Oregon District Apostolic Accent

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A Good Report | Family Conference Pictures | Just Go | Mother’s Memorial Report | Give Your Children a Family Altar

The Official Magazine of the Oregon District UPCI


September 2012

A Note From the Editor

Oregon District Apostolic Accent Volume 48, Number 1

www.ORUPC.com Editor……………………..........…………….Kassie Meyer kassiemeyer@hotmail.com (503) 689-3589 Photos......................................................John Van Beek District Officials Superintendent……………......……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..........……..Dan Sargeant Presbyters Section 1…………………......…..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………........…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3………………………......……..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………......Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director…………………………….......…..Steve Hanson Secretary…………………….……….....…Virgil Alldritt Global Missions Director……………………………….......James Bigelow Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……......Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………......….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...…….....…….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….…......…Darrell Sparks Secretary…………....………………….....…..Joe Higgins Oregon Youth President…………………………….......…Stan Gleason Secretary………………………………......……Kevin Neu Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………......Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator…...........Bill Tittsworth Prison Ministry Coordinator….....….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……......David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...….......M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.…......…..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.…......…Jonathan Toews

Have you driven past a home that has sat vacant for a couple months and the yard looks horrible due to lack of attention? In the last few years we have seen this more and more . Homes being foreclosed on and the yards, which were once manicured and beautiful , look absolutely horrid . Having a beautiful yard takes hard work . You must weed , mow, water, fertilize and treat your yard with care . Failing to do these tasks will result in weeds up to your waist or higher, dead plants, dead grass and a not-so-nice yard . As I think of my yard , I think of what it takes to have a beautiful walk with God . It takes hard work ...we must weed out the bad things, the worldly things that try to creep in to our lives. We must water and fertilize our minds and hearts with the word of God so that we can withstand temptations and build our lives upon a firm foundation of His word . When plants or grass don’t get enough water or sunshine , they can shrivel up and die . If we don’t have a prayer life or spend time reading the word of God our relationship with Him can die . If we allow worldly lusts or the things of this world to creep into our lives they can consume us just like weeds take over a yard ...this can turn our lives into something that is not pleasing to God . It takes hours to weed and care for a yard ...a relationship takes hours as well . Work your hardest for what matters the most. Work for that beautiful relationship with God! I leave you with a passage that comes to mind Philippians 3:13-14: “Brethren , I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind , and reaching forth unto those things which are before , I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Kassie Meyer

2 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012

Inside this Issue Articles/Columns 2 A Note From the Editor KASSIE MEYER 4 A Good Report TED GRAVES 7 Just Go STAN GLEASON 11 Try? BILL TITTSWORTH 12 Connect JAMES BIGELOW

NOVEMBER 4, 2012

Debbie Sanders Hawaii

14 Give Your Children a “Family Altar” DAVID REYNOLDS


Join with Tupelo Children's Mansion in becoming the hands of God to the most vulnerable of our society—the fatherless.

Linda Gleason Oregon City, OR

Give a special Mansion Sunday offering on November 4th, National Orphan Sunday!


5 Family Conference Pictures

West Coast Women’s Conference

6 Mansion Sunday

October 18—20, 2012

8 Ladies Conference


10 Mother’s Memorial Report



Seaside Convention Center 415 First Avenue Seaside, Oregon

For more information go to www.orladiesministries.com

13 Missionaries in Oregon 16 WCWC Consignment Shop


Correction on August Issue:

The article: Cramming for Finals was Written by M.David Johnson

Thanks to everyone w gave to Moth Memoria this year. W appreciate the sacrific that were m toward thi worthy cau

May God ric bless each you as we continue o untiring effo to reach the and hurting around ou world befo He comes

A Good Report By Ted Graves

Pastors, ministers and saints of the Oregon District, we have just finished a tremendous Family Conference. The Lord blessed in a tremendous way. I heard reports of healings and of God’s richest blessings to many who attended. Bro. Mooney was outstanding in his anointed preaching of the Word of God. He brings to us heritage from the past and new vision for the future. I heard from many that his anointed preaching helped them tremendously. Thank God for men like this who are helping keep the church on course. Bro. Joe Ellis did a wonderful job teaching the Word of God in the day sessions. His experiences and his knowledge of the Word of God so blessed all that were in attendance. I would encourage everyone to get the CDs of these messages by contacting Steve Rehana at 503-6747729. Pastors, I especially want to say a big thank you for helping us have another Family Conference come out in the black. I just received our final report from our secretary, Dan Sargeant and was so excited to see what the Lord had provided. In reading the Bible through this year, it seems that certain Scriptures keep jumping out at me. Scriptures like “remove not the ancient landmarks” Proverbs 22:28, and “buy the truth and sell it not” Proverbs 23:23. I so appreciate ministers who take a strong stand for the rich things in our heritage. Pastors, we must in the last days stay true to God’s Word. As I read through Scripture I see that many leaders did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord. Destruction, defeat and fatalities followed all of these leaders. But to those who followed His

