SCTS Bulletin Issue 04

Page 70

the 70 bulletin


Set by Samer Nashef


1/5 Grey skirt in the drawer (8, 6) 9/10 Moving to the next line in marriage starts with a 90% reduction to income (8, 6) 12 Henry Holmes into being stripped of registration (9) 13/23d Herr Sanger’s changed hands for the gang (5, 6) 14/21d A couple is firm that a chaperone is not required (4, 7) 16 May be a hair shirt for the last to leave town (7) 19 Plots for dogs (7) 21 Money hideout reported on the radio (4) 24 Start to eat in pleasant setting with part of the family (5) 25 13 feature from crazy backwards people (9) 27 Cake with calories out? Not so! (6) 28 It’s good in youth then to have frivolous talk (8) 29 West End in messy, chaotic organisation (6) 30 A lens, say, to capture you, old girl (8)

Please send your solutions to: Isabelle Ferner, SCTS, 35-43, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE The first successful solution received will win either a bottle of champagne or fine olive oil. Congratulations to Jonathan Hyde for winning the January bulletin crossword competition (right) for which he received a bottle of champagne.

Recent Retirements Joseph F Khalil-Marzouk University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire

November 2017

Alan Bryan Bristol Heart Institute

October 2018


1/17 Dogs and poultry catch up, but not in the main text (6, 8) 2/18 Highlights our problem in Arab love for Israel’s destruction (6, 8) 3/26 Cold, cutting inactivity (10) 4 Seraglio almost built here? (7) 6 The Alps expedition ends badly for them (9) 7 Briefly hint flat is a suitable location for nightlife (8) 8 They may be poets who keep an eye on the ball (8) 11 See 20 15 Wine drinking lover turned into a beast (9) 17 See 1 18 See 2 20/11 Dodge has broken down despite circling soft-top (4, 4) 21 See 14 Across 22 Bug scoundrel among spies (6) 23 See 13 Across 26 See 3

Departing Officers Graham Cooper - President Richard Page - President-elect


Simon Kendall - Honorary Secretary

In the February 2018 edition of the bulletin, an article was written by David K C Cooper about Christian Barnard. Regretfully, the article implied that it had been authored by Richard Page. Please note that the photo was of the author, David K C Cooper

Andrew Owens - Elected Trustee

Narain Moorjani - Joint Education Secretary Juliet King - Elected Trustee John Dunning - Elected Trustee

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