Pray for a Harvest of souls
Pray through Ramadan 28 June – 27 July
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18
d o G e u r t only Jesus Christ
Yaghoub*, a servant of God in Iran, was one day led to speak to a family attending a Muslim holy site that they believed to be a place of healing. The family’s father was suffering from cancer and they had travelled to the site expecting a miracle from a deceased holy Imam (successor of Mohammed). Yaghoub took the opportunity to courageously share about Jesus and that only He had the power to perform miracles as the one true Living God. Right there, Yaghoub prayed with the family and they accepted Christ into their hearts. When the family returned home, they soon found out that the father had been healed of all cancer, and went on to excitedly boast about his healing through the only true God: Jesus Christ. *Name changed for security purposes
How to pray across the Muslim world Ramadan - An opportunity
From 28 June until 27 July, most Muslims will fast from sunrise to sunset in an effort to shed away their sins through acts of restraint. They believe this is a time of purification achieved through good deeds and self-control. During this season, we can be praying for two things: 1. Strength for Christians living in Muslim countries
For Christians in Muslim countries at this time of increased pressure and persecution. Pray for strength, encouragement, wisdom and protection for our brothers and sisters who confess Jesus as Lord during Ramadan. 2. during this time Jesus Christ will reveal himself to Muslims
For Muslims at this time of truth seeking and commitment to devotion. Pray that God will continue to be revealing himself to Muslims through visions, dreams, miracles and Christian witness; that they may come to know Christ as the only way to eternal life.
28 June - Pakistan
2 July - Palestinian Territories
In Pakistan, many Christians fear the blasphemy law. These laws are often used against them in battles over land, possessions, or simply to end a dispute. As Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, tensions can run especially high due to the long periods of sunlight, averaging 14 hours each day. Pray today, in the name of Jesus, for goodwill and justice to prevail for His people.
From the days that Jesus walked on earth to today, Christians living in Palestinian Territories have struggled. And now, since the Islamic militant Hamas seized power, there are growing fears among Gaza and West Bank Christians that their rapidly shrinking community could disappear altogether as a result of emigration and conversions. Pray today for these embattled believers to be reminded that they are the beloved of Jesus.
29 June - Saudi Arabia
3 July - Turkey
Five times a day Muslims around the world face toward Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, to pray. Today, during your time of prayer, ask for God’s Spirit to descend upon all the people of Saudi Arabia, at home and abroad. During Ramadan, as Muslims seek the truth, pray that they will know the true God. Pray also for Christians living in Saudi Arabia to embody the essence of God in their speech, actions and thoughts, allowing Him to be revealed to all around them.
Turkey’s landscape is dotted with battlegrounds, ruined castles and palaces of great empires. It is where Achilles battled the Trojans; Ottomans built empires and Constantine established the centre of Roman government and the emerging Christian Church. Today, Turkey is a bridge between nations in the Middle East, Central Asia and the West. Once a hope of the Christian world, it is now 99.6% Muslim. Pray today for the name of Jesus to be re-established and glorified in Turkey.
30 June - Afghanistan
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan does not recognise any Afghan citizens as being Christians, nor are Afghan citizens legally permitted to convert to Christianity. No visible Christian church exists outside of diplomatic walls and foreign military bases. Yet, the Church does exist! Afghani believers take great risks to meet in small groups; others worship in secret. Many feel isolated or alone. Today, and during Ramadan, pray for these believers to be filled with His almighty presence.
4 July - Egypt
The Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, founded in the first century, is considered to be one of the oldest churches in the world. Egypt was once a safe haven for Jesus, and has been a safe haven for Christians for almost 2,000 years. Since the Arab Spring’s revolutionary demonstrations, however, the Christian community has seen both their freedom and security slip away. Pray that Egyptian Christians will rely on His wisdom as they reach out to their neighbours in the name of Jesus during Ramadan.
1 July - Somalia
5 July - Iraq
Although extremist groups, such as Al-Shabaab, threaten the society in general, the handful of secret Christians are at particular risk. During Ramadan they face additional pressures, not only from extremist groups, but from the society in general, as zealous Muslims spy on neighbours to see how much they are participating in the fast. Please pray, in the midst of these challenges, that God will be at work in the lives of Somali people and that many will come to Him in faith.
In Iraq, violence by extremist Islamist groups, spurred on by the rising conflict in Syria, has left almost every individual traumatised in some way. The impact of this on the population is disastrous; for Christians, it is even worse. Violence by extremists has forced many to leave. Since the 1990s, more than half of the Christian population has either left the country or been displaced. Pray today for Iraqi Christian children who have grown up surrounded by violence. Pray that Jesus will deliver them from pain and fill them with His peace.
“Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure you, the righteous God who probes minds and hearts.” - Psalm 7:9
Protection during Ramadan Ramadan is a time of increased persecution for Christians with jihad - holy war against ‘infidels’ zealously pursued by some Islamic fundamentalists. The terrorist group al-Shabaab in Somalia is promising to deliver a repeat of their 2013 ‘Ramadan Offensive’, a campaign of violence against the ‘invaders’ through suicide bombings, grenades, ambushes, and assassinations, particularly in the capital Mogadishu.
Christians in Iraq, particularly in Baghdad, are also experiencing escalating violence. Ramadan 2013, “an extremely bloody month”, saw bombings, knife attacks, abductions and rapes, causing rising levels of fear and hopelessness. Pray that God will be protecting His children in Muslimmajority countries, and places where Islamic fundamentalism is threatening to heavily persecute Christians.
6 July - Iran
7 July - Ethiopia
Iran has been inhabited since near the creation of man. Scientists date the habitation of the land to 4000 BC. Scripture tells us of kings and rulers which God placed in power to govern this ancient land. Today it is ruled by Islamic clerics who seek to oppress not only its citizens, but in particular, the Christian community. Pray during Ramadan that Iranian Christians will find solace in Jesus; that through the power of His name, many will be drawn to the Creator of all things.
Ethiopia’s population is two-thirds Christian and yet persecution exists, from within! Religious pride from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has, for years, persecuted believers who left to join non-traditional Protestant churches, or joined renewal movements. As the threat of Islam is on the rise, pray in the name of Jesus for Yahweh to bring unity to His Church pray that Muslims who are seeking God during Ramadan will find Him through the unified Body of Christ Jesus.
8 July - Kuwait
12 July - Maldives
The head of state for this oil-rich, constitutional monarchy is the Emir of the Al Sabah family. Kuwait was the first Arab country in the Persian Gulf to elect a parliament and women have the right to vote. It is known for its religious tolerance, but restrictions are increasing. Most persecution comes from families and extremists. Pray that Kuwaitis will see Jesus as God, not just a prophet, and turn to Him in faith.
To be a citizen of Maldives is to be Muslim; the government claims the country is 100% Islamic. Without access to Bibles, all that is known about Jesus is found in the Qur’an. As you pray during Ramadan for the nation of Maldives, pray for a divine knowledge of salvation, through Jesus, to be known to its citizens. Pray for God’s strength upon the few Maldivian Christians who have found Christ there.
9 July - Tunisia
13 July - Nigeria
Home of the Jasmine revolution, which gave rise to the Arab Spring, Tunisia was the country where democratic transition seemed to have the greatest chance of success. However, there is now persecution against Christians from both the moderately Islamic government, as well as from aggressive Salafist groups. Foreign Christians have reported increased surveillance. During Ramadan, pray for courage and discernment in sharing the Gospel and for many to turn to Jesus, making Him the foundation of government and life.
Nigeria has been experiencing extreme levels of violence particularly against Christians. There have been hundreds of cases of churches being destroyed; hundreds of Christians being killed by Boko Haram members; and hundreds more attacked and persecuted, including the 200 schoolgirls that were abducted in April 2014. Pray that God will put a stop to the violence and reveal His will to Boko Haram. Pray for Christians to not fear but to trust in God and his promises.
10 July - Syria
Almost every citizen of Syria knows of someone who has been killed, kidnapped or injured. Basic essentials are scarce; trauma is everywhere. Christians in particular are targeted – with churches being damaged or destroyed and whole settlements of Christians being invaded. And yet, some Christians are still choosing to stay! Churches are coming together, as never before, in unity to help not only each other, but their Muslim neighbours. During Ramadan, pray for a mighty revival and for peace! 11 July - Yemen
Both Christianity and Judaism were introduced into Yemen by the fourth century AD, but nearly all the Jewish population has now emigrated. Islam was introduced into the region in about 630 AD and the first mosques built in Yemen still exist. Since the late seventh century, Yemen has been dominated by Islam. It is a strongly tribal country, and persecution comes not only from the government, but from family. Pray for this country to return to our God and King.
14 July - Mali
In January 2013 the threat of Islamist takeover from the secular state of Mali was averted. However, most Christians still fled the country. For the few believers who remained behind, and those who have since returned, they still face danger especially from the North which still has a strong Islamist presence. Pray that their life in Jesus will be a witness during Ramadan, drawing unbelievers to Him and saving them from the darkness of Islam. 15 July - Oman
Oman, an Islamic country since the seventh century, is the oldest independent state in the Arab World. Most Omanis follow the Ibadi sect of Islam, sparing them militant violence. Oman is a wealthy, well-educated nation, ruled by a sultan. While experiencing a degree of religious freedom, Islam is the state religion; if a father leaves Islam, he is prohibited from having custody over his children, as well as facing other avenues of persecution. During Ramadan pray for Omanis, and their sultan, to turn to the one true King.
