OM Heartbeat Prayer Diary Jun 2024

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JUNE: Perseverance in our ministry

JULY: Back to basics

AUGUST: Following Jesus wherever He calls us

SEPTEMBER: Reaching across religious barriers

EDITOR: Something More Creative®

WRITER: Chris Papworth

Bible references are from the New International Version unless stated otherwise.


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“...Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

MATTHEW 6:9–10

ON THE COVER: United Arab Emirates PICTURE BY:
Armstrong 16 12

Dear praying friends,

As Operation Mobilisation, we seek to live up to our name and the heart of our calling which is to mobilise Christians to engage in God’s mission to people who are yet to hear of salvation in Jesus Christ. However, in recent years we have seen the numbers of those being ‘mobilised’ and engaging in mission through OM dropping. There may be many contributory factors for this decline in people being sent out to ‘make disciples of all nations’. Some suggest that it may be a consequence and reflection of the spiritual malaise that some churches are experiencing, liberal theology, a diluting of the understanding of ‘mission’, a lack of depth of discipleship of the next generation, or a combination of these things and perhaps much more. We certainly see that the global pandemic hugely impacted the numbers of those engaging in short-term outreaches with us, and we know that when shortterm numbers drop, then soon afterwards, numbers of those going out to serve longterm will follow.

As we approach the summer of 2024, we are seeing numbers for short-term outreaches rising again and nearing pre-pandemic figures, which is encouraging. Please do pray with us that the Lord of the Harvest would continue to raise up more to head out shortterm and experience cross-cultural mission work and that these short-term workers would be inspired and challenged to take further steps in exploring God’s call on their lives.

Please pray with us that we would see many more engaged in seeking to make Christ known in the world.

Praying together,

P.S. Please do join us for our monthly Global Prayer Meetings online on the first Thursday of each month at 19:15.


Perseverance in our ministry

‘Learning while doing’ has always been central to our training processes. We believe that training must have an outcome – so it is logical to put into practice what we learn as soon as possible. OM teams are a great place to experience the benefits of the integral relationship between training and its practical outworking. A life of Christian service is a long pathway of ‘learning through doing’ and effective service requires a lot of both!


SAT Praise God that every year, in scores of countries, hundreds of people come to OM to grow in their Christian life and to be involved in the work of the gospel. Some come highly trained, others simply come bringing their passion for Jesus.


SUN Thank God for everyone who is taking the next step into Christian service. Some will already have been active Christians at school or in higher education, others are perhaps making a major change in their life. There is a place for everyone.


MON Local Christian leaders, such as your own church leader or leaders of local ministries and mission agencies, need our prayers today. Some are uplifted and encouraged in their service, while others find things unrewarding and may be thinking of a different direction in life.


TUE Our goal is to know Christ and the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10). Ask that the liberating reality of being in Christ would be known in each OM worker’s life today.



WED Pray that each OM worker’s daily walk, attitudes, talk and motivations will be guided by the Holy Spirit.


THU Teamwork is vital in the work of sharing the gospel. Pray that OM leaders and teams around the world would be united in our work of making Jesus known.


FRI Strategies and plans sometimes fail. Teams may be let down by those they look to and trust. Pray that everyone recovers from such events and is able to learn and press on to greater heights.


SAT Uphold our International Director Lawrence Tong and the men and women on his International Leadership Team. They need daily vision and intimate contact with our Father.


SUN Many are on the journey to serving with OM. Pray for commitment and perseverance when distractions and snags occur along the way. In some locations, raising financial support and recruiting a solid prayer support group can be a big challenge.


MON Across OM there are many who in other walks of life might be quietly retired. Ask that there will be space and opportunity for God to use their gifts and skills as they continue to serve Him.


TUE Some OM retirees are experiencing serious health problems and debilitating illness. May they be shining lights as they find strength in God’s hands.

12 WED Neither Christians nor Christian workers escape serious illness and other problems encountered by everyone else. Pray that those dealing with serious life-changing illnesses would know God’s comfort and lean on Him.

