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A Proud Achievement
Drivershields UK Limited is a small family business based in Leigh-on-Sea. We are immensely proud to have received her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Grant of Appointment as winners of The Queen’s Award for Enterprise (Innovation) 2022. Our Grant Certifi cate was among the last ever signed by Her Majesty. The Queen’s Awards are the globally recognised royal seal of approval for UK companies.
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20 We had recognised a serious safety issue in the driving of passengers with a learning disability, who for their mental health and wellbeing, benefi t from visits out into the community. However, for their drivers there was the serious risk of distraction while driving, or worse, physical harm. A study of the specifi c range of driver needs led to trials of an invention off ering a unique solution. Success of the trials led to application for our invention to be patented. A patent was granted and we now supply across the mobility sector from care homes and individual families to Motability Scheme customers.
The awards ceremony
We enjoy being useful in the community and it is very satisfying to receive the gratitude of so many customers who write to us. Often they refer to life changing experience for loved ones who for the fi rst time can be transported safely and with no risk to driver safety. The awards ceremony with many dignitaries present, including The Lord Lieutenant of Essex as The Queen’s personal representative, took place at the offi ces of Leigh Town Council. Also present were David Hirst, Deputy
Lieutenant; Julie Cushion deputising for MP Anna Firth; Cllr. Kevin Robinson, Mayor of Southend-on-Sea; Debbie Robinson, Mayoress; Helen Symmons, Clerk to Leigh Town Council; Keith Evans Chairman of Leigh Town Council; and Beth Hooper, Cllr. Of West Leigh Ward. There were 25 additional personal guests including a team from APH 3G from Benfl eet with whom we have a close relationship as our manufacturers of the shields. To our instructions the team customise our shields to fi t any vehicle. Your Oracle publishers Emma Wynne Morgan and Clive Rowe were also guests who witnessed the ceremony. From Drivershields UK Limited their team were represented by Nina Lee, Director; John Lee, General Manager and Diane Lambie in charge of sales and customer relations. The Lord Lieutenant of Essex, Mrs. Jennifer Tolhurst made a speech. Jennifer’s husband Philip Tolhurst read aloud the proclamation contained in the certifi cate before it was presented to John Lee. Nina Lee gave a vote of thanks and presented The Lord Lieutenant with a bouquet of fl owers. Food was then served and Jennifer and Philip Tolhurst stayed for some time mixing and chatting with the guests. This prestigious event will stay in the memory for ever. www.oraclepublications.co.uk January 2023