4 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012

commandments, you see victory after victory. Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known. Deuteronomy 11:26-28 I thank God for the Oregon District and all that pastors and ministers that are following the commandments of the Lord. The Oregon District is primed for revival. Reports come weekly of Holy Ghost infillings and people being baptized. Oregon, let’s continue to follow His commandments, His truths, His holiness and watch a revival fire spread throughout our state. Again, thank you to everyone who made Family Conference a success: the District Board, Bro. & Sis. Sargeant, Bro. & Sis. Langley in this transition year, Bro. Sparks and the ushering staff, Ryan Murphy and the sound staff, Sis. Donna Pollard and the worship leaders, Bro. Hansen and the platform coordination, and all the choirs and special singers. Let’s believe in faith and see bigger and greater things happen in our district.◊ ___________________________________________ Ted Graves is the Pastor of Apostolic Worship Center in Gresham, Oregon. He also serves as the Superintendent for the Oregon District.

Photos by John Van Beek

NOVEMBER 4, 2012

Join with Tupelo Children's Mansion in becoming the hands of God to the most vulnerable of our society—the fatherless. Give a special Mansion Sunday offering on November 4th, National Orphan Sunday!


6 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012

Just Go In Luke 17, Jesus entered a village where ten lepers asked Him to have mercy on them. In verse 14 the Bible says, “And when he [Jesus] saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.” The lepers were cleansed as they went. Jesus didn’t tell them why to go show themselves to the priests. We don’t always know why God wants us to GO. We can’t always see the end from the beginning, but obedience

By Stan Gleason

unlocks understanding. You will never understand some of God’s commands until you obey them. One of the most popular church growth writers of today says, “Never start anything until you know where it’s going to take you.” That is probably a good principle to follow most of the time, but maybe there are times where God tests us by asking us to GO even when we don’t have a gameplan. Abraham was called to go and obeyed “not knowing whither he went.” Jesus never told the lepers

they were going to be healed, he just said GO… no promises, no guarantees… their miracle was as they went. There are miracles in store for those who will obey God in blind obedience and GO.◊ ____________________________ Stan Gleason is an Evangelist from Oregon City, Oregon. He also serves as the Oregon District Youth Presisdent.

Invaluable advice for young people: 1. Never ask for anything that costs more than $5 when your mom or dad are doing their taxes. 2. When your dad is mad and asks, “Do I look stupid?” don’t answer him. 3. Never tell your mom her diet isn’t working. 4. Don’t pick on your sister when she’s holding a baseball bat. 5. If you get a bad grade, wait to show it to your mom when she’s on the phone. 6. Stay away from prunes. 7. Never dare your little brother to paint the family car. 8. Never try to baptize a cat. 9. Never spit when riding a roller coaster. 10. Remember two places you’re always welcome – Grandma’s house and church. September 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 7

Thanks to everyone who gave to Mother’s Memorial this year. We appreciate all the sacrifices that were made toward this worthy cause.

Debbie Sanders Hawaii

Linda Gleason Oregon City, OR

West Coast Women’s Conference October 18—20, 2012

Seaside Convention Center 415 First Avenue Seaside, Oregon

For more information go to www.orladiesministries.com

May God richly bless each of you as we continue our untiring efforts to reach the lost and hurting around our world before He comes!

West Coast Women’s Conference Seaside Convention Center Seaside, Oregon

Linda Gleason Oregon City, OR

Registration Fee Info: Postmarked by October 5th $35.00 Postmarked after October 5th $45.00 (Fees apply regardless of how Many sessions or days attending) (No Banquet this year)

October 18th—20th, 2012

Debbie Sanders Hawaii

Other Information: Our young ladies 13-17 welcome—must be accompanied by an adult. Nursing babies 1 year and under allowed to attend All ladies attending must be from a UPC Church You may bring guests but they Must register and pay registration fee.

