OM Heartbeat Prayer Diary 2025 Issue 1

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FEBRUARY: From Islam to Jesus

MARCH: Giving thanks for OM’s ministry

APRIL: Ships

MAY: Europe

Praying with a family in Albania

BY: Lennard Prediger

EDITOR: Something More Creative®

WRITER: Chris Papworth

Bible references are from the New International Version unless stated otherwise.


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Dear friends,

Sometimes prayer times are exciting and informative and there is a very real sense that God is at work in and through our prayers. However, at other times, I find it difficult to concentrate and, if I am honest, I sometimes struggle in my prayers.

In Psalm 103:1–2, David writes:

“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits”

Over the following seventeen verses David lists the wonderful ways that God is at work. He then finishes his Psalm by exhorting all to praise and worship God and then instructs his own soul to bless and praise the Lord.

As I consider my often-faltering prayers, I am encouraged to follow David’s example to remind myself and reflect upon the goodness and faithfulness of God and the

way He is at work. And as I reflect upon His work, so am encouraged and can urge myself to press on, to continue with my prayers and intercession knowing that the Lord hears and wants us to continue with the discipline (and joy) of interceding for His world.

I do hope that this latest edition of Heartbeat is helpful in informing your prayers and I also hope that you will be able to join us (in person or online) for our monthly Global Prayer meetings at 19.15 on the first Thursday of each month. Book your free ticket at

Serving and praying together,


From Islam to Jesus

The Middle East is the place where God made Himself known to the world, first through the Old Testament and later through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus stands alone as the hope of the world and across this region. Many, seeking something beyond their parent’s faith, are discovering Jesus for themselves. It is not a coincidence that this growing harvest comes at a time of increased and focused prayer.


SAT Pray for a Muslim neighbour that you know. They may live on your street, be a friend or a colleague. Perhaps they are a police officer, politician, a taxi driver, a doctor, or a nurse who cared for one of your family members in hospital. How can this person become part of a local Christian community?

2 SUN The book of Romans reminds us ‘How shall they hear without a preacher?’ Cover this month in prayer as we explore the varied introductions for Muslims to find Jesus.


MON There is every reason to pray in expectation and faith. Some reports say that in Africa alone, 6 million Muslims turn to Christ every year. Thank our Father who knows each one by name.

(Source: New Age Islam)

4 TUE Social media, Christian TV and radio are all used to present the gospel simply and clearly to Muslims who may be searching for something more. Thank God that His Holy Spirit can direct the message even to those whose hearts are closed to Him.


WED Widespread distribution of the scriptures is basic to making the message available to people of every tribe and tongue. Thousands of churches and hundreds of organisations are committed to spreading the gospel message by print, radio, tv and digital media. Pray for fruitful outcomes.


THU Many believers need protection as they take great risks to share their faith. In Central Asia and other regions, phone calls and media can be monitored. Pray for their safety.


FRI Pray for more people from every continent and culture to make the gospel known to the Muslims in their communities.


SAT Those who are coming to Christ from a background of Islam are often looking for answers. The work of the BCC team (Bible Correspondence Course) in Turkey can be a long process of patiently untangling complex and conflicting questions. Pray for wisdom and guided conversation for the BCC team.

9 SUN Remember those who spend hours each day on the phone patiently helping seekers through the maze of potentially confusing thoughts and questions. Workers dealing specifically with challenging people need clear minds as they talk with each caller.

10 MON OM’s phone workers ask for protection and God’s mind as they often find themselves listening to those with extremely serious and agonisingly deep life issues. They need planned-in time-out breaks.


TUE This kind of phone ministry is often face to face spiritual combat. Effective backup support and regular debriefing will help phone workers to persevere in the face of a spiritual battle that can have physical effects too. Give thanks for those who provide retreats and support.

12 WED Evangelists and phone counsellors are at the sharp end of the process of bringing communities to Jesus. A good listening ear, patience to hear what God is saying in the situation, a clear understanding of spiritual realities and loving persistence are needed.

13 THU Once someone gives their life to Jesus, whatever the problems, a new life in Christ has begun. Pray that from the start the new believer is supported on a planned discipleship process.

