by Radical Politics1 RADICAL POLITICS: Let us begin the interview with a question on the nature of the event in your work. You have vehemently denounced in your work anti-philosophy and its main thesis: the “impenetrability of God’s design”, and the fundamental “inaccessibility that opens the way to an infinite hermeneutics”.2 On the contrary, a philosophical project needs to be anchored within the intelligible. However, you maintain in your Saint Paul that “The Resurrection … is not of the historical order, is not demonstrable; it is a pure event, an opening of an epoch, a change in the relations between the possible and the impossible.”3; in Ethics you declare that what interests you in the figure of Saint Paul, “is the idea that the becoming of a truth, the becoming of a subject, depend entirely on a pure event, which is itself beyond all the predictions and calculations that our understanding is capable of”.4 Could we not say that the event, because it lies beyond our understanding, beyond the order of the demonstrable, is unintelligible? And that our commitment to it, because it requires a “certain kind of special passivity” and a “total abandonment”, is, dare we say, religious? 1The Radical Politics is a group of students in political theory, based at the University of Essex, UK, whose aim is to carve out a space and a forum in which to talk about politics. It serves as a space defined by a relation of “equality”, and is predicated upon a commitment to the creation of this space. It is also a way of coming to terms with contemporary political thought, and of building up an archive of texts and responses produced by students and then disseminated. 2 Quoted in Peter Hallward, Badiou: A Subject to Truth, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003, p.28. 3 Badiou, Saint Paul: La fondation de l’universalisme, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1999, p.49. 4 Badiou, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil, trans. Peter Hallward, London: Verson, 2001, p.123.
ALAIN BADIOU:It is imperative to understand that an event is always relative to a situation; it is an event for the situation, and not above or outside it. Consequently, when I say that an event is beyond calculation, beyond prediction, this is naturally beyond prediction within the situation of which the event is the supplement, or the added singularity. As such, the event is not in itself unintelligible: it is unintelligible in regard to the means of prediction, of forecast, or of continuity that are those of the situation. But the intelligibility of the event is created in the fidelity to the event. Obviously for the revolutionaries, in the end, the event of “revolution” is intelligible. It is neither a mystery nor is it impenetrable. It is impenetrable only for the conservatism of the previous situation.