Why Citizen Science Is Important BY SANDI SCHWARTZ
Y CHILDREN AND I recently spent an afternoon at our local park helping the science community by taking pictures of local plants and animals. We used the Seek app by iNaturalist (a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society) to explore the variety of species in the park. And, I have to say, my kids were so engaged in this activity, and they did not want to go home. They found it so fascinating that the app would identify for them the details about a plant or animal just by taking a picture of it. This experience opened our eyes to notice new flowers, leaves, trees, and wildlife around us that we may have missed before. The app also makes it fun for kids because they can earn badges for recording more observations of different types of species and participate in special challenges. Not only does iNaturalist help kids learn how to identify wildlife and plants and encourage them to spend more time outside, but they are also helping experts collect data through citizen science.
WHAT IS CITIZEN SCIENCE? According to the Oxford Dictionary, citizen science is “the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the general public, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.” Citizen science involves volunteering to collect scientific data and is a way for our children to gain science experience and directly help the scientific community. Through citizen science, government offices and other organizations engage the public in addressing societal needs and accelerating science, technology, and innovation. With citizen science, we can play a role in the scientific process to help address real-world problems like climate change and biodiversity. Volunteers have varying levels of expertise, from kids in their backyards to members of high school science clubs to amateur astronomers with sophisticated home equipment. Technology like apps make citizen science more accessible today than ever before. Projects typically involve volunteers collecting data like counting the number of a certain type of bird they see in their neighborhood or taking pictures and submitting them through an app like iNaturalist.
O R E G O N F A M I LY . C O M
PROJECTS • Audubon Christmas Bird Count: Initiated in 1900, this is the nation’s longest-running citizen science bird project. The bird count runs from December 14 through January 5 each year. • Cornell Lab of Ornithology: It has several bird-related citizen science programs including NestWatch, Project FeederWatch, and Great Backyard Bird Count. • FrogWatch USA: This is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in which participants report the mating calls of local frogs and toads. • Monarch Watch from University of Kansas: Involves tagging and tracking migrating monarch butterflies during their annual North American migration. • National Geographic BioBlitz: This event focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time to get a snapshot of biodiversity. • Project Budburst: With climate change being its focus, this project involves monitoring the leafing, flowering, and fruiting of plants.