1 minute read
Axl Knickerbocker
9 th Grade • Lane Tech
Dear our 2030 kids and dear 2040 kids, your parents, here or not, held on through this whole plague’s plot. You may come to us about your boredom, which i'm sure, is quite solemn, but whose extent cannot compare to that of ours in this affair. We tried to stay six feet apart, and if we could, we’d all restart. Our only company included family. All else excluded. We learned to hug through TV screens, and fall into separate routines. We called and called and elbow bumped, eyes glazed over as cleanser pumped I for one had a hard time, With Google classroom sour as a lime,
But through this drought, of human doubt We all pursued, til it ensued. For in this crisis, I was not alone. We all went through it, through the unknown. Now we emerge, as one community, and yes, we’ve changed, by building unity. It’s brought us closer, by pushing us away, and now its influence will forever stay. So from the 2000 kids, and from the 2010 kids, here this message loud and clear, use it for the next frontier, and take the opportunity, to become one with your community.