pfc newsletter O A K
January 2012
The Principal’s Message Last month’s Principal’s message focused on teen depression, risk factors, and signs. I also outlined some of the interventions and programs at OPHS to address and combat this very real and important issue. In this message, I would like to discuss how high school athletics and sports programs as well as extra and co-curricular activities have shown significant research-based results that directly address these risks and foster resilience among teenagers. High school sports and athletics are critical components of a high quality comprehensive school program and not only enhance and improve academic achievement, but contribute to the overall physical and psychological well-being of adolescents. A growing body of research is confirming the benefits of student engagement in extra and co-curricular activities in combatting depression and fostering resilience and confidence in high school students. Particularly encouraging are the advantages in terms of improving girls’ appreciation of the strengths and capacities of their bodies, enhancing perceptions of athletic performance, and fostering confidence in sports efforts. Moreover, by educating youth about the psychological benefits associated with team sports involvement, we can increase awareness of adolescent depression and help support youth in developing effective strategies for maintaining mental health throughout adolescence and into adulthood. Another study cites that students who are more involved in team sports have better family relationships, are less depressed, use drugs less, and have better grades than students with lower levels of exercise and sports involvement. Increased sports participation can protect against depression and suicidal ideation by increasing endorphin levels, boosting self-esteem, improving body image, and increasing social support thereby impacting substance abuse. For both high school girls and boys, sports team participation is associated with a higher GPA. Also, students on sport
S C H O O L teams feel greater school ties; therefore, they demonstrate a stronger work ethic and less absenteeism. At Oak Park High we are striving to expand opportunities for student involvement in athletic participation with the addition of levels in certain sports. We are adding a freshman baseball team this spring as well as JV Girls tennis. We have already added Boys and Girls lacrosse at Varsity and JV levels and next year plan to add freshman Boys and Girls soccer teams. This approach not only presents opportunities for more students to play who might not have made the team at the JV and varsity level, but has the long range effect of providing a longitudinal approach to team program development by fostering and training athletes earlier, thereby hopefully strengthening the competitiveness of the overall league participation. Continued support of extra curricular programs such as drama, mock trial, academic decathlon, robotics, solar, and rocket clubs, despite shrinking resources, are evidence of our belief in the benefits of a holistic approach to the development of not only the academic, but the social and emotional well being of students. However, there are still challenges to providing the adult support and training needed to ensure that our programs are structured and supported and have adult leadership that will produce civic responsibility, leadership, and confidence in students. The majority of our coaches are parents and community members who devote their time and talents to the students. We must continue to train, support, and monitor coaches to provide experiences that serve the mission and goals of our school and our students. All of our coaches are background checked, CPR certified, and have as a minimum taken and received the California Interscholastic Federation’s “Fundamentals of Coaching “ course certification which emphasizes student-centered curriculum on essential coaching techniques and methods for interscholastic coaches. continued on page 3