OM Heartbeat Prayer Diary 2024 Issue 3

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NOVEMBER: Women in Ministry

DECEMBER: Muslim neighbours

JANUARY: Around the world. Far and wide.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

1 PETER 2:9 ON THE COVER: Mombassa, Kenya

PICTURE BY: Mary Korzh

EDITOR: Something More Creative®

WRITER: Chris Papworth

Bible references are from the New International Version unless stated otherwise.


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Dear praying friends,

Peter, in his first letter, reminds his readers of their identity in Christ. Having started the letter describing followers of Jesus as ‘God’s elect’ (1 Peter 1:1), he goes on to remind us that we, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5) and that we have received mercy as recipients of God’s grace and forgiveness (1 Peter 2:10). In verse nine of 1 Peter 2 we have this extraordinary description of who we are, what our identity now is, in Christ. As followers of Christ, we are reminded that we are chosen, set apart as a holy nation and we are even described as God’s special possession, acquired, and treasured by God. I consider these truths and am humbled and challenged as to what extent I am living my life according to this new identity. Furthermore, Peter reminds us that we are a ‘royal priesthood’, emphasising that we are not only called to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to the Lord, but that we also have the priestly responsibility to mediate or intercede for the peoples of the earth before God.

As we are reminded and seek to live according to the identity that we now have in Christ, I hope that this edition of Heartbeat may help us fulfil our ‘priestly duties’ by bringing before the throne of grace those yet to hear of, or experience, the love of God made known through Jesus Christ. As we live according to our identity and intercede for people in places where Christ is least known, may the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light be made know among the nations.

Yours in Christ,

P.S. Through this next season, we are looking forward to hosting Global Prayer meetings on the first Thursday of each month; 3rd Oct, 7th Nov and 5th Dec in person and online. Please do join us if you are able, book your free ticket at



The sights were set high when Doulos Hope joined Logos Hope to bring knowledge, help and hope to the port cities of the world. Several years, dozens of ports and millions of visitors later, we can only give God the praise for His foreknowledge and the guidance He provides on board every day.

In port cities and even remote villages all around the world are people whose lives have been deeply touched during 50 years of OM ship visits. Join in prayer as we ‘go further, stay longer and engage more deeply.’


TUE Remember navigating officers on Logos Hope and Doulos Hope as they plot voyages from port to port. Things go best when all crew and others on board are fit and well. Ask for unity, health and harmony amongst the ships’ people from over 60 backgrounds and cultures.

2 WED Many parents and family members really miss their children who are serving on board. Ask for good communication and strong relationships despite distance.


THU Smooth running and good logistics is always the aim on the ships. When things go wrong, perseverance and insight into the difficulties are vital. God often uses various setbacks and delays to develop character.


FRI Our ships operate within the strict controls of maritime laws which govern safety and support sustainable environmental factors. Pray for those charged with ensuring God’s standards of sustainability and creation care, so as to minimise environmental impact.


SAT The ongoing maintenance and critical attention to safety procedures call for attention to detail and careful planning. Thank God that He demonstrates what it means to be ‘in Christ’ in the midst of the potpourri of languages, cultures and church backgrounds on our ships.


SUN Pray for those who work with the technology and communications systems on board. Reliability and effective tools are needed to share the gospel and connect with our international partners.


MON It is vital that the presence of both our ships shines brightly in the communities they visit. Ask for open hearts and minds among the local people to receive the knowledge, help and hope that the ministry brings. Effective outreach programmes and events can have a big impact.


TUE The port volunteer programmes need to be strengthened and encouraged by our prayers. Ask that in each new port, volunteers would quickly feel welcomed and integrated into their part of ship life.

9 WED From ‘captain to cabin-boy’, effective leadership is necessary at every level of ship life. Every day, leaders need wisdom and guidance as they make decisions and plan activities.

10 THU Remember the many thousands of financial partner churches and individuals who God uses to provide for the financial needs of the ministry. Thank God for generous giving and ask that He will bless the givers.


