Course Advisement 2018-19

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New Caseloads Impacting current 9th, 10th & 11th grader Ross: A - Fq Stasiefski: Fr- Mh Charrett: Mi - Tn McLelland: To - Z, 504 & International

How students request to see a Counselor If counselor name is not there, they are not available to speak. Enter first and last name Wait for a chime to indicate your counselor is ready for you to come to their office Leave a pass to speak another time if needed

Course Advisement Dates • Naviance windows open for course selection Current 11th Grade -Feb 25th (8:00 am)-March 4th (4:00pm) Current 10th Grade-Feb 26th (9:00 pm)- March 4th (4:00pm) Current 9th Grade- Feb 28th (9:00 pm)- March 4th (4:00pm)

• Advisement Night February 22nd 6:30 pm





4 years



1 semester


Mathematics (must include Geometry)

3 years


Physical Education

2 years


Phys. Sci – Foundations of Sci, Chem. or Fundamentals

2 years



1 year


1 semester


World History

1 year


US History

1 year


United States Government

1 semester



1 semester


1 year


Practical Skill

1 semester



1 semester


Life Skills

1 semester


World geography

Visual Performing Art





• Classes worth 5 credits per semester

• Must earn a D or better to receive credits

• Must earn C or better for university admissions

• Log-in to Q to view your transcript


1 yr

a History-2 years Two years of History/Social Science, including: one year of U.S. History or one semester of U.S. History and one semester of American Government, AND…for CSU, two semesters of History/Social Science from either “a” or “g” subject areas AND…for UC, two semesters of World History, Cultures and Geography from the “a” subject area. b English-4 years Four years English, which can include not more than one year of ESL/ELD courses c Mathematics-3 years Three (3) years Math (Algebra I and II, Geometry); four years recommended d Laboratory Science-2 years Two years laboratory Science including: For CSU, one year of Physical (e.g. Chemistry) and one year of Biological Science (one of which must be from the “d” subject area with the other from either “d” or “g”) and…for UC, at least two of the three core disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics (both from the “d” subject area and three years recommended). e World Language-2 years Two years of language other than English. Must be the same language. Three years recommended. f Visual or Performing Arts-1 year One year Visual or Performing Arts. Students must complete a single year-long course selected from the disciplines of dance, drama/theater, music or visual arts. g College Preparatory Elective-1 year One year elective chosen from any of the areas on the approved “a-g” course list, excluding those designated as non-elective (lower-level mathematics, language other than English, and visual and performing arts). Must take SAT or ACT with Writing

1 yr

1 yr

1 yr

Note: Extensions are not a prerequisite for AP Biology 2018-19

Check your Grad Requirements on Q

If ahead of credits you may qualify for a Free Period or a Study Hall class

Found on the Course Advisement Website

Typical 10th Grade Schedule 1. English II CP/ H 2. World History CP 3. Math ★ Algebra IB, Geometry, Algebra II 4. Science ★ Biology CP/H/AP or Foundations of Science 5. PE (or elective if participating in an OPHS sport) 6. Elective ★ Language - Spanish/Chinese/French/ASL ★ VPA, Tech, Practical Skills, General Elective

Typical 11th Grade Schedule 1. English III CP/ H/ AP 2. US History CP/H/AP 3. Science ★ Chemistry CP/H/AP or Biology CP/H/AP 4. Math ★ Geom, Alg II (H), Math Analysis (H), AP Calc 5. Elective ★ VPA, Tech, Practical Skills, General Elective ★ Language - Spanish/Chinese/French/ASL 6. Elective (or Free Period if ahead in credits) *PE should be met unless earning credit through OPHS sport

Typical 12th Grade Schedule Seniors must enroll in a minimum of 5 classes each semester regardless of credit standing

★ English CP/H/AP CP classes are one semester seminars - pick 2 Options: Children’s Lit, Modern American Lit, Myth to Sci Fi, Madness and Identity, Women’s Lit ★ Government CP or AP (1 Sem) ★ Economics CP or Macroeconomics AP (1 Sem) ★ Life Skills (1 Sem) Any remaining credits: Math, Science, Tech, Practical Skill, VPA Electives: Recommend continuing with math and choosing meaningful electives for personal/academic development Free period available if ahead in credits; double afternoon free periods if taking a zero period

