Give the Gift of a Smile P ut a smi le o n t he fa c e of pe ople you k n ow & t h ose you m a y n e ve r me e t
B r i n g i n g H e a lt h y M o u t h s t o L i f e Our programs support all Americans, especially those most vulnerable, during every stage of their lives. Bring a smile to friends and those who will benefit from your gift.
Oral Health America is a national non-profit working to change lives by connecting communities with resources to increase access to care, education, and advocacy for all Americans, especially those most vulnerable. We have created five key programs that speak to our lasting commitment to bring healthy mouths to life across the entire life span, from children to older adults. Our programs include:
• Smiles Across America® affords preventive care for children whose communities are underserved. • Wisdom Tooth Project ® addresses the oral health care needs of the burgeoning population of older Americans. • Medical Dental Dialogues improves overall health by lifting up the linkages between infections of the mouth and chronic diseases. • The Campaign for Oral Health Equity engages the public to speak up and prioritize oral health as a means to improve the nation’s health. • National Spit Tobacco Education Program (NSTEP)® works to prevent people from using smokeless tobacco products and helping users to quit.
Making a donation in honor of someone special is a great way to share your support for OHA’s programs that bring healthy mouths to life. Your gift will go to those who need it most – 76 cents of every dollar donated directly supports OHA’s programs!
Each year, during the Holiday season, Midmark, a leading manufacturer of medical, dental and veterinary healthcare equipment, sends gifts and cards to over 1,000 business partners and friends. Last year, they mailed “Thank You” holiday cards including a picture frame and note explaining why Midmark was forgoing traditional gifts to make a donation to OHA in each recipient’s name.
“We felt the current business climate dictated that we show our appreciation for our business partners in a more understated, philanthropic manner,” says Eric Shirley, VP and GM for Midmark’s dental division. “The response was
overwhelmingly positive, and our friends truly appreciated what Midmark was doing.”
As the thank yo holidays are up on us, it’s of ou r sinu. Please accept the perfe the cerest gra ct titude for enclosed gift as time to a gestu your conti And, in the nued sup re true giv ing port. also made a donatio spi rit of the sea your name n to Oral He son, we have access to . Your gift will alth America in help oral and advo healthcare, fosterto increase cate educ improvedfor polic ies tha ation informati oral health. Fot create on creates sm on how thi s dor more please vis iles and change nation it oralhe s althameric lives, Ha ppy Ho lid and your ays to you family, Your fri Corporat ends at Midmark ion – De ntal Divis ion
Belmont publications, Inc. was honored to help Oral Health America improve the oral health of all Americans with a donation in honor of Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s editorial team whose goal is delivering relevant, cutting-edge editorial that supports the highest level of oral health care in perfect alignment with OHA’s efforts.
“It was with great pride that I honored the Dimensions of Dental Hygiene editorial team with a financial gift to OHA, given in each editor’s name. OHA’s mission of improving the oral health of all Americans is a great match with the mission of Dimensions’ editors,” said Lorene Kent, RDH, BA, President of Belmont Publications.
Give a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one, co-worker or team! Please complete the attached form (see back), providing names and addresses of the people you would like to honor. We’ll then announce your gifts by sending a personalized card to the people you choose.
$10,000 Help local communities develop and support oral health preventive services for elementary school children through Smiles Across America® Program
$5,000 Seal the teeth of 100 elementary school children with the support of the Smiles Across America® Product Donation Project
$1,000 Link hundreds of older adults and their families to resources to improve their oral health with the Wisdom Tooth Project®
$500 Educate one medical and dental student about how oral health is an integral part of overall health through Medical Dental Dialogues
$250 Support the production of low cost educational outreach materials for NSTEP®, educating youth and their families on the dangers of spit tobacco use, and encouraging those who are using to quit
$100 Provide oral health education and fluoride varnish for 50 preschool children with the support of the Smiles Across America® Product Donation Project
Match Your Gift Oral Health America, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is eligible for corporate matching gifts. To match your gift, give online at or make your check payable to Oral Health America. Please send us the matching gift form from your HR office or give us their number; we’ll take care of the rest. This is a great way to double your donation!
Gift of a Smile
the Your name Address State Zip Phone All gifts are given by
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Donate by Credit Card Please charge $
to my credit card:
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Exp. Date
Billing Address Cardholder’s name as it appears on the card (please print) Cardholder’s Signature
Send a Check Please make check payable to Oral Health America and mail to: Oral Health America
410 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 352
Chicago, IL 60611
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In Honor of or In Memory of (please circle)
In Honor of or In Memory of (please circle)
In Honor of or In Memory of (please circle)
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If you would like to give in tribute to more than 3 people, please call Emma Harwell at 312-836-9900.
Dr. Emanuel Catania of Mt. Arlington Family Dentistry in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey regularly makes donations to OHA in memory of his patients.
“As a dentist I thought the best way for me to acknowledge the passing of a patient was to make a donation to a charitable organization which represents the oral health interest of the American public. I believe a gift to this organization, with its broad reaching impact on the community, is the best way to honor my patients,” said Dr. Catania.
You can also make a donation in honor of an anniversary, a promotion or any major accomplishment, as many OHA supporters did in honor of OHA Vice President Liz Rogers’ 2.4 Peaks to Portland ocean swim in Casco Bay, ME.
When OHA board member and president of the Harry J. Bosworth Company Milly Goldstein found out her cousin did not want any gifts for her birthday, she decided to make a donation to OHA in her cousin’s name.
“I think a donation is a perfect non-gift gift,” said Ms. Goldstein. “This is something she can enjoy and hopefully it will create a little awareness with people who aren’t familiar with OHA.”
Give online at