Election Edition October 2017
Who will lead us through the trials and tribulations we will face in 2018?
Council Elections for 2018 Have your say
Opus would like to respectfully acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work, the Pambalong clan of the Awabakal people. Opus would like to acknowledge elders past, present and emerging, and any and all indigenous readers of Opus. We acknowledge that this is stolen land, and that sovereignty was never ceded. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land.
This publication is for informational purposes only. For final confirmation of candidates and other details, please refer to the Returning Officer at NUSA. OPUS is published by Newcastle University Students’ Association Inc. Created and Designed by Luci Regan media@nusa.org.au
C ont e nt s Editorial
Where and when can I vote?
The Executive Candidates
The Collective Convenors
Positions Elected Unopposed
Admin Stuff
So, here we are at the 2017 annual NUSA elections. This year has been colourful and productive on council. As we move towards the close of another year, I sincerely hope everyone keeps NUSA’s members’ best interests in mind as we prepare for Council 2018. The elections will be taking place in weeks 9 and 10 of semester. It really seems that it’s election season at the moment – New South Wales had council elections on Saturday 9 September and the University itself held student elections for University Council; Academic Senate and; Faculty Boards. We are also currently in the midst of the Marriage Equality campaign, with as many as 16 million Australians receiving and voting in the voluntary and non-binding postal survey. The upside of the NUSA Council elections is that they don’t quite cost $122 million. The downside is that we prior to campaign season, we are seeing incidences of slander and unfair play. Despite the many nominations received for most of the positions (so close to a full council, pals) we had many withdrawals, declaring most of the positions elected uncontested, which means elections for some of the executive, and one of the collectives. 2017 was my first year on council. I began as a Faculty Representative for Education and Arts, and recently took on the role and responsibility of Media Officer, both elected in by-elections. Coming in relatively late to NUSA Council, I still have a bunch to learn. I was lucky enough to be elected uncontested. The elections are the first in a while, so it will be interesting to observe the interest from the votership. Good luck to all the candidates heading to election after the recess. Play nice, everyone. Luci Regan Media Officer 4
Where and when can I vote? Voting will take place from Tuesday 3 October to Friday 6 October for the Executive positions and Tuesday 10 October to Friday 13 October (ooooo) for all other positions. The times are as follows TUESDAY 10:00am - 3:00pm in the Auchmuty and Huxley libraries (look for the CATAPILLAR for Auchmuty and the OCTOPUS for huxley) WEDNESDAY 10:00am - 5:30pm in NeWSpace and the NUSA Building (look for the PRAWN for NeWSpace and the FROG for the NUSA Building) THURSDAY 10:00am - 3:00pm in the Auchmuty library (the CATAPILLAR again) FRIDAY 10:00am - 3:00pm in the NUSA Building (the FROG again) [maps overleaf]
Not an accurate representation of the legitimate ballot, pals.
City Campus
NUSAC Executive The executive is the President; the Education Officer; Media Officer; Welfare Officer and; Clubs and Societies Officer. The Executive is responsible for the implementation of decisions made by NUSAC and conducting the affairs of NUSA between Council meetings. Executive also has limited decision-making power to assist with the day to day running of NUSA and to act on policy in urgent circumstances.
The President
The President is one of two waged positions on NUSAC. Their primary role is to facilitate the work of the rest of NUSAC and ensure everyone has what they need to do their job. They also have a lot of administrative roles as well as being the contact person for the organisation. It is also the President’s responsibility to take up the role of any vacant position.
Education Officer
The Education Officer is responsible for convening and chairing a Standing Committee within their portfolio known as The Education Collective. Their main responsibilities are to implement policy on issues affecting education, do education research, and perform other such duties as NUSAC may determine.
Media Officer
The Media Officer is the other of the two waged positions on council. The Media Officer is responsible for producing OPUS. A minimum of eight (8) editions every year should be published. The Media Officer is also responsible for making sure the actions and services of NUSAC are published and made known to students producing any additional publications as directed by NUSAC.
Welfare Officer
The Welfare Officer is responsible for convening and chairing a Standing Committee within their portfolio known as the Welfare Collective. Their main responsibilities are to implement policy on issues affecting welfare, do welfare research, and perform other duties as NUSAC may determine.
