FAITH & ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS ACADEMY The Orange Lutheran Faith and Entrepreneurial Business Academy is effectively open for business.
FEBA, under the guidance of advisor Anne-Marie Lockmyer, just completed its first official year, one in which the program saw more success than even Lockmyer could have imagined or hoped for. In 2015-16, FEBA maintained 32 members, a number that Lockmyer says will double to 65 for the 2016-17 school year. FEBA students focus on learning the skills necessary to explore and pursue a career in the business world, all the while incorporating their faith into their career aspirations. They meet with local professionals - including Orange Lutheran alums - to discuss their individual career paths and learn important aspects of the business world. Lockmyer sat down to speak about the impact that FEBA has had in only its first official year, how faith mixes into the business world, and the future of FEBA:
Q: Why is it important to put an emphasis on faith in our business academy? A: Our faith should be lived out in EVERYTHING we do. Not just on Sundays. Honoring God and loving people, are the first two rules of business we teach in FEBA – the two greatest commandments. When one makes business decisions based on those, they are doing it God’s way. At times one may lose money living by these standards, but in the long run, they are always more successful. Q: How does faith mix with business in your eyes? A: God owns everything. We are just the stewards. This can be a difficult concept as it is completely contrary to the world’s way of doing business. But the students are challenged to be a light for God in whatever position they may hold and by how they do business.