January 2012
Oregon District postolic ccent
Good Tidings
Oregon District Apostolic Accent
By Ted Graves
Volume 48, Number 1
www.ORUPC.com Editor…………………………………….Kassie Meyer District Officials Superintendent…………….……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..……..Randy Langley Presbyters Section 1……………………..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………...…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3……………………………..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director………………………………..Steve Hanson Secretary………………………………Dan Sargeant Global Missions Director………………………………James Bigelow Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...………….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….……Darrell Sparks Secretary………………………………..Loren Brown Oregon Youth President………………………………Stan Gleason Secretary……………………………………Kevin Neu Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator….....Bill Tittsworth Prison Ministry Coordinator…….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...…..M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.……..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.……Jonathan Toews
Luke 2:10-14 “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” WE HAVE JUST COME THROUGH PROBABLY THE MOST ENJOYABLE TIME OF THE YEAR. The Christmas season is a time when we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. He was prophesied of in the Old Testament and proclaimed in the New Testament. When the shepherds were told by the angels, "...I bring you good tidings..." good news had arrived.” He shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). That is the One who came into this old world. The forgiver of sins, the healer of all diseases has come. The Bible says when the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy (Matthew 2:10), but when they saw Him, they fell down and worshipped. Even the world loves this time of year, giving gifts, sharing kindness, and spending time with family and friends. I have more good news foretold. He is still here and saving lives today. One song writer wrote, "Wise men still seek Jesus." I am
hearing good tidings all over our district: reports of Holy Ghost in fillings, baptisms more than ever, record attendance in many places and new daughter works starting with more on the horizon. To God is the glory! More good news! We are on the brink of a brand new year in the Oregon district. Our best days are ahead. We must forget past defeats (Philippians 3:13) and reach for those things which are before us...revival, Holy Ghost outpouring, baptisms, and seeing Oregon come to God. Let's pray for another Azusa, or Topeka, Kansas outpouring that is genuine and fueled by God Himself. Let's see a fire of the Holy Ghost come to every city in our state! Pastors, let us work together for a common goal of revival. Let us love one another and pray for one another. Let us join our forces together for the greatest cause on earth! ◊ ___________________________ Ted Graves is the pastor of Apostolic Worship Center in Gresham, Oregon. He also serves as the superintendent of the Oregon District.
Inside this Issue Columns 2 Good Tidings TED GRAVES 3 A Note From the Editor KASSIE MEYER
Articles 4 North American Missions STEVE HANSON 6 It’s Your Move STAN GLEASON 8 A Slave to Who? GEANICE LANGLEY 10 Guiding Your Teenager DAVID REYNOLDS
Advertisements 5 Soul Winning Conference
7 Marriage Retreat
12 Christmas For Christ
North American Missions
A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Thank you for your patience as we launch this new online publication. It has been a process of learning new programs, creating new graphics and trial and error. My goal is to get this publication out by the first of every month and to have a printable version for our readers as well. I look forward to serving our district and you, the readers, as we publish the Oregon District Apostolic Accent. This is an exciting new adventure with so many possibilities to look forward to. Kassie Meyer
North American
Missions By Steve Hanson
OREGON NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS IS THE EVANGELISM & CHURCH GROWTH MINISTRY OF THE UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF OREGON. It will be our passion and purpose to design events and meetings that will help us to fulfill The GREAT Commission. One of the greatest challenges of our day is to keep focused on the main purpose of the Church. The second challenge is to remain motivated and empowered to accomplish the task of reaching the whole world with the Apostolic message of salvation. Those who attended Oregon Revival & Evangelism Conference, December 2nd & 3rd were tremendously blessed by the ministry of Brother Terry Black of Memphis Tennessee. With the help of Brother Black, the Holy Ghost stirred and provoked us to reassess our motive in participating in sowing the seed of the Word of God in the field of our calling. When the cause becomes a greater focus than our personal comfort the fulfillment of the task is the reeminent thing. The next event that has been designed to inform, motivate &
equip the church for Outreach, Evangelism & Growth is our first ever Northwest Soul Winning Conference. Brother J. Marrell Cornwell will be preaching about personal soulwinning and giving us practical instruction. Rev. Kelly & Barbara Caywood will be giving instruction on ‘Personal Evangelism’, where our feet meet the street. There will also be instruction for Prison Ministry & Life In Focus. If you will come with desire to learn and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone you will leave this meeting with a fresh plan & passion knowing that you have the calling and the equipping for the task of reaching OUR world with the New Birth message.
