Apostolic Accent April Issue

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Giving Honor | ACTS Convention | Checks and Balances | Men’s Conference | Replanting |

The Official Magazine of the Oregon District UPCI

The Word of God


“For God so loved the whole world he gave...”

April 2013

A Note from the Editor Oregon District Apostolic Accent Volume 48, Number 1

www.ORUPC.com Editor……………………..........…………….Kassie Meyer kassiemeyer@hotmail.com (503) 689-3589 District Officials Superintendent……………......……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..........……..Dan Sargeant Presbyters Section 1…………………......…..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………........…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3………………………......……..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………......Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director…………………………….......…..Steve Hanson Secretary…………………….……….....…Virgil Alldritt Global Missions Director……………………………….......James Bigelow Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……......Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………......….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...…….....…….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….…......…Darrell Sparks Secretary…………....………………….....…..Joe Higgins Oregon Youth President…………………………….......…Stan Gleason Secretary………………………………......……Kevin Neu Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………......Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator…...........Bill Tittsworth Prison Ministry Coordinator….....….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……......David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...….......M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.…......…..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.…......…Jonathan Toews

Giving is a wonderful thing! I don’t know about you but when I give or do special things for people , it feels so rewarding…it ’s like it energizes me . Giving doesn’t just come in the form of money but giving can be of your time , energy and talents. I do want to share a special story that does involve money though . It reminds me a bit of the woman in Mark 12:41-44 who gave all that she had even though she was poor. Before we moved to Portland , we traveled for about five months sharing our burden for this city and how God called us here . It was actually a very amazing five months…it was amazing how my husband , JR , decided to quit his job and spend those months traveling while the Lord provided for our every need . The bills got paid and it was a rewarding and humbling experience all together. (That is another story in itself.) Well , my husband was invited to preach at a youth event by one of our friends in Ohio during that time and we went. I set up a table to sell items and JR preached the word of God . He didn’t preach a message on giving…he didn’t share our burden with these young people but something was birthed that night in that place . The spirit of God moved in a mighty way and the altar was filled with young people . After service a young girl came to me and asked if I was the wife of the preacher. I said “yes” and she proceeded to hand me one dollar…she said that was all she had but she wanted it to go toward the work in Portland . Let me tell you, it left an impression on me . What makes the story even more amazing is that that was her first time in service and God was working on her to give . I encourage you to give …not out of your abundance but seek God for what He wants you to give . You may lack in finances but maybe you have talents that He wants you to give . He has blessed us all with talents of some sort so see what you can use those for in the Kingdom of God . And if it is finances, see where there is a need in your church and be a blessing to that ministry. Go forth and give to the wonderful kingdom of God and you will be rewarded!


Kassie Meyer

Inside this Issue Articles/Columns 2 A Note from the Editor KASSIE MEYER 4 Giving Honor TED GRAVES 7 Persuit to Please God STAN GLEASON 8 Replanting RACHEL LETHIN


MEN’S CONFERENCE 2013 MAY 16 & 17 Guest Speaker/Hotel




If registered before April 15

Christian World Fellowship

$45 Ages 19 & up

4932 Liberty Road S

$25 Ages 13-18

Salem, OR 97302 At Door

Rev. Steve A. Boyd Hatch Bend, FL


Hotel Information Phoenix Inn South Salem





$55 Ages 19 & up $35 Ages 13-18

Please send registration to

4370 Commercial Street Salem, OR 97302



Day Activities 10:00am

Rev. Mark Edday 840 Adams Loop

$67 Double Queen if



Hood River, OR 97031

reserved by 4/15/13




Since your choices matter, choose to be at Oregon District Men’s Conference 2013

10 Checks and Balances YVONNE HANSON 12 The Word of God BRYAN ABERNATHY 15 Parents: Stay in the Channel DAVID REYNOLDS

Promotions 2ND ANNUAL

5 Student Convention ACTS MINISTRY 11 Harvest NW Ladies Tea NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS 13 Missionaries in Oregon

David K. Bernard

Jimmy Toney

Mark Morgan



Wednesday Evening Service 7:30pm

Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel 8235 Northeast Airport Way Portland, OR 97220-1398 1 800 325 3535

Thursday Day Sessions 9:00am Evening Service 7:30pm Friday Day Sessions 9:00am Evening Service 7:30pm


14 Men’s Conference MEN’S MINISTRY

Carlton L. Coon Sr.

