Tips To Make a Good Title to Your Post We all know that the title of the post is one of the most important parts when we have to write an article. Title should provide the information necessary for the reader to consider whether or not you are interested in reading the rest post. Sometime, there are first 4 or 5 lines that read and those are difficult task of attracting and encouraging the reader to continue reading the rest of the post, A title has qualities to attract readers to your blog.
Steps to take before putting the post title: Choose the theme of the post: the title obviously must be related to the topic that we treat in the post and we cannot put a title to a post without a theme.
Put a title “temporary or test” once you have chosen the topic of your post, you can venture to put a title to serve you momentarily to start writing your post , you’re always on time to change it before publishing the post, so you do not “break the pot” and waste your time now, even to write your post.
Just write your post: probably while write the post you’ll think of several titles, write them down and continues to write, your title will be best impact on your post.