SCTS Bulletin Issue 04

Page 5

August 2018


From the Editor Indu Deglurkar, Publishing Secretary, SCTS


reckon we have all done a lot of editing in our time and indeed editing and auditing are tasks that I innately enjoy. Yet, when our President, Richard Page, telephoned to offer me the job of Publications Secretary following a round of late evening interviews, I suddenly had mixed feelings... joy of course, but equally laced with sudden doubts as these are unchartered territories. This was short lived due to the ease and patience with which Vipin & Isabelle have guided me into editing the bulletin. In the Presidential communication, Richard Page talks about nurturing individuals to engage with the Society, the GIRFT report and its use of HES to produce helpful comparison between Units in England, explore outcomes beyond operative mortality and service issues. We have been inundated with a range of articles. If lack of exposure equals not being equipped to excel, there is certainly no paucity of global exposure in the Cardiothoracic community given the wide breadth of Fellowships undertaken and the acquisition of a number of skills which will enrich our practice.

The thought provoking article by Steve Large on independent operating and whether the graduation of Mr Alt O’Gether to Mr Alt O’Gether-Perfect should involve a junior Consultancy period is worth exploring further. This is counterbalanced with a trainee’s perspective that opportunities to operate independently are variable and

ramifications as well. Space... the final frontier and the gliding voyages of Nick Odom highlights the similarities in multidimensional awareness of atmosphere be it in theatres or in space. Clearly, once a cardiac surgeon, always a cardiac surgeon holds good after retirement too. We have reports from Narain Moorjani, Honorary Secretary encouraging involvement with the SCTS. David Jenkins reports on the development of the new “Blue Book” that will review 15 years of cardiac surgery data & Doug West announces the publication of the third Thoracic Blue Book later this year - no doubt we are in for plenty of interesting data ahead. Rajesh Shah reports on the imminent change in curriculum in 2019 & Sri Rathinam reports on a constantly evolving Education portfolio. Carol & Sunil relate the challenges of assessing a trainee’s knowledge before and after the course. There is a wealth of information for AHPs given out by Helen Munday, Tara Bartley & Bhuvana Krishnamoorthy. Clinton Lloyd & team are bracing themselves for another busy annual meeting. In my new role as Editor of this popular, unique & useful bulletin, I will request one article by invitation and introduce a brief constructive “Candid Column” and submissions will be open to all members. This is specifically to stimulate debate about practices, team working, commissioning, education & training, leadership & resource management... anything that may be worthwhile. As a Society we can remain at the forefront, chart out our own road map and firmly cement our position as key players. Enjoy the glorious summer & many thanks to Isabelle for all the help. I welcome all suggestions and feedback and can be contacted at indu.deglurkar@ n

“In my new role as Editor I will introduce a brief constructive “Candid Column” to stimulate debate about practices, team working, commissioning, education & training, leadership & resource management.”

Nick Odom (page 63) compares his gliding voyages to the multidimensional awareness of atmosphere in theatre

limited. The management of this difficult transition with minimal implications to the patient, trainee and the consultant, acquiring nontechnical skills to compliment the technical skills and the finished “end product” is the BIG question. I felt that Joel Dunning’s article which is essentially an honest, sensitive account from a patient living with a severe chest deformity in a Society that prizes a “strong & proud” chest is a timely reminder that our Commissioner’s need to understand the emotional and psychological

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