Frontline Faith nov-dec 2012

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NOV-DEC 2012

What it means to be

‘ONE WITH THEM’ Inspirational. Moving. Challenging. These are just some of the words used to describe the recent Open Doors Speaker’s Tour with North Korean labour camp survivor, Hea Woo. Hea Woo’s visit was a part of Open Doors’ One With Them campaign, which encourages believers to stand in solidarity with their persecuted brothers and sisters across the world. Thousands of people attended the 12date speaking tour as it made its way down Australia’s East Coast in October. And many were moved by her powerful story of redemption and hope.

Many were moved by her powerful story of redemption and hope. For security reasons, we are unable to show a photo of Hea Woo.



Born just after WWII, Hea Woo’s father died in the Korean War. She was raised by her mother, a ‘secret believer’ in communist North Korea, and she went on to get married and have her own children. However, when North Korea was struck by famine in the nineties, her eldest daughter died from starvation. Before her death she told her parents, “If you want to live, go to South Korea”. The dream of freedom led... (continued on page 2)



Follow a ‘Secret Believer’ online [p2] Be One With Them during International Day s of Prayer [p4] “Don’t pray for us, pray with us” say Egyptia n believers [p5] Free IDOP resources now available! [p5] Prayer Focus: Syria [p6] From the Heart with CEO Nigel [p8]

DVD + BOOK See back page for details

What it means to be ‘ONE WITH THEM’

(continued from page 1) ...Hea Woo’s husband to escape to China, where he became a Christian. He was eventually returned to a North Korean prison, where he died six months later. During a prison visit before his death, he wrote ‘Believe in Jesus’ on his children’s hands.

Hea Woo was shocked to discover her husband was a Christian, but she says she “instinctively knew” he had found the truth.

Hea Woo was shocked to discover her husband was a Christian, but she says she “instinctively knew” he had found the truth. Hea Woo fled to China, heard the gospel and immediately came to faith. She began evangelising in China, but was caught by Chinese police and sent back to North Korea where she received a ‘lucky’ sentence: several years in a labour camp. Hea Woo worked from 5am to 10pm,

FOa SecLretLBelOieverW ONLINE At the launch of Open Doors’ One With Them campaign, we sent you a letter introducing Lydia, Bilal and Ibrahim, a family of Secret Believers. Although we can’t reveal their location, Open Doors can offer you the unique opportunity to engage and share in their daily lives online, beginning with Lydia’s story.


The Secret Believers’ series is fictional, based on a composite of true stories.

and was abused, tortured and psychologically manipulated. It felt like death was not far off. “Every day was like torture,” Hea Woo shares. “People were dying and their corpses were burnt. The guards scattered the ashes over the road. We walked that road every day and each time I thought: one day the other prisoners will walk over me.” With the fear of death hanging over her, Hea Woo prayed for her guards and fellow prisoners. She evangelised at every opportunity, and guided a number of them to Jesus. Hea Woo says God was watching over her, encouraging her with His voice. Hea Woo was eventually released from labour camp and made her way to freedom. She says of her life now, “I am not rich compared to most people, but I have Jesus in my heart.” As part of the worldwide body of Christ, let us continue to be ‘one with them’, by praying for, and financially supporting our persecuted brothers and sisters like Hea Woo throughout the world. God loves North Korea, please continue to pray for this nation. gripping the Middle East. In the midst of her struggles, Lydia will l be sharing her thoughts and persona We es. seri il ema an experiences in by encourage you to stand one with her on ings posting words, photos or draw rd. the One With Them website share boa As Christians, we are all part of the lst worldwide body of Christ, and so, whi , sage mes a e shar Lydia hopes you will for prayer or Bible verse on the website also is she , read to her like ns Christia in looking forward to encouraging you say: ia return. Christians like Lyd

Lydia is 49, married with three children a and is a former Muslim who is now “Even though we’re far apart, your ple peo t mos , Christian. In her country words, prayers and support mean w ause bec er suff ns much to me. And I want you to kno are Muslims. Christia s. vert con lim ” Mus too! lly you ecia for that I pray of their faith, esp They face discrimination, pressure to Visit to e. convert to Islam, threats and violenc meet Lydia, and share your heart This danger has increased with the for persecuted Christians! ongoing violence and instability

More resources needed as number of persecuted Christians skyrockets! “Some of the countries where church growth is fastest, are the same countries where persecution is most intense, most sustained and most ruthless.”

This was the eye opening finding from a recent study, which looked at church growth in countries on the Open Doors World Watch List. The implications are obvious: as churches grow, our brothers and sisters in persecuted countries will need even more Bibles and discipleship material than ever before. The 2011 Open Doors’ ‘Impact Report’ also reflected this increased need for more resources, after a huge 65% jump in training worldwide in 2011, including large gains in Egypt (353%), Middle East (461%), and Africa (154%). One way you can support this growing need is by giving a Bible to a persecuted Christian. Your sponsorship will come at just the right time for Christians like this Pastor from Myanmar: “The Bibles you gave us were perfect timing. Thank you for giving them at the moment we needed them.”

