hssupprt.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEFGHLMNSUYZ Contracted Out: IJKOPQRTVWX Specialist Group: SFG

HKH Building Services Ltd

Unit 19, NCR Business Centre, Great Central Way, London NW10 0AB Tel: 020 8459 6650 Fax: 020 8459 6690 Email: colette@hkhbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: HIZ

Holland Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 8, Sovereign Business Centre, Stockingswater Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JX Tel: 020 8443 0990 Fax: 020 8443 3555 Email: info@munns.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABDEFGHLMNSTWZ Contracted Out: CIJKOPQRUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Holmes Environmental Services Ltd Hargreaves

H2O Nationwide Ltd

Repton Court Enterprise Park Repton Close, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN Tel: 01268 282700 Fax: 01268 288777 Email: info@h2onationwide.co.uk Website: www.h2onationwide.co.uk H2O Nationwide Ltd are one of the UK’s leading air and water hygiene specialists, employing some of the most experienced professionals in the country.

Unit 17, Central Park Trading Estate, Staines Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 5DJ Tel: 020 8814 9577 Fax: 020 8607 4301 Email: steven.thomas@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.hargreaves-ductwork.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFIJKSTX Contracted Out: ABHNV Specialist Group: MC, DWG

Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd Kitson’s Works, Aylesbury Road, Bromley, Kent BR2 0QZ Tel: 020 8464 0915 Fax: 020 8464 0916 Email: heaters@harrytaylor.co.uk Web: www.harrytaylor.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GM

5 Kingfisher House, Crayfields Business Park, New Mill Road, Orpington, Kent BR5 3QG Tel: 01689 834376 Fax: 01689 835174 Email: pmardle@holmesgroupuk.co.uk Web: www.holmesgroupuk.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIJMXYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNTUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Hoveair (Building Services) Ltd 24-26 Hermitage Lane, South Norwood, London SE25 5HH Tel: 020 8656 7744 Fax: 020 8656 0650 Email: davidcollins@hoveair.com Web: www.hoveair.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJKMNPUVZ Contracted Out: CDEFILWXY

24-26 Hermitage Lane, South Norwood, London SE25 5HH Tel: 020 8656 7744 Fax: 020 8656 0650 Email: sarahgirard@hoveair.com Web: www.hoveair.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJKMNRSUVZ Contracted Out: EFILTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

The Beeches, Brighton Road, Lower Kingswood, Surrey KT20 6SY Tel: 01737 831810 Fax: 01737 831811 Email: john@hslgroup.co.uk Web: www.hslgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGNSU Contracted Out: JKLMTVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS, DWG

Huggins & Squire Ltd

Copsham House, 53 Broad Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 3EA Tel: 01494 794957 Fax: 01494 791351 Email: info@hugginsandsquire.co.uk Web: www.hugginsandsquire.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABCDEFINSV Contracted Out: GLMUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

I Imtech Aqua Maintenance Ltd Aqua House, Rose and Crown Road, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire CB24 4RB Tel: 01954 234600 Fax: 01954 230593 Email: mark.pawson@imtechaqua.co.uk Web: www.imtechaqua.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 Specialist Group: SFG

Imtech Engineering Services London & South Ltd

Imtech House, 33-35 Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 2RP Tel: 01784 229900 Fax: 01784 229901 Email: martin.mcevoy@imtechmeica.co.uk Web: www.imtechmeica.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1996

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Facilities Management and Service, Deben House, 1 Selsdon Way, City Harbour, Docklands, London E14 9GL Tel: 020 7515 5511 Fax: 020 7515 5551 Email: david.webb@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, MC

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Imtech Inviron Ltd

Initial Facilities

Unit 7, Fairway Trading Estate, Green Lane, HeathrowTW4 6BU Tel: 020 8577 8771 Email: clive.avery@imtechinviron.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Environmental House, Unit 10 Liberty Centre, Mount Pleasant, Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex HA0 1TZ Tel: 020 8902 1901 Email: andy.uings@rentokil-initial.com Web: www.rentokil-initial.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ABCDFIKLNQSTUWZ Contracted Out: EJXY Specialist Group: SFG

Imtech UK Ltd

Imtech House, 33-35 Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 2RP Tel: 01784 229900 Fax: 01784 229901 Email: paul.Kavanagh@imtech.co.uk Web: www.imtech.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2009

Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd

Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road, East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER Tel: 020 8263 6241 Fax: 020 8263 6110 Email: amitry@innovation-acbs.com Web: www.innovation-acbs.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: AIK Contracted Out: CDEFLUW

Indepth Hygiene Services Ltd Indepth House, Wellesley Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5BW Tel: 020 8661 7888 Fax: 020 8661 7506 Email: ductclean@indepthhygiene.co.uk Web: www.indepthhygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

J L Environmental Ltd

23 Christopher Street, London EC2A 2BS Tel: 020 7247 8481 Fax: 020 7247 5523 Email: gary.cooper@ja-brooks.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: G Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 27, River Road Business Park, 33 River Road, Barking, Essex IG11 0EA Tel: 020 8507 2989 Fax: 020 8507 2989 Email: jlenvironltd@aol.com Web: www.jlenvironmental.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGNSV Contracted Out: CFTW Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

J C Watson Refrigeration Ltd

J O’Connor Ltd

J A Brooks & Co Ltd

4 Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way, Southfields Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS15 6TH Tel: 01708 864962 Fax: 01708 860605 Email: john_l@jcwatson.co.uk Web: www.jcwatson.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABI Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: RACHP

Integral UK Ltd

1st Floor, Leo House, Railway Approach, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0DX Tel: 020 8544 3500 Fax: 020 8544 3580 Email: martin.mccormack@integral.co.uk Web: www.integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AHINYZ Contracted Out: CDEFGJKLMNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd

ISS Integrated Solutions

Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER Tel: 020 8263 6248 Fax: 002 8263 6110 Email: amitry@innovation-acbs.com Website: www.innovation-acbs.com Innovation Air Conditioning and Building Services Limited, are a leader in multidiscipline building services, which has built a strong reputation for excellence and commitment within the construction industry. Our team is highly experienced in providing a broad range of services which includes but not limited to: • Design and build mechanical services installations • Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning installations • Domestic Services and Public health installations • Service, maintenance and 24 Hour Call out Innovation works with Architects, project managers, consulting engineers and construction companies on all kinds of buildings and projects, ranging from offices (CAT A & B) leading retailers and restaurants to hospitals, and high class residential developments. We have a history of consistently achieving agreed time, cost and quality targets and for providing best value solutions.



South Quay, Plaza 3, 189 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SH Tel: 0844 936 1208 Fax: 0844 936 1053 Email: martin.jolly@uk.issworld.com Web: www.issworld.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABGMSTV Contracted Out: CDEFIJKLNOPQRUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Iver Technical Services Ltd

West World, West Gate, London W5 1DR Tel: 020 8998 0300 Fax: 020 8998 0300 Email: john@ivertechnical.co.uk Web: www.ivertechnical.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: G Contracted Out: CDEFIMOPQRV Specialist Group: SFG

Iyoha Associates Ltd

11 Holyrood Avenue, Harrow, Middlesex HA2 8UD Tel: 020 8422 0694 Fax: 020 8864 1597 Email: eghe2@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AGIMNSVZ Contracted Out: LTW

J.C. Watson Refrigeration Ltd 4, Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way Southfields Business Park Basildon, Essex SS15 6TH Tel: 01708 864962 Fax: 01708 860605 Email: info@jcwatson.co.uk Website: www.jcwatson.co.uk

• UKAS quality assured 9001, 14001, 18001 • Government Procurement Service Approved

• Commercial Blue Chip clients • NHS Trusts and Local Authorities • Schools, Colleges and Universities • Brewery industries • Leisure and recreation

• F-Gas registered and fully accredited • New maintenance contracts • Service breakdown • Sales and installation • Mobile and Chiller hire • 24/7/365 call out • Engineers throughout South East

J J Engineering Co

260 Reede Road, Dagenham, Essex RM10 8EH Tel: 020 8595 6076 Fax: 020 8984 1711 Email: jj@jjeng.com Web: www.jjeng.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCEFGLNSUVYZ Contracted Out: HIJKMTW Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 2, Horizon Trade Park, Ringway, London N11 2NW Tel: 020 8920 4930 Fax: 020 8361 1309 Email: mail@joconnor.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHILMOPRSUWZ Contracted Out: KTVY Specialist Group: SFG

J S A Service

123 Harris Way, Sunbury-On-Thames, Middlesex TW16 7EL Tel: 01932 780321 Fax: 01932 765938 Email: jsa@jsaservice.com Web: www.jsaservice.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 Specialist Group: RACHP

J S Humidifiers plc

Rustington Trading Estate, Artex Avenue, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3LN Tel: 01903 850200 Fax: 01903 850345 Email: info@jshumidifiers.com Web: www.jshumidifiers.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ISV Specialist Group: SFG

J W Contract Services Ltd

Unit 6, Park Road Industrial Estate, Swanley, Kent BR8 8AH Tel: 01322 669921 Fax: 01322 669931 Email: info@jwcontractservices.co.uk Web: www.jwcontracservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHIMNSV Contracted Out: CDEFLTUW Specialist Group: RACHP

JCH London Ltd

154 Stonhouse Street, London SW4 6BE Tel: 020 7622 0937 Fax: 020 7622 0937 Email: info@jchLondon .co.uk Web: www.jchLondon .co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: AGHILMNOPV Contracted Out: BKWXZ Specialist Group: RACHP, HAPS

Jones Lang Lasalle Engineering Services Ltd

22 Hanover Square, London W1S 1JA Tel: 0207 493 6040 Email: Steve.watkins@eu.jll.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ London Jones Lang Lasalle Services Ltd

Kershaw Contracting Services Ltd

22 Hanover Square, London W1S 1JA Tel: 020 7493 6040 Email: Steve.watkins@eu.jll.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 2-3, Lewis Industrial Estate, Wheatley Terrace Road, Erith, Kent DA8 2AF Tel: 01322 336197 Fax: 01322 336914 Email: tim.peters@kershaw-grp.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: H

Kirkfields Heating Services Ltd

1 Chase Side Place, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 6QA Tel: 020 8367 7222 Fax: 020 8367 7234 Email: kirkfields@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GHMS Contracted Out: ABNTWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Just Cold Services Ltd

117 Old Farleigh Road South Croydon, Surrey CR2 8QD Tel: 0844-249 2929 Fax: 0844-249 2907 Email: eugenejcs@gmail.com We specialize in commercial air conditioning installation work mainly for M&E contractors within the M25 and South East. By focusing primarily on VRV/VRF installation projects, we can provide a dedicated team throughout the duration of the contract and can deal directly with clients to alleviate any issues that may arise. All of our vehicles are unwritten and carry a full compliment of installation materials. Each team is trained in first aid, Asbestos awareness, PASMA and hold F-Gas certification and SkillCards. We have built our business on customer satisfaction and are presently working on contracts to the value of £300k.

K K & T Heating Services Ltd

Thames House, Stone Foundries Estate, 669 Woolwich Road, London SE7 8LH Tel: 020 8269 4500 Fax: 020 8858 8502 Email: darren.miller@ktheating.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: HNO Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

KCE FM Limited

25 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0BF Tel: 020 7278 7997 Fax: 020 7278 9119 Email: callum.yates@kcefm.co.uk Web: www.kcefm.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGHIJMOPRSVWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLNTUX Specialist Group: HAPS

Knightsbridge Property Services Ltd

LX Engineering (South) Ltd

Kylemore Services Ltd


Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 0XZ Tel: 020 8253 4588 Fax: 020 8253 4589 Email: enquiries@kpsltd.co.uk Web: www.knightsbridgeproperty.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: HLZ Contracted Out: ABFGIMNV Specialist Group: HAPS

Heron House, 109 Wembley Hill Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 8DA Tel: 020 8795 1083 Fax: 020 8795 1084 Email: michaelq@kylemore.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: AI Specialist Group: HAPS


1 Sargasso, Five Arches Business Estate, Maidstone Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5AE Tel: 020 8308 4500 Fax: 020 8308 4501 Email: dean.cronin@lxengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: HIMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNQRSTUVWXY

M & C Environmental Services

Teresa Gavin House, Woodford Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 8FA Tel: 020 8551 9999 Fax: 020 8551 7995 Email: martin.perry@mulalley.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHIMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Lewis Duct Clean Ltd Klein Environmental

16D New Barns, Reeds Farm Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3SB Tel: 01245 421923 Fax: 01245 421962 Email: admin@klein-environmental.com Website: www.klein-environmental.com We are a mechanical building services company providing a complete range of design and contracting services. Our projects range from small fit-outs to hotels, offices, hospitals and data centres. By keeping up with the latest technology, products and techniques, we are able to provide a high quality service. A hands-on approach to all projects has seen the company grow steadily. We specialise in working closely with clients from project conception, through to completion in a given time scale. We bring an adaptive and proactive approach to projects and employ a carefully selected team of highly skilled, motivated and qualified staff.

Knightsbridge Building Services Ltd Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 0XZ Tel: 0208 253 4588 Fax: 020 8253 4589 Email: simon.cowdery@kpsltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: AGHIJLMNSVYZ Contracted Out: B

Unit 4, Bromley Industrial Estate, Waldo Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 2WD Tel: 0203 011 0234 Email: tina@lewisductclean.co.uk Web: www.lewisductclean.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: FIT Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Lorne Stewart Plc

Stewart House, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU Tel: 020 8732 2000 Fax: 020 8204 4870 Email: p.mathew@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABGHIJKLMNUVWYZ Contracted Out: CDELTW Specialist Group: SFG, MC, VHB

Lorne Stewart plc

Southern Division, Stewart House, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU Tel: 020 8732 2000 Fax: 020 8732 2166 Email: lee.burgess@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABFGIJKLMNUVWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFOPQR Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart Services

Lorne Stewart Services, Stewart House, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU Tel: 020 8732 2000 Fax: 020 8204 8373 Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABST Contracted Out: NW Specialist Group: SFG, MC

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


M J Ferguson Ltd

Maracom Ltd

Macair FMI Ltd

Mastercool Air Conditioning Specialists

Unit 1, Molyneaux Court, Radford Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0BT Tel: 01277 633400 Fax: 01277 630162 Email: lhensman@mjferguson.co.uk Web: www.mjferguson.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GLMSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFHJKNTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 1, Castle Wharf, 54-58 Orchard Place, London E14 0JW Tel: 020 7987 8550 Fax: 020 7536 7799 Email: jo.horlick@maracom.co.uk Web: www.maracom.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GKMUV Contracted Out: IWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 11, Maple Park, Essex Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 0EX Tel: 01992 478100 Fax: 01992 478200 Email: rob@macair.co.uk Web: www.macair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHIMNSV Contracted Out: CDEFJKLTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

220 Main Road, Romford, Essex RM2 5HA Tel: 01708 732700 Fax: 01708 732825 Email: rick@mastercool.co.uk Web: www.mastercool.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABDEN Contracted Out: CF Specialist Group: RACHP

MacWhirter Ltd

2 Bathurst Street, Lancaster Gate, London W2 2SD Tel: 02072 627 003 Fax: 02077 063 855 Email: London @macwhirter.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABEFGHIJMNSTV Contracted Out: CDKLRUWZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Maze Engineering Ltd

67 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5BL Tel: 020 7421 4410 Fax: 020 7831 2384 Email: maze@maze-engineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY

McDonald Brown Ltd

7 Eastbury Road, London Industrial Park, Beckton, London E6 6LP Tel: 020 7511 8899 Fax: 020 7473 1133 Email: info@mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk Web: www.mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABCGIMNSTV Specialist Group: SFG

Mechanical Services Ltd

Merlin House, 606 Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4RF Tel: 020 8681 8782 Fax: 020 8686 1030 Email: gerry@mechserv.co.uk Web: www.mechserv.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GIJMZ Contracted Out: ACDEFKLNOPQRSTUVWXY

Mechon Ltd

Index House, St Georges Lane, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7ET Tel: 020 8892 9352 Fax: 0870 762 2175 Email: sean.taylor@mechon.co.uk Web: www.mechon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: AEGIV Contracted Out: CD Specialist Group: DWG

Michael J Lonsdale Ltd

Unit 1 Langley Quay, Waterside Drive, Langley, Slough, Berkshire SL3 6GY Tel: 01753 588750 Fax: 01753 549085 Email: mark.heath@michaellonsdale.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GR Contracted Out: ABCD

McDonald Brown Ltd


London Office 2 Bathurst Street, London W2 2SD Tel: 02072 627 003 Website: www.macwhirter.co.uk At MacWhirter we specialise in the service, maintenance, design and installation of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation and heat pump systems. We pride ourselves on our committed and effective approach which enables us to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction are achieved. With over 130 years of experience, we continually strive to explore the most up-to-date industry solutions available, allowing us to be at the forefront of our chosen fields, giving you, the customer, unrivalled confidence in us to succeed even with the most challenging of projects.


Michael J Lonsdale Ltd

7 Eastbury Road, London Industrial Park Beckton, London E6 6LP Tel: 0207 511 8899 Fax: 0207 473 1133 Email: info@mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk Website: www.mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk

22-24 Cowper Street, London EC2A 4AP Tel: 0845 241 6622 Email: arthur.lander@michaellonsdale.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIJKMXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPUVWY

A family company trading for over 35 years, leading the way in innovation and delivering high quality work.

Montrose Building Services Ltd

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and air conditioning we can design and install across all disciplines. We are a design and build specialist, our in house team will deliver the end user with total satisfaction. Specializing in reactive and PPM with a 24 hour call centre.

Bourne House, 475 Godstone Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey CR3 0BL Tel: 01883 621144 Fax: 01883 621010 Email: rogerlambert@montroseltd.co.uk Web: www.montroseltd.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: HOPZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

N N C S Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd

440 Larkshall Road, Chingford, London E4 9HH Tel: 020 8523 3103 Fax: 020 8523 3775 Email: info@ncsplumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: DEFGHILMNOPRSVW Contracted Out: CUZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

N G Bailey Facilities Service Ltd

Unit 14-16 Theale Lakes Business Park, Moulden Way, Sulhamstead, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4GB Tel: 0118 9301300 Fax: 0118 9301301 Email: stuart.linington@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.baileymaintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABGHIMSUVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFOPRTWX Specialist Group: SFG

N G Bailey Ltd

Third Floor, Angel Building, 407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AB Tel: 020 7843 0200 Email: paul.jaggard@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

NBC (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Regus House, Victory Way, Admirals Park, Crossways, Dartford, Kent DA2 6QD Tel: 01322 303043 Fax: 01322 303033 Email: jason@nbcairconditioning.co.uk Web: www.nbcairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABINSUVZ Contracted Out: CDEFHJKLTWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Nordic Cooling

Office 1, Hornchurch Business Centre, 7 Station Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 6JL Tel: 0800 448 8910 Fax: 01708 7168888 Email: info@nordiccooling.co.uk Web: www.nordiccooling.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCENS Specialist Group: RACHP

Norland Managed Services Ltd

City Bridge House, 57 Southwark Street, London SE1 1RU Tel: 020 7871 9100 Fax: 020 7871 9101 Email: gary.perry@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

O O C O Ltd

4 Ashgrove Industrial Estate, Ashgrove Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 4JW Tel: 020 8315 5600 Fax: 020 8464 4920 Email: john-moore@ocoltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GJKLMSUVWXZ Contracted Out: ITY Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ London Oakray Ltd

Phoenix Mechanical & Electrical Co

Glasgow Stud, Burnt Farm Ride, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 9DY Tel: 020 8370 4500 Fax: 020 8363 7666 Email: mnicolas@oakrays.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: EFGHJKLMNOPRSVWXZ Contracted Out: ABCDITUY

PDM Air Conditioning Services 55 Coniston Road, Bromley Kent BR1 4JG Tel: 0800 511 8089 Email: paul@pdmaircon.co.uk Website: www.pdmaircon.co.uk

ONE Environmental Ltd

36 Colchester Business Centre, Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex CO2 8JX Tel: 01206 266828 Fax: 01206 266829 Email: trevor@one-environmental.co.uk Web: www.one-environmental.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: DWG

We are a specialist air conditioning company in London. We work for commercial and domestic customers, designing and fitting efficient, cost-effective air conditioning installations in London, Kent and Surrey to create a comfortable living and working environment. We offer a great variety of air con systems including fresh air ventilation, heat recovery, air source heat pumps, ventilation, ductwork, Lossnay, Ecodan & Mitsubishi electric air conditioning installations.

Optimum Group Services Plc

Jebson House, 53/61 High Street, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7BD Tel: 0870 850 3131 Fax: 0870 850 3132 Email: dhudson@weareoptimum.com Web: www.optimumgroupservices.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGHIMNPSTVZ Contracted Out: CDEFOQRUWY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Orlanix Ltd

First Floor, Unit B, Reigate Business Mews, Albert Road North, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9EH Tel: 01737 222121 Fax: 01737 222191 Email: info@orlanix.com Web: www.orlanix.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: IUZ Specialist Group: SFG

Our air conditioning systems are from established manufacturers. These are leading names in the industry, so you know you can rely on their quality and effectiveness PDM Air Conditioning Services offers a 5 year warranty on all products.


Cityside House, 40 Adler Street, London E1 1EE Tel: 020 7422 1900 Fax: 020 7422 1999 Email: colinmint@phoenixelectrical.co.uk Web: www.phoenixelectrical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHIMOVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNPQRSTUWXY

The Pirbright Group

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD Tel: 01483 488273 Fax: 01483 489141 Email: info@pirbrightelectrical.com Website: www.pirbrightgroup.com

30 Field Street, Kings Cross London WC1X 9DA Tel: 0203 119 1380 Fax: 0207 837 0231 Email: info@piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Website: www.piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Manchester and London based company which specialises in Mechanical, Electrical and Data communication works has traded in excess of 115 years. We are able to offer in-house design, project management, installation and supervisory staff, all of whom are directly employed by Piggott & Whitfield Ltd and who have a proven track record of delivering projects of varying values between £100K and £6M. From pre-construction through design, procurement, planning and on-site installation our aim is to constantly and consistently provide quality and robust engineering solutions which satisfy the project requirements and fit the bill.

Parker Bromley Ltd

Parker House, Elmcroft Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 0HZ Tel: 0845 612 1710 Fax: 0845 612 1711 Email: enq@parkerbromley.co.uk Web: www.parkerbromley.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSUVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Pilon Ltd PH Jones Facilities Maintenance Ltd

PDM Air Conditioning Services

55 Coniston Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 4JG Tel: 0800 511 8089 Fax: 020 8653 1442 Email: paul@pdmaircon.co.uk Web: www.pdmaircon.co.uk Year Joined: 2009

PH Jones Facilities Management Ltd Crayfield House, Crayfield Industrial Park, Sandy Lane, St Pauls Cray, Orpington, Kent BR5 3HP Tel: 01689 802 550 Fax: 01689 836 670 Email: nigel.lewis@phjonesfn.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHMSV Contracted Out: CDEFIJKLNOPQRTUWXYZ

Crayfield House, Crayfield Industrial Park Sandy Lane, St Pauls Cray, Orpington Kent BR5 3HP Tel: 01689 802 550 Fax: 01689 836 670 Email: fmhelpdesk@phjonesfm.co.uk Website: www.phjones.com PHJFM (part of British Gas) provide Boiler, Heating, Air Conditioning and Data maintenance, service and installation throughout the South East of England.

The Pirbright Group Includes: Pirbright Electrical Contractors F.N.Rice(Pirbright) Ltd Pirbright Renewable Energy P.E.C Security Pirbright Air Conditioning Pirbright Facilities Maintenance

Piggott and Whitfield Ltd

Ashurst Manor, Church Lane, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7DD Tel: 01344 206800 Fax: 01344 206820 Email: david.lavis@pilon.co.uk Web: www.pilon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HO Specialist Group: HAPS

Platinum Facilities & Maintenance Services Ltd Rooms 307 & 308, Third Floor, 1 Alie Street, London E1 8DE Tel: 020 7977 5650 Fax: 020 7977 5679 Email: info@pfms.co.uk Web: www.pfms.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGIMSUVWYZ Contracted Out: JKTX Specialist Group: SFG

Six companies that offer quality Services across a wide range of Disciplines. Our numerous Accreditations’ and people ensures that the quality of our work is amongst the highest in the industry. We are a one stop shop for all of your M & E requirements.

Polyteck Building Services Ltd Polyteck House, 143 Leman Street, London E1 8EY Tel: 020 7481 0222 Fax: 020 7481 3233 Email: costas@polyteck.co.uk Web: www.polyteck.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGHIMNSTVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Premier Mechanical Installations Ltd 36 Leamington Crescent, Harrow, Middlesex HA2 9HQ Tel: 020 8579 9703 Fax: 020 8711 3822 Email: info@pmi-ltd.co.uk Web: www.pmi-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIKMNOR Contracted Out: X

Principle Property Services Ltd

Frazer House, 32-38 Leman Street, London E1 8EW Tel: 020 7173 6058 Fax: 020 7702 0103 Email: tom.dowling@ppsmaintenance.co.uk Web: www.ppsmaintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABSZ Contracted Out: ILTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Psychro Management Ltd 51-53 Brockley Cross Bus Cntre, 96 Endwell Road, London SE4 2PD Tel: 020 7639 9888 Fax: 020 7639 0111 Email: jim@psychro.co.uk Web: www.psychro.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: AGMSW Contracted Out: BCFJLTUVYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Principle Property Services Limited

Frazer House, 32 - 38 Leman St London E1 8EW Tel: 020 7173 6058 Fax: 020 7702 0103

Puma Building Services Ltd

Principle Property Services Ltd are a central London based Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance Company, we pride ourselves in the fact that our company is constructed exclusively of engineering professionals who all have an M+E Engineering background from the board room to the frontline. Utilising our vast knowledge, experience and expertise of all aspects of M&E Services we have committed ourselves to providing exceptional quality services and delivering innovative, efficient solutions for our clientele. We provide the full range of M&E Services from Installation, Commissioning and Long Term Maintenance backed up with a 365 days a year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day helpdesk and callout facility which is available to all of our clients.

Purified Air Ltd

RNR London Ltd

Lyon House, Lyon Road, Romford, Essex RM1 2BG Tel: 01708 755414 Fax: 01708 721488 Email: enq@purifiedair.co.uk Web: www.purifiedair.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP


R Rapid Climate Control Ltd

Premiair carry out the design, supply, installation and service of AIR CONDITIONING heat pump systems, CHILLERS and REFRIGERATION plants from leading manufacturers. As an independent HVAC company, you can be sure that the best solution tailored to your individual requirements will be implemented on time and within budget. All our engineers are formally qualified to senior status, which means highly skilled personnel will give assistance from design through installation and commissioning.

Premiair, simply better by degrees.


423 Becontree Avenue, Dagenham, Essex RM8 3UH Tel: 020 8974 0810 Fax: 020 8391 1570 Email: rac@rapidclimatecontrol.com Web: www.rapidclimatecontrol.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABDGHMN Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP


Whether your project is for a residential, commercial, or industrial premises a suitable climate solution is just a phone call away.

REL Electrical Ltd

Unit 3 Twelvetrees Bus’s Park, Twelvetrees Crescent, London E3 3JQ Tel: 0207 515 5154 Fax: 020 7515 5710 Email: office@rel.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GIMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

182 Revelstoke Road, London SW18 5NW Tel: 020 8944 6990 Fax: 020 8944 0374 Email: info@quotehedge-heating.co.uk Web: www.quotehedge-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIJMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRTUVWXYZ

Premiair Ltd

Unit 4, Merlin House, 2 West Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2GB Tel: 01279 881857 Fax: 01279 437455 Email: john@reampartnership.com Web: www.reamcontracts.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHJMSVXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUWY

Unit 2, 30 Thames Road, Barking, Essex IG11 0HZ Tel: 020 8507 1122 Fax: 020 8507 1123 Email: steve@pumabuilding.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABCFGIJLMN Contracted Out: HWY

Quotehedge Ltd

Brooklands, Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK10 7FG Tel: 01908 380 345 Email: info@premiair.net Website: www.premiair.net

Ream Contracts Ltd

Project House, 6 Raven Road, South Woodford, London E18 1HB Tel: 020 8270 8877 Fax: 020 8270 8817 Email: info@rdsprojects.co.uk Web: www.rdsprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: BCDEFST Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 1A, Lakeside Business Village, Fleming Road, Chafford Hundred, Grays, Essex RM16 6EW Tel: 01375 651515 Fax: 01375 650700 Email: roy@rnrLondon .co.uk Web: www.rnrLondon .co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCDFGJMNSVZ Contracted Out: EIKLTUWXY

Rotary Southern Ltd

Rotary House, Breakspear Road, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7ST Tel: 01895 674264 Fax: 01895 630673 Email: iphill.laudlaw@rotarygroup.com Web: www.hastieggroup.company/ rotarygroupunitedkingdom Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: GHIJKMSVXYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRTUW

S S F Pipework Ltd

Batch House, Silvermere Drive, Stonehill Business Park, London N18 3QW Tel: 020 8807 2226 Fax: 020 8807 4448 Email: john@sfgroupltd.co.uk Web: www.sfgroupltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GJKMX

S W Bruce & Co Ltd

Unit 1a, Dominion Trading Estate, Goodwin Road, London N9 0BG Tel: 0208 807 1089 Fax: 020 8807 5835 Email: mervynpilley@swbruce.co.uk Web: www.swbruce.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: BGHIMSZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Saker Controls Ltd

Suite 009 Bicester Innovation Centre, Commerce House, Telford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LD Tel: 01869 255754 Fax: 01869 255755 Email: becci@sakeruk.com Web: www.multi-tech-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ISUZ Specialist Group: SFG

Sepam UK Ltd

Office 202, Q West, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 0GP Tel: 0203 176 0167 Email: g.mills@sepam.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG

ServCom Services UK Ltd

50a Livingstone Road, Hove, Brighton East Sussex BN3 3WL Tel: 01273 820998 Fax: 01273 728017 Email: enquiries@servcomservices.co.uk Website: www.servcomservices.com We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical Servicing and Plumbing installations to a wide range of commercial and residential premises. We are based in Brighton & cover a radius from the cost of approximately 100 miles to take in Central London & surrounding areas within the M25. We cover all aspects of the heating, ventilating & plumbing covering NG, LPG & Oil installations & servicing, as well as offering Service Agreements. We offer a high quality servicing & installation through skilled tradesmen, who regularly attend updating training courses which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This has resulted in the majority of our work generated through repeat business and recommendations as the company has steadily grown. We are committed & continue to expand our business on this basis, and customer satisfaction is the forefront of our philosophy.

Servest Building Services Ltd

The Coach House, Bury Lane, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1DP Tel: 01923 711331 Fax: 01923 711103 Email: lcowell@servest.co.uk Web: www.servest.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGJLMNSUYZ Contracted Out: CDEFIKTVWX Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ London Shelbourne Letheby & Co Ltd

154 New Kings Road, Fulham, London SW6 4LZ Tel: 020 7736 4211 Fax: 020 7371 0634 Email: shelbournelethe@aol.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1957 In-House: GHIMV Specialist Group: HAPS

Shepherd Engineering Services Ltd

One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London NW1 2FD Tel: 020 7380 1800 Fax: 020 7278 5787 Email: djoiner@ses-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ses-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIMNOPQRSTV Contracted Out: JKLUWXYZ Specialist Group: MC

Sowga Ltd

Units 1 & 2, Broomers Hill Park, Codmore Hill, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 2RY Tel: 0844 770 3190 Fax: 0844 770 3151 Email: aaron@sowga.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: AGILMNOSWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Specialist Hygiene Services Ltd

Unit 9, Trade City, Brooklands Close, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7EH Tel: 01932 787048 Fax: 01932 761593 Email: jbrennanshs@aol.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Spie Ltd

2nd Floor, 33 Gracechurch Street, London , EC3V 0BT Tel: 020 7105 2300 Fax: 020 7089 7351 Email: george.adams@spie.com Web: www.spiematthewhall.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Silverlife Ltd

County House, 2210241 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4UF Tel: 020 8768 8909 Email: nick@silverlife.co.uk Web: www.silverlife.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEFGHIKLMNSZ Contracted Out: JTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

Hollywood House, Church Street East, Woking, Surrey GU21 6HJ Tel: 01923 722700 Email: rob.lambert@skanska.co.uk Web: www.skanska.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1947 In-House: GIMNOQ Contracted Out: CDEFH Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Faraday Road, Daneshill Industrial Estate, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8QQ Tel: 01256 337226 Fax: 01256 337215 Email: martin.hare@ssecontracting.com Web: www.ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG

Staward Engineering Ltd

Southern Industrial Pipeline Services Ltd

85 Gloucester Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2DN Tel: 020 8689 2950 Fax: 020 8689 2948 Email: info@sipsgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GILMUVWXZ

189a Livingstone Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8JZ Tel: 020 8771 7377 Fax: 020 8771 7379 Email: staward@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: HJK Contracted Out: ACFGIMNTUVWYZ

Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

85 Gloucester Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2DN Tel: 020 8689 2950 Fax: 020 8689 2948 Email: rayaustin@sipsgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GILMUVWXZ

Aviation Way, Southend-On-Sea, Essex SS2 6UN Tel: 0800 243 471 Email: info@swiftclean.co.uk Web: www.swiftclean.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Sovereign FM Ltd

Swiftline Engineering Ltd

Southern Mechanical Services Ltd

Ground Floor, 34 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9EU Tel: 020 7202 2640 Fax: 020 7202 2641 Email: kwebster@sovereignfm.org Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: AGMSW Contracted Out: CEFTUY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 5, Wellesley Court, Apsley Way, London NW2 7HF Tel: 020 8452 4080 Fax: 020 8452 4108 Email: enquiries@swiftline.co.uk Web: www.swiftline.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABCFGILMNUVWYZ Contracted Out: KT

Sykes & Son Ltd

42 Essex Street, London WC2R 3JF Tel: 020 7651 9651 Fax: 020 7936 2006 Email: mbaston@sykes1759.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGIJMSVZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLNOPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Systems & Solutions Ltd t/a Cleanheat Lincoln House, Kennington Park, 1-3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE Tel: 0207 793 4002 Fax: 020 7735 7253 Email: mail@cleanheat.co.uk Web: www.cleanheat.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGLMQSVW Contracted Out: CEFJKTUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

T T Clarke Plc

45 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE Tel: 020 7997 7400 Email: info@tclarke.co.uk Web: www.tclarke.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCEFGHIJKLMNUVWXZ Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: MC

T Clarke South East Ltd

Excelsior House, Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 1JA Tel: 01795 427181 Fax: 01795 426935 Email: stephen.goldsmith@tclarke.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GISUVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFHJKLMNOQRTWX

T2 Building Services Ltd

Unit 11, Riverwalk Business Park, Jeffreys Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7QN Tel: 020 8804 5944 Fax: 020 8804 6020 Email: tony.turner@t2buildingservices.co.uk Web: www.t2buildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 Specialist Group: RACHP

Temperature Control Ltd

The Old Brickworks, Church Road, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0JA Tel: 01708 344732 Fax: 01708 373905 Email: London @temperaturecontrol.co.uk Web: www.temperaturecontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGIJKNPSV Contracted Out: CDEFLMTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

The Beaver Co Ltd

968 North Circular Road, Cricklewood, London NW2 7JR Tel: 020 8450 7835 Fax: 020 8452 4610 Email: office@thebeaverco.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABGHILMNPS Contracted Out: CEF

Tencer Ltd

Unit 14/15 Lincoln Park Business Centre Lincoln Road, Cressex Business Park High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3RD Tel: 01494459801 Fax: 01494459802 Email: sales@tencer.com Web: www.tencer.com Tencer Ltd was formed in 1984 to specialize in mechanical and electrical building services. We provide a BS EN ISO9001:2008 Quality Assured Service and pride ourselves on our in house specialist departments to provide all aspects of M&E services. From maintenance contracts to installation we provide: • BMS Building Management Control Systems and bureau support. • Heating installation, repair and maintenance. • Boiler servicing and repair. • Plumbing installation and repair. • Electrical installation and Electrical Installation Condition Report testing. • Air Conditioning and ventilation installation, repair and maintenance. NICEIC, OFTEC, TREND CONTROLS, DELTA CONTROLS, SAFE CONTRACTOR, REFCOM, B&ES, GASSAFE, CONSTRUCTION LINE approved contractors.

The Electrical & Plumbing Co Ltd Peep House, 7 Back Lane, Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex RM6 4BP Tel: 020 8597 1811 Fax: 020 8597 2628 Email: sales@epcobsv.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: CDEFGHILSVZ Contracted Out: AMNOPTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

The Ingenious Air Company

The Laindon Barn, Dunton Road, Laindon, Basildon, Essex SS15 4DB Tel: 0800 731 6352 Fax: 01268 419711 Email: clare@ingenious-air.co.uk Web: www.hvsystems.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

TMP (Northern) Ltd

281 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 3RL Tel: 020 8676 0011 Fax: 020 8676 0783 Email: eddie@tmp-ltd.co.uk Web: www.tmp-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABCEFGHMNS Contracted Out: TUVWYZ

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TWO Services Ltd

Unit 113, Cremer Business Centre, Cremer Street, London E2 8HD Tel: 020 7399 3242 Email: george@two-services.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB



Unit 2, Swan Business Park Sandpit Road, Dartford Kent DA1 5ED Tel: 0845 224 9000 Fax: 0845 224 9001 Email: daniel.brooks@trs.ltd.uk Website: www.trs.ltd.uk

Vantage Facilities Ltd

TRS is a Facilities Management, Construction & Rail Company which has been operating for over 34 years. Whether it’s changing a lamp, testing the electrical supply, rewiring the whole building, maintaining boilers or even installing a fully custom designed air conditioning system to help reduce your carbon foot print, we can take care of everything for you. With a broad spectrum of industries that includes: commercial, health, rail, manufacturing, leisure, local and central government and the financial sector each have their own individual objectives and so our success has been our flexibility.


Unit 2 Swan Business Park, Sandpit Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 5ED Tel: 0845 224 9000 Fax: 0845 224 9001 Email: service@trs.ltd.uk Web: www.trs.ltd.uk. Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHIMNSUVZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLOPQRTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Trios Compliance

Vertex Services Group Ltd 21, Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate Loughton, Essex IG10 3TZ Tel: 0208 508 8420 Fax: 0208 508 6435 Email: info@vertexltd.co.uk Website: www.vertexltd.co.uk London based - an expert provider of Building Services and FM Support through Mobile Services, Resident Site Operations, Fabric Maintenance and Special Projects

Vantage Facilities Ltd

PO BOX 67, Sunbury-On-Thames Middlesex TW16 7NA Tel: 01932 789010 Fax: 01932 789011 Email: info@vantage-facilities.co.uk Website: www.vantagefacilities.co.uk


Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment.


PO Box 67, 23 Cadbury Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7YF Tel: 01932 789010 Fax: 01932 789011 Email: juliew@vantage-facilities.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGJMNSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFLTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

We carry out Planned Preventative Maintenance for many companies throughout London and home counties. Our philosophy is that by maintaining equipment to its optimum efficiency represents a good investment in its operation and life expectancy. The type of services we can supply are Heating and Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical, Water Treatment, Fire Systems. Office refurbishment and handyman Facilities. Our service engineers and back-up staff are highly trained and kept up to date with all aspects of modern technology, environment and safety issues. Service personnel are Gas Safe F Gas registered, and we have Quality Assurance ISO 9001 and Safe Contractor.

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk

Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd

Maple House, 11 Briar Road, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 6RB Tel: 020 8898 5040 Fax: 020 8867 2859 Email: pwhiteman@ventalution.co.uk Web: www.ventalution.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: DEFV Specialist Group: DWG

Vertex Services Group Ltd 21, Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate Loughton, Essex IG10 3TZ Tel: 0208 508 8420 Fax: 0208 508 6435 Email: info@vertexltd.co.uk Web: www.vertexltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGJMNSUYZ Contracted Out: CFTVWX Specialist Group: SFG

VINCI Facilities

Astral Road, Imperial Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4WW Tel: 01923 233433 Fax: 01923 249099 Email: brenda.chapman@vinci.plc.uk Web: www.vincifacilities.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMNORSTUWZ Contracted Out: JKXY Specialist Group: SFG


187 Edward Place, Deptford London SE8 5HD Tel: 0208 692 9650 & 0208 691 5875 Fax: 0208 469 2631 Email: keepingcool@btopenworld.com Website: www.keepingcool.co.uk We are a family owned business ideally situated in South East London adjacent to our workshop and manufacturing facility. We can provide a complete service from project inception to practical completion, undertaking mechanical, electrical, refrigeration and capital plant replacement projects up to £1 million in value throughout London and the Home Counties. We design and manufacture bespoke ventilation solutions including stainless steel extract canopies. We are accredited Mitsubishi Electric installers, but supply and install Daikin, Toshiba and other manufacturers equipment with the same skill and care, ensuring a high quality installation with minimal impact on Clients and end-users.

Westway Services Ltd

Artemis House, Odyssey Business Park, Westend Road, South RuislipHA4 6QE Tel: 020 8833 7263 Fax: 020 8833 7293 Email: jas@westwaycooling.com Web: www.westwaycooling.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHMNSZ Contracted Out: ITUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Woodford Heating & Energy Ltd First Floor, Oakwood House, Oakwood Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex IG10 1PZ Tel: 020 8531 0004 Email: info@woodfordheating.com Web: www.woodfordheating.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: DGHM Contracted Out: ABCEFI Specialist Group: HAPS

Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd

187 Edward Place, Deptford, London SE8 5HD Tel: 0208 692 9650 Fax: 020 8469 2631 Email: info@keepingcool.co.uk Web: www.keepingcool.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1970 In-House: ACEFGINS Contracted Out: BDJKLMTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: DWG

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


North East If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.


0-9 21 Degrees Ltd

Business & Innovation Centre, Wearfield, Sunderland Enterprise Park (East), Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 2TA Tel: 0191 516 6679 Fax: 0191 516 6689 Email: steve@21-degrees.co.uk Web: www.21-degrees.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEFGIMNSV Contracted Out: LTUWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

A Aircon Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 8, Whorlton Road, Riverside Business Park, Middlesborough, Cleveland TS2 1QJ Tel: 01642 249026 Fax: 01642 247179 Email: steve@airconme.co.uk Web: www.aircon-refrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABFGINSV Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: RACHP

Airite Designs (N.E.) Ltd

97 Front Street, Whickham, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE16 4JL Tel: 0191 488 5955 Fax: 0191 496 0049 Email: craig@airitedesigns.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHIJMSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNTUWZ

North East Region

Regional Manager: Neil Ashford 18 Greenhead Road Utley, Keithley BD20 6EA Tel: 01535 661567 Email: neil.ashford@b-es.org

Air-Tech (Tees Valley) Ltd

Unit C, Alvis Close, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 4JB Tel: 01642 359309 Fax: 01642 884522 Email: gatesevn@aol.com Web: www.airtech.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: E Specialist Group: SFG

Ambient HVAC

14-17 The Old Offices, Urlay Nook Road, Eaglescliffe, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland TS16 0LA Tel: 0845 2020 233 Fax: 01643 790359 Email: louise@ambientair.co.uk Web: www.ambientair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABINST Specialist Group: RACHP

Astral Control Services Ltd

Unit 4 Orion Way, Orion Business Park, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 7SN Tel: 0191 257 1440 Fax: 0191 257 1455 Email: steviehall@astral.uk.com Web: www.astral.uk.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ASU Contracted Out: BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

B Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

13a Silver Fox Way, Cobalt Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE27 0QJ Tel: 0191 293 6400 Fax: 0191 293 6450 Email: phil.mcguire@bbesl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTVWY Specialist Group: SFG, DWG

C C M S UK Ltd

Tyne House, Temple Street, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE10 0HN Tel: 0191 495 0741 Fax: 0191 495 4890 Email: steve@cmsltd.uk.net Web: www.cmsltd.uk.net Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMNTVWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Carillion Services

Partnership House, Regent Farm Road, Regent Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3AF Tel: 01924 221733 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: diane.mckeith@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVX Specialist Group: SFG

Castle Building Services

6 Merchant Court, Monkton Business Park South, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 2EX Tel: 0191 519 4666 Fax: 0191 495 2765 Email: info@castlebs.co.uk Web: www.castlebs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHIJKMNOPRZ Contracted Out: ALQTUVWXY

Clean Sweep (North East) Ltd

3 Glamis Avenue, Melton Park, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 5SY Tel: 0191 236 2809 Email: alan@cleansweepgroup.co.uk Web: www.cleansweepgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ North East Crestbrook Heating Ltd

Geoffrey Robinson Ltd

9A-11 Whitby Street, Hartlepool, County Durham TS24 7AD Tel: 01429 263191 Fax: 01429 861965 Email: crestbrook.htg@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: EGIMV Contracted Out: ABCDFLNOPQRSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Industrial Estate, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 4ET Tel: 01642 370500 Fax: 01642 370110 Email: gr@geoffreyrobinson.co.uk Web: www.geoffreyrobinson.ltd.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: CEFGIJKMOPRSTXZ Contracted Out: ABLNUW Specialist Group: SFG



Durham Air Conditioning Ltd

1 Rosebay Road, Littleburn Industrial Estate, Langley Moor, Durham DH7 8HJ Tel: 0191 378 4363 Fax: 0191 378 9840 Email: keith@durhamaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABEHINSV Contracted Out: CDGM Specialist Group: RACHP

ESH Construction Ltd

Esh Building, Baker Road, Nelson Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 1WL Tel: 01670 700150 Fax: 01670 700151 Email: paul.myers@esh.uk.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHMSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNOPQRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

Eurovent Purifying Systems UK Ltd Unit 5 Ninth Avenue East, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0EJ Tel: 0191 487 2287 Fax: 0191 487 7892 Email: mbone@eurovent.net Web: www.eurovent.net Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ACDEFT Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

G G8 Environmental Solutions Ltd

B3 Kingfisher House, Kingsway, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0JQ Tel: 0191 491 5756 Fax: 0191 482 8760 Email: enquiries@g8environmental.com Web: www.g8environmental.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCEGMNOPRSZ Contracted Out: DFLTUY

Communications House, Brunswick Industrial Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 7BA Tel: 0191 236 6023 Email: enquiries@hyperklean.co.uk Web: www.hyperklean.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I Imtech Inviron Ltd

H Malone & Sons Ltd

Gosforth Industrial Estate, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 1XL Tel: 0191 285 1176 Fax: 0191 284 0630 Email: enquiries@hmalone.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: DEGHJKLMNRSWX Contracted Out: CFIQTUVYZ

Hillstar Building Management Ltd


Hyperklean Ltd

Suite 5, Wingrove Business Centre, Ponteland Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE5 3DE Tel: 0845 862 3330 Email: lee@hillstarbm.co.uk Web: www.hillstarbuildingmanagement.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABEFGHLMSTUWZ Contracted Out: CDIJKNOPQRXY

Building Systems, Swallow House, Parsons Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1EZ Tel: 0191 415 7007 Fax: 0191 415 7101 Email: alan.crozier@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GJMOPQRZ Contracted Out: ABCDEIKLNUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

L Leybourne Urwin Ltd

Cramar House, Tanfield Lea Industrial Estate, Stanley, County Durham DH9 9QT Tel: 01207 232588 Fax: 01207 290281 Email: admin@leybourneurwinltd.co.uk Web: www.leybourneurwinltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1968 In-House: DGHIJKMNRYZ Contracted Out: ABCEFLOPQSTUVWX Specialist Group: HAPS


Richmond House, 107 Bowesfield Lane, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland TS18 3HF Tel: 01642 617517 Fax: 01642 617534 Email: steve.livesey@ljjcontractors.co.uk Web: www.ljjcontractors.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIMVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRTUW

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Facilities Management and Service, Swallow House, Parsons Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1EZ Tel: 0191 415 7007 Fax: 0191 415 7101 Email: neil.rich@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Integral UK Ltd

Hillstar Building

Management Ltd Suite 5, Wingrove Business Centre Ponteland Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE5 3DE Tel: 0845 862 3330 Email: lee@hillstarbm.co.uk Web: www.hillstarbuildingmanagement.co.uk We are a strongly established and well respected, relationship orientated organisation. We maintain large shopping malls, hotels, industrial warehousing, offices, restaurants and we also cater for the care industry. Our aim is to simply grow on our already good and solid foundations as an honest, service orientated and reliable business partner. Our business has grown year on year through a network of positive recommendation from clients and existing business partners who appreciate our absolute enthusiasm and caring attitude. • Heating & Gas Services • Mechanical & Electrical Service • Fire Alarm & Emergency lighting • Plumbing • Catering Equipment • Air Conditioning

Unit 1 Block B, Holland Park, Holland Drive, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4LD Tel: 0191 261 1071 Fax: 0191 230 3087 Email: terry.collins@integral.co.uk Web: www.integralservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIMYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

K KB Sheetmetal Ltd

Brunswick Industrial Estate, Brunswick Village, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE13 7BA Tel: 0191 236 6502 Fax: 0191 236 6166 Email: tony@kbsheetmetal.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: CDEF Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: DWG

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

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Protherm (UK) Ltd N G Bailey Ltd

Wynyard Business Park, Wynyard, Teesside TS22 5FB Tel: 01740 646400 Fax: 01740 646 464 Email: jon.crank@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Leyborne Urwin Ltd

Carmar House Tanfield Lea Industiral Estate Stanley, Co Durham DH9 9QT Tel: 01207 232588 and 234854 Fax: 01207 290281 Email: admin@leybourneurwinltd.co.uk Website: www.leybourneurwinltd.co.uk Leybourne Urwin Ltd is an industry leading regional family owned business providing all aspects of building services engineering for over 130 years.

