Making‘lightwork’ofthecontemporaryoffice floorplate, AllowMe isaversatilemulti-usechair thatbridgesavarietyofworkscenariosenabling productivityandefficiencytothrive.
Fromconventionalexecutivemeetingspacesand focusworktosit-stand&elevatedprojectwork, AllowMe providesalightaestheticandsimple-to-use interfaceideallysuitedtoagileworking.

Thepatentedbacksupporthasenabledustoeliminatetheneed foracomplexmechanismwithamultitudeofcontrolsandinstead delivereffortlessmovementforanyuserwithjustonecontrollever. Thebackframegeometry is themechanism.Twocoiledhelix profilesactasaspringtogivethechairadynamicfeel.Theback framemovesasyoumoveandprovidesresponsivesupportinany directionaseachhelixdeflectsindependently,reactingtothe subtletiesofyournaturalmovement.
Afixedheightarmletprovidesanelbowandforearmrest whenrequiredandallowstheusertogetclosertothe worksurfacewithminimalrestriction.Becausethearmlet ismountedtotheback,theusercanalsositsidesaddle unencumbered.Thearmcanbeenhancedfurtherwitha softpadforamoretactilefeel.
Attitude at altitude.
Without the need for a bulky mechanism,the chair can accommodate a longer gaslift achieving both higher and lower ranges of seat height, ideal for use with height adjustable desks. This means a better fit for all users and the ability to perch at a higher level when resting from standing or working at bar height.

Luke Palmer, Principal Designer.
Supporting the fast mov ng and energet c work sett ngs we see in the workp ace today is chal eng ng The furn ture required to encourage and promote this approach needs to be l ght, responsive dynam c and easi y reconf gurab e Shar ng deas and del vering product vity should be fun and consequentl y people thrive when a l assoc ated work tools impercept b y ass st the connected workforce in a s mple, easy to use way
This quest for s mpl c ty went hand in hand w th the singular driving force of demater a isation throughout the AllowMe development process There are 75% fewer parts than a typ cal task cha r Th s signif gant reduct on n part count and mater al m x ensures that the chair can be eff c entl y ma nta ned or remanufactured to ensure maximum potentia l fecycle s ach eved
Jim Taylour, Head of Ergonomics.
The frequency of v rtua meet ngs has taken a giant leap during ockdown and some of these hab ts have stuck The fashion for stat c res -style chairs may ook great but the Ergonomists n our industry give them a 20 m nute sit d stance before concentrat on and b ood c rcu at on suffers The ongestab ished fidget ndex s an ndicator of d scomfort and may explain why so many VC users pol tel y switch off their cameras dur ng meetings!
A cha r that always moves is an extens on of express on for the user n terms of changing body langauge after al 70% of communication is non verbal

A lowme has achieved the dimens onal standard for work cha rs (BS EN 1335 part 1 type C) and therefore provides reassurance that the cha r del vers a more susta ned comfort and f t for shared worksettings’

Environmental activism by Design No Staples No Glue
The seat structure is novel in its conception - By challenging the traditional method of upholstering chairs, for waste reduction and ease of remaking, not onl y has the part count been reduced, but the flexibility in performance and lifecycle potential has increased The seat front edge acts like a springboard deflecting under load as you change position in the chair or shift to an almost upright perched posture

After more than 5 years of design explorat on prototyp ng and test ng the end resu t s a c ever patented one-piece back frame that prov des the recl ne motion mesh support and armlet in one natural sweep ng curve providing effort ess movement and more movement means more oxygen to the brain ensur ng users of A lowMe stay physical y and mentall y nour shed
Any Height. Any Desk. Any User... AllowMe

design innovation on every level