13 THU Thank God for churches and residential homes that are proactive in looking after Christian workers who have no immediate family to care for them.

14 FRI Many believers around the world lack the encouragement and support of a Christian community. Pray for isolated Christians — especially those living in places where there is strong opposition to the gospel.

15 SAT Travelling alone can be dangerous. Paul usually had a team and George Verwer travelled with a colleague. Thank God for His security. Pray for those you know who have to travel unaccompanied.


SUN Things can change quickly in the Ship Ministry. A sudden storm, a breakdown, a port complication or a local political crisis has often been God’s way of miraculously opening another door. Ask for readiness to seize each unexpected opportunity.

17 MON A number of ship staff are coming to the end of their commitment. Thank God for all that they have experienced and learnt on board. Some know their next step, others are still seeking God’s plan for them.

05 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. ROMANS 12:12

Iron sharpens iron

The international team environment provides the perfect training and learning setting. Even when the team is a group of seasoned workers, the Biblical principle of ‘iron sharpening iron’ (Proverbs 27:17) ensures individual development.

18 TUE Many new volunteers are always needed to serve on Logos Hope and Doulos Hope. Pray for people to respond to these challenging and exciting openings.

19 WED Our engineering and deck officers make our ships work effectively. Some are quite young believers, some have served on board a long time, and others are signed on for shorter periods. Today, pray especially for those serving in marine operations and the deck and engine departments.

20 THU Global Prayer Day. Our ships’ crews represent more than 65 nationalities. Pray for more workers from the Global South to impact the nations with the gospel through Logos Hope and Doulos Hope

21 FRI Our captains and chief engineers carry big technical and spiritual responsibilities. Pray for any major decisions they must make today.

22 SAT Do you know someone who is looking to step out in their journey with Jesus? OM teams and ships offer a proven environment for growing in Christ and capturing God’s heart for the world. Pray for someone you know to have the courage to step out in faith.


SUN On our ships, change keeps everyone on their toes. The price of fuel constantly varies, crewmembers come and go, there are new port cities to adjust to, local worship styles differ. Give thanks that God never changes, and pray that He would help the crew adapt and respond to changing circumstances.


MON The bookfair on Logos Hope has 5,000 titles, while Doulos Hope carries 2,000 titles. These cover topics related to the Christian life, science, language, medicine, sports, cookery, arts, hobbies and much more. Pray that the thousands of books purchased each week, and especially the Christian titles, will bring real transformation.



TUE Behind the scenes in the book holds, a team picks and sorts titles to replenish the shelves in the bookfair. In the warehouse in Florence, South Carolina, a large team of purchasers, sorters and packers source appropriate literature. Give thanks for all those working behind the scenes today.


WED At OM Ships HQ in Mosbach, Germany, a large team oversees logistics, route planning, all legal and technical issues, senior staffing, member care, budgeting and financial control and more. Pray for wisdom and guidance for those serving in these departments.


THU Uphold Seelan Govender, CEO of OM Ships. Pray for his daily walk with the Lord, constructive relationships with those who are directly responsible to him and wisdom as he leads the very big and complex ministry. Stand with his wife and family too.


FRI During Logos Hope’s recent visits to South African ports, thousands of young believers with enormous potential have heard the challenge to step into world mission. Pray that many would respond to this invitation.


SAT After our ships leave a port, it is very common for local churches to welcome new people and experience new life and vigour in their congregations. Pray for a long-lasting impact.


SUN Reflecting on recent port visits, it is amazing to see all the answered prayers and situations where God broke through and brought change. Pray that those serving on the ships would have a humble heart and big expectations for all that God can do.

Training for mission

OM’s international calendar is full of training courses of every kind. They provide opportunities for excellent training, international fellowship and insight into the work of other OM fields. Many have found new and fruitful avenues of service as a result of this training, such as our REACH participants. Find out more about our REACH UK programme at


Back to basics

We live in a world full of need, meaning that we have an endless range of opportunities to share God’s love. We have been reminded of Jesus’ simple statement of intent at the very start of His work on earth in Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” He has called us, too, to ‘proclaim good news’ to those in need.