FRI Spiritual growth must be at the heart of life on board. Ask for powerful and transforming Bible studies and times of worship, both in small groups and together.

12 SAT Partnership with port churches sometimes begins even years before the ship arrives in a port. Local pastors’ committees are formed and issue the initial invitation to visit. In large complex cities, many months of advance planning and partnership building must be completed.

13 SUN Praise the Lord for safe voyages and coastal passages. Even the shortest overnight trip between ports involves much work for the engine department, deck crew and the book exhibition team.

14 MON The true testament of a good visit will be best shown afterwards in encouraging developments in the local church communities. Strengthened relationships between Christian leaders and numbers of new disciples in the church fellowships will be some of the indications of God’s blessing.

15 TUE The programmes for local young people are always a top focus. Many discover a new purpose in life, others decide to take discipleship more seriously. Many catch the vision for their part in bringing the good news to the 3 billion who have never heard of Jesus.

16 WED In some ports, there are opportunities to visit crews from other ships. Sometimes our people discover solitary believers whose life at sea, away from family and Christian fellowship, is a hard test. Long lasting connections are often built.

Fuelled by generosity

All international crew and staff are non-salaried volunteers. Costs are largely met through sponsorship of on-board personnel, generous donations from partners around the world and goodwill expressed by civic and port authorities through reductions and waivers of fees.

17 THU Global Prayer Day. Those involved in advance ministry ahead of the ships need special skills and training in their contacts with local and national governments. Ask for smooth processes in obtaining necessary permissions and visas.

18 FRI Because ‘the entrance of your Word brings light’, our ships have left a trail of scriptures and good Christian books all around the world for fifty years. Pray that many seeds, perhaps long sown, will bring salvation and community transformation in some of the globe’s darkest places.

19 SAT The emotional and spiritual wellbeing of crews and staff are incredibly important. Pastoral staff spend their days engaging with issues that arise through the joys and stresses of on board life. The mix of ages, languages and many cultures can be both wonderful and difficult. More prayer is needed for a spirit of joy and gratitude to permeate the community.

20 SUN Innovative approaches to ministry and outreach are constantly needed. Ask for creativity and adaptability in facing new challenges. Pray that leaders will be open to new ideas and the Spirit’s leading.

21 MON The churches around the world that send ships’ personnel are key building blocks in the ministry. Pray for blessings on these congregations and continued strong partnerships.

22 TUE Cultural sensitivity and respect is vital in all interactions with local communities. Ask for wisdom and insight in understanding and honouring local customs and traditions.

23 WED Pray for a renewed vision for global missions among crew and support partners. Ask for a heart for the nations and commitment to the Great Commission and for more to join the harvest field through the ship ministry.

24 THU Fuel for the engines is important, but more vitally is an increasing number of people who will pray for the work. Trust that the power of prayer would be evident in every department and outreach.

25 FRI On board women’s ministry initiatives are essential in every port. Trust for the many women serving on board to be strong, dignified and impactful in their roles.

26 SAT Ministry targeting men is also vital, both for ship people and port visitors. Ask that on board men will be courageous and steadfast in all they do.

27 SUN Wars and local strife can prevent ship visits happening especially in areas of regional and religious conflict. Pray that people will submit to the Prince of Peace.

28 MON Effective follow-up and discipleship is fundamental for those who come to faith during the ship visits. Remember local pastors and active believers who continue the work after the ship leaves.

29 TUE Short term volunteers can have a big impact on the effectiveness of a port visit. Many locals are only able to give a few days while others are taking a gap-year experience. Pray that all go home newly able to use their gifts and with a greater passion for missions.

30 WED Our prayers are vital for the future plans and vision of Logos Hope and Doulos Hope. Ask for leadership to stay attuned to God’s direction for all future endeavours.

31 THU Could you suggest a visit from a ships’ speaker to your church or fellowship? Pray for visits taking place all over the country.