14 FRI Valentine’s Day. Remember that many young believers from a different religious background may be separated from their loved one todayperhaps on the migrant route or just because of their new relationship with Jesus. Ask for the love of Christ to overcome in these situations.

15 SAT To gather in collective prayer for our Muslim neighbours, perhaps find a way to ask your pastor to pray during a church service for young believers from different religious backgrounds on their spiritual journey.

Reaching Muslim communities

Large-scale missionary efforts are organised by various global organisations, including those focused on reaching Muslim communities. Each year, significant financial resources are directed towards supporting Islam through initiatives such as mosque construction, distributing literature, and funding academic institutions in Western countries. As these efforts grow, there is a strong emphasis on praying for our Muslim communities, that they may encounter the love and truth of Christ.


SUN Those discipling new believers need to teach the clear biblical pathway of discipleship. Pray for the use of new engaging and accessible resources amongst new believers.


MON It is vital that all new believers meet other Christians and become part of a supportive Christian fellowship. Remember those who live in real danger and risk.


TUE Since her stunning ‘girl with green eyes’ National Geographic cover portrait in 1984, many have been praying for Shabbat Gula. Now in her fifties and living in Italy, this woman represents the awful plight of millions of her compatriots. Ask the Holy Spirit to somehow bring her and many other women to experience the loving care of the Lord Jesus.

19 WED There are scores of service opportunities across the Middle East and North Africa area (MENA). May many respond to the challenge and God’s call to serve here.


THU Global Prayer Day. Our monthly prayer days are not time away from work but rather a deliberate effort to stay at the centre of where the work is done. May today’s times of worship, song, and listening to God’s Word strengthen each team member for the task.


FRI Many people live in isolation from the benefits of fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for their access to the word - in some place perhaps they have only a portion. Thank God for the loving care of the Holy Spirit as he guides and teaches even in the most unlikely circumstances.


SAT As new groups form and grow in Christ, they are keen to share their faith and need help and access to literature and online facilities. Stand by those gifted to produce and make strategic materials available.

23 SUN Thank God for hundreds of believers from a Muslim background who are now dynamic and effective witnesses for Christ. They need God’s protection over their lives, families and ministries.

24 MON Extreme persecution threatens the lives of large numbers of Christians in Central Africa. Pray for protection, perseverance and joy.


TUE Perhaps a million Christians work as expats in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for those who face restrictions on worship and are prohibited from sharing their faith.


WED Pray for Pakistan’s Christians facing false accusations under the country’s restricted laws. Such accusations can lead to mob violence and vulnerability of Jesus followers.

27 THU OM teams are still working amongst those who lost everything in earthquakes, floods and internal warfare. Many locations happen to be in Muslim countries. They need ongoing resources of finance, skilled and hardworking teammates and good relationships with those they are serving. Pray for ongoing good testimonies in the midst of hardships.

28 FRI Thank God for many believers from a Muslim background who met Jesus while our teams worked and lived in their communities. Over the years a good number have joined our work, received training and now serve to bring relief and development to their own people in the name of Jesus.

Praying for displaced people

Several countries in the Arabian Peninsula lie in devastated ruins and continue to need priority in our prayers. Pray for the millions of displaced people, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ who are dispersed across Europe. Teams working with migrants are encouraged and challenged by the stories of God’s love and grace shown in desperate situations.


Giving thanks for OM’s ministry

This month, we are giving thanks for all that God is doing in and through the OM family around the world. We are also reminded of all those who remain to hear the good news.


SAT We are reminded that big goals require large numbers of new workers to join our diverse teams. We can all play our part as we ask our great God, who is the Lord of the harvest, to send more workers.

2 SUN Thank God for the 4,500+ OMers from 125 countries who work in 147+ nations - in addition to those places served by our two ships.


MON Thank God that 55% of the total OM workforce has been sent by churches in the majority world - defined as the most populated areas - Asia, Africa, South and Central America and the Caribbean.


TUE The numbers look insurmountable but give thanks for many other undertakings great and small who serve strategically to the end. Over the decades, scores of active ministries have been launched by an ex-OMer or after a ship visit. Give God the glory.


