BESA Year In Review 2023-24

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Year in Review 2023– 2024 1904 - 2024 YEARS OF BESA Indoor Air Quality for Health and Well-being

“BESA has been integral to Hensall’s success for over three decades.

We first approached them (back in their HVCA days) as we were keen to take our business credibility and professionalism to the next level. Their guidance on legal and employment matters has proven invaluable over the years.

In particular, their expert assistance with contracts and collateral warranties gives us peace of mind that we’re compliant, above board, and protect ourselves where it matters. Their expertise is in-house, sparing us the expense of legal support.

Their unwavering consistency was demonstrated by their performance throughout the unprecedented challenges of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. You would expect to see a dip in performance in a time of such uncertainty. We didn’t. BESA were there with vital support, delivering weekly updates and conducting informative meetings that empowered us to navigate uncharted waters confidently. Something that has long continued to the present day.

BESA Year in Review 2023–2024: What our members say... Contents 03 04-07 08-09

In no small measure, BESA has played a pivotal role in shaping Hensall into the thriving business we are today. We take pride in our partnership with them and wholeheartedly recommend their services to others looking to achieve the same levels of success.”

Chris Bond, Managing Director, Hensall

“Meeting with Maria on a regular basis has helped me with knowing more about BESA and what they are doing for the sector and it’s members. BESA continues to help raise standards in our sector, assisting us in staying compliant. Maria has also introduced me to the numerous training and focus groups along with the technical documentation that BESA provide which has proved extremely useful.”

Mark Bowden, Northern Pre-Construction Manager, Tilbury Douglas

“The AC Materclass Course was an excellent course! Graeme was incredibly knowledgable and passionate about the subject. I particularly liked that the majority of the course was in a lecture style and less simply relying on slides. Graeme’s stories about influencing regulations and stories about practical issues around installation and fault finding were a particular highlight.”

Senior E&M Engineer, CBRE

“We find the benefits of BESA membership far outweigh the cost.

What with...

• Independent auditing and accreditation (to give our clients piece of mind)

• Access to HR, legal & commercial H&S, technical advice

• World leading technical publications

• Free webinars keeping us up to date on industry and regulatory news

• Training via BESA Academy

• Industry representation

• Technical groups

• Regional events, national conference and recognition through their Industry Awards

• Networking with industry peers and partners.

If you’re involved in building services, ventilation or like us LEV, being a BESA member gives you so much.”

Adrian Sims, Managing Director, Vent-Tech Ltd

It’s all to play for on Energy Efficiency

BESA Chief Executive Officer David Frise stresses that governments and businesses are scratching the surface of what energy efficient buildings can do for them, and the benefits better buildings bring to economies and societies.

Year in numbers

Facts and figures showing our latest achievements, from technical and training updates, to issuing guidance and advice.

Year in the (digital) life

Claire Curran’s year as BESA President has coincided with a dramatic acceleration in the adoption of digital technologies and techniques - and BESA have never been more aware of how quickly things are changing.


Our journey to net zero

BESA President-elect Adrian Hurley cites relentlessly pursuing ways to improve training and attract new talent as a key issue during his presidential year, because net zero will not happen without a suitably trained workforce – and the country is counting on us.


BESA Governance 2023-2024

The framework of management, roles and the division of responsibilities within the whole decision-making process.


BESA Representation

The members of the BESA committees and how we’re also playing a part in external groups and task forces.


Regional Chairs

The Chair and Vice Chairs of the 11 regions throughout the United Kingdom.


BESA External Representation 2023 – 2024

We collaborate as representative bodies to lobby government at the UK and EU level as we strive to improve the building services sector.

PwC survey for the Davos meeting that 50% of more than 4,700 business “decision makers” believe their organisations will cease to exist within a decade if they don’t adapt to the changing business environment created by the “climate crisis”.

With minds being concentrated on this scale and at this level what does this mean for BESA members?

It means we, like the world’s big corporations, have everything to play for. And we should be more ambitious and aim to make this ‘The Decade of Retrofit’.

