BG Magazine #14 International

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Style & attitude for Bad Girls & Bad Boys in Second Life Issue 14 - Sep/Oct 2008

Brazilian SL: a Challenge

summary To see/to know more on Alyne Dagger e Lucrecia Slade visits our sites: • Bad girls go everywhere Our group in Second Life. Join!!! • Flickr - Share Your Photos! Search: A Lucrecia that is not Borgia Alyne Dagger • Wants to sign BG? badgirlsmagazine/ Join the group and receive the magazine in PDF, before everybody!

Editorial Happy Happenings - a.C Store in the jungle Happy Happenings - Burning Life! AD Choices - Unbelievable Places AD Choices - Gallery Debate — SL Brasil, show yourself! Agenda Bad Girl Good Guy Saara Profile - CheerNo Destiny / Crys Blachere Lessons Animal World Linden Lag

Texts, edition, desktop Contact: publishing, graphic design and Who wants to collaborate with tips, all more: complaints, show him/herself or just to A partnership of the friends Lucrecia Slade and Alyne Dagger (Lu & Ly for the inner circle).

Issue 14 - Sep/Oct 2008

say “hello”, just IM us.


Uncivilized opinions will be investigated, photographed and joyfully mocked in the next issue. X-D

Lucrecia Slade and Alyne Dagger (except when indicated)

To advertise: IM to Alyne Dagger/Lucrecia Slade.

4 6 10 16 24 28 48 54 56 58 64 68 71 76 78

BG Magazine is independent and it does not publish conflicting opinions with the ideal of the magazine nor even for all Lindens in the world. When we speak well, we are good. When we speak ill of, we are the best!

Editorial Those who find odd the space between BG 13 and BG 14, I explain: sometimes RL call us and we got to attend. This must be the September issue, our Independence month, giving the Brazilian avatars the speech space and to show what SLBR have on its best. But Lucrecia and me – as you know, we make this publication all alone – had some complicated moments in our real lives and we decided to sacrifice the mag a little for to take care of personal issues, which are in the first place. Explanations made, let’s speak of this issue: we had a conversation with many active Brazilian avatars and the result could not be better. Many pages with a discussion about what is SL Brazil nowadays and the role we can play in the metaverse from now. Viva the Brazilian multicultural diversity mixed in this general jam!

Aline Dagger Editor & pain in the neck

Brazil is not only samba, beautiful women or Amazonia. The most interesting thing is that even Brazilians don’t know who themselves are very well – and this reflects in the image that foreigners make about us. Known as the colored, joy and peaceful people or as the irritating users of copybots, one thing is for sure: foreigners THINK that knows us well. And is very funny observe that the stereotypes created about Brazil and Brazilians are, if not equivocal, at least very funny. That’s why I went to Mainland to search for products inspired in our country. You’ll see what I found. And this is it. We are back, stronger, faster, badder than ever. ^^

Lucrecia Slade Editor & pain in the wallet

Happy Happenings

CheerNo Destiny promoted his store in a party with DJ Azu controlling the pick-ups and the theme was “Tropical Jungle�.

A.C. Store in the

Alana Dagger and her performatic husband, BrunoLisboa Oh, using his av of Seu Jorge (a famous Brazilian singer). DJ Azu, in an inspired night, and Jarl Soderstrom, exclusive model of a.C. Store, dances in the jungle idealized and built by CheerNo Destiny.

Cheerno Destiny

Deko Vought

Devlin Kas

Atillas Joszpe

Happy Happenings

An event to remain in the memory of all Residents that participated – as exhibitors or as visitors. Color, music and art to celebrate life.

Happy Happenings: Burning Life

Art for life Walking through the SIMs we could see spectacular buildings with steampunk and futuristic inspiration. Some artists and builders used their spaces to protest against globalization, and asking for a world more human and free from global warming.

Happy Happenings: Burning Life


It was impossible to show everybody that shine during the festival, so we detach the impressive ColeMarie Soleil, in a beautiful performance in the main stage, the DJs Qee Nishi and thomtrance Otoole that made parties at Organica space, and the furry rocker Azriahl Hax, that made an exception showing his human avatar, Saturday night, at LunARTic stage.

Alyne Dagger Choices Brazil has so many good things in

RL as in SL. After more than one year, finally appeared places with the mood, the soul of Brazil. That’s what we show in Unbelievable Places. And in the Gallery, two Brazilian young women are pumping up at Flickr: Thereaver Barrymore, designer and owner of the clothes and poses store Designina, and Cloe Despres, a little absent from SL, but always updating her Flickr with illustrations and photos from RL and SL.

AD Choices - Unbelieavable Places

My Brazilian Brazil Six places where the

language is Portuguese and where you can believe that is Brazilian soil, even a virtual one. We selected lands where Second Life is green and yellow and there’s no reason to not assume that “I’m cool and Brazilian”. We painted for you our Brazilian Watercolor. Enjoy!

Behind the trio elÊtrico BELÉM is an amazing island, inspired in the amazonic city of the same name, well known by its live shows and micaretas, the right place to hear Brazilian music, sung by Brazilians. Ilha Belem - PA (210, 228, 22)

Tropical Paradise

A challenging building, MATA ATLĂ‚NTICA is a realization of untiring Suellen Almodovar, a talented Brazilian builder that reproduces vegetation and exuberance of our Atlantic forest in this amazing SIM. Ilha Mata Atlantica (65, 120, 45)

Beauties of Rio

The only way to have in the same photo the Sambadrome, Christ, The Redeemer, Lapa’s Arches and a little piece of Sugar Loaf is in RJ City Island. Who likes parties, it always have one in the agenda. And Carnival promises to be the best in SL. RJ City (128, 130, 36)

Don’t Stop! São Paulo can’t stop, and the replica of Paulista Avenue in SL doesn’t stop... having fun! It always has a cool DJ on command and funny people in the chat. Nova Ilha Brasil (206,167,41)

The girl from Ipanema BOSSA NOVA is a 100% Brazilian island, adored by Europeans and other foreigners, where you can hear the best music from Brazil. A carefully built place that is the headquarters of Concurso Garota de Ipanema (Girl from Ipanema Contest) Cristina Island (68,163,22)

It looks like Miami!

OLIMPO is a charming Island where you can shop and have fun in the parties with many famous Brazilian DJs. Sailor(64,128,22)

AD Choices - Gallery

Cloe Despres “Talk about me?”I just can’t do it!!”

AD Choices - Gallery

Thereaver Barrymore






SL Brazil,

show yourself In an unprecedented initiative, Bad Girls Magazine congregated some Brazilian avatars of diverse origins and activities (both RL and SL) to discuss SL Brazil. Ten important questions, talking about business, relationships, passing by piracy and RPG, had been argued in a relaxed and informal mood, where we could perceive that, yes, there are many good people in SL Brazil, ready to carry out the “second moment� of MLBR, when the virtual universe firmed itself as a present and important reality.

SLBR has now more than 1 year old and many people consider it as a “failed business” because the investors/ brands didn’t have the return that they expected – even knowing that the number of active Brazilian residents is far from negligible. You think that the specialized press sees this question by the wrong focus?