WED Remember Sebastian Oleson and the team in Odense, Denmark’s third largest city. Working with the Vineyard Vollsmose, a growing fellowship planted in 2021, they build community with Muslims as well as sharing about the faith they have in Jesus.


THU In order to help the Odense church communities develop and flourish, the team ensures that God is put at the centre of everything that happens. Pray that Jesus followers are encouraged to grow, learn and share what they have experienced with others in order to develop new communities of Jesus followers.


FRI Thank God that across our work more than 2,300 groups of various sizes have been started over the past couple of years. These vary from small groups who meet for bible studies to larger established communities led by local believers which have also started at least one other group.


SAT Thank God for the vitality of the life of Christ demonstrated in these groups. There have been many testimonies of freedom. Pray for those who are struggling to surrender all to Jesus.

9 SUN There have been many opportunities for teams to react to sudden disasters and emergencies as they give a helping hand and demonstrate God’s love to those experiencing conflict, earthquakes and floods. Pray for teams responding to these emergencies.


MON Since the 80s and 90s, many OM teams have been specifically involved with vulnerable people. Those with disabilities, living in poverty or marginalised in their own societies need more than our prayers but also an intentional helping hand.


TUE In recent times, OM teams and partners have served in a disaster response capacity in several countries. Amid horrible suffering and devastating loss, Jesus followers serve practically and help others. Pray for God to give endurance to these teams.


WED Often in shared suffering, teams and local Jesus followers speak about what God is doing in their own hearts. In Poland around 460 people, mostly Ukrainians and other refugees, receive love and care in two ministry locations. Pray for God to be working in their hearts.


THU At the centre of our disaster response work is the conviction that we are invested for the long term. We serve because Christ first loved us and His command is to love and care for those around us. Pray for God’s love to continue to shine through these relief efforts.

14 FRI In South Asia, it is not uncommon for questions to arise about why Christians are happy to help communities from other religions.. As food packs are distributed by OM workers, community leaders and others ask the question, providing an opportunity to share about God’s love for everyone.


SAT Give thanks that a new global workforce of unprecedented size is emerging, creating opportunities for a new generation of Jesus followers to live and work in communities where the gospel is not proclaimed, establishing credible, authentic relationships in Jesus’ name.


SUN Ten years ago, people living along the shores of Lake Tanganyika were sceptical and even hostile to OM teams. Now, through educational, medical and self-help ministries, many people along the lake have experienced the love and power of Jesus for themselves. Praise God for this breakthrough.


MON Those living along the Lake who decided to follow Jesus were not content to keep the good news to themselves. They started to share their testimonies and bible stories with neighbouring areas. They have proven that God has the power to restore broken families and provide in times of need. Pray for the good news to spread even further!


TUE Plans to serve in North Africa fell through during COVID for a Paraguayan couple, so they started a soccer school instead! Bordering Argentina and Brazil their city attracts many Middle Easterners. 25-30 children aged 9-16 attend regularly. Give thanks that the training times all centre around biblical values providing a way for children to invest in sport and learn about Jesus.

19 WED Pattaya is Thailand’s sex tourism centre. The Tamar Centre, a partner organisation of OM, is a beacon of hope among the city’s 35,000 women and men involved or trapped in prostitution. The vocational training programme offers a training programme for a different life. One young woman, training as a baker, became a follower of Jesus, and went home to open a bakery but still returns to the centre to tell other young women how Jesus can help them. Pray for more testimonies like this.

20 THU Global Prayer Day. The OM workforce is much bigger than the numbers on these pages. Thousands who served in the distant past, and many other recent short-term workers still think of themselves as “OMers”. They still praise God for all he taught them and continue to put it into practice. Pray that the enormous numbers of prayer and financial partners continue, through perseverance and generosity, to push the work forwards.

21FRI The Tamar Centre has a hair salon, a safe room for women still in the sex trade, a bakery and restaurant and also houses a nursery. In 2023 a group of 13 ladies went through vocational training. By the end, all had become Jesus followers. Praise God!

22 SAT The daily topics this month give just a taste of the wide variety of life on our international teams. Pray for the young trainees, families and older singles who populate the teams. Call out to God for more workers.