It’s all to play for on energy efficiency

At BESA we have long argued that governments and businesses all over the world are just scratching the surface of what energy efficient buildings can do for them and what benefits better buildings bring to economies and societies.

At the start of 2024 we called for the UK government to make this the ‘Year of Retrofit’ and it now seems the financial sector is on the same page.

A detailed study backed by hundreds of international businesses and economic experts found that savings for corporations could reach a mindboggling $2trillion a year with a range of relatively easy to achieve retrofit measures for buildings.

The report, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the financial consultant PwC, includes a range of “doable today” business actions that would slash demand for energy, boost profits and cut carbon.

‘Transforming Energy Demand’ was backed by over 120 CEOs of large global corporations and concluded that retrofitting buildings alone could cut global energy demand by 12%.

Buildings were responsible for 30% of the world’s energy usage in 2022 but they also offer the greatest energy reduction potential of all economic sectors. WEF researchers calculated that energy intensity in buildings could be reduced by 38% using existing solutions.

The WEF also emphasised retrofit’s wider benefits including reduced staff absenteeism and improved productivity (because retrofitted facilities are higher quality) and the creation of 3.2 million jobs worldwide to deliver retrofit programmes.

It also estimated that retrofitting buildings can increase their value by up to 15%.

The WEF researchers concluded that energy efficiency was the most “under-addressed” aspect of global approaches to net zero. It claims proven measures could deliver a short-term, cost-efficient reduction in energy demand of almost a third shared across the buildings, industry, and transport sectors, and avoid the need to construct almost 3,000 extra power stations.

However, potentially even more significant was the finding of another

The Future Homes and Buildings Standards, which are due to come into force next year, could play a big role so long as they capture the urgency of taking a holistic approach to retrofitting our lamentable building stock.

The surge in heat pump demand is obviously a good thing but individual technologies can only achieve so much. In fact, heat pumps are a good example of a solution that can only achieve its full potential as part of a wider whole building retrofit.

The Standards will also stress the key role to be played by heat networks in coming years as we seek to move from whole building to whole community decarbonisation solutions.

ESG (environmental, social and governance) reporting is another influential market driver with clients under pressure to be fully transparent about their net zero strategies to bolster their corporate reputations. In addition, all newly leased commercial buildings will need to achieve EPC ratings of C or higher from 2025 – with existing leases required to meet the same target by 2028.

Our role? To prove to businesses that our skills and technologies can help them avoid ending up with ‘stranded assets’ that threaten their very survival…and save the planet along the way.

You can find out more on this and many other topics by listening to the BESA podcast . n

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322 Years Of Besa Besa Members achieved the Besa Competence assessment standard (Cas) saved annually by members using our in house team of experts for Legal, H&S, Technical and HR B esa M eMB ersHIP 120 traInIng and skIlls Over 14k Registrants with BESA Academy
CERTIFICATES AWARDED delegates at the Besa annual Conference 2023 WEBiNAR ATTENDEES webinars produced 300+
16 issues of Your BESA digital magazine published BESA Book distributed to over SPECIFIERS FREE ONLINE CPD COURSES AVAILABLE 24 Guests at the BESA Industry Awards 2023 500+ 4 £3.4 MI llIOn new DirectOr Of MeMbership, REBECCA Fox NEW DIRECTOR OF SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE, RACHEL DAVIDSoN new BESA Building Safety Act Group Building Safety Act Newsletters new and improved online Learning Management System launched AwARDS PRESENTED AT THE INDUSTRY AWARDS 2024 1 member cases dealt with by our in house team of experts 1,863 21 FUTURE LEADERS 18 1 New Building Safety Act Hub New Net Zero Hub BESA & Mitsubishi Electric Net Zero Podcasts 3 4 1 1 £172,500 goVERNMENT Fu NDINg SECu RED TO DELIVER TWO NEW H EAT N ETWORKS COURSES
Respondents to the BESA industry Survey BESA Year in Numbers 2023– 2024 04 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024