Specific direction, anointed ministry, practical solutions and new inspiration to rise to the challenge of planting, growing and developing churches in the great Northwest.

revivAL & growth coNfereNce MAY 22 - 24, 2013 PortLAND, or


Room block: United Pentecostal Church International Parking: Free Airport Shuttle: Use courtesy phone in baggage area, go to Island 2, take yellow van marked Sheraton Hotel Directions: sheratonportlandairport.com/drivingdirections

Marlene FaVorite Executive Secretary mfavorite@upci.org | 1 314 837 7300 ext 364 View the video: facebook.com/harvest.northwest

russell Garrett Conference Coordinator rgarrett@upci.org | 1 778 229 6657 Join the conversation: #HarvestNorthwest



Honor By Ted Graves

Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. (Romans 13:7)

THE BIBLE TEACHES US TO GIVE TRIBUTE AND HONOR TO THOSE DESERVING. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY IN WHICH EACH PERSON GIVES MORE CREDIT TO HIMSELF THAN TO OTHERS. Philippians 2:3 says, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”The Bible teaches us how to esteem others better than ourselves. The word “esteem” means to show approval, condition of being honored, to respect or regard highly. I believe as born again Christians we should strive to put our brothers and sisters first.


Some ask, “What if I’m offended?” I’m glad you asked! The Bible teaches us in Luke 17:1 (the words of Jesus) that offenses will come. I believe the Word of God teaches us how to respond to these situations. Love them that hate you. Pray for them that despitefully use you. So God has a plan for honoring and esteeming. I would like to take this time to honor four great men. Three of these men have passed away in the last year. Bro. Phillip Dugas, Bro. Titus Duncan and Bro. Everett Alldritt. Bro. Phillip Dugas I know the best since he was my Bible College President at WABC. I still

glean from things he taught us back in the mid-70s. He was a church planter, a district leader, a pastor and a great friend to many. A couple of days before he passed on, Bro. Gary Gleason and I visited him. We sang songs and spoke of great memories. Thank you, Bro. Dugas, for impacting our lives. Bro. Titus Duncan, wow, what energy this man had! He was also a church planter, district leader, pastor and friend. Again, Bro. Gary Gleason and I visited with him before his passing. He sang, praised

Johnson has been a vital part of the organization and the Oregon District for years serving in several district positions. He served as

God and told stories of the work and Kingdom of God. He will be missed. Thank you, Bro. Duncan, for your contribution to the Kingdom of God. Bro. Everett Alldritt, what an awesome dad and friend! I have listened to former pastors talk so highly of him. Men that support a pastor through thick and thin are prized invaluably. His last

endeavor was to help his son, Virgil, to establish a church in West Hills. Thank God for great men who do not look for recognition but instead just want to be a blessing for the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Bro. Alldritt, for your giving and caring spirit. You will be missed. Last but not least I want to recognize one more great man who is still with us. Bro. M. David

Oregon District Secretary for 10 years and as Superintendent for 16 years. He also served this district during the time that Bro. Toole was sick and not able to perform the duties of District Superintendent. This last month the UPCI has honored M. David Johnson with one of the highest recognitions. He has become an Honorary Board Member with the UPCI. He will bless the organization greatly like he has blessed the Oregon District. He is also an Honorary member of our Oregon District Board. We just want to say thank you for your great contribution to the UPCI and the Oregon District. May God bless and honor all the great men of God!◊ ____________________________ Ted Graves is the Pastor of Apostolic Worship Center in Gresham, Oregon. He also serves as the Superintendent of the Oregon District.


Pursuit to please God By Stan Gleason LATELY, JOE HAS BEEN DEVELOPING A GREATER THIRST FOR GOD. HE HAS COMMITTED TO DAILY PRAYER, BEEN MORE EXPRESSIVE IN WORSHIP AND BEEN MORE FAITHFUL IN GOD’S SERVICE. Joe loves stories. He grew up listening to Adventures in Odyssey. More recently, he has collected quite a library of other stories on his iPod. The other day, Joe was relistening to one of the stories he had purchased a while back. He was shocked at some of the foul language he was hearing. He

didn’t remember this story being so bad. Joe turned it off, got on his knees and, as tears began to trickle down his face, he began to ask God for forgiveness for allowing that language to enter into his spirit. While Joe was in prayer, God began to deal with him about several other media files he had on his iPod that had inappropriate content. He was shocked as he became aware that, over the course of time, he had begun to allow sin into his life without even realizing it. He had still considered himself a Christian but, without

even recognizing it, had begun to drift away from God’s presence. That very day, Joe deleted the inappropriate files from his iPod and felt a closeness to God that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Joe realized repentance doesn’t just happen at salvation; rather, it is a lifelong pursuit.◊ ____________________________

Stan Gleason is an Evangelist from Oregon City, Oregon. He also serves as the Oregon District Youth President.