Of course, NASDAQ passed by this: the bubble came and later everything was directed for normality, but it had a depuration in the process. I believe that concerning the SL it will occurs the same thing Archanjo Arcadia: I don’t think that it’s a bubble, but we had the media hype, but I am sure that we’ll experiment stabilization, especially after OpenSim project be fully functional. Zorro Amat:

Zorro Amat: SL & RL enterpriser

I think that the biggest problem is the guarantee of performance. Today we have these questions, but I observed that the tendency is Zorro Amat:

the stabilization in some months ahead. Linden Lab is making a mistake when focus SL as a graphic environment, forgetting that what LL makes is to rent servers. Crys Blachere: Yes, I believe that even with the press referring SL as a business failure, the companies who came here have its flags stand still. MasterRicky Enoch: We also have the technical problem: I’m a University professor and my students’ PCs are not capable of even start SL client. Archanjo Arcadia: The lack of success of the companies owes this failure to marketing strategies badly elaborated, not to the environment itself. Slyborg Slade: If you don’t mind, I would like to make a comment: SL is a new media and it does not have formal techniques for the marketing, but, in my humble opinion in little time metaverse will be so populous like Internet is today. The technology limitations will fade with time. Archanjo Arcadia: And we are part of the group that will help to define these strategies and standardization of knowledge, as Master Ricky and me are trying to make in Educational area.

Lucrecia Slade: And

Class 6 serveare in test. Slyborg Slade: This is a rich interface, as we can see, and gave birth to a thousand possibilities; at

Brazilian creators complain about discrimination after a

the beginning of the commercial Internet in Brazil the process was very similar, was very restricted to a group of “nerds and insane people”… I can say that the SL is today much more than this. Personally my belief in the popularization of this media is not restricted to the Second Life, can be another thing, but something with a format very similar. Archanjo Arcadia: At least beyond nerds and insane people we also have the party people, the journalists, designers… GeorgeI Writer: While Kaizen Games charges in 499 reais (US$ 217,90 in 01/12/2009) for a land of few US$ in Mainland, it will be difficult to stimulate Brazilians to enter in SL and not to leave after one month making camp. Archanjo Arcadia: Making a bad comparison, imagine Pong, that game that was the first one invented that later conquered millions of users. The videogame would not exist without it. MasterRicky Enoch: Yes, Pong was coarse. And we saw the videogame explosion. Archanjo Arcadia: SL is not coarse and conquered more and more people everyday. The process of retaining these people needs a better thinking and planning.

you believe in products created by Brazilian residents or do

robbery of texture occurred last year (2007) but with a disastrous and polemic repercussion that remains today. Do you think that there’s more piracy than original content?

This is serious, but very difficult to finish, because today there are many forms of copying textures, some of them exists inside the SL system itself and are easy to be stolen. In the other hand is very difficult to catch all people who are making piracy. I had objects of mine that was pirated here. Archanjo Arcadia: Well Alyne, exists two types of residents: the ones that creates (like you) and the ones that make piracy. If we are discriminated is because this question not yet totally clarified, or it remains occurring, or the foreigners are bothered with the invasion of the Brazilians in metaverse, as it happened in Orkut. BrunoLisboa Oh: Well, you can just walk around Brazilian islands to be conscious about the huge number of cloned objects of famous brands. But appropriation is an old process in contemporary art. I believe that there are forms of re-invention through the appropriation – that doesn’t mean to clone and sell for 1L a jacket of 800L. I think that our culture is dated a little, by this, an appropriation throughout History. I would like to Marcello Winston:

see this: everything recombined in new signs, not only copied 100% — a Tropicalia of textures. Alyne Dagger: I believe that none of you went to

Crys Blachere: I

can tell you a case. Archanjo Arcadia: So, why this “valuation” of Brazilian cases?

the point that I think is crucial: the accusation was directly and frontal to Brazilians, as if this is a “thing of Brazilians” and I think, modestly, that it is not. Yesterday I was speaking with a person who knows three avatars, owners of copybot, all foreigners. Who created and invented the piracy in SL was not Brazilians, and nor are Brazilians who pirate more. BrunoLisboa Oh: I think that are Brazilians. Crys Blachere: I desagree! Marcello Winston: I don’t have knowledge enough about this, but I see that the piracy schemes are made in a global proportion. BrunoLisboa Oh: Forgive me, but in Brazilian islands is an absurd, you make an inspection and everything is cloned. Alyne Dagger: I already saw cloning in islands of entire world and I think that’s tremendously unfair to say that only Brazilians do this. Zorro Amat: Well, “win a good reputation, and sleep at your ease”, maybe this is it, but Europeans think it’s an absurd what we clone and this hinders the implantation of Brazilian enterprises there. Archanjo Arcadia: One question: do you know other cases of cloning and texture robbery, right?

Alyne Dagger:

In fact, I see more Brazilians accusing Brazilians of this than the opposite, and this is the question that made me to put this issue in discussion. Lucrecia Slade: I want to touch in this point: who is more bothered about it are the Brazilians. GeorgeI Writer: If you make a survey considering the 500 countries who pirates more, nobody will read everything, just the first one. And who is the first one? Alyne Dagger: The first in what sense? BrunoLisboa Oh: The cloning question has a social matrix, too. People don’t have money and clones just to have a brand product, like occur on the streets of great cities. Alyne Dagger: The inventor of the first copybot was not a Brazilian. The idea to steal textures did not come from us. We take all this fame because of an idiot, who made this and made vaunt of it. And I think that we cannot talk about social matrix. Taking in account that the use of SL client requires computer and broad band, this is still above the access of who has a “social problem”. GeorgeI Writer: In SL, do you think that foreigners pirates more than Brazilians? Lucrecia Slade: As much as or maybe more than us.

Debate, at BG Lounge But this is not a problem only in SL, because you can find all this in Internet, outworld and easily. Zorro Amat: Yes, it can be found... Archanjo Arcadia: Who invented GLInterceptor? Brazilians? Lucrecia Slade: Most of court suits about intellectual property are out of Brazil. GeorgeI Writer: Of course, the laws about Internet in Brazil are completely retrograde. Zorro Amat: People, if it is or not piracy, it doesn’t have only to be, it can seem too. Marcello Winston:

What it happens is that sometimes it does not need to copy something, Marcello Winston:

but just remade it in the same way. This is taught in the book about SL itself. Alyne Dagger: The curious thing is that only Brazilians complaints against Brazilians. Zorro Amat: I made contact with a French woman, but she didn’t want to make business with me, because I’m a Brazilian – piracy suspicion. Archanjo Arcadia: I suggest you don’t really make business with this person, because tomorrow the excuse will be another kind of prejudice – race, belief, sexual option. If she discriminates you only for your nationality, don’t have to be worthy to work with you. GeorgeI Writer: I speak ill of Brazil, who not does it?

Alyne Dagger:

I think that every country has its

problems. Crys Blachere: We

have a lot of success in everything we talk about Brazil. GeorgeI Writer: Zorro, do you speak ill of our country? Zorro Amat: Never. Alyne Dagger: I think we must be fair. GeorgeI Writer: You may just watch TV humor shows like Pânico, Zorra Total, Casseta & Planeta* and other ones. What do they take the most of jokes from? Brazil! Archanjo Arcadia: This is part of a bigger project, George, the same that pushes garbage for youth under the music disguise, amongst other things. Alyne Dagger: But I think that the question is that our perception of all this is distorted, we’re bringing for the metaverse a stupid culture of having an “underdog complex”. Alessa Glas: I think that perhaps this coincides with the sudden Brazilian invasion that occurred in SL last year, when we got to be the second country in number of Residents according to SEBRAE*. I think that this copy question passes by a more awareness about copyrights. In long terms this negligence could be harmful for the virtual environment as a whole, and this implies in nobody wanting to create more original products.