MON In the Arabian Peninsula, team members strive to uphold the centrality of God’s Word in all their relationships and contacts with local people. Pray that workers would have patience and spiritual discernment as they have conversations that point to the Bible.


TUE Interested contacts and new believers in the Arabian Peninsula usually begin their journey with many misconceptions about the Bible and the way of faith in Christ. Pray for a deep renewal of their minds and transformation of their lives.


WED Building relationships with people from a Muslim background takes time, genuine interest in others, prayer and many cups of tea! Pray for perseverance in these relationships, even if progress feels slow at first.


THU In recent years, many people from a Muslim background have come to faith as Jesus has revealed Himself in dreams and visions. Pray for more!

July 08


FRI Summer is an important time of the year when many Christians attend events and conferences. Pray that these events would refresh and equip all those who attend.


SAT Thank God for the hundreds of people serving on a variety of short-term outreach teams this summer. Pray that many more would commit to gap years and shortterm service with OM.


SUN Thousands of young people will attend TeenStreet events in a few weeks. Pray that many will hear God’s clear call to go deeper with Him. Pray for those journeying to a long life of Christian service, even if they don’t know it yet!


MON Pray for any Christian teen you know by name. Commit to praying regularly for them, and tell them that you are doing so! Ask God to reveal His purpose to them.


TUE The Holy Spirit equips each Christian with the gifts needed to play their part in the Great Commission. Ask the Father how you and your Christian friends could be more effective in sharing Jesus.


WED Many children and young people in our churches have never heard the challenge to be part of God’s mission. Ask that, this weekend, their eyes will be opened to God’s plan for their lives.


THU Zell-am-See in Austria’s lake district has become a favourite holiday destination for many Arabs. Christian workers often make fruitful contacts because visitors feel free to talk about Jesus and ask questions. Pray that they would take the Scriptures back with them to closed countries.


FRI Algeria is not a friendly place for Christians. However, after generations of persistence, the Church is beginning to grow. Years of gospel outreach and the persistent prayers of God’s people are bearing fruit. Give thanks that there are now more than 100,000 Algerian believers, most of whom are Kabyle Berbers.


SAT OM has hundreds of openings for service and training across the world. Some of these represent a specific urgent need. Pray that God will send people to respond to these opportunities.


SUN Thank God that He is at work all over the world! In particular, Christians in the Global South are responding to the command to ‘Go into all the world’ in increasing numbers. Pray for those stepping out in faith.


MON OM began with a short-term trip to Mexico over 60 years ago. Thank God for how the work has grown from a small bookshop and radio programme to many diverse projects, including outreach among Mexico’s indigenous peoples and work with refugees from many South American countries.


TUE OM’s work in Mexico mobilises local churches and Christians for outreach. Each year begins with an intensive week of teaching on mission and evangelism, followed by a time of putting it into practice in the surrounding villages. Pray that God would strengthen and prepare all those who are being equipped through this programme.

09 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. ISAIAH 61:1

Facing challenges

Jesus’ offer of salvation not only includes complete forgiveness and everlasting life, but also warnings about persecution, temptation, wars, real suffering and even death. We need to pray for brothers and sisters all over the world who live through such challenges every day.


WED The ‘Shattered Dreams’ project assists the Mexico City central detention centre by screening immigrants to determine if they are victims of human trafficking. The project also provides therapy, individual counselling and sociological screening to identify factors of abuse or trafficking. Pray for those being supported in this way.


THU Global Prayer Day. OM teams from across the world join together in prayer today. Pray for increased faith as we ask for God to move in the lives of supporters and prayer partners today.

19 FRI OM teams often work in pressured situations where grace and patience for one another is needed. Today, pray that God would help OM workers to be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19).

20 SAT The development of effective ministries suited to diverse local needs can involve a lot of trial and error. Pray that teams would have courage and wisdom as they try out new ideas.


