OPG November 2022 Newsletter

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Christmas is nearly here! November was another exciting month with our Ofsted Re-inspection visit - the good news is we came away with a Reasonable! Thank you to everyone for all your hard work to move things forward let's keep that focus into December and end 2022 on a high!

OPG NEWS NOVEMBER 2022 Official Newsletter of The Opportunity Group This issue: Intro PAGE 01 THE OPG NEWS PAGE 01
Projects and Data PAGE 02 Delivery Team &Functional Skills PAGE 03 Outreach Opportunities PAGE 04 Digital Design PAGE 05 Social Team PAGE 06 Good News PAGE 07 Birthdays PAGE 09

Projects and Data

Shaun has been gaining more knowledge about the company and his role and has fitted into the team very well. It almost feels like he has been here longer than a few months.

Kat, Shaun, and Marc have been working with the larger team on the Squad meetings, and they are going very well. We are open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas of how we can build on their success, or if the format needs changing.

The Projects and data team have been fully involved in helping with the Ofsted Re inspection and helping to gather evidence that was required for the visit #oneteam

Candy has continued to work on making sure MyLearning has the right information for us to pull accurate reports going forward.

Gav has been working tirelessly on all things data and Aptem over the last month and has been on hand to help the wider team with daily queries as well as dealing with Aptem issues and updates Marc has been working with Candy, Gav, and Amanda to get the client reports up to date and getting closer to being the completed reports they should be Still some tweaks to be made


Delivery Team

The team has pulled together to support the recent monitoring visit and ESFA audit and is now focussing on ensuring all documents are loaded onto Aptem

Francesca and the team have continued to support learners to use Cognassist.

The number of learners passed planned end date continues to fall with the support of the team completing additional sessions and action plans.

We had 100% first time pass rate for learners taking functional skills in November and we have direct claims status for functional skills in English.

Lorraine has put another 5 learners through to EPA and supported the Money & Mental Health Webinar

Rita has worked to ensure all learners that are at Gateway have had portfolios quality checked.

Sangeeta and Gemma attended a Ford face to face session to meet the learners.


Outreach opportunities

We are finally in a position to confirm that we will start delivery of the Kings Lynn Cyber Security and Employability programme in January 2023! 15 learners for the pilot programme with more to follow throughout the year.

Conversations continue regarding our partnership with Coracle to deliver our content in prisons around the UK

We will launch a Menopause pilot in January 2023 in women’s prisons and are working to share our Money and Mental Health programmes with all kinds of companies that we think would benefit from our insights.


Digital Design

The Process Leader catalogue will be launched before Christmas we now have all the decks branded and Emily is moving on to the task sheets in between managing her client decks and Adhoc requests planner is very much her friend!

Jake has been busy creating decks for Mental Health and Menopause and NPower our American project He has also created some brilliant social media gifs and images!

Gemma has been busy working with the FE Growth partners on our marketing strategy to create more Leads for the business and also creating social media posts for December keep an eye out for what we are sharing via our LinkedIn page here OPG LinkedIn page


Social Team

The Bake off sweepstake has finished we didn't have a physical winner but we have raised £145 for Macmillan which is amazing thank you to everyone who took part and donated

Our social event for November was a good old Murder mystery! We all had great fun completing the clues using Maths and English skills to work out who bumped off the inspector! Who knew Vicky had it in her? Thank you so much to Sonia for organising!

Secret Santa has now kicked off too so if you are taking part don't forget to create your wishlist and draw a name! Share your present on Yammer too!

We have also created an OPG Spotify playlist to give you some festive cheer you can access it here OPG Christmas Tunes

Any suggestions for events/charity fundraising in the new year please get in touch with a member of the social team!


Good News!

Sonia has completed her L3 English and Maths and Francesca has completed SEN Level 5 training!

Gemma attended the Learning Technologies Awards Gala Evening it was a fantastic night celebrating all the creativity in the Digital Learning Space!

Sonia is off to Wales at the weekend to pick up her beautiful new Fox Red Labrador puppy! He still needs a name if anyone has any suggestions! She also gets to celebrate the christening of her two nieces Willow and Audrey Marie!

Marc's daughter Emily has been conditionally accepted in her 5 chosen Universities next year!


Good News!

One of the learners on IA from the first Cohort was going to give up in May this year but Lorraine supported her to get to EPA. In October she had a BIL so that she could concentrate on her Police Inspectors exam, which she passed. We recently found out she’s neurodiverse, so Lorraine has been supporting her with Cognassist and this was very much a light bulb moment for her Today she told us she’s passed an Inspectors Promotion Board and they were very impressed with her. Hopefully, her promotion will come soon and a pass on the L4 IA apprenticeship Well done Lorraine on all the support you have provided your learner!

Michelle's Son is celebrating a significant birthday this weekend 21! Michelle you don't look old enough to have a 21 year old!


Sonia 17th Dec Jamie 30th Dec


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