Updated Agenda, Sponsor, and Speaker list
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events
Table of Contents Conference Center Map ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1 How to get the most from this weekend ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 How to Win Thousands in Door Prizes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Detailed Session Descriptions Thursday All-Day Workshops ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Friday and Saturday Wake Up Wealthy Sessions ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Friday and Saturday Main Sessions ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Sunday Level Up Sessions �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Lunch and Learns ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Networking and Entertainment Events Cash Flow Tournament (Thursday-Sunday) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 Thursday Evening Bring What You Have, Get What You Want ������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Friday Evening Hypnosis Show �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Saturday Evening Desserts and Expert Panel ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Revised Agenda ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9-10 Vendor Directory �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11-18 Session and Event Registration Codes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Back Cover
We Don’t Want to Lose You...so Here’s a Conference Center Map •C heck your agenda (p. 9 and 10) for which room your favorite sessions will be held in. •V isit the bookstore (green) for coffee in the morning and to networks with speakers •G rab-and-go lunches will be available each day in the concessions area next to the book store • L ooking for the White Pine room? It’s down the hall from the conference center. Keep going...keep going...THERE!
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 1
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events The Annual Education-from-a-Firehose/NetworkingFest You’ve Been Waiting for All Year… And Here’s How YOU Can Make Sure it Changes Your Life! Get excited—you’re about to meet the most experienced, successful real estate experts in the country, plus a couple of dozen service providers who can make your life a LOT easier, plus 1,000 fellow real estate entrepreneurs, landlords, wholesalers, retailers, note buyers, and fellow financial independence freaks. We know that you’ve made a real investment of time and money to be here, and we want you to leave with even more than you hoped for, so here’s a guide to making your Summit experience the best, most profitable one it can be. 1. Quickly review your own goals. Are you here to learn more about earning chunks of cash, build long-term income and wealth, find more deals, get financing, or new strategies? Getting clear on what you’re here to learn will help you to choose among your many options and get what you came for. 2. Pre-plan your attendance at sessions, and be early. We’re expecting a huge crowd this year, and since we DON’T make you pre-sign up for individual sessions, some sessions may be standing room only. Check out the schedule in the center of this flyer, and makes sure that you know where you want to be, and when. 3. Ask a lot of questions. Most of our speakers only have 90 minutes to present, so what you hear may bring up questions that they can’t answer in that timeframe. But there are ample opportunities here to get any question you have answered—by the presenters themselves, in the bookstore during breaks or by other attendees and vendors. 4. Make new financial friends and allies. We’ve built in a LOT of opportunities for networking, so come to them, and talk to fellow attendees. Yes, the Summit is a whirlwind of activity, so when you get a business card, write something on it about the person you met (“From Idaho, likes apartments”). AND FOLLOW UP—send a quick email to everyone you connected with, saying “It was great to meet you. If there’s ever anything I can do for you, or if you just want to network, send me an email, or give me a call.” 5. Invest in your education further…you’re here to learn, and our presenters are mega-experienced and very successful in their fields; some also got great courses and workshops that will take you from “wannabe” to “practicing real estate entrepreneur”—and when you buy one here at the Summit, instead of online, it supports the important legal and legislative work that OREIA does for you throughout the year. 6. But do it wisely. We’re a lot more interested in seeing you succeed, and having you back again and again, than we are in having you spend more than you need to on courses! So to invest in education that actually meets your CURRENT needs, not things you might be able to use ages from now. Not sure whether a particular opportunity you’re offered does that for you? Go ask one of our educational consultants in the bookstore. 7. Make what you learn work for YOU. You’ll be taking tons of notes and getting literally hundreds of ideas, but none of this will do you a bit of good if you don’t follow up and implement this great information, So as you’re taking notes, keep a separate “implementation” list on another page. You’ll undoubtedly hear LOTS of ideas that make you think, “I need to do that in my own business”. If you don’t capture those ideas as “to dos”, you’ll lose them to the next great tip that comes along. Each night during the Summit, review your notes to see if there are any questions you need to ask And after the Summit, set aside time IMMEDIATELY to review what you’ve learned and start working on it. If you let life get in the way before you’ve made some real plans, you won’t get the life-changing, business-building effects you came for. You’re in for an inspiring, overwhelming, fun, crazy, information-packed few days in Cincinnati. Enjoy, learn, and implement!—Vena Vena Jones-Cox OREIA Convention Coordinator The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 2
