Impact 2006 Mar-Apr

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Transformation through Trust Banks

A “Family Week” they’ll never forget


Francis Gutierrez, loan officer, provides training at the Building for a Future Trust Bank meeting.

very day, in thousands of locations worldwide, Opportunity International helps transform lives — economically, socially and spiritually. This holistic transformation is a vital component of Opportunity’s microfinance programs — empowering clients to become agents for their own freedom and growth. The primary avenue for this transformation is the Trust Bank. Each such gathering of hardworking small-business owners combines life and skill training with community-building, in a way that miracles are possible: • For the first time, a financial institution extends trust to the hardworking poor. This boosts their confidence in their own skills and


dreams. Thus empowered, clients grow their businesses and diversify, improving their standard of living and that of others. • This growth brings personal dignity and hope, as well as respect from relatives, neighbors and community members. • Respect increases as women clients take on leadership roles that are typically relegated to men in their culture: president or treasure of the bank, as well as organizer of community activism. Overall, Trust Banks offer peer support and accountability, affirmation, and valuable training for business as well as life to many who previously had only an informal education and few marketable skills. Trust Banks transform lives. ●

Employment Opportunities Do you know a marketing or sales professional with a heart for the poor? Would this person like to use his or her expertise to make a difference in the world? Below is a list of positions available at Opportunity International: •Controller (Oak Brook, Ill.) •Director of Marketing – Major Gifts Fundraiser (Los Angeles, Calif.) •Director of Marketing – Major Gifts Fundraiser (Phoenix, Ariz.) •Program Officer (Oak Brook, Ill.) •Private Funding Projects Manager (Oak Brook, Ill.) For full job descriptions, visit our Web site ( under “Get Involved.”

Much more than microcredit

EDITOR Laura Reilly DESIGN & PRODUCTION Journey Group, Inc.

Mike and Amy Macari had recently joined Opportunity’s Board of Governors when they traveled to Honduras with 17-year-old son, Marshall, and 19-year-old daughter, Alison. “You can never know the impact this trip had on our family,” Mike said. Together, the Macaris learned about poverty and gained a new appreciation for the dignity and beauty of the people Opportunity serves. Opportunity staff members watched the week unfold with enthusiasm. According to host and director of the Board of Governors Wendy Cox, “This was a trip that people will never forget — an amazing experience for all.” Learn more about the next Family Week, coming up June 18-24, 2006, in Honduras. Share with your children the passion you feel toward transformation through Opportunity International. Contact Wendy Cox, director of the Board of Governors, at 800-793-9455 x4180. ●

INSIGHT TRIP 2006 CALENDAR Partners with the Poor Insight Trip to Nicaragua Governors Family Week, Honduras Governors Insight Trip to Ghana

May 21-25, 2006 June 18-24, 2006 September 8-16, 2006

OUR STRATEGY is to create jobs, stimulate small businesses and strengthen communities among the poor. OUR METHOD is to work through indigenous partner organizations that provide small business loans, training and counsel. OPPORTUNITY INTERNATIONAL’S COMMITMENT is motivated by Jesus Christ’s call to serve the poor. STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING POVERTY AND WOMEN Opportunity International–U.S. strives to reach the world’s poorest people through its microenterprise development programs. Recognizing that the large majority of the world’s poorest are women and that they contribute decisively to the well-being of their families, Opportunity makes it a priority to support programs that serve the particular needs of women. OPPORTUNITY INTERNATIONAL SERVES women and men of any faith and no faith.

I M PA C T | M a rc h / A p r i l 2 0 0 6


s members of the Orphan Caring Group gather for their weekly Trust Bank meeting in Nsike, Uganda, they join together for more than loan repayments and business training. Of course, members want to build small businesses through loans from Opportunity International. But since they have joined together in order to care for 43 AIDS orphans, their concerns go far beyond merely business issues. Caring for orphans as well as one’s own family — in a country with as many challenges as Uganda — is an immense undertaking. It involves being concerned about everything related to life and health as well as growing a strong business. Credit alone cannot move poor entrepreneurs across the poverty line. More tools are needed. So these Trust Bank members are grateful that their relationship with Opportunity International goes beyond a series of Orphan Caring Group Trust Bank loan cycles. to the needs of the poor by providing The world’s poor have long been ignored by microfinance programs that also offer: mainstream financial institutions and thought microsavings, microinsurance and remittances. incapable of benefiting from choices that betteroff consumers have. But Opportunity International has always been about economic, social and spiritual transformation of the whole Keeping what you have person. By listening closely to clients to asic money management begins with understand their needs, Opportunity has built avoiding unnecessary expenses and then upon its solid foundation to address long-term keeping what is left in a safe place. But poor transformation in new ways. Opportunity’s people are frustrated by the hurdles of traditional vision is to create full-service microfinance banks’ minimum-balance requirements and onerous banks that meet all the financial needs of paperwork, as well as business hours and locations impoverished entrepreneurs and their families. that are hopelessly out of touch with a poor person’s Opportunity has listened and has responded work day. Realistic alternatives are few and far