Headquarters Hotel: Rivertide Suites Hotel, 102 N. Holladay, Seaside, OR 97138 (See all motel info on our website at www.orladiesministries.com) Thursday:

5:00 p.m. Registration at Seaside Civic and Convention Center 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Saturday: 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 12:30 p.m. Drawings/Dismiss

Friday a.m.: Friday p.m.:

10:00 a.m. Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service

********************************Registration Form************************** Make Checks payable to “Oregon District Ladies Ministries” and mail to Rachel Sparks, 6720 S.W. 198th, Aloha, OR 97007 Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________________________ Phone( ___)________Pastor_______________________________________________________ I am an Oregon District Minister’s Widow_______Home Missionary Wife____________ (Must be in the 5 year status) Registration for Widows and Home Missionary Wives is Free but you must register. September 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 9


Mother's Memorial Offering Report Klamath Falls UPC Oregon City UPC Christian World Fellowship Apostolic Worship Center Apostolic Life Center/ Albany Portland Pentecostals Corvallis UPC Bethel UPC Hillsboro Palace of Praise UPC Landmark Church/ North Bend Faithpoint Ministries/ Prineville Abundant Life/Springfield Apostolics of Portland Apostolic Lighthouse/ Reedsport Redmond Heights Pentecostals Apostolic UPC/Florence Lighthouse UPC/ Newport Hope Fellowship/ Cottage Grove New Life/Salem Portland Harvest Ministries Aloha/Spanish Truth Tabernacle/Hood River New Hope Life Center/ Monroe GracePoint Ministries Springfield/Spanish True Gospel/Bend Christian Life Center/Roseburg Abundant Life/St. Johns Salem/Spanish Tigard/Spanish Cave Junction UPC Canby/Spanish Life Church/ Medford True Light UPC/ Brookings Livingwater Fellowship/ Bvtn Newberg UPC Sandy UPC Hermiston UPC Misc. Adopted Miss.


10 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012


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$405.50 $1,800.80

$405.50 $77,398.41


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Try? I remember as a young person growing up I was often faced with challenges that I quickly convinced myself could not be done. Of course I had no way of knowing if the challenge I was facing was doable or not because I had decided I wouldn’t even try. This attitude of not trying was very annoying to my dad, especially since the attitude of not trying was always accompanied by the words “I can’t.” This response was always answered by dad with the words “can’t never did nothing.” Even as adults it seems we find ourselves unwilling to face new challenges. It seems easier to just not try than to go through all the effort to only prove what we already knew “I can’t.” According to Webster’s dictionary the word try (at least in the context that I’m using) means to make an attempt at. Of course God who has all power, wisdom and knowledge never “tries” to do anything, He just does it. God never attempted to create man, He never attempted to create the world or made an attempt to save us, the truth is He knew He could and He did. But alas here we are fallen humanity, full of faults and failures and when our heavenly father asks us to do a work for Him we respond “I can’t.” Possibly the greatest failure of all is not the person who attempted and failed but the one who never even tried.

By Bill Tittsworth

God’s work on this earth will be done by fallible people, who do not know the rest of the story of what they are attempting to do. The effects of one act can become staggering whether it is successful or a failure. To fear to tell someone about the saving power of Jesus Christ because you might tell them wrong and thereby cause them to be lost is kind of pointless since they are already lost. So, how much risk is involved when reaching out to lost people and because of some err on our part we cause them to be lost? Well, the point is nothing has changed, they are still lost. Yet, there is always the possibility that the lost could be found, but that will never be known if nobody tries. I found that my response to my dad of “I can’t” was usually not that I couldn’t, but more that I wouldn’t. With around 350 million people in the USA, and about 3.5 million in the state of Oregon, to hear someone say “I can’t find anyone to reach”, quite honestly translates “I won’t”. So, why try? Because lost is lost and no one deserves to die lost.◊ ____________________________ Bill Tittsworth is the Pastor of Landmark International Fellowship in Corvallis, Oregon. He also serves as the Section 2 North American Director and Life in Focus Coordinator for the Oregon District.