OPHS classes and graduation requirement categories they fall under

New / Renamed Courses

ROP Game Design (was Computer Animation) Engineering Design & Development

PE REQUIREMENT ● 20 credits required ● If you are in a sport this year and you plan to continue that sport, you may opt out of PE. ● One semester of a sport =one semester of PE. ● If you are not currently on a team you must enroll in PE and try out for the sport ● 9th graders if you are not currently enrolled in P.E. spring semester contact Athletic Director to schedule your California Physical Fitness Test

• Visit our AP and Honors Information Webpage at: • Attended the AP/Honors Information meetings • Review Prerequisites in the Naviance four year plan or AP and Honors Course Selection Guide online • Summer Work and more details are listed in the AP and Honors Course Information Guide at: • If you don’t meet the prerequisite, do NOT select it. Appeal Forms are available last week of school in the school office and are due JUNE 15. Follow the directions 100%.

Repeating D’s and F’s ALL COURSES for Remediation must be approved by your high school counselor in advance in writing. •Oak Park Education Foundation Summer School •Knowledge Counts @ Calabasas HS •Moorpark/ Pierce College •Online UC (NCAA) approved courses •Other schools – see counselor An official transcript must be sent to OPHS •COLLEGES DO NOT ACCEPT D’s

Issues that arise from OVERLOAD... PAIN - headaches, stomach aches Anxiety and depression Family conflict Drug use Absences Drop in grades Other debilitating disorders Eating disorders Self-harm/cutting Suicidal thoughts

Average 2 hours of homework a night. Add one hour of homework per night per Honors and AP course. Consider extracurricular time requirements. You must leave time to sleep.

Important Reminder •You are entering your best educated guess at your schedule during your window. When you meet with your counselor one-on-one changes are often made. Your NAVIANCE entry is NOT necessarily the final class schedule. •Limited access to counselors in March. Bring questions with you to your counseling meeting!!!

Choosing Courses •CHECK to see your Naviance log in works ahead of time •Check Prerequisites in the Course Selection Guide •Choose SEVERAL DIFFERENT Alternates •Waitlisting for a class may occur, choose another! •Make schedule as if you are not attending Summer School •Make sure you COMPLETELY fill out your schedule before you SAVE and Validate….Then SUBMIT •Don’t sign up for 8th period unless you have consulted with the teacher •Don’t sign up for a free period or study hall unless you have extra credits or are taking a Zero period. •Band – choose Wind Ensemble (then audition) •Choir – choose Chamber Choir (then audition)

Planning for Post High School Review our “College Prep Pathways” web page for guidance on what you should be doing each year

Visit the College and Career Center

Informational Meetings FALL Seniors: ★ College Advisement Meeting for Seniors/parent night ★ Financial Aid Night Seniors/parents ★ College Application Workshops in the CCC for Seniors Sophomores: ★ College Advisement Meeting for Sophomores/parent meeting ★ College Knowledge Night (All Grades)

SPRING ★ February 22nd Advisement Night 6:30 pm (All Grades) ★ April 9-12th Mandatory 4 year College Meetings (Juniors) ★ April 11 - 4 Year College Parent Meeting @ 5:30pm (Juniors)

Use the Course Selection Guide to: - check the course descriptions - check if you qualify by grade level, and prerequisites

NAVIANCE HOW TO SIGN IN • Accounts created in the 9th grade year • Log on through ICON on the website: • User name = Q user name (Student ID) • Naviance PW is your current Q PW (9th – new Q) • Need assistance? See Ms. Hawkins in the College and Career Center or your counselor

Put current email in Naviance to receive reminders and college info

Complete the Four Year Plan in Naviance Select the courses

Picking classes for next year

Click on the “Browse Course Catalog� icon to access course descriptions, flowcharts and other resources to help you select your classes.

Click the “SAVE AND VALIDATE” button. If you did it correctly, another button will appear that allows you to SUBMIT your requests. If you did it incorrectly, you will receive an error message.

Thank you from the OPHS Counseling Team

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