Ormond College New & Old Magazine: June 2017

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New&Old Ormond College Magazine No.94 June 2017

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Education


Picken Lawn Restoration Picken Lawn is a much loved place. A place for sitting and enjoying the garden, talking to friends, playing music or kicking a ball. After years of patching and trying to fix the hardened earth, we have completed the Picken Lawn restoration project. The 2016 Annual Giving Program provided the resources to support the replacement of the hard topsoil, improving drainage and the planting of new grass that will endure the hot summers and busy use. The generosity of our community has made sure that our current and future students will be able to enjoy Picken Lawn in the same way as past generations. We hope that when you visit the College next you have time to stop for a moment to enjoy Picken Lawn.

2017 Annual Giving: Make a Difference Visit our website to find out more and support future generations of Ormondians. www.ormond.unimelb.edu.au

Et Vetera Lunch The 2017 General Committee Chair, Charles McIntosh greeted and welcomed alumni and their guests to the Et Vetara and 1967 Reunion lunch held at the College on Wednesday 24 May. Alumni came together to enjoy time with each other and share memories of their time at College over this annual lunch. Each year we welcome a new 50 year reunion group into the Et Vetera group. This year, Geoff Courtis, 1967 Fresher, spoke on behalf of his peers with great fondness of College life in their time.




4 From the Master 8 Student life 10 Learning at Ormond 12 Making a difference in our local community 13 Our own herb garden 14 Being tested and inspired by nature 15 The forgotten founder 18 Life at Wade Institute 20 Archives: Valentine Finch 21 Alumni profile: Diana Hull, La Tortilleria 22 David Grounds 23 Peter Loof 24 Remembered by a grateful College 25 Ormond gardens through the seasons 26 Alumni news

Editorial team Pamela Reddi Coronell Di Bambra Dr Anna Drummond Louise Curran Peter Edwards

Photographers Madeline Ellerm Victor Yu Ryan Lowe Hanna Ough Emma Eline Koster Tamara Whiteside Domingo Hu James Grant Aileen Chong New & Old is published twice a year by the College Advancement Office for the Ormond community. Printed on FSC-certified carbon-neutral paper stock.


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SCHOL A R SHIPS Bequest story The John Leaper Scholarship Scholarship recipients 2017 Giving to Ormond 2016

No.94 JUNE 2017


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From the Master

The importance of a liberal arts and sciences education

Rufus Black Master

History offers us perspective. Scholars like Goldin and Kutarna

world brought new life. Western history was made whole again.

have called our attention to events in the Renaissance. In the

It wasn’t that the Christian thought of the time was displaced,

middle of this age when the human, reason and science were

rather it was expanded and reshaped. In that refashion, the

taking centre stage, a popularist uprising broke out. The

foundations were laid for the modern world.

grounds were ripe for it. The elite were prospering, high culture was captivating but the poor were left behind.

For reasons I will come to shortly, when it comes to knowledge of this past, we have created a new Dark Ages. Understanding

The revolt was led by a fiery preacher Savonarola and he carried

the great sweep of ideas and culture of Western history has not

it to the heart of Florence, the leading city of the Renaissance.

been viewed as an integral part of education for some time now.

He stirred up the crowds by prophesying that dangerous

That vast city of ideas has slipped below the waves of currency.

hordes would come from the north, he railed against the

Submerged like some intellectual Atlantis.

corruption of the ruling elites, damned the influence of outside powers, called for the establishment of a ‘popular’ republic and

Certainly, there are individuals and the occasional institution

promised he would ‘Make Florence Great again’ or, in his words,

who have made it their task to dive below the surface and

make it ‘richer, more powerful, more glorious than ever’.

again survey the vastness of this great city. There is the odd subject or teacher that takes small groups on a torch lit dive to

He communicated in short pamphlets and incendiary speeches.

a single building or perhaps even the exploration of a famous

His campaign was hugely successful. The elites were vanquished

arrondissement. The remainder of the city is obscured in the

and in what we know as the ‘bonfire of the vanities’, many

murky darkness.