Norstead - A Division of Metnor Group Plc

Metnor House, Mylord Crescent, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 5YD Tel: 0191 268 4000 Fax: 0191 268 6650 Email: wthoburn@norstead.co.uk Web: www.norstead.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHJKMSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

Northern Hygiene Ltd

31 Bollihope Drive, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR3 1PJ Tel: 0191 522 6323 Email: northernhygieneltd@yahoo.co.uk Web: www.northernhygieneltd.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Lorne Stewart plc

Northern Ventilation Services Ltd

Stewart House, Wynyard Park Business Village, Chapell Lane, Wynyard Park, Teeside TS22 5FG Tel: 01740 665544 Fax: 01740 665 545 Email: tom.mclaughlin@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: DEGHIJMNOPRSW Contracted Out: CDEKLNOPQRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart plc

1st Floor Coniston House, Lakeside Court, Fifth Avenue Business Park, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0NL Tel: 0191 491 3416 Fax: 0191 491 3972 Email: derek.young@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: ABFGHIJKMNOPRSUVYZ Contracted Out: CDELOPQRTVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Planet Place, George Stephenson Ind’l Estate, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE12 6EF Tel: 0191 216 1212 Fax: 0191 216 0748 Email: info@northernventilation.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: CDEFST Specialist Group: DWG

O Opus Building Services Ltd

Unit 7, Boldon Court, Boldon Business Park, Boldon, Tyne & Wear NE35 9LZ Tel: 0191 546 1000 Fax: 0191 546 2000 Email: gavin.richardson@opusbsl.co.uk Web: www.opusbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008

P Partners in Hygiene Ltd

12 Charnwood Drive, Faverdale, Darlington, Durham DL3 0EG Tel: 01325 488559 Email: peter.barker@partnersinhygiene.co.uk Web: www.partnersinhygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Unit 2, Wilson Street, Bon Lea Trading Estate, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees TS17 7AR Tel: 01642 675755 Fax: 01642 675760 Email: tim.kilvington@prothermuk.co.uk Web: www.prothermuk.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 Specialist Group: DWG

Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd 62-66 Bridge Street Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2AP Tel: 01670 352196 Email: info@r-kirkland.co.uk Website: www.robertkirkland.co.uk


Established as a partnership in 1919 & as a Limited Company from 1973 we carry out Mechanical & Plumbing Installations to a wide range of Commercial & Industrial premises within the North East of England.

Quartz Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd

Brighouse Business Village, Riverside Park Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire TS2 1RT Tel: 01642 244411 Fax: 01642 244499 Email: liam@quartz-northeast.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: CGHIJMSTYZ Contracted Out: ABDEFKLNOPQRUVWX

R R Arnott & Sons Ltd

9 Arcot Court, Nelson Park, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 1BB Tel: 01670 590006 Fax: 01670 739888 Email: r.arnottsons@btconnect.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1964 In-House: GHIJKMRSW Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNTUYZ

R M Myers & Co Ltd

Unit 9, Belmont Industrial Estate, Durham DH1 1TN Tel: 0191 384 6600 Fax: 0191 384 1608 Email: info@rmmyers.co.uk Web: www.rmmyers.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHJKMNV Contracted Out: ACDEFILUWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

R S Vents Ltd

Swan Industrial Estate, 41 Swan Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE38 8JJ Tel: 0191 416 5737 Fax: 0191 416 7545 Email: sales@rsvents.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: CFIV Contracted Out: Z Specialist Group: DWG

Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd 62-66 Bridge Street, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2AP Tel: 01670 352196 Fax: 01670 360238 Email: info@r-kirkland.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1964 In-House: GJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNRUVWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

We are heavily involved in ‘partnering’/framework agreements with major Housing Associations/Local Authorities/Hospital Trusts/Consulting Engineers & end users for both new build & refurbishment works in particular extra care projects. We have a large & longstanding client base which results in constant repeat business with some of the North East’s leading contractors. We are proud to have preferred contractor status for many of our projects. This is a testament to the professionalism, flexibility and commitment of our staff.

Roflow Ltd

6 Hanlon Court, Royal Industrial Estate, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear NE32 3HR Tel: 0191 428 2227 Fax: 0191 428 2311 Email: p.scorer@roflow.co.uk Web: www.roflow.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GIRSVX Contracted Out: ABJKLMNTUWYZ Specialist Group: DWG

S Service Direct

St John’s Road, Meadowfield Industrial Estate, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8XQ Tel: 03000 269131 Fax: 0191 372 5249 Email: eddie.reed@durham.gov.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GIMRSVW Specialist Group: SFG

Shepherd Engineering Services Ltd

Centre for Advanced Industry, Coble Dene, Royal Quays, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 6DE Tel: 0191 258 6627 Fax: 0191 259 0559 Email: sjoyce@ses-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ses-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ACEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: MC

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

T W Steam & Heating Services Ltd Unit No 7 and 8b, Renny’s Lane, Dragonville Industrial Estate, Durham DH1 2RS Tel: 0191 384 1400 Fax: 0191 386 4251 Email: twsteam@btconnect.com Web: www.twsteam.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABJ Specialist Group: HAPS

5th Avenue Busines Park, Team Valley, Newcastle NE11 OHH Tel: 0191 451 5100 Year Joined: 1047 Specialist Group: SFG

U UK Commercial Cleaning Solutions Ltd

14 Octavian Way, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE11 0HZ Tel: 0191 415 5610 Fax: 0191 415 4810 Email: info@uk-cc.co.uk Web: www.uk-cc.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: CDEFSTV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Upnorth Engineering Services Ltd Unit 1, Bankside, The Watermark, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 9SY Tel: 0191 414 2882 Fax: 0191 414 1855 Email: stewart.grierson@upnorthgroup.com Web: www.upnorth-group.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABFGIJMNSVZ Contracted Out: CKLTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

TW Steam & Heating Services Ltd

Unit 7 & 8b Renny’s Lane Dragonville Industrial Estate Durham DH1 2RS Tel: 0191 384 1400 Fax: 0191 386 4251 Email: twsteam@btconnect.com Website: www.twsteam.co.uk


Plumbing, heating, mechanical engineering, industrial, commercial, domestic gas, LPG, oil, Steel fabrication, pipework, welding.

Vaughan Engineering Ltd

Units 13/14 Blue Sky Way, Monkton Business Park, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 2EQ Tel: 0191 256 6069 Fax: 0191 256 6073 Email: vno@vaughan-group.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GJKMORSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNQTUVWY

Ventilation Hygiene Specialists Ltd Unit 2, Wilson Street, Bon Lea Trading Estate, Thornton, Stockton on Tees TS17 7AR Tel: 01642 927010 Fax: 01642 675760 Email: info@vhs.uk.com Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: DWG

Twin Services Ltd

9 Bowesfield Crescent, Stockton-On-Tees, Cleveland TS18 3BL Tel: 01642 606067 Fax: 01642 618551 Email: peter@twinservices.co.uk Web: www.twinservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: GHIMNOQRSVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLTUXYZ

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

ADT House, 5th Avenue Business Park, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0HF Tel: 0191 451 5100 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.ulk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947 Specialist Group: SFG

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North West If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A A C Air Systems Ltd

Selby Place, Stanley Industrial Estate, Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 8EF Tel: 01695 722066 Fax: 01695 722933 Email: bryan@acairsys.co.uk Web: www.acairsystems.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP

Absolute Cool Heat Ltd

36 Johnston Avenue, Bootle, Liverpool, Merseyside L20 6HG Tel: 0151 281 6965 Fax: 0151 281 6965 Email: absoluteaircon@live.co.uk Web: www.absoluteaircondlive.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Advanced Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 19, Elm Court, Newbridge Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 4LY Tel: 0151 356 5337 Fax: 0151 356 5338 Email: info@advanair.co.uk Web: www.advanair.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Aerocool Ltd

301 Merlin Park, off Ringtail Road, Burscough, Lancashire L40 8JY Tel: 01704 897520 Fax: 01704 897521 Email: v.kennedy@aerocool.co.uk Web: www.aerocool.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGINS Contracted Out: CDETV Specialist Group: RACHP


North West Region

Regional Manager: Neil Ashford 18 Greenhead Road Utley, Keithley BD20 6EA Tel: 01535 661567 Email: neil.ashford@b-es.org

Airsol Service Co Ltd

Unit 8 Woodway Court, Thursby Road, Croft Business Park, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 3PW Tel: 0151 600 6000 Fax: 0151 334 7730 Email: admin@airwaysolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2007

Airtech Cooling Services Ltd

91 Harris Drive, Bootle, Merseyside L20 6LF Tel: 0151 933 0023 Fax: 0151 933 6144 Email: pmallon@airtechuk.com Web: www.airtechuk.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: TUWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Airway Solutions Ltd

Unit 8 Woodway Court, Thursby Road, Croft Business Park, Brombrough, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 3PW Tel: 0151 600 0000 Fax: 0151 334 7730 Email: admin@airwaysolutions.co.uk Web: www.airwaysolutions.co.uk Year Joined: 2007

Allcool (NW) Ltd

Unit 6 Wyrefields, Wyrefields, Poulton le Fylde Business Park, Poulton le Fylde, Lancashire FY6 8JX Tel: 01253 893649 Fax: 01253 886425 Email: paul@allcoolnw.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

Altertherm Air Conditioning Ltd Chapel House, Brickbridge Lane, Marple, Cheshire SK6 7BQ Tel: 0161 426 1350 Fax: 0161 426 1351 Email: stuart@altertherm.com Web: www.altertherm.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006

Ameon Ltd

Units 9-10 Olympic Court, Boardmans Way, Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 5GU Tel: 01253 760160 Fax: 01253 760150 Email: info@ameon.co.uk Web: www.ameon.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSZ Contracted Out: KTUWXY

Andrews Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

Claverton Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9FT Tel: 0800 731 8833 Fax: 0161 945 7412 Email: andy.whiteley@andrews-sykes.com Web: www.airconditioningservices.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: AS Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: SFG

Ashley & McDonough (Huyton) Ltd

Unit 5, Ashley Business Centre, Warrington Road, Prescot, Merseyside L34 5RR Tel: 0151 430 6191 Fax: 0151 431 0291 Email: info@ash-heat.co.uk Web: www.ash-heat.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: HN Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

Askews Heating & Cooling Solutions Calderbank Mill, Greenfield Road, Colne, Lancashire BB8 9PD Tel: 01282 863825 Fax: 01282 869602 Email: helen@askewsltd.com Web: www.askewsltd.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCFGMNPSUV Contracted Out: TWZ

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B&ES Members \ North West Assured Cleaning Services Ltd

Unit A4, Anchorage Business Park, Chain Caul Way, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2YL Tel: 01772 728244 Fax: 01772 734679 Email: enquiries@assuredcleaning.co.uk Web: www.assuredcleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Atherton & Partners Ltd

Middlegate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3BN Tel: 01524 37385 Fax: 01524 844311 Email: info@baybuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.baybuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GHJLMN Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKPQRSTUVWXYZ

Beta Group Ltd

Grange House, 19-21 Grange Mount, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 4XN Tel: 0151 670 0666 Fax: 0151 670 0047 Email: brian@athertonandpartners.co.uk Web: www.atherton-partners.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GIMPZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOQRUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Underbank Mill, Burnley Road, Bacup, Lancashire OL13 8AE Tel: 01706 878330 Fax: 01706 879200 Email: info@betagroupltd.com Web: www.betagroupltd.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GMSWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Blue Cooling Ltd

Atherton and Partners Ltd

Grange House, 19-21 Grange Mount Birkenhead, Wirral Merseyside CH43 4XN Tel: 0151 670 0666 Fax: 0151 670 0047 Email: brian@athertonandpartners.co.uk We are a Mechanical and Electrical Building Services Contractor established 1981, operating mainly in the Commercial sector in the North West, offering full range of M&E services with in house design and autoCAD facilities. We enjoy close relationships with a number of Main Contractors and Local Authorities. We aim to provide a high quality installation using our own team of operatives and to develop relationships with our Clients to secure repeat business. We find our early involvement in schemes with our design expertise to be beneficial in delivering successful schemes in budget, on programme to the satisfaction of our Clients.

Unit 15, Chancel Place, Shap Road Industrial Estate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6NZ Tel: 01539 724741 Fax: 01539 736996 Email: adrian@bluecooling.co.uk Web: www.bluecooling.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABNS Specialist Group: RACHP

Boulting Environmental Services Ltd Greenside Way, Middleton, Manchester M24 1SW Tel: 0161 655 3344 Fax: 0161 655 3399 Email: stevemarsh@besltd.org Web: www.besltd.org Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: EFGIJLMNOPRX Contracted Out: ABCDKTUVWYZ

Bridge Extraction Systems Ltd

Unit 5, Park Road Business Centre, Park Road, Bacup, Lancashire OL13 0BW Tel: 01706 876808 Fax: 01706 878677 Email: ian@bridgeextraction.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CFI Specialist Group: DWG

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Cinnabar Court, 525 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4GE Tel: 01928 798279 Email: ged.doolan@briggs.com.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

B Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Bay Building Services Ltd

Brodex Ltd

Mandarin Court, Warrington, Cheshire WA2 1GG Tel: 01925 632255 Fax: 01925 411636 Email: mike.cooke@bbesl.com Web: www.bbesl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRUXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Unit 5, 76 Stephenson Way, Formby, Merseyside L37 8EG Tel: 01704 834477 Fax: 01704 878953 Email: laura.manwaring@brodexuk.com Web: www.brodexuk.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HW Specialist Group: SFG


Chris Bowker Ltd

C Caswell Engineering Services Ltd Helmcroft House, Knowsley Road Ind Estate, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire BB4 4RX Tel: 01706 227935 Fax: 01706 210282 Email: enquiries@caswell.uk.com Web: www.caswell.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: ABCEFINSVX Contracted Out: DJKLTUWYZ Specialist Group: DWG

C M Oxendale Ltd

Dale House, Adelaide Terrace, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 6ET Tel: 01254 580431 Fax: 01254 683331 Email: colin.oxendale@cmoxendale.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHIJKLMNPSVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFTUXYZ

Camfil Ltd

Knowsley Road, Haslingden, Lancashire BB4 4EG Tel: 01706 238000 Fax: 01706 226736 Email: brian.haslam@camfil.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: AST Specialist Group: SFG

Whitegate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3BS Tel: 01524 363353 Email: info@chrisbowker.co.uk Web: www.chrisbowker.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GIMO Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: HAPS

Clearground Ltd

67c Corporation Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 3NG Tel: 0151 652 8010 Email: info@clearground.co.uk Web: www.clearground.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Clearwater Technology Ltd

38 Melford Court, Hardwick Grange, Woolston, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 4RZ Tel: 01925 814512 Fax: 01925 851747 Email: paul.jamieson@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Carillion Services

Lowry House, 550 Mauldeth Road West, Chorley-cum-Hardy, Manchester M21 7AA Tel: 01924 221733 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: diane.mckeith@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVX Specialist Group: SFG


Controlled House, Unit A6, Axis Point, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 2RQ Tel: 0161 763 3737 Fax: 0161 763 3747 Email: rob@casfm.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABGINSV Contracted Out: CDEFHJKLMOPQRTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Celsius Air Conditioning Ltd

1 Well Street, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 1NT Tel: 01706 367500 Fax: 01706 367355 Email: sales@celsiusair.co.uk Web: www.celsiusair.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEINPSV Specialist Group: SFG

Charleson Building Services Ltd 5 Manchester Road, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 3AB Tel: 01925 655929 Fax: 01925 244334 Email: info@charleson.co.uk Web: www.charleson.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: AGIJM Contracted Out: BCDEFKLNOPQRSTUVWYZ

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Climate Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 3 Wheelock Heath Business Court, Alsager Road, Winterley, Cheshire CW11 4RQ Tel: 01270 763988 Fax: 01270 764386 Email: max@climategroup.co.uk Web: www.climategroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMNUVWZ


87 Ribbleton Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR2 6DA Tel: 01772 651144 Fax: 01772 652025 Email: pat.swift@coolwell.co.uk Web: www.coolwell.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

Combi-Vent Engineering Ltd

Northumberland House, Emerald Street, Denton, Manchester M34 3GQ Tel: 0161 336 5065 Fax: 0161 320 4218 Email: enquiries@combivent.co.uk Web: www.combivent.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ACEFS Contracted Out: DJMTUYZ Specialist Group: DWG

CPL Heating & Plumbing Ltd

Unit C1 Anchorage Business Park, Chain Caul Way, Ashton on Ribble, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2YL Tel: 01772 723723 Fax: 01772 723722 Email: mail@cplbuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.cplbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDEGHIKLMNOPRSV Contracted Out: AFTUWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

7 Carr Brow, High Lane, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 8EX Tel: 01663 762411 Fax: 01663 766558 Email: enquiries@commissioningandmaintenance.com Web: www.commissioningandmaintenance.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: HSTW Specialist Group: SFG

Conditioned Air Technology Ltd Conditioned Air House, Edward Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 2BQ Tel: 0161 366 9889 Fax: 0161 366 9889 Email: condair.tech@btconnect.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABNS Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: RACHP

Controlled Air Solutions Ltd

Controlled House Unit A6 Axis Point, Hareshill Business Park, Hilltop Road, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 2RQ Tel: 0161 763 3737 Fax: 0161 763 3747 Email: sales@controlledair.co.uk Web: www.controlledairsolutions.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: H Specialist Group: RACHP


A22 Red Scar Industrial Estate, Longridge, Preston, Lancashire PR2 5NB Tel: 01772 703999 Fax: 01772 703887 Email: marcus@coolandheatltd.co.uk Web: www.coolandheat.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: SFG

Coolwell Air Conditioning

Belthorn House, Walker Park, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2QE Tel: 01254 662323 Fax: 01254 664084 Email: ian.forster@cofely-gdfsuez.com Web: www.cofely-gdfsuez.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Commissioning & Maintenance Services Ltd

Cool & Heat Ltd

Crown House Technologies

Archway 3, Birley Fields, Hulme, Manchester M15 5QJ Tel: 0161 227 6300 Fax: 0161 227 6399 Email: jbaldwin@crownhouse.com Web: www.crownhouse.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: DEGHIJKLMRUVWXZ Contracted Out: BCDEFLNOPQRST Specialist Group: MC

D D & J Air Conditioning Services Ltd 109b Snowdon Avenue, Urmston, Manchester M41 6EF Tel: 0161 747 7870 Fax: 0161 747 7871 Email: info@djaircon.co.uk Web: www.djaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CDEFHT Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Ductwork Design & Installation Ltd

Unit D5 Europa Trading Estate, Stoneclough Road, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1GG Tel: 01204 705333 Fax: 01204 705444 Email: grahamh@ddi-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ddi-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: CEFISV Contracted Out: ADTU Specialist Group: DWG


E ECG Facilities Services

Flamefast (UK) Ltd

Phoenix House, Bradnor Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4TF Tel: 01698 828778 Fax: 0161 945 6009 Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCEFGHMNRSVW Contracted Out: CDEILTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

1 Heaton Court, Risley Road, Birchwood, Warrington WA3 6QU Tel: 01925 281230 Fax: 01925 852785 Email: steve.hatch@flamefast.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EFIMSY Specialist Group: DWG

Ellesmere Engineering Co Ltd

Flamerite Ltd

Pennington Street, Worsley, Manchester M28 3LR Tel: 0161 799 7626 Fax: 0161 703 8254 Email: matt@ellesmereeng.com Web: www.ellesmereeng.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1963 In-House: ABGIKLMNRSUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFTV Specialist Group: SFG

EMCOR Facilities Services Ltd

Flamerite House, Hindley Street, Stockport SK1 3LF Tel: 0161 477 9494 Fax: 0161 480 0431 Email: peter@flamerite.co.uk Web: www.flamerite.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: AGHJKMRSV Contracted Out: CEFTWXZ Specialist Group: SFG

EMCOR House, Bird Hall Lane, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0XF Tel: 0845 200 2513 Fax: 0800 066 4755 Email: clare.gee@emcoruk.com Web: www.emcoruk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ACDEFHSTYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC


Flamerite Hosue, Hindley Street Stockport SK1 3LF Tel: 0161 477 9494 Fax: 0161 480 0431 Email: info@flamerite.co.uk Website: www.flamerite.co.uk

End Systems Ltd

Redwater House, Brunswick Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 2PL Tel: 01942 673229 Fax: 01942 260155 Email: brian.townsend@endsystems.co.uk Web: www.endsystems.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: TUVZ Contracted Out: WY

Environment & Power Technology Ltd Suite 1 Bank House, The Paddock, Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3HQ Tel: 01625 536790 Fax: 01625 521237 Email: colinh@ep-tech.co.uk Web: www.ep-tech.co.uk Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: RACHP

Enviroplas Ltd

Unit 2, Shepherd Cross Street, Bolton BL1 3DE Tel: 01204 844744 Fax: 01204 841500 Email: info@enviroplas.co.uk Web: www.enviroplas.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: D Specialist Group: DWG

Evans Warrington Ltd

Unit 11, Palatine Industrial Estate, Causeway Avenue, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 6QQ Tel: 01925 575234 Fax: 01925 575345 Email: info@evanswarrington.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHIJKLMOSX Contracted Out: ACEFTUVWZ

Flamerite Ltd delivers a range of combustion, Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning services. Compressed air management and pure refrigeration work throughout the UK. We pride ourselves in providing a skilled efficient service specializing in design, installation and reactive or preventative maintenance of mechanical and electoral |HVCA applications.

Fleetwood Sheet Metal Ltd

1 Denham Way, Fleetwood, Lancs FY7 6PR Tel: 01253 879234 Email: info@fleetwoodsheetmetal.co.uk Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: DWG

Francis Commissioning Services Ltd 24 Derby Street West, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 3NH Tel: 01695 579869 Fax: 01695 579868 Email: francis.commissioning@googlemail.com Web: www.franciscommissioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: SV Contracted Out: CDEFGMTW

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B&ES Members \ North West G

Halsall Heating

GDI Air Conditioning Specialists Ltd

173 Bolton Road, Walkden, Manchester M28 3BJ Tel: 0161 790 0001 Fax: 0161 799 2746 Email: sales@gdiairsolutions.com Web: www.gdiairsolutions.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGINS Contracted Out: CDEFMTUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

GDI Air Solutions Ltd

173 Bolton Road, Worsley Manchester M28 3BJ Tel: 0161 790 0001 Fax: 0161 799 2746 Email: sales@gdiairsolutions.com Website: www.gdi-airsolutions.com

Lord Street, Bury, Lancashire BL9 0RG Tel: 0161 764 5082 Fax: 0161 762 2333 Email: tim.hopkinson@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.hargreaves-ductwork.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CFIJKVXY Contracted Out: ABHV Specialist Group: MC, DWG

Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd

GDI Air Conditioning Ltd offer total support before, during and after the project to ensure piece of mind to you, our client. Our highly qualified engineers will be on hand to offer technical advice during the project ensuring a smooth operation from start to finish.

Guide Bridge Trading Estate, South Street, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire OL7 0NU Tel: 020 8464 0915 Fax: 0161 308 4551 Email: james@harrytaylor.co.uk Web: www.harrytaylor.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 Contracted Out: GM

As independent approved installers for all major brands, our company can offer you practical, unbiased advice and design solutions ensuring your requirements are fully achieved.

H E Simm & Son Ltd

Spinnaker House, 141 Sefton Street, Liverpool L8 5SN Tel: 0151 707 3222 Fax: 0151 707 3224 Email: gareth.simm@hesimm.co.uk Web: www.hesimm.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: HISVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNTWY

Hadrian M & E Ltd

Hawthorns, New Town, Irthington, Carlisle CA6 4PE Tel: 01697 741945 Email: russell.ion@outlook.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: UZ Contracted Out: R


Unit 20, Maritime Enterprise Park, Atlas Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 4DY Tel: 0151 922 9622 Fax: 0151 922 9566 Email: steven.thomas@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.hargreaves-ductwork.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFIJKSTX Contracted Out: ABHNV Specialist Group: MC, DWG


We offer a comprehensive package including: site surveys, off plan designs, specification advice and a FREE (no obligation) estimating service ensuring an accurate, competitive and speedy quotation.


117a-121a Shakespeare Street, Southport, Merseyside PR8 5AN Tel: 01704 538300 Fax: 01704 501589 Email: mail@halsallheating.co.uk Web: www.halsallheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDEGHIKLMNOPRSV Contracted Out: AFTUWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

HBS (Group) Services Ltd

Samuel House, Tan House Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 0RR Tel: 0151 420 4030 Fax: 0151 420 4071 Email: jill.peers@hbsgroupservices.co.uk Web: www.hbsgroupservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGKMNST Specialist Group: HAPS

Heatrite (Stockport) Ltd

24 Carnforth Road, Heaton Chapel, Stockport SK4 5LE Tel: 0161 432 8825 Email: dave90@ntlworld.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GIM

HFL Building Solutions

Freeman House, Oldham Street, Denton, Manchester M34 3SU Tel: 0161 304 5904 Fax: 0161 304 5905 Email: info@hflbuildingsolutions.co.uk Web: www.hflbuildingsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGMSZ Contracted Out: CFIJKLOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Hodgkinson Bennis Ltd

Little Hulton, Worsley, Manchester M38 9SS Tel: 0161 790 4411 Fax: 0161 703 8505 Email: enquiries@hbcombustion.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: HSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNTUWXYZ

Home Gas Supplies

Unit 6, Waterfall Mill, Queen Victoria St, Mill Hill, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 2QG Tel: 01254 678970 Fax: 01254 290263 Email: dave@homegassupplies.co.uk Web: www.homegassupplies.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: HLNP Specialist Group: HAPS

HY5 Commercial Cleaning Ltd

214 Ulverston Business Centre, 25 New Market Street, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LQ Tel: 0800 316 6280 Email: info@hy5cleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: F Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I IDS Services (UK) Ltd

Unit 1, Station Road Industrial Estate, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancashire BB6 7BA Tel: 01254 880010 Fax: 01254 880010 Email: anthony@ids-services.co.uk Web: www.ids-services.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Imtech Engineering Services North Ltd

Calder House, St Georges Park, Kirkham, Preston, Lancashire PR4 2DZ Tel: 01772 471111 Fax: 01772 471112 Email: ian.lammas@imtechnorth.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABEGHIMNOPSTVYZ Contracted Out: CUW Specialist Group: HAPS

Imtech Inviron Ltd

4 Scholar Green Road, Cobra Court, Trafford Park, Manchester M32 0TB Tel: 0161 866 0900 Email: jason.hanson@imtechInviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GJMOPQRZ Contracted Out: ABCDEIKLNUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

INS Sudlows Ltd

Ducie Works, 107 Hulme Hall Lane, Manchester, Lancs M40 8HH Tel: 0870 278 2787 Fax: 0161 205 0295 Email: sales@sudlows.com Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: RACHP

Integral UK Ltd

720 Birchwood Boulevard, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 7QY Tel: 01925 847700 Email: phil.dodson@integral.co.uk Web: www.integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AHI Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWX Specialist Group: SFG, MC

J J E Dean (Hazel Grove) Ltd

15 Napier Street, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 4EW Tel: 0161 483 5110 Fax: 0161 456 5118 Email: info@jedean.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: EGHIJKLMRSVWXYZ Contracted Out: ABCFOU Specialist Group: HAPS

J Fletcher (Engineers) Ltd

Carlton Works, Lansdowne Road, Monton, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PJ Tel: 0161 787 7170 Fax: 0161 707 5344 Email: steve.fletcher@jfletcher.co.uk Web: www.jfletcher.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABDEFGIJKMNSUVWXZ Contracted Out: CLOPQRTY Specialist Group: SFG

K K.W.T Facilities Services Ltd

Carrington Business Park, Thornley House, S123, Carrington, Manchester M31 4DD Tel: 0161 776 4575 Email: kate@kwtfacilitiesservices.co.uk Web: www.kwtbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EFGHMNSV Contracted Out: ABILTUWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Keith Gordon Heating & Plumbing 40 Crossley Crescent, Hoole, Chester CH2 3EZ Tel: 01244 345322 Fax: 01244 345322 Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: HI Specialist Group: HAPS

Kimpton Energy Solutions

Unit 5 Hawkshead Road, Greenfields Technology Park, Bromborough, Merseyside CH62 3RJ Tel: 0151 343 1963 Fax: 0151 343 5909 Email: colin@kimpton.ltd.uk Web: www.kimpton.ltd.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABHIJLNOSUVWZ Contracted Out: CDEFKTXY Specialist Group: SFG

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M.D.M.S Ltd Lorne Stewart plc

Stewart House, Orford Park, Greenfold Way, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3XJ Tel: 01942 683333 Fax: 01942 687776 Email: david.brickliffe@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHIJMZ Contracted Out: ABFKLNOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart Services

Estates Dept, Estates House, The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, 50a Prescott Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L7 8YE Tel: 0151 706 5566 Fax: 0151 706 5877 Email: paul.booth@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: W Specialist Group: MC

Lorne Stewart Services

Lorne Stewart Services, Stewart House, Orford Park, Greenfold Way, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3XJ Tel: 01942 683333 Fax: 01942 682780 Email: paul.booth@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lunar Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 5, Forestgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3PD Tel: 01524 64273 Fax: 01524 846357 Email: youngm@lunarltd.co.uk Web: www.lunarltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCGNSUVW Contracted Out: EI Specialist Group: RACHP

M M A Anderton Ltd

81 Marsh Road, Little Lever, Bolton, Lancashire BL3 1RF Tel: 01204 861528 Fax: 01204 861528 Email: maanderton@virginmedia.com Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIMV Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: HAPS

Manchester Working Ltd

Third Floor, Universal Square, Devonshire Street, Manchester, Lancashire M12 6JH Tel: 0161 274 0900 Fax: 0161 274 0892 Email: brian.taylor@manchesterworking.co.uk Web: www.manchesterworking.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABCEFOPRUV Specialist Group: SFG

McKiernan Group Ltd

Crown Street Works, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 0RW Tel: 01254 398532 Fax: 01254 392157 Email: tony@themckiernangroup.co.uk Web: www.themckiernangroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCDEFGIMOPQRSUV Contracted Out: LNWZ

Medway Heating (Bolton) Ltd Unit 3, Viola Street, Astley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 8NG Tel: 01204 305222 Fax: 01204 305666 Email: iinfo@medwayheating.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GHLMNOPRSVWZ Contracted Out: ACDEFTU

Murray Building Services Ltd

Unit 3, Sentinel Court, Wilkinson Way, , Shadsworth Business Park, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2EH Tel: 01254 667046 Fax: 01254 667029 Email: am@murray-build-services.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABDGHIJKMNSUVZ Contracted Out: CEFLOPQRTWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

N N G Bailey Ltd

M J Quinn Integrated Services Ltd

Oak House, Overbrook Lane, Knowsley Business Park, Knowsley, Merseyside L34 9FB Tel: 0151 547 8800 Fax: 0151 547 8801 Email: imoore@mjquinn.co.uk Web: www.mjquinn.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPRSUVWYZ Contracted Out: JQTX Specialist Group: SFG


Units B4 & B8, Shay Lane Industrial Estate, Longridge, Preston PR3 3BT Tel: 01772 786738 Fax: 01772 780762 Email: info@mdmsltd.net Web: www.mdmsltd.net Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIKLMRSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFNW Specialist Group: HAPS

321 Ordsall Lane, Salford, Manchester M5 3HP Tel: 0161 872 0171 Fax: 0161 872 0106 Email: kevin.morrisey@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

Nationwide-ACR Ltd

279-281 Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire BB9 8EJ Tel: 01282 603487 Fax: 01282 603016 Email: info@nationwide-acr.co.uk Web: www.nationwide-acr.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABNSUV Contracted Out: CDEFGHIMOPQRTZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Piggott & Whitfield Ltd

Exemplar House, 8 Station View, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 5ER Tel: 0161 483 9438 Fax: 0161 483 1460 Email: info@piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Web: www.piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ACGHIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: LSTUVWY

Nederman Ltd

Unit 91 Seedlee Road, Walton Summit, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancashire PR5 8AE Tel: 01772 332118 Fax: 01772 315273 Email: sales@nederman.co.uk Web: www.nederman.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: EV

Norland Managed Services Ltd

Suite 3B Trafford Plaza, Seymour Grove, Old Trafford, Manchester M16 0LD Tel: 0161 877 0218 Fax: 0161 877 0219 Email: enquiries@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: BHMNS Contracted Out: JKLNOPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Northernshire Ventilation Hygiene 382 Dunkirk Lane, Leyland, Preston, Lancashire PR26 7SY Tel: 01772 331999 Fax: 01772 331997 Email: sales@northernshire.co.uk Web: www.northernshire.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Piggott and Whitfield Ltd

Exemplar House, Station View Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 5ER Tel: 0161 483 9438 Fax: 0161 487 1460 Email: info@piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Website: www.piggottandwhitfield.co.uk Manchester and London based company which specialises in Mechanical, Electrical and Data communication works has traded in excess of 115 years. We are able to offer in-house design, project management, installation and supervisory staff, all of whom are directly employed by Piggott & Whitfield Ltd and who have a proven track record of delivering projects of varying values between £100K and £6M. From pre-construction through design, procurement, planning and on-site installation our aim is to constantly and consistently provide quality and robust engineering solutions which satisfy the project requirements and fit the bill.

Oakwood Technology Group Ltd The Court Yard, Earl Road, Stanley Green Business Park, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, Cheshire SK8 6GN Tel: 0161 488 4343 Fax: 0161 488 4086 Email: info@oakwoodair.co.uk Web: www.oakwoodair.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: AGIMNS Contracted Out: TUVYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

P Paragon Construction Group Ltd

Paragon House, Kettering Court, Jackson Street, St Helens, Merseyside WA9 3AH Tel: 01744 458720 Fax: 01744 458721 Web: www.paragonbuildingservices.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIKLMNVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJOPQRSTUXY Specialist Group: DWG

Pinington Ltd

Aldrens Lane, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 2DE Tel: 01524 599770 Fax: 01524 599771 Email: helen.nugent@pinington.co.uk Web: www.pinington.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHIJKLMRSZ

Plasma Clean Ltd

Broadstone Knowledge Mill, Broadstone Road, Stockport, Cheshire SK5 7DL Tel: 0161 443 4125 Fax: 0161 332 7813 Email: davidglover@plasma-clean.com Web: www.plasma-clean.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: F Contracted Out: CDE Specialist Group: DWG

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B&ES Members \ North West Premier of Lytham Ltd

Rotary North West Ltd

Unit 2, Clitheroe Lane, Freckleton, Preston, Lancashire PR4 1SD Tel: 01772 634070 Fax: 01772 634088 Email: sean@premieroflytham.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEFHNV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

Phoenix House, Lakeside Drive, Centre Park, Warrington WA1 1RX Tel: 01925 402000 Email: dave.craggs@rotarygroup.com Web: www.hastieggroup.comau/ rotarygroupunitedkingdom Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1968 In-House: GIMV Contracted Out: OPQR

Primary Water Treatments Ltd

58 Lords Street, Cadishead, Manchester M44 5FF Tel: 0161 775 0835 Fax: 0161 775 0835 Email: info@primarywatertreatments.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: SW Specialist Group: SFG

Pro-Temp Air Conditioning Ltd Unit 17, Farriers Way off Bridle Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L30 4XL Tel: 0151 523 3086 Fax: 0151 523 3072 Email: steve@pro-temp.co.uk Web: www.pro-temp.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGNSUV Contracted Out: CEFHIMTZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Shell Hill Farm, Saltcotes Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 4LL Tel: 01253 735102 Fax: 01253 794095 Email: russplumb@aol.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

S S C Horsfield Building Services Engineers Ltd Horsfield Place, Rough Hey Road, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancashire PR2 5AR Tel: 01772 654402 Fax: 01772 792296 Email: info@horsfield.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABFGHIJKLMNOPRSVWZ Contracted Out: CDEU Specialist Group: RACHP

PSI (Resources) Ltd

Unit 3, Barlow Street, Walkden, Manchester M28 3BQ Tel: 0161 703 8911 Fax: 0161 703 8995 Email: steve@psigroup.co.uk Web: www.psigroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABFINSTV Specialist Group: RACHP

Safeguard Refrigeration Services Ltd Unit E, Westwood Industrial Estate, Arkwright Street, Chadderton, Lancashire OL9 9LZ Tel: 0161 626 2202 Fax: 0161 684 4377 Email: enquiries@safeguard.uk.com Web: www.safeguard.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCEFGHIMSUZ Contracted Out: JKTY Specialist Group: RACHP

R R J Urmson Commissioning Engineers Ltd

Sanber Ltd

Kellett Street Works, Fellery Street, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 1EL Tel: 01257 262683 Fax: 01257 262687 Email: louise@rjurmson.com Web: www.rjurmson.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ASTVW Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

Rapid Climate Control Ltd


3 Newnham Street, Astley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 8QA Tel: 01204 596015 Fax: 01204 598751 Email: bernard.coates@sanberlabservices.co.uk Web: www.sanberlabservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DEGISV Contracted Out: ACFJKLMTUWXYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 3 & 4, Astra Business Park, Guiness Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1SD Tel: 0121 543 6200 Fax: 0161 544 0774 Email: rac@rapidclimatecontrol.com Web: www.rapidclimatecontrol.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABDGHMN Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP

Select Air Services Ltd

Unit 5, Brookfield Business Park Muir Road, Aintree, Liverpool, Merseyside L9 7AR Tel: 0151 525 0357 Email: info@selectairservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: MTUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Servest Building Services Ltd

M I O C, Suite 15c, Styal Road, Manchester M22 5WB Tel: 0161 437 9972 Fax: 0161 437 9972 Email: lcowell@servest.co.uk Web: www.servest.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGLMNSUYZ Contracted Out: CDEFIJKTVWX Specialist Group: SFG

Servistec Ltd

Unit 6 Parkway Point, Longbridge Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1SN Tel: 0845 644 6718 Fax: 0845 644 6719 Email: enquiries@servistec.com Web: www.servistec.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABGILMNTUVW Contracted Out: CFK Specialist Group: RACHP


Shepherd Engineering Services

Shepherd House, Southmoor Road, Manchester M23 9GH Tel: 0161 945 5589 Fax: 0161 946 0295 Email: sbradshaw@ses-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ses-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: MC, DWG

T T Jolly Services(UK) Ltd

Unit 6, Millennium City Park, Bluebell Way, Preston PR2 5PY Tel: 01772 707550 Fax: 01772 707551 Email: paul-riley@tjolly.co.uk Web: www.tjolly.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGHM Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

Temperature Control Ltd

Walker House, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester M16 9HN Tel: 0161 872 5722 Fax: 0161 872 8306 Email: manchester@temperaturecontrol.co.uk Web: www.temperaturecontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGIJKNPSV Contracted Out: CDEFLMTUXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

SMG Europe Facilities Management

M.E.N. Arena, Victoria Station, Manchester M3 1AR Tel: 0161 950 2071 Fax: 0161 950 7007 Email: dave.batty@smg-europe.com Web: www.smg-europe.com/facilitiesmanagement Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

Spie Ltd

1st Floor City Gate, Cross Street, Sale, Manchester M33 7JR Tel: 0161 405 4900 Fax: 0161 405 4901 Email: hilary.moss@spieplc.com Web: www.spiematthewhall.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GIJMNRSVXZ Contracted Out: CDELNQTUV Specialist Group: SFG, MC

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


The James Mercer Group Ltd

Ventorex Ltd

101 New Court Way, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 2EZ Tel: 01695 572401 Fax: 01695 575480 Email: ormskirk@jamesmercergroup.co.uk Web: www.jamesmercergroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1967 In-House: GIMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRTUVWXYZ

Trios Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk

The James Mercer Group Ltd

Tulketh Hall Works, Hesketh Street, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2RB Tel: 01772 775700 Fax: 01772 720146 Email: johnmoxham@jamesmercergroup.co.uk Web: www.jamesmercergroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1967 In-House: ABCEGIJKMNS Contracted Out: DFLOPQRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP, DWG

Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

Thermatic Maintenance Ltd Unit 3, Sovereign Enterprise Park, King William Street, Salford M50 3UP Tel: 0161 872 3724 Fax: 0161 848 0516 Email: diane.day@thermatic.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ Contracted Out: FKLNXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Tudor Northwest Ltd

Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd Workington Road, Flimby, Maryport, Cumbria CA15 8RY Tel: 01900 842092 Fax: 01900 842025 Email: brian.holgate@thomasarmstrong.co.uk Web: www.thomasarmstrong.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: HIJKNOPRSX Contracted Out: ABCDEFLTUVWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Total Deep Clean Ltd

68 Foxhole Road, Ackhurst Park Indust’l Estate, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 1NW Tel: 01257 241500 Fax: 01257 220300 Email: totaldeepclean@supanet.com Web: www.totaldeepclean.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Townley Hughes & Co Ltd

Unit 22, Rossmore Business Village, Inward Way, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 3EN Tel: 0151 357 1800 Fax: 0151 357 2117 Email: reception@townleyhughes.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: HJSVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIKLMNOPQRTUWYZ


104-108 Wallgate, Wigan, Lancashire WN3 4AB Tel: 01942 236592 Fax: 01942 236615 Email: andyo@tudorgroup.net Web: www.tudorgroup.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCGHKLMOPRSTUVWZ Contracted Out: DEFIJXY Specialist Group: SFG

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions Tyco Park, Grimshaw Lane, Newton Heath, Manchester M40 2WL Tel: 0161 205 2321 Fax: 0161 455 4449 Email: NHussain@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947


Nelson Street, Bolton, Lancs BL3 2RW Tel: 01204 399970 Fax: 01204 364493 Email: admin@ventorex.com Web: www.ventorex.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: CDEF Specialist Group: DWG

VES Andover Ltd

Unit 6 Willan Enterprise Centre, 4th Avenue, The Village, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1DB Tel: 0161 848 8711 Fax: 0161 848 7268 Email: info@ves.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEFGIJSTUVZ Contracted Out: N Specialist Group: SFG

VINCI Facilities

2 Cranberry Drive, Denton, Manchester M34 3UL Tel: 0161 320 2900 Fax: 0161 320 2990 Email: somchai.morrisey@vincifacilities.com Web: www.vincifacilities.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: ABSZ Contracted Out: GIJMNOPRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Winrow Building Services Ltd

5 Stockham Close, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2PA Tel: 01928 778383 Fax: 01928 778383 Email: wnrjcql@aol.com Web: www.winrowltd.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2005

WMB (Mechanical) Ltd

The Yard, Dorchester Road, Swinton, Manchester M27 5NU Tel: 0161 727 9777 Email: phil@wmbmech.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIMV Contracted Out: ABCDEFLTW Specialist Group: HAPS

Woods Environmental (Leeds) Ltd Portland House, Oak Green, Earl Road, Stanley Green Business Park, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire SK8 6QL Tel: 0161 488 4277 Email: sara.townley@woods-group.com Web: www.woodsne.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 Contracted Out: ABGHJKLMNSTUWZ

Vital Energi Utilities Ltd

Century House, Roman Way, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2LD Tel: 01254 296000 Fax: 01254 296040 Email: james.gallacher@vitalenergi.co.uk Web: www.vitalenergi.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: IOR Contracted Out: ABGMPVW

W W T Building Services Ltd

University of Liverpool

Facilities Management, Bedford House, Oxford Street, Liverpool L69 7ZP Tel: 0151 794 2181 Email: martin.foster@liv.ac.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: GHJMSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLNOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

River Street Works, River Street, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 4AB Tel: 0844 893 3111 Fax: 0844 893 3112 Email: sales@wtbs.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCEFGIN Contracted Out: DHMOPQRSTVYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Willows Mechanical Services Ltd

V Vaughan Engineering Ltd

The Breeze, Claremont House, 2 Kelvin Close, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 7PB Tel: 0844 963 2172 Email: gordon.galletly@vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GJKMORSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNQTUVWY

13 Southwell Gardens, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire OL6 8XS Tel: 0161 343 3939 Fax: 0161 339 9091 Email: tony@willowsuk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: M

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B&ES Members \ North West

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Northern Ireland If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Northern Ireland Region National Executive for Scotland and Northern Ireland: Bob Dyer The Walled Garden, Bush Estate Midlothian EH26 0SD Tel: 01314 455580 Email: bob.dyer@b-es.org



Alexander Rankin & Son Ltd

B J McGrath Plumbing & Heating

60 Main Street, Castledawson, Magherafelt, County Londonderry BT45 8AB Tel: 028 7946 8231 Fax: 028 7946 8167 Email: arankinandson@btconnect.com Web: www.alexanderrankinandson.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: EGHIMRV Contracted Out: LUW Specialist Group: HAPS

All-Duct Cleaning Services 81 Ballymacarn Road, Ballyhinch, County Down BT24 8JS Tel: 028 9756 2301 Fax: 028 9756 2307 Email: adcssales@aol.com Web: www.adcs.biz Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: EFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Anderson Mechanical Services 41a Tirmacrannon Road, Loughall, Armagh BT61 8LW Tel: 028 3889 1320 Fax: 028 3889 2068 Email: gordon@andersonmechanical.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNVW Specialist Group: HAPS

All-Duct Cleaning Services

81 Ballymacarn Road Ballynahinch, County Down BT24 8JS Tel: 028 9756 2301 Fax: 028 9756 2307 Email: adcssales@aol.com Website: www.adcs.biz ADCS was established in 2002 to provide a first class, specialist service to meet the growing demand within Ireland and the UK for a specialist ductwork cleaning company. We are able to undertake professional and thorough cleaning of all types of ventilation systems. All of our Air Hygiene Technicians are fully trained and certified, based on HVCA TR19 guidelines and are proactive in helping you to meet the ever growing demands of building maintenance legislation and requirements. We can clean any type of ventilation system from kitchen extract systems, which should be cleaned at least once per year, LEV systems, through to ultra clean theatres in hospitals.