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events November 2nd: Thursday All-Day Intensives 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
When we find a strategy so hot, or so essential, that it just can’t be introduced in a 90-minute workshop, we find the most experienced instructors we can and give them all day to teach you how to take the next steps down the path they’ve already paved for you. These workshops are included in your registration fee, but they’re simultaneous, so you’ll have to bring a partner, pick the one that’s most relevant to YOUR business, right now, or become a VIP to get the recordings of the ones you missed! Bill Twyford How to Make Money with Pre-Foreclosures and Wholesaling Bill Twyford has been finding, negotiating, and flipping pre-foreclosure properties for decades. And he and his wife, Dwan, have built a whole well-oiled machine that he’ll share with you in this day-long workshop. You’ll find out: •H ow to find homeowners in pre-foreclosure •T he BEST way to contact them (it’s not what you think) •T he 2 kinds of offers you can make (they’re both profitable, but in different ways) •A ll the steps to doing a successful short sale •W hy you can confidently lock down deals and make money without using any of your own •H ow to figure out WHERE to focus on deals, using real property data •T he 4-week wholesale process, step by step •H ow to build a predictable income stream in wholesaling •W hy pre-foreclosures and wholesaling are a match made in heaven. And why wholesaling short sales is way different than wholesaling other deals If your idea of a great business is generating cash paydays AND helping sellers out of bad situations, this is the workshop for you.
Maria Giordano Dynamic Deal Structuring: How to Find, Negotiate, and Buy Creative Deals Looking for long-term, cashflowing investments, but WITHOUT banks and qualifying and big cash down payments? Spend your day with Maria Giordano, who’s built her business around buying with seller financing. In fact, she made $648,000 in real estate in her first year as a real estate investor. She’ll share: •T he 10 key components you MUST include in your marketing to ensure a high response rate •H ow to identify your motivated seller avatar and stop wasting resources on ineffective marketing •W hy direct mail is not dead. In fact, it works better now than ever! • 5 things you MUST have to make winning offers. (And stop being a low-cash-offer “one trick pony”) •W hy 99% of investors don’t get their offers accepted. (And how to NOT do what they do) •T he blueprint for buying properties subject to existing loans and leveraging wrap mortgages •T he implementation action plan you need to jump start your success. If you’re a “retire financially free on my cashflow” type, make sure you attend this workshop and learn how to do that!
How to Win Thousands of Dollars in Door Prizes! 1. Each vendor is giving away a door prize from their table; drop your business card or contact info there to win 2. We’re giving away a $500 cash door prize to one attendee who pre-registers for the 2024 Summit (at a killer low price BTW); see back cover for how to do that 3. Make a donation to OREIAPAC and get tickets for some of their thousands in door prizes 4. The mega-door prize, with thousands of dollars in education and mentoring, will be given away on Sunday at 5:15; you’ll get a ticket on Sunday at 5 and you must be present to win! The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 3
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Friday and Saturday 8:30-10:00 a.m.: Wake Up Wealthy Workshop
Every year, we scour the country for real-life investors and service providers you’ve never heard of, and who don’t sell courses or offer mentoring, and invite the best to present at our “Wake Up Wealthy” Workshops. Why? Because there’s a treasure trove of talent, expertise, and advice among colleagues you’d never get to hear from if we didn’t track them down and them and invite them to share what they’re great at with you at the Summit. Note that each of these presentations is ONE TIME, so select carefully. (And think about getting a VIP pass so that you’ll get the recordings of the ones you’ll have to miss).
Friday, November 3rd
Saturday, November 4th
Tom Berry How to Ride the Market Cycles— And Come Out on Top! Changing markets are scary. But not for Tom Berry, who loves finding the most undervalued asset classes and strategies in any market. And scaling them fast, before the cycle ends.
