Annual review 2014

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Review 2014

Welcome Something of Opera North’s range and ambition is captured in this brief Review which, although by no means comprehensive, provides a glimpse of the Company’s achievements during the performing year 2013/14. The year began in September 2013 with a three monthlong Festival of Britten that encompassed every facet of the Company – from orchestral and chamber concerts to education projects, from main stage opera to an audiovisual installation in the Howard Assembly Room in Leeds. No other British opera company attempted to celebrate the centenary of one of the country’s greatest artists as extensively as this, nor did more to bring his music to so many different people, often as participants. The success of Opera North’s Festival of Britten was deeply rooted in the imagination and determination that are characteristic of the Company, and that’s true too of one of the most ambitious projects in Opera North’s 35-year history, the performance of all four parts of Wagner’s Ring cycle, which culminated this summer in the performances of Götterdämmerung that ended the season. Between these two landmarks, the work of the Company has been enormously rich and diverse, and we have renewed our commitment to opening doors to the arts for a new generation through a number of new initiatives. We are acutely aware that such work is only sustainable through the continued investment of Arts Council England and Leeds City Council, the generosity of our individual and corporate supporters, our partnerships with other organisations in our communities, whether they be in the arts, business, education or social sectors, and the passionate and adventurous spirit of our audiences. We make every effort to return the best value possible on the investment made in the Company, and this brief document merely provides a snapshot of the quality and diversity of our work over the past year. Nonetheless, we hope that it will give you a flavour of the transformative experiences we provide, which touch so many people’s lives in profound ways.

Paul Lee

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Richard Mantle General Director

Covers: Peter Grimes (2013), part of Opera North’s Festival of Britten. These pages: The Sea Interludes, installation in the Howard Assembly Room commissioned by Opera North Projects for the Festival of Britten.

Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG President Sir Gordon Linacre Founder George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood KBE General Director Richard Mantle OBE Music Director Richard Farnes

Board of Trustees Paul Lee (Chairman) Paula Dillon (Vice Chairman) Clive Lloyd (Vice Chairman) Ed Anderson Mark Armour Paul Baverstock John Bywater Peter Maniura Richard Mantle OBE Nima Poovaya-Smith Martin Vander Weyer Cllr Keith Wakefield Irving Warnett

Opera North is something extraordinary, which... - Creates, produces and champions world-class, innovative and progressive opera, music and arts education programmes - Aspires to provide transformative experiences for audiences, for the communities of which it is a part, for the children it educates, and for the next generations of artistic talent - Reaches out to large and diverse audiences, widening participation in opera, music and the arts - is based in Leeds, rooted in the North, and international in outlook. It is the region’s leading cultural export and brings significant social and economic capital to the city and to the region.

Be part of it.

Work Between September 2013 and July 2014, Opera North was responsible for more than 200 public performances in 27 different venues across the country. World-class productions of works by Britten and Wagner and innovative ‘All of these productions are ensemble achievements. new commissions were Opera North is our only big-league company that praised in equal measure. aspires to ensemble values today. [...] this Festival of Britten is a signal achievement, surely unique for any British opera company, for Opera North.’

Hugh Canning, Sunday Times on the Festival of Britten

‘Opera North, which originally commissioned Crows’ Bones as a live, touring event, clearly has a refreshingly broad idea about what constitutes opera.’ Kevin Bourke, Songlines on the CD release of Crows’ Bones

‘So morally provocative, intriguingly two-edged. A startlingly alternative commission, co-produced by Opera North.’ Kate Bassett, The Times, on Lulu: A Murder Ballad


public performances presented by Opera North 7


Launch event for Opera North’s Under 30s membership scheme, May 2014.