In other persecuted nations, church leaders are hungrier than ever for biblical discipleship materials, particularly for those who teach young people. A Sunday school teacher in Colombia shares, “Our church is surrounded by many children who need to be instructed in the knowledge of the Word of God. Some are displaced because of the violence in the region, and it is our duty to restore their hearts and lives.” Churches in heavily persecuted countries such as Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Vietnam and Indonesia, are growing up to four times the speed of the overall population. And, whilst the growth is very exciting, the need is urgent. So please visit to learn how you can give a Bible and be one with them. Thank you for praying and standing alongside our persecuted church family around the world! Source: Operation World

What is a ‘Frontline Partner’? Every month, our Frontline Partners equip Open Doors with a stead flow of vital funding, allowing us to provide Bibles and resources y to the family of Christ around the world. These regular monthly gifts help us accurately plan our proje cts for the future, and immediately respond to more urgent reque sts when needed.

Will you consider becoming a Frontline Partner? Your regul ar monthly support will help Open Doors as we stand One With Them, encouraging and equipping our brothers and sister s facing persecution around the world. To become an Open Doors’ Frontline Partner, giving a mont hly gift of whatever amount you choose, please contact Kath y at or on 02 9451 2999.


Show that you are


during International Days of Prayer Jesus said, “where two or three gather in my name, there am I We may not always be able to physically stand alongside persecuted believers, but we can still be with them”. With this great promise in mind, IDOP is the perfect One With Them through prayer. As Brother Andrew opportunity to stand with persecuted believers in prayer! reminds us, “Our prayers can go where we cannot. You can get your IDOP prayer pack There are no borders, no prison walls, no doors that • VISIT are closed when we pray”. • CALL (02) 9451 2999 Prayer is a vital part of our support for the persecuted church, so join with Open Doors this November, as we stand one with persecuted Christians on the International Days of Prayer (IDOP). All you need to do is get together between the 4th and 11th November and pray. It could be with friends, family, your church or prayer group, as a couple, or individually.


• CONNECT using you smartphone with the QR code on the far right

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Use your smartphone to connect by scanning this QR code.

“DON’T PRAY FOR US, PRAY WITH US” say Egyptian believers

What does it mean to be One With Them, especially when it comes to standing alongside persecuted believers in Egypt? According to Brother Andrew, three things need to be remembered when we pray: 1. Pray with them, not just for them.

2. Pray for the advancement of the gospel.

Pastors in Egypt are not asking for persecution to end. “If you pray for us, you will pray for the wrong things,” one pastor says. “You will pray that the church will be safe. You will pray for persecution to cease. We are not praying for these things.”

The heart of the persecuted church is for the gospel to advance. The message from this pastor in Egypt is clear: “We ask God for the salvation of Egypt. We ask that He draw millions of Muslims to Christ. And we pray that when the inevitable persecution comes, that we will not run away, that we will be faithful in that persecution even if it costs us our lives.”

3. Pray persistently. The pastor also exhorted his congregation and us in the west to keep on praying. Referring to the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, he said, “Jesus showed His disciples that they should always pray and not give up. Our persistence means we will keep on interceding for the people of this country and the whole Arab world.” The pastor’s final message is one to remember during this year’s International Days of Prayer: “Let us take big prayers to the Lord. Let us be bold.”

Free IDOP now RESOURCES available! Get your free IDOP resources today, and help promote this great opportunity to be One With Them, praying with and for, our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Your IDOP Pack will include: • DVD (One With Them presentation and Hea Woo story) • A3 Poster • Prayer Resources booklet (eight stories with prayer points)

Visit or use your smartphone to connect using the QR code above. |5


enjoy the children were able to e th at th d Go k an • Th summer camps. from Homs lief for the refugees re g in go on r fo ay Pr • d by the civil war. and all those affecte tion in solution to the situa • Pray for a peaceful Syria. eas of s in Aleppo and all ar • Pray for the pastor will show them how to respond Syria, that the Lord the current situation. and minister during

Christians in Syria are trying to put a smile on the faces of local young children despite outbreaks of violence and the threat of bomb blasts. A local pastor in Aleppo tells Open Doors that despite various threats, his church runs Christian camps for local kids. “The whole day they will be in and around the church building having their meals, playing and learning crafts, prayers, having a good time together,” he shares. The pastor says Syria is a dangerous place, especially around churches. “Constantly we are aware of the threat of a new bomb blast. Gangs, kidnappers and robbers are everywhere. We are very cautious.” The children spend one day a week at the camp, over a six week period. “It is not easy”, the pastor admits, “but we are trying our best to help the families to bring the children to the church. We hope that God will protect the camps. It is a lot of responsibility and risk, too. But we will do our best.”