John Bowens The Self-Directed Roth IRA Success Formula The best way to learn how to make investments in your Roth IRA is to follow the lead of your colleagues who’ve done it successfully. You’ll see examples of creative deals, find out how you can have a Roth even if you “make too much”, and get a $297 package of examples and forms for free!
Michael Davis How to Sell More With a Compelling Presentation If your ‘presentations’—to sellers, potential private lenders, partners, or even your REIA groups—aren’t working, or you’re so terrified by the very thought that you aren’t making them at all, come learn how to do better with less fear from a professional speaking coach. Scott Ellsworth, CPA Stop Missing Out on Tax Savings Cost segregation and componentized depreciation can lower your annual taxes (and boost your cash flow!) enormously. But you HAVE to understand how to do it right. Scott Ellsworth makes the why and the how easy to understand. Deven and Ethan Wohlwend How to Get Your Kids Building THEIR OWN Real Estate Empire Do you struggle with the problem of getting your children and grandchildren to UNDERSTAND what you do, much less to get involved? These 2 teenagers (who already own over 100 doors between them) will help you understand how to make real estate interesting and fun to even your youngest kids. The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
Darrin Carey How to Avoid Fatal Mistakes And GET Your Hard Money Loan Hard money is actually the easiest money you can get to buy and fix properties—but that doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed. Find out what YOU need to have in place in terms of your deal, your resources, and your information to make YOUR rehabs easy to finance. Courtney Fricke How to Get Great Deals From Real Estate Agents In the face of the ‘conventional wisdom’ that says that once a property is listed, it can’t be a good deal, Courtney Fricke gets profitable deals from agents ALL THE TIME. She’ll explain exactly how, and what you’ll need to do to make agents a profitable deal source. Lee Yoder What it Really Takes to Get Started in Apartments Lots of people want to break into the apartment market. To do it for real, you have to have people, resources, and knowledge line up FIRST. If you’re truly committed to apartment investing, don’t miss this session. www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 4
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Friday and Saturday 10:30-5:00: National Expert Presentations
A wide range of strategic expertise + decades of real-life experience. We think you’ll agree: this is a stellar lineup of top-tier authorities on exactly the topics you need to know more about right now. Jack Bosch Better than Wholesaling Houses: Land and Lots Too much competition for houses and apartments for your taste? Then try a completely new, lower-competition property class. And you can buy it at 5-25% of market value, flip it for cash, rent it without toilets or tenant drama, do it virtually, and more. Bill Bronchick Your Ironclad Asset Protection Plan You just have to click on the daily news to see that real estate investors and rental owners are constantly under fire for any reason or no reason at all. Find out how the right asset protection can save you thousands in taxes, make you judgement-proof, and even minimize your estate taxes. Jay Connor How to Raise Private money Private money is the most misunderstood funding source in real estate. Everyone knows about it, most want it, but so few understand how to GET it. You should NEVER have to lose a deal because of lack of funds. Learn why (and how to get them) here. Matt Hedstrom How to Bulletproof Your Rehabs Looking for a foolproof way to get your projects funded, fixed, and flipped (or put on the market for rent) on time, on budget, and for maximum profit? Find out how to accurately calculate the budget and timeline BEFORE you buy, and avoid the mistakes that make your deal un-fundable or unprofitable.
Brent Kesler How to Pay off All Your Debt Fast (without Working Harder) Most Americans deal with debt by paying to store their paycheck at the bank until bills come due. There’s a better way. You can take control of your OWN money, and pay off debt without working harder, changing your lifestyle, or taking big risks. Isabelle Guarino Do Good and Well with Residential Assisted Living The fact that over 2.5 million baby boomers will turn 70 this year creates a huge opportunity to turn single family rentals into cashflow machines that net 5 figures a month. If you want low-impact tenants and a high, secure ROI, this is it. Al Williamson Not Short-Term Rentals: Mid-Term Rentals! Sure, short-term rentals are profitable—but they’re also “high touch” with turnovers every few days. Mid-term rentals can net the same 3x-5x profits, but with less work, when you understand your customers and how to attract them. Tracy Z Take Notes. The perfect investment for long-term cash flow would be high yielding, hands-off, and leverageable, right? If so, then your perfect investment might not be properties at all. It might be notes. Find out how notes are found, analyzed, and bought, and some of the MANY ways you can use them to generate cash and cash flow..