When commissioning the seventy disciples to Jesus made this observation; "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2 NKJV) Will you prepare yourself to fulfill the purpose of Christ, which is to reap a harvest of souls for His everlasting Kingdom? Oregon North American Missions is actively helping to prepare these last hour laborers. ◊ ____________________________
Steve Hanson is the pastor of The Portland Pentecostals in Portland, OR. He also serves as the North American Missions Director of the Oregon District. He planted the church that he has now pastored for over 20 years.
they are
are reaching?
oul swinning
february 3 - 4. 2012 salem. oregon
who should attend?
{ conference itinerary }
featured speakers
Anyone who is interested in ministry or is actively engaged in a ministry. Soul Winners - Come and receive special training and inspiration. Pastors & Ministers - You are invited to the Friday Pre-Session with Rev. Cornwell. Prison & Jail Workers - Attend special Breakout Sessions focused on key areas. Life in Focus Workers - Receive updates and new information. Home for Good in Oregon - Informational session with key HGO essentials. Christian Prisoner Fellowship Certification
Rev. J. Marrell Cornwell - Wichita, K www.fpcwichita.or
For additional information, contact Rev. Doug Lethin (503) 932-6360 or Rev. Bill Tittsworth (541) 908-6343.
host location Christian World Fellowship 4932 Liberty Road South Salem, Oregon 97306 Pastor & Sis. James W. Dillon
Rev. Kelly & Sis. Barbara Caywood - Mont Belvieu, T www.extreme-ministries.com
Your Move…
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." (Ecclesiastes 9:10) I was playing a board game one time and I was waiting on my opponent to move and waiting and waiting and waiting...finally my patience ran out and I said, “Dude, would you hurry up and move!” He said, “What are you talking about man, it’s your move.” Sometimes I have found myself waiting on God to move and waiting and waiting and waiting when all the time God has been waiting on me to move. Let’s make this
year a year of faith and action. I’m sure God won’t do everything that we desire Him to do but let’s make sure that the reason God is not moving is not because of our inaction. It's our move. There are many things that only God can do but a lot of times God will wait to move until we do what we can do. Only God can forgive my sins but I can repent. Only God can work a miracle but I can pray and believe. Only God can save
By Stan Gleason
my friend but I can sow a seed. Only God can anoint me but I can preach a message. Only God can give me revelation but I can study His Word. It’s my move. ◊ ____________________________ Stan Gleason is an Evangelist from Oregon City, Oregon. He also serves as the Oregon District Youth Presisdent.
Bible Quizzing Dates:
SR Quiz Kick-Off and Retreat January 13- 14 Oregon City, OR
JR Quiz - January 21st Gresham, OR
JR Quiz - February 4th Oregon City, OR
SR Quiz - February 18th Gresham, OR
Puns to Ponder... You think God moves in strange ways? You should see me after I walk through a spider web!!! I think pulling a hat out of a rabbit would be an even better trick! Procrastinators of the world UNITE!!! Tomorrow.
A Slave to
Who? By Geanice Langley
What occupies your mind most of the day? What are you most interested in? What takes up most of your time? Time is a valuable commodity and we are to be good stewards of it. We are to redeem the time. Who or what are you a slave to?