1 1

new IOR President graeme Fox AwARD woN

ACR News Environmental Initiative of the Year – with Mitsubishi electric for our Buildings as safe Havens (BasH) guide

Over 250

new Technical Standard for UK HIU Test Regime launched

“ BESA’s technical knowledge and publications are a valued resource for our Mechanical and Electrical teams across the business. one that springs to mind is the best practice guide for the installation of supports and fixings (TR50) which I recently circulated to the whole team and received some excellent feedback. Access to BESA’s technical team is a significant membership benefit to us, saving us a lot of time and helping to maintain our high standards ”

legal and COMM erCIal

2,500 £2.11m


hours on the phone dealing with member queries


technical committees took place


hours of free legal support provided

andy Pickthorne, Principle electrical Officer, dalkia



Chris Bond, Managing director, Hensall


“ The Employment Team at BESA has been supporting us with our HR issues since 2019. The team are always prompt in responding to enquiries and all clearly have extensive knowledge and experience. They provide professional and helpful support to prevent things going wrong and help resolve any issues that do arise. It is reassuring to know that they are available whenever we may need their advice and I would highly recommend them. ”

sue Bolton, Hr Manager, airtemp aC ltd






member queries dealt with




MeMBer legal Cases RESoLVED


Employment Contract and Employee handbook reviewed or developed for Members


emails sent dealing with member queries

3 Wage and salary negotiations successfully completed 1

New National Agreement Handbook issued

BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 05

3 MPlOYM ent and H r
guIdanCe, dOCuMents & COnsultatIOns Issued
“ Hensall have used BESA’s legal team for many years and their approachable experts with their unique insight into the building services industry has been invaluable. we couldn’t recommend them highly enough. ”

SKiLLcards issued 12 k

55 28k

SKiLLcard holders registered in the UK



PHoNE CALLS received by the SKILLcard team




VHR membership recognised by RISCAuthority & LFB

oVER 26k

safer catering premises thanks to VHr members

Shortlisted for the Fire Safety Campaign of the Year at the Fire & Security Matters Awards

Award won for Best use of Technology at the TAF Awards

esa Vent HYgIene regIster (VH r)
Continued uKAS Accreditation woRK TYPES CoVERED nOtificatiOns B esCa CPs
• Heating & Hot Water • Ventilation & Air Conditioning • Solid Fuel • Plumbing • Oil • Renewables BESA Year in Numbers 2023– 2024
06 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024
sfg20 F GAS COMPANY REGISTER F GAS COMPANY MEMBERS refCOM elite supplier and Contractor members demonstrating best practice in refrigerant management ELITE RENEWAL RATES refCOM f gas refCOM elIte 8,000 1 UK’S NUMBER 92% 337 ACCIDENT DATA Co LLECTI o N Su RVEY Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) BESA was re-elected as one of the board members for a further 2 years 1 HealtH and safet Y 4 Sh EP WEB i NARS held New F gas members 1,200 REFCoM F-gas Networking event at Brewdog neW POlICY and PrOCedure teMPlates deVelOPed 12 successful prosecution of an online seller after REFCOM’s intervention F-GAS RENEWAL RATES 85% OvER 1 BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 07

A year in the (digital) life

My year as BESA President has coincided with a dramatic acceleration in the adoption of digital technologies and techniques.

As the Association celebrates its 120th anniversary, we are mindful of our history and traditions, but have never been more aware of how quickly things are changing.

While AI has dominated the headlines, the industry has come on leaps and bounds in other less ‘glamorous’ aspects of our digital world, but the wider world has been moving on even more quickly and there is a tangible sense that we are still not catching up.

I often hear people in our sector say things like: “AI can’t install a chiller or repair a heat pump so I can’t see it having much impact on what I do.”

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how digital systems are transforming our world. AI robots may well carry out mechanical on site work one day, but we are not there yet. However, the use of data capture and analysis is already changing our world at breakneck speed.

Every sector from sport to finance to fashion is pouring money into data. Nobody buys a footballer or makes an investment decision or designs a new shirt without first consulting their digital analysts who crunch the numbers.