Growing in Christ

Over the years, some well-qualified technical crew on our ships have found that in the spiritual area they were falling short. Transformation has often taken place! When there is urgent pressure to complete a task that is apparently holding up the ministry, it is all too easy to let personal spiritual disciplines take second place. The spiritual progress of crew and staff is just as important as their technical competence.


Women in ministry

After Jesus rose from the dead, His female followers like Mary Magdalene were instrumental in sharing the good news of the resurrection (John 20). Around the world today, women are courageously following Jesus’ call to share the gospel with those around them. Join us in praying for women in ministry and mission this month.


1 FRI Thank God today for Mrs Clapp. Her faithful targeted prayers, for George Verwer, started a ball rolling that has ultimately touched millions on every continent. Ask God to raise up more ‘Mrs Clapps’.

2 SAT Give thanks for mothers and grandmothers who like Eunice and Lois (2 Timothy 1:5), have prayerfully nurtured children who have gone on to serve the King.

3 SUN Remember any praying woman you know who has influenced you. Find a way to thank her today. A text or phone call is quick and direct. Fixing a visit would be great.

4 MON Leadership training is ongoing in OM. On-the-team training is a continuous thing. Special training events have many other benefits too. Public relations, management and other areas of public leadership and ministry are also on agendas.

5 TUE Lift up the many women who have senior leadership responsibilities throughout our work.


WED Many women serving with OM also have responsibilities in the home, including childcare. Special prayer is needed for wives of OM leaders whose family responsibilities and tasks are often doubled when their husbands are travelling.


THU Fruitful missionary prayer groups have often been ably led by women who had a lifelong insight into the productive power of prayer. More women (and men) are needed to pick up the baton and help others into prayer for the advance of God’s Kingdom.


FRI Only women are able to effectively reach out to women in Muslim cultures. Their visits to ladies who are often secluded in the home provides a private forum for discussing personal and private matters.


SAT Thank God for the illustrious list of women who have paid the price of obedience to serve in rugged and sometimes dangerous places when there was often no-one else who would go. They planted seeds which have born wonderful fruit.


SUN Many Christian women from the Philippines work as housemaids in wealthy homes across the Arabian Peninsula. Some have amazing opportunities to help the women in the household to open their hearts to Jesus.


MON Several teams in Europe have important ministries to trafficked sex workers. Befriending and winning their confidence, staff help the women move into a new life. Several are coming to Christ and being discipled in local Christian communities.

12 TUE Funds from OM appeals are often used for ministries to women in difficult situations, including many living in refugee camps. Ask that Christian women in these situations will shine a bright light for Jesus.


WED Many hundreds of international OM women serve in places where they are in an almost never-ending process of language learning. Our prayers can help make this a breakthrough day with new understanding and abilities.


THU Pray specifically for women who are just ‘getting the hang’ of a new language and associated culture. May they experience real steps forward in their two-way communication with locals.


FRI Thank God again for the long and glorious history of women who pioneer in tough places. They live and work in sometimes remote and insecure locations to demonstrate God’s love to poor and least reached communities.


SAT Bible examples of women such as Priscilla and her husband Aquila (1 Corinthians 16:19) are a guide for our service by opening their home for the local church to meet and pray. This is a reality for some women in countries where Christians can’t meet freely.


SUN Thank God that across OM and the world of missions there are many women in major leadership, consultative and ministry roles. The impact of their lives has a long and deep reach.

‘Only one life, it will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.’


MON Sadly, there are some women (and men) in OM who are struggling with their faith today. Pray for space, an understanding ear and sympathetic prayerful support and renewal of a rich walk with Jesus.

19 TUE Countless women are serving in caregiving jobs such as teaching or health. Ask that amazing moments open up before them today when they can show their faith in word and deed.

20 WED For many women ‘days off’ are their busiest. Whether spent with family, friends or just getting some ‘me time’. Ask for a good sense of God’s purpose and presence.

21THU Global Prayer Day. Logos Hope and Doulos Hope teams would value your cooperation in prayer today. Several women are on advance teams working ahead of the ships preparing the way for future port visits. There are continuous obstacles to overcome.