Opera North launched new initiatives this year to open up opera to an ever wider and more diverse audience, from a major five-year Community Engagement project funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to an Under 30s membership scheme. ‘There is something quite remarkable about taking a group of individuals to the theatre for the first time. Leeds Grand Theatre is a visual spectacle to any new eyes, but if you are destitute this experience is something really quite special. Eyes and ears open – opera has the ability to transport one to a different place ... For our beneficiaries, the experience goes far beyond entertainment, enabling them to escape for a time from their often chaotic and unstable lives. Do they understand the performances? Sometimes not – many are reading subtitles in their second or third language – but that is secondary to the overall experience. I see the difference in their mood and spirit after the performance and this remains with them for days if not weeks after the performance itself. There are very few things that can achieve this.’ Emma Crossley of Meeting Point, one of Opera North’s Community Partners Opera North Review 2011 – 2012

‘You could have heard a pin drop in the Grand Theatre, Leeds. Most of the audience, I guess, were new to opera, and genuinely startled and moved by Mimì’s decline and Rodolfo’s panic.’ Rupert Christiansen, Daily Telegraph, on La Bohème

‘The Opera North Under 30s scheme is a great initiative and it really broke down the barriers between young people and opera! Because of the scheme, I was treated to my first opera (at a price that didn’t break the bank) and I’ll definitely be coming back.’ Kathleen Helm, aged 22

Between September 2013 and July 2014 there were:






New Opera North attenders at La Bohème

Mentions in the press



Viewers of Opera North YouTube channel aged under 35


Members of Under 30s scheme

Broadcast minutes


174,656 60

Free events provided by Opera North

Unique visitors to the Opera North website

Total attenders nationwide of an Opera North show, concert, event Groups and organisations joining the Opera North Community Engagement project funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Communities Opera North engages people of all ages and backgrounds in transformative experiences, delivering demonstrable social and educational outcomes in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the country. Right: Friday Afternoons performance in the Howard Assembly Room, conducted by Justin Doyle, November 2013 Opposite page: I Got Rhythm, In Harmony Opera North concert at Leeds Town Hall, July 2014. The young musicians of In Harmony Opera North were joined by the City of Leeds Youth Orchestra and the Chorus and Orchestra of Opera North, and conducted by Richard Farnes

In Harmony Opera North

Bottom right: Members of the Opera North Youth Company, April 2014


people reached by Opera North Education in the North of England


children and staff at Windmill Primary School, Belle Isle, Leeds, who are learning string instruments through the In Harmony project

Friday Afternoons Marking the Britten centenary year, Friday Afternoons is a singing project involving seven primary schools in Yorkshire in a year-long programme focused on the development of teachers’ skills to teach their children to sing. A new songbook was specially commissioned from British composers for the project, and performed at the Howard Assembly Room at Opera North on 22 November 2013 – St Cecilia’s Day, and Benjamin Britten’s 100th birthday.

‘New songs were written for us by Charlotte Bray ... the two-part harmonies made me feel part of a beautiful new sound ... I think my singing has got much better - I sing at home now and I didn’t used to before.’ Year 5 pupil

The Company’s commitment to delivering long-term, transformative, immersive residencies in disadvantaged communities is exemplified by the In Harmony project. In Harmony seeks to bring about social and educational transformation for the most deprived communities in England. In Harmony Opera North is based at Windmill Primary School in Belle Isle, Leeds, where more than 60% of children are on free school meals. All 350 children and staff at the school are learning string instruments, with each child taking part in up to five hours of orchestral and vocal training per week within school curriculum time. Since the beginning of the In Harmony project, parental attendance at school events at Windmill Primary has risen from 7% to 35%.

‘Some people used to be really quiet but now they can express themselves through music.’ Eleanor

‘Because we’re from Leeds lots of people don’t expect a lot from us, but because we have been given this opportunity, people see us in a different light. A lot of people are like “they’re just Leeds kids, they don’t know anything”, but now we play instruments it’s changed what people think.’ Helen

‘I hate it when you pack away your instrument. It’s like opening your Christmas present and wrapping it back up!’ Tyler

People World-class, artistically ambitious work such as the Festival of Britten and the Opera North Ring are founded on the Company’s bedrock, its full-time Orchestra and Chorus, whose partnership with the Company’s inspirational Music Director Richard Farnes will culminate in complete cycles of the Ring in 2016.


singers and musicians in Götterdämmerung

‘Conducting Wagner’s climactic Ring drama for the first time in public, Richard Farnes has nurtured his ON band, which had never played the Ring before, into a Wagner orchestra to be reckoned with, alert to all the dynamic and expressive details of the score.’