“The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” - Exodus 15:2
a n i d a M r o f Pray Madina* is a Christian from Tajikistan with a Muslim Background. She recently came to faith after a relative of hers, Sabina*, shared the Gospel and some Open Doors books with her. She is now a secret believer and has to hide her faith from her abusive husband. This can be hard, and may be only a matter of time before her faith is discovered. Being a believer with a Muslim background is very difficult, especially if you are a woman. However, prayers and support enables Christians like Madina to persevere. Pray that God will protect and strengthen her. Pray that she will be able to continue meeting with Sabina and other Christians. *Names changed for security purposes
16 July - Brunei
17 July - Libya
One of the wealthiest countries in the world, Brunei is located on the island of Borneo and is ruled by a sultan from the royal line that reaches back to 1363. The sultan, now also President and Prime Minister, is a protector of Islam and promotes Islam in all spheres of life. Contact with Christians is banned and individual Christians are monitored by spies and police. Only three Catholic and three Anglican churches are recognised; unregistered churches are considered ‘illegal sects’ and are strictly monitored. Pray for Bruneian citizens to come and know Jesus as Lord. Pray for Christians in Brunei, as they adjust to living in the restrictions of an Islamic state.
Christianity has existed in Libya since New Testament times. With the emergence of Islam, the Church was almost obliterated by the 12th century. In a nation with no rule of law, Christians face intensifying persecution, no longer primarily from the government but by Islamic extremists. With 97% of the population Sunni Muslim, the Christian community is facing uncertain times. Pray for Christians who are often too fearful to meet up with other Christians. Pray for Libya today, especially during Ramadan, that people will be convicted of their need of a Saviour in Jesus.
18 July - Indonesia
21 July - Mauritania
Indonesia is of the most populated countries in the world, with around 240 million citizens. It is 86% Muslim, resulting in a significant number of Islamist extremist groups targeting religious minorities, especially Christians. This 17,000 - island nation has more than 360 ethnicities; some estimate that the majority of the world’s ‘unreached people groups’ are located here. Though, as tiny as the Christian community is, it is strong! Embracing the Great Commission, Indonesian Christians boldly share the Gospel message. Pray today for all Indonesians to come to know true life in Christ. Pray during Ramadan that violence against Christians will stop.
Mauritania is one of only four official ‘Islamic Republic’ in the world and its constitution recognises Islam as the sole religion of the country’s estimated 3.5 million inhabitants. Sharia (Islamic law) is recognised as the only official source of legislation. Christians are protected under Mauritanian law as long as they are not found to be sharing the Gospel with others, which is a criminal offense. Pray in the name of Jesus, that people in Mauritania during Ramadan will recognise Jesus as Saviour and not to follow Islam.
19 July - Qatar
Once a poor fishing nation, Qatar is rich in natural resources and now quite prosperous; citizens live comfortable lives. However, less than 300,000 of the population, numbering 2 million, are Qatari nationals. Almost all foreign residents are migrant labourers. With long days and soaring temperatures in this desert nation, Ramadan can be a difficult time for Christians; expected to participate in fasting from sunrise to sunset, many struggle with the decision to comply. Today, ask Jesus to help them live out their Christian faith with wisdom during Ramadan. 20 July - Turkmenistan
Exerting strict control in order to avoid the emergence of any independent economic, social or cultural groups, the government uses the Council on Religious Affairs, police and the secret services to keep the Church under surveillance. Religious education and publications are almost totally banned; all unregistered religious activity is illegal. Pray today for believers in Turkmenistan to have the freedom to openly worship Christ, drawing many to Jesus Christ.
22 July - Sudan
Sudan, known worldwide for its inhumane treatment of the people of Darfur, was divided in 2011, forming two states: Sudan and South Sudan. The new Sudanese government quickly announced its intention to implement Islamic law. With the majority of its population Muslim, Christians face persecution from Islamic communities and government officials, and yet, the number of believers is rising! During Ramadan, pray for Christians to withstand persecution and to also be examples of peace and love to their neighbours. 23 July - Azerbaijan
Located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan is a mountainous country. Though it is a secular state, the majority of the population is Muslim and Christianity is associated with the country’s archenemy, Armenia. It is illegal for unregistered churches to meet, yet registration is almost impossible. Many Christians are unable to find or keep jobs and are watched closely by the secret service. Pray today for brothers and sisters living in Azerbaijan to find solace in Jesus. 24 July - Malaysia
Though a secular state and culturally diverse, life in Malaysia is strongly influenced by Islam. It is a stable nation economically and politically. However, believers from a Muslim background, of Malay descent, bear the brunt of persecution from Islamic extremism. Christians of other cultures are closely watched as well. This Ramadan, pray for believers in Malaysia, especially for those from a Muslim background, to place their hope in Christ, their Saviour.