SUN The process of doing the work, telling the story, recruiting new members, ongoing training, growing in Christ, never ends. There are holdups, failures, repentance and restoration, growing in obedience, risk taking, disappointment, growing in worship and faith. Pray for joy, peace and perseverance.


MON In parts of Central Asia, where being a Jesus follower is hindered by governmental restrictions and cultural pressures, give thanks that digital media has an important role in spreading the love of Christ. Broad seed sowing opens hearts and minds. One local said that digital media such as ‘Children’s Bibles, Action Bibles and good books online don’t need visas...they stay.’


TUE One team of six national believers produces 59-second gospel centred videos and advertises on several platforms throughout the Caucasus and Turkey. Thanks to paid advertising, the videos have been shown millions of times. In 2023, 1 million people watched the complete video and 1,500 requested New Testaments which they received from a national worker. Praise God!


WED In 12 months, these online viewings “have enabled 5 new gatherings of Jesus followers to start in areas completely unreached in the past. We expect another 3 to 4 disciple-making groups to start in the next month or so. We can’t keep up; we need more workers!” Pray for an abundance of volunteers!


THU A team was relocated from a healthily Christian populated area of Romania to a new district with a large population of Muslim Turks. The people were so receptive that they asked the workers to visit their friends and relatives in Bulgaria. In a few months, three new groups were formed and connected to Romanian churches near the border.


FRI Many ladies who put in long years serving overseas, are spending their last months and years in care homes. Give thanks for their abundant fruit in many tough places. Thank God for the amazing caring work around the UK.

29 SAT ‘Arise’ is a fast growing ministry working to train and care for the spiritual encouragement and strengthening of women leaders in fellowships across Central Asia.


SUN Many women in Christian service, who would like the chance of marriage and family, work in places and cultures where interaction with Christian men is at best unlikely. Pray that our Father will meet all their needs. large or small.

Seeking Kingdom growth

“It’s an exciting time to be serving our good God as we see His Kingdom growing in so many places that have previously never had access to the gospel message,” says Lawrence Tong, Director of OM International. Let us continue to pray and support the efforts that bring Jesus to these regions, trusting that God’s Kingdom will continue to expand and transform lives.



Although far from being the only ships that God has used, the passing years have shown that OM’s ships have played a significant role in mobilising considerable numbers of workers into sharing God’s love around the world. The training opportunities on board have provided a platform for churches in landlocked countries to send their young people for exposure and training. Thank God that many have embraced the vision for a world in need and have at times been called to remote, gospel-deprived places.

1 TUE Across the world there is a growing shortage of mariners. Less people choose time away at sea as a lifestyle. This affects the crewing of our ships too. There are less Christians who might choose to serve with OM’s Ship Ministry. The answer is more focused prayer!

2 WED The Ship Ministry’s staffing team know many Christians who are not able to join us just now. Pray for some who find their family situation difficult to leave. Others are at a crucial point in their career at sea. Prayer support for these men and women is vital.

3 THU Some of our present crew are coming to the end of their commitment. As they move on, we pray that their time on board will have transformed and revitalised their life and witness as they go back home.

4 FRI The unique experience with OM’s Ship Ministry can have an amazing effect on the crew. Thank God that expanded vision and deepened commitment sometimes leads individuals to stay longer.


SAT Uphold those who have served their time with us and are continuing their career in world shipping. May their experiences with OM’s Ship Ministry enable them to live for Christ and take golden opportunities to share the gospel in their unique situations.


SUN A first step for many is taking the challenge of a Short Term Exposure Programme (STEP). Pray that we see more from all over the world taking up one of these life changing opportunities.


MON It is thrilling to see God sending us high calibre engine and deck personnel. Thank God that many come with powerful servant hearts and a strong desire to play their part in reaching those who have not yet heard the gospel.


TUE Very occasionally the ship ministry is forced into a tight corner when the sailing date is fixed but the ‘next captain’ has not yet come forward. Because we trust God, we know that we must knock on many doors and make many phone calls. Please pray about the tension between trusting God and being extremely nervous!

9 WED We encourage deck and engine officers to work and study toward their next qualification while serving with us. Alongside this they are going deeper in discipleship and becoming more aware of the world missions’ task. Pray for those who are balancing these responsibilities.