Candidates for President
stand up. with Hayden for
Candidates for President
My name is Hayden Nichols and I am your Stand Up candidate for President of the Newcastle University Students’ Association because I want to ensure that NUSA returns to being a representative body for all students. I am a Social Science (Honours) student having majored in politics and international relations. I have been involved in NUSA all my student life and have previously advocated for students as an Education and Arts Representative and as the Queer Convenor. Over this time I have overseen a restructure of the Queer Collective to see it become a more inclusive space. I was also involved in the revitalisation of the ALLY Network here on campus.
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I am running for NUSA President as I want to see the student union become the voice for all students, not just a small number. I want to see the union implement a consultation plan to ensure that the voices and concerns of students are listened to. I also want to see our union continue to campaign hard for free education but increase this by fighting against any changes to Open Foundation. Newcastle University has one of the highest number of students completing Open Foundation and the Government’s plans seek to exclude these students from completing their studies. I also wish to ensure that the autonomy of all Collectives of the student union is championed and that they each receive adequate funding to provide services and support for their members. I have been a student advocate right all through my student life. I will continue to fight hard for students and stand up to cuts to services and support to students whether they be from Governments or the University administration. I am excited to have the opportunity to make real change in our student union and on campus for next year. I appreciate your support in this election.
stand up for student health & wellbeing
for free education for affordable &
accessible parking
Hayden will
stand up for consultative
student union
for affordable &
accessible student university courses for autonomous collectives.
Education Officer Candidates
stand up. withTomas for
Anderson Education Officer
Hi I’m Tom, I’m running for education officer because I believe that education and its accessibility is extremely important in today’s society, and the support of its students is crucial to enabling education. I’m a third year psychology student and over my years of studying have seen the importance of student run initiatives demonstrated time and time again, especially in regards to education. I was involved in the planning and execution of the 2017 education rally protesting the government’s cuts to the tertiary education sector and their push for more expensive degrees. I want to see the university provide more support for students struggling academically, along with clear plans and pathways for those students to reach graduation. An area of extreme importance to me is the solidification and continued support of the enabling programs by the university, as they provide the opportunity for people to obtain a tertiary education that otherwise would not be possible. These enabling programs must remain free and accessible to everyone ensuring that a tertiary education is a reality for all people. I will also fight against any and all cuts to education on a larger scale and make sure that a university degree is for everyone, not just the rich. I will fight for your rights as a student and campaign to give you the support that you deserve an often need. I will contest any and all cuts to the education sector and the increasing of university fees. Vote for me and I will stand up for your stand for your education rights.
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stand up for student health & wellbeing
for free education for affordable &
accessible parking
Tomas will
stand up for the future of enabling programs at UoN. for increased study support networks against cuts to
higher education & fee increases
Education Officer Candidates
Welfare Officer Candidates
Welfare Officer Candidates
Welfare Officer Candidates
Welfare Officer Candidates
Collective Convenor Positions All Committee Convenors are responsible for convening a collective, which operates in accordance to the rules and regulations accordance to the Rules and Regulations of NUSA, and if possible, meets at least once before each full meeting of NUSAC. The Collectives are Activities, Environment, Equity, Indigenous Students, International Students, Media, Postgraduate Students, Queer, Transport, Welfare and Wom*n’s. Collective Convenors are responsible for representing their collective on council.
If you want to see something happen, come and talk to your collective convenors to see what they can do for you, or what we have in store for next year. All convenors were elected unoposed, except Environment Convenor. The collectives are here for students to express their views and find people with similarities in a safer space. Each collective is very independent, and provides students with different and dynamic experiences. 16
Environment Convenor Candidates
Environment Convenor Candidates
stand up.