Kick off Date: April 14th


Replanting By Rachel Lethin

Isaiah 51:3 “For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD: joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.”

Ever youthful but amazingly giant sized pine stood guard on the steep hills and crags overlooking the ground cover of sage, manzanita, wild roses, strawberries and bunch grass with deer, birds, chipmunks, and even an occasional black bear or bobcat. The wilderness of Central Oregon, the place of my youth, still comes fully alive; if I shut my eyes my senses can remember the pungent smells and the whispering wind in the tree tops. This wilderness backing up to “The Cabin” as my aunt’s vacation place was dubbed, vaulted itself as our playground. We “four-wheeled” in a four-wheel drive pick-up with the truck bed full of kids; we dirt biked the fire roads and beyond, and hiked the


trails. Tumalo Falls was the place of beauty and grandeur, a place of wonder and romance. Shortly after my marriage, a forest fire rampaged through my childhood wilderness. Coming back to visit was painful. The area right around The Cabin was spared but those hills and the falls were stripped bare, charred and desolate. The desolation caused me to want to close my eyes, to not want to see the remains of death. This is my picture of desolation. I searched for the life I knew had been there, but it was gone—nothing lived. Isaiah the prophet spoke to the desolation of the land of Israel. He understood the pain, and destruction on a person caused by desolation. My wilderness did

not stay desolate: it has planted itself again and with some help from those who love it, trees once again reach tender arms over the green forest floor and the sounds and smells have returned. God wants to heal our desolate places and change what has been destroyed, to being places we can again enjoy and love. Like the forest fire, sometimes desolation is caused by our own rebellious ways or the violent act of an arson as was the case of Israel. Sometimes desolation comes by the natural causes in life as when a lightning bolt hits a dry forest. However the desolation happened, the results are often the same. Stark barrenness and lifelessness face the deso-

late places in our lives. Does that mean that our whole life is desolate and barren? Probably not, because the scripture refers to the desolate “places” so there must be something in between those places that is good or it would just be one place. The effects of desolate places in our lives have the potential to create sadness, depression, no thankfulness and loss of worship. Some will sit among the ashes, build a shelter of the charred wood and live in the desolation, only leaving for short spaces of time to get water or supplies. They think every time they step out, that life will be different, but when they return to their charred shelter, it is the same. “God really didn’t deliver me,” they complain. “My life is still desolate, empty and full of pain.” Others, refusing to live in the desolation have blocked off the desolate areas of their lives and drive way out of their way to avoid having to go through desolate lands. They are aware of Bad Lands, but they know the signs when they are getting too close and they turn around. The problem with this strategy is the limitations and ineffectiveness this places on the life. The “I cant’s” become the ruling factor with the “I can’s” being the only open space to live in. I can’t deal with children because I had a really bad experience in a classroom, or I can’t tithe because my finances are too tight, or I can’t trust people because I’ve been hurt, or I can’t fellowship with certain people because I feel they wouldn’t understand me, or I can’t worship because I have trouble showing my feelings in

front of people…these become the places of desolation some will learn to work around. Just put our own “I can’t” in there and we will find a place of desolation. So admit it, most of us have some desolate places in our life. The Lord knows what they are and He wishes to comfort us in those places. Denial of desolation is not part of comfort. How can we receive comfort for that which we refuse to acknowledge? Open up a desolate place in our life and bring it to God. Let Him bring us comfort. And then go to the next place and the next. In fact, He wants to bring comfort to ALL of our waste places. The Holy Ghost is not called “The comforter” without a purpose yet we often refuse to allow the work of God to comfort us. Is it because we really feel God should have kept us from the problem rather than delivering and healing us after the desolation happened? We must open up our waste places to God for Him to comfort. Blame and shame have no part in comfort. They are the key elements of torment, not conviction. Once we have identified a waste place, we must open it up to the light of the Spirit of God within us. In order for God to move, we will most likely have to do some clean up. Repentance is powerful. Sometimes it is mainly a repentance of doubt, doubt that God would reclaim what was lost. We will not have to walk this way alone, the power of repentance brings peace with God and ourselves. That is comfort. Being able to look at the waste place and to pull out the debris and what cannot not live will open our waste

