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MEDIA PACK “The Institute of Career Guidance welcomes the publication of these new and exciting one stop regional guides to apprenticeships, training schemes and jobs. As the largest association of career guidance professionals in the UK, we know how important it is to have up-to-date and relevant information – the Open Doors regional prospectus aims to provide exactly that. And because it’s tailored to your area you’ll have a head start on achieving the future you want.” source - The Institute of Careers Guidance April 2010
WHO WE ARE Open Doors Media are educational publishers specialising in the 14-19-year-old market. For many years, our team have worked in this field with schools, colleges, training providers and educational representatives. We launched in 2010 to provide a direct channel between young people who want to get ahead through vocational learning and the training providers who wish to reach them. With years of specialist experience in the youth market, we’re passionate about inspiring young people towards a brighter, more skilled future.
WHAT WE DO The Open Doors regional prospectus was born out of a desire to help both students and advertisers. We educate our readers on the many alternatives to the traditional university route – e.g. apprenticeships, NVQ’s, diplomas, BTECs, training schemes and jobs – and give them the information they need to proceed, including advice and inspiring case studies. The prospectus is a one-stop guide to the training opportunities in their area, so all the information is relevant to its readers. We keep ahead of the competition by regularly holding focus groups with teachers and students to find out what they need in a prospectus. The result is a valued publication that becomes a much used resource, not just another thing kicked around the common room.
HOW WE DO IT The Open Doors regional prospectus brings together essential information on vocational training into one publication to meet the needs of both young people and those wishing to reach this audience. Targeted to nine different regions of England (as broken down by the LSC), each regional edition is published three times a year (one per term) to provide an up-to-date medium for our advertisers. The Open Doors prospectus is written in a friendly, informative style and covers the following areas: • sector overviews • employer profiles • regional trends • local opportunities • Qualification and career progression guides • learner success stories • and much more
ADVERTISING BENEFITS Open Doors IS THE ONLY publication of its kind – it gives you the opportunity to reach the young people in your region through a targeted and effectively distributed prospectus. Advertising in Open Doors ensures that your message reaches an engaged, keen readership. National advertising outlets exist but they don’t deliver results for regional providers. Why advertise a local vocational training course across the country when you can target the students in your region who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer? This is the feedback we’ve received time and time again from training providers and colleges: that a regional prospectus is the best medium possible. In a way, you’ve requested the Open Doors prospectus from us.
T 0845 388 8507 E W
FACTS AND FIGURES Regional focus Open Doors has nine regional editions, each individually tailored to the region’s specific sectors, trends and training opportunities creating both a regional and national platform. Currently no other publication does this. Highly targeted Your message goes straight to the young people in your area. Every school and college receives a minimum of 10-20 copies, with additional copies available on request. Further copies are distributed to other training providers, training organisations, employers and educational authorities. Full distribution per region is as follows: North East North West West Midlands London South West
5000 6000 5500 6500 4500
Yorkshire and Humberside East Midlands East of England South East
4500 4000 5500 7500
Timing With three issues a year (Sept, Jan & Apr), Open Doors offers guidance to students throughout their year, addressing time-sensitive topics and allowing you to further tailor your message.
HOW WE WORK WITH CONNEXIONS As well as distributing to schools and colleges we are also working very closely with your local connexions, with a double page feature in each issue that details the service they provide and how it can be accessed by young people. Connexions have reacted extremely positively to the publication and are using the prospectus in their centres and during school visits. Due to the wide variation in the structure of Connexions the number of copies requested by each centre has varied from 20 to 100, with most centres requesting at least one per PA to ensure that they can take a copy with them during each visit and appointment they make. The reciprocal nature of our relationship with Connexions guarantees that our publication will be used by careers advisors as a resource rather than be left in a box gathering dust.