Marcello’s affirmation was excellent and, if you allow a suggestion, it can be more explored, as well as Kaizen Games. GeorgeI Writer: The day when a Brazilian will be punished RL for a virtual crime in SL — except pedophilia and fraud —, I promise fireworks for everybody. Marcello Winston: This shirt that I am using was created especially for SL and my intention is to sell it in RL using SL as a virtual point of purchase and my bigger concern is it to be cloned outside SL although it’s already patented. Alyne Dagger: There’s no statistics that proves that the owners of copybots are from a certain country. Marcello Winston: Copybot is openly disposed in the Internet, people, you can just search and you’ll find. But we must be fair: I only see foreigners offering it. Archanjo Arcadia:

Few Brazilian constructors really have the preoccupation in making a SL with a Brazilian style and people reproduces excessively what is seen and consecrated out there. We have a lack of national identity for the Brazilian architecture in the SL?

I’m not an expert about this subject, I am art painter and I already made four expositions in the SL and go to make now the fifth. Crys Blachere: Using the example of the Bossa MasterRicky Enoch:

Nova Club, an Island for ambiance of “Brazilian” Projects, an Island for convergence, we have perceived the great interest of foreigners

Marcello Winston, enterpriser

in knowing better our culture and even the opportunities for our market. Archanjo Arcadia: It is what we are seeking in the Centro Cultural Giramundos. Zorro Amat: The architecture of Brazil reflects the complexity and diversity of our culture. There’s a quarrel between architects on the architecture that could be “acclimatized” to fulfill our climate. I think that this reflects in SL: all this “cultural broth” makes this. Second Life congregate people of diverse nations, beliefs, thoughts. In this environment, is normal the diffusion of determined prejudices and wrong ideas about a group or country. Do you think that Brazilians, in special, have suffered some kind of prejudice or you always are welcome in foreign SIMs?

Crys Blachere: Always

welcome. Zorro Amat: Always welcome. Archanjo Arcadia: I was always welcome and I’m sure that my educational profile and my interests helped on it. Colete Jacobus: I think that this depends a lot. Crys Blachere: I also always went to Mainland to acquire know-how and there I never had

problems. In the contrary: I had much affection and interest and always go the parties out Brazil. Colete Jacobus: Of course there is communication problems et al... GeorgeI Writer: Foreigners are much more receptive than Brazilians. Zorro Amat: My first home in SL was in Venice. Colete Jacobus: But your individual attitude defines a lot the kind of relationship they have with you. But we find a difficulty to dialogue with foreigners, even using translators. Crys Blachere: Here I have had difficulty to feel myself at ease. GeorgeI Writer: The worse thing is BRAZILIANS Marcello Winston:

going to foreign islands and beginning of speak ill of the staff in chat thinking that they do not understand… Alyne Dagger: Marcello got a point: the language barrier. Bronks Diesel: I do not agree that foreigners are more receptive than us. Marcello Winston: The majority of Brazilians don’t like to go to Mainland, not the contrary. Alyne Dagger: I think this is a great difficulty not only for the integration between Brazilians and foreigners, but also to other nationalities. GeorgeI Writer: I don’t speak English very much but I make myself understood in Mainland. Zorro Amat: Once I talked to an Italian that doesn’t speak other language too. That’s the same problem... Marcello Winston: And not welcome kindly, is one or other avatar that makes this. GeorgeI Writer: Once I saw a beautiful church in Germany and wanted to buy, but the creator only spoke German. It was a trouble, but he indicated correctly the store. Zorro Amat: Cool... You had luck. Archanjo Arcadia: You didn’t understand even a “how much”? GeorgeI Writer: I talked: “I querer your church”. Lots of laughs. Alyne Dagger:

I think that this meeting, that has so different people from each other, can serve for this, because the idea to congregate avatars Alyne Dagger:

to discuss SL Brazil is the best form of having a consensus about the diversity that we find in Brazil itself. Archanjo Arcadia: I made this question not only for our interests as well as for the observance of another project, the OpenSim, that it has in a Lucrecia’s friend its greater representative in Brazil. It offered himself to place an (illusive) image of that his metaverse will be in the form of our country. Marcello Winston: But you are forgetting that in all of this we have a fact: the comfort that voice offers — this has a great influence, at least for me that like voice. This makes difficult to chat not to know to speak another language. Just to give you an example: I speak a language with foreigners called “mineirês”, the only way of communication that I have. lol Thundera Rau: Brazilians are not welcome in Mainland. Alyne Dagger: Do you think this, Thundera? You are the only one to say this! Bronks Diesel: But this does not only happen here in SL, but also in other virtual worlds, of online games: we are treated there like we are treated here in SL, because a minority makes so many

griefing that it harms to all — the Brazilians are always the cheaters of the occasion. Thundera Rau: You are wrong, Bronks, those who

avatar doesn’t bought that outfit, they have a group of their customers claiming to report that avatar either.

play by the rules are a minimum. Archanjo Arcadia: The responsible ones are not organized and end to give importance and space for those digital vandals. Bronks Diesel: But I had a serious problem with a foreigner: I was cloned! He was a Spaniard, when I complained about his behavior I had that to hear that he would report me for the Spanish community because I “had disrespected him!” Archanjo Arcadia: If so, you could threaten him doing the same thing for our community. And for the English language: enjoy that you can’t get shotted or busted and burst the hell out! I don’t have any mercy, if I could, I’d aim right at this loser! Bronks Diesel: Just because I told he was cheating, and that isn’t correct, he got hurted! I just have came back from Redgrave to my island, when I arrived a few minutes later, I saw a copy from myself, I thought that were any kind of game bug, but It isn’t: that guy were an exactly copy from myself, from earrings to shoes! What really upset me isn’t the mimic itself, but the fact that I don’t have anyone to get some help or even to do something about it: I denounce that fellow to the Redgrave itself, they can prove that

Alyne Dagger:

You did it good, Bronks. Thundera Rau: Lately I notice those Premium account avatars and land owners get some advantages on reports. Alyne Dagger: Sure they do, Thundera, their priority is not losing who puts money in game. Bronks Diesel: I’m part of these two categories and they haven’t banned that guy yet. One of most SL concerning matter is the given care on loving relationships. Do you think the Brazilians are having had not good relationships in SL? Do you think it is a reflect from a real turmoil or the SL format strengths this kind of issue? Colete Jacobus: I don’t have much to say about it. Archanjo Arcadia: So do I, I just watch the virtual date and marriage hunters, once that I only deploy those activities using my alter-ego avatar. Lucrecia Slade: And your opinion about it, as a researcher in this matter? Alyne Dagger: Everybody put themselves out of the subject! Bronks Diesel: I married in here and I’m married in RL. BrunoLisboa Oh: I think it’s funny. Alyne Dagger: Why it is funny, Bruno?

BrunoLisboa Oh: hmmmmm.

I don’t want to put

myself at risk. Crys Blachere: Guys, it sounds like a taboo issue. Bronks Diesel: Is harsh to please two women sometimes, one is almost impossible, think about two. I tell you: I get involved in a RL relationship. Colete Jacobus: I notice the relationship format is pretty very based on a soup opera kind relationship. Marcello Winston: I won’t express my opinion here because you’ll call me nuts! Alyne Dagger: I think you MUST express yourself, Marcello, even because I know your opinion and I think it interesting. Thundera Rau: My SL relationship was very near a RL relationship, I think it is because is working fine, it had all the steps, without jump any of them. Archanjo Arcadia: Well, I think, as an only quick overview on your species, the environment strengths the virtual relationship development, highly because the avatars graphical quality, in a fair and understandable making out development in prominence chats, balls action and some other things of this kind. BrunoLisboa Oh: I think the SL relationships resemble movies and soup operas scripts, the people like a drama. I think a romantic fitting

BrunoLisboa Oh: defending Brazilian Culture in SL

behavior is already settled. Isn’t a coincidence we see in some SL places signs like “NO DRAMA ENFORCED AREA!” Zorro Amat: I think the platform is a big laboratory… Archanjo Arcadia: Indeed. Colete Jacobus: No doubt about it! Crys Blachere: I love to know the affairs here. Bronks Diesel: I

think with the technology growth, these relations will become each more RL. Archanjo Arcadia: At the moment it has a reality and sensorial boost as Matrix, I’d rent my body as a battery and move in SL.