SUN Today is the Lord’s day! Ask that mission organisations like OM would use their resources well to inspire and equip ‘ordinary’ Christians for mission, both at home and overseas.

22 MON In South Asia, our teams are working to disciple students so that they can pass on their faith to others. Pray that the instructors would set a godly example for the students.


TUE In South Asia, teams facilitate literacy classes in different parts of the region. Pray that through these classes, people will ultimately be able to read the Bible for themselves.


WED A vocational training centre on the edge of a refugee camp in South Asia helps young men and women find employment. Pray for the success of their very popular electrical and tailoring courses.


THU Pray for good relationships between trainers and participants in the vocational centre. Ask that God would bear fruit as the teachers live and share the gospel.



FRI Mauritania remains one of the world’s least-reached countries with barely 2,000 Christians in a population of four million people. Moderate Sunni Islam permeated by folk magic is practised by the majority. Pray for spiritual openness and a hunger for God.


SAT Thank God for bookkeepers and accountants who serve diligently behind the scenes in OM’s finance departments. Ask that they may be reminded of their vital place in God’s big picture.


SUN Thank God for partners who are interested and able to visit workers and projects on the field. Teams and visitors are greatly encouraged and blessed. If you are interested in arranging your own visit, contact the OM team using the details at the front of this booklet.

29 MON While many of us might be busy planning summer holidays, field workers often find this the busiest part of the year. Ask that everyone will find a good balance between work and refreshment.

30 TUE We are so thankful for each partner in the UK who gives to God’s work through OM. There have been many sacrificial and generous donations in recent months. Join us in praise for every gift, large or small.

31 WED Look back over your life and activities during July. Pray again for any specific prayer items that challenged or encouraged you.

Praying for perseverance

For mission workers, the temptation to leave in the face of difficulty can be great. There are many pressures, including tough cultural issues, struggles with complex languages, family issues, insufficient finance and unrealistic expectations. Poor member care and the work of the enemy can make the problems worse. The unfortunate loss of trained personnel is expensive in every way. Pray for perseverance and faithfulness in the face of difficulty.



Following Jesus wherever He calls us

“Please pray that we, as an OM family, put ourselves under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to take us into the future He has prepared for us. As Jesus followers we exist to serve His purpose and to make Him known among the nations,” says Lawrence Tong, OM’s International Director.

1 THU Across Europe, 4,000 TeenStreet participants are getting excited about this year’s TeenStreet event, which starts in two days. Pray for teens who are struggling with their commitment. These events take place across several venues in many countries.

2 FRI TeenStreet leaders have been praying and planning for months for this action-packed week. Pray that the teens would come expectant to enjoy themselves and be prepared to hear God’s voice.

3 SAT Today is the TeenStreet arrival and start day. Ask for safety for all those travelling today. Some teens will be meeting old friends. Pray especially for those who have come alone or for their first time.

4 SUN Discipleship, truth, action and connection are at the heart of TeenStreet’s vision. Pray that these values will be passed on and become embedded in the life of each teenager.



MON Coaches are at the heart of TeenStreet. They are the leaders of smaller discipleship groups called ‘NET groups’. All have been trained but some will feel out of their depth. Lift them in prayer today.


TUE Lifelong friendships are often started at TeenStreet and sustained through the year in NET groups. Pray for lasting friendships that will make an impact in families and local church fellowships.


WED Hundreds of youth camps, beach missions and adventure holidays are being run by Christian groups and churches over the summer. We all want to see children and young people coming to faith and being strengthened in their walk with Jesus. Pray that these experiences and opportunities would be fruitful.


THU Sport is an important feature of the ministry of TeenStreet and other events. Pray for the sports leaders who channel and develop youthful exuberance and ask that the young people would be safeguarded against injuries.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will


FRI OM staff working in our resourcing offices around the world are a key link between home supporters and the outreach and training teams. Every team member plays a vital part in equipping the Body of Christ in reaching the least reached. Lift them before God in prayer today.

