Project Report// Orlaith Conlon OUIL603 Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards OUIL603 -cc
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 1
This is the brief which has forced me to grow within my practice the most out off any brief this year. The basis of this brief was to indulge in my drawing process and to further develop that authorial tone which I was seeking at the beginning of the year. During this brief I have actively engaged with drawing as a tool to learn and draw through the challenges of the brief. I have achieved things which I shyed away from in the past such as refining pencil drawings to a professional quality. As I ran out of time to use any of the other character’s I had devised I would like to revisit them and keep them as a stock pile of briefs to tackle in the months concluding this course.
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 2
This is a brief which began as a self directed investigation into shape and ended as an exhibition as part of the Leeds creative community. The process behind the making of these images is one of the first unique pieces of work I have produced in my time on the course. I feel very connected to the shapely forms and know that they will feature heavily in my future practice. As a brief this was a way to investigate shape, which I haven’t done intently since Level 4. I feel that this brief answers the second part of my practice - form and Studio Brief 1 answers the other- line and sketchbook. Together I feel I have the basis of a solid future practice when these two will finelly meet.
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 3
This brief challenged the conceptual side of my practice in a way that I haven’t investigated since responsive. Again this was a very open brief but I wanted to test my limits , in particular my relience on using negative white space around an image, I wanted to prove to myself that I could make full bleed images. This brief was more difficult then I had anticpated, and I struggled on the conceptual side for far too long than I should have as I didn’t know when the concept was ‘right’. I know this is something I will have to keep working on as I doubt my abilites far too often in this area. The highlight of this brief was having one of the pieces selected to be part of the exhibition and sold for £50.00 for charity.
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 4
The formation of Bloop Group and running the workshops as part of team Anorak has been the highlight of my year, perhaps the hightlight of my entire degree. In this brief I worked with three other students to pitch a workshop to Cathy of Anorak Magazine, after we had successfully won the pitch we organised and planned the entire thing with weekly meetings, allocating tasks to each other as nessesary. The first workshop was at Yorkshire Sculpture park and ran for two days, it was fanastic and working with children really got me inspired to go even sillier in my own drawing practice. Of the back of this we were invited down to D&AD festival in London to run another workshop for two days. The opportunity to go to London was amazing, and I learnt so much about how events run and the graft and last minute dashes to B&Q to make it happen!
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 5
This is the brief that never really went anywhere! It began as an investigation into photoshop techniques but the potential in the images was never fully realised. As stand alone prints they do have charm and characters and the digital techniques used have helped me to grow my practice, I just wish I’d pushed this brief further.
Orlaith Conlon OUIL603
Final Project Boards Studio Brief 6
This is the brief made up from four little briefs, some resolved and some not. I’ve put them all together in one brief as I feel that as images all of these show a differant and slightly expermental side to my practice, not all of these look like my work. The carol brief was darker intone then I usually work with and the same can be said for the abandoned war-horse brief. Is there a reason? These litle stop and start briefs have been weaving along with the other briefs but have not made a huge impact on my practice .