Apostolic Accent January Issue

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Choosing Your Battles | Marriage Retreat | Blessed are the Peacemakers | The Hidding Place | AYC 2013 Trips

The Official Magazine of the Oregon District UPCI


Happy New Year

January 2013

A Note from the Editor Oregon District Apostolic Accent Volume 48, Number 1

www.ORUPC.com Editor……………………..........…………….Kassie Meyer kassiemeyer@hotmail.com (503) 689-3589 District Officials Superintendent……………......……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..........……..Dan Sargeant Presbyters Section 1…………………......…..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………........…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3………………………......……..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………......Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director…………………………….......…..Steve Hanson Secretary…………………….……….....…Virgil Alldritt Global Missions Director……………………………….......James Bigelow Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……......Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………......….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...…….....…….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….…......…Darrell Sparks Secretary…………....………………….....…..Joe Higgins Oregon Youth President…………………………….......…Stan Gleason Secretary………………………………......……Kevin Neu Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………......Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator…...........Bill Tittsworth Prison Ministry Coordinator….....….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……......David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...….......M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.…......…..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.…......…Jonathan Toews

It ’s at this time of the year that many of us sit down and make out our New Year ’s resolutions and goals for the year. Businesses and corporations plan their yearly events and goals and people tend to be more disciplined than any other time of the year. Everyone seems to want to start their year off right! In the midst of goals and new resolutions, we must remember our priorities. We must remind ourselves time and time again who the center of our life must be . We can gain this whole world and loose our soul if we are not careful . Matthew 16:25-27 NK JV says, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world , and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.” I don’t know about you but I want to be sold out to God . I want to serve Him and do good works that will glorify God . Matthew 5:14-16 NK JV says, “You are the light of the world . A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden . Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand , and it gives light to all who are in the house . Let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven .” In this new year, resolve in your heart to be a light in this dark world . To be that light that others are looking for. If you think you are too shy or don’t think you can talk to others about God , pray for a boldness and God will give it. Do good works that will glorify our Lord! Both of these Scriptures talk about works...what works have you been doing lately that bring glory to God? Let this be a year that will show others who Christ is...let this be a year where you put your whole heart and mind into service God and glorifying Him through good works...you won’t be disappointed!


Kassie Meyer

Inside this Issue Articles/Columns 2 A Note from the Editor KASSIE MEYER 4 Chosing Your Battles TED GRAVES 6 Blessed are the Peacemakers GEANICE LANGLEY 8 The Place, Part 2: The Hidding Place JAMES BIGELOW 10 Two are better than One... But three is Better DAVID REYNOLDS 12 Another Year KATHLEEN VANDEVENDER

Promotions 5 Marriage Retreat YOUTH DIVISION

9 Missionaries in Oregon



Choosing Your Battles By Ted Graves

By definition, a battle is described as a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of war. It is an open clash between two opposing groups. When we think of battle the words, “victory, defeat, and tragedy,” comes to our mind. In every battle there is a victor and a loser. Everyone wants to win, and no one wants to lose. If you look back to 2012 you will probably do as I have and see some victories and some defeats. In this article I want to focus on the “decision” to go to battle. The question to ask yourself should be, is the outcome going to be worth the battle? Is the final result going to benefit me more than hurt me? There are many battles in life that there is no question, we must fight. I Timothy 6:12 encourages us to “fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life...” This beautiful gospel message and our holiness lifestyle are things we must fight for. If you are blessed to have a strong willed child, you know that to fight the battle of his will was an absolute must in his life. II Chronicles 32:7-8, tells us to “be strong and courageous, be

not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is The Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.” This passage tells us several things. We are to be strong, courageous, and not to be afraid. No matter how big the enemy seems, with God there is more with us, and He will fight our battle for us. There are situations that cause us to get armed for battle. The big decision we have is to which battle we are to fight and which battle is to be left with The Lord to take care of. I believe there are many casualties that did not need to happen because we chose to fight with our own arm of flesh. I have seen in the last few years many people getting upset in church because of decisions by the leadership to fight battles that seemed unnecessary. I am not in a position to judge other leaders on their decisions to fight, but I do feel if it is imperative to take the time to pray and seek Gods counsel. He will help us to know which battles to fight.