25 July - Tanzania
Once a role model for peace in Africa, Tanzania is no longer considered ‘safe’, after an increase in interfaith violence. Although violence has lessened from the government and community leaders, political Islam is now spreading its influence from the Zanzibar Islands across to the mainland. Along with it, churches are targeted and Christians threatened with suffering and even death. Pray today for the struggling Christian community in Zanzibar. Also pray for all Tanzanian Muslims, as they seek God during Ramadan, to find the truth in Yahweh alone. 26 July - Comoros
Comoros is an archipelago off the eastern coast of Africa near Mozambique. Islam is the state religion. Believers from a Muslim background worship in underground fellowships, but experience some acceptance in parts of society. For instance, in
Thank You
for Praying
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” - James 5:16b
Grande Comore, believers must worship in secret because police, mosque leadership and extremists resist them - however, their relatives, in many cases, have accepted their new faith. Give thanks for these believers who have been accepted by their families. May their witness draw loved ones into a relationship with Jesus. 27 July - United Arab Emirates
Believers from a Muslim background in the UAE are under severe pressure from relatives, family and Muslim society due to the Islamic government, law and culture. All citizens are defined as Muslim and may not convert - under penalty of death. Christians from outside the country may worship, but evangelism is prohibited. There are many opportunities, however, for Muslim-Christian dialogue. Pray for believers on this final day of Ramadan to have opportunities to share the Word, and through the Word, to introduce their countrymen to Christ.
Helpful Information
about Ramadan
What basic information about Islam do I need to know?
The word Islam simply means ‘submission to the will of Allah’. Allah is the God of Islam, and the Qur’an stresses that he is only one person. Islam is a monotheistic religion that arose in the seventh century under the leadership of Mohammad. Mohammad is considered to be the ‘ideal man’, but is not considered divine. Members of Islam are called Muslims meaning ‘those who submit’. Islam involves both beliefs (‘The Five Doctrines of Islam’) and obligations (‘The Five Pillars of Islam’). Why is Ramadan important in the Islamic faith?
Ramadan celebrates the first revelations that Mohammad received. The purpose of Ramadan is to take Muslims away from their normal lifestyle and make them re-examine their life in the context of a higher ideal. For example, experiencing hunger makes you more aware of the poor; and going through real, but limited suffering, may prepare you for tougher ordeals. The feeling of community is very strong during Ramadan. What are Muslims expected to do during Ramadan?
All Muslims, except children under the age of 12, pregnant or nursing mothers, the frail, aged and ill, must abstain from eating food, smoking and drinking (even water), among other restrictions, during daylight hours.
Helpful Information
about Ramadan
How are the dates for Ramadan determined? Why do these dates change?
The dates of Ramadan are established according to the Islamic lunar calendar which has 354 days. The months are divided into lunar months which have 29 to 30 days each. Each day begins at sunset (not midnight). The fasting period normally begins and ends with the sighting of the crescent moon which is different each year. What are the main sects of Islam?
Sunnis, the majority of Muslims, are followers of Abu Bakr as Mohammad’s successor. Sunnis feel that no man or holy man need come between a person and his God. Shiites are followers of the Prophet Mohammad’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali. An imam (holy man) acts as an intermediary between Muslims and God. Sufis are a small group of Muslims who seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience with God.
The five doctrines of Islam
One God, the creator of all things (no trinity). Belief in angels and evil spirits. Prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, Jesus and Mohammad (note: they consider Jesus a prophet). Holy books including the Torah, Zabur (Psalms), Injil (Gospel) and the Qur’an (Koran).
The five pillars of Islam
The Day of Judgment for all people.
Recite the creed, “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet” (Shahada). Daily prayers (Salat) five times a day, at specific times. Give to the poor (Zakat). Fast, especially during the holy month of Ramadan (Sawim).
What are some Muslim ideas about Jesus?
Make the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once in a lifetime (Hajj).
Jesus is only a prophet, He is not divine (not the Son of God, not God in the flesh). Jesus did not die on the cross. He instead went directly to heaven. Jesus was conceived miraculously by God in the womb of the virgin Mary.
Pray for a Harvest of souls
Pray through Ramadan 28 June – 27 July
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