October 2013

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OCT 2013


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Community Involvement and Kids Setting the Foundation for an Active Future by Kim Green-Spangler


ommunity involvement benefits adults, teens, and children on both a societal and personal level. It’s a way for community members to strengthen their communities through the generous donation of time for a goal. Whether it’s for children/peers, the elderly, the homeless, or someone affected by a catastrophe or in plain need, these acts of kindness positively impact both the giver and the recipient. The Benefits of Giving Back Besides the obvious answers like, it makes you feel good and helping others is the neighborly thing to do; community involvement also benefits children on a social level. It keeps them from being bored, can help them connect with other like-minded kids and adults and develop friendships, give them a healthy break from cell phones and video games and allow them to communicate with others face-to-face, and give families the opportunity to spend quality time together. It can also help them explore career paths and develop job skills by strengthening l e a d e r s h i p , communication and or computer proficiency. You’re never too young to start networking. Relationships

built with adults and peers while volunteering can be beneficial in the future. There are now many middle and high schools across the country requiring a minimum number of “community service” hours in order to graduate. According to a December 5, 2011 article in the Huffington Post, college admissions officers not only use volunteer service hours as part of their admissions screening process, they scrutinize the length of time an applicant has devoted to a specific cause. In a Do Something survey, 70 percent of admissions officers “like to see a student who sticks with one cause, not one who dabbles in a laundry list of volunteer opportunities.” This said, children who start volunteering at a young age have more time to explore projects and can develop a longterm commitment to a single cause.

Just last year, The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported about 64.5 million people performed some form of volunteer service through or for an organization at least once during the September 2011 to September 2012 period. As impressive as this is, it does not take into account those who volunteered independently. Further, teens (16- to 19-years old) had a volunteer rate of 27.4%. Also, the volunteer rate for parents with children under 18 years of age was 33.5%. Ways to Get Involved – Children and Parents While it is important for children to realize they are part of a group, they should also realize that they are individuals and their single voice can make a world of difference. Community involvement helps them learn to work as a group to affect change, speak out to champion causes, and learn to be fearless when presented with a challenge that requires an advocate. In addition, young people who participate in community service programs are more apt to continue to volunteer their time through adulthood. Before taking the plunge, consider individual interests and the ages

Community involvement helps children learn to work as a group to affect change, speak out to champion causes, and learn to be fearless when presented with a challenge that requires an advocate. Their dedication may help them distinguish themselves from others seeking that freshman college spot.

of each family member. Young children are more apt to enjoy their community projects if they can play an active role. Busy schedules mean your service should be a comfortable fit for you and your family. If volunteering creates a harried existence, it probably won’t be fun or continued without resistance over time. Parents should look at local charities, soup kitchens, hospitals, nursing homes, libraries, political candidates and more to find suitable projects for families. There are organizations that match potential volunteers with organizations and facilities, if you have difficulty finding one on your own, or you’re looking for something new. Many opportunities exist for young family members, but require parental supervision. A way around this may be assembling a group from a school, day care, church or private organization to supervise their own young volunteers. Thus, only a few parents or chaperones will be required for each volunteering outing. No matter where you volunteer, be sure you know what is expected of you before you show up. Find out if there is a minimum age requirement and let them know who will be participating and for how long you’re available. Be specific and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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October 2013 by Oregon Family Magazine - Issuu