In this crazy day that we live in, politicians, police officers, employers, and pastors must carefully decide which battles to fight. Recently I was asked to get involved in a family issue. I took one look at the situation and went back to the father and said, “it is not worth the fight”. The family member was not going to listen or change, so I told him to “hold his peace”. This is not what the father wanted to hear, but it was the right decision. I have visited places where the Civil War was fought. For example, Gettysburg is a place where many battles took place. I was astonished to hear that there were many times that the decision to not continue fighting that day could have changed the outcome of the war. I remember one historian tell the story how one side took many prisoners with no ammunition left in their guns. If the other side would have just fought one more time, the outcome that day could have been extremely different. The enemy scares us at times, to make us think that we must fight. I feel that is the time we must seek God and his guidance for our (Continue on pg 7)

Oregon District Youth UPC 2013 Marriage Retreat Registration Form Personal Information Full Name: Address:




Street Address

Apartment/Unit #


Home Phone:





Alternate Phone:

ZIP Code


E-mail Address: Spouse’s Name:

2013 Marriage Retreat Cost: Friday & Saturday: $45.00 IF POSTMARKED BY JANUARY 28th $55.00 IF POSTMARKED AFTER JANUARY 28th Note: Banquet will be $15.00 per person to be paid at the door. To register, please send your money and completed registration form to Kevin Neu: Rev. Kevin Neu 33901 Hampton Road Eugene, OR 97405 541 554 9345

Oregon District Youth UPCI 2013 Marriage Retreat Registration Form Personal Information Full Name: Address:




Street Address

Apartment/Unit #


Home Phone:




Alternate Phone:

E-mail Address: Spouse’s Name:

2013 Marriage Retreat Cost: Friday & Saturday: $45.00 IF POSTMARKED BY JANUARY 28th $55.00 IF POSTMARKED AFTER JANUARY 28th Note: Banquet will be $15.00 per person to be paid at the door. To register, please send your money and completed registration form to Kevin Neu: Rev. Kevin Neu 33901 Hampton Road Eugene, OR 97405 541 554 9345



ZIP Code

Blessed are the Peacemakers By Geanice Langley

In Matthew 5 it talks about peacemakers being blessed. So if peacemakers are blessed then I would think it safe to say that troublemakers are not blessed. There are too many makers of trouble and not enough makers of peace. For many years I have had a tremendous burden for unity in our marriages, our families and our churches. It has been said that Unity brings revival. Unity is oneness, uniting together and being in harmony. Revival is a restoring, reviving or restoration of something that is dead or has been lost. So if we could have oneness in our marriage, our family and in our church, then restoration could be achieved. But what is keeping our churches from having revival? What is hindering the unity that will bring about revival? God instituted a wonderful thing called “Marriage.” I just read in our paper today that two thirds of our nation’s cities report increase in divorce. And the largest gains have been in small towns. Anxiety and stress over the economy are causing misery in the homes. Rather than husband and wife binding together and making it through the rough times, they are divorcing. Our

churches are made up of families with a lot of stress and anxiety. If this kind of anxiety and stress are in our church marriages, the enemy can cause couples to give up and divorce the church. When unity is not present, then something is out of order. When things are out of order, it means it is not working properly or not working at all. Some marriages need an “Out of Order” sign. The repairman, Jesus Christ, needs to be called because things that are “out of order” are of no value until they are working properly. Jesus admonishes us to be peacemakers. In observing some marriages, it is apparent that neither husband nor wife is a peacemaker. If there is no peacemaker, then trouble abounds. I was talking to a young wife in our church and she was telling me that she and her husband had had a disagreement in front of their 3 year old son. The young son made a wise observation and told his Mom, “Mama, when my Dad is grouchy, just don’t say anything because when you do you make him mad. So just be quiet.” This little son had already observed what it took to keep peace in their family. Our family unit is under attack. The devil does not want our