Thundera Rau: All

depends the way you face a SL relationship and your RL situation, the big problem is the person already married in RL wants to pay as a bachelor(ete) in SL. Bronks Diesel: We already have helmets in USA which people control your avatars, really it is important, by thinking soon we’ll touch each other in here and feel even each other temperature and smell. Colete Jacobus: If you are a RL single you have a higher chance to live something more intense. Crys Blachere: Sure! Colete, I’m in! BrunoLisboa Oh: I only know that I don’t want a doll attached at me, ooops, at my doll. Bronks Diesel: These things aren’t afar. Thundera Rau: Eventually will be off. Alyne Dagger: But a lot of times, the person is here to get some space from marriage. BrunoLisboa Oh: The relationships have children, doesn’t? SL is crowding with pregnant. I never saw so many in only one season. Alyne Dagger: The day you see me pregnant in SL, kick it off! Thundera Rau: My SL daughter born this week. Colete Jacobus: This

is really awkward. Bronks Diesel: The 30 year old female public, not everyone, has a great RL needy they try to fulfill in here. Marcello Winston: I’m totally against it!

Crys Blachere: Not

about marriage, but lives something intense! Colete Jacobus: Indeed! Myself for instance, I log in to get some time to myself, here I have an opportunity to be alone, if it is really possible! Why Marcello is the discussion subject? Thundera Rau: Just with 1 million more people around? Colete Jacobus: There are other people looking for it as well. It’s related to age, age group. Marcello Wiston: Listen, be in a relationship in SL, since with a special one, I think it’s great and I have anything against it, but really, marrying in here, and mostly, having children, this is too much fantasy. Archanjo Arcadia: Usually, people come here searching for another one with same interests, besides, sure (and it’s our case), planned projects. BrunoLisboa Oh: I search for some kind of focus to do things, and then I complain about being alone. A total mess. Thundera Rau: I disagree with Marcello, there’s a happy medium for anything. Alyne Dagger: Disagree Thundera, why? Bronks Diesel: People marry more often here than RL, because to split is easier. Lucrecia Slade: A split only costs L$ 25 XD. Marcello Winston: Man, how could a RL married person marries here in SL?

Thundera Rau: If

you have a RL relationship, you must be single and just enjoy the game. Marcello Winston: Agree.

switch partners at weekends, there’s the swing clubs spreading all around. Bronks Diesel: At the end, I use MSN or Skype

BrunoLisboa Oh: I

video to date, I don’t date by avatars. Thundera Rau: But the ones who falling in love for the avatar and date on balls, sorry, but they are losers, you have to use the avatar for interchanging. Slyborg Slade: A lot of people know your partners have someone else, and swallow it, and even enjoy it. It depends for each one. Bronks Diesel: In some point even the avatar gets hot, hard to split it. Alyne Dagger: I think there are several possible relations in SL. Archanjo Arcadia: Swing clubs are conspicuous practice schools, very useful for a great part of couples that lives underneath Christian’s dogma. Thundera Rau: Dates get hot on MSN. Slyborg Slade: Here in SL people are more superficial, OR they don’t! Bronks Diesel: I already dream about myself, as if I’d the doll inside SL. BrunoLisboa Oh: Guys, a private life comedy already, doesn’t? Alyne Dagger: But, really, I have a “boyfriend” in SL due the companion, there is not a real engagement between us, and we talk a lot about it, it is much discussed.

met my girlfriend here, but I don’t do date her doll here. Thundera Rau: But if both are RL singles, why they can’t try go further? Bronks Diesel: But very often, who is already married in RL and gets involved in here is because have not a good RL relationship. Thudera Rau: Sure don’t. Alyne Dagger: But I believe both Marcello and Thundera describe different scenarios. Marcello Winston: We have lower bills to pay here, it is the best thing, because if we have credit cards I doubt someone would dare to marry also here. Thundera Rau: You marry in SL, then you “falling in love” for the person behind the avatar. Bronks Diesel: Avatars doesn’t get any old, sick, hunger, headaches. BrunoLisboa Oh: Well, I only think it is boring making out on a ball. Bronks Diesel: I make out using voice chat. Thundera Rau: Would be some kind of pledge, meaning something else is happening in RL. Slyborg Slade: Everything is relative people. A lot of people have solid marriages in RL and have affairs, A LOT OF people understands that as usual. A lot of people think is usual be marry and

BrunoLisboa Oh: Sure,

Alyne, mindful. Thundera Rau: But Alyne, you’re RL committed, you’d not even think about something else in SL, unless work. Alyne Dagger: Yes,

I am, but see Thundera, as I said, there is no RL engagement further than a great friendship, he is a metaverse companion, and there is no sex. Slyborg Slade: What is right and what is wrong is a personal matter such as a decision to be blond, black or a dragon. On my way of thinking, the SL is here as a freedom way, and this is granted by SL roles not for nothing. Colete Jacobus: I think as the same! Everyone cares for his/her own. Colete Jacobus: These things are pretty conditional, and each relationship has its own traits. Slyborg Slade: Right

Colete, each one tells your rules, but what must be CLEAR is those rules can’t be hidden or false. Thundera Rau: Is pretty conditional, it takes each one role. Colete Jacobus: I don’t judge anyone here because that. Bronks Diesel: Guys,

with the time we spent logged in every day, talk about it is SL, the SL here is everything but us: we are RL. Colete Jacobus: I presume, each relationship has its own rules, sure.

Slyborg Slade: SL is the future plataform of internet Marcello Winston: Listen,

the problem is we live here in a world totally open to everything, allowing you to do anything and fulfill some wishes or fantasies which you couldn’t do in RL, this is the point which anyone of us here is searching for. Thundera Rau: Like every RL/SL relationship, which can’t be is deception. Bronks Diesel: But I believe in some point we’ll have sex in here with a lot of reality and sensations. Slyborg Slade: I have rules for me and have any for my partner, it isn’t cool… As you said, I can’t

wish be here on my own and force others to follow my way of thinking. Marcello Winston: As far as I know, the SL webcam

Alyne Dagger: This is true.

project is already set for the next year. Archanjo Arcadia: Bronks, at the day that happens to me, I drop everything and open a whorehouse. Marcello Winston: So, I’d tell a serious thing: my RL plays SL as well. Bronks Diesel: Guys, if there’s people who does booty calls and have sex by phone, this practice in here is a way better. I’m from a family which I can tell we sold pleasure our whole life, since my grandfather. Slyborg Slade: My RL partner knows (and is acquainted of) my SL partner!!! Zorro Amat: Guys, think about it: an avatar is a temporal entity transferable process. Marcello Winston: We have nightclubs and people are sex needy and insecure by themselves. Slyborg Slade: Sure, but needy is too far away from this. Colete Jacobus: Sure it is. Bronks Diesel:I already saw so many scary things here. Thundera Rau: I don’t think it is about sex but really partnership. Marcello Winston: Bronks, I have a serious explanation: there are people who are really problematic in RL.

started to only live in SL. Thundera Rau: What I also notice, here people only show their good side, the rest is hidden. Slyborg Slade: In my opinion, problematic people in RL will be problematic in SL, but in a different way. Bronks Diesel: Always, LOL! Colete Jacobus: So am I! Slyborg Slade: No one can keep a balanced relationship for long, if the person isn’t balanced. Bronks Diesel: But during the time living together, there is no way to hide it. Colete Jacobus: The complications always show up! Bronks Diesel: Our weaknesses, we show them by our actions.