RADIO, TELEVISION, BILLBOARDS, EMAIL, TEXT MESSAGING, YOU TUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN, WEBSITES, THE LIST IS ENDLESS THAT CAN OCCUPY YOUR TIME. IN OUR TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED SOCIETY, WE HAVE ACCESS TO ANY INFORMATION WE WANT, WHENEVER WE WANT IT. IT IS SO VERY HELPFUL AS LONG AS IT IS MAKING YOU MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE OF GOOD THINGS. Our sight is over stimulated by technology. In our century, the IMAGE has become the king and our SIGHT is the slave to it. This process of slavery began with TV and now continues with computers, internet and cell phones. They are sources of information, but our overuse or wrong use of them make us their slaves. There is a big difference between eyeing a PC all day and eyeing a natural landscape. The PC will lead to exhaustion and the landscape will lead to relaxation of our sight and mind. We live in a world of people that are so tired. People go away to relax but while they’re away they are on their computer, cell phone, IPod, and whatever else they can take with them. Trying to get away to rest but taking all that entertains and stimulates with you. We need a buffer zone of silence around us. People do not know how to just listen to what’s around them and mediate on how good and how great God is. What a relaxing thing to do. The curse of this age is over-stimulation of the senses. This blocks out our awareness of God. If we are not careful, we will want to be entertained instead of entertaining the Lord. Our generation is a generation that can be listening to music, playing a
computer game and texting all at the same time. And if this is not happening, you hear the word “I’m bored.” People are so in tune with this world that the Lord would have to come and tap them on the shoulder to get their attention and then they still might not notice him. So hungry for the information of the world that it is killing our hunger for the things of God. We need to learn how to turn the world off and get shut in with God in a secret place. There we can gain new power and strength to run this race. Then the thoughts and meditations of our heart will be acceptable to Him. We will feel renewed and refreshed in the Holy Ghost. He will be our rest whereby the weary can rest if we would but entertain Him. Let’s not let the devil get us so entangled with worldly things that we don’t have time just to sit at Jesus feet and relax. If we are going to be a slave – let us be a slave to Jesus Christ! He must be our Master! ____________________________________ Geanice Langley is a pastor’s wife in Kalamath Falls, Oregon. She also serves as the Oregon District Ladies Director.
Teenager By David Reynolds
" Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children - do not be hard on them or harass them; lest they be discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated; do not break their spirit." Col 3:21 [Amplified]
10 APOSTOLIC ACCENT January 2012
You can train children –but you guide teenagers. The time for training is over. Hopefully, when they were young you did a good job training them. If you did, you can be assured that your training is still in them. If you did not –pray.
The Amplified New Testament in Colossians 3:21 has captured most of the feelings a teenager goes through naturally at one time or another. Most of these feelings you, the parent, did not directly cause; but it is important to understand that if you are not sensitive you can add to these feelings. Teenagers are going through a very difficult and fragile period of their lives. This causes them, at times, to withdraw into ‘their shell’. As parents we do not understand the reason and are 'hurt' --so we also withdraw at the very time they need us the most. Remember that in the span of only five years [11-16yrs of age] the body changes from that of a child to that of an adult. He/she never feels comfortable or accepts their body as suitable. By parents not understanding they are no more 'children' --things said or done, even with good intentions, “discourages” and "frustrates" a teenager. Their masculinity and femininity comes into focus as the youth sexually matures. This brings new feelings and urges that must be kept in check --but usually never talked about. This is an age of insecurity. Maturity and emotions, many times, do
not keep up with the body. There can be wide mood swings, up or down. The adolescent is also going through an identity crisis. Even though he may love and respect his parents, something within him is crying out, "I am not my parents!". He begins to search for his own role. He has the need to be recognized and accepted as an individual. The young person is reaching out for more freedom and privileges --only to discover that responsibility and consequences always follow. Whereas, children must be told what to do --a youth must be taught why it is important to do it. Young people resent being 'ordered' around at the same time thriving on being 'asked to help'. We must give our youth meaningful jobs so that they can feel needed and experience a sense of belonging. They need to feel they are a contributing member of the family and the church. We must increasingly allow and encourage them to make decisions. We must also let them experience the consequences for those decisions. We must never 'rescue'. It is only by allowing them the consequences for their decisions, can we instill
confidence and the belief they are capable. The teenager now looks for an older ‘mentor’, of the same sex, other than his parents, who he/she can look up to and identify with. If he does not find a mentor, he/she will turn to his peers, or pick a Rock Group, etc. as a model and a source of advice. The Youth Leader or a church member, hopefully, will fill this need. • With our youth --our role changes from training to guiding. • With our youth --be very careful not to "break their spirit". • Our youth --need to be less and less dependent upon us, until they don't need us any more to survive. • The voice our youth hears, increasingly, needs be the 'inner voice' of God and their training. ◊ David Reynolds has been the Minister of Discipleship at Portland Pentecostals since 2007. He is a graduate of Conquerors Bible College, Cascade College, Portland State University and post graduate work at the University of Oregon. He served as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. Since retiring from public education he has traveled extensively to over 37 countries preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and has written several books on Education, The Family & Parenting.
January 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11