places to the opportunity to live again--not as a waste place, but like Eden and a garden: ordered, lush, balanced, and productive. In one short verse we see the waste places go from desolate to garden stature. If only life happened that quickly we wouldn’t mind the replanting stage. The replanting stage often is not so fast, but it is effective. God may have to prepare our soil with some digging in or by us. He may have to stabilize soil wash outs. He may need to use some other people like a Pastor or godly counselor or friend so that His word can be planted in our heart. Do not resist the replanting, and do not shut down the borders. Rejoice over every victory. In the end, “…joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” The waste place has been reclaimed and the “I can’t” has been replace with “God has made me able.” The souls we couldn’t win become winnable, the job we couldn’t hold becomes stable, and the joy we couldn’t maintain walks with us. Maybe we are all too aware of our waste places, or maybe we need to sit up and watch for the signs we have put in our lives. Find those waste places and let God comfort, clean, rearrange and restore life in every single waste place of our heart and mind. He has his gardening tools ready and it is planting season.◊ ____________________________ Rachel Lethin resides in Salem, Oregon and attends church at Christian World Fellowship.


Checks and Balances

By Yvonne Hanson

In a Lady’s world, the call to I don’t do the saving part well, shop, when there is money in our but sacrifice was not a foreign purse, is temptation at its best! word to me. In fact, my Father But in life, there are realities we didn’t believe a child was raised must face. We must not spend properly without a little pain and money we do not really have: struggle! The principle of living The rent money, for instance, the first for Christ, and His kingdom grocery money, and money for was taught and modeled in our other monthly obligations. home. Consequently, I have tried Natural checks and balances to continue those principles in are everywhere. We must use self my adult life and have received control if we do not want to end abundant blessings from God up living on the street! God has throughout the years because of not promised to bail us out of it. un-intelligent and irresponsible As a young newlywed, I behavior! That monthly bank remember my husband and I statement sure gives us the (who was raised with the same bottom line doesn’t it? philosophy) feel led by God James 4:2-3 comes to mind: to pledge a certain amount to “You lust and do not have. You missions that was beyond our murder and covet and cannot budget. The ‘almighty check book’ obtain. You fight and war. Yet you said it was not there! do not have because you do not Soon afterward, my husband ask. You ask and do not receive, received a raise that enabled us to because you ask amiss, that you give what we had felt God lead us may spend it on your pleasures.” to do. Many miracles come with a Often, we make choices that life of sacrifice. Living by faith in are not wise but selfish, and in this way becomes an exciting way doing so, we bring much trouble of life. to ourselves. Or we may be driven I have seen others sacrificially by emotion, and our motives may give to me. I remember Maiya, a be wrong even when trying to lady who lived on social security rescue someone else. because of a disability, come to Who is checking and balancing me and say “ I have some extra your life? Where is your heart? Are money. God’s desires, your desires? From Do you think it would be alright a child I was taught that God, to save for a vacation?”. I assured and His Church were priorities. I her that that would be fine. Later was taught to give my tithe and she returned to me, handed me offerings, and to save money $50.00, and asked me to spend it every time I received a paycheck. any way I chose. 10 APOSTOLIC ACCENT April 2013

My son was going through a growth spurt. I had been sending him out the door to Public High School with clothes way too small, it was not an easy time for him anyway. Oh the excitement I felt going to Ross and replacing those worn out clothes! You may think that $50.00 sure wouldn’t go very far these days, but the Lord will stretch your money, when you put it in His hands. Sharing this story with you, years later, brings tears to my eyes. I am so thankful to this day, for Maiya’s gift, and have been able to pass on that gift to others in need since. It’s an even greater feeling to be on the giving end of a blessing! Paul said: “Godliness, with contentment is great gain!”. Jesus said:”where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Ladies, let those purse strings be controlled by God. Patiently invest in heavenly things and the harvest will be multiplied to you. It is a natural law of God. Till the Lord calls us home, we will continually be choosing between good, better, and best. Allow Gods voice to check you, and His word to balance you! ◊ ____________________________ Yvonne Hanson is a Pastor’s wife in Portland, Oregon. She also serves as the Section 5 Ladies Director for the Oregon District.