ON-LINE FEATURES The Regional Training Prospectus is backed up with a fabulous online presence at It offers everything the magazine does both regionally and nationally but is obvioulsy live and updated constantly. Research has shown that advertising campaigns that cover both print and online together, have a far greater effectiveness and recall rate among readers and viewers than either print or online alone.* Â We therefore offer you the most effective method of promotion by creating print and online packages that allow you to combine elements such as course promotion, news, event listings, video case studies, news plus much more together with your printed message. *Source: Nielsen Marketing & Advertising Research Bureau
T 0845 388 8507 E W
Full page advert in printed issue
Full page advert in printed issue
Half page advert in printed issue
Case study in magazine
Case study online
Case study online
Online home page banner
Online links page banner
Online profile and link
Online profile and link
Online profile and link
*price per issue Other options are available on request such as Inserts, Fold Outs, Double Page Spreads, Section Sponsorship etc please call to discuss individual requirements
Home Page banner
Links page MPU
News posted online
Events posted online
Online profile and link
Online sector case study per region
Online case study per region
Video hosting
£50 per month
ON-LINE TECH SPEC Banners: Homepage: 695w x 131h Links page MPU: 224w x 164h Enhanced listing logo: 224w x 164h for all the above, his res png, tiff, gif or jpeg no max file size. Case studies / Profiles: Logos approx: 150w x 150h max / Pictures approx: 220w x 220h / Word count: 150-250 words Video: 2 gb max file size, 15 mins length
T 0845 388 8507 E W
T 0845 388 8507 E W
OPEN DOORS FEEDBACK “When the prospectus arrived I thought it looked great. I read through and as a tutor found lots of interesting information on other training providers and opportunities for young people. Lucy Tomlin, Skillz Education
“I think it’s an attractive publication that is well put together and has definite appeal to the target audience” Anita Blackburn, Vice Principal, Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, Darlington
“The links section is excellent; when we get given this information in school we usually don’t listen to the teachers or forget so it’s great to have it in print” Pupils name withheld – Easingwold Comprehensive School
“brilliant – all this information and statistics would take me months to research for my students” Name withheld, Careers teacher, North Yorkshire
“It’s great to have a resource like this. It is very informative giving young people an insight into a particular work area addressing key facts whilst directing them to their local Connexions Centre, College or Training Provider. Having this information and facts for their area and beyond may encourage young people to think further afield and travel to a particular area for a job or course.” Rachel Walker, Information Services Co-ordinator, Nord-Anglia Education Services – Connexions Doncaster
“This publication looks useful. Although there has been a move to online resources in the past few years, there are limitations to availability and still a need for paper publications.” Ewan Cumming , Education Services Manager, Prospects - Connexions Rotherham
FEEDBACK FROM MORE OF OUR READERS: “I learnt so much about opportunities in my region” “its bright and light – not boring”
“its easy to pick and and read as the size doesn’t put you off” “I liked it that much I read it from cover to cover”
T 0845 388 8507 E W
TECH SPEC FOR PRINT ADVERTISING Open Doors regional prospectus is A4 in size. Half page landscape: Type 190mm x 135mm Quarter page portrait: Type 90mm x 135mm Full page: Page: 210mm x 297mm Bleed: 216mm x 303mm Type: 190mm x 275mm
ARTWO RK SERVICE DESIGN AVA Please c ILABLE ontact us with your requirem ents
Please send all artwork to Artwork over 10mb needs to be sent on a CD with a colour proof to the address shown.
COPY REQUIREMENTS Adverts should be provided in one of the following formats with a minimum resolution of 300dpi: • PDF (high resolution) with embedded fonts • JPEG • TIFF If you are using our in-house design service we require you to work to the following instructions: • All text must be supplied in Word file format • All logos and images must be supplied at 300dpi as a high-res PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG or EPS
Telephone: 0845 388 8507 Sales enquiries: Request copies: Other enquiries:
AND FINALLY Open Doors is a product of Open Doors Media Ltd Express Group Bldg, College Business Park, Kearsley Rd Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 2RN T 0845 388 8507 F 0845 862 8507 E W
Search Open Doors - The Regional Training Prospectus
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