churches to have unity because he knows there will be revival. So, he works at home trying to cause all kinds of problems to arise knowing that these problems will affect the church. Families come to church together, go to the prayer room together, and then go sit together on the pew. But, they try to worship and be in one mind and one accord with the church but they can’t be unified with the body because the problems between them prevent it. If we don’t have peace and happiness in the home, how can we have peace and happiness in the church. Our families are the church. What kind of family life do you have? Is your marriage a strength to your church or is your marriage a drain to your church? We need a Holy Ghost revival in our homes and in our marriages! To have a good marriage takes lots of work and sacrifice. We must keep our marriage free from attack. We know the enemy is going to attack but we must not be guilty of attacking each other. There will be times in our marriage that we will need to be wise as the little son and tell ourself to just not say anything; be a peacemaker. You can stop the attacks and have the blessings of God. When criticism tries to attack;

refuse it and be an encourager. Criticism will destroy; but encouragement will revive and refresh a marriage. It is a proven fact that if a child lives with criticism; it will learn to criticize; but if it lives with encouragement, it will learn to encourage. What is your marriage teaching your children? Will they be a peacemaker? Jesus said, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” Our churches need blessed marriages, and blessed families. My prayer for you at the beginning of this New Year is that you will be a maker of peace in your marriage, in your home and in your church! The Psalmist said, “Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them.” God bless you with His Peace!!!! Let’s have revival in our homes that will carry over to the church!!◊ ____________________________ Geanice Langley is a pastor’s wife in Kalamath Falls, Oregon. She also serves as the Ladies District Director for the Oregon District.

$ Neatly arrange the storage of canned and paper goods. This makes it easier to know at a glance what is needed, thus avoiding the purchase of duplicate items and spending money unnecessarily.

$ Put legal documents and other papers of importance in a file drawer or fireproof box. By taking the time to organize them, you save yourself time and money by not having to search for them when needed or having copies recreated by the appropriate institution. $ Balance checkbooks and scrutinize credit card statements within 72 hours of receiving documentation. Errors are easier to correct the earlier they are dealt with.

How exciting! Finally, a book written just for girls—a book about the importance and beauty of holiness. The Girl in the Dress helps us to realize why it is important to take a stand in today’s world on modesty and purity. The authors take an excellent approach concerning the way the Bible teaches us to walk, talk, and dress.


purchase, visit pentecostalpublishing.com. For a discount on quantity orders, call Ladies Ministries at 314.837.7304 ext. 412.

Choosing Your Battles (Continued)

daily battles. When Israel fought fights without God’s direction, they usually were defeated that day. The bible says, “with God all things are possible”. In 2013 I must ask myself the question, which battles will be most productive for me to fight. I have to ask God to help me see the end result of each battle he wants me to fight. Please pray and ask God to help you, CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES!◊ __________________________________________________________

Ted Graves is the pastor of Apostolic Worship Center in Gresham, Oregon. He also serves as the superintendent of the Oregon District.


The Place

Part 2: The Hiding Place By James Bigelow

“The Shack” is no longer available through Jim’s Book Room on www.Amazon.com. Someone bought it. (You will not understand what I’m talking about unless you have read – and remember – my article in the December, 2012 Apostolic Accent). Come to think of it, my copy of “The Hiding Place”, by Corrie ten Boom, has also been sold. There is, however, a hiding place still available. Those who seek for it will find it. One of my favorite games as a child was “hide and seek.” We usually played outdoors but on rainy or cold days we played in the house. Having several siblings made it a fun time. On one occasion when I was about six years old, an older brother helped me hide by boosting me onto the top shelf of a bedroom closet where he told me to lay down. He quickly covered me with a blanket and left the room. Meanwhile, one of my sisters who was “it” finished counting to 50 with her eyes closed and then began to search the house for us. She soon found the others and they joined her in looking for me but finally gave up after about 20 minutes. By the time my brother told them where I was hiding, I had fallen asleep. Who among us as a child has not thought we could make ourselves

invisible to others by simply closing our eyes? Jesus had a hiding place that his enemies knew not of. He did not have to close his eyes in order to hide himself from those who tried to kill him; he either closed their eyes or literally made himself invisible to them. In John 8:58-59, Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. Ps 27:5-6 gives us this sure word of promise, For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord. According to the scripture of truth, we must die before the hiding place of which I speak can be accessed. Once we get into it, however, there is no better place for the living dead to be. If those last few words sound like an oxymoron, consider these words from the NKJV:


