Optimism Ahead A look at what’s coming up for Optimist International MARCH planning activities for Optimists 01 Start in Action Month.
MAY All Month
Order Optimist International flag if you don’t have one.
ptimist International O Foundation: Club grant applications due.
roposed changes to bylaws 30 Pmust be received by this day. Children’s Optimist Foundation: 31 Canadian Club
All Month
ptimists in Action Month— O plan a project, raise the Optimist flag and do more to bring awareness to your organization. Elections for International Officers.
Arts 01 TCompetition he Optimist-Visual Digital
images of the Club 1st place winner(s) must be submitted to OI no later than May 1.
grant applications due. Second quarter applications for Spread Relief also due.
JUNE nternational Convention 15 IAdvance Registration Rate deadline.
Contest 15 Cforommunications the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing: Last day to submit District materials to OI.
25 Start packing for convention. ptimist International 28 OConvention in Chicagoland! June 28-July 1
APRIL to sign up to run for 01 Deadline International Office. Junior Golfers 01 Deadline submitforOptimist to Junior
Golf Hugh Cranford $1,000 Scholarship Application.
Deadline 15 Optimist submitOratorical: to District winners for World Championships.
Optimist International Foundation: Childhood Health and Wellness Grant applications due, second round.
for 15 Essay DistrictsContest—Deadline to submit winning essays to International.
day for Clubs to submit 29 Last resolution proposals to Resolutions Committee.
30 Optimist ConventionInternational Early Bird
hotel 30 Deadline to make reservations for convention at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel.
unior Optimist International 28 JConvention in Chicagoland! June 28-30
JULY International Junior 11 Optimist Golf Championship Trump National Doral (Miami) July 11-26
ptimist International 16 OOratorical World Championships July 16-17
Registration Rate deadline. Winter 2020 • 3