Marcello Winston: They don’t know themselves in RL,

but in SL. This is a little complicated, because they

Colete Jacobus: Even

with an avatar. Marcello Winston: No measured words, I think there is a lot of people taking advantage from RL problematic people, regardless, sorry to say it, here in afternoon just have married woman looking for sex. Slyborg Slade: And let’s understand that at least IN SL (restricted only to SL) which happen is a simultaneous jerked off action. LOL Thundera Rau: May I talk a little about myself? About my expertise regarding the subject. I could talk about several couples which meet SL

and today are very well at RL together, living at the same home. Slyborg Slade: I know some.

arrangements, we’ll move to RL, I’m RL single as she is. Alyne Dagger: Yes, and I believe this was the

Colete Jacobus: I

determinant to enhance your relationship, Thundera, but there is people who suffer, cry and have their hearts crashed, dating ONLY in SL, not even meet the real person, and I think this very complex. Colete Jacobus: But tell me a thing, Thundera: have you actually met her? I mean in RL? Thundera Rau: Not yet, only webcam. Alyne Dagger: Thundera and Nika has 5000 km between them. Colete Jacobus: So, looks like this is a regular problem here. Thundera Rau: But I already met parents, daughter, aunt, parrot, etc… even the brother who lives in Japan talk to me more than her. Slyborg Slade: This is my second SL marriage, my first marriage comes after a friendship which, after eight months, became a love relationship, two months after we marry. She were also marry in RL and her husband plays as well and were ALSO married here. The interesting part is, he began to think we break some limit (which he didn’t explain what limit were) and forbidden us to be together, and then my first SL marriage ends... LOL Bronks Diesel: My SL wife have been through a

know few. Thundera Rau: When I told my SL relationship were very similar RL’s, and it was indeed, at the beginning there were all this conquer issues, after eight month together, we marry: I said eight month, it was different from those who marry after a week. Bronks Diesel: So, I’m nuts! Alyne Dagger: But this shows which kind of relationship you both were looking for, Thundera. Archanjo Arcadia: I know this student of mine, who met a girl here, then webcam, dated her, merry her here and now thinks to go to South Region to be with her. Note: these two never met actually, doesn’t happen a make out, these kind of stuff. Do you think it’ll work out? last week I break him asking if he already had a job at South Region, he just said: so… Thundera Rau: After two month married, we gave birth to this beautiful “daughter” in SL, it was a way to seal an agreement to go further, to bring this relationship to RL. Bronks Diesel: My case is similar with you have told Archanjo. Thundera Rau: We have been together 10/11 months, after a lot of discuss, a lot of

among foreigners, I’m always on Dreamland regions, I think it is the biggest condos after LL. Alyne Dagger: Aff, Colete, are you a gossip girl? Watching the chat? Slyborg Slade: People don’t behave in SL like they do in RL, the problem is, in SL the neighborhood is smaller… and things are CLEARER. SL as a Role Play Game environment pleased especially the Brazilians, even more than economics and creative

Thundera Rau and Nikavet Mayo – SL and RL together for one year big problem, because she is from São Paulo and her husband wants to know why the reason she’s talking like Minas Gerais people, after hear me for so long, she gets my accent. And I call my wife the other day. Lucrecia Slade: People behave well or not in SL, even are they Brazilian or foreign people? Thundera Rau: No Alyne Dagger: I believe it is impossible to judge. Bronks Diesel: So am I, because each case and each person have its/their particular issues. Thundera Rau: I have saw almost everything in SL. Colete Jacobus: Look, I don’t have how to measure that, but I can see by chat from my region that have a lot of bad issues happen

possibilities. Do you think this trend came by the disappointment with SL as a way to make profit, or the Brazilian is actually charmed by the possibilities the Role Play can offer in the SL environment?

Depending on the point of view, I think everyone here knows that for me, SL is a business, I came here to make money, and some already play RPG in their RLs, and SL was becoming tedious, only not so well prepared parties and stay home with friends; backing to foreigners hostility to Brazilian people: I spent three months trying to convince a foreigner girl to release the system to me, and she always told me the Brazilians doesn’t respect anyone and even less are used to follow rules, it was hard, but I finally did it: Today, Tribo Brasil is the #1 island in CCS at SL, and we are already known as an RPG remarkable island, following the rules. Thundera Rau:

Alyne Dagger:

And this is a really positive point,

Thundera Archanjo Arcadia:

Well, by my 20 years RPG

experience, I can say SL is allowing a RP environment and characters view in an approach near that we used to have on board game back years. I take part in a meeting which avatars were all characterized around a boulevard and used the chat to describe their actions. Thundera Rau: for some people, RPG is really fun, they are people who get tired with the mediocre SL life, today, I can’t see SL without RPG Colete Jacobus: It is funny, what could be this mediocre SL life? Thundera Rau: Party... party... party... Colete Jacobus: Ohhhh, ok, you are referring to a stereotype and such. Thundera Rau: Is 80%, the 20% left is always looking for something else or a new fun, or a new job, a new way to make money. Colete Jacobus: Right. Thundera Rau: Try to spent a month going to parties and going back home. Colete Jacobus: I think fewer SL possibilities were explored. Alyne Dagger: I think Colete say it all, it’s only the beginning, actually. Thundera Rau: Yeah, yeah, and SL gives opportunities to everyone.

Colete Jacobus: That’s

it. Thundera Rau: Everything you want, here you can, and at least, I speak for myself. Colete Jacobus: This

is the thing that charms me the most, however, astonishes me when I see this template curbing in party, party, and only party. Alyne Dagger: (Your world. Your imagination.) Thundera Rau: I never spent a penny here, absolutely nothing, today I have five islands. Archanjo Arcadia: Because this profile, I take long time to meet people from Rio de Janeiro in SL, because I never went to parties, the first people from Rio de Janeiro I met were in the moment the pity Kaizen released that joke calls Copacabana. Lucrecia Slade: There is some people could probably need “get drunk”. Alyne Dagger: Gosh! Thundera Rau: No one deserves Copa. Lucrecia Slade: Kitschcabana? Archanjo Arcadia: Really… Alyne Dagger: There is people who stay there standing still until now. Colete Jacobus: That it is, it is one of the Brazilian SL enigmatic things, Archanjo. Archanjo Arcadia: This is calling anything else, but I rather not to comment, as said by the glorious Copélia.

Colete Jacobus: Why

it doesn’t work? Archanjo Arcadia: I don’t think it is so enigmatic, I think the problem were the bad management

Colete Jacobus: That

is it: let me tell you a thing fellow, my previous SIM were aside an old RPG, at Brunswick, The Star Wars, and the people

and because IG invested around a thousand bucks in this, and it took a huge sever. Bad management and a misunderstanding lack. Lucrecia Slade: Bad management and metaverse modus operandi fully acknowledgements lack. Colete Jacobus: I want to ask Thundera: Why don’t you make a RPG with a subject more Brazilian? Don’t we have an interesting thing to place in a RPG format? Bronks Diesel: I think about something more like bandeirantes, Amazon forest. Thundera Rau: Sadly, at Brazil the literature to build a typical Brazilian RPG is weak, I believe.

there used to love went to Okatu to play, used to have a lot of aliens and them used to tell me they love and such, and why don’t develop something, etc. Alyne Dagger: I think this could start from a new RPG role for Brazil. Lucrecia Slade: Okatu is the most known Brazilian project among foreigners. Thundera Rau: I would love it, but I swear that I don’t even know how to start a Brazilian RPG. Lucrecia Slade: There is only one way: to read. Alyne Dagger: Turn SL off a little and login a good book sometimes is required.