Harvest Northwest 2013 Ladies Tea Friday, May 24 @ 1:00 p.m. Location Apostolic Worship Center 18631 NE Glisan

Gresham, Oregon For directions go to awcworship.com

Special Speaker

Linda Gleason National Ladies Ministries Secretary Tickets will be available for purchase at the Conference Wednesday and Thursday until Noon for $15.00 For more info call Geanice Langley at March 2013 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11 541 892 7829

The Word of God By Bryan Abernathy

What a statement from one

of the most influential forefathers of the great nation of the United States. From its inception, America was built upon the Word of God. In every part of its constitution and laws and even printed on the face of our monies is God and His Word. I was saddened to hear the current president of our United States speak the words, “America is no longer a Christian nation.” After some of the laws that have been passed and some of the voting of this last election, I am frightened by the drastic change of this great land, but it is inevitable for this to come to pass in the last days. It is heart wrenching to watch this nation become a godless society. We have allowed our freedoms to become our downfalls. Instead of strengthening the whole basis of our land, “freedom” has now brought us to the point of the extinction of God and His Word in


American life. It is supposed to be the land of freedom of religion but seems to now be freedom from religion. The horrible circumstance that took place in Connecticut a few weeks ago with its loss of children and teachers was an atrocity, to say the least. In the midst of it, I was encouraged to hear the reply of one news personality when asked, “How could God allow this to happen?” His reply was simple and frank. “God? You took God out of our schools a long time ago, so why try to bring Him back into it now?” While all of these things are scary and shake us to the core, there is something each of us needs to remember. This world is not our home! Yes, they can take God off the money. Yes, they can take His Word out of the schools. Yes, they can take Christianity from our legacy, but they cannot take Him from our hearts, lives and pulpits. We still have His Word hidden in our hearts, and we still have the one true message to proclaim! The bridegroom is coming, go ye out to meet him! “Go ye” is not

just a clarion call to witness to every creature but also to live our witness in this generation. Too long we have lived sheltered and safe in the knowledge of a nation that followed God, and now we are face to face with the complete dismantling of its rights, morals and beliefs. The downfall of this society must come to pass for the end times, but the “go ye” of the church is not nearly over. If there was ever a time to live it, it is today. If ever there was a day to proclaim it, it is today. If there was ever a time to shout it from the rooftops, it is now. The world needs to hear the call of the church louder, stronger and with more conviction that ever before. The day of slumber is over, the night is far spent, it is high time to awake out of sleep and tell the world Jesus is coming! From every pulpit of our nation, from every pew of our churches, from every voice of our saints, from every missionary on the field, from every AIM worker in every work abroad, from every Bible school student, from everyone who has received this great salvation, let our voices be heard as one – Jesus is coming, go ye out to meet Him! We may be weary, tired and burned out, but I am praying that the great God of glory will give supernatural strength to this last

day church and resurrect the spirit of conviction and commitment to preach the message to every creature before the rapture. Reach as we have never reached, go as we have never gone, preach as we have never preached, tell it everywhere and to everyone – Jesus is coming, go ye out to meet him! It is time to lay aside petty ideals and worldly influences and bury our hearts back in the Word of God until we change our churches, our cities, our nation and our world. The only thing that will work in this godless generation is the Word of God. “Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against

thee” (Psalm 119:11). “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). The Word of God will work! Paul told Timothy about the last days and the need to do one thing and do it well. Preach the Word! Programs will fail, schedules will fade, plans will crumble and ideas will be cast to the wind, but the Word of God

Dan & Debbie Barkley April 23-28 South America


will accomplish what is needed in this sin-sick generation. Yes, President Lincoln, you had it correct. The Word of God is the best gift God has given to man. It is the only thing that will save us from this world of destruction and the only thing that will lead us to everlasting life.◊ ___________________________ Bryan Abernathy is the Promotions Director for the Global Missions Division. He writes newsletters for missionaries and global missions directors.