10 THU When the end of a port stay approaches, visits to local prisons, hospitals and orphanages take on a new urgency. Give thanks for all the conversations and practical help that have already left their mark.


FRI In most ports, visits are made to the local centres which are often staffed by keen Christians. Making reciprocal visits to share with crews on nearby ships has resulted in many long-term friendships.

12 SAT Dramatic presentations either onboard or in a local venue are performed in most ports. Pray for good communication, effective technology and many ensuing conversations after the show. Onshore events such as international nights with dances and music from around the world see hundreds of local people gathering to hear crew members share their cultures and their faith.


SUN Behind the scenes, meals for 500 are prepared and served each day, public areas are cleaned, book fair shelves are replenished and medical staff take care of community health issues. Without this faithful service public ministry would grind to a halt. Pray for strength and energy as well as enjoying pockets of rest.

14 MON Pray that those visiting the ships today will find the right books in their heart language and enjoy talking with the crew. Ship tours lead to many fruitful conversations.


TUE Everyone gets one day off each week. Activities either on board or onshore may include sports, tourism, shopping or just hanging out. Families have the opportunity for quality time together. Pray that God abundantly blesses this time.

16 WED As the ships leave port, the captain and chief engineer oversee all the practical aspects of the voyage. The port pilot will guide the ship out to sea. Pray for good weather and a punctual smooth passage.

“Serving on the ships is one of the greatest educational, transformational, geographical and spiritual growth experiences that anyone can ever have.”

17 THU Global Prayer Day. Join with our teams today as they undoubtedly focus on the message of Easter and how it can be best shared with many this weekend.

18 FRI Good Friday. Our ships often spend Easter in countries where the celebration of Easter is a big event. Pray over the special programmes as they prepare to spread the good news.

19 SAT Every effort is made to give crew and staff some understanding of the country and culture they will visit next. Explanations of politics and cultural customs bring a helpful appreciation of what to expect. Pray for the local church leaders and others who share insights with the ships’ people of the situation for the local Jesus follower.

20 SUN Easter Day. Jesus’ resurrection was the turning point in world history. Jesus’ empty grave still brings hope and the promise of resurrection life for all who put their trust in him. Remember those who carry this wonderful message to those who have not yet heard.

21 MON Functions with local dignitaries, such as the bookfair official opening can bring much good publicity. The Lord often uses the welcoming atmosphere and time spent in the book fair afterwards to prompt serious spiritual conversations with the visiting VIPs. Praise God!

22 TUE The marine team and office staff serve largely behind the scenes. Pray as they do vital jobs to keep the ship and the ministry running. Bakers, chefs, hospitality workers, laundry crew, watch keepers, welders, schoolteachers, and others swell the list.

23 WED God has used the recent months of people visiting the ships to call many into full-time ministry and other key areas of worldwide Christian service. Some will want to join our ships or other OM teams. Pray that as a result, many other like-minded organisations will benefit too.


THU Each port visit garners new ministry prayer partners, particularly after they have shared in seminars or nights of prayer on board. They join you in a vast international praying movement. Pray for the growth of ministry prayer partnerships during port visits, that those touched through seminars and prayer events would join in a powerful international movement of intercession.


FRI Thank God that groups with additional needs, who would otherwise never have been on a ship, are often hosted on board. Staff are also greatly blessed by giving them personal attention and ship tours.


SAT The conference and seminar programmes are prepared for pastors, youth groups, students, young couples and other specific groups. Pray for an emphasis on the responsibility of the local churches and individuals to take their place in reaching those who have not yet heard the gospel.

27 SUN Sunday is a great day for spending time with local believers. Teams are invited to join local churches in their services. Pray for opportunities for personal stories and information about God’s work around the world.

28 MON Parents serving on our ships are secure in the knowledge that their children receive quality education through the onboard school system. Pray for the various teachers and for those who have responsibility for supplying replacements when they are needed.

29 TUE In any year, vast numbers of scriptures and leaflets go out from the ships. A powerful residue is left in each port. Pray for sudden curiosity and the work of the Spirit to bring people to read the word and find Jesus on the page.