Catch up

Construction in general and building services in particular are playing catch up. We don’t design projects the same way we did 120 years ago, but we are also very far from the cutting edge.

Consider our sector’s record on productivity. Just one in every 200 construction projects is delivered on time and to budget, according to the government’s Infrastructure and Projects Authority, which is determined to address this shocking statistic by putting data driven performance at the heart of its project delivery strategy.

The thing is we are quite good at gathering data – it is what we have been doing with that data that’s the problem because it is often nothing. This is where AI can be transformational. It has already turbocharged data analysis in many business sectors, and we need to invest in the tech and the training so it can do the same for us.

Building engineering firms often have lots of great information but they have it captured in a multitude of different systems and different formats. Even today there are still bits of paper with crucial technical information lying on

08 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024
“ The thing is we are quite good at gathering data – it is what we have been doing with that data that’s the problem because it is often nothing. This is where AI can be transformational. It has already turbocharged data analysis in many business sectors, and we need to invest in the tech and the training so it can do the same for us. ”

people’s desks, but we now have the tools to reorganise all that information, ensure it is automatically updated and shared, and use it to drive project decision making, recruitment, training, investment in technology, collaboration through our supply chains etc. etc.

We have software for project management, virtual design and construction, and integrated project delivery platforms. Smart devices are everywhere collecting real-time data on building performance, energy usage, occupant comfort, and maintenance needs. Integrating IoT sensors with BIM models can enable predictive maintenance and more efficient building operation.

Cloud-based project management platforms and collaborative BIM environments can facilitate real-time communication and decision-making. It’s all there, but the penny needs to drop with many in our sector that without these advances we will simply no longer be competitive.

A crucial message to emerge from the Grenfell Inquiry was that our industry was very bad at managing project information. It is little surprise, therefore, that the Building Safety Act is placing great emphasis on the ‘Golden Thread’ of information to help keep building occupants safe.

So, not only should we back digital to keep our businesses alive, but legislation effectively says that we must.

It has been a huge honour being your President as the Association reaches this important milestone – and now here’s to the future. n

BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 09

It is a tremendous honour to be elected President of this great association during its 120th anniversary year.

and skills – then it will be other countries that make the running.”

This reminds us that net zero is also a business imperative for the property industry. It faces a future where billions of pounds worth of commercial property becomes unlettable ‘stranded assets’ without urgent investment in energy efficiency retrofits.

Our journey to net zero

We are rightly proud of our history and the impact BESA has made over the years. Of course, it has not always been plain sailing, but we have played a huge part in steering members and the wider building engineering community through all the ups and downs since 1904.

As we face up to another period of major transition, the Association will once again provide leadership, guidance, and expertise to ensure members seize the opportunities for growth and diversification that are essential to the future of our businesses and the people we employ.

There is no bigger challenge than the UK’s journey to net zero carbon and our industry’s role in delivering it. Our profession was recognised as being pivotal by no less a person than the government minister who signed the UK’s net zero pledge into law.

Former energy minister Chris Skidmore OBE, who chaired the government’s independent review of net zero, was the guest on a BESA podcast with our CEO David Frise last year.

He highlighted our industry’s ability to improve building performance as central to economic growth and better quality of life as well as progress towards net zero. He was also mindful of our history and reminded the podcast audience how the adoption of central heating transformed qualify of life in the 1960s and 70s as an example of how the building engineering sector had driven major change in the past.


We helped the country transition away from oil in the 70s supply crisis and before that from steam. Later, we helped the country adopt condensing boilers and so transformed heating again and now we are heading into the age of the heat pump as we seek more electric solutions powered by renewables.

It was also significant that Skidmore emphasised how we can lower carbon without forcing people to sacrifice their comfort.

“This is not about making the country colder and poorer…we want to make people warmer and richer,” he said. “We must also make sure we do not damage profit margins, but if you don’t get the basics right around investment

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) introduced last April ban landlords from leasing commercial buildings with an EPC rating of F or lower. The government believes that more than 11% of commercial buildings in the UK are not on track to meet the new standards and their owners face fines of up to £150,000 – or worse, will be unable to rent out their buildings at all.