September 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11

Connect By James Bigelow

An article in a recent Forward Saul. 2 As they ministered to magazine regarding church staff the Lord and fasted, the Holy meetings caught the attention Spirit said, “Now separate to Me of our pastor, Kevin Goodwin. Barnabas and Saul for the work Three words especially stood out to which I have called them.” 3 to him and subsequently became Then, having fasted and prayed, the theme of a mini-series of and laid hands on them, they sermons. These are now forming sent them away. 4 So, being sent the basis of a vision and mission out by the Holy Spirit, they went for our church: CONNECT, IMPART, down to Seleucia, and from there and INFORM. they sailed to Cyprus. 5 And when As the message for this Sunday they arrived in Salamis… 6 Now came forth on the subject of when they had gone through the Inform, I not only jotted down island to Paphos… notes relevant to my personal The first order of business is for involvement in the life of our local us to CONNECT WITH GOD for church and community, but also he is the Lord of the harvest. ways in which the themes apply The occasion cited above was to evangelizing our world. Since a Corporate Connection for it the three subjects are too broad is written that “they” (certain for me to treat in one article, let’s prophets and teachers in the start with the vitally important church that was at Antioch) need we all have to CONNECT - “ministered to the Lord and with God, with one-another, and fasted.” Each was in contact with with the nations of the world. The the Lord; all were joined to him. first few verses of Acts 13 illustrate A prophecy was uttered in Genesis how these are integrated. 49:10 which specified that Judah Acts 13:1-6 (NKJV) Now in the would continue a distinct tribe church that was at Antioch until the Messiah came; and it there were certain prophets and did so. “And unto him,” said Jacob, teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who “shall the gathering of the people was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, be.” Whenever we gather in his Manaen who had been brought name to worship him, there ought up with Herod the tetrarch, and to be a connection established 12 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012

between deity and humanity. Have you noticed that it is usually during our seasons of prayer, worship and fasting that the Holy Spirit speaks? We must also CONNECT WITH THE MINISTERIAL BODY. Sure we are busy; our scheduling calendar is full of places to go, people to see and things to do, but we dare not ignore the biblical “one-another” concept. “Certain prophets and teachers” connected with one another in the church that was at Antioch. It is in this type of setting that our vision is elevated beyond our local sphere of operation to encompass the uttermost part of the world. It was in our chapel services at Conqueror’s Bible College (1969 – 1972), while in close fellowship with fellow ministers and under the influence of anointed messengers from such as John and Ruby Klemin, Ralph Reynolds, Jet Witherspoon, E. G. Moyer, and Edwin Judd, along with numerous guest missionaries and like-minded preachers, that a vision and a burden for foreign missions was transmitted to me. It was likewise through this connection at CBC that missionaries and their spouses

arose that are still active today. If my memory serves me correctly, these include (but are not limited to) Darry Crossley, Richard Denny, Mike Tuttle, Monte Showalter, Stan Scism, David Brott, Jim Crumpacker, Phil Tolstad, Lonnie Burton, Mike Walmer, and Mike Sponsler. We must CONNECT WITH THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them,” was the directive that came from the Holy Spirit in Acts 13.2. So it was that under the authority of the ministerial body and the Spirit himself, two men were commissioned as missionaries and sent forth to preach the

gospel in regions beyond. “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10.12-15 NKJV) Every saint, whether or not he or she holds a ministerial title, is under a divine mandate to be involved in some way to evangelize the lost. Pastor, how about casting a vision that is bigger

Steve & Loy Bennett November 6-11

James Bigelow is the Oregon District Global Missions Director.

John & Vonda Guidry March 5-10


than your local congregation and city, county, section and Oregon? What do you say we all get on board and respond generously to the call for prayer, fasting and giving that is issued through North American Missions, and the respective ministries of our Ladies, Youth, Sunday School and Men; but please don’t neglect Global Missions. Ample scriptures testify that this aspect of CONNECTING is the supreme will of God. Get hooked up. ____________________________

Columbia, South Africa

Keith & Elizabeth Ikerd November 13-18 (Sat/ Sun AM/PM- Oregon City)

Stephen & Yvonne Nix March 26-31

Africa, Namibia

Central America, Caribbean, Nicaragua

Oscar & Erin Rodrigues January 22-27

Charles & Stacey Robinette April 2-7

Stephen & Lynnette O’donnell January 29 -February 3

Dan & Debbie Barkley April 23-28

Austria, Europe/Middle East

Europe/Middle East, Portugal

South America

Hong Kong, Asia

Information on each missionary and country, plus many helps, can be viewed or downloaded at www.globalmissions.com Pastors can place their request for specific missionaries to visit their church by contacting James Bigelow at: 541.756.7141 or 541.217.4310


September 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 13

Give Your Children A ‘Family Altar’ By David Reynolds

“He spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What means these stones? Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land. For the Lord your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye where passed over….” Joshua 4:21-24. Parents: Set up an Altar as a ‘memorial’ for your family. The story is told about three adult children going back to the old homestead to settle the estate and to dispose of their parent’s clothes and possessions. The children had left many years before, scattered, and established themselves many miles apart. They had drifted away from their elderly parents and from their parent’s faith. As they started to organize the stuff—most with little monetary value—they came upon an old bench that brought back so many memories. It was the bench that the whole family would kneel around each morning for family devotions. They gathered around it in silence. Finally one went and got the old family Bible out of a box they had just packed. She brought it back and opened it and placed it on the prayer bench. Without a word, all three knelt down and once again committed their lives to God—and to the faith of their parents.