Can Brazil add in some way to develop an enhanced SL in

Archanjo Arcadia: But we are right: have you noticed

the future? How?

the lot of things we paid and have a poor quality? Look at the broadband, for example.

Colete Jacobus: OF COURSE! Colete Jacobus: IT JUST

Slyborg Slade: I really believe in the purposes

CAN! (sorry for the cries!) Thundera Rau: Sure it does, and I’m hoping for this boom. Thundera Rau: SL at Brazil is still less disclosed, just for you to know, from my city, I only know four people. Colete Jacobus: I think had to have more investments at the operational orienting, as such, I could brought more people here, interesting in doing things with me here, but they’re people who doesn’t have appropriate machines and connection. Thundera Rau: In a LL opinion poll I spoke about it: we need Portuguese support.

united. The creation of a dealers and builders “representative enmity” would help to enhance the Brazil image in other islands. I’m not a blind supporter, but I believe it’s relevant preserving islands such as Recife or RJ, taking events seriously. Colete Jacobus: I think is fundamental to look at SL also as a powerful tool for education, knowledge production, taking apart this management & business & marketing circuit. All this is important, no doubt on that, but SL and what it represents regarding Internet 2.0 and 3D doesn’t resume only on this. But, for us to be successful is required attract the right audience, I mean, bring to Brazilian SL, people and groups, including researchers would be seriously involved with the subject to make cultural and intellectual content for Internet and from it. As we don’t have this kind of audience, is really problematic change the dominant adventurous ethos. Regarding the “others”, I would say what differs us from them isn’t our “bad behavior”. The “others” also behave bad and do awful things in SL. The main difference between us is they actually can bring together in SL different kinds of audience, further to other activities and objectives, including cultural ones.

Archanjo Arcadia: In my opinion, which will make SL

be more known here in Brazil is the project Open Sim make through and begin to be deployed in several places, INTEGRATED for SL. Colete Jacobus: Maybe, but if is something would demand equipment and connection, we’ll stuck in these things. Thundera Rau: But, in other hand, there is that catch, Brazilians want everything for free. Archanjo Arcadia: When this keep growing to become a 3D Internet, then the thing will happen. Colete Jacobus: Could be


Bad girls have good friends!

Being a partner of BGs is cool, and for it you just must have our totem in your event/ store/island. IM us, take your totem and have a good discount advertising in the mag!

Check out the agenda of the places and sites that support BG Mag.

caos comunicação Caos Village, Tsering (187, 34, 94)

Caos Comunicação and Alt Mídia Alternativa, agencies from South of Brazil, announce the launching of the project Ilha Serra Gaúcha Brasil. The project has already defined its touristic places and natural beauties that will be represented in the virtual universe, showing the culture and attractions of the mountain region of Rio Grande do Sul in Second Life. Besides, there will be special projects for the public of metaverse that will include culture, information and entertainment.

cineclube alexandria

Ponta da Praia (121, 171, 24) Join the group of people who like animation movies and watch the best productions of the world. Now the Cine is in a new address, at Ponta da Praia, with a special season: BATMAN! See animes of incredible stories about Gotham’s Knight.

universidade brasil virtual

Vestibular Brasil W (223, 210, 22)

It’s a University space for art, culture, RPG, games, design and much more. The space dedicated to Design, in a skybox, was opened with the beginning of the first courses. A space for music was opened and the lovers of jazz and good music will be delighted with a beautiful jam session in a very pleasant place. Go there! AVATAR JAZZ LOUNGE, Fortes Perez Cultural (212, 125, 31)

a.c. store

Ethereal Sanctuary (180, 68, 24) North Halsted (235, 68, 22) Kmadd Enterprise (130, 91, 26) Village Brasil Shopping (102, 136, 33) Design, creativity, daring and extreme quality — this is a.C. Store by CheerNo Destiny. Join the store group and be updated about the new releases.

hippie market Sled (182, 73, 93)

Clothes, jeans, skins and colorful accessories of the 70’s!

samba brazil

Ponta da Praia (59, 47, 22) The Brazilian Carnival and folk store has clothes and accessories for Brazilian traditional parties and not so traditional occasions‌ XD

tribo brasil

Tribo Brasil (127, 90, 511) It’s a place for a post apocalyptical RPG where humans, lycans, vampires, supernaturals, nekos, angels and demons fight for the supremacy. Besides, you can rent your store in an island with an excellent traffic. Join the group and live great adventures!

happy clam

Happy Clam Island (127, 127, 32) Sustainability, modernity, creativity — this is the less to describe the delicious Happy Clam Island, where live presentations, expositions, stores and the most acclaimed techno parties happens.

Bad Girl of the Month

Mecca Merosi Artist and photographer Single


Good Guy of the Month

Zen surfism Maltz Lannock

Inspector of Nature XD Single

Lucrecia goes shopping


ARA or how to discover how foreigners take our country as inspiration Photos and research: Lucrecia Slade

SAARA (or, in Portuguese, Society of Friends for Alfândega Street and its Adjacency) is a very Carioca and Brazilian symbol of our pacific sociability. The most famous quarter for popular commerce of Rio de Janeiro – considered the biggest outdoor shopping of Latin America – join Portuguese, Jew, Arab, Spanish, Chinese, Korean people and all nationalities that want to be there, since XVII century. Everything you could imagine is offered there, in its crowded and narrow streets. To be in this mood, I dressed my jeans shorts, t-shirt and flip flops and went to Mainland, searching for foreign stores inspired in Brazil – this unknown continental giant. In the following you’ll see a list of cool things that I found. Have fun with products inspired in our country.

No, you’re not dreaming. BOPE, the Brazilian SWAT team, is on a… American tiny furry avatar store! Properly dressing a bulldog av, he looses a little of his aggressiveness and becomes so sweet! And the bunny showgirl is sweet too in her green and yellow Carnival costume.

*** Tingle Tiny Main Store ***, Haven Shire (236, 148, 23)

In a time of worldwide financial crisis, what’s the German sploder? Yesss!! A garoupa fish! The fish that decorate our dear (and rare) 100 reais bill is there, with the only script allowed by Linden Lab!

!!**A.P. Design Gesture Sploders, Imperial Island (185, 175, 22)

Alexandrite is one of the most expensive gemstones in the world. It’s found in two places: Ural Mounts, in Russia, and… Minas Gerais, in the center of Brazil! This Victorian brooch has models with various Brazilian gemstones, like citrine, alexandrite, and emerald. Be like foreigners, use gemstone of RICH people! XD

The Perfect Gift Jewelry Crown M, Learning Pond (114, 215, 24) Talking about stones, these wind bells comes with genuine Brazilian stones as agate, pink quartz, and even moon stone. It’s mystic, finely made and with realistic sound script.

EarthStones Jewelry :: Main Stor, EarthBound (80, 131, 28)

Are you proud of your country? Well, people in Mainland like so much our rhythm and swing. Show your joy in the parties with the “Eu sou brasileiro” (I’m Brazilian) script, made by an American that likes parties and fun. Spread our flag, hearts and so muuuuch green and yellow!