10 SAT Some OM workers are sharing Jesus in dangerous situations and hard places. Pray for those who risk everything for Jesus and His ministry.

11 SUN Pray for anyone you know who has responsibility for leading services and opening God’s Word today. Could you ask them to mention summer outreach events?


MON Effective cross-cultural mission requires lifelong language learning and a heart prepared to continually adapt to cultural nuances. Ask that OM workers would have perseverance and patience in these practices.


TUE Some parents and families do not share or understand the OM worker’s personal relationship with Jesus and their commitment to serve Him whatever the cost. Pray for God to work in their lives and for the maintenance of strong family ties.

14 WED This is a busy time of year. Outreach teams have been working hard and office teams may be short-staffed because of family holidays. Pray that important tasks would be covered well.


THU Global Prayer Day. A number of people are coming to the end of their period of training and service with OM. Some will stay in new teams and roles, some may join other mission organisations, while others will rejoin the big mission field of study or work. Pray for each of them as they adapt to new circumstances and life changes.


FRI Over the years, thousands of OM workers have gone on to work with other mission organisations and fellowships. We want the training we provide and the situations they experience to equip them for lives of useful service to others. Give thanks for OM workers who are now serving God’s mission in other contexts.

send you out to fish for people.” MATTHEW 4:19


In 2023 TeenStreet engaged over 10,000 teenagers from 60 countries through year-round small group discipleship events and programmes in more than 40 countries. In the UK, many young people were impacted, with a few teens giving their life to Jesus or renewing their faith. This year, TeenStreet is partnering with Capernwray Hall in Lancaster to provide more space, activities and facilities to help teens go deeper in their faith. Find out more at


SAT Some people leaving OM will return to difficult family, church or work environments and need special prayer. Pray that our Father would help them to stand firm and be loving.


SUN In OM we play a small part in the big picture of God’s mission. Give thanks for the many churches and mission organisations around the world which are committed to making Jesus known among the least reached.


MON Some team families take their holidays at this time of year. Pray for lots of fun, relaxation and adventures.


TUE The world is filled with people who need to know Jesus as their Saviour and Friend. From street children in South America to refugees crossing Europe, pray that Christians would help them experience the love and hope only God can provide.


WED Many people have come to Christ as a result of outreaches, camps and beach missions this summer. Even more have heard and understood the gospel for the first time. Pray that God would water the seeds that have been planted.


THU New Christians need to have assurance of their faith and to be discipled in local churches. Pray that all those who have responded to the gospel this summer would be surrounded by a loving and encouraging Christian community.


FRI Summer is a time when many OM workers will be travelling to new places. Pray for safety in these journeys, whether by land, air or sea.

24 SAT Travel opens up many opportunities to meet and talk with strangers. Pray for fruitful conversations!


SUN Team life can be intense and challenging. Pray for forgiveness, reconciliation and understanding for those who are struggling with team relationships.



MON ‘Launch’, the new induction conference, starts today in Mosbach, Germany; replacing the old ‘GO’ conference. New OM workers will arrive from around the world today. Pray that they would be equipped and encouraged through their time together.


TUE Launch brings together OM workers from lots of different cultures and countries. Praise God for the wonderful diversity of OM teams. Pray for clear communication and understanding between people from different cultures.


WED Expectations will be high today as everyone settles into the rhythm of the Launch conference. Pray that the teaching, discussions and times of prayer would be encouraging for all.


THU Conferences like Launch often spark ideas about innovative and creative ways to reach people with the gospel. Pray especially for those who are thinking about how they can share Jesus in creative and distinctive ways.


FRI The worship leaders, Bible teachers and group facilitators must watch their own walk of faith in the midst of a very busy week and a lot of ‘giving out’. Pray that God would strengthen the faith of leaders and volunteers today.


SAT Thank God that Launch brings together people from many denominations and church fellowships who are passionate about making Jesus known. Pray that strong friendships and partnerships for the gospel would be built.