Saturday Morning 10:30-Noon Main Stage Keynote
Marshall Sylver: The Real Missing Piece to Your Millions Yes, he’s a stage hypnotist. But he’s also an expert at teaching people just like you how to be more influential, confident, and successful through subconscious reprogramming. In just 90 minutes Marshall will change the way you think about business, money, and wealth, and motivate you to take action in the present moment and change your whole life in a positive way forever. The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 5
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Sunday November 5th 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Level-Up Sessions
Summit Sundays are devoted to giving you a HUGE leg up over your competitors. With topics and experts that are next-level in their impact on your ability to make deals, grasp deep concepts, and build skills that will change your entire business for the better.
Sunday Morning 8:30-10:00
Vena Jones-Cox How to Make the RIGHT Creative Offer in Any Situation If you’re a fan of buying properties without banks, you know that there are a LOT of ‘techniques’ to choose from when making an offer. This workshop shows you WHICH to use in different situations. (Like the seller owes too much, wants a lot of money down, will face a big tax bill if he sells, you plan to hold the property, but it needs a lot of work). You know, real-life situations that you’ll face every day!
Sunday Morning 10:30-Noon
Richard Roop How AI Can Help You (Yes, YOU!) Do More Business, More Easily “Tell me how to use AI in my real estate business” was the #1 request in this year’s Summit Topics Survey—and by a HUGE margin. We’re going to get YOUR feet on the AI path, and use it (even if you’re tech-phobic!) to uncover more deals, accomplish more in an hour than you usually do in a day, boost your cash flow and profitability, and more!
Sunday 1:30-5:00 concurrent Sessions John Hyre Advanced Tax, Asset Protection, and IRA Strategies Regulations are changing at a historic rate in the tax and legal world, and it’s becoming more and more important to “Worry about” your privacy, your retirement accounts, and the mechanisms you can legally use to avoid getting taxed to death.
Lindsey Jensen Rental Millions with Management Mastery and Master Leases Imagine that providing rental housing is rewarding, fun, and actually gives you MORE freedom of time. If that seems impossible, you might just need a mindset shift around how you run your business, and whether you even need to own houses at all.
Attorney John Hyre will share the best strategies for using the law to minimize taxes, little-known ways to keep more of what you make, and his thoughts on the future of retirement plans, privacy, and more.
Learn why your residents are your biggest assets. Why you should “hire them” instead of renting to them. Why systems and communication are key. And why Master Leases should become part of your acquisition and cash flow strategy NOW.
Sunday afternoon at 5: The Famous Summit Mega-Door Prize Drawing! Stay around until the very end to soak up every bit of the money-making education, make new financial friends and allies...and also, to get your chance to win our famous Mega Door Prize! Every year, one attendee goes home with courses, bootcamps, mentoring, gift cards, and more with a combined value of $8,000 or more. Maybe this year, it’ll be you! You must be present to win!
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 6
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 12:15-1:15 Sponsor “Lunch and Learn” Sessions You come to the Summit partly to build your team, and learn about new tools and products that will help you run your business more easily and profitably, right? Our platinum sponsors’ lunch and learn sessions are the perfect place to do that. They’ll share what their businesses can do for your business, and if you play your cards right, maybe even feed you! Each sponsor with a lunch and learn has a limited number of tickets for a free box lunch for folks who are interested in becoming customers. If you see a session you’re interested in, check with the sponsor (at their trade show table) to see if they have tickets available. And do it EARLY, because they run out fast!
Friday Lunch and Learns
Saturday Lunch and Learns
Sunday Lunch and Learns
Kevin Jenkins, Noel Selewski Insurance Investment Property Insurance (and What You Need to Know) How to insure rentals, vacant properties, and rehabs right.
