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Optimism Ahead
Optimism Ahead A look at what’s coming up for Optimist International
01 Start planning activities for Optimists in Action Month. Order Optimist International flag if you don’t have one.
13 Optimist International Foundation: Club grant applications due.
30 Proposed changes to bylaws must be received by this day.
Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation: Club grant applications due. Second quarter applications for Spread Relief also due.
All Month
All Month
Optimists in Action Month— plan a project, raise the Optimist flag and do more to bring awareness to your organization.
Elections for International Officers.
01 The Optimist Visual Arts Competition - Digital images of the Club 1st place winner(s) must be submitted to OI no later than May 1.
01 Deadline to sign up to run for International Office.
01 Deadline for Junior Golfers to submit Optimist Junior Golf Hugh Cranford $1,000 Scholarship Application.
15 Essay Contest—Deadline for Districts to submit winning essays to International.
29 Last day for Clubs to submit resolution proposals to Resolutions Committee.
15 Optimist Oratorical: Deadline to submit District winners for World Championships.
29 Optimist International Foundation: Childhood Health and Wellness Grant applications due, second round.
30 Deadline to make hotel reservations for convention at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel.
15 International Convention Advance Registration Rate deadline.
15 Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Last day to submit District materials to OI.
25 Start packing for convention.
28 Optimist International Convention in Chicagoland! June 28-July 1
28 Junior Optimist International Convention in Chicagoland! June 28-30
11 Optimist International Junior Golf Championship Trump National Doral (Miami) July 11-26
16 Optimist International Oratorical World Championships July 16-17
Club Fitness Advisors support health and continuous growth at all levels within Optimist International Clubs and Districts. The International Committee has a Board Liaison and each committee member is considered a Regional Club Fitness Advisor. As a collaborator, the Club Fitness Advisor District Chair works as a team with other district committee chairs or lieutenant governors. Why Club Fitness Advisors (CFA)? • CFAs support Club and District Leaders (Lt. Governor, D-Sec/Treasurer, Governor) • CFAs advocate for Clubs and Districts to ensure continuous improvement Encourage District and Club Leaders • At the beginning of the year, Clubs must conduct a self-assessment with a Club Fitness scorecard. Once completed, the Club Fitness Advisor will meet with the Governor and his or her team to provide the necessary support to each Club. • Learn to identify the warning signs of a Club that might be having difficulties. • Encourage Lt. Governors and Club Leaders to provide adequate time and opportunities for Club Fitness Advisors to present their materials. • The International Club Fitness Advisor Committee continuously supports the Club Fitness Advisor District Chairs through the year. WHO we are and WHAT we do
Your Club Fitness Advisor is an important asset for your club, your zone and your district.
Teamwork with New Club Building Chair, Membership Chair and Leadership Development Chair • The Club Fitness Advisor Committee is an important committee in the district. • They shall assist the District Board of Directors and shall have regular meetings with the other Committee Chairs to coordinate the development of an integrated action plan thus ensuring that all are going in the same direction; look at the situation occurring in our clubs and find solutions together.
4 • Optimist Be Proactive! • Change the way the Committee is viewed in order to ensure that the Club Fitness Advisor Team will not be seen as a last option but as a tool to growth and retention. Communicate! • Regular Communications with all Districts Chairs, as well as with the Lt. Governor, District Sec/ Treasurer and the Governor is important in order to ensure that they understand the role of the CFA,and that any questions that may arise can be answered right away.