In the longer term, by 2027 the legislation will require non-domestic rented buildings to have a C rating rising to a B by 2030. With rented buildings making up 61% of the total non-domestic stock in England and Wales, and accounting for 37.5% of total emissions from non-domestic buildings – it is not surprising that this is a priority area.

BESA has been firmly behind the campaign for a national programme of commercial building retrofits for many years and our members will be essential to this now urgent work. We are in a privileged position as businesses who can influence this issue and benefit from it commercially.

However, we are hampered by a serious skills shortage, and it will take a combination of innovation, new technology and better recruitment to address this. BESA is relentlessly pursuing ways to improve training and attract new talent as well as accentuating the opportunity for people already working our industry to learn new skills.

This will be a key issue for me during my presidential year because net zero will not happen without a suitably trained workforce – and the country is counting on us. n

10 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024

BESA Governance 2023-2024

Presidential Team


Claire Curran Linaker Ltd

Adrian Hurley FP Hurley & Son Ltd

Pete Curtis Briggs & Forrester Group

Robert Fletcher Fife Council Building Services

Abbey Maxwell Swiftclean

Adrian Sims Vent-Tech Ltd

Alan gregory IAQ Consultancy Services Ltd

Anna Shephard E&S Heating and Ventilation Ltd

Chris Bond Hensall Mechanical Services Ltd

Christopher Mcglen Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd

Damien Martin Assure Services NI

Diane Drummond B-DACS

george Friend Ventilation Surveys & Services Ltd

BESA Board

Claire Curran Linaker Ltd

Adrian Hurley FP Hurley & Son Ltd

Pete Curtis Briggs & Forrester Group

Robert Fletcher Fife Council

Anna Shephard E&S Heating and Ventilation Ltd

BESA Representation


John Norfolk Dalkia

Martin Coote Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd

BESA Academy Board

Julie Verity Teconnex Ltd – Non-Exec Director

Mark Dacey NPTC Group - Non Exec Director

Rob Clemson Flamco – Non Exec Director

Affiliate Committee

Chris owen Tata Steel (Chair)

gordon Pringle Heating Appliances & Spares Ltd (Vice-Chair)

Adam Taylor ARM Environments

Chris Herber BSS

Dave Brown Smith Bros Stores Ltd

glen Narbeth Narbeths Mechanical Services

Ian Lammas Dalkia

Jack Sharp Skanska

John Norfolk Dalkia

Kevin Knapp Ecolution Renewables

Kevin Morrissey HE Simm Ltd

Martin Coote Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd

Nathan wood Farmwood M&E Ltd

Neil Brackenridge Balfour Beatty

Nick Mead Crown House Technologies

Richard Merritt AC Solutions Group

Ryan walton Panasonic

Neil Brackenridge Balfour Beatty

Nick James Arnold James (St Albans Ltd)

David Frise BESA Chief Executive

Skye Hardy BESA Finance Director

Nick Mead Crown House Technologies

David Frise BESA Chief Executive

Skye Hardy BESA Finance Director

Helen Yeulet BESA Director of Training & Skills

gary Perry Altecnic Ltd

gordon Pringle Heating Appliances & Spares Ltd

Lance Hitchins Mitsubishi Electric

Neil Brackenridge Balfour Beatty

Peter Dyment Camfil

Stephen Duck Flamco Ltd

Pete Curtis Vice President Robert Fletcher Immediate Past President Adrian Hurley President Elect Claire Curran BESA President
BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 11

Education Committee

Neil Brackenridge Balfour Beatty (Chair)

Claire Curran Linaker Ltd (Vice-Chair)

Alan gregory Independent Air Quality Consultancy Services

Damien Norton Norton Mechanical Ltd

Dave Bone Mitie

Dave Kieft RDM Electrical Services Ltd

george Friend Ventilation Surveys & Services Ltd

glenn Narbeth Narbeths Mechanical Services Ltd

Employment and Policy Committee

Pete Curtis Briggs and Forrester Group (Chair)