‘The Children’s Chorus was magnificent – so responsive and such a gutsy sound. Fantastic. You must be very proud of what you have achieved ... it really is something all major opera companies and indeed orchestras should be emulating.’ Harry Christophers CBE, Conductor, The Sixteen on the Opera North Children’s Chorus in the Ceremony of Carols, part of Opera North’s Festival of Britten

Hugh Canning, Sunday Times, on Götterdämmerung

Left: Götterdämmerung (2014): Orchestra of Opera North, conducted by Richard Farnes Far left: Richard Farnes This page: (top) The Opera North Children’s Chorus; (bottom) The Chorus of Opera North and the Opera North Children’s Chorus in La Bohème (2014)

‘Opera North takes real risks with young singers and provides genuine career building opportunities. Such risks are often amply rewarded.’ Opera Now, March 2014

Partnerships Opera North actively seeks out partnerships throughout our communities, regionally, nationally and internationally. We collaborate with many organisations in the arts, business, education and social sectors, with individual supporters and trusts and foundations, and with opera companies worldwide. Opera North and Leeds City Council Leader, Leeds City Council, Councillor Keith Wakefield: ‘Opera North is a pioneering organisation that plays a vital role in presenting award-winning artistic activity. Its work not only enhances our cultural landscape, it also projects Leeds to a world-wide audience and, through its learning and participatory activity, enriches our wider communities. The City enjoys a formidable partnership with the Company Opera North’s international reputation plays a significant part, alongside our other key cultural bodies, in enabling Leeds to make claim to being a truly European city.’


Opera North and Classic FM Managing Director, Classic FM, Darren Henley: ‘The Orchestra of Opera North is one of the UK’s finest ensembles of musicians, the only one in England to have a unique dual role in both the opera house and as a symphony orchestra performing in concert halls. As a partner, we are especially proud to support the Orchestra’s concert season in Kirklees, as well as to broadcast many of its superb recordings across the globe each year, showcasing the extraordinary talent of Classic FM’s “Orchestra in Yorkshire”.’

number of venues at which Opera North appeared between September 2013 and July 2014

Opera North and Welcome to Yorkshire Chief Executive,Welcome to Yorkshire, Gary Verity: ‘Opera North played a key part in helping to make the Grand Départ such a huge success for Yorkshire, and the UK. The wonderful performances by the Orchestra and Chorus at the Opening Ceremony and Team Presentation helped to set the style and tone for the whole weekend. I am delighted that audiences across the globe had the opportunity to experience and appreciate one of Europe’s most accomplished cultural organisations as it performed the ‘Habanera’ from Carmen. It was very special moment in an evening full of pride for us.’

Opera North and Arts Council England National Chair, Arts Council England, Sir Peter Bazalgette: ‘Opera is perhaps the most complex art form funded by Arts Council England. It involves almost every other art form: singing, acting, orchestral performance, often dance as well as stage and lighting design. As a result it can also be the most satisfying. That’s why we want as many people as possible to be inspired by it. Opera North does this via its many world class performances in venues across Leeds, its tours and its important educational work. I have personally enjoyed both Wagner and Puccini performances in the past year, underlining the impressive breadth of Opera North’s work.’

Above: Children from In Harmony Opera North performing at Trinity Leeds shopping centre, Christmas 2013

Top: The Orchestra of Opera North at the Tour de France Grand Départ Opening Ceremony and Team Presentation, First Direct Arena, Leeds, July 2014 Bottom: Lyric Theatre, The Lowry, Salford Quays

Opera North and The Lowry, Salford Quays Chief Executive of The Lowry, Julia Fawcett OBE: ‘We are incredibly proud of the relationship we have with Opera North. As one of our Partner companies, Opera North is a regular and crucial part of our artistic programme and has brought truly ground-breaking work to our Lyric stage. Its commitment to challenging conventional perceptions of opera and striving to bring the art form to new audiences chimes perfectly with our own mission to use international calibre performances as a tool for learning, inclusion and diversity work in our community.’