34 Garvagh Road, Donaghmore, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3LS Tel: 028 8776 7359 Fax: 028 8776 1780 Email: info@bMCrath.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CDGHJKLMPW Contracted Out: ABEFNSTUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

B Tremlett Plumbing & Heating

187 Newcastle Road, Kilkeel, Co Down BT34 4NN Tel: 028 4176 3867 Fax: 028 4376 7132 Email: colintremlett@ymail.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHLPSW Specialist Group: HAPS

Bel-Air Services NI Ltd

Unit 12, West Bank Business Park, 2 West Bank Road, Belfast BT3 9JL Tel: 028 9077 8031 Email: jimw@bel-air.uk.com Web: www.bel-air.uk.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

Blackbourne Ltd

2 Springfarm Industrial Estate, Ballymena Road, Antrim, Co Antrim BT41 4NZ Tel: 028 9446 4231 Fax: 028 9446 7109 Email: giles.hill@blackbourne.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ACDEGJKLMNOPQRSUVYZ Contracted Out: BTWX

BOSS Ventilation

Foundry House, 22-24 Doagh Road, Ballyclare, Co Antrim BT39 9BG Tel: 028 9332 3618 Email: david@benmore.net Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


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B&ES Members \ Northern Ireland Brankin Engineering Ltd

Dowds Group

Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 4RF Tel: 028 9083 7441 Fax: 028 9034 2469 Email: stuart.vaughan@brankin.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDEFY Contracted Out: IT Specialist Group: DWG

2-4 Milltown Road, Ballymoney, Antrim BT53 6LE Tel: 028 2766 2789 Fax: 028 2766 5905 Email: info@dowdsgroup.com Web: www.dowdsgroup.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GIJKMSXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPRTUVWY



Electrical & Data Systems Ltd

Calor Gas Northern Ireland Ltd

Airport Road West, Sydenham, Belfast BT3 9EE Tel: 028 9045 8888 Fax: 028 9045 8072 Email: info@calorgas.ie Web: www.calorgas.ie Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1998 Contracted Out: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

CHC Group Ltd

33 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon, Co Armagh BT63 5QD Tel: 028 3833 4874 Fax: 028 3833 8760 Email: info@chcltd.com Web: www.chcltd.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: CEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTWZ Contracted Out: ABDUVXY

Clearwater Technology Ltd

8 Drumhubbert Road, Coalisland, Co Tyrone BT71 5EB Tel: 028 87 738455 Fax: 028 87 738455 Email: sean@cmkplumbing.co.uk Web: www.cmkplumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHP Contracted Out: AIM Specialist Group: HAPS

D Devlin Mechanical Ltd

4 Carlane Road, Toomebridge, Co Antrim BT41 3NT Tel: 028 796 50401 Fax: 028 796-50975 Email: info@devlinmechanical.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GHIJKLMOPRSWXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFTUVY

Enviro Group

Milltown Industrial Estate, Warrenpoint, County Down BT34 3FN Tel: 028 4175 4035 Fax: 028 4175 3537 Email: paul.devenny@envirogroupni.com Web: www.envirogroupni.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABFNSTV Specialist Group: SFG


Unit 5, 22 Heron Road, Sydenham Business Park, Belfast BT3 9LE Tel: 028 9046 0824 Email: aaron.black@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CMK Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit A8, The Business Centre, 5 Tobermore Road, Draperstown, Co Londonderry BT45 7AG Tel: 028 7962 7962 Fax: 028 7962 8188 Email: info@edsni.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: HAPS

Graham Facilities Management 20 Wildflower Way, Belfast BT12 6TA Tel: 0845 6006 300 Fax: 028 9068 4595 Web: www.graham.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

H Handley Heating Services

30 Edenordinary Road, Banbridge, Co Down BT32 4HA Tel: 028 9269 3588 Fax: 028 9269 9955 Email: handleyheating@btconnect.com Web: www.handleyheating.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ACDEFHIJKLNRSUVWZ Contracted Out: BQTXY

Hanna Mechanical Services LLP

Emerson House, 14b Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff, Belfast BT8 8DN Tel: 028 9081 7841 Fax: 028 9081 7842 Email: info@hannamechanical.com Web: www.hannamechanical.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DEGHJKLMPRSV Contracted Out: ABCFINOQTUWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

HTC Mechanical Services Ltd 220 Mountjoy Road, Stewartstown, Tyrone BT71 5LJ Tel: 028 8773 8564 Fax: 028 8773 8061 Email: info@htcmechcanical.com Web: www.htcmechanical.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AGHJKLMNRSVWZ Contracted Out: I

Hutton (M & E) Services Ltd

Unit 6, 18 Westbank Road, Belfast BT3 9JL Tel: 028 9077 2888 Fax: 028 9037 0322 Email: wayne@huttonmech.com Web: www.huttonmech.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GJKMNOPRYZ Contracted Out: LVW

L L M Electric

18 Old Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 8EY Tel: 028 9081 4141 Email: info@lmelectric.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJKLSTUZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPQRWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Michael Nugent Ltd

2 Tandragee Road, Pomeroy, Co Tyrone BT70 3DS Tel: 028 8775 8617Fax: 028 8775 8983 Email: michaela@michaelnugent.co.uk Web: www.michaelnugent.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIJKLMRSVXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPQTUW

Miles-Ash Ltd

576 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim BT36 5BU Tel: 028 9083 0700 Fax: 028 9083 0701 Email: enquiries@milesash-ni.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDEFI Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: DWG

Montgomery Refrigeration Ltd 5 Falcon Road, Adelaide Industrial Estate, Belfast BT12 6RD Tel: 028 9066 2111 Fax: 028 9066 2111 Email: ifawcett@montgomery-ltd.co.uk Year Joined: 2004 Specialist Group: RACHP


19 Fairyhill, Galgorm, Ballymena, Co Antrim BT42 1FH Tel: 07738 086709 Fax: 028 2563 9238 Email: davudmcgall@mail.co.uk Year Joined: 2009 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Maurice Flynn & Sons Ltd

Saunders House, 62 Springbank Industrial Estate, Belfast BT17 0QL Tel: 028 9030 3800 Email: robert.briggs@mauriceflynn.com Web: www.mauriceflynn.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HIS Contracted Out: ABGMOPTV Specialist Group: HAPS

Michael McGonigle Plbg & Htg Contractor

85 Bells Park Road, Urbane, Strabane, Co Tyrone BT82 9QY Tel: 028 7188 3727 Fax: 028 7138 2803 Email: info@michaelmcgonigle.com Web: www.michaelmcgonigle.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: FGJPUV Contracted Out: ABCDEHILMNSTWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

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Sharpe Mechanical Services

Northern Mechanical Ltd

5 Queensway Park, Mosside Road, Belfast BT17 9HP Tel: 028 9061 9630 Fax: 028 9061 4822 Email: northernmechanical@btconnect.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: DGHJKMSVW Contracted Out: ABCEFILNOPQRTUXYZ

O Omega Mechanical Services Ltd

14 Springtown Road, Springtown Industrial Estate, Londonderry BT48 0LY Tel: 028 7137 0219 Fax: 028 7137 2102 Email: vincent@callomega.com Web: www.callomega.com Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: SFG

P Pipeline Mechanical

32 Coshquin Road, Derry, Derry City BT48 0NF Tel: 028 7137 2885 Fax: 028 7136 1900 Email: pvaughan@pipelinemechanical.co.uk Web: www.pipelinemechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: FGHLMOSVW Contracted Out: CDEUYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Q Quiggin & Cubbon Ltd

Scott & Ewing Ltd

59 Crevenagh Road, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0EX Tel: 028 8224 2622 Email: robert@s-e-group.co.uk Web: www.woodvaleconstruction.co.uk Year Joined: 2012


Sharpe Ventilation Services Ltd 57 Sydenham Road, Belfast BT3 9DJ Tel: 028 9045 8185 Fax: 028 9073 1034 Email: eddie.mcmaster@sharpegroup.com Web: www.sharpegroup.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: CDEFISTV Contracted Out: AU Specialist Group: DWG

Sheridan & Hood Ltd

6-10 Tamar Street, Belfast BT4 1HR Tel: 028 9073 2233 Fax: 028 9073 9333 Email: bhood@sheridan-hood.com Web: www.sheridan-hood.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHIJKLMRSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Source Air Conditioning & Electrical Services (NI) Ltd

Unit 3A, Valley Business Centre, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey, Glengormley BT36 7LS Tel: 028 9055 1866 Fax: 028 9055 1867 Email: sourceair@btconnect.com Web: www.sourceace.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Stothers M & E Ltd

Unit 15b, Tromode Industrial Estate, Douglas, Isle of Man IM4 4RG Tel: 01624 621042 Fax: 01624 629796 Email: enquiries@quigginandcubbon.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIKLMS


57 Sydenham Road, Belfast BT3 9DJ Tel: 028 9045 8185 Fax: 028 9073 1034 Email: eddie.mcmaster@sharpegroup.com Web: www.sharpegroup.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: CDEFGIJKMSTV Contracted Out: ABLNORUWXYZ

Radiant Works, 23 Sunwich Street, Ravenhill Avenue, Belfast BT6 8HR Tel: 028 9045 0821 Fax: 028 9045 8342 Email: bmegarry@stothersm-e.co.uk Web: www.stothers-e.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJKLMSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPQRUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Sure Deep Clean

3 The Beeches, Hightown Road, Newtownabbey BT36 7DL Tel: 028 9083 6532 Email: info@suredeepclean.co.uk Web: www.suredeepclean.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB



TMC Gas Services Ltd

Whitehouse Engineering Company Ltd

24 Longfield Road, Longfield Industrial Estate (West), Eglinton, Northern Ireland BT47 3PY Tel: 028 7181 3531 Fax: 028 7181 2874 Email: colm@tmcgasservices.co.uk Web: www.tmcgasservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJMPQRSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOTUWXY

Total Fan Services

14 Trench Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey BT36 4UU Tel: 028 9084 8311 Fax: 028 9034 2773 Email: info@whitehouse-eng.com Web: www.whitehouse-eng.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: DI Specialist Group: DWG

1 Upper Braniel Road, Belfast BT5 7TS Tel: 028 9070 3785 Fax: 028 9070 3785 Email: totalfanservices@btconnect.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: SV Contracted Out: ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

V Vaughan Engineering Group Ltd Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim BT36 4RF Tel: 028 9083 7441 Fax: 028 9034 2469 Email: vegl@vaughan-group.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: CEFGJKMOPRSXZ Contracted Out: ABDILNQTUVWY

Vaughan Engineering Services Ltd Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim BT36 8PL Tel: 028 9083 7441 Fax: 028 9034 2469 Email: vesl@vaughan-group.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: CDEFGIJKMOPRSXZ Contracted Out: ABLNQTUVWY

VCM Services Ltd

Whitehouse Engineering Co. Ltd

14 Trench Road, Mallusk Newtownabbey, Antrim BT36 4UU Tel: 028 9084 8311 Fax: 028 9034 2773 Email: info@whitehouse-eng.com Website: www.whitehouse-eng.com Whitehouse Engineering Co. Ltd. was established in 1968 and has steadily grown on its reputation for high quality workmanship, especially on specialized construction projects. The company has successfully completed projects for a wide variety of public, commercial and industrial organizations. Projects range from hospitals and schools, to banking, pharmaceutical facilities, food production and retail outlets. We operate from a well equipped and spacious production facility incorporating the latest production machinery including our own in house CAD / CAM drawing office. The company prides its self in providing quality service and product and is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 140001.

Unit 12 Carrowgreagh Business Park, Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald, Belfast BT16 1QQ Tel: 028 9048 2266 Fax: 028 9048 2288 Email: info@vcmservices.com Web: www.vcmservices.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CFTWZ

Victoria Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit A22, No 20 Heron Road, Sydenham Business Park, Belfast BT3 9LE Tel: 028 9073 2029 Fax: 028 9046 0819 Email: info@victoriamechanicalservices.co.uk Web: www.victoriamechanicalservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIJKLMNPXY Contracted Out: CDEFUVWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

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B&ES Members \ Northern Ireland

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.


A A Tech Heating Ltd

26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Area, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9HN Tel: 01236 738583 Fax: 01236 738594 Email: alan@atechheat.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIJKMR Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNTUVWYZ

B&ES Scotland

National Executive for Scotland and Northern Ireland: Bob Dyer The Walled Garden Bush Estate, Midlothian EH26 0SD Tel: 0131 445 5580 Email: bob.dyer@b-es.org

Active Sustainable Energy Systems

Alba Facilities Services Ltd

Advanced Energy Management Services Ltd

AMG Group

Forth House, Endeavour Drive, Arnhall Business Park, West Hill, Aberdeenshire AB32 6UF Tel: 01224 870777 Fax: 01224 870888 Email: mark@active24-7.com Web: www.active24-7.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSZ Specialist Group: RACHP, DWG

Unit 4E3, Templeton Business Centre, 62 Templeton Street, Glasgow G40 1DA Tel: 0141 550 8808 Fax: 0141-550-8077 Email: aems2000@btconnect.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: AGHJKLMQSW Contracted Out: CDEFT Specialist Group: SFG

A Tech Heating Ltd

26 Deerdykes View Westfield Industrial Area Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9HN Tel: 01236 738583 Fax: 01236 738594 Email: ian@atechheat.co.uk Website: www.atechheat.co.uk Being traditional commercial and industrial heating engineers in the old style, A Tech utilise skilled tradesmen to provide our Clients with quality service from concept to aftercare. We specialise in boiler room replacement and refurbishment as well as pipework fabrication and heating system installation. No job is considered too small and we have great experience in operating within occupied buildings from schools to homes for the elderly. We carry our own containerised boiler plant (gas or oil fired) thus providing the facility to carry out full or partial refurbishment out with the summer months.

Advanced Refrigeration Ltd

Prop View, Monteach Road, Methlick, Aberdeenshire AB41 7JT Tel: 01651 806211 Fax: 0845 2805554 Email: info@advanced-refrigeration.co.uk Web: www.advanced-refrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABNV Specialist Group: RACHP

Airco Developments Ltd

Unit 3D, Newbattle Business Park, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 3LH Tel: 0131 660 9555 Fax: 0131 660 9666 Email: info@aircoltd.co.uk Web: www.aircoltd.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CEFGIMSTVY Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: DWG

37 Lonmay Drive, PanoramABusiness Village, Glasgow G33 4EP Tel: 0141 771 8888 Fax: 0141 771 7700 Email: andrea@albafs.co.uk Web: www.albafs.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABHS Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: HAPS

106 Clober Road, Milngavie, Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire G62 7SR Tel: 0141 956 2666 Fax: 0141 956 3666 Email: glenn@theamggroup.co.uk Web: www.amair.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABCDEFGHMNSTU Contracted Out: JKWYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Anderson Floor Warming Ltd

Unit 119, Atlas Express Industrial Estate, 1 Rutherglen Road, Glasgow G73 1SX Tel: 0141 647 6716 Fax: 0141 647 6716 Email: mike@andersonfloorwarming.co.uk Web: www.andersonfloorwarming.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHLNP Contracted Out: ABMQRV Specialist Group: HAPS

Andrews Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

Anniesland Business Park, Netherton Road, Glasgow G13 1EU Tel: 0800 731 8833 Fax: 0161 945 7412 Email: tony.marsh@andrews-sykes.com Web: www.aacr-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: AS Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Scotland Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Unit 1, Fairways Business Park, Deer Park Avenue, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 8AF Tel: 01506 448200 Fax: 01506 440265 Email: derek.sanders@bbesl.com Web: www.bbsl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Anderson Floor Warming and Renewables

Unit 119 Atlas Express Industrial Estate 1 Rutherglen Road, Glasgow G73 1SX Tel: 0141 647 6716 Fax: 0141 647 6751 Email: mail@andersonfloorwarming.co.uk Website: www.andersonfloorwarming.co.uk/bes

BB Plumbing & Heating

We specialise in heating from renewable energy including the supply and installation of underfloor heating, ground and air source heat pumps, heat recovery ventilation and solar thermal panels.

Arthur McKay Building Services 42 Dryden Road, Bilston Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9LZ Tel: 0131 440 6000 Fax: 0131 440 6001 Email: david.ripley@arthur-mckay.com Web: www.arthurmckay.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEFGIJKMNRSXYZ Contracted Out: LOTUVW Specialist Group:

Atlas Air Conditioning Ltd

Pavilion 2, 3 Dava Street, Broomloan Road, Glasgow G51 2JA Tel: 0141 425 1010 Fax: 0141 445 3367 Email: grahame@atlasaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCEFIS Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: RACHP

b Babcock Rail

Kintail House, 3 Lister Way, Hamilton International Park, Blantyre G72 0FT Tel: 01698 203005 Fax: 01698 203006 Email: shona.jamieson@babcock.co.uk Web: www.babcock.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 Specialist Group: SFG

Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd LuminABuilding, 40 Ainslie Road, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4RU Tel: 0141 880 2000 Fax: 0141 880 2201 Email: bill.marr@bbesl.com Web: www.bbsl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

40 Alves Drive, Glenrothes, Fife KY6 2JZ Tel: 01592 857957 Email: bbplumbingandheating@gmail.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: CDEF Specialist Group: HAPS

Beaumont Service Scotland Ltd 18 Crowhill Road, Bishopbrigs, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G64 1QY Tel: 0141 772 3999 Fax: 0141 772 3660 Email: davidcurrie9@aol.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 Specialist Group: RACHP

Blantyre Park Services Ltd

Blantyre Park Farm, Auchentibber, Blantyre G72 0TS Tel: 01698 721500 Fax: 01698 721501 Email: enquiries@blantyreparkservices.co.uk Web: www.blantyreparkservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHIJMNPRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOQTUVWXY

Blitz Group Ltd

Units 1 & 2 Cloverhill Place, Chryston Business Park, Chryston, Glasgow G69 9DQ Tel: 0141 779 4209 Fax: 0141 779 5421 Email: jim@blitzgroup.co.uk Web: www.blitzgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Brankin Engineering Ltd

Aercon Works, East Mains Ind. Estate, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5ND Tel: 01506 853506 Fax: 01506 854006 Email: stuart.vaughan@brankin.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDEFTY Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: DWG

c C & M Environmental Ltd

52 Strathmore Road, Balmore Industrial Estate, Glasgow G22 7DW Tel: 0141 336 7774 Fax: 0141 336 5559 Email: s.cameron@cmenvironmental.co.uk Web: www.cmenvironmental.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABEGIJKMNSVZ Contracted Out: CDFT Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

C & M Scientific Ltd

1 Brewster Square, Brucefield Industrial Estate, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 9BJ Tel: 0845 260 8601 Fax: 08452 608602 Email: i.alexander@cmscientific.co.uk Web: www.cmscientific.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMOPQRSTUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Caledonian Heating & Plumbing Ltd Unit 42, West Gorgie Park, Hutchison Road, Edinburgh EH14 1UT Tel: 0131 444 2010 Fax: 0131 444 2020 Email: info@caledonianheating.co.uk Web: www.caledonianheating.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GJKMSW Contracted Out: ABCDEFTUX

Campbells Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

7 Ash Road, Broadmeadow Industrial Estate, Dumbarton, West Dumbartonshire G82 2RS Tel: 01389 742986 Fax: 01389 767822 Email: info@campbellsairconditioning.co.uk Web: www.campbellsairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDEFINS Contracted Out: UZ

CAS Hire

11 Borrowmeadow Road, Springkerse Industrial Estate, Stirling FK7 7UW Tel: 01768 448862 Fax: 01768 448864 Email: gavin@cas-hire.co.uk Web: www.cas-hire.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: INV


Caledonia House, Lawmoor Street, Glasgow G5 0US Tel: 0845 674 0017 Fax: 0845 674 0027 Email: mick.devlin1@city-holdings.co.uk Web: www.city-holdings.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGMOZ Contracted Out: CDEFHJKLNUWXY

Chillforce Ltd

Unit 1 Market Mews, Market Street, Dundee DD1 3LA Tel: 01382 450277 Email: david.grant@chillforceltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABDEFINSTV Contracted Out: CGHMOPQR Specialist Group: RACHP

Chilli Services

Unit 31, Walker House, Station Road Industrial Estate, Mauchline, Ayrshire KA5 5EU Tel: 01290 550362 Fax: 01290 552677 Email: info@chilli-services.co.uk Web: www.chilli-group.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABCDEFHIMNSTW

Clearwater Technology Ltd

20/22 Langlands Avenue, Kelvin South Industrial Estate, East Kilbride G75 0YG Tel: 01355 266044 Fax: 01355 266083 Email: ross.sloan@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



Emtec Building Services Ltd

10 Couper Street, Glasgow G4 0DL Tel: 0141 553 2260 Fax: 0141 553 2270 Email: glasgowadmin@cofely-gdjsuez.com Web: www.cofely-gdfsuez.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: SFG

DS Clean Ltd

Lochcarron, Ross-Shire IV54 8UQ Tel: 07810 868661 Fax: 01520 722239 Email: dsclean@live.co.uk Website: dsclean.co.uk

Combined Energy Solutions Ltd

Unit 10, Michaelson Square, Kirkton Campus, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 7DP Tel: 01506 591774 Fax: 01506 591776 Email: graham.archer@combinedenergy.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: OSUY Specialist Group: SFG

Commissioning Operation & Training Services Ltd

55 Main Street, The Village, Cumbernauld G67 1RT Tel: 01236 738222 Fax: 01236 739222 Email: graemesturrock1@hotmail.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: V Specialist Group: SFG

DS Clean Ltd work out of Dingwall Ross-Shire serving the Highlands & Islands and north-east Scotland. As Members of B&ES we work to the standards contained in TR19 Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems. As former fire personal we understand the need for fire prevention in ducting systems and this is reflected in the quality of our work the quality of our service is reflected in our many loyal & repeat customers • Industrial Kitchens cleaned • Fish Fryer Ranges Degreased and cleaned • Grease Extract systems Degreased and cleaned Air supply systems Cleaned • Supply & Extract Fans supplied & Fitted • New Builds Cleaning

Cool & Easy

Unit 2, Wellington Lane, Heathall Industrial Estate, Dumfries DG1 3PH Tel: 01387 261818 Email: info@coolneasy.co.uk Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

Crown House Technologies

21 Woodhall, Eurocentral, Holytown, Motherwell ML1 4YT Tel: 01698 731002 Fax: 01698 731003 Year Joined: 1904 Contracted Out: F

d D S Clean

13 Kirkton Garden, Lochcarron, Ross-shire IV54 8UQ Tel: 07810 868661 Fax: 01520 722239 Email: dsclean@live.co.uk Web: www.dsclean.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Deepclean Scotland

Unit 11/2, Sherwood Industrial Estate, Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh EH19 3LW Tel: 0131 660 4376 Fax: 0131 663 3566 Email: info@deepcleanscotland.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


e Easy Heat Systems Ltd

McDermott Hoouse, Inveralmond Place, Perth PH1 3TS Tel: 01738 445222 Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJLMNOPRVWZ Contracted Out: ABKQSTUXY Specialist Group: HAPS

ECG Facilities Services

Block 2, Unit 11 First Road, Blantyre Industrial Estate, Glasgow, South Lanarkshire G72 0ND Tel: 01698 828778 Fax: 01698 332301 Email: facilities@ecg-maint.com Web: www.ecg-facilities.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJMNSWZ Contracted Out: CDEFILTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

ECG Facilities Services

79 Station Road, Ratho Station, Edinburgh EH288SP Tel: 01698 828778 Email: facilities@ecg-mail.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJKMNSWZ Contracted Out: FIJKUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

1 Ellsmuir Way, Tannochside Park, Uddington, North Lanarkshire G71 5PW Tel: 01698 308030 Fax: 01698 308040 Email: sps@emtecgroup.co.uk Web: www.emtecgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABCDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSTVWYZ Contracted Out: UX

Envirocure Ltd

Unit 5 Grovewood Business Park, Wren Court, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill, Lanarkshire ML4 3NQ Tel: 01698 844843 Fax: 01698 845854 Email: admin@envirocure.co.uk Web: www.envirocure.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: FSTW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Environmental Energy Controls Ltd

Unit 6B, Nasmyth Court, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 5EG Tel: 01506 442900 Fax: 0709 287 1777 Email: info@e2cbms.com Web: www.e2cbms.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABISUVZ Specialist Group: SFG

Express Heating Co Ltd

Broughton Market, Edinburgh EH3 6NU Tel: 0131 556 8242 Fax: 0131 557 2989 Email: ross.montgomery@express-heating.co.uk Web: www.express-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GHJKLMRS Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

f Fife Council Building Services Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6GH Tel: 03451 555555 ext 446826 Email: john.cunningham@fife.gov.uk Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHJKMNOPVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILUW Specialist Group: HAPS

g G B S (Building Services) Ltd

4 Thornybank, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 2NQ Tel: 0131 663 7899 Fax: 0131 660 4074 Email: jtomlins@gbsgroup.co.uk Web: www.gbsgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: CDFGMNSVW Contracted Out: EJKLOPTUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

G8 Environmental Solutions Ltd 100E Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead, Glasgow G69 9AB Tel: 0870 241 6697 Fax: 0870 241 6705 Email: enquiries@g8environmental.com Web: www.g8environmental.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABEGLMNOPRSZ Contracted Out: CDFTUY

Galloway Group Ltd

Arrol Road, Wester Gourdie Ind Estate, Dundee DD2 4TH Tel: 01382 611444 Fax: 01382 611344 Email: bbisset@gallowaygroup.co.uk Web: www.gallowaygroup.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CEFZ Contracted Out: DV Specialist Group: DWG

Gibson-Wight Ltd

14-18 East Shaw Street, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire KA1 4AN Tel: 01563 523633 Fax: 01563 536472 Email: mail@gibsonwight.co.uk Web: www.gibsonwight.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: GHJMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNPRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

h Hargreaves

Aberdeeen Trade Counter, Unit 12 Hareness Park Hareness Circle, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen AB12 3QY Tel: 01224 890955 Fax: 01224 879908 Email: ab.manage@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.mw-hargreaves.net Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFJKSX Contracted Out: ABHNV Specialist Group: DWG


40 Carron Place, Kelvin Industrial Estate, East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire G75 0YL Tel: 013552 44228 Fax: 013552 41438 Email: ek.manage@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.hargreaves-ductwork.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFIJKSTX Contracted Out: ABHNV Specialist Group: MC, DWG

Hatrick-Bruce Ltd

Market House, Milnathort, Kinross-shire KY13 9XB Tel: 01577 863967 Fax: 01577 864863 Email: ebf@hatrickbruce.co.uk Web: www.hatrickbruce.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEGIJLMNRUZ

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Scotland Hutcheon Services Limited

Bourtree House, Minto Drive, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen AB12 3LW Tel: 01224 854900 Fax: 01224 895975 Email: info@hutcheon-services.ltd.uk Web: www.hutcheon-services.ltd.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABCGHIMNSZ Contracted Out: FLOPUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Imtech Inviron Ltd

Granite House, 31 Stockwell Street, Glasgow G1 4RZ Tel: 0141 553 1991 Fax: 0141 553 2002 Email: john.vickers@imtechinviron.co.uk Web: www.inviron.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, MC

Integral UK Ltd

Integrated Engineering Services (Aberdeen) Ltd

j James Frew Ltd

83 New Street, Stevenston, North Ayrshire KA20 3HD Tel: 01294 468113 Fax: 01294 469371 Email: admin@jamesfrew.co.uk Web: www.jamesfrew.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHILMNOPRSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKQW Specialist Group: HAPS

James Watson Ventilation Ltd 8 Whitefriers Street, Perth PH1 1PP Tel: 01738 479004 Fax: 01738 218414 Email: jwventilation@yahoo.co.uk Year Joined: 2009 Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 1/6 Maxwelltown Development, Glasgow Road Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway DG2 0NW Tel: 01387 263176 Fax: 01387 257009 Email: kevin.shield@lornestewart.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ST Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: MC

John G Mackintosh Ltd

Lothian Heating Services Ltd Edgefield Road Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9TB Tel: 0131 440 2958 Fax: 0131 440 4244 Email: kevin@lothianheating.co.uk Web: www.lothianheating.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CGKLMS Contracted Out: AU

Lovat’s Catering Engineering Services Ltd


Unit 12b, Oakbank Park, Oakbank Parkway, Livingston, West Lothian EH53 0TH Tel: 01506 448330 Fax: 01506 440630 Email: james.burnie@integral.co.uk Web: www.integralservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIM Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart Plc

Nobel Road, Wester Gourdie Industrial Est, Dundee DD2 4XE Tel: 01382 611118 Fax: 01382 400540 Email: richard@jaydeeheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: CDEGHIJKLMSVWZ Contracted Out: ABFNTUXY Specialist Group: HAPS

30 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen, Edinburgh EH20 9LZ Tel: 0131 668 1168 Fax: 0131 668 1161 Email: g.gibson@jgmackintosh.co.uk Web: www.jgmackintosh.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRSVWYZ Contracted Out: ILTUX


Lomond House, Wellington Circle, Redmoss, Aberdeen AB12 8JG Tel: 01224 894222 Fax: 01224 899822 Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABEFGINQSTUVYZ Contracted Out: CD

Jaydee Heating and Electrical

K S Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Allt-A-Mhuillin, East Laroch, Ballachulish, Argyll PH49 4LB Tel: 01855 811641 Fax: 01855 811 013 Email: ks.refrigeration@btinternet.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABN

Kentallen Mechanical Services Ltd Lancaster Road, Lowmoss Industrial Estate, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 2LL Tel: 0141 762 2540 Fax: 0141 762 0823 Email: office@kentallengroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCFGKMSTY Specialist Group: DWG

l Linaker Ltd

19b Nasmyth Court, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5EG Tel: 01506 668193 Email: janetten@linaker.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHLMSUVZ Contracted Out: NTVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Livingston Mechanical Services Ltd Nettlehill Road, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5DL Tel: 01506 442669 Fax: 01506 442671 Email: admin@livingstonmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CDEFGHJKMSTX Contracted Out: ABILNOPQRUVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Muirhead, Mitchelston Industrial Estate, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY1 3PB Tel: 01592 640643 Fax: 01592 201179 Email: johnwilkie@lovatscatering.co.uk Web: www.lovatscatering.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: BCS Specialist Group: DWG



Harrison Road, Dundee Angus DD2 3SN Tel: 01382 833 833 Fax: 01382 828 777 Email: m&e@mcgill.co.uk Website: www.mcgill.co.uk We provide the full Mechanical & Electrical works packages across all market sectors in Scotland from branches in Dundee, Aberdeen, Edinburgh & Glasgow. Our dedicated team will work with you through the traditional design route or through our design & build service. We are an experienced, forward thinking organisation offering value engineering and practical, innovative solutions on every project. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service which is demonstrated by high levels of repeat business and referrals. We have invested in Autodesk MEP 3D Modelling to improve onsite efficiency, health and safety and assist us in providing the best quality installation possible.

MAQ (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Unit 5, Prospect Court, Priestfield Industrial Estate, Blantyre, South Lanarkshire G72 0JA Tel: 01698 720016 Fax: 01698 820953 Email: william.morrison15@btinternet.com Web: www.maqfm.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: AGMN Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: RACHP

McAuslands Ltd

McKenna Mechanical Services Ltd Muirhead Industrial Estate, Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 5QN Tel: 01575 575544 Fax: 01575 573444 Email: info@mckenna-mechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DGILMPRSZ Contracted Out: ABCEFHJKNTUWXY

McNicol Insulation Ltd

112 Mid Wharf Street, Glasgow G4 0LD Tel: 0141 333 0700 Fax: 0141 332 7817 Email: info@gmcausland.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GIORZ Contracted Out: CDEFU

1/2 Lenziemill Road, West Lenziemill Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire G67 2RL Tel: 01236 616061 Fax: 01236 725209 Email: lorene@mcnicols.com Web: www.mcnicolinsulation.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: OPR

McGill Mechanical & Electrical

Meadowburn Mechanical Services Ltd

Harrison Road, Dundee DD2 3SN Tel: 01382 833833 Fax: 01382 828777 Email: colin.low@mcgill.co.uk Web: www.mcgill.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHIJKMOPRSTZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNQUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 5, 5 Campsie Road, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1SL Tel: 0141 776 6262 Fax: 0141 776 6022 Email: info@meadowburn.co.uk Web: www.meadowburn.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ACIJKLNOPRSTUWXYZ

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



MEL (Dust & Fume Control) Ltd 1 Napier Court, Wardpark, Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire G68 0LG Tel: 01236 721888 Fax: 01236 729676 Email: douglas@mel-dustandfume.co.uk Web: www.mel-dustandfume.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ACDEFIV Specialist Group: DWG

Overclean Ventilation Scotland Ltd 2 Roadmans House, Muirland, Carron Bridge, Sterlingshire FK6 5JL Tel: 01324 227100 Email: duncan@overcleanscotland.co.uk Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

MGB Services Ltd

10 Saline Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire ML6 9BE Tel: 01236 770545 Email: info@mgbservicesltd.co.uk Web: www.mgbservicesltd.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AGMNSWZ Contracted Out: CDEFUY Specialist Group: SFG

Milton Sheet Metal Works Ltd

6/2 Butlerfield Industrial Estate, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian EH19 3JQ Tel: 01875 825641 Fax: 01875 825639 Email: enquiries@milton-ventilation.com Web: www.milton-ventilation.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: DWG

Perfect Service Solutions Ltd

Unit 9, Crest Business Centre, Glentyre Road, Stirling, Stirlingshire FK7 7LH Tel: 01786 473840 Fax: 0871 522 7811 Email: enquiries@perfectservicesolutions.co.uk Web: www.kitchenperfect.co.uk Year Joined: 2006 In-House: FST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 4, 6 Munro Road, Springkerse Industrial Estate, Stirling FK7 7UU Tel: 01786 450348 Fax: 01786 450349 Email: enquiries@powermaster-ltd.co.uk Web: www.powermaster.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

N G Bailey Ltd

Proair Conditioning Ltd

Unit 53, 30 Sandilands Street Annick Industrial Estate, Shettleston Glasgow, Lanarkshire G32 0HT Tel: 0141 778 1011 Fax: 0141 778 1511 Email: sales@proairuk.com Website: www.proairuk.com


Powermaster Service Ltd


Founded in 2005, Proair is a vibrant and progressive company offering a friendly and professional service. We design, specify and install a wide variety of Air Conditioning products and are Approved Installers for most of the Industries leading manufacturers. Additionally we offer full emergency breakdown repair coverage for our Contracted Maintenance Customers, as well as Service, Repair and PPM facilities provided by our team of fully qualified personnel. The business holds F Gas Accreditation and our Air Conditioning Engineers are qualified to City & Guilds Safe Handling of Refrigerant Certification standard as a minimum.

Premier Laboratory Systems Ltd

Solais House, Phoenix Crescent, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3NJ Tel: 01698 743400 Email: kevin.mcgrory@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

10 Tollpark Place, Wardpark East, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0LN Tel: 01236 457545 Fax: 01236 457 345 Email: info@premierlabs.co.uk Web: www.premierlabs.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2000 Specialist Group: DWG

Proair Conditioning Ltd

Network Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Unit 53, 30 Sandilands Street, Annick Industrial Estate, Glasgow G32 0HT Tel: 0141 778 1011 Fax: 0141 778 1511 Email: sales@proairuk.com Web: www.proairuk.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: CEF Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 3, Balintore Industrial Estate, Balintore, Ross-shire IV20 1XN Tel: 01862 832682 Fax: 01862 832133 Email: samsummersbee@yahoo.com Web: www.networkrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGILNRUVW Contracted Out: Z Specialist Group: RACHP

Pro-Duct (Fife) Ltd

Norland Managed Services Ltd

International House, Hamilton International Technology Park, Stanley B’lvd, High Blantyre, Glasgow G72 0BN Tel: 01698 404720 Fax: 01698 404721 Email: brian.lynch@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGHIMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFOPRUYZ Specialist Group: SFG


Richard Irvin Energy Solutions

Station Road, Cardenden, Lochgelly, Fife KY5 0BW Tel: 01592 720211 Fax: 01592 722976 Email: brian.dempster@pro-duct.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: DI Specialist Group: DWG

r R L Rattray Ltd

Unit 11, Sandy Road, Scone, Perth PH2 6LJ Tel: 01738 552413 Fax: 01738 551496 Email: rl.rattray@virgin.net Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GHILMQRSV Contracted Out: CDF Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

R Macdonald & Son

3 Carsegate Road, Carse Industrial Estate, Inverness, Highland IV3 8EX Tel: 01463 235540 Fax: 01463 713674 Email: r.mcdonaldandson@btconnect.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CEF Specialist Group: DWG

Richard Irvin Energy Solutions

Irvin House, Hareness Road, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen AB12 3LE Tel: 01224 367000 Fax: 01224 367005 Email: buildingservices@richard-irvin.com Web: www.richard-irvin.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ Contracted Out: DX Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS, DWG

30 Tyock Industrial Estate, Elgin, Morayshire IV30 1XY Tel: 01343 554910 Fax: 01343 554911 Email: northern.regionoffice@richard-irvin.com Web: www.richard-irvin.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: ABCFGHIMSTZ Contracted Out: LUW Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS, DWG

Richard Irvin Energy Solutions

28 Earl Haig Road, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4JU Tel: 0141 568 8800 Fax: 0141 568 8801 Email: centralbelt.regionoffice@richard-irvin.com Web: www.richard-irvin.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: ABCGHIJKLMNOPRSUWZ Contracted Out: DETVXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS, DWG

Richard Irvin Energy Solutions

29a Harbour Road, Longman Industrial Estate, Inverness, Highland IV1 1SY Tel: 01463 275120 Fax: 01463 275121 Email: northern.regionoffice@richard-irvin.com Web: www.richard-irvin.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUZ Contracted Out: FQVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, HAPS, DWG

Robertson Facilities Management Ltd Robertson House, Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TZ Tel: 01786 431600 Fax: 01786 277788 Email: j.lemon@robertson.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGIMSVZ Contracted Out: JKLNOPQRTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

Romech Projects Ltd

107 Abercorn Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA3 4AT Tel: 0141 848 0888 Fax: 0141 848 0909 Email: roddy@romechprojects.co.uk Web: www.romechprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHILMNPS Contracted Out: CFTUWYZ

s Scan Building Services Ltd

35 Byron Street, Dundee, Tayside DD3 6QT Tel: 01382 889700 Fax: 01382 814980 Email: admin@scanbs.co.uk Web: www.scanbs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRTUVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

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B&ES Members \ Scotland Select Building Engineering Services Ltd

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd Broadfold Road, Bridge of Don Ind Estate, Aberdeen AB23 8EE Tel: 01224 704448 Fax: 01224 703864 Email: david.kirk@sparksms.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABHIJKLNSZ Contracted Out: UW

79 Bowman Street, Glasgow G42 8LF Tel: 0141 423 7706 Fax: 0141 423 7707 Email: john@sbeslimited.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDFGHIJKLMNOPRX Contracted Out: STUVWYZ

Shine Hygiene Services

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

26 Birkdale Crescent, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0JZ Tel: 01236 722262 Email: info@shinehygiene.co.uk Web: www.shinehygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

41 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9HN Tel: 01236 738000 Fax: 01236 739 000 Email: jason.duncan@sparksms.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABHIJKLNSZ Contracted Out: UW

Sigma Engineering Product Design Ltd 19 Macadam Place, South Newmoor Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire KA11 4HP Tel: 01294 203374 Fax: 01294 203375 Email: info@sigmaepd.com Web: www.sigmaepd.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CEFISTV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Skanska Facilities Services, Excel House ‘Eurocentral’, 1 Renshaw Place, Holytown, Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 4UF Tel: 01698 735800 Fax: 01698 735901 Email: eddie.myles@skanska.co.uk Web: www.skanska.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1947 In-House: SZ Contracted Out: JKLTUWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Spie Ltd

Glenburn House, 1 Bairds Crescent, Allanshaw Industrial Estate, Hamilton, Lanarkshire ML3 9FD Tel: 01698 200110 Fax: 01698 200220 Email: info@sms-uk.info Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DEGHIJKLMNPRSWZ Contracted Out: CFOUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Soron Ltd

Unit 2d, Payne Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow G4 0LE Tel: 0141 333 9518 Fax: 0141 332 2711 Email: soronltd@aol.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: DGM Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: SFG

Specialist Mechanical Services 78 Seafield Road, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 3AQ Tel: 01382 774500 Fax: 01382 770600 Email: info@smsscotland.com Web: www.smsscotland.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCDEFGHILNSUVW Contracted Out: MOPTZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

SMS Maintenance Services Ltd

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

12 Tyock Industrial Estate, Elgin, Morayshire IV30 1XY Tel: 01343 547840 Email: david.kirk@sparksms.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABGHIJKMNSTZ Contracted Out: LUW

Multi Services, Unit 10 Bankhead Crossway Nth, Sighthill Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH11 4BP Tel: 0131 458 5555 Fax: 0131 458 5254 Email: john.wilkinson2@spiematthewhall.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GHJMRSVWYZ Contracted Out: FLNQRUVWX Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Spie Ltd

McCafferty House, 99 Sirhill Road, Glasgow G20 7BE Tel: 0141 945 8900 Fax: 0141 945 8901 Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: IJKMRSWXYZ Contracted Out: ACDEFLTVWX Specialist Group: SFG, MC

SSE Contracting Ltd

Scotland Region, 10 Woodrow, Mossend, Eurocentral, Glasgow ML1 4YQ Tel: 01698 731567 Email: iain.hetherington@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHIJKMNOPQRSZ Contracted Out: ACDEFKTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

Steven R Paterson Ltd

10 Crowness Road, Hatston Industrial Estate, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1RG Tel: 01856 870022 Fax: 01856 870044 Email: enquiries@stevenpaterson.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: CDEFGHIJKLNPSTVW Contracted Out: A MUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Stork Technical Services (RBG) Ltd

Norfolk House, Pitmeddon Road, Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0DP Tel: 01224 722888 Fax: 01224 302018 Web: www.rbgltd.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABEFGIJKOPQRSTUZ Contracted Out: CDLNWXY

Stothers (M & E) Ltd

Unit 1C Milnpark Trading Estate, 5 Lambhill Quadrant, Kinning Park, Glasgow G41 1SB Tel: 0141 429 5709 Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG

Thermocool Ltd

24 Victoria Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G73 1DS Tel: 0141 647 9871 Fax: 0141 643 0850 Email: service@tcool.co.uk Web: www.tcool.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABIJKMNSUV Contracted Out: Z Specialist Group: SFG

Thermotech Engineering Services (Scotland) Ltd 100E Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead, Glasgow G69 9AB Tel: 0141 779 4880 Fax: 0141 779 9333 Email: darren@thermotechscotland.com Web: www.thermotechscotland.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABEGHLMNOPRSZ Contracted Out: CDFTUY

t T Clarke Scotland

6 Middlefield Road, Falkirk FK2 9AG Tel: 01324 888000 Fax: 01324 888030 Email: info@tclarke-scotland.co.uk Web: www.tclarke-scotland.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHIMOVYZ Contracted Out: ABU

Taylor & Fraser Ltd

117 Abercorn Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA3 4DH Tel: 0141 887 6151 Fax: 0141 889 0696 Email: alan.fortune@taylorandfraser.com Web: www.taylorandfraser.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1940 In-House: GIMR Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPV

Taylor Mechanical Services Ltd

13 Wellburn Street, Lochee, Dundee DD2 2RR Tel: 01382 612863 Fax: 01382 623134 Email: taylormsltd@aol.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GJKMS Contracted Out: CDEFLTUWXYZ

Thermatic Maintenance Ltd

Park Lane House, Broad Street, Glasgow G40 2QW Tel: 0141 414 1411 Fax: 0141 414 1413 Email: s.holland@thermatic.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCDEGHIJMSTUVWZ Contracted Out: F

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Truedeal Building Services Ltd

VES Andover Ltd

2 Blairtummock Place, Panorama Business Village, Glasgow G33 4EN Tel: 0141 771 1015 Fax: 0141 773 1027 Email: admin@tbs-ltd.com Web: www.tbs-ltd.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: GJKMNPR Contracted Out: ABCDEFILQTUVWXYZ

Unit 15 Evans Business Centre, Glasgow Business Park, Springhill Parkway, Glasgow G69 6GA Tel: 0141 771 6823 Fax: 0141 771 6892 Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCEFGIJSTUVZ Contracted Out: DN Specialist Group: SFG

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

Glover Pavilion, Science & Technology Park, Balgownie Drive, Aberdeen AB22 8GW Tel: 01224 702711 Fax: 01224 706498 Email: hughfraser@tycoint.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1947 In-House: ABCEFGSTVYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

4 Kilmartin Place, Tannochside Park, Uddingston, Glasgow G71 5PH Tel: 013552 25132 Fax: 013552 49268 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.wormald.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947

w W Speirs & Sons Ltd

Portland Avenue Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire KA12 8JD Tel: 01294 275434 Fax: 01294 312008 Email: speirssons@aol.com Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: DWG

WMQ Building Services

McArthur House, Netherton Cross, Wishaw, Lanarkshire ML2 0EF Tel: 01698 372113 Fax: 01698 277269 Email: admin@wmq.biz Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: FHIOZ Contracted Out: ABCDEJKLNSTUVWXY

u UKFM Group Ltd

100E Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead, Glasgow G69 9AB Tel: 0141 779 3049 Fax: 0141 779 9333 Email: enquiries@ddheating.com Web: www.ddheating.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: ABEGLMNOPRSZ Contracted Out: CDFTUY Specialist Group: SFG

v Vaughan Engineering Ltd

Aercon Works, East Mains, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5ND Tel: 01506 853506 Fax: 01506 85 4006 Email: douglas.fraser@vaughan-group.co.uk Web: www.vaughan-group.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1971 In-House: GJKMORSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNQTUVWY

Ventilation Technical Services

Unit 3 Phase 3, Lloyd Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73 1NP Tel: 0141 647 7181 Fax: 0141 647 2328 Email: vtskmcleod@yahoo.co.uk Web: www.vts-maintenanceandcleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: FT


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B&ES Members \ Scotland

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


South East If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A 360 Engineering Ltd

Admiral House, 117 High Street, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2DJ Tel: 01442 863604 Fax: 01442 871180 Email: sales@360engineering.co.uk Web: www.360engineering.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGINS Contracted Out: CDFT Specialist Group: RACHP

A & M Industrial Cleaning Ltd

90 Russell Ride, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 8TZ Tel: 01992 638218 Fax: 01992 640409 Email: info@aandmcleaning.co.uk Web: www.aandmcleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

A & V Projects Ltd

1a Blackthorne Road, Poyle Trading Estate, Colnbrook, Berkshire SL3 0AL Tel: 01753 684411 Fax: 01753 687976 Email: mp@anvprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CDEF Specialist Group: DWG

A C L Engineering Ltd

Anglia House, Sandown Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7UA Tel: 01923 249444 Fax: 01923 242368 Email: dst@aclengineering.co.uk Web: www.aclengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGJKMNSUV Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP


South East Region

Regional Manager: Tim Acland Lambden Barn, Lambden Road Pluckley, Ashford, Kent TN27 0RB Tel: 01233 840531 Email: tim.acland@b-es.org

A C Maffre Heating & Plumbing

18 Woodend Drive, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9BG Tel: 01344 624493 Fax: 01344 625647 Email: a.c.maffre@btinternet.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHMX Specialist Group: HAPS

A C Services Ltd

185 Sopwith Crescent, Merley, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1SR Tel: 07802 955922 Email: acservicesltd@btinternet.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHLMVX Contracted Out: ABIUWYZ

A C Solutions Group Ltd

1 Mill Way, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 2AF Tel: 020 8207 6969 Fax: 020 8207 3322 Email: richard@acsolutions.co.uk Web: www.ac-solutions.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CDEFGMOPQRTZ Specialist Group: RACHP

A C Wilgar Ltd

54 Station Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 0SA Tel: 01689 891011 Fax: 01689 891155 Email: billywilgar@acwilgar.co.uk Web: www.acwilgar.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

A C Wilgar Ltd

5 Rectory Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1HL Tel: 020 8639 4540 Fax: 020 8663 9379 Email: sales@acwilgar.co.uk Web: www.acwilgar.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

A P Chant Plumbing & Heating Ltd Unit 1, Homewood Way, Gore Cross Business Park, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3FH Tel: 01308 420170 Fax: 01308 420180 Email: nathanhawker@apchant.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHJLMNOPRSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKTXY Specialist Group: SFG

A1R Services Ltd

Units 5 & 6 Titmore Court, Titmore Farm Titmore Green, Little Wymondley, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 7JT Tel: 0845 617 1710 Fax: 0845 617 1718 Email: info@a1rservices.co.uk Web: www.a1rservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGMNSTV Contracted Out: CDEFHIUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

AB Refrigeration Contracting Ltd Bank Chambers, 2 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0AN Tel: 01737 242121 Email: james.espin@abgroup.com Web: www.abgroup.com Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: RACHP

ABW Heating Ltd

62 Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1HY Tel: 01932 862238 Fax: 01932 868730 Email: mail@abwheating.co.uk Web: www.abwheating.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

Accolade Building Services Ltd

New House, Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3AP Tel: 01425 477777 Fax: 01425 474400 Email: fire@absme.co.uk Web: www.absme.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABCDEGHILMNPRSZ Contracted Out: FJKOTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ South East Accurate Air Conditioning

Advanced 2000 Ltd

Unit 18, Pegasus Court, North Lane, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4QP Tel: 01252 315000 Fax: 01252 315252 Email: info@accurateac.co.uk Web: www.accurateac.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEGILMNSV Contracted Out: KTUWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

135c Garth Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 4LF Tel: 020 8335 5995 Fax: 020 8335 5996 Email: steve@adv2k.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ACF Contracted Out: B Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Advanced Control Solutions Ltd

Unit 7, Bakersgate Courtyard, Ash Road, Pirbright, Surrey GU24 0NJ Tel: 01483 237812 Fax: 01483 237629 Email: sales@sdvancedcontrolsolutions.co.uk Web: www.advancedcontrolsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: GHLMSUVX Contracted Out: EFI Specialist Group: SFG

Accurate Cooling Services Ltd

147a London Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2UP Tel: 01732 669202 Fax: 01732 669298 Email: mc1xx@aol.com Web: www.accuratecoolingservicesltd.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABV Contracted Out: SZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Accurate Cooling Services Ltd

147a London Road, Dunton Green Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2UP Tel: 01732 669 202 Email: mc1xx@aol.com Website: www.accuratecoolingservicesltd.com Accurate Cooling Services Ltd is an established air conditioning and refrigeration company with 13 years experience, based in Sevenoaks Kent. We offer a variety of services including new installation, repair and maintenance of fixed air conditioning units, and the hire or sale of portable A/C units. We also specialise in the service and repair of large commercial chillers. Although we are based in the South East of England, we are able to carry out work throughout the UK and overseas if required. We keep our prices competitive and provide a high standard of work. We are Safecontractor and CHAS accredited.

