2 minute read
What a great place, but ...
up the car park, resulting in huge potholes.
There is so much that could be done
One of the best assets that Leigh-on-Sea has is its island, "Two Tree Island," situated on the marshes behind Leigh station. It's a great place to sit and gaze over the Thames Estuary whilst having a picnic or just strolling round the nature reserve.

From here the panoramic views across the estuary are second to none, not only can you see the huge ships passing by, but you can watch all the local waterborne activities, such as the paddle boarders and rowers, juggling their position with the yachters… having to give way to sail! (great fun to watch). However, unfortunately, there is a very dark side to the island. In the daytime, you can put up with having your picnic amongst all the rubbish in the parking area, but at night-time it can be a very undesirable place with drug users and irresponsible motor cyclists tearing
Over the years, there have been many break-ins to the storage containers and the rowing club's compound. Contractors costly equipment worth thousands has been stolen. A few years ago the scout building was torched and burnt to the ground and just last week the Lower Thames Rowing Club have had another breakin where one of their boat trailers worth about £5000 was stolen. We should all cherish this wonderful location and help to clean it up and perhaps spread a few wild flower seeds around the perimeter. There is so much that could be done without spending too much money.
Keep the place safer
I think that a solar powered security camera would help and maybe a police patrol once a night would help keep the place safer and deter the fly tippers. Old Leigh has so far greatly improved since the special order came into force and with the extra police patrols, however, like a lot of our coastline there is still a sewage problem. At times, the stench on the beach near the base of the flyover can be like sitting in the middle of a sewage works. Let’s hope that the recent publicity surrounding the scandalous dumping of sewage in our rivers will be seriously addressed by the powers that be.

HOur facilities are indoor and outdoor bowling greens, a large lounge complete with bar, kitchen and a lift to the upper floor. We will be holding an open day and happy to tickle your fancy whatever your taste, it will be good to meet you, should you need further information please ring me, Mike Root on 07790 332554.

Southend Bowls club has been around for over 100 years and we celebrated our centenary in 2010, the name was changed in 2020 to include the social side of the club.

A very competitive sport
Originally the club was situated in Victoria Avenue where the Beecroft Gallery is now, the club was started by a group of Southend business men, I guess for their own enjoyment and something to do on a Saturday afternoon. The game of bowls grew in popularity over the years and became

Outdoor advertorial dance floor, where events, sun veranda and snug available for hire for meetings

So come along and see for yourself us a ring first if you require more more details.