Accounts In the financial year covered by this publication, Opera North continued to operate against the backdrop of a prolonged period of economic austerity that has resulted in cumulative reductions in public sector funding. The Company has met this challenge by recalibrating its performance and touring pattern, by devoting considerable energy to broadening its income base, by rigorously controlling costs, and by subjecting its operations and business model to constant scrutiny. Philanthropy continues to play an increasingly important role in our funding mix, and our efforts in this area have delivered real growth over the past few years. Annual contributed income was a little short of £1.75 million in the 2013-14 financial year, a commendable sum in the current climate, and a tribute to the generosity and vision of our supporters, whether they be from the corporate sector, trusts and foundations or individual donors.

Opera North gratefully acknowledges the support of all the organisations and individuals who generously support the Company’s work.

Nevertheless, Opera North’s dependence on funding from the public purse remains high. In March 2014 the Company completed a funding application to Arts Council England for the three-year period commencing April 2015. The outcome of this application, announced on 1 July, was a 7% increase to our core grant for the financial year 2015/16 and the two subsequent years. This increase is an enormous vote of confidence in the range, diversity and quality of the Company’s work across all strands of the organisation – main stage opera, orchestral concerts, projects and education. With the continued invaluable support of Leeds City Council, together with our own efforts to generate increased revenue from fundraising and earned income, the Arts Council’s act of faith in Opera North will help secure the long-term sustainability of the Company.

The Future Fund The Patron’s Initiative Associates of Opera North Friends of Opera North Opera North Fund The Ring Fellowship

Corporate Members

Principal Partner

Corporate Sponsor

Corporate Members

Year to 31 March 2014

Trusts & Foundations

Major Supporter

A&S Burton 1960 Charitable Trust The Holbeck Charitable Trust

Total income Arts Council England grant Local Authority Grant (LCC) Box office & related income Sponsorship & fundraising Production/rental income Education / Projects / Howard Assembly Room

Total expenditure

£’000 9,618 720 2,207 1,749 74 468


65% 5% 15% 11.5% 0.5% 3%

Staff costs Overhead costs Opera production & performance costs Education and Projects costs Orchestral concerts costs Marketing costs

The Hobson Charity Limited

Sir John Fisher Foundation The Whitaker Charitable Trust

£’000 7,106 936 5,122 830 332 650


47.5% 6% 34% 6% 2% 4.5%

The Bernarr Rainbow Trust Charles Brotherton Trust The Calmcott Trust The Carntyne Trust Carr-Ellison Family Charitable Trust The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust The Kenneth Hargreaves Charitable Trust The Hedley Denton Charitable Trust The Holst Foundation

Hull and East Riding Charitable Trust The Idlewild Trust The Linden Charitable Trust Sir George Martin Trust The Sir James Reckitt Charity RVW Trust N Smith Charitable Settlement The Steel Charitable Trust The Charles and Elsie Sykes Trust

Photographic Credits Tom Arber (The Sea Interludes p2; Rokia Traoré, Tinariwen, Hy Brasil, Lulu: A Murder Ballad p3; Under 30 Launch Event p4; I Got Rhythm In Harmony Opera North Concert p5); Clive Barda (Götterdämmerung, Richard Farnes p6); Bill Cooper (Peter Grimes front & back cover); Brian Slater (Opera North Children’s Chorus p3; Friday Afternoons, Opera North Youth Company p5; Opera North Children’s Chorus p6); Richard Hubert Smith (From Paris with Love p3); Jonny Walton / Kaptur (Crows’ Bones p3); Welcome to Yorkshire (Tour de France Grand Départ Opening Ceremony and Team Presentation p13); Robert Workman (Death in Venice, The Commission p3; La Bohème p6).

Opera North Limited Grand Theatre 46 New Briggate Leeds LS1 6NU UK (Registered Office) Tel +44 (0) 113 243 9999 Fax +44 (0) 113 244 0418 Registered Charity No. 511726 © Opera North 2014

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