8 Colne Way Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 232360 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: info@airflowdesignservices.co.uk Web: www.airflowdesignservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCEFISTV Specialist Group: DWG

Airconaire Ltd

Air Ref Ltd

Airtemp AC Ltd

Unit 4 City Business Centre, Hyde Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7TA Tel: 01962 841366 Fax: 01962 840185 Email: sales@airimprove.ltd.uk Web: www.airimprove.ltd.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABEFINV Contracted Out: CT Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Ref House, Little Yarrows, Guildford Road, Mayford, Guildford, Surrey GU22 0SD Tel: 01483 755440 Fax: 01483 769476 Email: info@airref.co.uk Web: www.airref.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABINV

Aircon Services

Air Conditioning Associates Limited


Air Improve Ltd

Unit 11, Teddington Business Park Station Road, Teddington, Middx TW11 9BQ Tel: 0208 977 0208 Fax: 0208 977 0200 Email: info@airconac.co.uk Website: www.airconac.co.uk

Unit C4, Regent Park, Princes Estate, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE Tel: 01844 348760 Fax: 01844 348761 Email: gavin@aircon-services.co.uk Web: www.aircon-services.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABEGMN Contracted Out: CDF Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Conditioning Associates specialise in all aspects of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. We operate across London, the South East and beyond.

We offer the complete solution, from free site surveys and quotations, through to design, assistance with planning applications, installations and preventative maintenance.

Air Cool Engineering Systems Ltd Aneurin House, Astonbury Farm, Aston, Hertfordshire SG2 7EG Tel: 01438 880326 Fax: 01438 880019 Email: carl@aircool-systems.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABHINV Contracted Out: C

18 Theaklen Drive, Ponswood Industrial Estate, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 9AZ Tel: 0845 872 5657 Fax: 0845 572 5658 Email: tony@airtemp.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABS Contracted Out: CDEF Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

All-Clean Environmental Services Ltd International House, Southampton International Business Park, George Curl Way, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 2PZ Tel: 02380 302033 Email: j.white@allcleanes.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

1 3 5 7

All types of commercial air conditioning can be catered for, from a single unit to a multiple application VRV system, chilled water system or close control computer room. Air Conditioning Associates can design a bespoke commercial system to meet any requirement. We pride ourselves in being able to offer diverse and cutting edge designs with energy efficiency and environmental impact a primary consideration.

Unit 6, Deacon Trading Estate, Knight Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent ME2 2AU Tel: 01634 711264 Fax: 01634 717100 Email: info@airconaire.co.uk Web: www.airconaire.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: ABIJKNSUX Contracted Out: LMOPQRTVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Airflow Developments Limited

Lancaster Road Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3QP Tel: 01494 525252 Fax: 01494 461073 Email: www.airflow.com Website: info@airflow.com Airflow produce Ventilation solutions from simple Extract Fans to residential and commercial Mechanical Ventilation Systems with Heat Recovery. All equipment complies with the latest Building Regulations.

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Arnold James

1 Metro Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 9QT Tel: 01727 851477 Fax: 01727 842912 Email: enquiries@arnoldjames.com Web: www.arnoldjames.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1963 In-House: GIJKLMOPRUVWXYZ

All Seasons Climate Control Ltd

Unit 5, Prospect Business Park Langston Road, Loughton Essex IG10 3TR Tel: 0800 814 2000 Fax: 020 8502 2200 Email: info@allseasonscc.co.uk Website: www.allseasonscc.co.uk

Asgard Biomass

We are an innovative and customer orientated business delivering a wide range of bespoke services to London and the South East encompassing air-conditioning, ventilation, heating, plumbing, electrical services, service, maintenance and building works supported by a fully qualified in house team of industry specialists. Our services are designed to provide our clients, existing and prospective with a cost effective “one stop shop”. Working across both public and private sectors alike no job is too large or too small. Visit our website at www.allseasonscc.co.uk to see what we can do for you.

Nepicar House, London Road, Wrotham, Kent TN15 7RS Tel: 01732 783000 Fax: 01732 783080 Email: info@alphatherm.co.uk Web: www.alpha-innovation.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHMP Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: HAPS

34 Albemarle Road, East Barnet, Hertfordshire EN4 8EG Tel: 0203 384 5010 Fax: 0843 006 1307 Email: info@arctic-aircon.ltd.uk Web: www.arctic-aircon.ltd.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 15, Ashford Business Park, Foster Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 0SH Tel: 01233 663063 Fax: 01233 663463 Email: peter@ashfordac.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: RACHP

Aspen A.C. Ltd

Aura Construction Ltd

Aramark Workplace Solutions (UK) Ltd

Arctic-Aircon Ltd

Ashford Air Conditioning Ltd

Apex Way, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 3WA Tel: 01323 849955 Fax: 01323 849966 Email: info@aspen-ac.co.uk Web: www.aspen-ac.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABIN Contracted Out: Specialist Group: RACHP

Alpha Heating Innovation

250 Fowler Avenue, IQ Business Park, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7JP Tel: 0844 858 4250 Email: west-tracy@aramark-ws.co.uk Web: www.aramark-ws.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABMXZ Contracted Out: CDEFIJKLNQRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 4 Manor Farm, High Street, Sutton, Bedfordshire SG19 2ND Tel: 01767 262470 Fax: 05601 127429 Email: ross@asgard-biomass.co.uk Web: www.asgard-biomass.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIKRV Contracted Out: C

277 Main Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 6QL Tel: 0845 520 2214 Fax: 0845 520 2213 Email: info@auraconstruction.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJNSTVZ Contracted Out: KUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

B B M Air Ltd

Unit 1b, Lakeview, Old Hollow, Worth, West Sussex RH10 4TA Tel: 01293 885577 Fax: 01293 888881 Email: paul@bmair.co.uk Web: www.bmair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIV Specialist Group: RACHP

Barrier Air Conditioning Ltd

2 The Metro Centre, Bridge Road, Orpington, Kent BR5 2BE Tel: 01689 891616 Fax: 01689 891501 Email: sales@barrierac.com Web: www.barrierac.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: ABNSV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKMOPQRTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Barrow & Brooks Ltd

Unit 14, Langley Wharf, Lower Road, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire WD4 8JE Tel: 01923 261477 Fax: 01923 267018 Email: martin@barrowbrooks.co.uk Web: www.barrowbrooks.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJMNSTUVZ Contracted Out: KLWXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Blakes Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 102, East Malling Enterprise Centre, New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ Tel: 01732 222255 Email: anne@blakesaircon.co.uk Web: www.blakesair.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCDEFGHISTV Contracted Out: LMUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Borahurst Ltd

75 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7AN Tel: 01737 221733 Fax: 01737 223512 Email: a.hall@borahurst.com Web: www.borahurst.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: ABCEFGHIMN Contracted Out: DJKLSTUWZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

Battledore Ltd

Asset House, 100 Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 8JJ Tel: 01992 789888 Fax: 01992 789889 Email: rcurrie@battledore.co.uk Web: www.battledore.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GMOPRSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLNTUVW

Baystar Ltd

Beechover Court, Forest Road, Colgate, West Sussex RH12 4SY Tel: 01293 851459 Email: info@baystar.co.uk Web: www.baystar.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHLMNOPR Contracted Out: Z Specialist Group: HAPS

Borahurst Limited

75 Bell Street Reigate Surrey RH2 7AN Tel: 01737 221733 Fax: 01737 223512 Email: info@borahurst.com Website: www.borahurst.com Website: www.r-22.co.uk Twitter: @borahurstltd

Bennett Mechanical Services Ltd

Borahurst are a “Multi Award Winning” forward thinking, privately owned, customer focussed business. We have been delivering Mechanical, Air Conditioning, Plumbing installation and R-22 replacement to a wide range of commercial and residential premises throughout the UK for the past 37 years.

BHW Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen, allowing projects to be completed to the highest standards. The majority of our work is through repeat business/ recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manor and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction at the forefront of our philosophy.

Unit 34, Portland Court, Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8HA Tel: 01582 417931 Fax: 01582 481985 Email: phil@bennettmechanicalservices.co.uk Web: www.bennettmechanicalservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DGHIJKLMOQRVW Contracted Out: ACEFNSTUXYZ

Unit 7, Chiltern Business Centre, Garsington Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 6NG Tel: 01865 774257 Fax: 01865 385127 Email: bhwoxford@btconnect.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIJNSUV Contracted Out: CDEFKLTWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Bridge Facilities Engineers Ltd

Unit 4, Handford Court, Garston Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 9EJ Tel: 0844 880 2284 Fax: 0844 880 2285 Email: simonhalsey@bridgefacilities.co.uk Web: www.bridgefacilitiesengineers.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABEFGLMNQSUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East BSW Building Services Ltd

Burgate Plumbing & Heating Ltd

Rock Lodge Vineyard, Scaynes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7NG Tel: 01444 831138 Fax: 01444 831183 Email: mbenstead@bsw-bs.co.uk Web: www.bsw-bs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: GHILMNOPRV Contracted Out: FKWX Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

16 Baxter Way, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4BB Tel: 01732 220951 Fax: 01732 220951 Email: burgateplumbing@aol.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: DEFGHLMNOPRUW Contracted Out: ABCI Specialist Group: HAPS


Severalls Business Park, Heckworth Close Colchester, Essex CO4 9TB Tel: 01206 838550 Fax: 01206 838560 Email: enquiries@burgin.co.uk Website: www.burgin.co.uk

BSW Building Services

Rock Lodge Vineyard, Lewes Road Scaynes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7NG Tel: 01444 831138 Fax: 01444 831183 Email: sales@bsw-bs.co.uk Website: www.bsw-bs.co.uk BSW Building Services is a leading heating and mechanical services contractor working throughout South East England. A family run business stretching over 50 years of operation, BSW has a proven history of excellent customer service, a wealth of experience and in-house capabilities and resources to fulfil the heating and mechanical services of any type of property. BSW are fully qualified to work with gas, oil and LPG as well as being MCS accredited installers of solar thermal, solar PV, biomass and heat pumps.

Our qualified M&E Design and Installation Contracting team are fully experienced in the running and organizing of fast track installation and refurbishment work and are capable of carrying out the full design required on projects either working from the clients design brief or recommending and preparing a design from their own expertise and recognized design standards. The very latest Hevacomp, Amtech and AutoCAD design software support the experienced Burgin inhouse design team. The Burgin engineers provide roundthe-clock cover for customers over an area which encompasses London, East Anglia and the Home Counties.

BTU (Installation & Maintenance) Ltd

38 Weyside Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1JB Tel: 01483 590600 Fax: 01483 590601 Email: paul.merritt@btu-group.com Web: www.btu-group.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: ABGHIJLMNPSTUVWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Buckler Environmental Services Ltd Aldwych House, Madeira Road, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6ES Tel: 01932 351000 Fax: 01932 351006 Email: steve@bucklerac.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABIN Contracted Out: LUVWZ

Our range of activities extends from Planned Preventative Maintenance (resident and mobile) for clients of all sizes and professions, including reactive call out and repairs, small works, through to Design and Installation of new M&E services and equipment.

C C & I Controls

Unit 3, Marchmont Gate, Maxted Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7BE Tel: 01442 240900 Fax: 01442 240903 Email: richard@cicontrols.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1998

Calibre Building Services Ltd

Robert Denholm House, Bletchingley Road, Nutfield, Surrey RH1 4HW Tel: 01737 824045 Email: matt@calibre.gb.com Web: www.calibre.gb.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AGS Specialist Group: SFG

Carford Group Ltd

1-4 Mitchell Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7SG Tel: 0845 026 0400 Fax: 0845 075 0883 Email: sales@carford.co.uk Web: www.carford.co.uk Year Joined: 2010 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CBS Maintenance Services Ltd Valiant House, 3 Twistleton Court, Priory Hill, Dartford, Kent DA1 2EN Tel: 01322 287733 Fax: 01322 287711 Email: les@cbsmsl.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABEFGHIMSTV Contracted Out: QR Specialist Group: SFG


Midgham Branch, Sabre House, Bath Road, Midgham, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5UU Tel: 0118 971 5910 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Comfort Building Services Ltd Sterling House, Stroudley Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8UG Tel: 01256 842500 Fax: 01256 814661 Email: enquiries@cbsuk.com Web: www.cbsuk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABINOSW Contracted Out: CLP Specialist Group: SFG

Comfort Service & Maintenance Ltd

59 Hillingdale, Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent TN16 3NR Tel: 01959 577173 Fax: 01959 572707 Email: dwhiting@cctpipefreezing.co.uk Web: www.cctpipefreezing.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2005 Specialist Group: SFG

Comfort Works, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LE Tel: 01342 830610 Fax: 01342 830615 Email: sharvey@comfort.uk.com Web: www.comfort.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGNS Contracted Out: CEFKLTUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Centurion Air Conditioning Ltd

Complete HVAC Services Ltd

Cleanair UK Air Hygiene Specialists LLP

Constant Air Systems Ltd

CCT Pipefreezing Ltd

21 Chatsworth Road, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8PJ Tel: 020 8643 0100 Fax: 020 8643 1222 Email: hilary@centurion-ac.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABSV Contracted Out: CEFIT Specialist Group: RACHP

Oakleigh Manor, Plum Pudding Lane, Dargate, Faversham, Kent ME13 9HB Tel: 0800 292 2400 Email: info@cleanairuk.com Web: www.cleanairuk.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Clearwater Technology Ltd

Minster Court, Tuscam Way, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YY Tel: 01276 21155 Fax: 01276 21102 Email: nick@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Clearwater Technology Ltd

Unit 6, Stort Valley Industrial Estate, Stansted Road, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23 2TU Tel: 01279 464430 Fax: 01279 465427 Email: darren.poore@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 3, Firbank Court, Firbank Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4YJ Tel: 0845 094 6465 Fax: 01525 854974 Email: sales@completehvacservices.co.uk Web: www.completehvac.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABRV Specialist Group: RACHP

C A S House, Hillbottom Road, Sands Industrial Estate, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 4HJ Tel: 01494 469529 Fax: 01494 469549 Email: martin.wigginton@constantair.co.uk Web: www.constantair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GIJKMNOPRSX Contracted Out: ABCDEFLQTUVWYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Contract Ventilation Services Ltd Unit 1, Pound Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN23 3JE Tel: 01233 622007 Fax: 01233 622006 Email: cvsltd@btinternet.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 Specialist Group: DWG

Cool Space ACR Ltd

3 Courtyard, Campus Way, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NZ Tel: 01634 384079 Email: nik@coolspaceacr.co.uk Web: www.coolspaceacr.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCEFGINSUV Contracted Out: DHJKLMTWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Court Services/Coolserv Air Conditioning

Unit 34 Easter Park, Benyon Road, Silchester, Reading, Berkshire RG7 2PQ Tel: 01753 534040 Fax: 01753 533574 Email: enquiries@court-services.co.uk Web: www.coolserv.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: AIZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Cool Systems Air Conditioning Ltd

Systems House, Horndon Industrial Park, Station Road, West Horndon, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3XL Tel: 01277 810050 Fax: 01277 811788 Email: contactus@csgroupuk.co.uk Website: www.csgroupuk.co.uk We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Air Conditioning design and installations to a wide range of commercial and industrial premises thought out the UK. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

Cromwell Engineering Ltd

1b Cromwell Road, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12 3NL Tel: 01932 224335 Fax: 01932 242200 Email: info@cromwellengineering.com Web: www.cromwellengineering.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: GHMSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNTUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Crown House Technologies

Bridge Place 2, Anchor Boulevard, Admiral Park, Dartford, Kent DA2 6ZN Tel: 01322 296200 Fax: 01322 296252 Email: jbaldwin@crownhouse.com Web: www.crownhouse.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: AGHIJKMUVWXYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILOPQRSTVW Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, MC

Crowthorne Heating Co Ltd

D & B Mechanical Ltd

Cube Airconditioning Ltd

D.C.I. Refrigeration & Electrical Ltd

4a Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6LT Tel: 01344 772397 Fax: 01344 779471 Email: crowthorneheating@tiscali.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GHILMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKNOPRTUVWXZ Specialist Group: HAPS

83 Queenhythe Road, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7NU Tel: 0844 502 7670 Email: dgrover@cubeacltd.com Web: www.cubeacltd.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CH Specialist Group: SFG

Cyclone Ducting & Extraction Services Ltd

Cherwell Business Village, Southam Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 2SP Tel: 01295 272016 Email: davis@cyclonedeepcleanservices.co.uk Web: www.cyclonedeepcleanservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CDEFV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

1a Putton Lane, Chickerell, Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4AD Tel: 01305 783932. Email: sbutler@dandbmechanical.co.uk Web: www.dandbmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHMRSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNOPQTUWXYZ

Unit 1, Warrior Business Centre, Fitzherbert Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 1TX Tel: 02392 381799 Fax: 023 9241 7030 Email: becky@dcirefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.dcirefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABISZ Contracted Out: HNT Specialist Group: RACHP

David Blakey Services Ltd

8 Colne Way Court, Colne Way, Watford WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 246381 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: stevebyrne@dbsservices.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCEFGHIMNSTUVZ Specialist Group: RACHP

D Delron Services Limited

Cooling Energy Services (Maintenance) Ltd

34 Basepoint Bournemouth, Aviation Business Park, Enterprise Close, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 6NX Tel: 01202 237998 Fax: 01202 238994 Email: sales@coolingenergyservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCEFHIJLNSUVWZ Contracted Out: DTXY Specialist Group: RACHP

DBS Services Ltd

Cube Airconditioning Limited 83 Queenhythe Road, Jacobs Well Guildford, Surrey GU4 7NU Tel: +448445027670 Email: dgrover@cubeacltd.com Website: www.cubeacltd.com

Cooltech Building Services Ltd The Old Forge, Rear Of 1 Burfield Road, Old Windsor, Berkshire SL4 2RB Tel: 01753 868117 Fax: 01753 869290 Email: sales@cooltech.co.uk Web: www.cooltech.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABDHILNPSVWZ Contracted Out: CEFTXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Corrigenda Ltd (Trading as Churches) Unit 3, Mitchell Close, Segensworth East, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5SE Tel: 01489 557667 Fax: 01489 557652 Email: simon.whitworth@churches.co.uk Web: www.corrigenda.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABHJKLNORSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFITWY


Cube Air-conditioning Ltd is a company that specialize in Daikin A/C Equipment. The company can offer a complete A/C Service package, ensuring you receive the best service available. Our 16 years of Daikin A/C in-house and field experience, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of the complete Daikin product range has enabled us to gear the business to meet end user requirements Associations Members of B&ES (formally HVCA), Trustmark Safe Contractor, EXOR, CHAPS, REFCOM Elite, Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Refrigeration, ACRIB and SkillCard.

Unit 8, Colne Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE Tel: 01923 246381 Fax: 01923 246382 Email: info@dbsservices.co.uk Website: www.dbsservices.co.uk Based in Watford and operating in London and the South East, we are commercial air conditioning, refrigeration and heating engineers specializing in planned and re-active maintenance, commercial installations and system upgrades. We have an in house ventilation and electrical department minimizing invoicing and management of contractors. As a Mitsubishi Electric Business Solutions Partner we can offer a 7 year warranty on new installations when accompanied by a fixed term maintenance contract. Our engineers are experienced with all equipment manufacturers and are all equipped with I-Pads on site for immediate sending of service sheets to the client and our Service Department.

8 Viewpoint, Boxley Road Penenden Heath, Maidstone Kent ME14 2DZ Tel: 01622 688444 Email Mechanical: services@d-s-l.co.uk Email Electrical: electrical@d-s-l.co.uk Website: www.d-s-l.co.uk DSL is an established, forward-thinking MEP contractor, serving the industrial, commercial and public construction and maintenance sectors in the South East for 30 years. Our highly skilled workforce is trained in the latest technologies, enabling us to provide a high level of professional service. We have teams specialising in the design, installation, servicing, and maintenance of: • Commercial Heating & Plumbing • Electrical Engineering & Controls • Ventilation & Air Conditioning • Renewable Energy Solutions • Turnkey Installations • Biogas Systems Our clients include health authorities, local and county councils, independent schools and many companies in the private sector.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East Delron Services Ltd

E & S Heating & Ventilation Ltd

8 Viewpoint, Boxley Road, Penenden Heath, Maidstone, Kent ME14 2DZ Tel: 01622 688444 Fax: 01622 691641 Email: mburton@d-s-l.co.uk Web: www.d-s-l.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GIJKLMOPRSUVWXYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFNT Specialist Group: SFG

Dixon Engineering (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Unit 5, Harrier Park, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7PL Tel: 01235 512050 Fax: 01235 512051 Email: sales@dixonengineering.co.uk Web: www.dixonengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1992 Specialist Group: RACHP

Ductclean (UK) Ltd

1 Woodfield Road, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1JQ Tel: 0870 112 9196 Fax: 0870 112 9197 Email: info@ductclean.co.uk Website: www.ductclean.co.uk Ductclean (UK) Ltd are leading experts in the decontamination of ventilation systems, ductwork cleaning, management, kitchen extract cleaning, asbestos removal and building refurbishment. We offer national coverage, with an experienced workforce mobilising from a number of locations across the UK.

Dixon Mechanical Services Ltd

59 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9AA Tel: 01202 581000 Fax: 01202 578899 Email: admin@dixonmechanical.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: GIKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNUVWZ

DMA Maintenance Ltd

4 Ambley Green, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NJ Tel: 01634 384220 Email: norman.lloyd@dma-maintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGHMN Contracted Out: CDEFJKLTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

DMA Mechanical & Air Conditioning Ltd

4 Ambley Green, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NJ Tel: 01684 380060 or 01684 384060 Email: info@dma-group.co.uk Web: www.dmasouth.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABDGHIMNSVZ Contracted Out: CEFJKLOPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

DOC Building Facilities Ltd

1 Woodfield Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 1JQ Tel: 0870 112 9196 Fax: 0870 112 9197 Email: paul.davies@ductclean.co.uk Web: www.ductclean.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Suite 5A, Aspect House, Pattenden Lane, Marden, Kent TN12 9QJ Tel: 01622 831649 Fax: 01622 833182 Email: mail@dwhp.co.uk Web: www.dwhp.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGHILMNPRSVW Contracted Out: CDEFTUZ Specialist Group: HAPS


Lake House, 2 Lakeside, Summerleaze Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8HZ Tel: 01628 780803 Email: david@degreesofcomfort.co.uk Web: www.degreesofcomfort.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCINSV Contracted Out: TW Specialist Group: RACHP

Ductclean UK Ltd

Health & Safety is a very serious issue, and one that Ductclean (UK) Ltd prides itself on. We have been awarded with the Gold RoSPA Award for 10 consecutive years. We have additionally been awarded with the President’s Award and the British Safety Council International Safety Award for two successive years due to our commitment to our H&S Policy.

E & B Group Ltd

Ravendene House, 21 Brighton Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 6AE Tel: 01293 453700 Fax: 01293 453703 Email: cpmarchant@e-b.co.uk Web: www.e-b.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CDEFGIMVXYZ Contracted Out: ABJKLNSTUW

Diplocks Way, Hailsham BN27 3JF Tel: 01323 845492 Fax: 01323 440577 Email: emmarussell@esgroup.co.uk Web: www.esgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: ADT Specialist Group: DWG

E A C Services Ltd

Home Farm, A3 By Pass, Hurtmore, Surrey GU8 6AD Tel: 01483 812240 Fax: 01483 812157 Email: enquiries@eacservices.co.uk Web: www.eacservices.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABDEINSV Contracted Out: CFTUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

eac services limited

Eaton-Williams Group Ltd

Fircroft Way, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6EG Tel: 0800 137340 Fax: 01732 865709 Email: john.wright@eaton-williams.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGNS Contracted Out: CDEFHIJKLMTWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

ECE Cleaning Services Ltd

Hillcrest House, 51 Woodcote Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0LT Tel: 0203 757 7150 Email: info@ececleaning.co.uk Web: www.ececleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ecolution Integrated Renewable Technologies

Ecolution House, Endeavour Road, London Road Addington, West Malling, Kent ME19 5SH Tel: 0845 266 6558 Email: andrew.knapp@ecolutionrenewables.com Web: www.ecolutionrenewables.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: HNOPZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Home Farm, A3 By-pass Road Hurtmore, Surrey, GU8 6AD Tel: 01483 812240 Fax: 01483 812157 Email: angus@eacservices.co.uk Website: www.eacservices.co.uk eac services limited – established in 1983, we are specialist air conditioning contractors based in Surrey and working throughout the UK. We offer high quality solutions to meet our client’s requirements in retail, commercial and domestic applications individually engineering all our projects to provide the most energy efficient, cost effective solutions to any given requirement. We have established relationships with the major UK manufacturers allowing us to offer the best products for installations and be provided with the best training to back up our service and maintenance teams to offer an all-round service through pre sales, design, installation and after sales.

Eastwood Heating Ltd

35 Youens Drive, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3ZQ Tel: 01844 213050 Fax: 01844 213050 Email: robwebb@eastwood-heating.co.uk Web: www.eastwood-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHJLUW Specialist Group: HAPS

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Eastern Fabrications Building Services Ltd (efabs)

Edmund Services Limited

12 Saxon House, Warley Street Upminster, Essex RM14 3PJ Tel: 01708 222221 Fax: 01708 224460 Email: sales@edmundservices.com Website: www.edmundservices.com

4 Horsecroft Place, The Pinnacles Harlow, Essex CM19 5BT Tel: 01279 454609 Email: info@efabs.co.uk Website: www.efabs.com

We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering a wide range of Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical installations to various commercial businesses in the South East.

We are a building services provider specialising in planned maintenance and project work to all forms of building engineering expertise and to our client’s specification. We provide cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with an emergency call out service response within 2 hours and around the clock responsibility for the efficient operation of building services systems. • Air Conditioning • Electrical • Mechanical • Ventilation • Heating • Installation • Maintenance • Controls

We offer high quality installations using skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards and within set timescales. A considerable amount of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction at the forefront of our philosophy.

Visit our website at www.edmundservices.com

Econorod Ltd

Garnell Business Park, Brownfields, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 1BE Tel: 01707 333573 Email: c.roach@econorod.co.uk Web: www.econorod.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHJST Contracted Out: ABFIKLMNOPQRUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


3 Dodman Green, Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK4 1AJ Tel: 01908 867533 Email: sales@eds-aircon.co.uk Web: www.eds-aircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDGHIJNOPSUVZ Contracted Out: EFKLMQRTWXY Specialist Group: DWG

EMCOR Facilities Services Ltd

Premier House, Tollgate, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 3YE Tel: 02380 641641 Fax: 023 8064 1100 Email: david.timberlake@emcoruk.com Web: www.emcoruk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ACDEFHSTYZ Specialist Group: SFG, MC


Emerald House Global Engineering Ltd

Unit B, Braintree Industrial Estate Braintree Road, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 0EJ Tel: 020 8839 2640 Fax: 020 8839 2641 Email: us@ehge.co.uk Website: www.ehge.co.uk EHGE is a leading Building Services Integration Specialist. We offer premium quality mechanical, electrical and cabled services installation and maintenance, using high calibre engineers. Excellence is our standard with a guarantee of quality, consistency and reliability. Our talent is undertaking building services led refurbishment projects. Fast to react, we are highly versatile with particular experience in security sensitive, high-specification and 24/7 operational environments. We pride ourselves in delivering tailored projects working co-operatively with our clients, consistently and cost effectively aiming for whole-life energy efficiency and maintainability using our expertise in value engineering and green technologies.

England & Rees Environmental Systems Ltd

Environmental Maintenance Services Ltd

Enigma Environmental Services Ltd

Envirotech Services Ltd

6 Dacre Close, Charlton, Andover, Hampshire SP10 4HE Tel: 01264 364716 Fax: 01264 364716 Email: wendyrees3@msn.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: CEFI Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 8, Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Theale, Berkshire RG7 4AA Tel: 01189 303766 Fax: 01189 303765 Email: info@enigmaesl.com Web: www.enigmaesl.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABIN Specialist Group: RACHP

Enigma Environmental Services Limited

Unit 8, Chiltern Enterprise Centre Station Road, Theale, Reading Berkshire RG7 4AA Tel: 01189 303766 Fax: 01189 303765 Email: info@enigmaesl.com Website: www.enigmaesl.com Enigma ESL is a private limited company founded in 1999 with extensive capabilities in the design, installation, service and maintenance of air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and heat pump systems. Operating from our Head Office in Theale, near Reading, Berkshire the company has an established portfolio of domestic, commercial, industrial and marine project experience both in the UK and overseas. The management and our team of directly employed engineers are committed to quality, the environment and health and safety which is evidenced by our accreditations with recognised and respected industry bodies such as B&ES, REFCOM Elite, BESCA, SSIP and Trust Mark.

Envirocure Ltd

Salisbury House, Waterside Court, Neptune Way, Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4NZ Tel: 01634 726716 Fax: 01634 726276 Email: admin@envirocure.co.uk Web: www.envirocure.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ACDEFHSTW Contracted Out: B Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

53-55 College Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 3QG Tel: 020 8289 7178 Fax: 020 8289 7179 Email: ian.childs@e-m-services.co.uk Web: www.e-m-services.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GHJLMSUZ Contracted Out: ABEFKNOPQRTVWXY

Envirotech House, 1 Main Road, Marlpit Hill, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6JE Tel: 01732 865171 Fax: 01732 865057 Email: info@esl.gb.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGM Contracted Out: W

Ergro Mechanical Services Ltd Victory Way, Admirals Park Crossways, Dartford, Kent DA2 6QD Tel: 0845 094 3225 Email: info@ergro.co.uk Web: www.ergro.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABCEFGHJLMOPSUVZ Contracted Out: DIKNQRTWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Essex Services Group PLC

Unit 14, Viking Business Centre Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HL Tel: 01708 708888 Fax: 01708 708877 Email: info@esgplc.com Website: www.esgplc.com As a progressive, multi-disciplined company, formed in 1975 we continue to be at the forefront of innovative technologies providing Mechanical, Electrical and Maintenance Services to the construction industry. Focusing on quality, efficiency, dependability and value ensures we maintain our competitive edge within the marketplace offering the highest standards of workmanship and Health and Safety within the Commercial, Residential, Data Centre, Retail, Public and Education sectors. Our in house ‘Design & Build’ team and ‘Project Management’ service is able to offer a comprehensive, well equipped solution to any task at hand.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East Eurest Services

F G Alden Ltd

Fairley Brown & Co Ltd

Farmwood M & E Services Ltd

Europa Nationwide Technical Services Ltd

F N Rice (Pirbright) Ltd

Fairs & Green (Mechanical Services) Ltd


Compass House, Guildford Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 9BQ Tel: 01932 575781 Email: chris.o’dwyer@compass-group.co.uk Web: www.compass-group.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

Huxley House, Weyside Business Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XE Tel: 01483 428674 Fax: 01483 426987 Email: jquigley@europa-services.co.uk Web: www.nationmaint.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: ABMSTUWY Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG

Langford Locks, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 1LJ Tel: 01865 855000 Fax: 01865 855008 Email: mjm@aldenltd.co.uk Web: www.aldenltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1928 In-House: HIJKPRSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOQTUWXYZ Specialist Group:

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD Tel: 01483 472005 Fax: 01483 797780 Email: derek.love@fnrice.com Web: www.pirbrightgroup.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKTWX Specialist Group: HAPS

Exoair DPL LLP

4a Clipper Court, Clipper Close, Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4QR Tel: 01634 296400 Fax: 01634 296300 Email: service@exoair.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2009 Specialist Group: DWG

Extracair Installations Ltd

Endeavour House, 59-61 Sterte Avenue West, Poole, Dorset BH15 2AJ Tel: 01202 736999 Fax: 01202 736777 Email: cd@extracair.co.uk Web: www.extracair.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEFGIMNSUV Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: DWG

F F Church Ltd

7/8 Deanes Close, Castle Street, Steventon, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX13 6SZ Tel: 01235 834598 Fax: 01235 820203 Email: elaine@fchurchltd.com Web: www.fchurchltd.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHIJKMSTUVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

15-17 Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1BS Tel: 01892 615678 Fax: 01892 515788 Email: info@fgmsltd.wanadoo.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: HISV Contracted Out: AGM Specialist Group: HAPS

Falconswift Environmental Ltd

Unit 12, Mousefield Farm, Long Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2TG Tel: 0844 474 2216 Email: info@falconswift.co.uk Web: www.falconswift.co.uk Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

304-305 Woolsbridge Industrial Park, Three Legged Cross, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 6SP Tel: 01202 823621 Fax: 01202 823744 Email: sales@exoair.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: DWG

Exoair Master Ltd

77a Wilson Road, Reading, Berkshire RG30 2RT Tel: 01189 581641 Fax: 01189 503233 Email: paul@fairleybrown.co.uk Web: www.fairleybrown.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GHIJLMNPS Contracted Out: ABCDEFRTUVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Queens Road, Bridgend Industrial Estate Bridgend, Bridgend County CF31 3UT Tel: 01656 661151 Fax: 01656 645477 Email: bridgend@fphurley.co.uk Web: www.fphurley.co.uk We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical and Plumbing installations to a wide range of industrial and commercial premises throughout the UK. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

Ryde Business Park, Nicholson Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1BF Tel: 01983 562109 Fax: 01983 615592 Email: paul.g.kelly@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGHMZ Specialist Group: SFG

32 Camford Way, Sundon Park, Luton, Bedfordshire LU3 3AN Tel: 01582 560606 Fax: 01582 494234 Email: sales@fascel.co.uk Web: www.fascel.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: CI

G G Tech Building Services Ltd

Unit 8A Connors Yard, Beeches Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2AH Tel: 01892 660000 Fax: 01892 664171 Email: enquiries@g-techbuildingservices.com Web: www.g-techbuildingservices.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGIJS Contracted Out: CDEFKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ

G4S Secure Solutions (Guernsey) Ltd Fredericks (Mechanical Services) Ltd

2 Park Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 1SL Tel: 01322 288101 Fax: 01322 289483 Email: mail@fmsluk.com Website: www.fmsluk.com Specialists in Heating, Aircon and Industrial Pipework Surveys, Estimates and Reports. Co-ordination, Planning, Installation, Testing, Inspection and Commissioning of Building Services. Project Management, Refurbishment and Installation with fully Integrated and Co-ordinated Multi Service Packages. Planned Maintenance, all with a callout facility.

F W Marsh (Electrical & Mechanical) Ltd

Unit A4, St Georges Business Park, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3TB Tel: 01795 857840 Email: info@farmwood.co.uk Web: www.fazrmwood.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABDEFGHIJMNPSZ Contracted Out: CKLTUXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Homefield, Rue de l‘Epinel, Forest, Guernsey GY8 0HL Tel: 01481 265133 Fax: 01481 265414 Email: bob.lebargy@gg.g4s.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ADEFGHIJLMNOSVYZ Contracted Out: CKTUWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 2, Pond Farm, Godstone Road, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6JG Tel: 01342 837556 Fax: 01342 837565 Email: mail@gatwickpark.co.uk Web: www.gatwickpark.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ABCEFLVW Specialist Group: HAPS


70 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1EF Tel: 020 8681 1694 Email: gcsoffice@btinternet.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org




Unit 1, Victoria Industrial Park, Victoria Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 5AJ Tel: 01322 224999 Fax: 01322 225999 Email: grenville@gcsilimited.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: HAPS

Halton Foodservice Ltd

H & C Contracts Ltd

Gee-Bec Services Ltd

Unit 5, Maplehurst Close, Dartford, Kent DA2 7WX Tel: 01322 621450 Fax: 01322 556395 Email: brian.woodley@geebecservices.co.uk Web: www.geebecservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: DGHIJMZ Contracted Out: ABCEFKLNSTUVWXY

Unit 3 Holt Barns Business Park, The Kilns, Frith End Road, Frith End, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0QW Tel: 01420 488281 Fax: 01420 489950 Email: info@hccontracts.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1984 In-House: ABGIJN Contracted Out: CDEFKMTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Gelidus Ltd

Unit 7 Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Theale, Reading RG7 4AA Tel: 0118 930 4404 Email: steve@gelidus.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

H & V Building Services Ltd

Unit N, Mill Green Business Park, Mill Green Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4HT Tel: 020 8685 9498 Fax: 020 8640 7671 Email: info@glowarm.co.uk Web: www.glowarm.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

GMB Airconditioning & Ventilation Services Ltd

Unit 1, Pebsham Rural Business Centre, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex TN40 2RZ Tel: 01424 733844 Email: glen@gmbac.co.uk Web: www.gmbacandvent.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABCEF Contracted Out: DHIJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

109 Grange Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 9PY Tel: 01843 851272 Fax: 01843 587300 Email: grummant.hps@lineone.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: CDEFGHILMSW Contracted Out: ABJKTUVXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

The Old Dairy, 4 New Road South Darenth, Kent DA4 9AR Tel: 01322 420040 Fax: 01322 861385 Email: enquiries@hvbuildingservices.co.uk Providing multi services installations throughout London & the South in the Commercial, Local Authority & Public Sectors including works in Universities, Schools, Hospitals, Museums, Laboratories & Housing Trusts primarily in the occupied refurbishment market. If you require a fully integrated mechanical, electrical & building contractor to fullfil all of your requirements, look no further than H & V.

H I Services

Unit 2a, Woodfalls Industrial Estate, Laddingford, Maidstone, Kent ME18 6DA Tel: 01622 873004 Fax: 01622 873005 Email: office.hiltd@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2005

Hadene Building Services

Unit 7 The Enterprise Centre, Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UD Tel: 01634 673700 Fax: 01634 673701 Email: info@hadene.co.uk Web: www.hadene.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: AEGHMNSU Contracted Out: FTYZ Specialist Group: SFG


Heartfield Ventilation & Air Conditioning Co Ltd

2 Fieldings Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9TL Tel: 01992 630770 Fax: 01992 620775 Email: info@hvacltd.co.uk Web: www.hvacltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: CEFIV Contracted Out: ABDGHJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: DWG

Heasman & Sadler Ltd

Glowarm Central Heating Ltd

Grummant (HPS) Ltd

11 Laker Road, Airport Industrial Estate, Rochester, Kent ME1 3QX Tel: 01634 666111 Fax: 01634 666333 Email: phil.gibson@halton.com Web: www.halton.com/foodservice Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CEFGIMSTUVY Contracted Out: AZ

29 Park Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7BP Tel: 01367 240286 Fax: 01367 240286 Email: info@heasmanandsadler.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDEF Specialist Group: DWG

How Group Ltd

Interserve House, Ruscombe Park, Twyford, Reading, Berkshire RG10 9JU Tel: 0118 932 0123 Fax: 0118 932 1277 Email: kate.baker@interserve.com Web: www.interserveplc.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1939 Specialist Group: MC

Hull Mechanical Services Ltd 17 Lower Road, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire SL9 9AL Tel: 01753 889940 Fax: 01753 899304 Email: hullmech@lineone.net Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 Specialist Group: HAPS

Hygienic Maintenance Ltd

3 Grooms Court, Parbrook, Billinghurst, West Sussex RH14 9EU Tel: 01403 784211 Fax: 01403 784847 Email: George.friend@breathevss.co.uk Web: www.hml-uk.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Hedley Visick Ltd

1 Wannock Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN20 9RS Tel: 01323 488411 Fax: 01323 488422 Email: office@hedleyvisick.co.uk Web: www.hedleyvisick.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1974 In-House: GHLMV Contracted Out: ABCDEFINOPQRW Specialist Group: HAPS

H2O Nationwide Ltd

Repton Court Enterprise Park Repton Close, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN Tel: 01268 282700 Fax: 01268 288777 Email: info@h2onationwide.co.uk Website: www.h2onationwide.co.uk

Hemlow Ltd

Suite B, 1st Floor, 1 Suffolk Way, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1YL Tel: 020 8293 6606 Fax: 020 8293 6468 Email: graham.witt@hemlow.com Web: www.hemlow.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGMS Contracted Out: JLUWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Hollywell Building Services Ltd

New Barnes Mill Annexe, Cotton Mill Lane, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 2HA Tel: 01727 810555 Fax: 01727 810666 Email: bob@hollywell.co.uk Web: www.hollywell.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABGHIJKMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFLUVW Specialist Group: SFG

H2O Nationwide Ltd are one of the UK’s leading air and water hygiene specialists, employing some of the most experienced professionals in the country.

I ICS Industrial & Commercial Systems Ltd

86 Croydon Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9HY Tel: 0845 094 2783 Fax: 020 8462 1556 Email: darren@icsindustrial.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHIJKMRSVXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNUWY Specialist Group: HAPS

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East IDC Electrical (Southern) Ltd

3 Barley Business Park, Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 1ZT Tel: 0845 270 7422 Fax: 0845 270 7423 Email: tony@idcsouthern.co.uk Web: www.idcsouthern.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: DEGHOZ Contracted Out: ABCFIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXY

Impact Cooling Services Ltd

Intelligent Air Conditioning Ltd 31 Briarswood Road, St Johns, Woking, Surrey GU21 8XD Tel: 01483 487215 Email: info@intelligentac.co.uk Web: www.intelligentac.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGILNUV Contracted Out: CDEFHJKMOPQRWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Interduct UK Ltd

2 Monument Business Park, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire OX44 7RW Tel: 01865 400222 Fax: 01865 400880 Email: enquiries@impactcooling.co.uk Web: www.impactcooling.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGMNSV Contracted Out: JKLTYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 8, Top Station Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 7UG Tel: 01280 703322 Fax: 01280 702496 Email: mark@interduct.com Web: www.interduct.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Industrial Pipe Services 2003 Ltd

Windmill Works, North Road, Widmer End, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP15 6NE Tel: 01494 711150 Fax: 01494 711180 Email: indpipeservices@btconnect.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJKLMVW Contracted Out: AEFOPQRUZ

Isotemp (Heating & Ventilating) Ltd Loudwater Mill, Station Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP10 9UD Tel: 01494 534364 Fax: 01494 461716 Email: isotemp@dsl.pipex.com Web: www.isotemp-hv.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: C Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: DWG


J V Geer & Sons Ltd

J.C. Watson Refrigeration Ltd 4, Sylvan Court, Sylvan Way Southfields Business Park Basildon, Essex SS15 6TH Tel: 01708 864962 Fax: 01708 860605 Email: info@jcwatson.co.uk Website: www.jcwatson.co.uk

• UKAS quality assured 9001, 14001, 18001 • Government Procurement Service Approved

• Commercial Blue Chip clients • NHS Trusts and Local Authorities • Schools, Colleges and Universities • Brewery industries • Leisure and recreation

• F-Gas registered and fully accredited • New maintenance contracts • Service breakdown • Sales and installation • Mobile and Chiller hire • 24/7/365 call out • Engineers throughout South East

51 London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1AU Tel: 01732 454082 Fax: 01732 454728 Email: jvgeersons@kent2.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1959 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

J W Housden Ltd

1 Margetts Road, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8DS Tel: 01234 852033 Fax: 01234 841226 Email: admin@jwhousden.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1971 In-House: GHILMS Contracted Out: ACUWZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Jarvis Heating Ltd

Jarvis House, No 1 Waterside, Station Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 4US Tel: 01582 761211 Fax: 01582 711750 Email: rlittleford@jarvisheating.co.uk Web: www.jarvisheating.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1959 In-House: GHIMNOPRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

J & B Hopkins Ltd

Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd

Concorde House, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5RL Tel: 01489 584706 Fax: 01489 573786 Email: service@jbhopkins.co.uk Web: www.jbhopkins.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABCDGIJKMNRSVXYZ Contracted Out: EFLOPTUW

Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER Tel: 020 8263 6248 Fax: 002 8263 6110 Email: amitry@innovation-acbs.com Website: www.innovation-acbs.com Innovation Air Conditioning and Building Services Limited, are a leader in multidiscipline building services, which has built a strong reputation for excellence and commitment within the construction industry. Our team is highly experienced in providing a broad range of services which includes but not limited to: • Design and build mechanical services installations • Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning installations • Domestic Services and Public health installations • Service, maintenance and 24 Hour Call out Innovation works with Architects, project managers, consulting engineers and construction companies on all kinds of buildings and projects, ranging from offices (CAT A & B) leading retailers and restaurants to hospitals, and high class residential developments. We have a history of consistently achieving agreed time, cost and quality targets and for providing best value solutions.

J A Sylvester (Mechanical Services) Ltd 1st Floor, 4a Church Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2EH Tel: 01525 403428 Fax: 01525 403286 Email: design.team@jasylvester.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: GM Contracted Out: ABCEFIKLNPUVWZ

J Ashwell Ltd

Hinton House, 120 Hinton Wood Avenue, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5AL Tel: 01425 276724 Fax: 01425 276882 Email: jashwell@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: FGMPV Contracted Out: CDEILUW

1 3 5 7

JL Environmental Limited

Unit 27 River Road, 33 River Road Barking, London, Essex IG11 0EA Tel: 0208 507 2989 Email: jlenvironltd@aol.com Website: www.jlenvironmental.co.uk J L Environmental Limited can offer a wide range of services within the H & V industry, predominantly air conditioning design and installation, service and maintenance to all types of air conditioning and ventilation equipment, to suit customers own requirements. We offer a 24/7 call out service to contractual clients. In addition to our newer clients, we have a number of long standing clients with whom we have built up good working relationships. The delivery of good customer service is paramount as is the successful outcomes of all projects undertaken by us. Air Conditioning Installation, Refrigeration, Service & Maintenance

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


JCA Engineering Ltd

Just Cold Services Ltd

Kingdom Clean

JCA Maintenance Ltd


Kitchen & Duct Cleaning Ltd

Solar House, Kings Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2UA Tel: 01438 847020 Fax: 01438 847030 Email: g.smith@jcagroup.co.uk Web: www.jcagroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGIJKMOPSVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLNQRTUWY Specialist Group: RACHP

117 Old Farleigh Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 8QD Tel: 0844 249 2929 Fax: 0844 249 2907 Email: jcsltd@tiscali.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIV Specialist Group: RACHP

Solar House, Kings Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2UA Tel: 01438 847020 Fax: 01438 847030 Email: info@jcagroup.co.uk Web: www.jcagroup.com Year Joined: 2012

JD Services HVAC Ltd

Unit 5 Mulberry Court, Bourne Industrial Estate, Bourne Road, Crayford, Kent DA1 4BF Tel: 01322 315588 Fax: 01322 315577 Email: matt.newing@jdservicesltd.co.uk Web: www.jdservicesltd.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABFGHMNS Contracted Out: TUWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Jude Mechanical Services Ltd

115 Upton Road, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 8LS Tel: 020 8304 2281 Email: joe.alaminos@judemechanicalservices.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GM Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit C5, Chaucer Business Park, Watery Lane, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6YT Tel: 01732 762150 Fax: 01732 763988 Email: nigel@kestrel-mechanical.co.uk Web: www.kestrel-mechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GIJMRUV Contracted Out: ABCEFLNW Specialist Group: SFG

Kestrel Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit C5, Chaucer Business Park Watery Lane, Kemsing, Sevenoaks Kent TN15 6YT Tel: 01732 762150 Fax: 01732 763988 Email: nigel@kestrel-mechanical.co.uk Website: www.kestrel-mechanical.co.uk Kestrel Mechanical Services is one of the southeast’s leading heating and building services contractors. We undertake all forms of mechanical engineering and related electrical services, on pre-designed contracts or new design and build projects.

Just Cold Services Ltd

117 Old Farleigh Road South Croydon, Surrey CR2 8QD Tel: 0844-249 2929 Fax: 0844-249 2907 Email: eugenejcs@gmail.com We specialize in commercial air conditioning installation work mainly for M&E contractors within the M25 and South East. By focusing primarily on VRV/VRF installation projects, we can provide a dedicated team throughout the duration of the contract and can deal directly with clients to alleviate any issues that may arise. All of our vehicles are unwritten and carry a full compliment of installation materials. Each team is trained in first aid, Asbestos awareness, PASMA and hold F-Gas certification and SkillCards. We have built our business on customer satisfaction and are presently working on contracts to the value of £300k.