FRI Many young women who made big promises to God at OM’s TeenStreet youth event a few months back, are facing the daily tussle of staying true. Old friends, old habits and relationships need the Father’s help. Pray for any teenager you know.


SAT Many in their youth are beginning to hear God’s call to reach out to the least reached. They need encouragement and wise counsel from people who understand and value the subject. There is no better way for them to spend their lives.


SUN A good number of OM women are reaching the time where they may be thinking of retiring. This new phase of life varies enormously from culture to culture. Pray about their finances, as income from supporting churches may be reduced. Thank God for scores of well- lived lives and trust for many more years of shining for Jesus.


MON In countries across Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, women on our teams are helping other women learn new trade and business skills. Strong relationships are developed, and family finances are improved. The powerful gospel is bringing real transformation.


TUE Like all of us, women serving Jesus need a good support network of like-minded friends. Uphold those who, because of remoteness or cultural difference, find it hard to establish that kind of friendship where they work.

27 WED Ask God’s blessing on your mother and any other female family members. Each one needs to experience God’s touch on their life today. He knows their needs.

28 THU Many ladies who put in long years serving overseas, are spending their last months and years in care homes. Give thanks for their abundant fruit in many tough places. Thank God for the amazing caring work around the UK.

29 FRI ‘Arise’ is a fast growing ministry working to train and care for the spiritual encouragement and strengthening of women leaders in fellowships across Central Asia.

30 SAT Many women in Christian service, who would like the chance of marriage and family, work in places and cultures where interaction with Christian men is at best unlikely. Pray that our Father will meet all their needs. large or small.

Secret, but not forgotten

You may have noticed that we hardly ever mention personal names. There are too many! Some people need to be incognito. Telling a name can attract disruptive publicity and attention. Thankfully, our Father keeps a detailed and accurate list.


Muslim neighbours

In approximately 50 countries, from the Middle East to Europe and from North Africa to Central Asia, OM teams have been living amongst, loving, and making Jesus known to our Muslim neighbours for six decades. The story is profound. The journey is exciting. The people are warm and open, and the message is eternal and life changing. Jesus loves our friends who follow Islam. Pray with us as we see Jesus transform Muslim lives and communities across the globe.



SUN Many organisations and churches will be running special outreach events during the Christmas season. Pray for purposeful evangelistic focus and confidence in the power of the greatest story ever told to change lives.


MON OM’s team in London will be helping the Turkish church with its Christmas programme. Pray for blessing and personal challenge as team members make friends. For some Turks who are new believers, this will be their first real Christmas.


TUE After Christmas, our Birmingham team will be sharing the love of Jesus in a wide variety of communities and from many nations in and around the capital of the Midlands.


WED Join team members in prayer for lasting fruit from their contact work. Bibles, brochures and Christian books will find their way into many pockets and homes. Social media links and forums are great tools in the work of evangelism.


THU When you read your Bible today, remember the many thousands of people in challenging places, new believers, or soon to be, who are now studying the scriptures with enthusiasm and joy.


FRI The harsh Iranian regime has caused a great disillusionment with Islam, providing a wonderful open door for the gospel. It is normal to expect that when an Iranian comes to Christ, other family members will soon follow.

7 SAT Almost 2/3 of Iranians are under 30, in which many have come to Christ and are being trained as church planters, whilst others are trained evangelists and leaders. For more information see

8 SUN South Asia has the largest population of Muslims in the world, with about one-third of all Muslims being from South Asia. Large numbers of Christians must catch the vision and response to the call to work amongst them.

9 MON There is no end in sight to suffering and strife in the Near East. Millions of refugees have fled the country and are scattered. The vast majority are in the Near East. Others have sought asylum in 130 countries (UNHCR). The 10,000 refugees in the UK are mainly in the north and Scotland. Pray for the churches that are reaching out to them.