! Electric Pixels - Particles Sh, Caso Milo (192, 115, 134)

Ok, not everyone has money or ability to build the Rio de Janeiro landscape in front yard. For these people, I found the Rio de Janeiro Loft, a skybox with a picture of Sugar Loaf and Guanabara Bay strategically positioned in your home.

Virtual Textures & Prefabs, Henrietta (75, 109, 140) This is a gesture with a samba mood. But people must write “Festa”, not “Fiesta!” in the chat, for we speak Portuguese, not Spanish. It’s very common to make this confusion, because the two languages resemble too much. But, for some Brazilians (and for some Spanish spoken people too), this is an unforgivable sin! XD

Liz Yates, Liz 1300 + Gestures & Fun Gifts Cards Animated Cuties Huds, Coconuts (115, 76, 35)

The gaucho way of living is represented in this store, and the mate cuia (bow) comes with a package of the mate herb. Is this a reflex of international crisis, to supply a refill??? XD

Sikania, Vanilla Isle (199, 32, 22)

We cannot sail over the open sea, as it was once, in the SL beginning. Pity‌ This jangada, inspired in the Bahia traditional fishing boat, could be a great way to do it!

Starboards Shopping Mall, Hollywood (79, 97, 22)

Well, yes, this is male underwear with the Brazilian flag. Boys, who want to be the first to wear? And one more detail: it’s a thong in its back. XD

Provincetown Development Authority, The Courtyard Shoppes -at- Commercial Street, Provincetown (81, 77, 29)

This is a beautiful Brazil t-shirt! But why BASEBALL? Our national sport is soccer! =D

Rosslyn Town, Rosslyn (176, 141, 57)

Profilel/ Cheerno Destiny What do you like more in SL?

The thing that most amaze me is the diversity of culture and people is incredible how thousands of people, dozens of languages understand each other, this is wonderful. But my favorite hobby is to reinvent the virtual man. I love to rewrite the male fashion through my creations, is a challenge to go beyond boundaries and surpass myself every moment. What do you hate more (more than lag and crash)?

The copybots… OMG how can exist so awful thing in the world and worst, how can many people robber with no shame at all and doesn’t have effective punishment for this. Copybots make me sleepless, but they don’t make me give up, I still believe in people with good values. Rezzday:


Now, your store is at a new locate, Costa Rica. Talk more about the reasons that motivate this move and

How and Why came you here?

which plans for the brand, one of the 10 SL most

I was presented to Second Life by a University

important brands considered.

colleague. He begun to play and was enchanted by virtual world. So, because he knows that I always liked graphic design, he insisted very much that I must begin to play. Since then, I became a virtual Resident. =P

Well, as Jobim used to say during dictatorship, “the best move for Brazil is the Airport”, the best move for responsibility lack is commitment. Costa Rica welcome us very well, is one of the best SL States and the number 1 regarding administration. A.C Store grows each day more,

this is an awesome picture, we are finishing to set details up for our first women collection at same time discussing again about modern men does not live only wearing jeans and knit shirt, we does not want only food, but also be sexy, handsome and refreshing. You are also involved with Garota de Ipanema project. Talk about your involvement and how this took its place.

I had been very satisfied with the event organization team invitation, it’s a great pleasure also because I will be the designer to immortalize the evermore Ipanema girl, Helô Pinheiro. The contact was set up by Atillas Joszpe, he had introduced me to the team, although other people indicated me. Is a huge pleasure for me, take part in so great project. Favorite places?

Besides to spent most of my time at A.C Studio, I love to wandering by SL, and one of the places I want to go more is the Garden of Da Vinci, Cisco (115, 89, 120), it’s a humble and small place, but very tasteful. I also like to go to Aquarius Isle (125, 140, 20) which is a GLS island inside SL which I have partnership, is a good place for dancing, all Sundays there is DJ Barbara and DJ Bernardo, they rock the sound.

Do you have favorite people at SL?

Oh yes, I do have people that I love here, but talk about them is a little tricky, because they are so many and I’m afraid to forget someone’s name, but I’ll talk about the number 1 person, is Deko, my boyfriend; a wonderful person and companion, both SL and RL. At SL, he always was with me, supporting me, assisting with items production, research, etc. At RL is a luck person, due he has a wonderful and considerable mother, very committed, honest and loving. We don’t miss a day without talk to each other, even for a few minutes, but we are always together, both SL and RL as much as possible. Your message for our supporters:

Victory came from effort; after everything I’ve been trough to be here, I can say I am a Brazilian who boasts carrying in his heart the Green and Yellow flag. Today, I’m very happy not because I’m among the very best in SL, but actually to be a Brazilian among them. So, do always your best here, not only with you, but along people beside you, because I have learn the world turn a thousand times and the dishonest ones will gradually losing themselves, but fighters will be always in run.

Profile/Crys Blachere What do you like more in SL?

The fantasy, interaction, creativity, breakthrough, glamour, “after all, everyone here are what they would like to be”. What do you hate more (more than lag and crash)?

The real people character lack recurrence in a more exaggerated way, these people who puppet their wonderful avatars. Outside a nice guitar… but inside!!! You, alongside with your partner, Zorro Amat, are in the head of the Garota de Ipanema project. Talk about how this project starts, and which are your expectations for it.

How and Why came you here?

My first job was make content and develop two Islands for Ops! Alcântara Machado Publicidade Virtual, released at December 2007, at Espaço Artefacto RL and SL. Many other brands could be recognized with their store or brands reproduction at Complexo Alligator 56 and 57. After this first big job, which lasts one year, Crys Blachere become a signature inside the events in world.

The Garota de Ipanema, which symbol is already mythical, lies on people’s minds with all magic made by the music which recognized it. Therefore, nothing better than make a pageant to elect the Garota de Ipanema 2008, especially at the time for the Bossa Nova 50 years old celebration. The pageant will be realized by a final decision between ten female avatars candidates, which were previously chosen after a big assortment, at four Kaizen/iG MLBR islands, with about 260 thousand m², especially set up for it, after three

semi-finals with ten candidates as well. This assortment process will hugely involve all the Second Life Islands community, these

futurist “fable” about a fully organized society, ordered by a rank scientific system. Years later, I went to the movies and watch

islands both, national and international. The awards committee will be formed by people who knows the subject and, at final, for known celebrities. The prizes will be attractive for the competitors and will be press advisory services both, “in world” and RL (REAL LIFE). Will be a website to follow everything, in a multiplatform concept, might have a webcast at the finals. All this process will last about 90 days, the finals forecast to November end.

a science fiction movie, at some point in the movie, one of the actors astonished said loudly: “It’s the brave new world!”, a clear reference to Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”. The movie, “Hollow Man” is about a scientist pool financial helped by United States government, they were running genetics experiments focusing on make live beings invisible, trough a cellular decomposition process. The main actor performs the experiment in himself and his personality changes, or better saying, the flaws characteristics bloom and enslave him. By this point, a lot of atrocities happen. My appealing message for SL residents is in order to, even we are invisible behind our avatars, we doesn’t need to let our wicked feelings bloom and enslave us. Let’s really enjoy this Brave New World, enhancing ourselves and, in this way, build up our second life in a placid, harmonious and respectful environment.

Favorite places?

Many, but beside our Bossa Nova Club, which become the more willingly for those who enjoy good music and a good chat, I like to dance best and broad up my horizons. Do you have favorite people at SL?