WED Safety is always a key prayer request. Pray for safety for the vessels, for workers using tools, for cooks, doctors and dentists, parents, the public boarding the ships, and those making long international journeys to and from the ships.

Building up the Caribbean Church

Since the first visit in 1980, OM ships Doulos, Logos, Logos ll and Logos Hope have made many visits to ports in the Caribbean. We anticipate that God will use this current visit of Logos Hope to challenge, stir and encourage the Caribbean Church in her responsibility to reach out with the hope of the gospel from its local shores into the region and other parts of the world.


Less than 1% of Christian income worldwide goes to mission activity. Only a tiny part of mission activity is directed to the unevangelised world. How we choose to spend our time and money often reflects what matters most to us.

(Source: Operation World)


THU Europe is now home to a diverse range of migrant populations from across the globe. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens many hearts and minds. Showing friendship and hospitality crosses language and cultural barriers.


FRI There will be hundreds of friendly evangelistic conversations today. Pray that many will prove to be breakthrough moments.


SAT Daily evangelism can be hard work. Pray for creative variety and sensitivity to where the Spirit is moving.


SUN Some or our team members have been recently bereaved. Our Father understands this devastating loss. Pray for good friends to be there when needed and for suitable adjustments to work and family life.


MON There are a number of critical vacancies for staff in the UK and European offices, including roles with high levels of responsibility and skill. Pray for the Lord to provide the right staff to fill these key opportunities for service in missions.


TUE Albania faces numerous challenges. With only 0.6% believers among 62% Muslims there are many open doors. The consequences of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake in 2019 and the Covid-19 pandemic have challenged the team in Albania during the last few years. Pray for an abundance of peace in Albania.


WED House visits are a big part of the teams’ ministry in Albania’s towns and villages. Pray that the team can take time to build hope and self-esteem, and teens in marginalised communities can begin to break the cycle of poverty and low education.


THU Pray for the following people who are needed in Albania: business trainers, relief workers, dentist, physiotherapist, youth workers, a special needs teacher, among others.


FRI Bulgaria is strategically placed as the gateway. Our primary focus is to work with the national church in facilitating the growth and development of the body of Christ in Bulgaria through training and outreach. Pray that they can provide Bulgarians with the opportunity to serve cross-culturally in missions.


SAT Decades ago Spain was the first country in Europe that OM came to. Much has changed but there are still few evangelical believers. After Logos Hope’s visit to Seville in 2022, a group of believers formed a locally focussed ministry, called Hope OM Seville, now involving 50 pastors and 30 congregations who regularly move into evangelistic action. Praise God!


SUN Pray for Hope OM Seville’s vision to distribute John’s gospel and information about local churches throughout their province. From the beginning all denominations were included with the intention to support the church that is already working in an area.


MON Pray that as the Hope OM Seville team works to share this Kingdom vision with churches in the nearby provinces of Cadiz and Malaga, that they can see God spread this mobilisation vision through all of Spain.


TUE Greece was the first European country to hear the gospel in about 49AD. Today 98% are Greek Orthodox and only 0.3% evangelical believers. Pray for OM teams partnering with several Greek evangelical and immigrant churches in youth work, discipleship, and ministry.


WED Uphold the Greek teams in prayer as they partner with others working with victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Life training for those leaving the sex trade helps provide legal employment.


THU Global Prayer Day. Join teams in prayer for TeenStreet. OM France has always put a big emphasis on taking French teens to TeenStreet in Germany. Last summer, 300 young people had the time of their lives! Most teens will have booked already for this summer - prayer is needed for the teens and their small group leaders especially the good number at the TeenStreet UK event at Capernwray.

Conversations that open doors

“I’ve found that whilst people often don’t want to hear about religion, they are open to hearing my story of how Jesus has changed my life”, explained an OM worker in Spain. “Sharing a short example of Jesus working in my life can open the door for deeper conversations about faith and what it means to follow Jesus”.


FRI Across Europe, the final touches are being made to the fine details of the TeenStreet programme. The big event happens in Germany with smaller accessible national streamed events in other countries. At TeenStreet, we believe teens are to be taken seriously - their dreams and their struggles. The preparation needs prayer today.


