Portfolio Orio Lee

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HI, MY NAME IS ORIO I am very passionate about animation movies, whether they are 2D or 3D animations from any country. My parents are very supportive of my interests to form a band in Taiwan in which I played the role of the guitarist and the leader of the band for 7 years. During these years, we have performed in over 200 music festivals and live venues, released 3 EPs and an album. I was also very devoted in assisting with the visual design for the band’s marketing and artwork. Please find part of my work as follows.

CD COVER To be able to participate in designing the album is very important to a performer. In addition to sharing the music, the visual design can also help to convey the mesďż˝ sage to listeners.

Diary of Youth The album “Diary of Youth� was released in 2014, which included 12 songs that were created by us. The theme of the album design focused on conveying the idea of reading a diary, which differentiates itself from other traditional albums. The cover page was also created to represent a diary book, which made reading the lyrics like reading our diary, growing up page by page, so the audience can enjoy the music while reliving the stories of our youth.

The four phases represented in the album 1.Born 2.Student 3.Now 4.In Military Service The album of Diary of Youth is divided into 4 sectors. It starts from the naive childhood, the hard-working student age, the band era, and the military life which is a mandatory service for all male Taiwanese. This album allows everyone to feel and see the real us both visually and audibly.

PRODUCT Making a real consumer product out of a concept that one participated in designing or even being able to sell that product was an incredible experience as a college stuďż˝ dent.

LOGO DESIGN Our band name is The Locals. The design of our logo not only can represent our band in all visual marketing pieces but also can be printed on band t-shirts for live concert audiences to wear, making the atmosphere even more lively and united. It's a symbol of cohesion for all of us both on the stage and from the floor.

PRODUCT DESIGN The consumer products for this album included t-shirts, towels, DMs and large posters. These consumer products allowed the audience to identify themselves with us, and would also increase our exposure when the audience used them..

ILLUSTRATION I have watched all the animated movies made by Pixar, and most of them were watched in a movie theater. After seeing Toy Story, I have become a big fan of Pixar. Being able to work for Pixar is my great� est motivation and goal to study in the field of 3D ani� mation.

Thank you! Mr. Bad Guys The main characters in all the great stories are the heros in everyone’s heart. In real life, all the consumer products that are related to the main characters also become hot items. But has anyone thought about what if there were no Mr Bad Guy? If so, would the movies still be as fantastic? Were not the up and downs of the stories focused around the bad guys? The worse they are, the more tension it would bring to the movie, and the better it makes the movie. A good piece of work cannot be created with the main character alone. Therefore, I would like to say “Thank you! You have done well!” to all these 16 Mr Bad Guys on behalf of all the Pixar fans.

Consumer product for Mr Bad Guys I want to prove in my designs that Mr Bad Guys can be attractive too. They can be even more eye-catching than the main characters. When everyone is crazy about certain characters, it would be special if you can have the product of a Mr Bad Guy instead.

POSTER It’s usually more acceptable to share with people ex� periences that I’ve been through. “Who says being a quitter is a bad thing?”

STOP SMOKING START REPAIRING I used to be a smoker. After 6 years of damage from nicotine, I finally become a happy quitter. A few months after I quit smoking, I feel better both mentally and physically. Hopefuly my own experience and my design can help those who are damaged by nicotine turn their lungs from gray to colorful again, just like the blossoming flowers.

Who Says Being A Quitter Is A Bad Thing? It is ineffective to threaten smokers with wealth and health. There would be fewer smokers on earth if they are reminded in life that smoking is no advantages and never too late to stop. ”Quitting smoking is easy when it’s easy.”

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Feel free to contect me under E-Mail Mobile Address

lee810515@gmail.com +886927810515 26F, No. 85, Xinrong St. Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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