Adrian Hurley F P Hurley & Sons

Alastair green Dalkia

Andy Talbot Geoffrey Robinson

Anita white Vaughan Group

Brian Boyd NG Bailey

Legal and Commercial Committee

Anna Shephard E&S Heating and Ventilation (Chair)

Bev Myers ADM Systems

Damien Norton Norton Mechanical

Declan Fitzgerald NG Bailey

Evelyn gutteridge Comyn Ching & Co (Solray) Ltd

Membership Committee

John Norfolk Dalkia (Chair)

Adrian Hurley F P Hurley & Son Ltd (Vice-Chair)

Alan gregory IAQ Consultancy Services Ltd

Brian Hughes Derry Building Services

Chris owen BMTFA

Claire Curran Linaker Ltd

Diane Drummond B-DACS

Technical Committee

Kevin Morrissey H E Simm & Son Ltd (Chair)

garry Haigh Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

gary Heitmann Lorne Stewart plc

george Adams Spie Ltd

george Friend Ventilation Surveys & Services Ltd

giuseppe Borgese Sodexo

Lee Bridges Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

Les Higham Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

Neil Ellis Exyte Hargreaves Ltd

Specialist Groups

HAPS Chair - Martin Coote

RACHPG Chair - Richard Merritt

SFG Chair - Alan gregory

Ventilation Chair - george Friend

Becki Taylor Skanska

John McKay Taylor and Fraser

Julia Argles Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

Kevin Morrissey HE Simms

Martin Coote Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd

Robert Fletcher Fife Council Building Services

Steven Rawding Richard Irvin FM Ltd

Tanya webb Darke & Taylor Ltd

Tony Byrne Independent Consultant

glen walton Sayes and Co

John McKay Taylor and Fraser

Mel gore Design Installation Services Ltd

Michael Moore F G Alden Ltd

Richard Harris Gratte Bros Ltd

Victoria Simm H E Simm

gary Nicholls Swiftclean

John Norfolk Dalkia

Karla Robinson Farmwood

Stacey McKinlay Ductform

Steve Bouchard United FM

Don Monaghan Stothers M&E Ltd

Kevin Morrissey HE Simm

Pete Curtis Briggs & Forrester Group

Philipe De wilde Roperhurst Ltd

Richard Merritt AC Solutions Group

Robert Fletcher Fife Council

Steve Barnes IEP Ltd

Nick Mead Crown House Technologies

Paul Cornwell Michael J Lonsdale Ltd

Paul Newby SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

Peter Rogers Technical Consultant

Remi Suzan Gratte Brothers Ltd

Stephen Duck Flamco Ltd (Affiliate member)

Stephen Jennings SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

Steve Taylor Fire Protection Ltd

will Pitt Laing O’Rourke

12 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024

BESA Regional Chairs


Chair (Chair Vacancy)

Vice Chair

Robert Fletcher fife Council

North East


Stephen Paylor robertsons facilities Management ltd

Vice Chair (Chair Vacancy)

Northern Ireland


Damien Martin assure services nI

Vice Chair

Don Monaghan stothers M&e

North west


Ian Lammas dalkia

Vice Chair

Dale Kenyon end systems ltd


Chair glen Narbeth narbeths Mechanical services ltd

Vice Chair

Adrian Hurley fP Hurley & sons ltd

South west

Chair (Chair Vacancy)

Vice Chair (Chair Vacancy)



Chris Bond

Hensall Mechanical services ltd

Vice Chair (Chair Vacancy)

East Midlands

Chair Pete Curtis Briggs & forrester group

Vice Chair

Brian Hughes derry Building services

Eastern Counties

Chair Alan gregory IaQ services

Vice Chair

Abbey Maxwell swiftclean

west Midlands

Chair (Chair Vacancy)

Vice Chair (Chair Vacancy)

London & South East

Chair Richard Merritt aC solutions group

Vice Chair (Chair Vacancy)

BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 13

BESA External Representation 2023 – 2024

We are connected to many other professional bodies within the sector. We all collaborate as representative bodies to lobby government at the UK and EU level as we strive to improve the building services sector.