Kestrel Mechanical Services Ltd

Our customers include building services consultants, contractors, the London Borough of Bromley, BUPA Care Homes and a variety of other building owners and operators. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen, which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. Much of the work we undertake is gained through repeat contracts with existing customers, demonstrating our ability to deliver on schedule and to specification.

Keysource Ltd

Unit C, North Heath Estate, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5QE Tel: 0845 204 3333 Fax: 0845 204 3300 Email: info@keysource.co.uk Web: www.keysource.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ISUVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEJKTWY

Little Park Farm, Little Park Farm Road, Segensworth West, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5SN Tel: 01489 574234 Fax: 01489 576104 Email: t.connolly@dougland.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 003, Mill Studio Business Centre, Crane Mead, Ware, Herts SG12 9PY Tel: 01920 444245 Email: deepcleaning@btconnect.com Web: www.kitchendeepcleaning.com Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Linaker Ltd

Bourne House, 475 Godstone Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey CR3 0BN Tel: 01737 645300 Fax: 01737 643400 Email: mark.baker@linaker.com Web: www.linaker.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHILMSUZ Contracted Out: NTVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Lloret Control Systems Ltd

KPS Southern Ltd

24 Ullswater Crescent, The Ullswater Business Park, Coulsdon, Croydon, Surrey CR5 2HR Tel: 020 8410 4600 Fax: 020 8660 5469 Email: sue.seymour@lloret.co.uk Web: www.lloret.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ISU


Eagle Point 1st Floor - West Wing, Little Park Farm Road, Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5TD Tel: 01489 555000 Fax: 01489 555001 Email: luke.mccathie@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABGHIMZ Contracted Out: ABCDELNOPQRSTY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Oddington Grange Farm and Industries, Weston on the Green, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX25 3QW Tel: 01865 331731 Fax: 01865 331732 Email: melvyn@kpssouthern.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GJKLMNPRX Contracted Out: ABCDEFITUVWYZ

Lawton (Building Engineering Services) Ltd

Lorne Stewart plc

Lowe & Oliver Ltd

Unit 10 The Glenmore Centre, Grove Technology Park, Downsview Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 9GN Tel: 01235 766751 Fax: 01235 772395 Email: enquiries@lawton-bes.co.uk Web: www.lawton-bes.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEFGHIJKLMNPSVWZ Contracted Out: CDTU

Cumnor Road, Boars Hill, Wootton, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 5JW Tel: 01865 322200 Fax: 01865 326750 Email: paultuson@loweoliver.co.uk Web: www.loweoliver.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GIMOPSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNQRTUVW

Lee Air Conditioning (Services) Ltd

Unit F, Woodside Trade Centre, Parham Drive, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 4NU Tel: 02380 614700 Fax: 023 8065 0341 Email: lw@loweoliver.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GIJMOPSXYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFHJKLNQRTUVWX

Unit 8, Spitfire Business Park, 1 Hawker Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4WD Tel: 020 8680 8920 Fax: 020 8681 0072 Email: info@leeac.co.uk Web: www.leeac.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABEFGHILMNS Contracted Out: CDJKOPRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Leroy Mechanical Engineering Ltd 10 Farm Close, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 6RP Tel: 01707 327736 Fax: 05603 123542 Email: leroy.mech@btinternet.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: EG Contracted Out: CDFILMUVWZ

Lowe & Oliver Ltd

M M G Heating Ltd

1-2 Bernard Way, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5YL Tel: 01983 537331 Fax: 01983 530903 Email: info@mgheating.co.uk Web: www.mgheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHLMOPVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKSTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East Macdet Hygiene Services Ltd

McCarthy Refrigeration Ltd

Unit A, Kingsway Industrial Estate, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1LP Tel: 01582 423777 Fax: 0141 647 9119 Email: jackie.mcnamara@macdet365. onmicrosoft.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: SWY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

48 Northwood Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9QT Tel: 02392 650169 Fax: 023 9242 2097 Email: mccarthyrefrigeration@yahoo.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABNSV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

Mastercool (Southern) Ltd

Mechelec Building Services Ltd

McAlpine Grant Ilco Ltd

Medallion Plastics Ltd

Unit 12, Stanley Business Centre, Kelvin Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9SE Tel: 01293 531136 Email: sales@mastercoolsouthern.co.uk Web: www.mastercoolsouthern.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCLUZ Contracted Out: GIMOPQRV Specialist Group: RACHP

Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0ER Tel: 01865 251225 Fax: 01865 791877 Email: rogerg@mgiltd.co.uk Web: www.mgiltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMOPQRTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Whitecliffe House, Poulton Close, Dover, Kent CT17 0HL Tel: 01304 205559 Fax: 01304 242068 Email: dwilkinson@mechelec.co.uk Web: www.mechelec.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRUVW

Unit N10, Europa Trading Estate, Fraser Road, Erith, Kent DA8 1QL Tel: 01322 430421 Fax: 01322 430423 Email: medallionplastic@aol.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: DE

Megan Mechanical Services Ltd

Units 4 & 5, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6GA Tel: 01252 874738 Fax: 01252 874739 Email: george.lewis@megan-mechanical.co.uk Web: www.meganmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GM Contracted Out: K

Metro Heating & Air Conditioning Services Ltd

McDonald Brown Ltd

7 Eastbury Road, London Industrial Park Beckton, London E6 6LP Tel: 0207 511 8899 Fax: 0207 473 1133 Email: info@mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk Website: www.mcdonaldbrownltd.co.uk A family company trading for over 35 years, leading the way in innovation and delivering high quality work. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and air conditioning we can design and install across all disciplines. We are a design and build specialist, our in house team will deliver the end user with total satisfaction. Specializing in reactive and PPM with a 24 hour call centre.

26 Westgate Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 2AS Tel: 01322 272827 Fax: 01322 289093 Email: metrohac@gmail.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: AGS Contracted Out: BCNTUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Micro Solve (Hygiene) Ltd

10 York Way, Lancaster Road, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3PY Tel: 01494 441445 Fax: 01494 440312 Email: paul.irish@mshygiene.co.uk Web: www.mshygiene.co.uk Year Joined: 2006 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Microfix Services Ltd

Crown House, Home Gardens, Dartford, Kent DA1 1DZ Tel: 01322 424573 Email: david.gittus@microfix.co.uk Web: www.microfix.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABINSTV Contracted Out: CGHUWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Retail)

Norland Managed Services Ltd

The Millenium Centre, M4 Crosby Way, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7XX Tel: 01252 727170 Fax: 01252 715708 Email: david.harper@mitie.com Web: www.mitieengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGIKMSV Contracted Out: BCDEFHJLNOPQRTUWXYZ

Swan House, Northcroft Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1BN Tel: 01635 277999 Email: pete.belmore@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1985 Specialist Group: SFG

MJD Airconditioning Services Ltd

Tectonic Place, Holy Port Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 2YE Tel: 01628 634445 Fax: 01628 634446 Email: engineering@norstead.co.uk Web: www.norstead.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHJKMSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNOPQRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

16 Bedford Road, Lower Stondon, Bedfordshire SG16 6EA Tel: 01462 815756 Fax: 01462 819578 Email: enquiries@mjdaircon.co.uk Web: www.mjdaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABDIJNOSUVZ Contracted Out: CHLTWY

Norstead - A Division of Metnor Group Plc

Norton Technical Maintenance

N N G Bailey Ltd

14-16 Theale Lakes Business PArk, Moulden Way, Sulhamstead, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4GB Tel: 0118 930 1300 Fax: 0118 930 1301 Email: steven.wiles@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

New-Air (Southern) Ltd

Unit 8, Compass Point, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4RA Tel: 02380 605960 Fax: 023 8060 5968 Email: gary@newair.co.uk Web: www.newair.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Norland Managed Services Ltd

115 Whitby Road, First Floor, Slough, Berkshire SL1 3DR Tel: 01753 698850 Fax: 01753 698851 Email: vince.connolly@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: IUW Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG

Norland Managed Services Ltd

725 Capability Green, Luton LU1 3LU Tel: 01582 435950 Email: ron.celiz@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEJKLOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 2, Stadium Business Park, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3BG Tel: 01795 228083 Fax: 01795 410986 Email: info@nortontechnical.com Web: www.commercialheatinguk.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHILMSTW Contracted Out: CDNPQRUV

O O C O Ltd

Meersbrook House, 15 Essex Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 2AU Tel: 01322 276614 Fax: 01322 227790 Email: freda.scanlan@ocoltd.co.uk Web: www.ocoltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GJKLMSUVWXZ Contracted Out: ITY Specialist Group: SFG

Ocean Industrial Cleaning Ltd 43 Caxton Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 9PD Tel: 01992 413868 Email: info@oceancleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Omega Building Services Ltd Challis House, 85 High Street, Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey CR3 5UH Tel: 01883 348896 Fax: 01883 345872 Email: office@omegabs.co.uk Web: www.omegabs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHIMS Contracted Out: ACDEFLNPRTUVWYZ

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


One Call Group (Holdings) Ltd

Orbital Climate Solutions Ltd

Six Enterprise Park, Black Moor Road, Verwood, Dorset BH31 6YS Tel: 01202 829329 Email: info@one-callgroup.co.uk Web: www.one-callgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 6, Reliant House, Oakmere Mews, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 5DT Tel: 01707 709015 Fax: 01707 850424 Email: brett@orbitalcooling.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABEGINSV Contracted Out: CDFTZ Specialist Group: RACHP

One Facility Ltd

Orostream Air Conditioning Ltd

4000 Building, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2DA Tel: 01438 754122 Fax: 01438 753917 Email: paul.dove@onefacility.com Web: www.onefacility.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: S Contracted Out: JKLTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Aircon Works, Park Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2QT Tel: 01892 665888 Fax: 01892 663218 Email: nicky@oacservices.co.uk Web: www.oacservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: AGIJNSVW Contracted Out: CDEKLMTUXYZ

Oxford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

79-81 Magdalen Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1RF Tel: 01865 424424 Fax: 01865 424425 Email: ian.law@oracoxford.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABINS Specialist Group: RACHP

One Facility Ltd

4000 Building, Six Hills Way Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2DA Tel: 01438 755541 Fax: 01438 753917 Email: info@onefacility.co.uk Website: www.onefacility.co.uk One Facility is a facilities management and maintenance company with bases throughout the UK who operate integrated quality and environmental systems that offer complete maintenance solutions which provide the seamless integration of all areas of facilities management. Our mission is to create, manage and maintain environments to suit our clients need & is supported by our vision to continually provide professional reliable, customer focused support services. We provide a comprehensive range of both hard & soft services from building and equipment/ systems maintenance, cleaning, reception & post services, statutory and legislative compliance planning to energy, SHE, and project management. Core to our sustained success is our focused, structured approach to continual assessment and improvement coupled with an appreciation for well trained and motivated staff in the organisation.

Opus Air Conditioning (Sales) Ltd

Unit 52, Victoria Industrial Park, Victoria Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 5AJ Tel: 01322 225111 Fax: 01322 291389 Email: sales@opusair.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABCEGIJKMSVXZ Contracted Out: TUY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP


P P & J Dust Extraction Ltd

Elmley Industrial Estate, Argent Road, Queenborough, Kent ME11 5GA Tel: 01795 582600 Fax: 01795 582696 Email: info@pjdust.co.uk Web: www.pjdust.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: CE Specialist Group: DWG

P Chester & Sons (Bedford) Ltd Unit 6, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PB Tel: 01234 261896 Fax: 01234 404088 Email: admin@pchester.co.uk Web: www.pchester.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: ABEGHIJKMNPSVX Contracted Out: CFLTUWYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Pace Services

Mill House, 44-46 Mill Green Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4HY Tel: 020 8685 1640 Fax: 020 8685 7026 Email: annie@paceservices.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABGIMSUV Contracted Out: CDEFJKNTWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Paine Manwaring Ltd ORAC (Oxford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd) 79-81 Magdalen Road Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1RF Tel: 01865 424424 Fax: 01865 424425 Email: sales@oracoxford.co.uk Website: www.oracoxford.co.uk

A well established company operating since 1960 as a specialist in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump services ORAC now works for a whole range of clients on pre-designed or design and build projects. We operate pre-dominantly in the South Midlands and South of England including London. Works covered are split system and VRF heat pump installations as Mitsubishi Electric BSP, Daikin D1, Samsung and Toshiba qualified installers with full 3, 5 & 7 year warranties offered (subject to maintenance). Additionally we can install heat pump boilers, heat recovery ventilation systems, cold/freezer rooms and wine cellars with full service/ maintenance cover on existing and new installations. For more information please visit www.oracoxford.co.uk

PDM Air Conditioning Services 55 Coniston Road, Bromley Kent BR1 4JG Tel: 0800 511 8089 Email: paul@pdmaircon.co.uk Website: www.pdmaircon.co.uk

We are a specialist air conditioning company in London. We work for commercial and domestic customers, designing and fitting efficient, cost-effective air conditioning installations in London, Kent and Surrey to create a comfortable living and working environment. We offer a great variety of air con systems including fresh air ventilation, heat recovery, air source heat pumps, ventilation, ductwork, Lossnay, Ecodan & Mitsubishi electric air conditioning installations. Our air conditioning systems are from established manufacturers. These are leading names in the industry, so you know you can rely on their quality and effectiveness PDM Air Conditioning Services offers a 5 year warranty on all products.

Unit D, Easting Close, Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 8HQ Tel: 01903 237522 Fax: 01903 236511 Email: mark@painemanwaring.co.uk Web: www.painemanwaring.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: DFGHIKLMNOSUVWZ Contracted Out: ABCEJTXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Parker Air Conditioning Ltd

Gloucester House, Clarence Court, Rushmore Hill, Orpington, Kent BR6 7LZ Tel: 01689 858787 Fax: 01689 858966 Email: russell@parker-ac.co.uk Web: www.parker-ac.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGJMX Contracted Out: CDEFLUVWYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

PCB Technical Solutions Ltd

Unit 6, Barnes Wallace Court, Wellington Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3PS Tel: 01628 648648 Fax: 01628 649649 Email: davev@foursdeasonshroup.co.uk Web: www.pcbtechnicalsolutions.co.uk Year Joined: 2014

PH Jones Facilities Maintenance Ltd

Crayfield House, Crayfield Industrial Park Sandy Lane, St Pauls Cray, Orpington Kent BR5 3HP Tel: 01689 802 550 Fax: 01689 836 670 Email: fmhelpdesk@phjonesfm.co.uk Website: www.phjones.com PHJFM (part of British Gas) provide Boiler, Heating, Air Conditioning and Data maintenance, service and installation throughout the South East of England.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South East Perfect Pipework Ltd

49 Rabans Close, Rabans Lane Industrial Estate, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8RS Tel: 01296 399330 Fax: 01296 487029 Email: russell@perfectpipework.co.uk Web: www.perfectpipework.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GMV Contracted Out: R Specialist Group: HAPS

Permanex Plumbing

Permanex House, 94 Summerstown, London SW17 0BH Tel: 0844 840 0999 Email: charles@ppbs.co.uk Web: www.permanex-plumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: DEFHILUVZ Contracted Out: CGJKMRWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Pinnacle Specialist Cleaning Services 8 Marmion Green, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 3DZ Tel: 0845 202 5757 Email: dprice@pinnacle-cleaning.co.uk Web: www.pinnacle-cleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Pipe Systems Ltd

Genesis Business Centre, Redkiln Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5QH Tel: 01403 263888 Fax: 01403 263399 Email: tonym@pipe-systems.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFV

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD Tel: 01483 474888 Fax: 01483 489141 Email: derek.love@pirbrightelectrical.com Web: www.pirbrightgroup.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGHIMNOPRSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLTWXY

Unit 3, Murston Business Centre, Norman Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 7AD Tel: 01233 623734 Email: alan@polarcoolingservices.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

The Pirbright Group

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD Tel: 01483 488273 Fax: 01483 489141 Email: info@pirbrightelectrical.com Website: www.pirbrightgroup.com The Pirbright Group Includes: Pirbright Electrical Contractors F.N.Rice(Pirbright) Ltd Pirbright Renewable Energy P.E.C Security Pirbright Air Conditioning Pirbright Facilities Maintenance Six companies that offer quality Services across a wide range of Disciplines. Our numerous Accreditations’ and people ensures that the quality of our work is amongst the highest in the industry. We are a one stop shop for all of your M & E requirements.

26 Breakfield, Ullswater Business Park, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2HS Tel: 0203 4756 999 Email: martin.brown@poundbridge.co.uk Web: www.poundbridge.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGNSZ Contracted Out: CFIMOPTUVY Specialist Group: SFG

PowerNaturally Ltd

Units 25 & 26, Highcroft Estate, Enterprise Road, Horndean, Hampshire PO8 0BT Tel: 02392 592672 Fax: 023 9259 9794 Email: info@pjmmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIMNPZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJLUVW

Polar Cooling Services Ltd

PowerNaturally Ltd

Mercury House, Johnson Road Ferndown Industrial Estate Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7SE Tel: 01202 855804 Fax: 01202 897131 Email: sales@powernaturally.co.uk Website: www.powernaturally.co.uk PowerNaturally is an MCS approved installer of ASHP, GSHP, Solar Thermal and Solar PV products. We offer a complete package from design to commissioning as well as working with partner installers accredited through our own technical college. We are members of RECC, B&ES and the GSHP Association, providing full confidence to our customers on the quality of the work we undertake.

6 Telford Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Dorset BH21 7QL Tel: 01202 855804 Email: mark.golsby@powernaturally.co.uk Web: www.powernaturally.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: HILNOP Contracted Out: HM

Premiair Ltd

11 Armada Road, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK10 7FG Tel: 01908 380345 Email: info@premiair.net Year Joined: 2008

Premier ACS Ltd

Unit 3, Rake Industries, Canhouse Lane, Rogate, Hampshire GU31 5DU Tel: 01730 895600 Fax: 01730 890095 Email: dhiggins@premieracs.co.uk Web: www.premieracs.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CGMW Specialist Group: RACHP

34 Mollison Drive, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9BY Tel: 020 8255 8777 Fax: 020 8255 8777 Email: info@pricebuilding.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005

Priory Mechanical Services Ltd Priory House, 479 Godstone Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey CR3 0BL Tel: 01883 625838 Fax: 01883 629830 Email: sam@prioryms.co.uk Web: www.prioryms.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GHIMOPQRS Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNTUVWXYZ

Promanex (Total FM & Environmental Services) Ltd

Coastain House, Vanwell Business Park, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4UB Tel: 01628 842444 Web: www.promanex.com Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: RACHP

We are approved partner installers for Mitsubishi, Daikin and Danfoss / Thermia, all market leading manufacturers with the back up of long term warranties. Our work includes projects from large 5 star hotels, multiple apartment blocks, commercial offices and community projects, through to individual homes.

Poundbridge Developments Ltd

Pirbright Electrical Contractors Ltd

PJM Mechanical Services Ltd

Price Building Services Ltd

1 3 5 7

Premiair Ltd

Brooklands, Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK10 7FG Tel: 01908 380 345 Email: info@premiair.net Website: www.premiair.net Premiair carry out the design, supply, installation and service of AIR CONDITIONING heat pump systems, CHILLERS and REFRIGERATION plants from leading manufacturers. As an independent HVAC company, you can be sure that the best solution tailored to your individual requirements will be implemented on time and within budget. All our engineers are formally qualified to senior status, which means highly skilled personnel will give assistance from design through installation and commissioning. Whether your project is for a residential, commercial, or industrial premises a suitable climate solution is just a phone call away. Premiair, simply better by degrees.

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Racsel Building Services Ltd Eagle House, 257 Burlington Road, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4NE Tel: 020 8949 7366 Fax: 020 8942 9403 Email: mail@racsel.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGIJLMNRSUV Contracted Out: CEFTWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Principle Property Services Limited

Frazer House, 32 - 38 Leman St London E1 8EW Tel: 020 7173 6058 Fax: 020 7702 0103

Rapid Climate Control Ltd

Principle Property Services Ltd are a central London based Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance Company, we pride ourselves in the fact that our company is constructed exclusively of engineering professionals who all have an M+E Engineering background from the board room to the frontline. Utilising our vast knowledge, experience and expertise of all aspects of M&E Services we have committed ourselves to providing exceptional quality services and delivering innovative, efficient solutions for our clientele. We provide the full range of M&E Services from Installation, Commissioning and Long Term Maintenance backed up with a 365 days a year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day helpdesk and callout facility which is available to all of our clients.

Protocool Ltd

Unit 6, Chessington Park Industrial Estate, Lion Park Avenue, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1ST Tel: 020 8974 0810 Fax: 020 8391 1570 Email: courtney.franklin@rapidclimatecontrol.com Web: www.rapidcontrol.com Year Joined: 1999 Specialist Group: RACHP

Reed M & E Ltd

M & E House, 135 Red Lion Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7RQ Tel: 020 8397 2161 Fax: 020 8974 1542 Email: colin@reed-me.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: GHYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILNSTUVW

Rentec Ltd

Unit 3, Broom Business Park, Poole, Dorset BH12 4PA Tel: 01202 717060 Fax: 01202 717370 Email: paulb@rentec.ltd.uk Web: www.rentec.org.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GIMNOPZ

Unit F, Fronds Park, Frouds Lane, Aldermaston, Berkshire RG7 4LH Tel: 0118 971 0559 Email: office@protocool.co.uk Web: www.protocool.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABHN Contracted Out: CFI Specialist Group: RACHP

Right Management Services Ltd


Risby Airconditioning Co Ltd

Bronzeoak House, Stafford Road, Caterham, Surrey CR3 6JG Tel: 01883 332629 Fax: 01883 332627 Email: frankalaminos@rightmanagementservices.co.uk Web: www.rightmanagementservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GKM

Princes Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5HZ Tel: 01628 850123 Fax: 01628 850122 Email: roger@risby.co.uk Web: www.risby.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABGHIMS Contracted Out: TUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

R & J Building Services Ltd

Shrine Barn, Shrine Farm, Sandling Road, Postling, Hythe, Kent CT21 4HE Tel: 01303 263030 Fax: 01303 263763 Email: office@randjbuildservs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: DGHZ Contracted Out: ABCEFIJKLMNSTUVWXY

R J Stearn Ltd

RME Services Ltd

32 Vincent Avenue, Regent Business Park, Crowhill, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire MK8 0AB Tel: 0845 034 6420 Fax: 01908 263310 Email: malcolm.fawcett@rjstearn.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIMOSVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLTUWX


6 Bourne Mill Business Park, Guildford Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9PS Tel: 01252 718024 Fax: 01252 724881 Email: mail@rmeservices.com Web: www.rmeservices.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHIKLMSXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJNTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rossair Ltd

West Gate, 104 High Street, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1EN Tel: 01420 566822 Fax: 01420 566820 Email: enquiries@rossair.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABHIS Contracted Out: CDEFGJKLMNOPRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Rydon Maintenance Ltd

Scion Technical Services Ltd 1 Moorbrook Park, South Mead, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7HP Tel: 01235 517770 Fax: 01235 517771 Email: scion@sciongroup.co.uk Web: www.sciongroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: EGHIMOPRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDJKLNQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 14 Quadrant Court, Charles Park, Crossway Business Park, Greenhithe, Kent DA9 9AY Tel: 0845 269 2982 Email: jgreen@rydon.co.uk Web: www.rydon.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHS Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: SFG

Scomac Services Ltd


Servcom Services UK Ltd

S G Ray & Co Ltd

Sheerlands House, Sheerlands Road, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 4QX Tel: 0118 973 2515 Fax: 0118 932 8767 Email: s.g.ray@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: JM

Scomac House, 247 High Street, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4NG Tel: 01252 353040 Fax: 01252 353041 Email: info@scomac.co.uk Web: www.scomac.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIMSTUYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRVWX

50a Livingstone Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3WL Tel: 01273 820998 Fax: 01273 728017 Email: enquiries@servcomservices.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJLMSUVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFKNOPQRTXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

S R Industrial Ltd

Unit 42, Longshot Industrial Estate, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RL Tel: 01344 860145 Fax: 01344 305313 Email: jsoley@srindustrial.co.uk Web: www.srindustrial.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNSUVZ Contracted Out: TW

Sarum Refrigeration Services Ltd Norton Enterprise Park, Whittle Road, Churchfields Industrial Estate, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 7YS Tel: 01722 335072 Fax: 01722 334110 Email: enquiries@sarumrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABIN

Saunders Specialised Services Ltd Unit 7, Minster Court, Courtwick Lane, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 7RN Tel: 01903 732842 Fax: 01903 739035 Email: sales@saunders-heating.co.uk Web: www.saunders-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABEGHIJKLMNOPSVZ Contracted Out: CDFTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

ServCom Services UK Ltd

50a Livingstone Road, Hove, Brighton East Sussex BN3 3WL Tel: 01273 820998 Fax: 01273 728017 Email: enquiries@servcomservices.co.uk Website: www.servcomservices.com We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical Servicing and Plumbing installations to a wide range of commercial and residential premises. We are based in Brighton & cover a radius from the cost of approximately 100 miles to take in Central London & surrounding areas within the M25. We cover all aspects of the heating, ventilating & plumbing covering NG, LPG & Oil installations & servicing, as well as offering Service Agreements. We offer a high quality servicing & installation through skilled tradesmen, who regularly attend updating training courses which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This has resulted in the majority of our work generated through repeat business and recommendations as the company has steadily grown. We are committed & continue to expand our business on this basis, and customer satisfaction is the forefront of our philosophy.

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B&ES Members \ South East SH Ductwork Services Ltd

55 Dargate Road, Yorkletts, Whitstable, Kent CT5 3AD Tel: 01227 770022 Email: shductwork@aol.com Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: DWG

Sharp & Howse Ltd

Osney Mead Industrial Estate, Oxford OX2 0ES Tel: 01865 760606 Fax: 01865 741330 Email: garry.bailey@sharpandhowse.co.uk Web: www.sharpandhowse.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1967 In-House: DGHMV Contracted Out: ABCEFIJKLNOPQRSTUWXYZ

Sidney Cubbage (Heating & Ventilating) Ltd

Harrem House, Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3DS Tel: 01494 523661 Fax: 01494 462707 Email: scl@sidneycubbage.com Web: www.sidneycubbage.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1957 In-House: ABCGM Contracted Out: DIV Specialist Group: RACHP

Simer Environmental Services Ltd 15 Arnside Road, Waterlooville PO7 7UP Tel: 02392 258059 Email: m.wood@simer-environmental.co.uk Web: www.simer-environmental.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCEFGKMNSVZ Contracted Out: LUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Skuddair Ltd

SSE Contracting Ltd

Southampton Region, Upton Lane, Nursling, Southampton SO16 0XY Tel: 02380 747604 Email: graham.cumber@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHJKMORSZ Contracted Out: CDEILNPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

SSH Cleaning

2.2 Central Point, Kirpal Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 6FH Tel: 02392 839114 Fax: 023 9286 4616 Email: samwest@sshcleaning.co.uk Web: www.sshcleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Statons Ltd

35 Glenmoor Road, Talbot Park, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2LE Tel: 01202 513204 Fax: 01202 513204 Email: info@statonsplumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

Stepnell Ltd

34 Hartley Road, Longfield, Kent DA3 7PP Tel: 01474 709823 Email: john@skuddair.com Web: www.skuddair.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABSV Contracted Out: CINOPQYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 10, Stepnell Reach, Poole, Dorset BH16 5BW Tel: 01202 632324 Fax: 01202 632692 Email: malcolmk@stepnell.co.uk Web: www.stepnell.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Smith & Byford Ltd

Stonegrove Ltd

St Georges House, Station Approach, Cheam, Surrey SM2 7AT Tel: 020 8643 1080 Fax: 020 8643 4653 Email: melanie.rowe@smithandbyford.com Web: www.smithandbyford.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHILMOPRZ Specialist Group: SFG

SMS (Southern) Ltd

SSE Contracting Ltd

Unit 1, Blackwater Trading Estate, Blackwater Way, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4DU Tel: 01252 367198 Email: kevin.holden@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GJKMSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFHILNOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

50a Livingstone Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3WL Tel: 01273 204466 Fax: 01273 203366 Email: nigels@smssouthern.co.uk Web: www.smssouthern.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIMPR Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOSTUVWXYZ

System Hygienics Ltd

Chaucer Industrial Estate, Dittons Road, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 6JF Tel: 01323 481170 Fax: 01323 483061 Email: steveliddiard@systemhygienics.co.uk Web: www.systemhygienics.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: FTV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

T Team Q Maintenance Ltd

Collier House, Mead Lane, Hertford, Hertfordshire SG13 7AX Tel: 01992 507320 Fax: 01992 503672 Email: sid.newbon@teamq.co.uk Web: www.teamq.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGJKLMNQRSUYZ Contracted Out: TW Specialist Group: SFG

Technicool Air Conditioning Ltd 330 Chipstead Valley Road, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 3BE Tel: 01737 554947 Fax: 01737 550085 Email: colin@tec.uk.net Web: www.tec.uk.net Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEGHJKLNTVXZ Contracted Out: CDFIMUWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Tencer Ltd was formed in 1984 to specialize in mechanical and electrical building services. We provide a BS EN ISO9001:2008 Quality Assured Service and pride ourselves on our in house specialist departments to provide all aspects of M&E services. From maintenance contracts to installation we provide: • BMS Building Management Control Systems and bureau support. • Heating installation, repair and maintenance. • Boiler servicing and repair. • Plumbing installation and repair. • Electrical installation and Electrical Installation Condition Report testing. • Air Conditioning and ventilation installation, repair and maintenance. NICEIC, OFTEC, TREND CONTROLS, DELTA CONTROLS, SAFE CONTRACTOR, REFCOM, B&ES, GASSAFE, CONSTRUCTION LINE approved contractors.

Tecomak Environmental Services Ltd Unit 3b, Valley Industries, Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0AH Tel: 01732 852250 Fax: 01732 852251 Email: sales@tecomak.com Web: www.tecomak.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: DEV Contracted Out: ACFT

Tencer Ltd

Unit 3, Boyd Business Centre, Whitewall Road, Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4DZ Tel: 01634 291151 Fax: 01634 719430 Email: lee@stonegrove.co.uk Web: www.stonegrove.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGHIJMNOPQRSTUWZ Contracted Out: CDEFLV

Unit 14, Lincoln Park Business Centre, Lincoln Rd, Cressex Ind Estate, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RD Tel: 01494 459801 Fax: 01494 459806 Email: kevinharrison@tencer.com Web: www.tencer.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABCEFGHIKMNSTUVZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Surrey Boiler & Heating Services

Thames Ducting Ltd

15 Hill Crescent, Surbiton, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT5 8DP Tel: 020 8390 3476 Fax: 020 8390 5911 Email: surreyboilers@hotmail.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: HIV Specialist Group: HAPS

Tencer Ltd

Unit 14/15 Lincoln Park Business Centre Lincoln Road, Cressex Business Park High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3RD Tel: 01494459801 Fax: 01494459802 Email: sales@tencer.com Web: www.tencer.com

Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3DS Tel: 01494 531821 Fax: 01494 471679 Email: enquiries@thamesducting.com Year Joined: 1984 In-House: C Specialist Group: DWG

Thameswey Maintenance Services Ltd 16-17 Wintonlea, Monument Way West, Woking, Surrey GU21 5EN Tel: 0845 241 0204 Fax: 01483 756722 Email: fma@tmsl.uk.com Web: www.tmsl.uk.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: EFGHIJKLMOPQRSUVW Contracted Out: ABCDNTXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Trios Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

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Unit F5 Arena Building Centre, Nimrod Way, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Dorset BH21 7SH Tel: 01202 862505 Fax: 01202 862506 Email: info@umc-ac.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABHS


Unit 2, Swan Business Park Sandpit Road, Dartford Kent DA1 5ED Tel: 0845 224 9000 Fax: 0845 224 9001 Email: daniel.brooks@trs.ltd.uk Website: www.trs.ltd.uk

Uniheat (Oxford) Ltd

TRS is a Facilities Management, Construction & Rail Company which has been operating for over 34 years. Whether it’s changing a lamp, testing the electrical supply, rewiring the whole building, maintaining boilers or even installing a fully custom designed air conditioning system to help reduce your carbon foot print, we can take care of everything for you. With a broad spectrum of industries that includes: commercial, health, rail, manufacturing, leisure, local and central government and the financial sector each have their own individual objectives and so our success has been our flexibility.

Thorley Environmental Systems Ltd 11 Harold Close, The Pinnacles, Harlow, Essex CM19 5TH Tel: 01279 431400 Fax: 01279 431144 Email: sales@tesltd.org Web: www.tesltd.org Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABCEFGILMNSUWYZ Contracted Out: TX Specialist Group: RACHP

United House, Goldsel Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 8EX Tel: 01322 665522 Fax: 01322 612834 Email: kowen@unitedhouse.net Web: www.unitedhouse.net Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: I Specialist Group: HAPS

United Refrigeration Southern Ltd Suite 11, 8-9 Rodney Road, Rodney Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO4 8BF Tel: 02392 814774 Fax: 05600 498841 Email: info@unitedrefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.unitedrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIN Specialist Group: RACHP

Valigroup Ltd

Guildford Road, Bucks Green, Rudgwick, West Sussex RH12 3JF Tel: 01403 823111 Fax: 01403 822999 Email: rogerbrowning@tugwellheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1978 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: LW

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions


United House Ltd


Tugwell Heating Co Ltd

Contract Division, , 57-63 Farnham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4RY Tel: 01753 574111 Fax: 01753 824226 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947

33 Stockmore Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1JT Tel: 01865 242708 Fax: 01865 798347 Email: enquiries@uniheatoxford.co.uk Web: www.uniheatoxford.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHILMNV Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: HAPS

3 New Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4QJ Tel: 01634 818333 Email: tom@valigroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AGHIJKZ Contracted Out: BCDEFLMNOPQRSUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Vear M & E Services Ltd

Unit 3, Mayflower Close, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 4AR Tel: 02380 252931 Fax: 023 8024 6536 Email: veargroup@btinternet.com Web: www.vearbuilding.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ACHISYZ Contracted Out: BEFJKLMNQRTUVWX Specialist Group: RACHP

VES Andover Ltd

Eagle Close, Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 4NF Tel: 0844 815 6060 Fax: 023 8026 1204 Email: info@ves.co.uk Web: www.ves.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCEFGIJSTUVZ Contracted Out: DN Specialist Group: SFG

W W M Refrigeration Ltd

26 Stanton Harcourt Ind’l Est, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire OX29 5UX Tel: 01865 884333 Fax: 01865 881818 Email: info@wmaircon.co.uk Web: www.wmaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABINV

Warburton Building Services Ltd Chandler House, Cumnor Road, Farmoor, Oxford OX2 9NS Tel: 01865 864040 Fax: 01865 864723 Email: james@warburton.co.uk Web: www.warburton.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1980 In-House: EGHILMSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDFJKNOPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Wessex Electricals (Shaftesbury) Ltd Wincombe Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PJ Tel: 01747 852878 Fax: 01747 850996 Email: general@wessex.org Web: www.wessex.org Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHLMNOPRUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFT

Wessex Renewable Energy Rosewood House, Wincombe Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PJ Tel: 01747 858866 Fax: 01747 853664 Email: mike.wood@wessex.org Web: www.wessex.org Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: INOPZ Contracted Out: LRVW Specialist Group: SFG

Wing’s Technical Services Ltd

Unit 3, Glenmore Business Park, Aerodrome Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO13 0FJ Tel: 01329 282888 Fax: 01329 282810 Email: shirley@wings-technical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: GLMSUYZ Contracted Out: ABTW Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

Watford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

Wiggenhall Industrial Estate, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 0FT Tel: 01923 227726 Fax: 01923 233525 Email: alex.oliver@watref.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

Watkins Mechanical Ltd

Leigh Road, Haine Industrial Estate, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5EU Tel: 01843 852277 Fax: 01843 852657 Email: tony.murphy@watkins-group.co.uk Web: www.cwatkins.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHJKMOPRX Contracted Out: LUWYZ

Watret & Co Ltd

65/67 Park Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 2PE Tel: 01727 873765 Fax: 01727 875304 Email: david@watret.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

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B&ES Members \ South East

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


South West If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

South West of England Region

Regional Manager: Martin Prince Flat 5 Links Court, 2 Moorland Road, Weston SuperMare, Somerset BS23 4HN Tel: 01934 420139 Email: martin.prince@b-es.org


Units 1 & 2, The Old Gas Works, Chuley Road, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7DH Tel: 01364 652570 Fax: 01364 654861 Email: admin@airms.co.uk Web: www.airms.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEFINST Contracted Out: CGHLMUVWXZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Ace General Engineering (Cornwall) Ltd

Quarry Park Road, Newquay, Cornwall TR7 2NY Tel: 01637 873324 Fax: 01637 876904 Email: info@aceeng.co.uk Web: www.aceeng.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CEFI Contracted Out: D

Air Improve Ltd

Unit 93 Christian Mill Business Park, Tamerton Foliat Road, Crown Hill, Plymouth PL6 5BS Tel: 01752 269000 Fax: 01752 269001 Email: jeremylant@airimprove.ltd.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABEFINV Contracted Out: CT Specialist Group: RACHP

Alan Manchip Electrical

Inwood Farm, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater, Somerset TA5 1HY Tel: 01278 733536 Fax: 01278 732626 Email: paul@alanmanchip.co.uk Web: www.alanmanchip.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABDEHILOUZ Contracted Out: CFGNTY Specialist Group: RACHP


Air Management Solutions Ltd Unit 1 & 2 The Old Gas Works Chuley Road, Ashburton Devon TQ13 7DH Tel: 01364 652570 Fax: 01364 654861 Email: admin@airms.co.uk Web: www.airms.co.uk

With over 30 years’ experience in the design, installation and maintenance of environmental control systems including temperature control systems & air conditioning systems for all areas of your environment including server rooms. We offer our customers a commitment to quality based on our experience and expertise. We are available for emergency work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are ‘fully certificated’, ensuring our customers peace of mind when using our services and all engineers have enhanced CRB disclosures. We offer the following services: • Air Conditioning • Installation & Service • Heat Pumps • Ventilation • Heat Recovery • Duct Work Cleaning

Almeda Facilities Ltd

Redwood House, Bristol Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2WB Tel: 0117 937 6320 Fax: 0117 986 1104 Web: www.almeda.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEFGHJLMNSTUVZ Contracted Out: CDIKOPQRWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Amser Building Services Limited Unit 13, Pacific Business Park Pacific Road, Cardiff CF24 5HJ Tel: 029 2049 9639 Email: info@amser.co.uk Website: www.amser.co.uk

Amser have a commitment to excellence providing synergetic and flexible solutions for their clients and offer a ‘one stop shop’ solution.

Amark Pipe Services Ltd

Unit 4a, Easton in Gordano, Bristol BS20 0NH Tel: 07748 705597 Email: amark@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GJKM

Austin (Heating & Air Conditioning) Ltd

The Old Dairy, 59 Radnor Street, Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 3PS Tel: 01793 536871 Fax: 01793 491691 Email: jra@austinheat.com Web: www.austinheat.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: GHILMNOPRUV Contracted Out: ABWZ Specialist Group: RACHP, HAPS

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B&ES Members \ South West B

Brothwell Irvine Ltd

Britannia Works, Magdalene Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 4AF Tel: 01803 298028 Fax: 01803 298029 Email: info@bibse.co.uk Web: www.bibse.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIJKLM Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

B & H Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd

429 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2QW Tel: 0117 915 9998 Fax: 0117 915 9998 Email: sales@bhplumbing.co.uk Web: www.bhplumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: HIJ


B & P Buswell Ltd

Compton Barn, Compton, Paignton, Devon TQ3 1TA Tel: 01803 872717 Fax: 01803 875750 Email: heating@buswells.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHIJKLMOPQRSUVW Contracted Out: ABNTZ Specialist Group: SFG

Chiller Technical Solutions Ltd

24 Westcourt Drive, Oldland, Bristol BS30 9RU Tel: 0117 932 1992 Fax: 0117 932 1937 Email: sales@chiller-ts.co.uk Web: www.chiller-ts.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABNS Contracted Out: CGIMT

Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Clancy Building Services Ltd

Stratton House, 39 Cater Road, Bishopsworth, Bristol BS13 7UH Tel: 0117 983 2000 Email: mjchael.lealan@bbesl.com Web: www.bbsl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Unit 1, Llanthony Business Park, Llanthony Road, Gloucester GL2 5QT Tel: 01452 530090 Email: john@clancybuilders.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: EFGJMSTUV Contracted Out: IW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Cleaning Concerns

Bestaire Conditioning Ltd

Unit 2, Wessex Business Centre, Wedmore Road, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3EJ Tel: 01934 741174 Fax: 01934 741141 Email: info@bestaire.co.uk Web: www.bestaire.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABIN

Booth & Bomford (Evesham) Ltd

Unit 2, Mead Park Industrial Estate, Mead Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7EF Tel: 01242 588220 Fax: 01242 227777 Email: richardcotterell@boothbomford.co.uk Web: www.boothbomford.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GHIJMSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Willcock House, Southway Drive, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5LW Email: nigel.dawson@briggs.uk.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

Britchards Ltd

19 St Pauls Road, Torquay TQ1 3QD Tel: 01803 324023 Email: cleaningconcerns@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Cooks Plumbing & Heating Ltd

The Workshop, Lemon Place (rear of 101 Queen Street), Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2BD Tel: 01626 332233 Fax: 01626 330070 Email: chris.cooksplumb@btconnect.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHILMNOPQRVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Cool-Therm (Holdings) Ltd

Unit 5 Trubody’s Business Park, London Road, Bridgeyate, Bristol BS30 5NA Tel: 0117 961 0006 Fax: 0117 947 8642 Email: ken.strong@cooltherm.co.uk Web: www.cooltherm.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: RACHP

Cool-Therm (UK) Ltd

Unit 5 Trubody’s Yard, 121 London Road, Bridgeyate, Bristol BS30 5NA Tel: 0117 961 0006 Email: rob.young@cooltherm.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Climatic Engineering Ltd

1 Cannon Road, Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6SH Tel: 01626 203686 Fax: 01626 203687 Email: sales@climaticengineering.co.uk Web: www.climaticengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABEGHIJMOPSVZ Contracted Out: CDFT

Unit 7a St Martins’s Industrial Park, Moorend Farm Avenue, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 0RS Tel: 0117 982 3890 Fax: 0117 982 3891 Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GJKMV Contracted Out: ACDEFILOPQRUWYZ

D C Butcher & Co

Unit 7, Churcham Court, Church Lane, Churcham, Gloucester GL2 8AF Tel: 01452 750075 Fax: 01452 750191 Email: d-butcher@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: AGHIJLMSY


24 Honiton Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3ED Tel: 01392 757499 Email: info@dancold.co.uk Web: www.dancold.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABNV Contracted Out: CDEF Specialist Group: RACHP

Design Installation Service Ltd Gainsborough House, 42-44 Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7HJ Tel: 01242 533120 Fax: 01242 221187 Email: ccroome@dis-ltd.co.uk Web: www.disgroup.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GIMNY Contracted Out: ABUV

D 1 3 5 7

Clearwater Technology Ltd

1200 Aztec West Business Park, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4SH Tel: 01454 612000 Fax: 01454 612290 Email: lucy.williams@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CMB Bristol Ltd

Unit 26 Venture Twenty, Brympton Way, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HP Tel: 01935 412244 Fax: 01935 433210 Email: Richard.Butt@britchards.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIMNPSV Contracted Out: ABDEFLOWZ Specialist Group: HAPS


Bristol Branch, Anglo Office Park, Hollybrook Estate, Clarence Road, Bristol BS15 1PB Tel: 0117 907 2918 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Dancold Limited

24 Honiton Road Exeter, Devon EX1 3ED Tel: 01392757499 Email: info@dancold.co.uk Website: www.dancold.co.uk Dancold ltd specialise in the installation, servicing and maintenance of all types of refrigeration and air conditioning. We employ only qualified and competent engineers to ensure we maintain a high standard of service. Our maintenance contract packages include a 24 hour call out service as standard.