Connecting with OM Europe

OM works in 39 countries across Europe. We want to ensure that every OM worker joining a ministry in Europe meets the wider family, experiences OM culture and comes ‘on board’ with our mission, vision and values. We’ll be praying for these workers from 26 August – 3 September.



Reaching across religious barriers

God’s Word looks forward to the day when people from “every nation, tribe, people and language” will gather around God’s throne (Revelation 7:9). In light of this promise, OM’s heart is to see vibrant communities of Jesus-followers among those who are least reached by the gospel. As we seek to make Jesus known, we will come into contact with people from many different religions. Join us in praying this month that people would turn to Jesus, who alone is “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6).



SUN Please continue to pray for the Launch conference today. Give thanks for the amazing facilities at the Mill in Mosbach and the vision and the hard work that brought it into being decades ago. Many thousands have been trained in mission and many German believers have grown in their discipleship here.


MON Many of those attending the Launch training and induction are new to mission work. Some will be finding it heavy and may be experiencing sleep loss or culture shock. Pray for perseverance and patience.


TUE Today, groups attending Launch will disperse to many of the 39 European countries that OM serves in. Ask for safe travel and that they will be a great blessing on the teams they join.


WED Give thanks for wonderfully effective sports ministries which reach across religious barriers. Simply kicking or throwing a ball can open the way to great conversations and friendships. Sports ministry often provides a simple first step even when language and religious differences are obstacles.



THU Pakistan gives some religious freedom in law to minorities. In reality, however, non-Muslims and non-Sunnis must practise their faith cautiously and under varying degrees of threat from Islamists. Pray that God would give Christians in Pakistan protection and boldness.


FRI South Asia has some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full-time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the spread of the gospel in this region.


SAT Very few of the Punjabi Muslim groups living on the Indus plain in Pakistan have been reached. Pray for the Christian fellowships among them, as well as growing numbers of secret believers.


SUN OM partners with dozens of churches in Southwest Asia. By hosting short-term groups from around the world — around 500 people every year — local believers have been greatly encouraged in their faith, even as they encourage those who visit them. Pray that these partnerships would bear fruit for the gospel.


MON During these uncertain times, Christians in Israel have a real opportunity to shine the light of Jesus. Ask that people would find peace and hope in Christ.


TUE Israel’s population of nine million people is made up of 49 different people groups. Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages, but 50 foreign languages can also be heard on the streets. Ask the Lord of the rich harvest to send more labourers.


WED Safety is an ongoing concern for many workers in volatile locations. There are always risks involved when the gospel is taken into areas and among people groups that have long been spiritual strongholds. Pray that there would be opportunities to witness as various crises rage on.


THU Thank God that many believers are putting their faith into action by reaching out to their Muslim neighbours with the love of God. Ask that God would give churches stamina, energy and wisdom to meet with those who aren’t yet believers and answer their questions.


FRI There are so many opportunities for Christian service in hard-toreach places. Pray that many people will respond to the call, especially in North Africa and the Middle East.


SAT Pressure and persecution across the world is well documented (read more at Open Doors, Today, pray for the growing communities of Jesus-followers in India where the government is making things difficult for both Muslims and Christians.


SUN Praise God that social media can help bring the gospel to otherwise unreachable people. Every day, hundreds of people are searching for truth online. Pray that those with digital evangelism ministries would skilfully listen, talk and lead them towards the Saviour.


MON As you read this, millions of people who have no direct contact with Christians are scanning their smartphones for ideas about ‘hope’, ‘God’, ‘spirituality’ and much more. Pray that they would find true answers to their questions in Jesus today.

17 All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. PSALM 86:9

The power of the gospel

We believe the gospel has the power to change everyone and everything. God’s mission is to transform lives and communities as He reconciles the world to Himself. As believers, we all have the privilege of joining Him in this mission! Head to to find opportunities to serve Jesus in the UK and around the world.

17 TUE Pray for teams spreading the gospel through radio stations. Some of these radio programmes encourage and support those in ministry, while others disciple believers and help equip them to disciple others.