JOHN & SHERI HEMUS August 20-25


LIONEL & JOHANNA DABBS September 17-22

United kingdom


JACOB & MANDY PALMA July 9-14 Uruguay


WAYNE & SOFIA MONDAY September 24-29

Information on each missionary and country, plus many helps, can be viewed or downloaded at www.globalmissions.com Pastors can place their request for specific missionaries to visit their church by contacting James Bigelow at: 541.756.7141 or 541.217.4310




MEN’S CONFERENCE 2013 MAY 16 & 17 Guest Speaker/Hotel




If registered before April 15

Christian World Fellowship

$45 Ages 19 & up

4932 Liberty Road S

$25 Ages 13-18

Salem, OR 97302 Rev. Steve A. Boyd Hatch Bend, FL Hotel Information Phoenix Inn South Salem

At Door THURSDAY - MAY 16 Registration




$55 Ages 19 & up $35 Ages 13-18

Please send registration to

4370 Commercial Street Salem, OR 97302


Rev. Mark Edday


Day Activities 10:00am

840 Adams Loop

$67 Double Queen if



Hood River, OR 97031

reserved by 4/15/13




Since your choices matter, choose to be at Oregon District Men’s Conference 2013

Parents: Stay in the Channel By David Reynolds

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 QUESTION: BROTHER REYNOLDS, GOD HAS GIVEN US A NEW BABY; WHAT MEANINGFUL ADVICE COULD YOU GIVE US AS WE TRY TO RAISE HIM FOR GOD IN THIS COMPLEX WORLD? Parenting is so easily wrought with errors and mistakes. After all, parents are so human. When one has the wisdom and experience—one is too old to have the children. The best advice I could give is found in a story I heard at a summer camp. One day a merchant was on the banks of the Mississippi river with a new barge loaded with a valuable cargo bound for New Orleans. He had a big problem, for he did not have a pilot he could trust to take the barge down the treacherous river. He began to ask those that had sent goods down the river before, ‘Who do you know, who can take my barge safely down the Mississippi?” A number pointed to an unimpressive man leaning on a barrel. ‘That man can take the barge down the river.” After getting the same recommendation from a number of people the merchant approached him. “You have been recommended as a man who knows this river.”

“Do you know were the rocks are in the river?” “Nope.” “Then do you know were the sandbars are?” “Nope.” “People have told me you are the man to take my cargo down the river--but you don’t know were the rocks are and you don’t know were the sandbars are. How could you ever take my barge down safely?” “I know where the channel is.” Parents, I cannot tell you were all of the rocks will be as you begin this journey--and there will be many. But I do know where the channel is. The channel is found in the Word of God and it is a very balanced way. Stay out of the ditches on either side of life’s road. God is looking for those who will worship and walk with him in spirit and in truth. If you go after the one--without the other, you will run your family up on a sand bar. Many of my friends have gone after the spirit and have forsaken truth. They are losing their children on the rocks. Others are holding to the truth but their spirit is wrong and they have lost the joy of serving Him.

They are harsh and hard--stuck on a sandbar going nowhere spiritually. Their children will never want what they have. Stay in the channel. Conclusion All of parenting must be balanced: You must balance your love--with your discipline. You must balance your support-with allowing consequences. You must balance privileges-with trustworthiness You must balance liberty--with responsibility Avoid the rocks of permissiveness Avoid the sandbars of harshness. Serve your God--in spirit and in truth. Seek the middle of the channel. Trust your pilot, Jesus Christ-He knows the channel.◊ ____________________________ David Reynolds has been the Minister of Discipleship at Portland Pentecostals since 2007. He is a graduate of Conquerors Bible College, Cascade College, Portland State University and post graduate work at the University of Oregon. He served as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. Since retiring from public education he has traveled extensively to over 37 countries preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and has written several books on Education, The Family & Parenting.



revivAL & growth coNfereNce MAY 22 - 24, 2013 PortLAND, or

Carlton L. Coon Sr.

David K. Bernard

Jimmy Toney

Mark Morgan

Specific direction, anointed ministry, practical solutions and new inspiration to rise to the challenge of planting, growing and developing churches in the great Northwest. SCHeDuLe


Wednesday Evening Service 7:30pm

Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel 8235 Northeast Airport Way Portland, OR 97220-1398 1 800 325 3535

Thursday Day Sessions 9:00am Evening Service 7:30pm Friday Day Sessions 9:00am Evening Service 7:30pm


Room block: United Pentecostal Church International Parking: Free Airport Shuttle: Use courtesy phone in baggage area, go to Island 2, take yellow van marked Sheraton Hotel Directions: sheratonportlandairport.com/drivingdirections

Marlene FaVorite Executive Secretary mfavorite@upci.org | 1 314 837 7300 ext 364 View the video: facebook.com/harvest.northwest

russell Garrett Conference Coordinator rgarrett@upci.org | 1 778 229 6657 Join the conversation: #HarvestNorthwest

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