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

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Euroflo Group Ltd

E J Heating & Eng Co Ltd

37 Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2BJ Tel: 0117 965 3703 Fax: 0117 965 3783 Email: malcolm@ejheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GHIMQ Contracted Out: ACFLNUWZ

ECG Facilities Services

Satellite House, Satellite Business Park, Crews Hole Road, Bristol BS5 8AG Tel: 01698 828778 Fax: 0117 9553 457 Email: facilities@ecg-maint.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJKMNSWZ Contracted Out: CDEFILTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Edward Bays Ltd

The Bungalow, Highworth Road, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 8BL Tel: 01793 782472 Fax: 01793 784797 Email: info@edwardbays.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: GHMV Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 3b Greystoke Business Centre, High Street, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PY Tel: 01275 818106 Fax: 01275 818551 Email: euroflo.eng@btconnect.com Web: www.euroflogroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: VW Specialist Group: SFG




Transfer House, 14-16 Dixon Road, Brislington Trading Estate, Bristol BS4 5QW Tel: 0117 972 5791 Email: jquigley@europa-services.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: ABGHIJLMNOPQRSVWXYZ Contracted Out: CDEFKTU Specialist Group: SFG

Unit B1, Bath Bridge Business Park, Bath Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4SZ Tel: 01278 455266 Fax: 01278 455269 Email: gary@gtbs.co.uk Web: www.gtbs.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABGHMRSUV Contracted Out: CIT Specialist Group: SFG

5 Three Corners Close, Camelford PL32 9QB Tel: 01840 211179 Email: gcscsw@btopenworld.com Web: www.gcscsw.co.uk Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: VHB

Green Man Environmental Services Ltd

Mill House, Ketford, Dymock, Gloucestershire GL18 2BL Tel: 01531 890685 Fax: 0870 383 6604 Email: paul.boon@greenmangroup.org Web: www.greenmangroup.org Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABHJKLMNQRUVZ Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: RACHP

Greens Hygiene & Maintenance Ltd

38 Woodbridge Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2EU Tel: 07773 360409 Email: david@elementenergy.uk.com Web: www.elementenergy.uk.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABHINSV Contracted Out: CDEFGJKLMOPQRUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Engineering Energy Ltd

Creswicke House, 9-11 Small Street, Bristol BS1 1DB Tel: 0117 954 4770 Fax: 0117 933 8616 Email: leecoombes@engineering-energy.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABFGLMNSV

Unit B, Yeo Bank Business Park, Kenn Road, Clevedon, Somerset BS21 6TH Tel: 01275 877146 Fax: 01275 877445 Email: terry@envira-mech.co.uk Web: www.envira-mech.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHIJMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

6 Dial Lane, Downend, Bristol BS16 5UH Tel: 0117 970 1930 Fax: 0117 970 1931 Email: design@hesflo.co.uk Web: www.hesflo.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: I Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: RACHP

Hewer Facilities Management Ltd

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Element Energy Systems Ltd



Hesflo (Installations) Ltd

G T Building Services Ltd

65 Sisna Park Road, Estover, Plymouth, Devon PL6 7AE Tel: 01752 696777 Fax: 01752 696779 Email: mike@ecs-sw.org.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: DEGHIJLMNOZ Contracted Out: ACFSTUVWXY

Envira-Mech Services Ltd

5 Fernhurst Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS5 7FG Tel: 0117 972 3322 Fax: 0117 972 3358 Email: meredith@fulton.com Web: www.fulton.com Year Joined: 2008

Europa Nationwide Technical Services Ltd

Kestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7AN Tel: 01275 390428 Fax: 01275 390427 Email: adrianh@fphurley.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CGHIJKMPSX Contracted Out: ABDEFILNOQRTUVWYZ

Electrical Contracting Services (SW) Ltd

Fulton Boiler Works (GB) Ltd

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Queens Road, Bridgend Industrial Estate Bridgend, Bridgend County CF31 3UT Tel: 01656 661151 Fax: 01656 645477 Email: bridgend@fphurley.co.uk Web: www.fphurley.co.uk We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical and Plumbing installations to a wide range of industrial and commercial premises throughout the UK. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

Unit 1a, Wilton Street, Millbridge, Plymouth, Devon PL1 5LT Tel: 01752 562500 Fax: 01752 562500 Email: info@greenshygiene.co.uk Web: www.greenshygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

H Harbridge Sheet Metal Ltd

Philip Street, St Philips Marsh, Bristol BS2 0TA Tel: 0117 977 8850 Fax: 0117 977 5145 Email: enquiries@harbridge-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CEFY Contracted Out: DI Specialist Group: DWG

39/41 Hatherley Road, Gloucester GL1 4PN Tel: 01452 525854 Fax: 01452 330030 Email: info@hewerfm.co.uk Web: www.hewerfm.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: HIJKLNOPRSUYZ Contracted Out: ACEFTVW Specialist Group: SFG

I J Cannings & Son Ltd

Stratford House, Waterbridge Court, Matford Park Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 8EX Tel: 01392 279354 Fax: 01392 276335 Email: david@ijcannings.co.uk Web: www.ijcannings.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABGHIJKMNSTVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Ian Hobbs Technical Services Ltd 40a Charlton Lane, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Somerset BA3 4DB Tel: 01761 414356 Fax: 01761 414778 Email: ian@ianhobbs.com Web: www.ianhobbs.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABEGHJKLMNOPSUYZ Contracted Out: FTW Specialist Group: RACHP

IMEC Solutions Ltd

Apson House, 3 Manchester Park, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 9EJ Tel: 01242 518026 Fax: 01242 518046 Email: enquiries@imec-solutions.co.uk Web: www.imec-solutions.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHIJKLMNPRSTUVWZ Contracted Out: CDEFOQXY

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 8 Blenheim Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter EX2 8PW Tel: 01392 825980 Fax: 01392 825981 Email: vince.davies@integral.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: AGHIMYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Members \ South West Integral UK Ltd

1290 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4SG Tel: 01454 278900 Fax: 01454 278940 Email: paul.salmons@integral.co.uk Web: www.integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIMWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWX Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, MC

Intoheat Ltd

Unit 6 & 7, Short Way, Thornbury Industrial Estate, Thornbury, South Gloucester BS35 3UT Tel: 01454 414540 Fax: 01454 415848 Email: craig.timbrell@intoheat.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: AIKNSZ Contracted Out: GLMOPRTUWXY

Intoheat Ltd

Unit 56 Base Point Business Centre, Yeoford Way, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter EX2 8LB Tel: 01392 826180 Email: exeter@intoheat.co.uk Year Joined: 1989



Lorne Stewart plc

Keyplan Engineering Ltd

764-766 Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3UA Tel: 0117 965 9461 Fax: 0117 958 3683 Email: r.iles@keyplaneng.co.uk Web: www.keyplaneng.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGHIMN Contracted Out: CDEJKLOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

L Lawton (Building Engineering Services) Ltd

Chaloners Road, Braunton, North Devon EX33 2ES Tel: 01271 816990 Fax: 01271 816995 Email: enquiries@lawton-bes.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEFGHIJKLMNPSVWZ Contracted Out: CDTU

Linaker Ltd

J P Services (SW) Ltd

Unit 7, Kenn Court Business Park, Roman Farm Road, Hengrove, Bristol BS4 1UL Tel: 0117 964 2640 Fax: 0117 964 2639 Email: enq@jpssw.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: DEFGHIJKMSX Contracted Out: ABCLNOPQRTUVWYZ

Jasun Envirocare Plc

Riverside House, Parrett Way, Colley Lane Industrial Estate, Bridgewater, Somerset TA6 5LB Tel: 02392 644700 Fax: 023 9264 4677 Email: shaun@jfilters.com Web: www.envirocare-services.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

JCW Energy Services Ltd

18 Osprey Court, Hawkfield Way, Hawkfield Business Park, Bristol BS14 0BH Tel: 0117 952 2571 Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

Just Air Conditioning Ltd

PO Box 1927, Bristol BS37 0AW Tel: 0845 894 5077 Fax: 0845 894 5078 Email: wayne@justairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CDEFUVZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Cribbs Business Centre, Hollywood Tower Mansion, Hollywood Lane, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol BS10 7TW Tel: 0117 959 3245 Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGHLMSUZ Contracted Out: NTWY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit C4, Linhaty Business Park, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7UP Tel: 01364 654477 Email: peter.bastin@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABFGHIJKMNOPRSUVYZ Contracted Out: CDEHOPQR Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart Services

Lorne Stewart plc

Unit 4, Linhay Business Park, Ashburton, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 7UP Tel: 01364 654477 Fax: 01364 651250 Email: peter.phillis@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDGHIJKMZ Contracted Out: ABEFILNOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Lorne Stewart plc

8 Whetstone Court, Davy Way Waterwells Business Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AQ Tel: 01452 727350 Fax: 01452 725183 Email: eamonn.dunne@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHIJKMUVWXZ Contracted Out: AFLNOPQRUVW Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Unit 1, Offices 5, 6, 7, Tower Lane Business Park, Tower Lane, Warmley, Bristol BS30 8XT Tel: 0844 980 1944 Fax: 0844 980 1660 Email: rob.chamberlain@mfmgroup.co.uk Web: www.mfmgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHIJMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFKLOPQRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Lorne Stewart Services, 1 Broad Walk, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2QT Tel: 0117 972 3172 Fax: 0117 9723102 Email: peter.black@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABFS Contracted Out: NW Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Mechanical Engineering Services (Avon) Ltd


Mike Couling Pipework & Engineering Services

MacWhirter Western Ltd

Unit 2, Chatto Road Industrial Estate, Chatto Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 4UE Tel: 01803 314566 Fax: 01803 313473 Email: cool@mac-western.co.uk Web: www.macwhirter.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABINSV Specialist Group: RACHP

Lorne Stewart plc

The Old Packing Shed, Barncoose, Gwennnap, Nr Redruth, Cornwall TR16 6BJ Tel: 01209 860199 Fax: 01209 860291 Email: peter.phillis@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornesteart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDGHJKMZ Contracted Out: BCDEFOPQRTWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Mannings Facilities Management Ltd


South West Office Unit 12 Higgins Ind Units, Station Road Portbury, Bristol BS20 7TN Tel: 01275 375 515 Website: www.macwhirter.co.uk At MacWhirter we specialise in the service, maintenance, design and installation of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation and heat pump systems. We pride ourselves on our committed and effective approach which enables us to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction are achieved. With over 130 years of experience, we continually strive to explore the most up-to-date industry solutions available, allowing us to be at the forefront of our chosen fields, giving you, the customer, unrivalled confidence in us to succeed even with the most challenging of projects.

William Street, St Philips, Bristol BS2 0RG Tel: 0117 941 1021 Fax: 0117 941 2079 Email: a.stone@mes-avon.co.uk Web: www.mes-avon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGIJKLMNRSUVZ Contracted Out: OPQW Specialist Group: SFG

Cross Tree House, High Street, Kempsford, Fairford, Gloucestershire GL7 4EU Tel: 01285 810456 Fax: 01285 810456 Email: michaelcouling@supanet.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: CDEFGHIJKLMRVW Contracted Out: OPQ Specialist Group: HAPS

Mitchells (Gloucester) Ltd

88 Bristol Road, Gloucester GL1 5XA Tel: 01452 302206 Fax: 01452 302106 Email: garrion.leeds@mitchells-glos.co.uk Web: www.mitchells-glos.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: ABEFGHIJLMNSUVZ Contracted Out: CTW Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (South West)

5 Hanover Court, Manston Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter EX2 8PF Tel: 01392 829200 Fax: 01392 701446 Email: eric.harris@mitie.com Year Joined: 1987 Specialist Group: SFG

N N G Bailey Ltd

Causeway House, Lodge Causeway, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3HE Tel: 0117 965 5271 Fax: 0117 965 9712 Email: oliver.shadbolt@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

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Neptune Building Services Ltd

Meadow House, 12 Sabre Close, Green Farm, Quedgeley, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL2 4NZ Tel: 01452 429820 Fax: 01452 429821 Email: mail@neptunebs.co.uk Web: www.neptunebs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABDEFGHIJMNOPSZ Contracted Out: CKLTUW Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

Newquay Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

Moorland Road Industrial Est, Indian Queens, St Columb, Cornwall TR9 6JP Tel: 01726 860799 Fax: 01726 860868 Email: info@newquayrefrigeration.co.uk Web: www.newquayrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: Specialist Group: RACHP

Norland Managed Services Ltd

130 Aztec, Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4UB Tel: 01454 629666 Email: dan.knight@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGIMSZ Contracted Out: FW Specialist Group: SFG

Nuttall Ltd

6 Newlyn Avenue, Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9 1BP Tel: 0117 968 2369 Email: enquiries@nuttall-engineering.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: I Contracted Out: ABGJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

O Octagon Heating Services Ltd

91 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5HE Tel: 0117 957 5557 Fax: 0117 957 5789 Email: julian@ohssservices.co.uk Web: www.ohsservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GHILMNPRVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Overclean Ltd

2 Flightways Business Park, Dunkerswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RD Tel: 01404 41333 Fax: 01404 44517 Email: sue@sharp-bs.co.uk Web: www.overclean.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: V Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB



Property Solutions Management Group Ltd

Priddy Engineering Services Ltd

Central House, 101 Central Trading Estate, Pertherton Road, Bristol BS14 9BZ Tel: 0117 370 2600 Fax: 0117 329 431 Email: andrew.blunsdon@priddyengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GIJMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQSTUVWX Specialist Group: HAPS, DWG

Project Heating Co Ltd

Unit 4, Norman Court, Budlake Road, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PY Tel: 01392 215790 Fax: 01392 431528 Email: david.tripp@projectheating.co.uk Web: www.projectheating.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: BDEFGHLMNPRSVW Contracted Out: ACIOTUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

24 Bickford Close, Barrs Court, Bristol BS30 8SF Tel: 0844 415 0610 Fax: 0844 415 0611 Email: j.silcox@idealmes.co.uk Web: www.psmg-uk.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: LS Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIMTUVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

R R.T.S. Engineering (Somerset) Ltd Unit 6, Sedgemount Industrial Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4AR Tel: 01278 457294 Fax: 01278 453772 Email: rts@rtsengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: GM Contracted Out: ABILNQRSTVWYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

RLBS Building Facilities Ltd

PowerNaturally Ltd

Mercury House, Johnson Road Ferndown Industrial Estate Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7SE Tel: 01202 855804 Fax: 01202 897131 Email: sales@powernaturally.co.uk Website: www.powernaturally.co.uk PowerNaturally is an MCS approved installer of ASHP, GSHP, Solar Thermal and Solar PV products. We offer a complete package from design to commissioning as well as working with partner installers accredited through our own technical college. We are members of RECC, B&ES and the GSHP Association, providing full confidence to our customers on the quality of the work we undertake. We are approved partner installers for Mitsubishi, Daikin and Danfoss / Thermia, all market leading manufacturers with the back up of long term warranties. Our work includes projects from large 5 star hotels, multiple apartment blocks, commercial offices and community projects, through to individual homes.

5 Carisbrooke Road, Eggbuckland, Plymouth, Devon PL6 5PW Tel: 01752 696628 Fax: 01752 696298 Email: ryan@rlbs.co Web: www.rlbsbuildingfacilities.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDFGIMSUVXZ Contracted Out: EJKTY Specialist Group: RACHP

S S K Heating and Cooling Ltd

229 Bristol Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL1 5TL Tel: 0845 075 1000 Fax: 0845 075 1001 Email: info@skheatingandcooling.co.uk Web: www.sk-aircon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABFGIMNOPRSV Contracted Out: LTUWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Shepherd Engineering Services Ltd

SES West & Central Division, 190 Aztec West, Park Avenue, Bristol BS32 4TP Tel: 01454 627150 Email: ncox@ses-ltd.co.uk Web: www.ses-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: MC


Unit 3 Vander House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4YQ Tel: 0845 271 2782 Email: info@sherwoodsonline.co.uk Web: www.sherwoodsonline.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHMNOSTUVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFIJKLPQRWX

Shires Building Services Ltd

Sarnia House, High Street, Rowde, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2ND Tel: 01380 725981 Fax: 01380 727010 Email: office@sbs-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GHIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPRSTUVWXYZ

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

Satellite House, Blackswarth Road, St George, Bristol BS5 8AG Tel: 0117 954 1175 Fax: 0117 955 1672 Email: ray.phillips@skanska.co.uk Web: www.skanska.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1947 In-House: GIJMRSVXYZ Contracted Out: ABKLNOPTUW Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Spie Ltd

80 Macrae Road, Ham Green, Bristol BS20 0DD Tel: 01275 373227 Year Joined: 1965 Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Sprague & Ouseley Ltd

1 Knowle Business Units, Silverton Road, Matford Park, Marsh Barton, Exeter, Devon EX2 8HD Tel: 01392 825930 Fax: 01392 825629 Email: info@spragueandouseley.co.uk Web: www.spragueandouseley.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1971 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMNPRSTVWZ Contracted Out: UY Specialist Group: HAPS, DWG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Central Region, Faraday Road, Dorcan, Wiltshire SN3 5EY Tel: 01793 516159 Email: mick.fisher@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIJKLMNRSXZ Contracted Out: CDEFLTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ South West T


T Clarke (Bristol) Ltd

Unitary Engineering Services Ltd

Unit 1 Montpelier Central Business Park, Station Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EE Tel: 0117 944 0550 Fax: 0117 944 0558 Email: ellis.john@tclarke-bristol.co.uk Web: www.tclarke-bristol.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHJMXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLNOPQRSTUVWY

1 Stephen Street, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9DY Tel: 0117 955 8364 Fax: 0117 941 2747 Email: info@unitaryengineering.com Web: www.unitaryengineering.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: DEFGHIJLMSTV Contracted Out: ABCKNOPQRUWXYZ

Total Environmental Kooling Ltd

523a Gloucester Road, Horfield, Bristol BS7 8UG Tel: 0117 952 3355 Fax: 0117 951 4486 Email: sales@tek.uk.com Web: www.total-environmental.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEGHIJNOS Contracted Out: LMUWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Trios Compliance Ltd

Colburn House, Querns Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 2036 5365 Fax: 0870 8036 5365 Email: rod.hall@triosgroup-co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AGHMSUWYZ

V Vent-Tech Ltd

32 Bonville Business Centre, Brislington, Bristol BS4 5QR Tel: 0117 971 2163 Fax: 0117 300 9736 Email: adrian.sims@vent-tech.co.uk Web: www.vent-tech.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: EISTV Specialist Group: DWG

Vertdegree Ltd

Unit 6, Sheldon Business Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0SQ Tel: 01249 447700 Fax: 01249 655566 Email: mick@vertdegree.co.uk Web: www.vertdegree.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GHIKR

Vision Hygiene Services Ltd St Nicholas House, 31 High Street, Bristol BS1 2AW Tel: 0117 315 5129 Email: paul.stone@VHServices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABEFSTVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Trios Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

1610 Park Avenue, Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4UA Tel: 01454 240071 Fax: 01454 626443 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947

W Watertite Heating Ltd

Unit 10, Bartlett Court, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2NZ Tel: 01935 474009 Fax: 01935 433934 Email: jdw@watertiteheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNRSUVW Contracted Out: OPQTXYZ

- Established 1987 -

Watertite Heating Ltd

Units 9 & 10, Bartlett Court Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil Somerset BA20 2NZ Tel: 01935 474009 Fax: 01935 433934 Email: info@watertiteheating.co.uk Website: www.watertiteheating.co.uk The Design, Installation and Servicing of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Renewable Technologies & Public Health Services for; l Industrial & Commercial Organisations l Main & Local Building Contractors l Local Authorities l Health Authorities l Public Sector Offices

Covering the Southern Counties, South East, South West & Wales.

Westford Mechanical Ltd

Environment House, Unit 2 Venture Way, Priorswood Industrial Estate, Taunton, Somerset TA2 8DG Tel: 01823 323000 Fax: 01823 323202 Email: info@westfordmechanical.co.uk Web: www.westfordmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EGHILMPSV Contracted Out: ABCDFJNQRTUWYZ


62 Footshill Road, Hanham, Bristol BS15 8EZ Tel: 0117 9671836 Fax: 0117 935 2106 Email: mdwyatt@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GN Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP, DWG

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A A Clean Services Ltd

Berry Field House, Lodge Road, Caerleon, Newport, Gwent NP18 3QW Tel: 01633 891471 Email: alancresswell2010@gmail.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

ACS Wade Ltd

Unit B6, Pinfold Industrial Estate, Rhyl, Denbighshire LL18 2YR Tel: 01745 342998 Fax: 01745 336006 Email: ofedge@acswade.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNRSTUVWY Contracted Out: OPQXZ Specialist Group: DWG

Action Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 2 Ringside Business Centre, Heol Y Rhosog, Rumney, Cardiff CF3 2EW Tel: 029 2079 8488 Fax: 029 2079 8484 Email: info@actionairconditioning.co.uk Web: www.actionairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABN

AER Cymru Cyf

Unit 10, Cookes Industrial Estate, Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd LL48 6LT Tel: 01766 770222 Fax: 01766 770612 Email: will@aercymru.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ACDEFGHJLMNOPRSUWYZ Contracted Out: ITV

AET Extraction Ltd

Caligo Court, Unit 52, Springvale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 5BB Tel: 01633 875520 Fax: 01633 875540 Email: aet@webster.uk.net Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDEFIST Contracted Out: AJKNXZ Specialist Group: DWG


Wales Region

National Executive Officer: Andrew Marchant Garden House, Tyle House Close, Llanmaes, Vale of Glamorgan CF61 2XZ Tel: 01446 790159 Email: andrew.marchant@b-es.org

Air Conditioning Systems Wales Ltd ACS Unit, Brittania House, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 3GG Tel: 029 2086 6700 Fax: 029 2086 6621 Email: jamiedownes@btconnect.com Web: www.acswales.net Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABINSUV Contracted Out: HTYZ

Almac Engineering (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Unit 8, Papermill Road, Canton, Cardiff CF11 8DH Tel: 029 2023 0815 Fax: 029 2023 0791 Email: richie.owens@almacengineering.com Web: www.almacengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: CEF Specialist Group: DWG

Airpro Systems (Holdings) The Old Mill, 14a Ty Wern Road, Rhiwhina, Cardiff CF14 6AA Tel: 029 2069 5120 Fax: 029 2069 5129 Email: joanna@airpro.co.uk Web: www.airpro.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCF Specialist Group: DWG

Airtech Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1B, Gallagher Retail Park, Parc Pontypandy, Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgan CF83 3GX Tel: 029 2086 7604 Fax: 029 2086 0730 Email: gary.crane@airtechventilation.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDEFIY Specialist Group: DWG

Allied Mechanical Engineering Ltd Unit M4 Southpoint Industrial Estate, Foreshore Road, Cardiff CF10 4SP Tel: 029 2047 0097 Fax: 029 2047 0098 Email: nickb@amegroup.co.uk Web: www.amegroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DGHIKLMSVW Contracted Out: ABCEFJNOPQRTUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Allied Mechanical Engineering Ltd

Lakeside House, Lakeside Court, Llantarnam Park Way, Cwmbran, Gwent NP44 3GA Tel: 01633 486976 Email: paul@amegroup.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DGHIKLMSVW Contracted Out: ABCEFJNOPQRTUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Amroc Heating Services Limited

Melrose Close Swansea Enterprise Park Swansea SA6 8QE Tel: 01792 700820 Fax: 01792 797867 Email: jason@amrocheating.co.uk Website: www.amroc-heating-services.co.uk We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical and Plumbing installations and maintenance to a wide range of commercial industrial and residential premises thought out the UK. We offer high quality workmanship through skilled tradesmen, which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are qualified and experienced in Gas, Oil & LPG. We are growing in a planned manner, with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction at the forefront of our philosophy.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Wales C

Amroc Heating Services Ltd

Melrose Close, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea SA6 8QE Tel: 01792 700820 Fax: 01792 797867 Email: jason@amrocheating.co.uk Web: www.amroc-heating.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: AGLM

Cool Solution Refrigeration Ltd

C & F Electrics Ltd

Brookside Office, Rassau Road, Rassau, Ebbw Vale NP23 5BL Tel: 01495 304674 Fax: 01495 350333 Email: cfelect@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: EFGHLMNOPQRSTUVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDJKWX Specialist Group: SFG

Amser Building Services Ltd Unit 13, Pacific Business Park, Pacific Road, Cardiff CF24 5HJ Tel: 029 2049 9639 Email: amserbs@gmail.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDGHLMORWYZ Contracted Out: ABEFIJKNPQSTUV Specialist Group: HAPS

CMB Engineering

Ground Floor 1 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd Pengam, Tremorfa, Cardiff CF24 2SA Tel: 029 2036 0434 Fax: 029 2036 0454 Email: mclarke@cmbeng.co.uk Web: www.cmbengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: AGJKMVX Contracted Out: CDEFIOPQRUYZ

CMB Renewables Ltd

Newby Business Centre, Neath Abbey Business Park, Neath, West Glamorgan SA10 7DE Tel: 01793 818022 Fax: 01793 813077 Email: bjarman@cmbeng.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABI

Amser Building Services Limited Unit 13, Pacific Business Park Pacific Road, Cardiff CF24 5HJ Tel: 029 2049 9639 Email: info@amser.co.uk Website: www.amser.co.uk

CMB West Ltd

1st Floor, Newby Business Centre, Neath Abbey Business Park, Neath SA10 7DR Tel: 01792 818022 Fax: 01792 813077 Email: pdavies@cmbeng.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GJKMVX Contracted Out: ACDEFIOPQRUYZ

Amser have a commitment to excellence providing synergetic and flexible solutions for their clients and offer a ‘one stop shop’ solution.



Bridgend Branch, Unit 42, Enterprise Centre, Bryn Road, Tondu, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9BS Tel: 0117 907 2918 Year Joined: 2007 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP


4 Cae Garn, Heol-y-Cyw, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF35 6LD Tel: 01656 865551 Fax: 01656 865586 Email: info@bbhsltd.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: FGHJLMSVW Contracted Out: I

Britewater Ltd

Commissioning Strategies Ltd

Apex Centre, Clywedog Road South, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, Clwyd LL13 9XS Tel: 01978 660010 Fax: 01978 660020 Email: graham.ibbottson@britewater.co.uk Web: www.britewater.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GTVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Eclipse House, Coronation Road, Cardiff CF14 4QY Tel: 0844 870 7700 Fax: 0844 870 7710 Email: info@commissioning-strategies.co.uk Web: www.commissioning-strategies.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: VW

Comyn Ching & Co (Solray) Ltd

Solray Works, Phoenix Way, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 9WF Tel: 01792 892211 Fax: 01792 898855 Email: sales@solray.co.uk Web: www.solray.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: G

Unit F2, Southpoint Industrial Estate, Foreshore Road, Cardiff CF10 4SP Tel: 029 2049 3111 Fax: 029 2049 3444 Email: matthew.williams@cool-solution.co.uk Web: www.cool-solution.c.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABNP Specialist Group: RACHP

Cool-Therm (Wales) Ltd

Unit 5 & 6 Maritime Court, Bedwas House Industrial Estate, Caerphilly, South Glamorgan CF83 8HU Tel: 029 2088 7077 Fax: 029 2088 7066 Email: ken.strong@cooltherm.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABN

Ecofit Energy Systems Ltd

10 Maes y Wennol, Miskin, Nr Pontyclun, Rhonda Cynon Taff CF72 8SB Tel: 01443 225642 Email: sales@ecofitenergy.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ILOP Contracted Out: QRV

Evans Maintenance Services Ltd Derby House, 29 Castle Street, Caergwle, Wrexham, Clwyd LL12 9AD Tel: 01978 760000 Fax: 01978 762447 Email: sales@evans-maint.co.uk Web: www.evans-maint.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: FGHLMNRSTVW Contracted Out: ABCD Specialist Group: SFG

Crown House Technologies

Building 2, Wern Fawr Lane, The Eastern Business Park, St Mellons, Cardiff CF3 5XA Tel: 029 2077 5040 Fax: 029 2077 5041 Email: atonkin2@crownhouse.com Web: www.crownhouse.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1904 In-House: GHJKMNUXYZ Contracted Out: ABCNOPQSTY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

D Dragon Air Conditioning Ltd

13 Knights Walk, Castle Maen, Caerphilly, Mid Gamorgan CF83 2XN Tel: 029 2086 2760 Fax: 029 2115 5082 Email: k.markall@btinternet.com Web: www.dragonairconditioning.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEFGHINSTV Contracted Out: HM

Duct Hygiene Ltd

4 Bridge Business Centre, Ash Road South, Wrexham LL13 9UG Tel: 01978 664800 Fax: 01978 664221 Email: info@ducthygiene.com Web: www.ducthygiene.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

E E Poppleton & Son Ltd

Conway Road, Colwyn Bay, Conwy LL28 5HL Tel: 01492 546061 Fax: 01492 544076 Email: gareth@poppleton.co.uk Web: www.poppleton.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: CDEFT Specialist Group: DWG

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



I F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Heol Parc Mawr, Cross Hands Business Park, Cross Hands, Carmarthenshire SA14 6RE Tel: 01269 831191 Fax: 01269 831185 Email: crosshands@fphurley.co.uk Web: www.fphurley.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CGHIJKMPX Contracted Out: ABDEFLNOQRSTUVWYZ

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Queens Road, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, Bridgend County Borough CF31 3UT Tel: 01656 661151 Fax: 01656 645477 Email: philliph@fphurley.co.uk Web: www.fphurley.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CGHJKMPSX Contracted Out: ABDEFLNOQRTUVWYZ

Flamerite Ltd

Unit 12a, Tremarl Industrial Estate, Llandudno Junction, Llandudno, Gwynedd LL31 9PN Tel: 01492 573355 Fax: 01492 573037 Email: peter@flamerite.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1987 In-House: AGHJKLMRS Contracted Out: CEFLTXZ Specialist Group: SFG

I.S.T.L. Engineering Ltd

1a Dale Avenue, Birchgrove, Cardiff CF14 4QQ Tel: 029 2052 0073 Fax: 029 2052 0074 Email: admin@istlengineering.co.uk Web: www.istlengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIKLMOPRVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJNQSTUWX

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 17, Tremarl Industrial Estate, Llandudnow Junction, Gwynedd LL31 9NF Tel: 01492 573100 Fax: 01492 573015 Email: malcolm.grace@integral.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIM Contracted Out: BCDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 9 Ty Nant Court, Morganstown, Radyr, Cardiff CF14 8LW Tel: 029 2081 5110 Fax: 029 2081 5120 Email: steve.collins@integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGIM Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUX Specialist Group: SFG



J C Matthews Heating Engineers

G G T Thomas & Son Ltd

The Haggard, Llangwm Hill, Llangwm, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 4NG Tel: 01437 890920 Fax: 01437 891566 Email: info.ggthomasandson@btconnect.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GHKLNPRV Contracted Out: ABCDFIUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

H H & V Fusion & Drilling Ltd

Bridge Terrace, Newbridge, Gwent NP11 5FE Tel: 01495 247805 Fax: 01495 247367 Email: info@hvfusion.com Web: www.hvfusion.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: JK

Highland Electrix (Bridgend) Ltd

1a Attlee Street, Brynmenyn Industrial Estate, Bridgend CF32 9TQ Tel: 01656 720330 Fax: 01656 720402 Email: info@highland-services.com Web: www.highland-services.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ACEGHIMNOPSUVZ Contracted Out: BDLW


JCW Energy Services Ltd

Edward Row, Deri, Bargoed, Mid Glamorgan CF81 9HA Tel: 01443 831869 Fax: 01443 833531 Email: colin.matthews@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: CFGHLMOP Contracted Out: V

J D Heating Plumbing & Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 13, Greenhill Court, Springmeadow Business Park, Cardiff CF3 2ES Tel: 029 2079 9700 Fax: 029 2079 9666 Email: jstark@jdheating.co.uk Web: www.jdheating.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABN Specialist Group: HAPS

J W & E Morris & Son Ltd

Morris House, South Road, Industrial Estate, Bridgend CF31 3RB Tel: 01656 653705 Fax: 01656 679164 Email: mechanical@jwmorris.co.uk Web: www.jwmorris.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: EGHIJKLMSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDFNTUVWX

1st Floor Unit 8, Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs Business Park, Cardiff CF15 7NE Tel: 029 2052 0720 Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

JRS Mechanical Services Ltd

Enterprise House, Pensarn Industrial Estate, Abergele, Conwy LL22 7SF Tel: 01745 826717 Fax: 01745 827628 Email: sales@jrs.co.uk Web: www.jrs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHJKLMSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFINOPQRTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

K K S Barry (Plumbing & Heating) Ltd The Old Courtyard, 8A Kingston Road, Canton, Cardiff CF11 6HU Tel: 029 2041 2171 Fax: 029 2041 2170 Email: enquiries@ksbarry.com Web: www.ksbarry.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHLMOPRVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKNQSTUXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS



Head Office, Cardiff Unit 8, Melyn Mair Business Centre Wentloog Avenue, Cardiff CF3 2EX Tel: 02920 685 020 Website: www.macwhirter.co.uk At MacWhirter we specialise in the service, maintenance, design and installation of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation and heat pump systems. We pride ourselves on our committed and effective approach which enables us to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction are achieved. With over 130 years of experience, we continually strive to explore the most up-to-date industry solutions available, allowing us to be at the forefront of our chosen fields, giving you, the customer, unrivalled confidence in us to succeed even with the most challenging of projects.

Lorne Stewart plc

Lorne Stewart House, Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs Business Pk, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7NE Tel: 029 2069 4800 Fax: 029 2069 4801 Email: cyril.locke@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABFHINUZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJLNOPQRSTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG, MC

M M A Cooper Projects Ltd

Unit 53, Third Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Clwyd CH5 2LA Tel: 01244 533004 Fax: 01244 539664 Email: paulrowe@macprojects.co.uk Web: www.macprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHLNOPQRUVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKSTWX Specialist Group: HAPS

MacWhirter Ltd

Unit 8, Mellyn Mair Business Centre, Wentloog Avenue, Cardiff CF3 2EX Tel: 029 2068 5020 Fax: 029 2068 5030 Email: tony.macwhirter@macwhirter.co.uk Web: www.macwhirter.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABEFHIJNSTVY Contracted Out: CDGKLMRUWZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Margden Heating Ltd

Unit 1, The Croft, Alltami Road, Buckley, Flintshire CH7 3PG Tel: 01244 550681 Fax: 01244 550562 Email: margden@btconnect.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: IJKMR Contracted Out: ABCDEFLUVWYZ

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Wales) Mitie House, Springmeadow Business Park, Mardy Road, Rumney, Cardiff CF3 2ES Tel: 01222 361963 Fax: 01222 361968 Email: john.green@mitie.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Wales)

Ground Floor Offices, Redwood Court, Tawse Business Park, Phoenix Way, Enterprise Park, Swansea SA7 9LA Tel: 01792 793663 Fax: 01792 793711 Year Joined: 1989

MVR Solutions Ltd

Unit 4, Mariner Way, Felnex Industrial Estate, Newport, Gwent NP19 4PQ Tel: 01633 281200 Email: info@mvrsolutions.co.uk Web: www.mvrsolutions.co.uk Year Joined: 2012 Specialist Group: SFG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Wales N N G Bailey Ltd

2 Cae Gwyrdd, Green Meadow Springs Business Park, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7AB Tel: 029 2052 8400 Fax: 029 2052 8448 Email: richard.james@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

Narbeths Mechanical Services Ltd 49 Main Avenue, Brackla Industrial Estate, Bridgend, Glamorgan CF31 2AZ Tel: 01656 669980 Fax: 01656 669995 Email: glen@narbeths.com Web: www.narbeths.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: EGHIM Contracted Out: ABCDFJKLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ


Rainbow International (Swansea)

Taranis Engineering Ltd

Unit 2 Llwyn-y-graig, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 9WG Tel: 01792 895111 Fax: 01792 899171 Email: louise@amicoholding.co.uk Web: www.rainbow-int.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 Specialist Group: SFG, DWG, VHB

Riverside Industrial Equipment Ltd Trews Field Estate, Tondu Road, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 4LH Tel: 01656 656541 Fax: 01656 662077 Email: chris.john@riverside.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCDEFGHJKLMNSWXZ Contracted Out: IOPQRTUVY Specialist Group: RACHP

Roperhurst Ltd

P Parker Environmental Services Ltd Unit 11, The Polo Grounds Industrial Estate, New Inn, Pontypool, Torfaen NP4 2JX Tel: 01495 753600 Fax: 01495 755335 Email: enquiries@parkerenvironmental.co.uk Web: www.parkerenvironmental.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CDEFGI Specialist Group: DWG

Pearce Elite Plumbing & Heating Ltd (Brynwood) Millers Avenue, Brynmenyn Industrial Estate, Brynmenyn, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9TD Tel: 01656 842517 Email: gareth@pearceeliteplumbing.com Web: www.centralheatingsouthwales.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHLNP Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKMOSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Ty Verlon Industrial Estate, Cardiff Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 2BE Tel: 01446 732555 Fax: 01446 732666 Email: enquiries@roperhurst.com Web: www.roperhurst.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: CDEJKSVW Specialist Group: DWG

Office 7, Tai Tywyn Business Centre, Sandy Lane, Prestatyn, Denbighshire LL19 7SF Tel: 01745 859222 Fax: 01745 859122 Email: sales@premiercleanukltd.co.uk Web: www.premiercleanukltd.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: F Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Old Abbey Forge, Monastery Road, Neath Abbey, Neath, West Glamorgan SA10 7DW Tel: 01792 818068 Fax: 01792 818069 Email: enquiries@purseyandball.co.uk Web: www.purseyandball.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABEGHIMNOP Contracted Out: CDF Specialist Group: HAPS

West Link Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 9, Fieldway, Heath, Cardiff CF14 6HY Tel: 029 2061 8922 Email: js@taraniseng.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CDEFGHLMOPTUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Thermal Engineering (Wales) Ltd Pipe House Wharf, 38 Morfa Road, Swansea SA1 2EJ Tel: 01792 655009 Fax: 01792 301774 Email: colin.briggs@btconnect.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: CDEF Contracted Out: A

Three Nations Ltd

Unit 6, Lakeside Park, Llantarnam Industrial Park, Cwmbran NP44 3XS Tel: 01633 486260 Fax: 01633 486274 Email: gary.smith@threenations.co.uk Web: www.djsrefrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit D3, West Point Industrial Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff CF11 8JQ Tel: 029 2071 2464 Fax: 029 2071 2200 Email: graham@homerite.org Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GM Specialist Group: HAPS

Whitehead Building Services Ltd Lanyon House, Mission Court, Newport, Gwent NP20 2DW Tel: 01633 242450 Fax: 01633 242451 Email: martyn@whiteheadbs.co.uk Web: www.whiteheadbs.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHMRSYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNOPQTUVWX

Williams PM Electrical Ltd

Williams House, West Point Industrial Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff CF11 8JQ Tel: 0845 634 7337 Fax: 029 270 9767 Email: steve@williamspm.com Web: www.williamspm.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: DEGHIKMOZ Contracted Out: ABCFJLNPQRUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

S S & G Air Conditioning Contracts Ltd

29d Park Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 6NX Tel: 01446 720404 Fax: 01446 743727 Email: info@sandgair.co.uk Web: www.sandgair.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIS Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

S W Heating Equipment Ltd

Premier Clean UK Ltd

Pursey & Ball Ltd


Environmental Centre, 98 Holmesdale Street, Grangetown, Cardiff CF11 7BU Tel: 029 2023 7654 Fax: 029 2023 7685 Email: dave@swgroups.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABNSTU Contracted Out: CDEFGILMZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Spie Ltd

Interserve Site, Children’s Hospital, University Hospital, Cardiff CF14 4XW Tel: 029 2039 3480 Web: www.spiematthewhall.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: IJKMYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOPQTUWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC

SSE Contracting Ltd

Wales & South West Region, Swalec Smart Energy Centre, Unit G15 Main Avenue, Treforest Industrial Estate, Treforest, Pontypridd CF37 5YL Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: BGHIJMNOPQRSVXZ Contracted Out: ACDETUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Trios Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane Cirencester, Glocestershire GL7 1RP Tel: 0870 20 365 365 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

W W Mullett Ltd

Taff Buildings, Harrowby Street, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 5HD Tel: 029 2048 8092 Email: wmullettltd@yahoo.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1973 In-House: GHILMPR Contracted Out: ABCDEFNUVZ

Wales Millennium Centre Ltd

Bute Place, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 5AL Tel: 029 2063 6463 Fax: 029 2063 6401 Email: keith.howells@wmc.org.uk Year Joined: 2011 In-House: OPS Contracted Out: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNQRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Williams PM Electrical Limited Williams House West Point Industrial Estate Cardiff CF11 8JQ Tel: 02920 713610 Fax: 02920 709767 Email: steve@williamspm.com Website: www.williamspm.com

We are a well established Mechanical & Electrical contractor based in Cardiff, delivering the full mechanical & electrical installation experience from design stage through to practical completion for various main contractors throughout South Wales. Our management team have all the necessary experience and skills to ensure all our customers have the utmost confidence that we can deliver. We carry out a wide range of installation works including, plumbing, heating, ventilation, electrical, specialist alarm works etc. We offer high quality installations throughout our business which is completed on time and within budget. Our customer base is extensive and is growing year by year.

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


West Midlands If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A Acme Contract & Consultancy Cleaning (Midlands) Ltd

Unit 2, Clearwater Industrial Estate, Ettingshall Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2JP Tel: 01902 352189 Fax: 01902 352189 Email: grace@acmecontractcleaning.com Web: www.acmecontractcleaning.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: F Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Acumen Industrial Services Ltd Unit E, Three Mile Trading Estate, Old School Lane, Hereford HR1 1EX Tel: 01432 344466 Fax: 01432 379168 Email: info@acumen07.co.uk Web: www.industrialservicesuk.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CDFGHJKMNSTX Specialist Group: HAPS

AGS Gas Ltd

Unit 24, Arden Business Centre, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6HW Tel: 01789 766200 Fax: 01789 766207 Email: agsgaslimited@btconnect.com Web: www.agsgasltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHLM Specialist Group: HAPS

Air Control & Development Ltd

Unit 5, ABS Business Park, Northgate, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands WS9 8TH Tel: 01922 455523 Fax: 01922 455528 Email: mick.r@aircontrol.co.uk Web: www.aircontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: FT Specialist Group: SFG


West Midlands Region

Regional Manager: Martin Prince Flat 5 Links Court, 2 Moorland Road, Weston SuperMare, Somerset BS23 4HN Tel: 01934 420139 Email: martin.prince@b-es.org

Altiga Ltd

Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Climate House, Somers Road, Rugby, Warwickshre CV22 7DG Tel: 01788 544880 Fax: 01788 540786 Email: susan.niner@altiga.co.uk Web: www.altiga.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CEFGJLMTUWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Trigen House, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull B90 8AB Tel: 0121 746 7900 Email: alaistair.green@bbesl.com Web: www.bbsl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Aquavent Environmental Services Ltd

Braywhite & Co Ltd

3c High Street, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 5AE Tel: 01789 400170 Fax: 01789 766248 Email: info@aquavent.co.uk Web: www.aquavent.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Assential Clean Ltd

2 Staple Hill Farm Cottages, Staple Hill, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9LH Tel: 01789 841291 Email: sales@assential-clean.co.uk Web: www.assential-clean.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

B Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Modular Systems, Woods Bank Estate, Woden Road West, Wednesbury, West Midlands WS10 7SU Tel: 0121 568 2800 Fax: 0121 568 2777 Email: steve.tovey@bbesl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Halligan Buildings, Johnstone Street, Birmingham B19 1SZ Tel: 0121 551 6001 Fax: 0121 551 7120 Email: faisal@braywhite.co.uk Web: www.braywhite.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABIJKNVZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

12 Quartz Point, Stonebrudge Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3JL Tel: 0121 379 8007 Email: neil.greensill@briggs.uk.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRSTUWXY

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd

10 Highdown Road, Sydenham Industrial Estate, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1XT Tel: 01926 463540 Fax: 01926 463541 Email: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: FI Specialist Group: DWG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ West Midlands C

Clear Managed Services Ltd

The Hollies, Holly Lane, Alverchurch, Birmingham B48 7HH Tel: 0845 601 9949 Fax: 0845 301 9949 Email: sue@clearmanagedservices.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: CDEFSTW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Carillion Services

8th Floor, 24 Birch Street, Wolverhampton WV1 4HY Tel: 01902 422431 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: graham.williams@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVX Specialist Group: SFG

Clearwater Technology Ltd

Carter Synergy Ltd

Redhill Road, Hay Mills, Birmingham B25 8EY Tel: 0121 250 1330 Fax: 0121 250 1331 Email: sales@cartersynergy.com Web: www.cpmuk-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGHIJLMNOPSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFKX Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1 Triumph House, Rigby Close, Heathcote Industrial Estate, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 6TL Tel: 01789 841665 Fax: 01789 841465 Email: caterquipvent@btconnect.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: CDFIV


Birmingham Branch, 2426 Regents Court, The Crescent, Birmingham Business Park, Solihull, Birmingham B37 7YE Tel: 0117 907 2918 Year Joined: 2007

Combined Energy Solutions Ltd

Unit B3, Brooke Street Business Centre, Brooke Street, Tipton, West Midlands DY4 9DD Tel: 0121 557 5835 Fax: 0121 557 3923 Email: peter.evans@combinedenergy.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: ABGIMOSUY Contracted Out: CDEFLWX Specialist Group: SFG

Celsius Solutions Ltd

Venture Point, Towers Business Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UZ Tel: 01889 580274 Email: rob.brookes@celsius-group.co.uk Web: www.celsius-solutions.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABINS Contracted Out: CDEFGHJLMTUVWZ Specialist Group: RACHP

CPL Service Response Ltd 11 Papermill End, Aldridge Road, Birmingham B44 8NH Tel: 0800 118 2503 Fax: 0121 332 1360 Email: timallen@cpl-group.co.uk Web: www.cpl-group.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGINSZ Contracted Out: CDEFMTWY Specialist Group: SFG

Chillaire Ltd

Unit 1, Veasey Close, Attleborough Fields Industrial Estate, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6RT Tel: 024 7632 0300 Fax: 024 7632 0400 Email: s.vickery@chillaire.co.uk Web: www.chillaire.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGINSV Contracted Out: CDEFHMTUXYZ

Crown House Technologies

Trinity Point, Trinity Street, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 4LA Tel: 01902 405403 Fax: 01902 403577 Email: jbaldwin@crownhouse.com Web: www.crownhouseengineering.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1904 Specialist Group: MC

Clean & Gleam (Midlands) Ltd

291 Holly Lane, Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands B24 9LE Email: ozgurerdinc@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: EFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Cleansafe Services (UK) Ltd

Dearham House, Saxon Business Park, Hanbury Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 4AD Tel: 01527 875700 Fax: 01527 875900 Email: info@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Custom Heat Ltd

Unit 49, Britannia Way, Britannia Enterprise Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9UY Tel: 01543 250303 Email: richard.billingham@cleansafeservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: F Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

164 Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2HL Tel: 01788 568752 Fax: 01788 540973 Email: office@custom-heat.co.uk Web: www.custom-heat.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHIM Specialist Group: HAPS

D Dakro Environmental Ltd

Astle House, 7b Waterfall Lane Trading Estate, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 6PU Tel: 0121 559 6431 Email: info@dakro.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GSTW Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Deepclean Hygiene Solutions Ltd Deepclean House, The Courtyard, Harris Business Park, Hanbury Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 4DJ Tel: 01527 559880 Fax: 01527 559885 Email: info@deepclean-hygiene.co.uk Web: www.deepclean-hygiene.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Diamond Facilities Support Ltd

Unit 4, St Philips Courtyard, Church Hill, Coleshill, Warwickshire B46 3AD Tel: 01675 463900 Fax: 01695 466255 Email: info@diamond-fs.com Web: www.diamond-fs.com Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: SFG

Eaton-Williams Group Ltd

Oldfields Business Park, Birrell Street, Fenton, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire ST4 3ES Tel: 01782 597190 Email: andrew.walker@eaton-williams.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGNSUV Contracted Out: CDEFHIMOPQRTV Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP


10 Tything Road West, Arden Forest Industrial Estate, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6EP Tel: 0844 736 0060 Fax: 0844 736 0070 Email: peter.day@eicltd.com Web: www.eicltd.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHIJKMSVZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRTUWXY

Envirotech Building Services Ltd

Unit 2 The Courtyard, Roman Way, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands B46 1HQ Tel: 0845 671 8271 Fax: 01675 467323 Email: paul@envirotechltd.co.uk Web: www.envirotechms.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHLMNORVW Contracted Out: ABCFIJKPSTUZ Specialist Group: SFG

Ducatt Building Services

Platts Road, Amblecote, Stourbridge, Dudley DY8 4YT Tel: 01384 440455 Fax: 01384 44045 Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1925 In-House: GKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJLNOPQRSTUVXYZ

Ductbusters Ltd

Prospect House, Victoria Road, Halesowen, West Midlands B62 8HY Tel: 0121 559 1555 Fax: 0121 559 8555 Email: enquiries@ductbusters.co.uk Web: www.ductbusters.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

E Eastwood Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 20, The Fort Industrial Park, Fort Parkway, Birmingham B35 7AR Tel: 0121 776 5440 Email: glynn.taylor@eastwoodgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCEHINSV Specialist Group: RACHP

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Estilo HVAC Ltd

Heating & Pipework Installations (Staffs) Ltd

Mitre Court, 38 Lichfield Road, Birmingham B74 2LZ Tel: 0870 062 7602 Email: oedwards@estilohvac.co.uk Web: www.estilointeriors.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABIN Contracted Out: GMSTUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Leigh House, Leigh Lane, Longbridge Hayes, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 4PB Tel: 01782 577022 Fax: 01782 575492 Email: mswindells@hpistoke.co.uk Web: www.hpibuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: IJKMV Contracted Out: LNRUWZ

Extraction Services Ltd

Heating & Pipework Installations (Stoke) Ltd

Unit 1, Gibbs Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 8SY Tel: 01384 897003 Fax: 01384 897004 Email: ian@extractionservices.com Web: www.extractionservices.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: CEFGMS Contracted Out: ABDIJKLNOPQRTUVWXYZ

Leigh House, Leigh Lane, Longbridge Hayes, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 4PB Tel: 01782 577022 Fax: 01782 575492 Email: pfrost@hpistoke.co.uk Web: www.hpibuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: IJKMV Contracted Out: LNRUWZ


Hockley Building Services Ltd Holly House, 9-11 Holly Lane, Marston Green, Birmingham B37 7AP Tel: 0121 685 4545 Fax: 0121 685 4546 Email: edwardtreacy@hockley-ltd.com Web: www.hockley-ltd.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABINSV Contracted Out: CDEFOPQRTUWYZ

Farrelly Building Services Ltd

386-388 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B73 5EZ Tel: 0121 382 9988 Fax: 0121 382 4155 Email: info@farrellyfacilities.co.uk Web: www.farrellyfacilities.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: AGIJKMNSXZ Contracted Out: BCDEFLTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Holborn Building Services Ltd

Flakt Woods Ltd

Unit 6240, Bishops Court, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham, West Midlands B37 7YB Tel: 0121 717 4680 Fax: 0121 717 4699 Email: karl.lowe@flaktwoods.com Web: www.flaktwoods.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Fretus Ltd

153 Leamington Road, Styvechale, Coventry, West Midlands CV3 6GT Tel: 024 7647 4040 Fax: 024 7647 4041 Email: markrowland@fretus.co.uk Web: www.fretus.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCEFHINSVZ Contracted Out: DGJKLMOPQRTUWXY

Howells Bradford Ltd

Parkfield Business Centre, Park Street, Stafford, Staffordshire ST17 4AL Tel: 0844 357 2302 Fax: 0844 357 7018 Email: extract@howellsbradford.co.uk Web: www.howellsbradford.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Contracted Out: EF Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Hydro Mechanical Services Ltd

H Heating & Associated Services Ltd

Wythall Business Centre, May Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, West Midlands B47 5PD Tel: 01564 829310 Fax: 01564 822033 Email: ian.ireland@has-uk.org Web: www.has-uk.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABFGMNSZ Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit G1, Castle Vale Enterprise Park, Park Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands B35 6LJ Tel: 0121 749 2555 Fax: 0121 749 2666 Email: nick.scragg@holborn-bs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ACGIMSU Contracted Out: FTY

Unit 1, 17 Reddicap Trading Estate, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B75 7BU Tel: 0121 378 4000 Fax: 0121 311 1523 Email: chrisjennings@hydrogroup.co.uk Web: www.hydrogroup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1979 In-House: DEGHIKMS Contracted Out: ACFLTUVWZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

Hygienic Cleaning Co (UK) Ltd 29 Albert Road, Worcester, Worcestershire WR5 1EB Tel: 01905 764171 Fax: 01905 764241 Email: j.lavenia@hygienic-ltd.co.uk Web: www.hygienic-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I Imtech Inviron Ltd