Col 2:20 Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations… Col 3:1-5 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: What a wonderful hiding place: hidden with Christ in God! And if I remain where Christ is, and put to death whatever lurks in my sinful, earthly nature, such as sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, and if I put on the very nature and Spirit of Christ and allow him to renew me in his image, and if I clothe myself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness, and love, I have the guarantee that when Christ appears, I also will appear with him in glory! “For where I am”, Jesus promised, “there ye shall be also” (John 14:3). He went on to explain: “Just a little while now, and the world will not see Me any more, but you

will see Me; because I live, you will live also. At that time [when that day comes] you will know [for yourselves] that I am in My Father, and you [are] in Me, and I [am] in you” (John 14:19-20 AMP). The enemy of man’s soul, the devil, is on a mission. He walks to and fro through the earth, seeking whom he may destroy. He is

an avid missionary who preaches a gospel of deceit, despair and death. Let’s do all we can to counteract his attacks by preaching the gospel of Christ to every creature, knowing that “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:16). Let’s be missionaries at home

Oscar & Erin Rodrigues January 22-27

Europe/Middle East, Portugal

Stephen & Lynnette O’donnell January 29 -February 3 Hong Kong, Asia

Dan & Debbie Barkley April 23-28 South America

SHANE & DENA HAYES May 21-26 Chili

JOE & FANNY COONEY June 18-23 ireland

JACOB & MANDY PALMA July 9-14 Uruguay

and partner with our missionaries abroad to help lost souls find a hiding place!◊ ___________________________

James Bigelow is the Global Missions Director for the Oregon District.

JOHN & SHERI HEMUS August 20-25 United kingdom

LIONEL & JOHANNA DABBS September 17-22 Singapore

WAYNE & SOFIA MONDAY September 24-29 Panama

PHILLIP & LINDA WALMER October 15-20 Brazil


TERRY & CINDY MCFARLAND November 12-17 Ireland

MICHAEL & MIRIAM SPONSLER November 19-24 Argentina


Information on each missionary and country, plus many helps, can be viewed or downloaded at www.globalmissions.com Pastors can place their request for specific missionaries to visit their church by contacting James Bigelow at: 541.756.7141 or 541.217.4310



Two are Better than One...But Three is Better! By David Reynolds

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him who is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a three fold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Thank God for my marriage! I have been married now for fifty-five years and I still marvel at this great plan designed by God. Fifty-five years is a long time to be married to the same woman—it is a miracle. Every day I thank God for Lorraine, I am so blessed. I. Two are better than one God created the world and all that was in it –“And God saw everything that he made, and, behold, it was very good” Genesis 1:31. Then God formed Adam in His own image out of the dust of the ground, breathed into him the breath of life; then looked at His special creation and said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him” Genesis 2:18. God saw that two would be better than one.

10 APOSTOLIC ACCENT January 2013

God did not just duplicate Adam. God gave to him what he was not. He gave Adam a helper to complete him. That is why marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Men and women are not the same. The book, ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Jupiter’—is very correct. Men and women do not think alike. They do not value the same things. It has been said that men are ‘doers’ and women are ‘be-ers’. Men get their self–esteem from what they accomplish, while women get their feeling of worth from their relationships. Truly, God made men to be the provider and women to be mothers and homemakers. Much of the problems we are experiencing in marriage today is that we have not accepted the fact that we are not the same. Both partners have different and unique strengths. This is why when one is vulnerable and falls due to a weakness , the other can lift him/her up. “Woe to him who is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to lift him up II. Two gives victory from a sexual, perverted world God created us as sexual beings. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…” Genesis 1:28. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” Genesis 2:25. God designed married couples so that they are sexually attracted to each other. First of all, this is for procreation, and secondly God designed intercourse in order to keep the couple together by allowing them to meet each other’s sexual needs. God expects