10 TUE The church in mountainous Central Asia is small but growing. At the moment, the government is tolerant of evangelicals, but the situation could become more restrictive. Pray for the safety of believers, that they wouldn’t take their current freedom for granted.

11 WED Folk Islam predominates in Central Asia and Christian witness is mainly limited to larger towns. Pray that those who trust the Lord will be bold in sharing their faith.

12 THU In several Central Asian republics where communism existed for 70 years, there is greater spiritual hunger that has led to faster growth. Pray over these hungry hearts.


FRI Uphold village evangelists in the Arabian Peninsula who earn most of their own living and yet work hard at church planting. May God reward their labours.

14 SAT The Balkans region is home to many established Muslim communities. Pray for OM teams proclaiming the Gospel among them. (See box)

15 SUN Targeted violence against the people in Central Asia has created tension and hopelessness in the region. Ask God to pour out his Spirit.


MON Creative arts impact Muslims in many countries. Pray for innovative musicians, dancers, artists, technicians and more.


TUE NATO’s decision to remove troops from Central Asia had lasting consequences. Despite the Taliban’s draconian rule, the gospel has taken tentative root. Intercede for those brave men and women who risk all to make life-giving contact with Pamir Ministries’ newly re-established team of trained staff.

Reaching across cultures in London

The world meets in London. On the city streets people from nearly every corner of the world can be foundevery tongue and tribe is represented in the nation’s cosmopolitan capital. Our London teams share God’s love with London’s Arabic, Turkic and Iranian speaking communities. While the teams have a diverse range of age and nationalities, all those joining the short and long-term programmes learn invaluable skills in cross-cultural evangelism.


WED Young believers in Karachi are reaching out in Pakistan’s largest city. Ask for wisdom when training them to be effective, and for them to have the joy of seeing people trusting in Jesus.

19 THU Global Prayer Day. If you can, take extra time today to join in the Spirit with our teams around the world as they purposefully call out for blessings on all the special activities of the coming Christmas season.


FRI The Ismailis are a sect of Shia Islam whose devotion towards the Aga Khan borders on worship. Living in 35 countries, there are very few known believers amongst the 15 million. Please pray for God to move.


SAT The desperate situation in North Africa demands our prayers. Half of the population, more than 24 million, are in desperate need of assistance. Half of them are children. 4 million children have been uprooted creating the largest child displacement crisis in the world, (Unicef).


SUN Many will be making their annual visit to a church today. Pray for warm welcomes, great worship and clear communication of this important part of the gospel story. Many of our teams will be helping with Christmas services.

23 MON Special prayer is needed for more workers with a long-term vision and leadership skills to come to serve in North Africa. Pray for more people to join field support ministries.


TUE In the middle of the Christmas rush, many workers will be using social media to bring the gospel to otherwise unreachable people. Praise God that technology is opening amazing doors.


WED Christmas often just emphasises the pain of separation between grandparents, parents, children and other family members. Remember the families and Christian workers for whom this is true today.


THU Thank the Lord of the harvest that the gospel has taken root in the hearts of hundreds of the least reached peoples. OM teams are working in many of these groups.

27 FRI Disillusioned with Islam, many in North Africa are rejecting religion completely and becoming atheists. Others are more open to learn about Christianity. Pray that this period of openness will be seized.


SAT Continue to pray for supernatural interventions in the lives of Muslims. Many come to Jesus after seeing him in a dream or vision. Pray for their establishment as new Jesus followers.


SUN There are now so many displaced people in the Middle East. Pray for our team members who are seizing every opportunity to help Christians and Muslims alike who have lost everything.


MON A country in North Africa remains one of the world’s neediest countries with barely two thousand Christians in a population of 3.5 million. Moderate Sunni Islam permeated by folk magic is practised by the majority. Pray for spiritual openness and hunger for God.

31 TUE Some are making New Year’s resolutions today. Ask that many will be choosing to live more deliberately for Jesus and deciding to be more involved in world missions during 2025.