Be there for a persecuted believer by travelling with Open Doors “I’m not a great preacher or teacher, but I can sure hug somebody!” These were the encouraging words of a recent traveller who understood the impact of simply being there for a persecuted Christian. Travelling with Open Doors to visit persecuted believers can make a significant difference in the life of someone who needs to know you care. Whether it’s listening to their story, praying with them, or just reaching out and giving them a hug, simply being there could give them the strength they need to persevere.


To find out more about travelling with Open Doors in 2013, email Jess at, call 02 9451 2999 or visit today!


Write a letter to strengthen a courageous Vietnamese Pastor In July 2012, a group of local thugs abducted, threatened and beat 24-year-old Vietnamese pastor, Vinh*, who had started a new church in a village in Central Vietnam. The leader of the gang struck Vinh’s knee twice with a lead pipe, then directed his weapon towards Vinh’s face, delivering several blows to the jaw. In a span of six months, Vinh’s congregation had grown to a hundred believers. The police, who often perceive organised meetings as a threat to national security had begun to notice. Vinh’s jaw was broken in four parts and he spent several weeks in hospital, while believers in the capital prayed and fasted. One night, Vinh saw Jesus Christ by his bedside. When he woke, his jaw was healed. Vinh is now on his way to recovery and is preparing to head back to the church he started and continue his ministry. Please write a letter to Vinh, strengthening him and his church as you stand One With Them in prayer and purpose.


PLEASE PRAY FOR: 1. Healing and protection for Vinh as he travels back to his church. 2. God to strengthen the faith of the believers in Vinh’s village. 3. Other Vietnamese pastors, like Vinh, who are beaten because of their ministries. *Not his real name for security reasons

• Do not mention Open Doors in your letter. • Greeting cards, artwork by children and postcards are best (send postcards in an envelope, do not write the Open Doors address on the postcard). • Print clearly (only write in English). • Be encouraging, keep the message brief, but include 1-2 Bible verses. • Provide your name and country, but not your full address. • Don’t send money with the letters.

Your letters and prayer support will bring vital encouragement to Christians in Vietnam where hostility towards them is increasing.

Please send cards and letters by 31st December to the following address: Open Doors Australia PO Box 6237 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086



d 2012 Worl t Watch Lis g Rankin : #15

Leader: Morsi President Mohamed n: Populatio ion ill m 82.5 ion: Main Relig ristian) Ch 0% Islam (1 nt: Governmepublic Re

stability to return Egypt is still waiting for of the ‘Arab Spring’ following the turmoil uent unrest which in 2011 and the conseq untry. Persecution is continues across the co mic fundamentalists intensifying as the Isla gain power. mentation of With the probable imple de) as state law, the Sharia (Islamic legal co could get worse. situation for Christians y will be forced to Many believers fear the ite the increased flee their country. Desp report an increased threats, church leaders t, with many new spiritual hunger in Egyp nths. converts in recent mo

Please pray that believers in Egypt will stand strong despite the ongoing persecution they face.


Please pr

teams will be able ■ That Open Doors pport Christians to strengthen and su rsecution. facing intensifying pe ve wisdom and ■ That pastors will ha to disciple new courage as they seek Believers. Muslim Background tian administration to ■ For the new Egyp d stability to this bring justice, peace an troubled nation.

| 7| 7

From the Heart Dear Friend, When I meet with Christians from nations that are restricted to the gospel it is obvious they all have a very clear understanding that, as the worldwide family of believers, Christians are “one body with one Lord” (Ephesians 4:4-6). This means that, whilst we rejoice with other believers in their triumphs, we must also remember “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). As a reflection of this reality, Open Doors Australia recently started the One With Them Pastor Nigel and Kim campaign. We hope this serves as great motivation for all of us as we identify with and stand in solidarity with the persecuted church as brothers and sisters in Christ. I know that you are very involved with the persecuted church, howev er I am aware that there are still many Christians in Australia who have no idea that this persecution is taking place and that in many places it is illegal to own a Bible, to share your faith or to even be a Christian. As part of One With Them, we’re providing a number of exciting ways you can share the message of the persecuted church with your friends. Wouldn’t it be incredible if every Christian in Australia was actively praying for the persecuted church! I encourage you to use the One With Them resources including the websit e to raise awareness in your church and amongst your friends. The One With Them wristbands that are a token of sponsoring a Bible are very popular as they are not only a reminder to pray for our family that lives under persecution but are also a great conversation starter. I so appreciate your partnership in serving the persecuted church and taking the gospel to the nations. One day we will see the fruit of our labours in glory! Bless you,

Pastor Nigel CEO Open Doors Australia




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now and into the future

Open Doors is deeply thankful for faithful friends like you who stand One With Them, with your time, and also with your finances and prayers. Did you know there are also steps you can take to ensure your contribution continues to help persecuted Christians into the future? By including Open Doors in your Will, you can ensure that you will be making a significant difference for the next generation and beyond. To find out more including Open Doors in your Will, please call Bob on 0419 253 758 or our office on 02 9451 2999.

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Open Doors Australia PO Box 6237 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Phone: (02) 9451 2999 | Fax: (02) 9451 2988 Email:

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