SAT In Italy, OM is based in Pisa, where they reach out in various ways -weekly English conversation nights in a local pub and regular anti-trafficking work with women trapped in prostitution. Pray for this ministry.


SUN Join us in praying for OM teams continually hoping for more team members. While some can manage with their current resources, additional people would greatly enhance their effectiveness.


MON Across the continent, OM leaders are calling out for people with the gift of evangelism. Pray we will be attracting, developing and training more evangelists.


TUE OM in Hungary focuses on two areas of mission: mobilisation and evangelism through developing relationships with local churches in order to motivate Hungarians to become part of God’s work in His world. Pray for an abundance of fruit from this training.

21 WED The Hungarian baseball club, launched in 2002, now has 10 local teams and 120 adult and youth players. Christian coaches invest in players weekly through games in season and through Bible clubs during the off season. Recently a baseball ‘church’ fellowship was started for believing players and their families. Praise God!


THU Hans van Baaren is OM’s Europe Area Leader and needs prayer as he oversees the far-flung teams across this complex continent. He needs wisdom, a clear mind and a gentle touch as he guides and encourages the field leaders in each country.


FRI Montenegro is barely 20 years old, has just over 630,000 people, of whom only a few hundred are evangelicals. Pray that OM teams and several other missions will serve effectively and fruitfully.


SAT In the UK, OM teams partner with local churches to reach populations of Turks, Chinese and Muslims. Pray for daily improving language insights and skills.

25 SUN OM in the UK continues to mobilise resources and several hundred workers every year. Ask the Lord for a significant increase of people joining for short term outreaches and those making longer term commitments.

26 MON Pray for those all across Europe on the recruitment pathway. From the very start obstacles can easily arise as people need to raise a prayer and financial support team. It is easy to get discouraged if things go slowly. Pray for church leaders and congregations with a global vision.


TUE The OM offices in Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands and the UK play a big role in resourcing personnel and finance into the wider OM world. Pray for the National Directors and their resourcing teams.

28 WED We are thankful for many answers to prayer across Europe in the past few months. Rejoice with pastors and leaders whose groups have grown following evangelistic breakthroughs.

29 THU Plans are being finalised for summer outreaches. Ask that everything we do will strengthen and encourage local fellowships of Jesus followers.

30 FRI Every day, hundreds of OM workers are on the move. Some are on long distance flights while others are completing a potentially more dangerous trip across their town. Pray for safety and protection.

31 SAT Each of our European teams has trained men and women who move on to serve other ministries or to follow their careers. We are overjoyed that other ministries and churches can be blessed in this way. Praise God!

Sowing gospel seeds

Historically OM’s outreach approach to evangelism has been characterised by speaking in public places, being out in the open meeting people, speaking to larger groups using a drama or sketch board. Door-todoor evangelism or street bible studies spread the gospel and may lead to conversions and discipleship opportunities. This is ‘broad sowing’ - sharing the gospel widely leading to discipleship and mobilisation.

Ships Update

Doulos Hope recently collaborated with non-governmental organisation Hope Place to spread hope and help transform the lives of the local community in Kuching, Malaysia. The crew were sent to help in the charity’s activities, helping clean the homes of the elderly, setting up a new storage facility and making recycled soaps.

On Friday 26 July 2024, Logos Hope sailed into the port of Luanda, Angola for the first time, a visit that has been highly anticipated. During the opening ceremony, Captain Christian (Chile) expressed his gratitude to the authorities and the nation for welcoming the floating bookshop and allowing public access to the port. Logos Hope’s visit to Angola led to a collaboration with a local partner organisation for a sewing workshop, eyesight testing and the distribution of free glasses to the residents of Luanda.



29 JAN 2025 — 19 FEB 2025

Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia

20 FEB 2025 — 11 MAR 2025

St George’s, Grenada

13 MAR 2025 — 08 APR 2025

Oranjestad, Aruba

08 APR 2025 — 01 MAY 2025

Willemstad, Curacao

29 MAY 2025 — 17 JUN 2025

Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

17 JUN 2025 — 01 JUL 2025

Castries, Saint Lucia

*Dates to be confirmed


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