John Bowens, Equity Trust Co. Leveraging Loans and Financial Friends in Your Tax-Free Investing YES, you can use loans and other people’s money to grow your real estate investments within a tax-free account, Learn how here
Scott Ellsworth, CPA Ellsworth Realty Group Cost Segregation and Componentized Depreciation Stop missing out on one of the biggest tax-saving, cash-flow increasing deductions available to real estate investors!
Darrin Carey, Dayton Capital Partners How to Get Truly Passive Income in Performing Notes How performing short-term notes get you mailbox money—and how to buy some this weekend.
Seth Markum, VP, NREIG Are You Covered? How to get the insurance coverage that’s right for your specific business, geography, and risk tolerance, and gaps you might need to fill.
Natalie Larson, Investor Loan Source Changes are Coming In Real Estate Lending: What You Need to Know The changes that are coming in the cost and availability of real estate financing, and how to navigate them.
Damon Remy, REIBlackbook Your Perfect Seller Follow up System If you don’t have an awesome automated lead follow up system, you’re definitely losing out on deals. Learn what that looks like and how to implement it.
Amanda Neely, Wealth Wisdom Financial Secrets to a Stress-Free Financial Empire Working hard, but still afraid you have too much debt or not enough retirement money? Learn how to get peace of mind from a Certified Financial Planner. Liz Lawrence, LFG Lending Why YOU Need a Relationship with a Mortgage Broker Lots of us want to skip ‘mortgage brokers” and go direct to the lender. But when you do, you miss out on expertise and benefits that can make or break your deals. Rob Fishbein, JM Capital How to Get Your Deals Funded YOUR deals might need a rehab loan, a rental loan, a construction loan, or even an unsecured line of credit. Learn how to get what.
Brent Kessler, The Money Multiplier The Money Multiplier Break the financial bonds that shackle you with infinite banking and keep your hard-earned money for yourself and your family.
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
Visit all of our awesome sponsors during the concurrent 3-day trade show, free with your admission!
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 7
The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Networking and Entertainment Opportunities
If you ask our long-time attendees, they’ll say that the biggest benefit of the Summit is the people from all over the U.S. that you meet, learn from, and build long-term win-win “financial friendships” with. So we give you LOTS of formal and informal opportunities to get to know them while having fun and building your skills…
Friday, and Saturday Nights 9 p.m.-??
Cash Flow Game Tournament
Play for the fun of it, play for the networking, or play for the $500 cash prize! Robert Kiyosaki’s famous Cash Flow game teaches you how to “get out of the rat race” ...and we’re ramping it up a notch with a qualifying tournaments on Friday, and a final playoff on Saturday, where the winner gets $500 in cash! Free, but limited to the 1st 30 players each night
Thursday Evening 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Bring What You Have, Get What You Need Night In the nation’s biggest live “Haves and wants” meeting, you’ll get bring your haves (deals, money, expertise) and your wants (deals, money, help) and put them in front of HUNDREDS of like-minded people who, it turns out, are almost always willing and able to take what you have and give you what you need! Add your haves and wants to our networking sheet using the QR code on the back cover!
Friday Evening 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Marshall Sylver’s Really Funny Real Hypnosis Extravaganza (FREE) The only thing better than watching volunteers speak an alien language or ‘become’ the road runner is watching people you KNOW do it. You can come to see the show or be the show, but BE THERE; Marshall is the most televised hypnotist in history for a reason. He’s been on David Letterman multiple times, and Howard Stern said, “Marshall Sylver is the greatest hypnotist I have ever seen.” Free, cash bar available.