3100 Park Suite, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham B37 7YN Tel: 0121 779 7005 Fax: 0121 779 7063 Email: sandra.j.clay@imtechinviron.co.uk Year Joined: 1983

Industrial Refrigeration Services Ltd Berkeley House, Buntsford Park Road, Buntsford Hill Industrial Est, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 3DX Tel: 01527 577999 Fax: 01527 578300 Email: info@irs.co.uk Web: www.irs.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABNS Contracted Out: CIJKUZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Integral UK Ltd

1 Spring Road, Smethwick, Warley, West Midlands B66 1PE Tel: 0121 553 5511 Fax: 0121 553 5057 Email: mark.turner@integral.co.uk Web: www.integralservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIM Contracted Out: CDEFGJKLMSTUWX Specialist Group: SFG, MC

Interserve Engineering Services

Intersection House, 110 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 6RX Tel: 0121 500 5000 Fax: 0121 525 5574 Email: jim.jackson@interserve.com Web: www.interserve.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: GIMOSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNTUVWXY Specialist Group: MC

J J S Wright & Co Ltd

Atlas Building, 16 Portland Street, Aston, Birmingham B6 5RX Tel: 0121 322 4000 Fax: 0121 322 4001 Email: jswright@jswright.co.uk Web: www.jswright.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1930 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

K Klimatec Ltd

2 Lammas Centre, Budbrooke Industrial Estate, Warwick CV34 5WQ Tel: 01926 401745 Fax: 01926 479130 Email: pbibby@klimatec.co.uk Web: www.klimatec.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

Klingman Environmental Ltd Unit 8, 108 Croft Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7DN Tel: 024 7634 5222 Fax: 024 7674 3929 Email: services@klingman.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ACDEFST Specialist Group: SFG

L L Darby & Son Ltd

Torrington Avenue, Coventry CV4 9SX Tel: 024 7646 8101 Fax: 024 7646 6099 Email: office@ldarbyandson.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: M Contracted Out: ABILNQRSTUWXYZ

Lamont Environmental Projects Ltd Unit 5 Kingfisher Enterprise Park, Arthur Street, Lakeside, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 8LG Tel: 01527 519800 Fax: 01527 519801 Email: lamontprojects@lineone.net Web: www.lamentprojects.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991

Lord Combustion Services Ltd Senator House, 131 Dudley Road East, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3DU Tel: 0121 544 4191 Fax: 0121 544 1345 Email: service@lordcombustion.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHIJMS Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Lorne Stewart plc

Unit 3 Oak Tre Park, Burnt Meadow Road, North Moons Moat, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 9NW Tel: 01527 504550 Fax: 01527 504551 Email: eamonne.dunne@lornestewart.co.uk Web: www.lornestewart.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: AGHIJKMNSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDELTW Specialist Group: SFG, MC

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ West Midlands M

Mechanical & Ventilation Projects Ltd

M & E Maintenance Solutions Ltd

M & E House, 19 Cato Stret, Birmingham B7 4TS Tel: 0121 380 5630 Fax: 0870 123 1883 Email: stuartbutcher@memsolutions.co.uk Web: www.memsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGLMNOPSZ Contracted Out: IW Specialist Group: SFG

M D Enertech Ltd

Excelsior House, Buntsford Park Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 3DX Tel: 01527 900900 Fax: 01527 879074 Email: sales@enertech.co.uk Web: www.enertech.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: AGIMR Contracted Out: CDEFUVYZ

M.C.S Pipework Services Ltd

Unit 1A, Taverners Lane, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 2BA Tel: 01827 720700 Fax: 01827 720900 Email: macs.ltd@firstnet.biz Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: CEFGHMU Specialist Group: SFG

Major Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services Ltd Collin Lane, Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7PE Tel: 01386 858251 Fax: 01386 858425 Email: info@majorcooling.co.uk Web: www.majorcooling.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 1975 In-House: AN Specialist Group: RACHP

Measham Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd

142 Birmingham Road, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands WS9 0AH Tel: 01922 456567 Fax: 01922 456446 Email: enquiries@measham.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: GIJKMNOSWZ Contracted Out: CDEFLTUXY

Midland Commercial & Environmental Services Ltd

36 Albert Road, Millisons Wood, Coventry CV5 9AS Tel: 01676 522112 Email: mikepemberton@mcesuk.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABEGMRSTUWZ Contracted Out: IY Specialist Group: SFG

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Retail)

Unit 8, Acorn Park, Vernon Road, Halesowen B62 8EG Tel: 0121 559 5443 Fax: 0121 559 3007 Email: christiandawes@mcs-pipework.co.uk Year Joined: 2011 Specialist Group: HAPS

Maintenance & Contracting Specialist Ltd

12 Newfield Close, Solihull, West Midlands B91 2SH Tel: 0121 711 1677 Fax: 0121 711 1677 Email: at.mvp@blueyonder.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: CEFNSVY Contracted Out: DIJLOTUWZ Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 6, Berkeley Business Park, Wainright Road, Worcester, Worcestershire WR4 9FA Tel: 01905 759627 Fax: 01905 455665 Email: edward.gudgeon@mitie.co.uk Web: www.mitieengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGIKMSV Contracted Out: BCDEFHJLNOPQRTUWXYZ

Morreston Ltd

93 Arthur Street, Lakeside, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 8JY Tel: 01527 522783 Fax: 01527 522265 Email: admin@morreston.com Web: www.morreston.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCEGIJ Contracted Out: DKMSTUVWXZ

N N G Bailey Ltd

Etna House, Opus 1, 78 New Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3AY Tel: 0121 771 7171 Fax: 0121 771 7272 Email: tim.rew@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

Norland Managed Services Ltd

Coleshill Hous, 1 Station Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1HT Tel: 01675 432150 Fax: 01675 467490 Email: jason.upperdine@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGIMSTVW Contracted Out: IOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

NPower Business and Social Housing Ltd

1 Newlands Court, Attwood Road, Burntwood, Staffordshire WS7 3GF Tel: 0845 600 2039 Fax: 01543 495951 Email: carolyn@npower.com Web: www.spi-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHMNOPYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

NPower Business and Social Housing Ltd

Unit 1 Wheeler Road, Seven Stars Estate, Whitley, Coventry CV3 4LA Tel: 024 7621 7987 Fax: 024 7621 7982 Email: carolyn.sault@npower.com Web: www.spi-ltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHMNOPYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

P P & B Plumbing & Heating 19 Oaktree Rise, Codsall, South Staffordshire WV8 1DP Tel: 01902 844333 Fax: 01902 844333 Email: pbplumbhtg@aol.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: CDEGHIJLMNPSUVW Contracted Out: ABFKTXYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

POD Stainless Steel Products Ltd

Unit 25 Waterside Industrial Estate, Ettingshall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 2RQ Tel: 01902 494036 Fax: 01902 494822 Email: info@podstainless.co.uk Web: www.podstainless.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CFI Specialist Group: DWG

Pride Air Conditioning Ltd City Court, 161 Hospital Street, Newtown, Birmingham B19 3XA Tel: 0121 333 4417 Fax: 0121 333 4418 Email: steve@prideac.co.uk Web: www.prideac.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHIMNOS Contracted Out: LTUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

R R.H.F Heating Company Ltd 71-73 Enville Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1XW Tel: 01384 393694 Fax: 01384 393744 Email: mail@rhfheating.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABCGHIKLMNXZ Contracted Out: JSTUWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rapid Climate Control Ltd

Pathway Cleaning Ltd

Lamoc House, 7-9 Summerhill Terrace, Birmingham B1 3RA Tel: 0121 236 1448 Fax: 0121 236 2704 Email: info@pathwaycleaning.co.uk Web: www.pathwaycleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Unit 8 Portway Industrial Est, Alston Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2PP Tel: 0121 543 6200 Fax: 0121 544 0774 Email: rac@rapidclimatecontrol.com Web: www.rapidclimatecontrol.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABDGHMN Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP

Perrins Mechanical Services Ltd

React Cooling Services Ltd

57 Lower High Street, Wednesbury, West Midlands WS10 7AL Tel: 0121 556 3975 Fax: 0121 556 7544 Email: max@pmslimited.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: GIJKM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWXYZ

Pert Air Conditioning Ltd

Wharfside House, Ardath Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham B38 9PN Tel: 0121 486 4646 Fax: 0121 433 3953 Email: davidprice@pert-aircon.co.uk Web: www.pert-aircon.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIN Contracted Out: TUVWYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

719 Hagley Road West, Quinton, Birmingham B32 1DJ Tel: 0121 423 2325 Fax: 0121 423 3539 Email: tony@reactcooling.com Web: www.reactcooling.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABILNQV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKMOPRSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 13b, Thorn Business Park, Rotherwas, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 6JT Tel: 01432 378060 Fax: 01432 274702 Email: john.davies@rssac.co.uk Web: www.rssac.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABN Contracted Out: CEFT Specialist Group: RACHP

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



SW Turner Process & Mechanical Pipework Inst. Spec. Ltd


Quality House, Coneygre Road, Fisher Street, Tipton, West Midlands DY4 8XE Tel: 0121 557 4311 Fax: 0121 557 4314 Email: i.shorter@qualitygrp.co.uk Web: www.sheco.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEGHIJKMSUV Contracted Out: CDFLTWZ Specialist Group: SFG

24 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 7DB Tel: 01743 359888 Fax: 01743 245823 Email: mike@shropcool.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEFGHIKLMNSVZ Specialist Group: RACHP

263 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 6DT Tel: 0121 693 5575 Fax: 0121 693 5556 Email: contracts@tbsmech.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGIJMNPRS Contracted Out: CDEFKLOQTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Snug Heating Ltd

34 East Medway, Kitts Green, Birmingham B33 0AP Tel: 0121 783 1122 Fax: 0121 783 6940 Email: snugent@hotmail.com Web: www.snugheat.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: HIMN Specialist Group: HAPS

TDR (Mechanical Services) Ltd

Hartlebury Buildings, Tansey Green Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 4TL Tel: 01384 263463 Fax: 01384 76245 Email: contracts@tdrmechserv.co.uk Web: www.home.btclick.com/tdrmechserv/homepage Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLNOPRSTUVWXYZ

Spa Gas Ltd

Unit 1, 130 Worcester Road, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire WR9 8AN Tel: 01905 772020 Fax: 01905 794680 Email: anne.watton@spagas.co.uk Web: www.spagas.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHIJKLMNRSUVZ Contracted Out: FTW Specialist Group: HAPS

Temperature Control Ltd

Vulcan House, Lode Lane Industrial Estate, Solihull B91 2JY Tel: 0121 711 4989 Fax: 0121 711 4855 Email: birmingham@temperaturecontrol.co.uk Web: www.temperaturecontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGIJKNPSV Contracted Out: CFOZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Spectrum Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Ltd

Total Heating & Electrical Ltd

Faraday Court, 85 Summer Road, Erdington, Birmingham B23 6UT Tel: 0121 350 9929 Fax: 0121 350 4929 Email: info@spectrum-electrical.org.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIMZ Contracted Out: ALNOW

Unit 9, North Bank, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich, Worcestershire WR9 9AU Tel: 01905 795016 Fax: 01905 795016 Email: andrew@totalheatingelectrical.co.uk Web: www.totalheatingelectrical.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGHIJKLMNSTUVWYZ Contracted Out: X

Focus House, Focus Park, Ashbbourne Way, Cranmore Boulevard, Solihull, West Midlands B90 4QU Tel: 0121 713 8100 Fax: 0121 713 8199 Email: william.bones@spiematthewhall.com Web: www.spiematthewhall.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GIJKMSUYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEIKLNOPQTUX Specialist Group: SFG, MC


T T.B.S Mechanical & Electrical Design & Build Ltd

Shropshire Cooling Services Ltd

Spie Ltd

Unit F, The Wallows Industrial Estate, Wallows Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 1QB Tel: 01384 480386 Fax: 01384 571487 Email: info@swturner.com Web: www.swturner.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GJKMX

Trios Property Ltd

224-232 High Street, Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands B23 6SJ Tel: 0121 377 5604 Fax: 0121 377 5618 Email: rod.hall@triosgroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGHJKMSUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

Trios Group PLC

224-232 High Street, Erdington Birmingham, West Midlands B23 6SJ Tel: 0845 60 50 792 Email: enquiries@triosgroup.co.uk Website: www.triosgroup.co.uk Trios offer integrated solutions for compliance testing and M&E services (installation/servicing/maintenance) across the UK. Testing services cover all gas, electrical, air conditioning and fire equipment. Please quote ref: B&ES 2015

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

Hawthorn Business Centre, Halford’s Lane, Smethwick, Birmingham B66 1DW Tel: 0121 623 1000 Fax: 0121 558 2282 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions

Hillcrest Business Park, Cinderbank, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 9AP Tel: 01384 458993 Fax: 01384 482882 Email: tfis.marketing.uk@tycoint.com Web: www.tycofis.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1947

W W T Parker Ltd

24-28 Moor Street, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire DE14 3SX Tel: 01283 542661 Fax: 01283 536 189 Email: sdr@wtparker.co.uk Web: www.wtparker.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: BGHINOPRSZ Contracted Out: ACDEFJKLMTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Warmington Plumbing & Heating Ltd

38 Providence Street, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 6ED Tel: 024 7667 7225 Fax: 024 7667 7225 Email: enquiries@warmingtonplumbing.co.uk Web: www.warmingtonplumbing.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1992 In-House:-DGHILM Contracted Out: ABCEFKNOUVWXZ Specialist Group: HAPS

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



If you are trying to find full details of an Association member in a particular area, this section gives a regionby-region directory. B&ES provides a free online search service (www.b-es.org/locatemember/) designed to make it easy and quick to find B&ES member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a B&ES member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most B&ES members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.


Regional Manager: Neil Ashford 18 Greenhead Road Utley, Keithley BD20 6EA Tel: 01535 661567 Email: neil.ashford@b-es.org

Airedale Maintenance Services Ltd

A F Connell Ltd

1 Alfred Street, West Vale, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX4 8LT Tel: 01422 310400 Fax: 01422 310033 Email: garry.pickersgill@afconnell.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIJMNOPQRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLTUVWXY

ADM Systems (Ventilation) Ling Fields, Gargrave Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 1UX Tel: 01756 701051 Fax: 01756 701076 Email: bev@talktoadm.com Web: www.admsystems.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: DEIV Specialist Group: DWG

Advanced Stainless Fabrication Ltd

Samson Works, Blagden Street, Sheffield S2 5QT Tel: 0114 272 3939 Fax: 0114 272 6161 Email: alistair@asfmail.co.uk Web: www.kitchenextractioncanopy.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CDEFI Specialist Group: DWG

Aircon Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 10 Stadium Court, Barbot Hall Industrial Estate, Parkgate, Rotherham S62 6EW Tel: 01709 367001 Fax: 01709 363879 Email: robert@airconme.co.uk Web: www.aircon-refrigeration.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABFGINSV Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: RACHP


Yorkshire Region

Unit 5 Woodside Court, Clayton Wood Rise, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS16 6RF Tel: 01943 871333 Email: adam.wider@amslimited.uk.com Web: www.airedale.uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABHLNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFGIJKMTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Airtec Services (Yorkshire) Ltd

Unit 20, Low Mill, Low Mill Lane, Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire WF13 3LX Tel: 01924 495063 Fax: 01924 498550 Email: ianwhitaker@airtecservices.co.uk Web: www.airtecservices.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEINSV Contracted Out: KLTUWYZ

Alan Leighton (Hull) Ltd

The Courtyard, Tranby Croft, Tranby Lane, Anlaby, Hull, East Yorkshire HU10 7EF Tel: 01482 659305 Fax: 01482 659304 Email: mike@alanleightonhull.co.uk Web: www.alanleightonhull.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHLMNPRSW

Alpha Plus Ltd

336 Coleford Road, Darnall, Sheffield S9 5PH Tel: 0114 243 3594 Fax: 0114 242 6908 Email: steve.shepherd@alphaplusltd.co.uk Web: www.alphaplusltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1993 In-House: IJKRWX

Ambitemp (M & E) Ltd

Heritage Exchange, Wellington Mills, Wellington Street, Huddersfield HD3 3HR Tel: 01484 485330 Fax: 01484 485331 Email: info@ambitemp.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJMNRZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Aqua Interiors

Green Park House, 2a Colliers Way, ClaytoN West, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 9TR Tel: 01484 866866 Fax: 01484 860123 Email: paul.kester@aqua-interiors.com Web: www.aqua-interiors.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: HIJKLNOPZ Contracted Out: UVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Ardent Engineering Ltd

4 Providence Chapel, Beestonley Lane, Stainland, West Yorkshire HX4 9PN Tel: 01422 327236 Fax: 01422 327236 Email: ardentengltd@aol.com Web: www.ardentengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHIMRUV Contracted Out: Z Specialist Group: HAPS

Aspro Maintenance Ltd

PO Box 718, Halifax HX1 9NE Tel: 01422 649114 Fax: 01422 649114 Email: david@aspromaint.com Web: www.aspromaint.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABHZ Contracted Out: GM Specialist Group: SFG


40 Kingsley Crescent, Birkenshaw, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD11 2NL Tel: 01274 879810 Email: s4bcg@aol.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: CFT Specialist Group: DWG

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Yorkshire Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd

Clearwater Technology Ltd

Centenary House, Carrwood Park, Selby Road, Leeds LS15 4LG Tel: 0113 821 3400 Fax: 0113 287 8844 Email: phil.mcguire@bbesl.com Web: www.bbsl.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQRXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVY Specialist Group: SFG, MC, DWG

Spence Mills, Mill Lane, Bramley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS13 3HE Tel: 0113 236 0033 Fax: 0113 236 0069 Email: info@ccnac.co.uk Web: www.ccn-ac.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

4 Keighley Road, Ovenden, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 6QP Tel: 01422 383113 Fax: 01422 383117 Email: david@calderbuild.com Web: www.calderbuild.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: BILNOSV Contracted Out: CF Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 9, Temple Street Factory Estate, Hull HU5 1AD Tel: 01482 346386 Fax: 01482 346386 Email: cdservices@hotmail.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 4 ( 5 ) Hill Top Commercial Centre Houghley Lane, Bramley Leeds LS13 2DN Tel: 01132 570 887 Fax: 01132 573 981 Email: info@danimak.com Website: www.danimak.com

Crown House, 94 Armley Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 2EJ Tel: 0113 236 4640 Fax: 0113 243 3772 Email: enquiries@nationmaint.co.uk Web: www.nationmaint.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1972 In-House: ABGHIJLMNOPQRSVWXYZ Contracted Out: CDEFKTU Specialist Group: SFG

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers specialising in the commercial, leisure and retail sectors.

Unit 16, The Bull Commercial Centre, Stockton on the Forrest, York YO32 9LE Tel: 0845 021 8208 Fax: 0845 021 8209 Email: info@climatix-group.com Web: www.climatix-group.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCDEFGIJLMNSTUVZ Contracted Out: HWXY

Complete Pipework Services Ltd

36 Mildred Sylvester Way, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton, West Yorkshire WF6 1TA Tel: 01924 221733 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: diane.mckeith@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVXY Specialist Group: SFG

CDS Plumbing & Heating Ltd


Climatix Group Ltd

Calder Building Services (UK) Ltd

Carillion Services

Europa Nationwide Technical Services Ltd

Ghyllbeck House, Gill Lane, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7SE Tel: 0113 391 0999 Fax: 0113 391 0899 Email: carl@clg-projects.co.uk Web: www.clg-projects.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFNOPQRV Specialist Group: HAPS

C C N Ltd

The Square, 2 Broad Street, Castlegate, Sheffield S1 2BQ Tel: 01924 221733 Fax: 0844 244 5136 Email: diane.mckeith@carillionplc.com Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHILMNOPRSTUWYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKQVX

26 Churchill Grove, Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire WF16 0BW Tel: 01924 405239 Email: environserv@aol.com Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGMNSU Contracted Out: CIV

CLG Mechanical & Electrical Contractors Ltd


Carillion Services

Environmental Services (HVAC) Ltd

Unit 9, Elmfield Business Park, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2JY Tel: 0113 287 8380 Fax: 0113 286 8566 Email: info@clearwater.eu.com Web: www.clearwater.eu.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1995 In-House: TVW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

81 Pontefract Road, Hoyle Mill, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S71 1HF Tel: 01226 288186 Fax: 01226 786980 Email: geoffwaller@cpslimited.org Web: www.cpslimited.org Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIJKMV Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRSTUWXYZ

Crowther & Shaw Ltd

Unit 1, Queens Mill Industrial Estate, Queens Mill Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 3RR Tel: 01484 352000 Fax: 01484 352001 Email: m.gledhill@crowtherandshaw.co.uk Web: www.crowtherandshaw.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGNS Contracted Out: MUWZ Specialist Group: SFG

E Elite Building Services Engineering Ltd

The Bay House, Browgate, Baildon, West Yorkshire BD17 6YB Tel: 0844 335 6150 Email: a.iveson@elitegroupltd.co.uk Web: www.elitegroupltd.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJMRSZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Eliteco Managed Services Ltd


The Bay House, Browgate, Baildon, West Yorkshire BD17 6YB Tel: 0844 335 6150 Email: a.iveson@elitegroupltd.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGHJMRSV Contracted Out: CDEFIKLNOPQTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Derwent FM

Environmental Control Solutions Ltd

Hornbeam House, Hornbeam Park, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 8QT Tel: 01423 855982 Email: mandy.blackburn@derwentfm.eu Web: www.derwentfm.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

19 St Helier Grove, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 6SX Tel: 01274 581185 Fax: 01274 581185 Email: julie@environmentalcontrolsolutions.co.uk Web: www.environmentalcontrolsolutions.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABN Specialist Group: RACHP

1 3 5 7

Up to £25k Up to £100k Up to £500k Up to £10m

2 4 6 8

Up to £50k Up to £250k Up to £1m £10m and above


Air conditioning Refrigeration Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust ventilation Kitchen ventilation Commercial heating & plumbing Domestic heating, plumbing, Service & maintenance I Design & build J Pipework K Offsite prefabricated pipework / plant room L Underfloor heating M Commercial / industrial gas fitting N Renewable energy - Heat pumps O Renewable energy - Solar photovoltaics P Renewable energy - Solar thermal Q Renewable energy - Wind R Renewable energy - Biomass CHP S Facilities services & maintenance T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control systems V Commissioning / performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering Z Electrical contracting SFG Service & Facilities Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group MC Major Contractor HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group DWG Ductwork Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


F F R Scott Ltd

Canning Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU2 8QS Tel: 01482 324731 Fax: 01482 214290 Email: info@frscott.co.uk Web: www.frscott.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GJMVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLNUXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

Floway Pipe Services Ltd

Unit 5, Clayton Wood Close, Leeds LS16 6QE Tel: 0113 2242 033 Fax: 0113 2242 053 Email: paul@floway.co.uk Web: www.floway.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GMV Contracted Out: I

Fredshaw & Co Ltd

Hensall Mechanical Services Ltd

G E Griffiths Ltd

H Pickup Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd

HRL Airconditioning

Unit 44, Nortonthorpe Mills, Wakefield Road, Scissett, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD8 9LA Tel: 01484 863055 Fax: 01484 865377 Email: psnaith@gegriffiths.co.uk Web: www.gegriffiths.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: DGHIJKLMNPRSUVWXYZ Contracted Out: ACEFOQT Specialist Group: HAPS

Galloway Group Ltd

George Boulter & Co Ltd

G G & H Building Services Ltd Spence Mills, Unit 1 & 2a Mill Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3HE Tel: 0113 255 6433 Fax: 0113 255 6450 Email: stevefletcher@ghbs.me Web: www.ghbuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: V

Unit 2c Spence Mills, Mill Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3HE Tel: 0845 609 0334 Fax: 0845 609 0335 Email: stevefletcher@ghmaintenance.me Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GIJKMSXZ Contracted Out: LTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Durham House, Lower Clark Street, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 7PW Tel: 01723 369191 Fax: 01723 362044 Email: pickup@hpickup.co.uk Web: www.hpickup.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1919 In-House: DGHIJKLMRSVZ Contracted Out: ABCEFNTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS


Unit F4, Copley Trading Estate, Whitehall Road, Leeds LS12 1HE Tel: 0113 234 1971 Fax: 0113 244 5327 Email: steven.thomas@mw-hargreaves.net Web: www.hargreaves-ductwork.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CDEFIJKSTX Contracted Out: ABHNV Specialist Group: MC, DWG

Harkel Building Services Ltd

Greenhill Air Conditioning Ltd

HCS Mechanical Services


Heating & Pipework Installations (Leeds) Ltd

H & J Hitchen Ltd

Unit 1, Spence Mills, Bramley, Leeds LS12 3HE Tel: 0113 255 6433 Fax: 0113 255 6450 Email: andrewhudson@bhsustainability.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: INOPQR Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: DWG

Portland Works, Main Street, Hemingbrough, Selby, North Yorkshire YO8 6QF Tel: 01757 638262 Fax: 01757 630316 Email: nick@hfbrown.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GHIKLMPRVW Contracted Out: UZ Specialist Group: HAPS

53 Barkly Road, Beeston, Leeds LS11 7ER Tel: 0113 271 2111 Fax: 0113 277 3435 Email: george.boulter@btinternet.com Web: www.georgeboulter.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 1953 In-House: CEFI Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: DWG

Unit 21, Lucas Works, Sheffield, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2GG Tel: 01246 410510 Fax: 01246 410610 Email: pete@greenhillaircon.co.uk Web: www.greenhillaircon.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: AI Specialist Group: RACHP

G & H Maintenance Ltd


H F Brown & Son Ltd

Unit 14a & 14b, Moderna Business Park, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 5QQ Tel: 01422 883761 Fax: 01422 881856 Email: sales@gbaircontrol.co.uk Web: www.gbaircontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: AITV

Eightlands Well, Eightlands Road, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 2PF Tel: 01924 484848 Fax: 01924 484869 Email: rmann@gallowaygroup.co.uk Web: www.galowaygroup.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CEF Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: DWG

Victoria Buildings, Albert Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD1 3PR Tel: 01484 422625 Fax: 01484 430959 Email: howard@fshaw.co.uk Web: www.fredshaw.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1992 In-House: CEFIV Contracted Out: DT Specialist Group: DWG

G & H Sustainability Ltd

G B Air Control Ltd

9 North Street, West Yale, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX4 8DQ Tel: 01422 373742 Email: hughie@handjhitchen.co.uk Contract Size: 1 Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 6, Edmund Road Business Centre, Edmund Road, Sheffield S2 4ED Tel: 0114 279 2090 Fax: 0114 275 4493 Email: john@harkel.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHJKLMNSTUWXYZ Contracted Out: CDEFIOPQRV

2 Moxon Court, Thurston Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 2NG Tel: 01609 772001 Fax: 01609 771111 Email: pat@clarkesheating.co.uk Web: www.clarkesheating.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABEF Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 2, Gloucester Court, Gloucester Terrace, Leeds LS12 2ER Tel: 0113 263 0318 Fax: 0113 231 0687 Email: shayes@hpibuildingservices.co.uk Web: www.hpibuildingservices.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNSTUVWYZ

Roall Hall, Roall Lane, Eggborough, North Yorkshire DN14 0NA Tel: 01977 661318 Fax: 01977 662127 Email: enquiries@hensall.com Web: www.hensall.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABGIJKLMNSZ Contracted Out: CDEFOPQRTUVWXY

Unit 11, Temple Street Industrial Estate, Station Drive, Hull, East Yorkshire HU5 1AD Tel: 01482 348911 Fax: 01482 494344 Email: colin@hrlaircon.co.uk Web: www.hrlairconditioning Year Joined: 2011

I Imtech Engineering Services Central Ltd

RCM Business Centres, Sandbeds Trading Estate, Dewsbury Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire WF5 9ND Tel: 01924 277880 Fax: 01924 277884 Email: daniel.ball@imtech.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2003

Integral UK Ltd

Queens Street, Stourton, Leeds LS10 1SL Tel: 0113 272 8950 Fax: 0113 227 2339 Email: steve.johnson@integral.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGHIM Contracted Out: CDEFJKLNSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP, MC

Integrated Laboratory Services Ltd Unit 5 The Elm Unit, Thomas Gill Road New York Mills, Summerbridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG3 4LA Tel: 01423 781101 Fax: 01423 781698 Email: sales@fumecupboards-direct.com Web: www.fumecupboards-direct.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: DEI Specialist Group: DWG

J JCH Fabrications Ltd

Unit 9 - 10 Lessarna Court, Bowling Back Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 8ST Tel: 01274 739446 Fax: 01274 739446 Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CEFGS Specialist Group: DWG

JCW Energy Services Ltd

4 Carrwood Park, Selby Road, Leeds LS15 4LG Tel: 0113 372 0500 Year Joined: 2014 Specialist Group: RACHP

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members \ Yorkshire John Wright Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd

LX Engineering (North) Ltd

Unit 1, Common Road, Dunnington, York YO19 5PD Tel: 01904 424114 Fax: 01904 424115 Email: d.middleton@johnwrightelectrical.co.uk Web: www.johnwrightelectrical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHIMUZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLNOPQRSTVWXY

Pennine House, Sheffield 35a Business Park, Churchill Way, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35 2PY Tel: 0114 257 2400 Fax: 01142 572401 Email: john.norfolk@lxengineering.co.uk Web: www.lxengineering.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: GHIJMZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLNOPQRTUWXY



M & E Leeds Ltd

K Binks (Heating) Ltd

Environment House, Witty Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU3 4BH Tel: 01482 328979 Fax: 01482 213897 Email: sw@binksheating.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GIJKLMOPRSUVWXZ Specialist Group: SFG, HAPS

6 Bancroft Court, Henshaw Lane, Yeadon, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS19 7RW Tel: 0113 391 0607 Fax: 0113 250 5277 Email: barry@mandeltd.co.uk Web: www.ghe.me Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABHILUYZ Contracted Out: CDEFJKVWX

K R Martin Ltd

M Bielby Ltd

High Lodge, Gargrave Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 1UD Tel: 01756 798598 Fax: 01756 794940 Email: info@krmartin.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1981 In-House: DEGHILMNPW Contracted Out: ACU Specialist Group: HAPS

4 Cave Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU5 2TZ Tel: 01482 342653 Fax: 01482 447366 Email: damian@mbielby.com Web: www.mbielby.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GHJKMNSTUWXZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFILOPQRVY Specialist Group: SFG

Kitchen Hygiene Cleaning Services Ltd E10 Chamberlain Business Centre, Chamberlain Road, Hull HU8 8HL Tel: 01482 212955 Email: admin@khcsltd.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Knight Engineers Ltd

Bramble Croft, Howden Road, Silsden, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 0JB Tel: 0845 620 4422 Email: simon@knightengineers.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABDGHILMNSTUV Contracted Out: CEFJKOPQRWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

L LABcheck UK Ltd

Unit C, Upton Street Business Park, Upton Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU8 7DA Tel: 01482 606433 Fax: 01482 211034 Email: gary@labcheck.karoo.co.uk Web: www.labcheck.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CDEGHJKLMUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

M G Murphy Ltd

49 Kingston Road, Willerby, Hull HU10 6AD Tel: 01482 659140 Fax: 01482 659140 Email: info@mgmurphy.co.uk Web: www.mgmurphy.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHILMNUV Contracted Out: CDEJZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Machenair Ltd

Machenair House, Wakefield Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire WF5 9LB Tel: 0845 291 4005 Fax: 0845 291 4006 Email: robyn.parker@machenair.co.uk Web: www.machenair.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCDEFGHIMNOPT Contracted Out: JKLQRSUVWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP, DWG

Mansfield Pollard & Co Ltd

Parry Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 8TL Tel: 01274 774050 Fax: 01274 775424 Email: bob@manpo.co.uk Web: www.mansfield-pollard.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABCDEFIJKNTUV Contracted Out: GHLMOPQRSWXYZ Specialist Group: DWG

MAP Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1, Hanwiz House, Milner Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 9JF Tel: 01924 278175 Fax: 01924 278126 Email: john.medley@mapventilation.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CDEFIT

Mitton Mechanical Services Ltd Mackenzie House, 451 Cleckheaton Road, Low Moor, Bradford, Yorkshire BD12 0HS Tel: 01274 691177 Fax: 01274 691188 Email: projects@mittonmechanical.com Web: www.mittonmechanical.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GHIJKLMSUVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFOPRTWYZ Specialist Group: SFG

N N & P Climate Control Ltd Unit 4, Merrick Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU9 1NF Tel: 01482 219599 Fax: 01482 219971 Email: dean@nandp.uk.net Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDGHIJKNOSTUV Contracted Out: YZ

N G Bailey Facilities Services Ltd

7 Brown Lane West, Leeds LS12 6EH Tel: 0113 234 3443 Fax: 0113 222 3925 Email: andrew.barnes@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.baileymaintenance.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABHISUVYZ Contracted Out: CDEFOPRT Specialist Group: SFG

N G Bailey Ltd

7 Brown Lane West, Leeds LS12 6EH Tel: 0113 234 3443 Fax: 0113 234 3410 Email: paul.beeton@ngbailey.co.uk Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

N G Bailey Ltd

Denton Hall, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 0HH Tel: 01943 601933 Fax: 01943 816117 Web: www.ngbailey.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPRSUVXZ Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY Specialist Group: MC

N P Hire Ltd

Hourne House, Rotterdam Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, Hull HU7 0XD Tel: 01482 828585 Fax: 01482 834744 Email: ken.winter@nphire.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CDEFGHIJKLMSVWXZ Contracted Out: ABNTUY Specialist Group: HAPS

Norland Managed Services Ltd

Unit 1 Cliffe Park, Bruntcliffe Road, Morley, Leeds LS27 0RY Tel: 0113 259 7136 Fax: 0113 307 4689 Email: ian.burgin@norlandmanagedservices.co.uk Web: www.norlandmangedservices.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABGMS Contracted Out: ACDEGIJKLOPRTUVWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG

P Paul Winfield & Son Ltd

53 Summer Lane, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2NW Tel: 01226 297253 Email: sparkywin@googlemail.com Web: www.winfieldelectrical.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ Contracted Out: X Specialist Group: HAPS

Phoenix Mechanical Services Ltd 44 Wilson Street, Sheffield S3 8DD Tel: 0114 273 0737 Fax: 0114 272 4904 Email: admin@pms-sheffield.co.uk Web: www.pms-sheffield.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GJKMX Contracted Out: I

Proctor Heating Services Ltd

Culvert House, 4 Whiting Street, Sheffield S8 9QR Tel: 0114 258 6321 Fax: 0114 258 2874 Email: mark@proctorheating.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHIMPRV Contracted Out: ACDEF

Q Quality Environmental Services Ltd Unit 8, Neepsend Industrial Estate, 80 Parkwood Road, Sheffield S3 8AG Tel: 0114 272 8838 Fax: 0114 278 1575 Email: dave@qualityenvironmental.co.uk Web: www.qualityenvironmental.co.uk Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

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S R Black Plumbing & Heating Ltd

Freightliner Road, Hull, East Yorkshire HU3 4UW Tel: 01482 589010 Fax: 01482 585673 Email: stuart@srblack.com Web: www.srblack.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HLW Contracted Out: IJK Specialist Group: HAPS

R H Environmental Services Ltd 21 Bank Crest, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 5HB Tel: 01274 426728 Fax: 01274 412780 Email: tech@rh-es.co.uk Web: www.rh-es.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABINV Specialist Group: RACHP

Sayes & Co Ltd

Richardshaw Road, Stanningley, Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 6BR Tel: 0113 257 8411 Fax: 0113 256 9275 Email: nick.jackson@sayesltd.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1941 In-House: ABGIJKMNRV Contracted Out: CDEFHLOPQSTUWXYZ Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

R N Mechanical Ltd

35 Spennithorne Road, Mill Lane, Skellow, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN6 8PF Tel: 01302 723566 Fax: 01302 729682 Email: richard@rnmechanical.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKMNW Contracted Out: FLSTUVYZ Specialist Group: HAPS

Sayes Service Ltd

11a Ramshill Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO11 2LN Tel: 01723 370399 Email: ricknightingale@aol.com Web: www.nightingale.co.uk Year Joined: 2013 Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Richardshaw Road, Stanningley, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 6BR Tel: 0113 257 8411 Fax: 0113 256 9275 Email: nick.jackson@sayesltd.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHIMNRSUV Contracted Out: CDEFOPQTWZ Specialist Group: SFG

R V H M Ltd

Seba (UK) Ltd

R Nightingale Ltd

Unit X3 Drypool Way, South Orbital Trading Park, Hedon Road, Hull HU9 1NJ Tel: 01482 661276 Email: dean@rvhm.com Web: www.rvhm.com Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABTV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Rotary Yorkshire Ltd

Spa Industrial Estate, 4-5 Buslingthorpe Green, Meanwood Road, Leeds LS7 2HG Tel: 0113 262 0911 Fax: 0113 262 6342 Web: www.hastiegroup.com.au/ rotarygroupunitedkingdom Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHIJKMVYZ Contracted Out: ABCDEFLNOPQRSTUWX

S S & R Cleaning Ltd

Hamilton House, Cemetary Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD8 9TB Tel: 01274 362706 Email: info@sandrcleaning.co.uk Web: www.sandrcleaning.co.uk Contract Size: 4 Year Joined: 2012 In-House: EFST Contracted Out: ABCM Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Shouksmiths Maintenance & Refrigeration

Unit 3, The Courtyard, 110-118 Church Street, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 2JA Tel: 0113 271 5651 Fax: 0113 272 0928 Email: kgreen@shouksmiths.co.uk Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 1933 In-House: ABGHIJLMNPRSUVZ Contracted Out: CDEFOQTWXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Sonder Heating & Ventilation Ltd

The Duct Cleaning Co Ltd

Unit 52, Holme Bank Mills, Station Road, Mirfield, West Yorkshire WF14 8NA Tel: 01924 480856 Fax: 01924 491961 Email: sbenge@sonderheating.com Web: www.sonderheating.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: CDEFGMSTV Contracted Out: AK Specialist Group: SFG

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

New Hey Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD3 4BU Tel: 01484 460329 Fax: 01484 650039 Email: graham.wilkinson@sparksms.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABNSZ Contracted Out: LUWY

SSE Contracting Ltd

Oval House, 1a Oulton Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS26 0EA Tel: 0113 288 7986 Fax: 0113 288 7986 Email: ross@seba-uk.com Web: www.seba-uk.com Contract Size: 6 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: CFGHJKLMOPQRX Contracted Out: ABDEINSTUVWYZ

North Region, Unit 4 Astley Lane Industrial Estate, Astley Lane, Swillington, Leeds LS26 8XT Tel: 0113 276 5151 Email: darren.shelton@ssecontracting.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DFGHMSZ Contracted Out: ABCEFJKLNOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Shepherd Engineering Services Ltd

Unit B3, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park, Elland, West Yorkshire HY5 9DX Tel: 01422 377541 Fax: 01422 377165 Email: info@stroma-evolution.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGMNOPQRSUZ Contracted Out: CDEFJLTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Mill Mount Lodge, Mill Mount, York YO24 1GH Tel: 01904 629151 Fax: 01904 632195 Email: plewis@ses-ltd.co.uk Web: www.34w Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIMNOPQRSTV Contracted Out: JKLUWXYZ Specialist Group: MC

Shouksmith, J H & Sons Ltd

Unit 5, Shepcote Business Park, Europa Drive, Sheffield S9 1XT Tel: 0114 251 8000 Fax: 0114 251 8001 Email: ajm@shouksmiths.co.uk Web: www.shouksmiths.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1933 In-House: ABGHIJLMNPRSUVZ Contracted Out: CEFTWXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Shouksmith, J H & Sons Ltd

Murton Way, Osbaldwick, York YO19 5GS Tel: 01904 420170 Fax: 01904 420180 Email: ajm@shouksmiths.co.uk Web: www.shouksmiths.co.uk Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1933 In-House: ABDGHIJLMNPRSUVZ Contracted Out: CEFTWXY Specialist Group: SFG, RACHP

Temperature Control Ltd

Office 44, Sugar Mill, 432 Dewsbury Road, Leeds LS11 7DF Tel: 0113 395 6920 Fax: 0113 277 8502 Email: leeds@temperaturecontrol.co.uk Web: www.temperaturecontrol.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABILNPUV Contracted Out: CDEFLMTUWXYZ Specialist Group: RACHP

Stroma Evolution (Midlands) Ltd

T T Clarke Leeds Ltd

Low Hall Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4EF Tel: 0113 258 6711 Fax: 0113 239 0057 Email: andrew.meadley@tclarke.co.uk Contract Size: 8 Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCEGHIJMNRSZ Contracted Out: DFKLOPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: DWG

123 Eighth Avenue, Bridlington, East Yorkshire YO15 2LY Tel: 01262 679030 Email: rob@theductcleaningcompany.co.uk Web: wwwtheductcleaningcompany.co.uk Contract Size: 2 Year Joined: 2014 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

TWO Services Ltd

Brooklands Court, Tunstall Road, Leeds LS11 5HL Tel: 0113 2727523 Fax: 0113 272 7521 Email: margarita@two-services.com Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

V Ventilation Cleaning Services Ltd Unit 1, Hanwiz House, Milner Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 9JF Tel: 01924 261989 Fax: 01924 267712 Email: nicola.hardaker@vcservices.uk.com Contract Size: 3 Year Joined: 2009 In-House: T

W Watsons Building Services Ltd Watson House, Howden Road, Silsden, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 0HD Tel: 01535 652338 Fax: 01535 656851 Email: stuart@watsonsbs.com Web: www.watsonsbs.com Contract Size: 7 Year Joined: 1990 In-House: ABGHIJKMSVZ Contracted Out: CDEFLNOPQRTUWXY

Wright Bros Partnership Ltd

City Heating Works, Waverley Road, Darnall, Sheffield S9 4PL Tel: 0114 244 1807 Fax: 0114 243 9277 Email: steve.foster@wright-brothers.co.uk Contract Size: 5 Year Joined: 1960 In-House: AGJMNS Specialist Group: SFG

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B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Members’ Index An alphabetic index of B&ES member companies

238 B&ES Members’ Index

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


0-9 1st Cool Ltd

Eastern Counties

21 Degrees Ltd North East

21st Century Contracts Ltd Eastern Counties

24Seven Companies Ltd Eastern Counties

360 Engineering Ltd South East

Accurate Air Conditioning South East

Accurate Cooling Services Ltd South East 148

Ace General Engineering (Cornwall) Ltd


Acme Contract & Consultancy Cleaning (Midlands) Ltd

148 148 196

South West

West Midlands

Acorn Pressurisation Services Ltd Eastern Counties

ACS Group Maintenance East Midlands

ACS Renewable Solutions East Midlands

A A & M Industrial Cleaning Ltd South East

A & V Projects Ltd South East

A C Air Systems Ltd North West

A C Direct Ltd London

A C L Engineering Ltd South East

A C Maffre Heating & Plumbing South East

A C Preou Ltd London

A C R London Ltd London

A C Services Ltd South East

A C Solutions Group Ltd South East

A C Wilgar Ltd South East

A Clean Services Ltd Wales

A F Connell Ltd Yorkshire

A G O’Malley Ltd London


South West

A P Chant Plumbing & Heating Ltd South East

A T Services Ltd East Midlands

A Tech Heating Ltd Scotland

A1R Services Ltd South East

AB Refrigeration Contracting Ltd South East

Absolute Cool Heat Ltd North West

Absolute Mechanical Ltd Eastern Counties

ABW Heating Ltd South East

Accent Services (AC) Ltd London

Accolade Building Services Ltd South East


ACS Wade Ltd Wales

Action Air Conditioning Ltd Wales 196

Active Sustainable Energy Systems Scotland


Acumen Industrial Services Ltd West Midlands


ADC Environmental Services Ltd London


ADM Systems (Ventilation) Yorkshire



South East 196

Advanced 2000 Ltd South East


Advanced Building Management Ltd Eastern Counties


Advanced Control Solutions Ltd South East


Advanced Refrigeration Ltd Scotland


Advanced Stainless Fabrication Ltd Yorkshire


Advent Ductwork Systems Ltd London


AER Cymru Cyf Wales


Aerocool Ltd North West


AET Extraction Ltd Wales


AGS Gas Ltd

West Midlands 188

Ailsen Ltd

East Midlands 196

Aim Mechanical Services Ltd London


Air Ability Ltd East Midlands


Air Conditioning & Chiller Co Ltd East Midlands


Air Conditioning Projects Ltd London


Air Conditioning Solutions (UK) Ltd East Midlands


Air Conditioning Systems Wales Ltd Wales



224 148 144 144 220

Air Control & Development Ltd West Midlands

Air Cool Engineering Systems Ltd South East

Air Improve Ltd South East South West

Air Ref Ltd South East

Air Source Climate Control Ltd London


Eastern Counties

Airco Developments Ltd Scotland

Aircon Refrigeration Ltd North East Yorkshire


Aircon Services


Airconaire Ltd




Airedale Maintenance Services Ltd


Airite Designs (N.E.) Ltd


Airpro Systems (Holdings)


Airsol Service Co Ltd

South East South East

East Midlands Yorkshire

North East Wales

North West


Airtec Services (Yorkshire) Ltd


Air-Tech (Tees Valley) Ltd


Airtech Cooling Services Ltd

Advanced Energy Management Services Ltd Scotland



Advanced Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd North West




North East

North West


Airtech Ventilation Ltd


Airtemp AC Ltd


Airway Solutions Ltd




Alan Gray Heating & Plumbing Ltd


Alan Leighton (Hull) Ltd


Alan Manchip Electrical


ALB Building Services Ltd


Alba Facilities Services Ltd


Alexander Rankin & Son Ltd


All Comfort Solutions Ltd


All Seasons Climate Control Ltd


All-Clean Environmental Services Ltd


Allcool (NW) Ltd


All-Duct Cleaning Services


South East

North West

Eastern Counties Eastern Counties Yorkshire

South West London


Northern Ireland London London

South East

North West

Northern Ireland

224 197 197 214 197 157 148 188 172 230

Allen-Hubbard Services Ltd London

Allied Mechanical Engineering Ltd Wales

Allied Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Almac Engineering (Air Conditioning) Ltd Wales

Almeda Facilities Ltd South West

Alpha Heating Innovation South East

Alpha Plus Ltd Yorkshire

Altertherm Air Conditioning Ltd North West

Altiga Ltd

West Midlands

157 220 148 220 214 198 230 176 224


Amark Pipe Services Ltd


Ambient HVAC


Ambitemp (M & E) Ltd


Ambivent Facilities Management Ltd


Ambivent Group


Ameon Ltd


Amey Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd


AMG Group


Amroc Heating Services Ltd


Amser Building Services Ltd


Anderson Floor Warming Ltd


Anderson Mechanical Services


Andrew Engineering Ltd


Andrews Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

148 230 214 157 188 184 157 157 197 176 184

South West North East Yorkshire

East Midlands East Midlands North West London

Scotland Wales Wales


Northern Ireland East Midlands London North West Scotland

Anglia Air Conditioning Ltd Eastern Counties

Anglia Boiler Maintenance Ltd Eastern Counties

APPM Contracts Ltd East Midlands

Aqua Interiors Yorkshire

Aqua Technologies (Europe) Ltd London

Aquavent Environmental Services Ltd West Midlands

Aramark Workplace Solutions (UK) Ltd South East

Arcade UK Ltd East Midlands

Arctic-Aircon Ltd South East

Arcus Engineering Ltd Eastern Counties

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

214 172 230 144 144 176 157 188 221 221 188 184 144 158 176 188 148 148 144 230 158 224 198 144 198 148

B&ES Members’ Index Ardent Engineering Ltd Yorkshire

Argent FM Ltd London

Arnold James South East

Arthur McKay Building Services Scotland

Arthur Pollard Ltd East Midlands

Artic Building Services Ltd London

Asgard Biomass South East

Ashford Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Ashford Environmental Service Ltd London

Ashley & McDonough (Huyton) Ltd North West

Askews Heating & Cooling Solutions North West

Aspect Maintenance Services Ltd London

Aspen A.C. Ltd South East

Aspro Maintenance Ltd Yorkshire

Assential Clean Ltd West Midlands

Associated Pipework (SE) Ltd London

Assured Cleaning Services Ltd North West

Astral Control Services Ltd North East

Atherton & Partners Ltd North West

Atlas Air Conditioning Ltd Scotland

Atmosphere Air Conditioning Ltd East Midlands

Aura Construction Ltd South East

Austin (Heating & Air Conditioning) Ltd South West

Axis Ductwork Ltd London

230 158 198

Eastern Counties

B & H Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd South West

B & P Buswell Ltd South West



B J McGrath Plumbing & Heating Northern Ireland

B M Air Ltd South East

B Tremlett Plumbing & Heating Northern Ireland


Balcomm Ltd

Eastern Counties

Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Ltd


London North East North West Scotland South West West Midlands Yorkshire


Bancroft Ltd


198 198


Barrier Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Barrow & Brooks Ltd South East


