Impact 2006 Nov-Dec

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A publication of Opportunity International





with Microfinance





2 Now more than ever 2

Sharing in Opportunity’s vision to help the poor.

3 Al Whittaker

Remembering Opportunity’s visionary co-founder.

5 New ways to help 3

Donor Advised Funds provide new ways to give.

6 Annual BOG Conference


p hotograp h BY Ron londen

he 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was recently awarded to a microfinance practitioner, thus raising awareness and bringing recognition to the impact that microfinance is making to alleviate poverty throughout the developing world. This acknowledgment has brought microfinance — and its transforming potential — directly into the public eye. And two new announcements by Opportunity International hold the promise of launching that potential to bold new heights. September 20, 2006, marked the launch of an initiative that will define and drive Opportunity’s outreach for years to come. Christopher Crane, president and CEO of Opportunity International, announced the formation of the “$1 billion for 100 million people” plan — to help move 100 million people out of poverty by the year 2015. As a midpoint toward this aggressive goal, Opportunity also announced a commitment to mobilize $500 million to serve 50 million people. That commitment was announced at the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual nonpartisan gathering of world leaders including Laura Bush, Bill Gates and Colin Powell. “The ‘$500 million for 50 million people’ campaign will provide loans, savings, insurance and training to people working their way out of poverty,” said former President Bill Clinton. “By 2010, 34 nations in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and Latin America — with the particular emphasis in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia — will be participating. Opportunity International is a world leader in developing insurance for the poor.” For more than 35 years, Opportunity International has rapidly expanded its service to the poor. Over the past five years, Opportunity’s client base has increased at a 28% compound annual growth rate. That trend has put


Serving Poor Families

A new chapter for Opportunity International — and new hope for the world’s poor.



Now more than ever


Fasilili Chidawo is a marketplace vendor in Malawi, Africa.

Opportunity in a unique position: By leveraging its growth, Opportunity hopes to radically increase the scope of its services, thus reaching many more poor entrepreneurs and their families around the world. Now, more than ever, Opportunity International is positioned to have a world-changing impact. All those who share Opportunity’s vision for serving the poor can make a difference that really counts. (continued on page 2)

Blessed are they who have regard for the poor. – PSALM 41:1

A successful conference allows board members to plan for 2007.

MicroFINANCE recognized with Nobel PEACE prize This year’s Nobel Peace Prize casts another spotlight on the vital role of microfinance as a long-term solution to world poverty. The prize was awarded to microfinance practitioner Grameen Bank and its founder, Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Bank, founded in 1976, and Opportunity International, founded in 1971, are two of the pioneers that began giving small business loans to poor entrepreneurs in the developing world so they can start a business, develop a steady income and provide for their families. “Every single individual on earth has both the potential and the right to live a decent life,” the Nobel Committee observed in announcing the prize. “Even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development.”

www.oppor tunity.or g

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