Saturday Evening 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Just Desserts (And Awards, and “What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond” Panel with Our Most Experienced Experts)
We’re dispensing with the usual $50 hotel banquet in favor of giving you your “Just Desserts” —a yummy desert bar and panel discussion and Q&A session among our most experienced presenters and attendees about what they see coming in the real estate business, technology in the next few years. That was your #1 request on our survey about how to spend our last evening together, and you got it! Tickets are $30 per person while they last at the front desk or via the by scanning the QR code on the back cover
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 8
Dwan Bent-Twyford and Bill Twyford Lunch on your own
Inside Secrets of Wholesaling Short Sales
12 PM Lunch
1 PM - 5 PM
How to Find, Negotiate, and Buy Creative Deals Maria Giordano
SUMMIT NAMETAG PICKUP AND REGISTRATION OPEN SEQUOIA 4-6 FALLEN TIMBER B-C FALLEN TIMBER A WHITE PINE Deal Maker's Forum w John Hyre, Esq. (MUST pre-register) ALL DAY INTENSIVES How to Find, Negotiate, and Buy Creative Deals Maria Giordano
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
7:00 PM - 9 PM 9 PM 9 PM
4 PM-5:30 PM
2 PM-3:30 PM
5 PM Dinner 7 PM - 9 PM 9 PM FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 10 AM
Cash Flow Tournament (Concession Area)
Do Good and Do Well With How to Pay Off Debt Your Ironclad Asset Residential Assisted Living (Without Working Harder) Protection Plan Investments Isabelle Guarino Brent Kesl er Bill Bronchick, Esq. Better than Wholesaling: How to Raise Private Take Notes. Land and Lots Money Jack Bosch Jay Connor Tracy Z Really Funny Real Hypnosis Extravaganza with Marshall Sylver
VIP ONLY Reception with Summit Speakers
Business Building (pre-register)
Business Building (pre-register)
Dwan Bent-Twyford and Bill Twyford Dinner on your own Bring What You Have, Get What You Need Night + Legislative Update with Maurice Thompson VIP ONLY Welcome Reception SEQUOIA 1-2 SEQUOIA 3 SEQUOIA 4-6 FALLEN TIMBER B-C FALLEN TIMBER A WHITE PINE WAKE UP WEALTHY The Huge Tax Savings Business Building How to Ride the Market How to Get Your Kids How to Sell More With a You’re Missing Out On: Mastermind Bob Cycles--and Come Out on Building THEIR OWN Real Compelling Presentation Cost Segregation and Dressman (preTop Estate Empire Componentized register) Deven Wohlwend and Michael Davis Tom Berry Scott Ellsworth, CPA Ethan Wohlwend 9AM - 5 PM REAL ESTATE INVESTORS TRADE SHOW Your Ironclad Asset How to Bulletproof Your Not Short-Term Rentals: Business Building 10:30 AM - NOON Protection Plan Rehabs Mid-Term Rentals! (pre-register) Al Williamson Bill Bronchick, Esq. Matt Hedstrom 12:30 PM Lunch L.F.G. Lending JM Real Estate Noel Selewski Agency Wealth Wisdom Financial Freaky Fast Real Estate (See vendor for Your Lender should be your How to Get Your Deals Investment Property The Secrets to a How to Live the Life of ticket) partner, not your vendor Funded (in all 50 States) Insurance (and What You Financially Stress-Free Your Dreams with Need to Know) Real Estate Empire Passive RE Investments
Inside Secrets of Wholesaling Short Sales
9 AM - 12 PM
7 AM - 5:30 PM THURSDAY 8:30 AM-5 PM
Thursday and Friday Events
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 9
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
Not Short-Term Rentals: Mid-Term Rentals!