Hope for the Balkans

The still recently independent Balkan nations have witnessed war and hatred, but workers report hope being restored. The message of God’s forgiveness is powerful amongst those who have borne grudges for decades. International teams offer a powerful example of unity overcoming diversity.


Around the world, far and wide

2,000 years ago Jesus told the Christians in Philadelphia ‘I have set before you an open door that no man can shut’. He could see the 21st century!

An open door provides both a view of the future and a threshold to be crossed into that future. Together we look into that future and begin to take steps of faith so that we might grasp the amazing opportunities for service that lie before us.

People, previously out of reach, are coming to our doorstep. Many are hearing and reading God’s Word in their mother tongue for the first time. This is the time to ‘launch out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch’.


WED What a privilege to share the gospel! Give thanks for the many open doors in over 147 countries we work in. Continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare open hearts.


THU It is well over 60 years since a tiny group of young OMers became the first modern missionaries to Turkey. It is still tough and slow in Turkey, but the team reaching London’s burgeoning Turkish community is experiencing an encouraging time of multiplication. Give thanks for this blessing.


FRI The UK now has thousands of Turkish speakers. Since Covid there have been wonderful opportunities to build relationships reaching out and training growing numbers of young Turkish disciples. Pray for all these followers.


SAT The poor level of English in the UK Turkish communities means they struggle to find jobs that pay well. Pray for more Christians to take up English teaching opportunities in these communities.


SUN Many Turks who come to the UK as Christians have very shaky theological backgrounds. Although believers may no longer follow false teachings, deep rooted misconceptions mean they are often unable to sustain themselves and may be very dependent on external workers. Pray for God to secure their hearts.


MON Pray for the OM team as they disciple the Turkish believers, encouraging them to study scripture for themselves so that they can teach others.


TUE A good number of Turkish teens have now attended TeenStreet where they were able to encounter God along with a wider community of young Christians. Praise God for their impact and pray for more to be inspired.


WED A variety of people who have gone to serve in Greece and other places along the migrant trail have found themselves being blessed and helped. Thank God for the impact of a few weeks of friendship evangelism.


THU The use of the Arts in OM outreaches is thriving. Thank God for hundreds of creative people who have found their talent or hobby to be an avenue to peoples’ hearts.

10 FRI

Music, dance, painting, drama, poetry, storytelling are all great ways to capture attention and tell God’s story. Pray for those working in hard and sometimes repressive places as they use their God given gifts to broadcast the good news.


SAT Spreading the gospel in both Belgium and France is hard going. The OM team in Belgium uses a skilfully prepared mobile art exhibition to capture the attention and provoke thought and conversation. France Mission has used a similar church-based project since 2007, using a complementary booklet for visitors to take and explore further.

12 SUN The reality is that outreach often involves varying degrees of frustration, disappointment and unanswered prayer. Ask for a persevering spirit and patience to see God’s answer when it comes.

13 MON Teams based at OM’s Training and Outreach Centre in Halesowen work with many different ethnic groups. Those who train and those who lead value prayer for the Spirit filled life today.

14 TUE Some UK evangelists have a very active prayer life concerning the weather! Visiting from house to house, sketchboard work and drama all go better without rain. Pray for them when you hear the weather forecast each day.

15 WED A capacity for copious amounts of tea or coffee is a necessity for conversation in Muslim cultures. Pray for openings to share the good news.


THU Global Prayer Day. Join in prayer with our Europe teams for the important Launch Europe event at Mosbach later this month. New OMers from across the globe who are joining our Europe teams must attend this vital induction and training period. Instructors, session leaders, catering staff, admin people and worship leaders all need prayer at this busy event.

Book an OM speaker

If you would like an informed and interesting speaker or team to come to your church or youth group, or anywhere else in the UK, please contact us on 0161 773388 or


FRI Pray for those involved in personal witness, who always remember the perfect answer just after the conversation has finished! Learning to let God deal with the situation is not easy when we may feel discouraged.

18 SAT Right motivation is very important in Christian service.

Thankfully our teams are a good support for each other. Help them remember that it is the love of Christ which compels us.