Yes, a lot of special people. Your message for our supporters:

I was forced to read at my school time, long ago ^^, the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, written in 1931, which is a

Kisses to all Crys Blachere

MORE portug foreigner SPEAKER

Bad Girls Presents

Opa*, Noobies! Today we have to show you some cultural differences between Brazil and mostly of North Hemisphere countries, specially the English spoken. We think you have to know why Valentine’s day doesn’t means nothing to us and how we celebrate the Christmas without snow and in temperatures near 40° Celsius (104° F - I have a conversor, hahaha!). *Opa is a Brazilian expression you can use for many things, like say hello or ops! It can used to express good or bad things, like many in Brazilian portuguese

Vão para o Halloween, gatinhas????¹


Normally, we never celebrated the Halloween. But some years ago, they started to celebrate it in English schools. And now we have few parties, but some people hate the idea. Not us, the bad girls, we are just illustrating it to you. ¹Hey, girls, are you going to a Halloween Party? ² Literally: “Halloween is a stick”, and yes, Stick means exactly what you think it is!

guese LESSONS for RS in Brazilian SIMs (I am almost used with this awful title, people...)

Feliz Natal! Aqui está quarenta graus!1

Feliz Natal! Estou congelando aqui!2

Christmas in Brazil is in the beginning of Summer. So the normal is to have a temperature between 30ºC and 40ºC (104ºF). So, if you have a Brazilian partner get ready to hear “It is hot here” when you are freezing like an ice cream... 1 Merry Christmas! It is fourty degrees Celsius here! 2 Merry Christmas! I am freezing here!

Feliz Ano Novo!!!1 Com você de preto? É RUIM!2

A typical New Year’s Eve in Brazilian style has everybody dressed in white. Yes, it is a superstition, we believe if the person uses black will have bad luck all year. Yes, now you know why you broke your leg that year you went to the New Year’s party dressed in black! 1 Happy New Year! 2 With you dressed in black? NO WAY!

Let the sunshine in!

The Alyne Dagger’s Hippie Market Sled/185/77/96

Alyne Dagger Comments

Human being is an animal, even made of pixels. We went to the wild places of SL and watch close the most bizarre species of metaverse. This is the report of an expedition called...

Animal Planet The Wild Life of Second Life

Alyne Dagger Comenta

Species: The Intellectual Tapir (Myselfis Agenius) This quadruped gifted with an extraordinary ability for keyboarding has the belief of knowing everything about Second Life, motivated by its compulsive habit of reading all blogs and notices about the metaverse. The problem is that its capacity of reading is inversely proportional to its ability of understanding, that leads this species to the strange habit of become involved in sterile discussions with others of its own, where everybody talks too much and nobody understands anything. Unfortunately, this animal became a plague, reproducing spontaneously for all habitats in an incredible speed.

Species: The Insatiable Predator (Annexus Erectus) This species belongs to the phylum Scroundelata, and is a worshipper of its own sexual attachment and truly believes that all and every specimen of opposite sex is dying for going to some sex bed with him. Most part of time he copulates with the Insatiable Bitch, its female partner, but a lot of times he become attracted by a female of Ladi Di species and conceal a voodoo baby, that doesn’t know who’s its father. It doesn’t get to cultivate monogamy habits for more than two weeks.

Species: The Lady Di Bird (Naivis Romanticus) This well known bird has a notorious sad chant (I’m-illmarried-I’m-ill-loved) and its habitat covers all places in SL, always searching for its male counterpart, the rarest Prince Charming (that is, for most scholars, completely extinct). Gifted with an impressive emotional myopia, the Lady Di Bird thinks that every male that smiles to her is “beautiful outside and inside’. It’s not necessary to say that it’s the main victim of Insatiable Predators that camouflage themselves as the Prince Charming Bird just to devour the little Lady Di. Unfortunately, this species is responsible too for the voodoo baby boom in SL.

Species: Muscle Gorilla (Rudes Ridiculus) This terminator of shapes is more like the crossover of Ghost Busters’ Marshmallow Man and a Mister Universe out of shape. It thinks himself as the male at the top of food chain, and has the habit of dancing in minimum swim suits at parties and talk pearls like “Do you always come here?” or “You dance very well!” in front of the cheapest caramel animation. Despite all, it always gets to capture someone, mainly newbies and Voice’s Parrots.

Alyne Dagger Comments

Species: The Bore Bat (Sanguinius Dullis) This species has its habitat in RPG lands and always wants to bite someone or begin a clan. For the non-initiated, its talking is as interesting as a conference about the corporative possibilities of Second Life and he looks more like Coffin Joe’s poorest cousin. Don’t ask him about the numbers and codes over his head if you don’t want to hear an explanation of nearly two hours about DCS, CCS or other combat system.

Species: The Voice’s Parrot (Noshutits Mouth) It’s difficult to define what the worst thing this noxious species has: the uncivilized behavior, the displeasing elevated volume, the stridency, or the disrespect for the other’s tranquility. The Parrot uses the voice for evil and has no fear of using it. This species is often taken by mistake for the Intellectual Tapir. The difference is that the Parrot has a lack of brain, so it can’t be defined as “intellectual”.

Species: The Bling Horse (Tooshine Equinus) Visible from space for its colossal height and the quantity of blings and shininess that emits, this female of limited intelligence is the perfect pair for the Muscle Gorilla, for its affinity of (bad) taste. Easily take by mistake for a light post with butts (by the way, too MUCH butts), the Bling Horse can be found in any party where DJ plays vulgar songs, and people floods too much the chat. The only difference between her and Christmas lights is that the lights sometimes turn off.

Species: The Insatiable Bitch (Caninus Vagabus) They are so abundant that’s practically impossible not to find at least one of them in a party. As uncivilized as the Voice’s Parrots, as shining as the Bling Horses, and gifted with promiscuous sexual habits, the Bitches are always after the next victim. Attention: they are carnivore and have an insatiable appetite.

Alyne Dagger


The page of Linden section all white??? Yes, is to show the cute buddypokes, the new Orkut mania, of some friends

Blair Drevnerussky complained because she was out of the birthday mag list at last Linden! I’m so sorry!!! And here it is your poke singing a lot, my friend!!!

Cute-cute is the poke of my dear Mohican Aloprado Beck, playing soccer, while Yasmin Nurmi take a ride in her neko style.

Giselle Trevellion makes a sweet poke, waiting for someone with a rose!

Kyliam Lane, a guitar hero!!!

This is the “ultimate fighter” poke of a missed friend, Ayslan Carfagno. I miss you so much!!!

Heart to heart, Thundera Rau and Nikavet Mayo – love is all you need!

If I forget Marcello Winston I gonna suffer one month of complaints… And he’s better when he’s so happy!

And finally, Lucrecia and me taking a ride. Next month there will be more Linden, people!

Here it is a new episode of the endless saga “How to destroy beautiful shape and skin”. You can’t use this tattoo and a hairy chest without resemble a fashion werewolf. And with my grandpa’s pants and a female dance… My solar plexus is aching!

Alyne Dagger

LAG Someone can call these rotten clothes flexi skirt? Too much butt for so few skirt...

Some newbies are endless fun for granted. See this perverted av that landed someday at Caos Village. Do we need to comment anything?

The lady at right, with this PVC film clothes (with serious problems in the sewing) had in her profile the following: “I’m closed for new relationships”. I ask: what do she wears when she’s OPENED for a new affair???

Ok. Why does she need a broom? a) For cleaning? b) To fly? c)For an immoral purpose?

When you catch a freebie, be sure that’s not for tiny avatars, ok?

The four worst looks for RPGers ever seen:

Saint Seya in its School of Used furs seller Samba version. performing the gorilla dance.

Go go vampire boy – with net shirt!

Cher outfit (if she was a proletarian)

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