Do Good and Do Well With Better than Wholesaling: Residential Assisted Living Land and Lots Investments
How to Bulletproof Your Rehabs
Youth Academy
Youth Academy
Youth Academy
Youth Academy
7:30 PM - 9 PM 9 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM
Al Williamson Isabelle Guarino Jack Bosch Matt Hedstrom Desserts, Networking, and “What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond” Panel with Our Most Experienced Experts” (Ticket needed) Cash Flow Tournament Finals (Concession Area) SEQUOIA 1-2 SEQUOIA 3 SEQUOIA 4-6 FALLEN TIMBER B-C FALLEN TIMBER A WHITE PINE Worship Service LEVEL-UP MASTERY SESSIONS 8:30 AM - 10 AM Creative Buying Workshop: How to Make the RIght Creative Offer Youth Academy Vena Jones-Cox 10:30 AM - 12PM How AI Can Help YOU (Yes, YOU) Do More Real Estate More Easily Youth Academy Richard Roop 12:30 PM Lunch REI Blackbook NREIG Scott Ellsworth, CPA tickets at More Deals, Less Marketing Insuring Your Investment How to Convert Your sponsors booth Money: The Perfect Follow Properties Right Traditional IRA/401K to a Up System Roth IRA/401K LEVEL-UP MASTERY SESSIONS Rental Property Millions Advanced Tax, IRA and with Landlording 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Asset Protection Youth Academy Leadership and Master Strategies Leasing John Hyre, Esq. Lindsey Jensen 5 PM MEGA DOOR PRIZE DRAWING--MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN
4 PM - 5:30 PM
How to Get Great Deals From Real Estate Agents
What it Really Takes to Get How to Avoid Fatal Self-Directed Roth IRA Started Investing in Mistakes and GET Your Success Formula Apartments Hard Money Loan Courtney Fricke Lee Yoder Darrin Carey John Bowens 9AM - 5 PM REAL ESTATE INVESTORS TRADE SHOW 10:30 AM - NOON The Missing Piece to Millions Marshall Sylver 12:30 PM Lunch The Money Multiplier Equity Trust Co Dayton Capital Partners Investor Loan Source tickets at Tax-Free Account Focused How to Get Truly Passive Huge Changes are Double Dipping on My sponsors booth Investing – Roth, HSA, CESA Income in Performing Coming in Real Estate Money with the Money – Leveraging Financial Notes Lending: What You Multiplier Friends and Loans Need to Know How to Pay Off Debt How to Raise Private 2 PM - 3:30 PM Take Notes. (Without Working Harder) Money Brent Kesl er Tracy Z Jay Connor
SATURDAY 8:30 AM - 10 AM
Saturday and Sunday Events
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The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | Summit p. 11
Growing a Small-Dollar IRA, HSA, or CESA •
How to partner multiple accounts, boosting your buying power
Private-money and equity-participation lending while partnering
Case studies of investors using partnering and other strategies to grow their accounts
Speaker: John Bowens Director, Head of Education and Investor Success
Saturday, November 4 | 12:30 - 1:30pm (see conference schedule for location)
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The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
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The 2023 National Real Estate Summit Events Handy QR Codes Thursday Evening 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Bring What You Have, Get What You Need Night
We’re giving you the chance to share your haves, wants, and contact information with other participants, by filling out the form you’ll get when you scan this QR Code
Saturday Night Just Desserts (Dessert Bar and “What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond” Panel) Need tickets? They’re $30 per person while they last at the front desk or via the by scanning this QR code
Pre-Register for 2024 at a stunningly low price—and be entered in s Sunday Prize Drawing for $500 cash!
Our super-hyper early bird registration for 2024 ends Sunday, when we draw from among pre-registered attendees for a $500 cash prize! 1 ticket INCLUDING VIP.................$127 (save $367)................Dealmaker forum for 1 $347 (save $150) 2 tickets INCLUDING VIP...............$187 (save $504)................Dealmaker forum for 2 $497 (save $150) Scan this QR code and use the coupon code Early
After-Event Trainings! Tuesday November 7th 7-9 p.m. eastern ONLINE
How to Be a Great Exchanger Free Training
After you’ve come to our “Bring What You Have, Get What You Want” session, we bet that you think, “That’s amazing—how to I offer things to my colleagues and get everything I need in return?” It’s called exchanging, and yes, it’s an art. Join the Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs for a free training (and demonstration!) about how to “exchange”. Register at COREERocks.com or by scanning another QR Code...
2024, Online
REAL (Real Estate Association Leaders) Training
This monthly training for real estate association boards and owners covers all the best practices for great programming, recruiting and retaining members, creating vendor programs, marketing your meetings, getting volunteers and hiring staff, and MUCH more. It’s 12 months of monthly classes online, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month beginning in January, and all registrants will receive the recordings. $119 per association by 12/31, $239 after. Use this QR code for more details and to register
The 2023 National Real Estate Investing Summit
www.OREIAConvention.com | S ummit p. 19