(continued on page 2)

© 2006 by Opportunity International

For more information, contact Wendy Cox at 800-793-9455 x4180




OPPORTUNITY INTERNATIONAL HAS PARTNERS in Albania, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Egypt, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Macedonia, Malawi, Mexico, Montenegro, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

It is estimated that 2.7 billion people live on less than $2 a day. (World Bank)

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Serving Poor Families

New approaches give new tools for fighting poverty

THE OPPORTUNITY MISSION is to provide opportunities for people in chronic poverty to transform their lives.

Elise Haykin, right, daughter of Board of Governor member Randy Haykin


A publication of Opportunity International




IMPACT is a bimonthly publication of Opportunity International, 2122 York Road, Suite 340, Oak Brook, IL 60523 800.793.9455


“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” - Sir Winston Churchill ince Opportunity International’s inception in 1971, its work has been funded in large part by the generosity of individuals whose charitable gifts have transformed not only their own lives, but also those of countless poor families in the developing world. And throughout its history, the vast majority of charitable gifts to Opportunity have been made in the form of cash. But Opportunity’s board of directors has determined that in order to achieve the aggressive goals that it has set for reaching 2 million poor entrepreneurs a year by 2010, it must encourage charitable gifts of all types, especially the giving arrangements that provide the greatest tax benefits to its supporters. Therefore, Opportunity now accepts, along with cash, gifts of publicly traded securities, closely held stock, real estate of all types, life insurance, and personal property such as artwork and collectibles. In addition, Opportunity provides donors with expertise in the full array of “planned gifts,” including gifts through one’s will or living trust, gifts of IRA assets, and the giving arrangements that provide lifetime income back to the donor, such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts. It is through these gifts that the poor will be served for decades to come, and countless more lives transformed along the way. For more information about benefiting from planned gifts, contact Chuck Day, director of Planned Giving, at (800) 7939455, x4136. Or go to under “Give Now/ Planned Giving.”

pportunity International’s mission goes beyond empowering its clients to become successful microentrepreneurs. Opportunity is committed to change that makes an impact in the lives of their families as well. Often, clients are the sole support of their children, siblings and parents. Their business success ensures the health and education of their loved ones. In their wholehearted commitment to the well-being of their families, Opportunity clients are no different from Opportunity supporters. Seven members of the Opportunity International Board of Governors and their families had a unique chance to experience these similarities firsthand last June during the Board of Governors Family Week Insight Trip. For six days, seven families joined Opportunity in Honduras for the vision trip of a lifetime. Like other Opportunity Insight Trips, this one involved meeting clients and their families, visiting Trust Banks, and watching transformation at work. The trip was made unique by educational components geared directly at young people and families. After breaking the ice with an interactive global village simulation that helped the entire family visualize poverty, travelers visited an elementary school to interact with clients’ children and see their needs up close. They also took a “poverty drive” through the communities where clients and their families live, work and play. Although most of the Opportunity Board of Governor members and their children did not speak Spanish, language barriers vanished as the young people laughed and played together. Board of Governor member Randy Haykin traveled to Honduras with his 15-year-old daughter, Elise. Watching her connect with the children of Opportunity clients gave him a new perspective on the impact of Opportunity’s work in poor households. “The value of allowing families to come was incredible,” Randy said, “and a huge selling point for Opportunity donors — a chance to educate their children while giving.”


Changing times, changing needs

For more information about the Board of Governors, visit


For more information about the Women’s Opportunity Fund, visit





with Microfinance






2 Security for Poor Families Microinsurance provides a safety net for poor families. 2

3 Money From Abroad Remittance program to support hardworking Filipinos.


5 The Power of Trust Banks Trust Banks provide economic, social and spiritual development.

6 A Week Focused on Family P H O T O G RA P H BY B R U C E S T R O N G



Family Week – global poverty insights for the whole family.

Microfinance is.... Test your knowledge of microfinance by completing this sentence: Microfinance is: A) small loans and business training for struggling entrepreneurs to start or expand a business B) a type of savings account with a low minimum balance C) insurance policies designed for poor people who are vulnerable to catastrophic losses D) remittance services that allow migrant workers to send money home safely and economically E) self-help networks that empower poor entrepreneurs to create a better future for their families F) ALL OF THE ABOVE The correct answer is: F

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