couples to sleep together—how nice and warm. “If two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? The physical attraction for each other keeps the couple close to each other; it allows the couple to dispel frustrations and tensions. If two enjoy each other in bed—they usually stay close, but when they allow discord to enter their union it shows itself in rigidity and separation in a cold bed. Elder Grisham once said about this situation, “Thank God for the big toe”. We live in a sexual perverted world. This culture is obsessed with sex and the human body is flaunted everywhere. If a couple could not find release in the company of their partner, it would not be long before temptation and lust would destroy the union. Thank God for marriage. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” Hebrews 13:4 III. When Satan prevails against one, two shall withstand him We are in a spiritual battle and sometimes it is hard to stand against the enemy of our soul alone. In a good marriage where Christ is at the center there can be two praying and encouraging each other. Make sure your main prayer partner is your marriage partner. IV. Two is good—But three is better “A thee fold cord is not easily broken.” Two in a good marriage is good—but if you put God in the equation–you have all you need to make it for fifty-five years, and

beyond. Think of marriage as a triangle. Put the husband and wife at each of the bottom corners and God at the top. You then have the basis for the strongest geometric structure known to man. We use the triangle to build bridges and skyscrapers. At one of my marriage seminars I took four small boards, drilled holes at each of their ends and connected them with bolts. It made for a very unstable rectangle. During the session I removed one board and bolted the remaining three together. The structure suddenly was now rigid and strong. Two in a marriage is good but if you add Jesus and make a triangle with Him at the top and you both at the bottom, you have constructed a strong enduring structure. By the way, the closer both of you get to God the closer you get to each other--try it!◊ ____________________________ David Reynolds has been the Minister of Discipleship at Portland Pentecostals since 2007. He is a graduate of Conquerors Bible College, Cascade College, Portland State University and post graduate work at the University of Oregon. He served as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. Since retiring from public education he has traveled extensively to over 37 countries preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and has written several books on Education, The Family & Parenting.

January 2013 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11

Another Year... By Kathleen Vandevender Here we are at the beginning of had. But what they cause us is another year, once again. This past hardship, discouragement and year has literally flown by us. We an easy way for oppression to have had opportunities come our slide right in. Humans, which we way in different shapes and sizes. all are, have an uncanny way of Some opportunities we knew remembering the bad and the were not the best for our spiritual sad of life. In our spiritual walk we life, and some opportunities that have the choice to look on things were not good for our physical from our human perspective or to well-being. These opportunities, look on the positive side through which we choose, either brought our spiritual eyes. It’s all a choice us nearer to the Lord, or hindered of perspective. Take a tablet out us from doing His will. I suppose one day and write down different the word “opportunity” would feelings you have. When you’re not fit here if the circumstance discouraged – take notice of pushed us away from God. But what’s happening to your outthe opportunity to choose always look, and take time to change that comes our way in one form or out-look. When you are happy another. and joyous – just take a moment There has been a lot accomplished to notice your surroundings…. in each of our lives this year. they are no different than when Each of us has chosen which you were discouraged, it’s just all opportunities were to our liking. in how you perceive the moment. Even though there were bad We are strength to those around times and sad times, the Lord gave us. When you are happy, there is each of us strength and seen us always someone who notices and through. That was an opportunity is affected by your happiness in we chose, to hang on to His nail one of two ways. Your mood will scared hands. It always seems that affect them or their mood will through the tough times is when affect you. We are the light of the we grow the most in the Lord. world and if we are down, our There have also been good times light is hidden. But if we are happy and fun times which the Lord and content in Him, the world will brought our way to encourage us. notice and be happy with us. These times we choose to hold We are about to embark upon dear to our hearts. a brand new year. A new year So often we find ourselves that has not been tarnished by hanging on to the bad memories mistakes or discouragement. We or opportunities that we have have a new task – one of which will 12 APOSTOLIC ACCENT January 2013

determine how this New Year will turn out for us and those around us. We have the choice of looking from our spiritual perspective or have another discouraging year seen from our human perspective. The Lord will help us see through eyes of hope, if we choose to look on the brighter side of life. If we can choose to keep our eyes on Jesus and allow everything else to fall short around us, we will have a happy and blessed year. We are given strength to stand. Keep your eyes on the goal. Don’t allow what happens around you to bring your eyes down off the hope of glory, Jesus Christ. God bless you this throughout the New Year.◊ ____________________________ Kathleen Vandeverder is a pastor’s wife in Medford, Oregon. She has a heart for North American Missions and soul winning.

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