efflorescence noun
The action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower.
Inspired by flowers blooming into life, this fragrance represents traditional themes of art and the Renaissance flowering into life again in the modern era. Familiar scents are given a fresh feel to give you a timeless yet unique signature perfume.
Traditional Modern Cultural
When Edgar Allan Poe spoke of an “efflorescence of language” in The Poetic Principle, he was referring to language that was flowery, or overly rich and colorful. This ties in to the garden roots of efflorescence, a word, like “flourish,” that comes from the Latin word for “flower.” More commonly, however, “efflorescence” refers to the literal or figurative act of blossoming much like a flower does. You could speak of “the efflorescence of nature in springtime,” for example, or “the efflorescence of culture during the Renaissance.”
W W W. E F F L O RE S C E N C E . CO M