18 WED In some places in North Africa there is amazing freedom to distribute Bibles openly on the street. OM teams have worked with local churches and other ministries to give away millions of Bibles in recent years. Praise God that His Word brings light in these places.

19 THU Global Prayer Day. As OM teams around the world gather in prayer today, join us in praying particularly for workers in remote or far-flung places. Ask that they would be encouraged today, especially if they feel discouraged or isolated.

20 FRI Thank God for the fruit we have seen after a summer of outreach across the barriers of culture, language and religion. Many are finding new freedom in Christ and ways of thinking as they are born again. Pray for their discipleship as they become part of a vibrant community with other Jesus-followers.

21 SAT Lift your own church in prayer this weekend. Ask that God would show your church family their place in His global mission. Pray that your church would be a place where people from all backgrounds and nations experience the welcome and love of Christ.


SUN Of all the countries in the Mekong region, Thailand is perhaps the most resistant to the gospel. According to Operation World, less than 1% of Thailand’s 70 million people are Jesusfollowers. Give thanks for the slow but steady increase of Christians here.

23 MON Operation World says that Thailand is ‘held captive in a complex web of Buddhism, traditional culture, spirit-appeasement and even occult practices. For many their nationality and religious identity is inextricably linked.’ Pray for a spiritual breakthrough.


TUE OM in Thailand is involved in an education ministry that helps children with disabilities whose parents could not afford to pay for suitable vocational skills training. Pray that God would expand this ministry.



WED In China, OM teams partner with churches to share the gospel with the large homeless population, providing food and clean water. Pray for those serving in this ministry.


THU A key focus for Doulos Hope is the unreached peoples of the vast Mekong region. There are very few Jesus-followers amongst the 240 million people here. Pray that many believers would be encouraged and trained up through OM’s ministry here.


FRI Many people around the world would have the opportunity to follow Jesus if they were able to hear the gospel for themselves. Ask that many more local and international believers would be raised up to serve in these unreached places.

28 SAT Many young people who attended

TeenStreet events have wholeheartedly put their trust in Jesus, while others are experiencing the pull of temptation, sin, wrong habits and unhelpful relationships. Pray that God would help them stand firm today.


SUN As a communist nation, Vietnam is culturally different to neighbouring South East Asian countries. The south is more free than the north, and consequently has more Christian activity and growth. Leadership development and theological training are urgent needs. Pray for OM’s role in serving believers here.


MON Many in the Vietnamese diaspora are coming to Christ. These believers then take the gospel back to Vietnam with them. As they return to a very complex religious environment, pray that they will stand firm; especially as they are surrounded by ancestor-worship and veneration.

Closer than you think

You might not think it, but people from least-reached groups often live closer to us than we expect. Why not spend some time this month thinking about how you could connect with people from different cultures and nations?


Ships Update

Doulos Hope, the latest addition to the Ship Ministry fleet, celebrated one year of service on 7 May 2024. Purchased in 2022, the vessel underwent a year of renovations before opening to the public in Singapore. Since then, the ship and her crew have visited fifteen ports in six countries throughout Southeast Asia, sharing knowledge, help and hope.

The vessel “has seen the hand of God in a mighty way — over her and around her,” shared Nathan Schmutz (Switzerland), managing director of Doulos Hope. He described the past year as “an amazing journey” of shaping and establishing both the ship’s ministry and identity as an onboard community.

Read more about Doulos Hope in Global issue no.2 2024.



3 MAY 2024 — 27 MAY 2024

Hong Kong, SAR China

3 JUN 2024 — 5 JUL 2024

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

16 JUL 2024 — 19 AUG 2024*

Kuching, Malaysia

23 AUG 2024 — 10 SEPT 2024*

Sandakan, Malaysia

*Dates to be confirmed

7 MAY 2024 — 3 JUN 2024

Durban, South Africa

7 JUN 2024 — 25 JUN 2024

Cape Town, South Africa

4 JUL 2024 — 22 JUL 2024

Walvis Bay, Namibia


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