19 SUN The 2021 Census showed 176,000 Somalis living in England and Wales (Wikipedia 500,000!). Most live in London. Some are Christians fleeing the Sharia death penalty in Somalia. Pray for our teams and for others to have a fruitful ministry in evangelism and discipling.

20 MON Ongoing training helps make outreach effective. Various training programmes across our regions and fields offer a challenging combination of discipleship and evangelism. Our focus on vibrant communities of Jesus followers amongst the least reached always adds vigour and purpose. Pray that we always remember this essential focus.


TUE Service aboard Logos Hope and Doulos Hope brings amazing extra experiences. A schoolteacher who said she was not an evangelist, found herself freely sharing her faith with young women in a detention centre. Thank God for stretching situations.

22 WED Remember SAT-7 Christian TV in the Middle East and North Africa. Large numbers of hard hearts are softened while watching the programmes and many Christians depend on the teaching for growth and encouragement.


THU Pray for those who prepare the Christian programmes on SAT-7 and other stations. Ask that many will be touched by seeing ‘The Chosen’ and other good programming.


FRI Pray for persecuted Christians and ask God to guide and empower those to continue to distribute gospel centered content. Central Asia is thirsty for the hope of Jesus.


SAT Sadly, Central Asia has dropped from the media, but God is at work there. Less than 25% of the country has internet, but Pamir’s daily 2 1/2 hour radio broadcasts go where their team, their internet and satellite TV cannot reach. Remember them in your prayers.


SUN In Spain, teams are working with the least reached communities through church planting and social action focussed where there are less evangelical churches. Pray for more people to serve in these hard places.


MON Poland’s 0.3% evangelical population is making an impact on the community far beyond its size. Pray for this to spread further and for the thousands of towns and villages that still have no evangelical presence.


TUE OM’s ‘Dom Kultur’ in the vibrant multicultural heart of Warsaw is a meeting place with activities and programmes serving a wide range of opportunities. Pray for more people to join this key outreach to immigrants and refugees.

29 WED Isolated offshore in Lake Tanganyika is Crocodile Island. With four fishing villages, a school and no clinic, witchcraft, polygamy and drunkenness were common. Since a local couple from the OM team in Zambia moved to the island, things began to change! Keep this ministry in your prayers.

30 THU Thank God for big changes! Using house visits, children’s ministry, leadership development, self-help groups and a nightly home Bible study and prayer time open to all, the Holy Spirit is bringing real transformation on Crocodile Island and building young believers.

31 FRI Pray that many of the Christians living around Lake Tanganyika and other parts of southern Africa will capture the vision to move north and help bring the gospel to the vast Sahel area.

Gospel opportunities

These are days of great opportunity. All around us there are circumstances that will enable Christians to respond in Jesus’ name to terrible need and human hardship.

Ships Update

As Doulos Hope makes her way around the Philippines, we thank God for the wonderful impact of the vessel’s recent visit to Malaysia. During her time here, our crew welcomed a record-breaking number of visitors since her launch, with over 4,000 people attending the bookfair. In just 15 months of service, Doulos Hope has served as an evangelistic catalyst in smaller countries around the world that we have prayed so long for.

Meanwhile, on board Logos Hope, our crew is celebrating the gospel fruit of our time in Mozambique and, more recently, Luanda, Angola. Please pray for Logos Hope and her crew as she embarks on a journey across the Atlantic ocean to the Caribbean. Ask God that He would work powerfully through communities and lives in this region.

To learn more about the impact of the Ship Ministry, read the latest Global issue no. 3, 2024.



Freetown, Sierra Leone

13 NOV 2024 — 9 DEC 2024*

Bridgetown, Barbados

10 DEC 2024 — 26 DEC 2024

Scarborough - Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago

26 DEC 2024 — 28 JAN 2025

Port of Spain - Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

*Dates to be confirmed


Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Port tbc, Maintenance Period

Cebu, Philippines

Hualien, Taiwan


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