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volume v • october 2014

oak park high school


Board approves calendar change 2015-2016 school year to start earlier, features a true winter break by Christopher Lee, layout editor In response to concerns about student welfare, the Oak Park District Board of Education has approved a three-week calendar shift for the 2015-2016 school year. While student achievement continues to increase throughout the district, so do concerns pertaining to student welfare. In a recent letter addressed to the Oak Park community and staff, the OPUSD Calendar Committee wrote, “For quite some time the school district has been searching for ways to reduce stress on our children and have taken steps in that direction.” With this change, the students’ summer vacation will decrease by three full weeks. School will start Aug. 11, 2015 and dismiss May 27, 2016.

Some consider the calendar change a benefit, as the first semester will end before winter break, giving students a true break from school—unlike the current school calendar. As it has been for the past few years, high school students are burdened with the presence of finals just around the corner, during their winter recess. “[With the new calendar] we would make a commitment as a high school too,” Science Department Chair, Winnie Litten, said. “No assignments and no homework over winter break.” Some opponents of the shift worry that air conditioning costs will rise as a result of the mid-summer heat during the first few weeks of this proposed calendar year. This has been a definite concern of the Calendar Committee; however, the

The Oak Park Board of Education decides upon the new calendar at the Oct. 21 board meeting (Staff Photographer/Talon). committee pointed out that the district will be spending money on air conditioning whether it be during the last few weeks of May and June, or the first few weeks of August. According to the Cal-

A meaty conversation Superintendent discusses food morality with students

Superintendent Knight lectures to Mrs. Schultheis’s fourth period class (Connie Lan/Talon)

by Taylor Bongiovi and Eric Kellenberger, staff writers

On October 3, 2014, Superintendent Tony Knight visited Schultheis’ classroom after being requested to talk to the students regarding his experience and

knowledge on veganism. Schultheis’ students had responded strongly to their assigned reading, the article “Is It Possible to Be a Conscientious Meat Eater?” by Sunaura Taylor, which outlines the repercussions of the meat industry, discusses ethics and then defends veganism. Tyler Ford, a junior in Schultheis’ class, stated that, “our country’s culture is not progressive enough at this time to give up meat.” Schultheis emailed Knight soon afterward and asked him to come speak to the class. Knight took a firm continued on page 4

endar Committee, the shift will particularly benefit the three-fourths of high school students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Allowing students the maximum amount of time

PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF EBOLA by Aadarsh Jha, staff writer As Ebola becomes an international issue, sanitation and prevention become increasingly vital, even to the Oak Park community. Though Ebola was known to exist in Africa, the virus has spread to become a pandemic, taking the lives of over 4,000 people, in countries including Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Recently, the virus has spread to a number of European nations, and on September 30th, 2014, a

to prepare with their teachers before taking these exams during May will benefit not only the students, but also the instructors. The calendar change continued on page 3

Liberian man unknowingly contracted the disease, and carried it to the United States. In an interview with the Talon, Ms. Joann Housman, the district nurse described a number of procedures she recommends to stop the spread of infectious diseases. “The best way to prevent the spread of most viruses is hand washing! Good hand washing techniques include rubbing your hands under soapy water for at least the length of the happy birthday song. This gets rid of most contaminants on the hands, which are usually the number one way germs are spread. Housman also described the district responses to infectious discontinued on page 7

INSIDE • on campus 2 • beyond oak park 5 • new classrooms 8 • campus life 11 • entertainment 14 • sports 15

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