Batecool Refrigeration Ltd


Battledore Ltd


Bay Building Services Ltd

158 198

East Midlands South East

North West

Baystar Ltd South East

BB Plumbing & Heating Scotland




Beacon Group Ltd

158 177 172



Beaumont Service Scotland Ltd Scotland

Bel-Air Services NI Ltd Northern Ireland

Bennett Mechanical Services Ltd South East


Bestaire Conditioning Ltd


Beta Group Ltd


BHW Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd


Bilfinger HSG Facility Management Ltd


Blackbourne Ltd


Blakes Air Conditioning Ltd

South West North West South East London

Northern Ireland South East

Blandfords LLP

B B & F Mechanical Services Ltd

Babcock Rail

East Midlands

Blantyre Park Services Ltd Scotland

Blitz Group Ltd 149


Blue Cooling Ltd 215

North West

Blue Flame Gas Services 215


Boon Building Services Ltd 230


Boostfine Ltd 184


Booth & Bomford (Evesham) Ltd 198

South West

Borahurst Ltd 184

South East

189 149 158 172 177 189 215 224 231 158 198 198 145

BOSS Ventilation Northern Ireland

Boulting Environmental Services Ltd North West

Bouygues E&S FM UK Ltd London

Bower Fuller

Eastern Counties

Brankin Engineering Ltd Northern Ireland Scotland

Braywhite & Co Ltd West Midlands

Bridge Extraction Systems Ltd North West

Bridge Facilities Engineers Ltd South East

Briggs & Forrester (MEP) Ltd East Midlands

184 177 159 149 185 189 224 177 198 145


Briggs & Forrester (Special Projects) Ltd


Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

198 189 221 158 189 184 198 215 177 198 158 184 198 145 189 189 177

East Midlands

East Midlands Eastern Counties London North West West Midlands South West

145 145 149 159 177 224 228

C & M Scientific Ltd Scotland

C C N Ltd


C Caswell Engineering Services Ltd North West

C H Lindsey & Son Ltd Eastern Counties

C K Direct (Peterborough) Ltd East Midlands

C M Oxendale Ltd North West

C M S UK Ltd North East

C N C Heating Ltd London

Cadogan Building Services Ltd London

Calder Building Services (UK) Ltd Yorkshire

Caledonian Heating & Plumbing Ltd Scotland

Calibre Building Services Ltd South East

Calor Gas Northern Ireland Ltd Northern Ireland

Bright Hygiene Management (London) Ltd

Cambridge Maintenance Services Ltd

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd

Cambridge Piped Services Ltd

Eastern Counties West Midlands

Britchards Ltd South West

Britewater Ltd Wales

Brodex Ltd North West

Brothwell Irvine Ltd South West

BSW Building Services Ltd South East

BSW Heating Ltd London

BTU (Installation & Maintenance ) Ltd South East

Buckler Environmental Services Ltd South East

Burgate Plumbing & Heating Ltd South East

Burgin Ltd

Eastern Counties

Burwell Maintenance Ltd Eastern Counties

Burwell Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties




C & F Electrics Ltd


C & I Controls


C & L Facilities Ltd


C & M Environmental Ltd


South East

Eastern Counties Scotland

149 224

Eastern Counties Eastern Counties

Camfil Ltd 215

North West

189 231 177 149 145 177 172 159 159 231 189 199 185 149 149 177

Campbells Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd 221


Capri Mechanical Services Ltd 177

Eastern Counties

Carford Group Ltd 215

South East

Carillion Services 199 159

London North East North West West Midlands Yorkshire


Cartel (London) Ltd


Carter Synergy Ltd




CAS Hire


Cascade Systems (UK) Ltd


Castle Building Services


West Midlands North West Scotland

Eastern Counties North East

Catering Hygiene Specialists Ltd London

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd West Midlands 221 199 149 189

Cavendish (UK) Ltd London

Cavendish Engineers Ltd London

CBAC Services Ltd London

CBES Ltd Scotland

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


149 199 159 172 177 225 231 159 225 177 189 150 172 159 225 159 159 160 189


CBS Maintenance Services Ltd South East

CCT Pipefreezing Ltd South East

CDS Plumbing & Heating Ltd Yorkshire

Ceetech Ltd

Eastern Counties

Ceilite Airconditioning Eastern Counties

Celsius Air Conditioning Ltd North West

Celsius Solutions Ltd West Midlands

Centurion Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Chadwell Construction Ltd Eastern Counties

Charleson Building Services Ltd North West

CHC Group Ltd

Northern Ireland

Chillaire Ltd

West Midlands

Chiller Technical Solutions Ltd South West

Chillforce Ltd Scotland

Chilli Services Scotland

Chris Bowker Ltd North West

Clancy Building Services Ltd South West

Claremore Mechanical Services Ltd London

Clean & Gleam (Midlands) Ltd West Midlands

Clean Air Group East Midlands

Clean Sweep (North East) Ltd North East

Cleanair UK Air Hygiene Specialists LLP South East

Cleaning Concerns South West

Cleansafe Services (UK) Ltd West Midlands

Clear Managed Services Ltd West Midlands

Clearground Ltd North West

Clearwater Technology Ltd North West Northern Ireland Scotland South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire

199 199 231 150 150 177 225 199 150 177 185 225 215

Climate Facilities Ltd London

Climate Mechanical Services Ltd North West

Climatic Engineering Ltd South West



Close Technical Services Ltd London

CMB Bristol Ltd South West

CMB Engineering Wales

CMB Renewables Ltd Wales

CMB West Ltd Wales

CMK Mechanical Services Ltd Northern Ireland

Coal Services Ltd London


Eastern Counties


Eastern Counties London North West Scotland South East South West Wales West Midlands

Coldcare Ltd

East Midlands 189

Combined Energy Solutions Ltd


East Midlands Scotland West Midlands


Combi-Vent Engineering Ltd


Comfort Building Services Ltd


Comfort Service & Maintenance Ltd


North West South East South East

Commercial Hygiene Services Ltd Eastern Counties

231 160 215 221 221 221 185 160 150 150 160 178 190 199 215 221 225

178 199 199 150


Commissioning Operation & Training Services Ltd


Commissioning Strategies Ltd


Complete Cooling Solutions Ltd


Scotland Wales


Complete HVAC Services Ltd South East


Complete Pipework Services Ltd


Comyn Ching & Co (Solray) Ltd

177 185 189 199 215 225 231

Conditioned Air Technology Ltd

231 160 178 215

Yorkshire Wales

North West

Constant Air Systems Ltd South East

Constant Cooling Ltd Eastern Counties

Contract Energy Management Ltd London

Contract Plus Ltd London

Contract Ventilation Services Ltd South East

Controlled Air Solutions Ltd North West

South West

Cooksons Mechanical Services Ltd London

Cool & Easy Scotland

Cool & Heat Ltd North West

Cool Heat Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Cool Solution Refrigeration Ltd Wales

Cool Space ACR Ltd South East

178 190 221 160 199 231 221 178 199 150 160

South East

Cooltech Building Services Ltd South East

Cool-Therm (Holdings) Ltd South West

Cool-Therm (UK) Ltd South West

Cool-Therm (Wales) Ltd Wales

Coolwell Air Conditioning Cooper & Brome (Contracts) Ltd Cooper & Brome (Plumbing & Heating) Ltd Eastern Counties

Corrigenda Ltd (Trading as Churches) South East

Court Services/Coolserv Air Conditioning South East

CPL Heating & Plumbing Ltd North West

CPL Service Response Ltd West Midlands

Crestbrook Heating Ltd North East

Cristalair Air Conditioning East Midlands

Cristalair Air Conditioning East Midlands

Cromwell Engineering Ltd South East

Crown Deepclean Ltd East Midlands

Crown House Technologies North West Scotland South East Wales West Midlands

Crowther & Shaw Ltd Yorkshire

Crowthorne Heating Co Ltd South East

CRT Air Conditioning Services Eastern Counties

Crystal Refrigeration London


Crystal Sigma Ltd


Cube Airconditioning Ltd


215 160 190 178


South East

Curaim UK Ltd

Eastern Counties

Current Development Ltd London

Custom Heat Ltd West Midlands

Cyclone Ducting & Extraction Services Ltd South East




D & B Mechanical Ltd


D & J Air Conditioning Services Ltd

Cooling Energy Services (Maintenance) Ltd

Eastern Counties 145 190 225

Commissioning & Maintenance Services Ltd North West

Cooks Plumbing & Heating Ltd

North West 145


CLG Mechanical & Electrical Contractors Ltd Yorkshire

Climatix Group Ltd

South East

North West


D & K Facilities Maintenance Ltd


D C Butcher & Co


D G Robson Mechanical Services Ltd


D H Fathers Ltd


D S Clean


D.C.I. Refrigeration & Electrical Ltd


DAE Mechanical Services Ltd


Dakro Environmental Ltd




Danimak Ltd


Darenth Valley Building Services Ltd


Dave Clarke & Son Ltd


David Blakey Services Ltd


Deepclean Hygiene Solutions Ltd


Deepclean Scotland


Delron Services Ltd


Delta T Services Ltd

178 190 200 221 225

Derry Building Services Ltd

Eastern Counties South West London

East Midlands Scotland

South East

East Midlands

West Midlands South West

Eastern Counties London

East Midlands South East

West Midlands Scotland

South East

Eastern Counties East Midlands

Derwent FM Yorkshire

Design Installation Service Ltd 231

South West

Designer Group 200


Devlin Mechanical Ltd 150

Northern Ireland

Diamond Facilities Support Ltd 160

West Midlands

Dixon Engineering (Air Conditioning) Ltd 160

South East

Dixon Mechanical Services Ltd 200

South East

DMA Maintenance Ltd 150

South East

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

160 225 200

200 178 150 215 160 145 190 200 145 225 215 150 160 145 200 225 190 201 150 145 231 215 160 185 225 201 201 201

B&ES Members’ Index DMA Mechanical & Air Conditioning Ltd South East


DMG Delta Ltd

Eastern Counties London

150 160

DOC Building Facilities Ltd South East


Domino Building Services Ltd London


Dornan Engineering Services Ltd London


Dowds Group

Northern Ireland


Dragon Air Conditioning Ltd Wales


Ducatt Building Services West Midlands


Duct Hygiene Ltd Wales


Ductbusters Ltd West Midlands


Ductclean UK Ltd South East


Ductwork Design & Installation Ltd North West


Durham Air Conditioning Ltd North East


DWHP Ltd South East


South East


E A C Services Ltd South East


E H G E Ltd London


E J Heating & Eng Co Ltd South West


E Poppleton & Son Ltd Wales


East Kirkby Engineering Co Ltd East Midlands


East West Connect Ltd London


Eastern Fabrications Building Services Ltd

South East

Easy Clean Contractors Ltd East Midlands

Easy Heat Systems Ltd Scotland

Eaton Air Ltd London

Eaton Engineering Ltd Eastern Counties

Eaton-Williams Group Ltd South East West Midlands

South East

Econorod Ltd South East

Edge DBS Ltd London

Edmund Services Ltd Eastern Counties


South East

Edward Bays Ltd South West

EGP Building Services Ltd East Midlands


West Midlands

Elanar Technical Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Elco Building Services Ltd London

Electrical & Data Systems Ltd Northern Ireland

Element Energy Systems Ltd 201

151 225 201

South West

Elite Building Services Engineering Ltd Yorkshire

Elite Cooling Solutions Ltd East Midlands

Elite Services (Environmental) Ltd Eastern Counties

Eliteco Managed Services Ltd Yorkshire

Ellesmere Engineering Co Ltd North West

Elm Site Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Elmec (Southern) Ltd London

Elmstead Mechanical Services Ltd London

EMCOR Facilities Services Ltd London North West South East

EMCOR Group (UK) Plc London

145 190

Eastern Counties London London

Emtec Building Services Ltd 151


End Systems Ltd 201 225

North West

Enevis Ltd London

Engineering Energy Ltd South West



Eyre Building Services Group Ltd

Envira-Mech Services Ltd South West

Enviro Group

Envirocure Ltd Scotland South East

North West

Environmental & Mechanical Services Ltd 202

East Midlands

Environmental Control Solutions Ltd 216


Environmental Energy Controls Ltd 145


Environmental Maintenance Services Ltd 225

South East

Environmental Services (HVAC) Ltd 151


Enviroplas Ltd 161

North West

Envirotech Building Services Ltd 185

West Midlands

Envirotech Services Ltd 216

South East

Ergro Mechanical Services Ltd 145

South East

ESH Construction Ltd 228

North East

Essex Electric Ltd 231

Eastern Counties

Essex Services Group Plc 146


Essex Ventilation Services Ltd 151


Estilo HVAC Ltd 231

West Midlands

Eton Associates Ltd 178


Eurest Services 151

South East

Euroflo Group Ltd 161

South West

Europa Nationwide Technical Services Ltd 161 161 178 202 162 151 162

East Midlands South East South West Yorkshire

European Refrigeration Ltd Eastern Counties

Eurovent Purifying Systems UK Ltd North East

Evans Maintenance Services Ltd Wales

Evans Warrington Ltd 162

North West

Exoair DPL Ltd 190

South East

Exoair Master Ltd 178

South East

Express Heating Co Ltd 162

South East

Enigma Environmental Services Ltd

South East

Environment & Power Technology Ltd 151

Extracair Installations Ltd Extraction Services Ltd

Northern Ireland 202


England & Rees Environmental Systems Ltd South East


EMS - Engineering Maintenance Services Ltd EMS (Installations) Ltd


201 161 178 190 216

Ecolution Integrated Renewable Technologies

East Midlands

E & S Heating & Ventilation Ltd

Eastwood Heating Ltd


Electrum Services Ltd

South East

West Midlands

Ecofit Energy Systems Ltd

South West

E & B Group Ltd

Eastwood Air Conditioning Ltd

South East London North West Scotland South West

Electrical Contracting Services (SW) Ltd


Eastern Counties

ECE Cleaning Services Ltd


202 202 216 185 190 202


West Midlands


Eastern Counties


F F Church Ltd South East


F G Alden Ltd 178

South East


F N Rice (Pirbright) Ltd 146

South East


F P Hurley & Sons Ltd 231

South West Wales


F R Scott Ltd


F W Marsh (Electrical & Mechanical) Ltd


Fairley Brown & Co Ltd


Fairs & Green (Mechanical Services) Ltd


Falconswift Environmental Ltd


Farmwood M & E Services Ltd


Farrelly Building Services Ltd




Fife Council Building Services


Fire Protection Ltd


Fisher Refrigeration


Fisher Refrigeration Ltd


Flakt Woods Ltd


Flamefast (UK) Ltd


Flamerite Ltd

146 203 216 231


South East South East South East South East

West Midlands South East Scotland London

Eastern Counties Eastern Counties West Midlands North West North West Wales

Fleetwood Sheet Metal Ltd North West

Fletchers Facilities Ltd Floway Pipe Services Ltd Yorkshire


Francis Commissioning Services Ltd North West


Fredericks (Mechanical Services) Ltd London


Fredshaw & Co Ltd Yorkshire


Fretus Ltd

West Midlands 203

Fulton Boiler Works (GB) Ltd South West



South East

London 151

216 222


East Midlands

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

203 203 203 203 203 226 203 190 162 151 151 226 178 178 222 178 162 232 178 162 232 226 216 146


G G & H Building Services Ltd Yorkshire

G & H Maintenance Ltd Yorkshire

G & H Sustainability Ltd Yorkshire Yorkshire Scotland London

Yorkshire Wales

South West


G Tech Building Services Ltd South East


G W Franklin M & E Services Ltd London


G4S Secure Solutions (Guernsey) Ltd South East


G8 Environmental Solutions Ltd North East Scotland

173 190

Galloway Group Ltd Scotland Yorkshire

190 232

Gascoynes (Derby) Ltd East Midlands

Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd South East

GBE Services Ltd London

GCSC (SW) Ltd South West


South East


South East

GDI Air Conditioning Specialists Ltd North West

Gee-Bec Services Ltd South East

East Midlands South East

Glowarm Central Heating Ltd South East



Gratte Brothers Specialist Services Ltd London

Green Man Environmental Services Ltd South West

Greenhill Air Conditioning Ltd Yorkshire

Greens Hygiene & Maintenance Ltd South West

Greentherm Mechanical Services Ltd London

Griffiths Air Conditioning & Electrical Contractors East Midlands

Grummant (HPS) Ltd South East

Guardian Water Treatment Ltd Eastern Counties

163 163 216 232 216 163

Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd London North West

Hatrick-Bruce Ltd Scotland

Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers Eastern Counties

Haydon Mechanical & Electrical Ltd London

HBS (Group) Services Ltd North West

HCS Mechanical Services Yorkshire


Heasman & Sadler Ltd South East


Heatcare Ltd


Howvale Ltd


HRL Airconditioning


HSL Group Ltd


Hutcheon Services Limited


Hensall Mechanical Services Ltd


Henshall & Sheehy Support Services Ltd


Hesflo (Installations) Ltd

H F Brown & Son Ltd


H I Services

North West Yorkshire

South East

H Malone & Sons Ltd North East

H Pickup Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd Yorkshire

H20 Nationwide Ltd Eastern Counties

Hadene Building Services South East

Hadrian M & E Ltd North West

Halsall Heating North West

Halton Foodservice Ltd South East

Handley Heating Services Northern Ireland

Hanna Mechanical Services LLP Northern Ireland

Eastern Counties Yorkshire London

South West


Hewer Facilities Management Ltd


HFL Building Solutions


Highland Electrix (Bridgend) Ltd


Hillstar Building Management Ltd


HKH Building Services Ltd


Hockley Building Services Ltd


Hodgkinson Bennis Ltd


Holborn Building Services Ltd

South West North West Wales

North East London

West Midlands North West

West Midlands






Hull Mechanical Services Ltd

Henry Martin & Sons Ltd

South East

East Midlands



H E Simm & Son Ltd

West Midlands

Huggins & Squire Ltd

Hemlow Ltd

East Midlands

South East


Hedley Visick Ltd South East


HTC Mechanical Services Ltd



North West

Hoveair (Building Services) Ltd




Home Gas Supplies

Howells Bradford Ltd

Heatrite (Stockport) Ltd

East Midlands




Eastern Counties

West Midlands

Holmes Environmental Services Ltd

How Group Ltd

Heating & Ventilating Services (Nottingham) Ltd

West Midlands

South East

Hoveair (Maintenance Services) Ltd

Heating & Pipework Installations (Leeds) Ltd Yorkshire

Hollywell Building Services Ltd




West Midlands


163 179

Heartfield Ventilation & Air Conditioning Co Ltd South East


Holland Air Conditioning Ltd

North West 232

Heating & Pipework Installations (Stoke) Ltd

H & J Hitchen Ltd





South East



Harkel Building Services Ltd

Heating & Pipework Installations (Staffs) Ltd




152 163 179 190 232

H & C Contracts Ltd

H & V Fusion & Drilling Ltd



Eastern Counties London North West Scotland Yorkshire






South West

Heating & Associated Services Ltd

H & V Building Services Ltd



East Midlands



GEM Environmental Building Services Ltd


H & V 2000 Ltd


Gelidus Ltd

Northern Ireland



Gelder Plumbing & Mechanical


Gratte Brothers Ltd


G T Building Services Ltd

Gibson-Wight Ltd



G G T Thomas & Son Ltd


Graith Ltd


G E Griffiths Ltd

George Boulter & Co Ltd



G B S (South East)

North East

Graham Facilities Management


G B S (Building Services) Ltd

Geoffrey Robinson Ltd




G B Air Control Ltd

Eastern Counties

Gowing & Hunt Ltd Eastern Counties


Genesis Facilities Maintenance Ltd

Harbridge Sheet Metal Ltd

South East

G & D Higgins Mechanical Services Ltd


GMB Airconditioning & Ventilation Services Ltd

232 226 226

Northern Ireland London

South East Scotland

Hutton (M & E) Services Ltd Northern Ireland

HY5 Commercial Cleaning Ltd North West

Hydro Mechanical Services Ltd West Midlands


Hygienic Cleaning Co (UK) Ltd


Hygienic Maintenance Ltd


Hyperklean Ltd


West Midlands South East North East




I A C Service Group Ltd Eastern Counties


I J Cannings & Son Ltd South West


I.S.T.L. Engineering Ltd Wales


Ian Hobbs Technical Services Ltd South West


Iceberg Building Services Ltd Eastern Counties


ICS Industrial & Commercial Systems Ltd South East


IDC Electrical (Southern) Ltd South East


IDS Services (UK) Ltd North West


IMEC Solutions Ltd South West


Impact Cooling Services Ltd South East


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

163 204 163 179 163 163 204 226 146 232 163 185 163 204 191 185 179 226 226 204 173

152 216 222 216 152 204 205 179 216 205

B&ES Members’ Index Imtech Aqua Ltd Eastern Counties


Imtech Aqua Maintenance Ltd London


Imtech Engineering Services Central Ltd East Midlands Yorkshire

146 232

Imtech Engineering Services London & South Ltd London

Imtech Engineering Services North Ltd North West

Imtech Inviron Ltd East Midlands Eastern Counties London North East North West Scotland West Midlands London

East Midlands




Industrial Pipe Services 2003 Ltd South East


Industrial Refrigeration Services Ltd West Midlands


Ingot Canopy & Fan Services Ltd Eastern Counties


Initial Facilities London


Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd London

INS Sudlows Ltd North West

Integral UK Ltd

Eastern Counties London North East North West Scotland South West

Integral UK Ltd Wales West Midlands Yorkshire

Integrated Laboratory Services Ltd Yorkshire

Intelligent Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Interduct UK Ltd South East

Interserve Engineering Services West Midlands

Intoheat Ltd South West

Isotemp (Heating & Ventilating) Ltd South East

ISS Integrated Solutions London

Iver Technical Services Ltd London

Iyoha Associates Ltd London

South East South East

J C Matthews Heating Engineers Wales

J C Watson Refrigeration Ltd London

179 152 164 173 179 191 216, 217 222 226 232


J E Dean (Hazel Grove) Ltd North West

J Fletcher (Engineers) Ltd North West

J J Engineering Co London

J L Environmental Ltd London

J O’Connor Ltd London

J P Services (SW) Ltd South West

J S A Service London

J S Humidifiers plc London

West Midlands

J V Geer & Sons Ltd South East

J W & E Morris & Son Ltd Wales

J W Contract Services Ltd London

J W Housden Ltd South East

James Frew Ltd Scotland

James Watson Ventilation Ltd Scotland


Jarvis Heating Ltd


Jasun Envirocare Plc


Jaydee Heating and Electrical


JCA Engineering Ltd


JCA Maintenance Ltd


JCH Fabrications Ltd


JCH London Ltd


JCW Energy Services Ltd

164 164

John G Mackintosh Ltd Scotland

South East

South West Scotland

South East South East Yorkshire London

Eastern Counties Wales South West Yorkshire

JD Services HVAC Ltd South East


Kitchen Hygiene Cleaning Services Ltd Yorkshire

John Wright Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd

Klein Environmental Ltd


Jones Lang Lasalle Engineering Services Ltd

Klimatec Ltd


Jones Lang Lasalle Services Ltd

Klingman Environmental Ltd


Jordan Environmental Ltd


JRS Mechanical Services Ltd


Jude Mechanical Services Ltd


Jupiter Facilities Management Ltd


J D Heating Plumbing & Mechanical Services Ltd

J S Wright & Co Ltd 164

Integrated Engineering Services (Aberdeen) Ltd Scotland


J Ashwell Ltd

Independent Air Quality Consultancy Services Ltd Indepth Hygiene Services Ltd

J A Brooks & Co Ltd



Eastern Counties

South East

J A Sylvester (Mechanical Services) Ltd


In Line Duct Cleaning Ltd

J & B Hopkins Ltd


146 152 163, 164 173 179 191 226

Imtech UK Ltd


London London

Eastern Counties Wales

South East

Eastern Counties


Just Air Conditioning Ltd


Just Cold Services Ltd

South West South East

233 164 165 152 222 206 152 217 206

179 164 164 164 217 164 164 226 205 222 164 205 191 191 205 217 191 206 206 232 164 152 222 228 232

West Midlands West Midlands

Knight Engineers Ltd Yorkshire

Knightsbridge Building Services Ltd London

Knightsbridge Property Services Ltd London

KPS Southern Ltd South East

Kylemore Services Ltd London

L A Maintenance Ltd

K & T Heating Services Ltd

L Darby & Son Ltd


K Binks (Heating) Ltd Yorkshire

K R Martin Ltd Yorkshire

K S Barry (Plumbing & Heating) Ltd Wales

K S Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Scotland

K.W.T Facilities Services Ltd North West

KB Sheetmetal Ltd North East

KCE FM Limited London


East Midlands

Keith Gordon Heating & Plumbing North West

Kentallen Mechanical Services Ltd Scotland

Kershaw Contracting Services Ltd Eastern Counties London

Kershaw Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Kestrel Mechanical Services Ltd South East

Keyplan Engineering Ltd South West

Keysource Ltd South East

KGB Commercial Heating Eastern Counties

Kimpton Energy Solutions North West

Kingdom Clean South East

Kirkfields Heating Services Ltd London

South East

Eastern Counties 165 233 233 222 191 179 173 165 146 179 191 152 165

West Midlands

L M Building Services Ltd East Midlands

L M Electric

Northern Ireland

LABcheck UK Ltd Yorkshire

Lamont Environmental Projects Ltd West Midlands South East

South West

Lee Air Conditioning (Services) Ltd South East

Leroy Mechanical Engineering Ltd South East

Lewis Duct Clean Ltd London

Leybourne Urwin Ltd North East

Linaker Ltd Scotland South East South West




Lloret Control Systems Ltd


Lord Combustion Services Ltd


Lorne Stewart plc


226 233 165 165 206 165

153 226 146 185 233 226 206

Lawton (Building Engineering Services) Ltd

Livingston Mechanical Services Ltd



Lawton (Building Engineering Services) Ltd






Kitchen & Duct Cleaning Ltd 206

Eastern Counties



North East South East

West Midlands

East Midlands Eastern Counties London North East North West Scotland South East South West Wales West Midlands


206 206 165 173 191 206 217 191 173 206 226 146 153 165 174 180 191 206 217 222 226


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Lorne Stewart Services London North West South West

165 180 217

Lothian Heating Services Ltd Scotland


Loughborough Air Conditioning Ltd East Midlands


Lovat’s Catering Engineering Services Ltd Scotland

Lowe & Oliver Ltd South East

Lunar Refrigeration Ltd North West

LX Engineering (North) Ltd Yorkshire

LX Engineering (South) Ltd London

191 206 180 233 165

MacWhirter Ltd London Wales

MacWhirter Western Ltd South West

Madson Air Conditioning Ltd Eastern Counties

Magnolia Air UK Ltd Eastern Counties

Maintenance & Contracting Specialist Ltd West Midlands

Major Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services Ltd West Midlands

Manchester Working Ltd North West

Mannings Facilities Management Ltd South West

Mansfield Pollard & Co Ltd Yorkshire

M M & C Environmental Services London

M & D Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties

M & E Leeds Ltd Yorkshire

M & E Maintenance Solutions Ltd West Midlands

M A Anderton Ltd North West

M A Cooper Projects Ltd Wales

M Bielby Ltd Yorkshire

M D Enertech Ltd West Midlands

M G Heating Ltd South East

M G Murphy Ltd Yorkshire

M J Ferguson Ltd London

M J Quinn Integrated Services Ltd North West

M J Robinson Ltd East Midlands


East Midlands

M Rogerson Ltd

Eastern Counties

M W Cripwell Ltd East Midlands


Northern Ireland

M.C.S Pipework Services Ltd West Midlands

M.D.M.S Ltd North West

MAP Ventilation Ltd Yorkshire

Maplin Mechanical Services 165 153 233 227 180 222 233 227 206 233 166 180 146 146 153 146 185 227 180

Mac Marney Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd Eastern Counties

Macair FMI Ltd London

Macdet Hygiene Services Ltd South East

Machenair Ltd Yorkshire


153 166 207 233

Eastern Counties

MAQ (Air Conditioning) Ltd Scotland

Maracom Ltd London

Margden Heating Ltd Wales

Mastercool (Southern) Ltd South East

Mastercool Air Conditioning Specialists London

Matro Ltd

East Midlands

Maurice Flynn & Sons Ltd Northern Ireland

Maze Engineering Ltd London

McAlpine Grant Ilco Ltd South East

McAuslands Ltd Scotland

McCarthy Environmental Ltd East Midlands

McCarthy Refrigeration Ltd South East

McDonald Brown Ltd London

McGill Mechanical & Electrical Scotland

McKenna Mechanical Services Ltd Scotland

McKiernan Group Ltd North West

MCL Energy Ltd East Midlands

McNicol Insulation Ltd Scotland

McVeigh Technical Solutions Ltd East Midlands

Meadowburn Mechanical Services Ltd Scotland

Measham Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd West Midlands

Mechanical & Ventilation Projects Ltd West Midlands

166 222 217 153 153 227

Mechanical Engineering Services (Avon) Ltd

Munro Building Services Ltd

Mechanical Services Ltd

Murray Building Services Ltd

South West London

Mechelec Building Services Ltd South East

Mechon Ltd London

Medallion Plastics Ltd South East

Medway Heating (Bolton) Ltd North West

217 166 207 166

N & P Climate Control Ltd


N C S Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd


N G Bailey Facilities Service Ltd

MEL (Dust & Fume Control) Ltd


Mellor Bromley Air Conditioning Services Ltd


Metalduct (Nottingham) Ltd


Metro Heating & Air Conditioning Services Ltd


MGB Services Ltd


Michael J Lonsdale Ltd


Michael McGonigle Plbg & Htg Contractor


Michael Nugent Ltd


Micro Solve (Hygiene) Ltd


Microfix Services Ltd


Midland Commercial & Environmental Services Ltd

185 166 207 191 146 207 166 191

East Midlands South East Scotland London

Northern Ireland Northern Ireland South East South East

West Midlands

Midland Counties Heating Services Ltd East Midlands

Mike Couling Pipework & Engineering Services South West

Miles-Ash Ltd

Northern Ireland

Milton Sheet Metal Works Ltd Scotland

Mitchells (Gloucester) Ltd South West

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Retail) South East West Midlands

MITIE Built Environment Ltd (South West) South West


MITIE Built Environment Ltd (Wales)


Mitton Mechanical Services Ltd


MJD Airconditioning Services Ltd


Montgomery Refrigeration Ltd


Montrose Building Services Ltd


Morreston Ltd


Munro Building Services (South) Ltd




South East

Northern Ireland London

West Midlands

Eastern Counties




East Midlands

MVR Solutions Ltd




North West


Megan Mechanical Services Ltd South East

Eastern Counties

147 147 207 192 166

Yorkshire London

London Yorkshire

N G Bailey Ltd

London North East North West Scotland South East South West Wales West Midlands Yorkshire

N P Hire Ltd Yorkshire


Narbeths Mechanical Services Ltd Wales


Nationwide-ACR Ltd North West


NBC (Air Conditioning) Ltd London


NCPI Solutions

Eastern Counties 227

Nederman Ltd


Neil Shacklock Plumbing & Heating Contractors Ltd

North West

East Midlands

153 180 222

233 166 166 233 166 174 180 192 207 217 223 227 233 233 223 180 166 153 180



Neptune Building Services Ltd


Network Refrigeration & Air Conditioning


New-Air (Southern) Ltd


Newquay Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

207 227 217 222 233 207 185

South West Scotland

South East

South West

Nordic Cooling London

Norfolk Heating Ltd Eastern Counties

Norland Managed Services Ltd London North West Scotland South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire

Norstead - A Division of Metnor Group Plc North East South East


Northern Hygiene Ltd


Northern Mechanical Ltd


Northern Ventilation Services Ltd

North East

Northern Ireland North East

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

218 192 207 218 166 153 166 180 192 207 218 227 233 174 207 174 186 174

B&ES Members’ Index Northernshire Ventilation Hygiene North West


Norton Technical Maintenance South East


NPower Business and Social Housing Ltd West Midlands West Midlands

Nuttall Ltd South West

NWG Building Services Ltd Eastern Counties

227 227 218 153

P H P Services Ltd East Midlands

P J Services Ltd East Midlands

P.I.P. Building Services plc Eastern Counties

Pace Services South East

Paine Manwaring Ltd South East

Paragon Building Services Ltd East Midlands

O O C O Ltd

London South East

Oakray Ltd London

Oakwood Technology Group Ltd North West

Ocean Industrial Cleaning Ltd South East

Octagon Heating Services Ltd South West

Omega Building Services Ltd South East

Omega Mechanical Services Ltd Northern Ireland

ON365 Ltd

East Midlands

One Call Group (Holdings) Ltd South East

ONE Environmental Ltd London

One Facility Ltd South East

Optimum Group Services Plc London

Opus Air Conditioning (Sales) Ltd South East

Opus Building Services Ltd North East

Orbital Climate Solutions Ltd South East

Orlanix Ltd London

Orostream Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Overclean Ltd South West

Overclean Ventilation Scotland Ltd Scotland

Oxford Refrigeration & Airconditioning South East

Paragon Construction Group Ltd North West

Parker Air Conditioning Ltd South East 166 207 167 180 207 218 207 186 147 208 167 208 167 208 174 208 167 208 218 192 208


P & J Dust Extraction Ltd South East

P Chester & Sons (Bedford) Ltd South East

Parker Environmental Services Ltd Wales

Parsons Contracting (Chesterfield) Ltd East Midlands

Partners in Hygiene Ltd North East

Pathway Cleaning Ltd West Midlands

Paul Winfield & Son Ltd Yorkshire

PCB Technical Solutions Ltd South East

PDM Air Conditioning Services London

Pearce Elite Plumbing & Heating Ltd Wales

Perfect Pipework Ltd South East

Perfect Service Solutions Ltd Scotland

Permanex Plumbing South East

Perrins Mechanical Services Ltd West Midlands

Pert Air Conditioning Ltd West Midlands

PH Jones Facilities Management Ltd London

Phoenix Mechanical & Electrical Co London

Phoenix Mechanical Services Ltd Yorkshire

Piggott & Whitfield Ltd North West

Pilon Ltd London

Pinington Ltd North West South East

Pipe Systems Ltd South East

Pipe2000 Ltd

West Midlands


Pinnacle Specialist Cleaning Services

P & B Plumbing & Heating

Parker Bromley Ltd

Eastern Counties 227 208 208

Pipeline Mechanical Northern Ireland

Pirbright Electrical Contractors Ltd South East

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd Eastern Counties

147 147 153 208 208 147 180 208 167 223 147 174 227 233 208 167 223 209 192 209 227 227 167 167 233 180 167 180 209

PJM Mechanical Services Ltd South East

Plasma Clean Ltd North West

209 180

Protocool Ltd South East

North West

Platinum Facilities & Maintenance Services Ltd

Psychro Management Ltd

POD Stainless Steel Products Ltd

Puma Building Services Ltd


West Midlands

Polar Cooling Services Ltd South East

Polarcool Refrigeration Ltd Eastern Counties

Polyteck Building Services Ltd London

Poundbridge Developments Ltd South East

Powermaster Service Ltd Scotland

PowerNaturally Ltd South East

PR Hemingway Ltd Eastern Counties

Premiair Ltd South East

Premier ACS Ltd South East

Premier Clean UK Ltd Wales

Premier Facilities Maintenance Ltd East Midlands

Premier Laboratory Systems Ltd Scotland

Premier Mechanical Installations Ltd London

Premier of Lytham Ltd North West

Price Building Services Ltd South East

Priddy Engineering Services Ltd South West

Pride Air Conditioning Ltd West Midlands

Primary Water Treatments Ltd North West

Principle Property Services Ltd London

Priory Mechanical Services Ltd South East

Proair Conditioning Ltd Scotland

Proctor Heating Services Ltd Yorkshire

Pro-Duct (Fife) Ltd Scotland

Pro-Duct Clean Ltd Eastern Counties

Project Heating Co Ltd South West

167 227 209 153 167 209



Pure-Air Building Services Ltd East Midlands


Purified Air Ltd London


Pursey & Ball Ltd Wales


Quality Environmental Services Ltd


Quantaqua Ltd


Quantum Group


Quartz Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd


Quiggin & Cubbon Ltd


Quotehedge Ltd



East Midlands


Eastern Counties


North East


Northern Ireland




192 167 181

R R & J Building Services Ltd South East



R Arnott & Sons Ltd North East



R H Environmental Services Ltd Yorkshire



R J Stearn Ltd South East



R J Urmson Commissioning Engineers Ltd North West


R L Rattray Ltd Scotland


R M Myers & Co Ltd


R Macdonald & Son Scotland



R N Mechanical Ltd Yorkshire



R Nightingale Ltd Yorkshire



R S Vents Ltd North East



R V H M Ltd Yorkshire


Pro-Temp Air Conditioning Ltd


Protherm (UK) Ltd



R.H.F Heating Company Ltd West Midlands



R.T.S. Engineering (Somerset) Ltd


Racsel Building Services Ltd


Rainbow International (Great Dunmow)

South West


South East

Eastern Counties

181 192

North East 192

Property Solutions Management Group Ltd

North East




North West



Promanex (Total FM & Environmental Services) Ltd South West




South East


PSI (Resources) Ltd

210 154


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Rainbow International (Swansea) Wales

Rapid Climate Control Ltd London North West South East West Midlands



React Cooling Services Ltd West Midlands

Ream Contracts Ltd London

Reed M & E Ltd South East

Refrigeration & Heat Pump Services Ltd East Midlands

REL Electrical Ltd London

Rentec Ltd South East

Resolve Building Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Richard Irvin Energy Solutions Scotland

Right Management Services Ltd South East

Risby Airconditioning Co Ltd South East

Riverside Industrial Equipment Ltd Wales

RLBS Building Facilities Ltd South West

RME Services Ltd South East

RNR London Ltd London

Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd North East

Robertson Facilities Management Ltd Scotland

Roflow Ltd North East

Rogan Heating Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Romech Projects Ltd Scotland

Roperhurst Ltd Wales

Rossair Ltd South East

Rotary North West Ltd North West

Rotary Southern Ltd London

Rotary Yorkshire Ltd Yorkshire

Royce Group Ltd Eastern Counties

RSE Building Services Ltd Eastern Counties


West Midlands


North West

Rydan Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Rydon Maintenance Ltd South East


223 168 181 210 227

S S & G Air Conditioning Contracts Ltd Wales

S & R Cleaning Ltd Yorkshire


S & W Process Engineering Ltd Eastern Counties


S F Pipework Ltd London


S G Ray & Co Ltd South East


S K Heating and Cooling Ltd South West


S R Black Plumbing & Heating Ltd Yorkshire


S R Industrial Ltd South East


S W Bruce & Co Ltd London


S W Heating Equipment Ltd Wales


Safeguard Refrigeration Services Ltd North West


Saker Controls Ltd London


Sanber Ltd North West


Sarum Refrigeration Services Ltd South East


Saunders Specialised Services Ltd South East


Sayes & Co Ltd Yorkshire


Sayes Service Ltd Yorkshire


Scan Building Services Ltd Scotland


Scion Technical Services Ltd South East


Scomac Services Ltd South East


Scott & Ewing Ltd Northern Ireland


Scott Heating & Ventilation Ltd Eastern Counties


Seba (UK) Ltd Yorkshire


Select Air Services Ltd North West


Select Building Engineering Services Ltd Scotland


Sepam UK Ltd London


Servcom Services UK Ltd South East

154 227

Servest Building Services Ltd London North West

Service Direct 181

North East

Servistec Ltd 154

North West

SES Mechanical Services Ltd 210

South East

Sharp & Howse Ltd South East 223

Sharpe Mechanical Services


Sharpe Ventilation Services Ltd



S C Horsfield Building Services Engineers Ltd North West


SH Ductwork Services Ltd

Eastern Counties

Northern Ireland Northern Ireland West Midlands


Shelbourne Letheby & Co Ltd


Shepherd Engineering Services Ltd

210 218 234 210 168 223 181 168 181 210 210 234 234 192 210


London North East North West South West Yorkshire

Sheridan & Hood Ltd Northern Ireland

Sherwoods South West

Shine Hygiene Services Scotland

Shires Building Services Ltd South West

SHL Maintenance Ltd Eastern Counties

Shouksmith, J H & Sons Ltd Yorkshire Yorkshire

Shropshire Cooling Services Ltd West Midlands South East

Sigma Engineering Product Design Ltd Scotland

Silenster Building Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Silverlife Ltd London

Simer Environmental Services Ltd South East

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd


Skuddair Ltd South East

SMG Europe Facilities Management North West

Smith & Byford Ltd South East


SMS (Southern) Ltd South East


SMS Maintenance Services Ltd Scotland


Snug Heating Ltd West Midlands


Soltec UK Ltd

Eastern Counties 168 181 174 181 154


Southern Industrial Pipeline Services Ltd


Southern Mechanical Services Ltd


Southern Thermal Integrated Services Ltd


Sovereign FM Ltd


Sowga Ltd

169 174 181 218 234

Spa Gas Ltd

186 218 193 218 154 234 234

Sonder Heating & Ventilation Ltd Yorkshire

Soron Ltd Scotland

Sotham Engineering Services Ltd Eastern Counties

Northern Ireland London London

Eastern Counties London London

West Midlands

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd East Midlands Scotland Yorkshire

Specialist Hygiene Services Ltd London

Specialist Mechanical Services Scotland

211 193 154 169 211 169 193 218

West Midlands

Spie Ltd

London North West Scotland South West Wales West Midlands

Sprague & Ouseley Ltd SSE Contracting Ltd Eastern Counties London Scotland South East South West Wales Yorkshire

SSH Cleaning South East

Statons Ltd South East

Staward Engineering Ltd London

Stepnell Ltd South East

Steven R Paterson Ltd 211


Stonegrove Ltd 181

South East

Stork Technical Services (RBG) Ltd 211


Stothers (M & E) Ltd 211

Scotland Northern Ireland


Stroma Evolution (Midlands) Ltd


Sure Deep Clean


Surevent (UK) Ltd


Surrey Boiler & Heating Services


SW Turner Process & Mechanical Pipework Inst. Spec. Ltd


186 169 169 154 169 169

228 147 193 234 169 193

Spectrum Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Ltd

South West 228

Sidney Cubbage (Heating & Ventilating) Ltd

London Scotland South West


Source Air Conditioning & Electrical Services (NI) Ltd

Shouksmiths Maintenance & Refrigeration





Northern Ireland East Midlands South East

West Midlands

Swiftclean (UK) Ltd East Midlands London

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

228 169 181 193 218 223 228 218 154 169 193 211 218 223 234 211 211 169 211 193 211 193 193 186 234 186 147 211

228 147 169

B&ES Members’ Index Swiftline Engineering Ltd London

Sykes & Son Ltd London

System Hygienics Ltd South East

Systems & Solutions Ltd t/a Cleanheat London

169 169 211 169

Thermocool Ltd Scotland

T Clarke Plc

South West East Midlands Eastern Counties Yorkshire London Scotland London

T Jolly Services(UK) Ltd North West

Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd

United Refrigeration Southern Ltd


North West

Thorley Environmental Systems Ltd South East

T W Steam & Heating Services Ltd North East

TMC Gas Services Ltd Northern Ireland

TMP (Northern) Ltd

181 175

T.B.S Mechanical & Electrical Design & Build Ltd West Midlands

T2 Building Services Ltd London

Taranis Engineering Ltd Wales

Taylor & Fraser Ltd Scotland

Taylor Mechanical Services Ltd Scotland

TDR (Mechanical Services) Ltd West Midlands

Team Q Maintenance Ltd South East

Technicool Air Conditioning Ltd South East

Tecomak Environmental Services Ltd South East

Temperature Control Ltd London North West West Midlands Yorkshire

Tencer Ltd South East

Thames Ducting Ltd South East

Thameswey Maintenance Services Ltd South East

The Beaver Co Ltd London

The Duct Cleaning Co Ltd Yorkshire

The Electrical & Plumbing Co Ltd London

The Ingenious Air Company London

The James Mercer Group Ltd North West

The James Mercer Group Ltd North West

Thermal Engineering (Wales) Ltd Wales

Thermatic Maintenance Ltd North West

Thermatic Maintenance Ltd Scotland

228 169 223 193 193 228 211 211 211 169 181 228 234 211 211 211


Total Deep Clean Ltd North West

Total Electrical Ltd Eastern Counties

Total Environmental Kooling Ltd South West

Total Fan Services Northern Ireland

Total Heating & Electrical Ltd West Midlands

Townley Hughes & Co Ltd North West

Trace Energy Systems (Leicester) East Midlands

Trios Compliance Ltd South West

Trios Property Ltd West Midlands



Truedeal Building Services Ltd Scotland

Tudor Northwest Ltd North West

Tugwell Heating Co Ltd South East

Twin Services Ltd North East

TWO Services Ltd Eastern Counties London Yorkshire

Tyco Fire & Integrated Solutions North East North West Scotland South East South West West Midlands

193 182 212 223 186 169 182 155


182 182 223 182 193

South East

University of Liverpool North West

Upnorth Engineering Services Ltd North East

Valigroup Ltd South East

Vantage Facilities Ltd London


Vaughan Engineering Ltd

Northern Ireland North East North West Scotland

Vaughan Engineering Services Ltd 182

Northern Ireland

VCM Services Ltd 147

Northern Ireland

Vear M & E Services Ltd 219

South East

Venduct Engineering Ltd 228

East Midlands

Ventalution 170


Ventilation Cleaning Services Ltd 194


Ventilation Hygiene Specialists Ltd 182 212 175 155 170 234 175 182 194 212 219 228

North East

Ventilation Technical Services Scotland

Ventorex Ltd North West

Vent-Tech Ltd South West

Vertdegree Ltd South West

Vertex Services Group Ltd London

VES Andover Ltd North West Scotland South East

Northern Ireland


UK Commercial Cleaning Solutions Ltd North East

UKFM Group Ltd Scotland

Uni-Clean Maintenance Services East Midlands

Uniheat (Oxford) Ltd South East

Unitary Engineering Services Ltd South West

VINCI Facilities London North West 212 175

212 212 182 175

W Speirs & Sons Ltd Scotland

North West


W T Parker Ltd West Midlands


Wales Millennium Centre Ltd Wales


Walter Miles Building Services Ltd East Midlands


Vision Hygiene Services Ltd South West

Vital Energi Utilities Ltd North West




W M Refrigeration Ltd


W Mullett Ltd

South East Wales


Warmington Plumbing & Heating Ltd West Midlands


Watertite Heating Ltd 212 170 186

South West


Watford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd South East


Watkins Mechanical Ltd South East


Watret & Co Ltd 175 182 194 186 186

South East


Watsons Building Services Ltd Yorkshire


Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd Eastern Counties London

155 170

Wessex Electricals (Shaftesbury) Ltd South East



Wessex Renewable Energy South East



West Link Mechanical Services Ltd Wales



Westford Mechanical Ltd South West



Westway Services Ltd London



Whitehead Building Services Ltd Wales


Northern Ireland 182

William Bailey Ltd East Midlands


Williams PM Electrical Ltd Wales

219 170 182 194 212

Willows Mechanical Services Ltd North West

Wing’s Technical Services Ltd South East

Winrow Building Services Ltd North West

WMB (Mechanical) Ltd 186

North West

WMQ Building Services 170 182


Wonters FM Ltd

Eastern Counties 219

Woodford Heating & Energy Ltd London


Woods Environmental (Leeds) Ltd Wright Bros Partnership Ltd Yorkshire

Wright Favell Ltd East Midlands 212


Whitehouse Engineering Company Ltd

North West 194


W T Building Services Ltd

South East

V Vaughan Engineering Group Ltd



Warburton Building Services Ltd

Victoria Mechanical Services Ltd

South East 169

South East


169 234

Eastern Counties

United House Ltd


219 147 154 234 169 193 169

United Facilities Management Ltd

Thermotech Engineering Services (Scotland) Ltd

Three Nations Ltd




South West

186 147 223 182 212 182 182 194 155 170 182 234 147 219


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org


Notes \


B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org



B&ES Book 2015 \ A client’s guide to building engineering services \ www.b-es.org

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