with Daniel
for Environment Convenor Hi, I’m Daniel, and I’m running for Environment convenor because I believe in the power of a united student body to make a real world difference for our environment. I am in my fourth year of study at the University of Newcastle, formerly as an Arts/Science student majoring in Geography and currently a medical student. Throughout my studies, I have learnt and taken an interest in the critical importance of a healthy natural environment to the health of individuals and our society as a whole. In 2016, I spent 6 months studying abroad at a college in the US. Throughout this time and my time at UoN, I have seen how powerful and influential students can be when we unite together to push for changes in the policies of our university. I believe in pursuing a range of policies that not only have symbolic, but real-world impacts. Firstly, I believe the University must continue to work towards reducing its carbon footprint. Investment in renewable energy and energy-efficient technology, both in research funding and implementation on campus, should be a priority for the university as an ethically responsible institution. Secondly, I believe the University should reduce its reliance on, and divest from the fossil fuel industry. This has a real-world impact on the economic viability of the destructive fossil fuel industry. Thirdly, as one of the largest employers and activity hubs in the hunter region, I believe the university must invest in reducing our reliance on private vehicle use by improving cycling, walking and public transport facilities. The university should work with the Transport for NSW and Newcastle Transport to improve public transport services to and between all its campuses. Furthermore, I believe the university should invest in upgrading and extending walking and cycling paths into and around its campuses. I believe in the power of our student body to discuss, debate and act to create real world change for the environment. I believe in creating a campus that is healthy and sustainable, and that we can all take pride in the inherent beauty of. I respect and applaud the magnificent work of the student groups on campus advocating for the environment. A more environmentally-friendly university is possible. Your vote and support would be greatly appreciated
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stand up for student health & wellbeing
for free education for affordable &
accessible parking
Daniel will
stand up for reducing UoN's carbon footprint.
for separating UoN
from investments in the fossil fuel industry for more environmentally friendly transport
Executive and Collective Convenor Positions elected uncontested Media Officer Lucinda Regan - Luxury Queer Space Communism
Activities Convenor Sara Sandford - Stand Up
Equity Convenor Eliot Shaw
Indigenous Students Convenor Kearnie Kelly
International Students Convenor Abid Khan
Part-Time Student Convenor No Nominations Received
Postgraduate Students Convenor No Nominations Received
Queer Convenor Ollie Cook
Transport Convenor No Nominations Received
Womens Convenor Jenna Schofield - Stand Up 19
Faculty Representatives
Business and Law (Three Positions) Madelaine Knight - Stand Up Aesha Awan Courtney Baxter
Education and Arts (Six Positions) Tyr Quinlivan Scurr Hayden Nichols - Stand Up Louise Larkin - Stand Up Tim Buchanan Bobbie Antonic - Stand Up Eduardo Carvajal - Stand Up
Engineering and Built Environment (Three Positions) Joo-one Jun - Stand Up Shoaib Malik - Stand Up Bethany Page
Health and Medicine (Five Positions) Daniel Ryan - Stand Up
Science (Three Positions) Thomas Levick Lucinda Iacono - Stand Up Madeline Robinson - Stand Up
Specific Group Representatives
Student Residences Representative No Nominations Received
Newcastle City Campus Representative Emily Gibson - Stand Up 20
National Union Of Students Delegate (Seven Positions) Jenna Schofield - Stand Up Aesha Awan Peyton Roberts-Garnsey - Stand Up Michael Labone - Luxury Queer Space Communism Liam Parkins - Stand Up Lane Pittman - Luxury Queer Space Communism Rory Duff - Luxury Queer Space Communism
If you have any submissions for future issues, please send them through. We want artists and writers of all kinds. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to email the Media Collective:
media@nusa.org.au 23
Current NUSA Council (2017)
President Michael Labone Vice President Christy Mullen Clubs and Societies Officer Abid Khan Education Officer Media Officer Lucinda Regan Welfare Officer Aesha Awan Collective Convenors
Activities Convenor Eduardo Carvajal Environment Convenor Tim Buchanan Equity Convenor Eliot Shaw Indigenous Students Convenor Jacob Dennis Queer Convenor Phoebe Turnbull Women’s Convenor Elizabeth Murphy-May Transport Convenor Bobbie Antonic Faculty Representatives Business and Law Christy Mullen Dwayne Brumby Education and Arts Rhiannon Fennel Lucinda Regan Engineering and Built Environment Abid Khan Shoaib Malik Bethany Page Health and Medicine Alexander Mersaides Science and IT Thomas Levick Elizabeth Murphy-May 24
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