BESA Voice – Technical

ACRIB Board Directors

Richard Merritt, AC Solutions Group Ltd

Jason Canning, NBC (Air Conditioning) Ltd

graeme Fox

graeme Fox Chair, ACRIB Technical Committee

Richard Merritt

ACRIB Chair of the Board

graeme Fox

Net Zero Group

BESA’s RACHP Group is a member and is represented by graeme Fox and Richard Merritt, AC Solutions Group Ltd

graeme Fox Chair, UNEP Refrigerant Driving Licence Program

graeme Fox

ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance Committee

graeme Fox

BEIS Heat Network Technical Assurance Scheme

graeme Fox

HVAC Systems Group committee

Heat Pump Liaison Group

Domestic Building Services Panel

AM17 Steering Group – Heat Pump Guide

graeme Fox

RACHP Sector Group

graeme Fox

HVAC Manufacturer Group

Suppliers’ Group

Contractors Section

A2L Working Group

graeme Fox


Net Zero Beyond Refrigeration

RACHP EngTech Section

graeme Fox

Decarbonisation of Heating Advisory Group

BESA Voice – Economic Recovery

Debbie Petford Business Group

David Frise Trade Association Group

David Frise Trade Association Council

David Frise

Kirsty Cogan

Iain McCaskey Board Member and Founding Member

CICV Forum Pipeline & Commercial Subgroup

CICV Forum Supply Chain Subgroup CICV Transformation Subgroup

David Frise Retentions Group

Debbie Petford Onerous Clauses Group

David Frise Trade Association Forum

Helen Yeulet Industry Response Group: WG2 – Installers

Debbie Petford Late Payments Working Group

Rebecca Fox

New Hospitals Programme (NHP)

BESA Voice – Competence, Compliance and Safety

Rachel Davidson

Certification Committee

Rachel Davidson

Building Safety Group

Rachel Davidson

Common Assessment Standard Review Group

Building Safety Group

14 | BESA Year in review 2023-2024

Rebecca Crosland Chair, Health & Safety Subgroup

Rachel Davidson CSCS Alliance

Chair, CSCS Steering Group

graeme Fox MTC (Minimum Technical Competencies)

Working Groups for: Heating and Hot Water Ventilation and Air Conditioning Combustion Appliances

graeme Fox Future Buildings Standard Working Group

Rebecca Crosland Committee Member

Rebecca Crosland Chair

Rebecca Crosland Board Member (on behalf of Actuate UK)

BESA Voice – Education, Skills and Training

Helen Yeulet

Chair, Skills Group Chair, WG2 – Building Services

Helen Yeulet WG2 – Building Services

Iain McCaskey Cymru Committee Northern Ireland Committee

Helen Yeulet Non-executive Director

Helen Yeulet Non-executive Director

Iain McCaskey Skills Partnership, Construction Cluster Meeting

Iain McCaskey Industry Leadership Group – Skills

Helen Yeulet Standards Consultation Forum (Downstream Gas)

Helen Yeulet IfATE Apprenticeship Review


Northern Ireland Apprentice Week

Helen Yeulet Green Jobs Action Group Iain McCaskey Working Group

Iain McCaskey All Party Group on Construction Built Environment Sector Partnership (BESP) Department of Education

Helen Yeulet Reviews of BSE NOS

Helen Yeulet CBE Advisory Group

Iain McCaskey Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Construction, Skills and Housing

Helen Yeulet Optimised Retrofit Wales Government –Project Board

Helen Yeulet Non-executive Director

Helen Yeulet

Engineering and Building Services Skills Authority (EBSSA) Super Sector

BESA Year in review 2023-2024 | 15
BESA Rotherwick House 3 Thomas More Street St Katharine's & Wapping London E1W 1YZ T: 0345 646 1044 E: W: © BESA 2024 BESA Year in Review 2023–2024 Information correct as of March 2024

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