14 APOSTOLIC ACCENT September 2012

I believe in memorials! God commanded Joshua to chose a man from each tribe to pick up a boulder from the middle of dry Jordan and to take it up to the riverbank, there to make a pile of rocks. The reason given was, so when, the generations to come ask their fathers, “What is the meaning of these stones?” The fathers were then to tell their children, “Son, we were a people wandering around in the wilderness, …but God brought us across the Jordan on dry ground –with a mighty hand”. I believe in memorial services. God told Israel to kill a lamb, to roast and eat the lamb –but to also collect the blood in a basin and to gather the children around and paint the blood on the mantle and on the sides of the doorpost –“So that when the generations to come ask, What does this service mean?”—At the time of the Passover, the father was to reconstruct the service and retell the story of their deliverance from slavery. The Outlet Campground in Ontario, Canada still stands as a memorial in my mind—with it’s great tent, sawdust floors, dirt and flies—for there I met God. It also was the place my father wrestled with God and finally accepted his call to the Ministry. At Sister Ruby Klemin’s Memorial the family gave out pinecones, bringing back memories of the pinecones thrown in the bonfire at the dedication services she held at Youth Camps around the country. It also brought back memories of the promises they made to God many years before. I believe in a family altar. I

remember so well the Sunday 8. Make the service interesting that we came home from church 9. Make it a memorial –So that and my daughter, Yvonne, when your children ask... looking me in the eye and saying, BUILD AN ALTAR “Dad, Why are we not having a Cain and Able did it family altar in our home?” Yvonne Noah did it -Gen 8:21 was twelve years old at the time. Abraham did it -Gen 12:7 Under conviction I came up with Jacob did it -Gen 28 &32 excuses about being so busy and Joshua did it -Ex 17:15 not having the time. Moses did it -Ex. 24 :4 I did believe strongly in Elijah repaired it I Kings 18:30 breakfast—and eating breakfast Isaiah saw the Lord above it Is. together before we all went our 6:6-7◊ separate ways. God’s voice came ____________________________ to me that day so strongly; “You David Reynolds has been have time for breakfast, don’t the Minister of Discipleship you?” “Yes, Lord we do take time at Portland Pentecostals for breakfast”. God then said, “If since 2007. He is a graduyou have time for breakfast you ate of Conquerors Bible have time to take down the Bible, College, Cascade College, read a passage and pray together”. Portland State University and post graduate “I said, Yes Lord!” work at the University of Oregon. He served That was over forty years ago, as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. and for all these years we have set Since retiring from public education he has up a memorial of having family traveled extensively to over 37 countries prayer at the breakfast table. It preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and never was long—but it was so has written several books on Education, The important. Yvonne is now my Family & Parenting. Pastor’s wife. [Not everybody can give the Pastor’s wife a hug and a kiss on Sunday morning.] Bro. Reynolds will have Advice: a new book out at THE FATHER SHOULD BE General Conference: RESPONSIBLE –if there is a father Save our Families in the home. Series: Book One 1. It must be a way of Life 2. It must be a Time and an Event 3. It should be a Place or a Piece of Furniture 4. The length should be determined by the age of the youngest child 5. Do ask for Specific Things -so you can give Specific Praise 6. Do read the Bible as part of the Worship Service 7. Be Positive -Make the service loving and warm September 2012 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 15

WCWC Consignment Shop! Attention Ladies! WCWC will be having our 1st Ladies Consignment Shop opening this year! Please bring your clothing items and join in the fun! We will be accepting: Modest clothing for women & children (In good condition only) Dresses and tops on hangers Purses & shoes welcome too! This will give you an opportunity to sell items to make money for you! And a percentage will go towards your Adopted Missionary Offering. This will be included in your MM offering for your church next year. If you have questions, please email Dawnella Higgins at BQcoachmom@hotmail.com

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