‘corrupt’ works were destroyed. Once, it was an expectation that we would know the outlines of In time, of course, his movement lost momentum because it

history and culture. Of the classical and biblical worlds, have a

couldn’t deliver what it promised. Eventually he was tired and

grasp of the great conceptual richness of the Middle Ages, know

he confessed that he had just made up his visions and prophesies.

about the Renaissance itself, the Reformation and Enlightenment

They were the alternative facts of an earlier era. It wasn’t

that created the momentum to the modern world. That is no

pleasant while it lasted but is a counsel to hold our nerve and

longer the case.

our values when the latest Savonarola rolls into town. Today, we need to think about more than human history but also The Renaissance has a lot more to teach us than perspective

the history of the physical and biological worlds. The greatest

on popularists. Central to this remarkable era of human

gain in knowledge since the Renaissance has been our scientific

flourishing, which brought to an end the long period of the

understanding of the universe.

Dark Ages, was a rediscovery of the West’s classical past. Engagement with the ideas, art and architecture of the ancient



Together, there are now three great histories we should

If we know where these ideas come from we are in a far more

now have at least an outline of in our mind: The history of

powerful position of choice. If we know what is guiding us we

the physical universe, the history of life and the history of

also know that we could, like those before us, choose to live out

humanity. What is extraordinary in our time is that they are

of a different set of ideas.

one history. If you read the great German Enlightenment philosopher Humanity’s impact on life is so great that this era of the

Immanuel Kant and sense passion in throwing off the authority of

physical universe has already been named by geologists as

priests and princes then you truly appreciate why ‘freedom’ and

the Anthropocene.

‘reason’ have a magnetic appeal to the modern mind. He may be as much a parent of our minds as those who raised you from a

The Value of a Liberal Arts and Sciences Education What then do we gain from understanding these three great histories? We gain vital underpinnings for making a more civilized world: choice, perspective and judgement, meaning, creativity, excellence and literacy. Choice and Plurality Let us begin with choice and plurality. The story of life with its central drama of evolution has much to say about why we are programmed the way we are. But we also know it is not just genes but ideas that shape our behaviour. We readily recognise how our early lives and distinctive experiences shape who we are. However, our personal experiences only account for a limited portion of the ideas we develop and that shape who we are. Ideas like genes also come from our distant ancestors. They are passed on to us through the language we use and the stories we learn.

child. Not knowing our cultural past is like not having a memory of our growing up. Our loss of cultural knowledge is probably a lot worse than that. Imagine how little you would know about yourself if your memory only went back a week. Also, knowing we could live based on a different set of ideas or world views is what secures a peaceful plurality, which is the foundation of civilized society. We live in a time where plurality is under threat from all sides. There are forms of political correctness, some very present on university campuses, especially in the United States, that seek to limit the perspective available. Equally there is authoritarian popularism hostile to the voices of a diverse society. Perspective and Judgment With the knowledge that we could choose differently comes perspective. The triumph of freedom and reason as the cornerstone of government is not a law of physics, it is just an idea that has captured our minds for a tiny period of human history. There is no certainty it will continue to do so unless we choose to argue for its value and ensure that we pass it on as it was passed on to us, hard won from authoritarian rule of many forms.

No.94 JUNE 2017


Twined with perspective is a greater capacity for judgement.

this knowledge, turn a stream of fresh and free thought upon

A historical perspective acts as a powerful corrective to our

our stock notions and habits’. Only the gravest hubris would

hardwired cognitive biases to overrate short-term risks and

think ‘the best that has been thought and said in the world’ was

under-rate long-term risks. When these biases are corrected, we

thought and said in the last 50 years.

can far better calibrate the apparent chaos of the short-term. With the corrective lens of history, the world looks far less


threatening and volatile. That perspective is very empowering.

If we don’t know the reference points of the past we will only ever have a shallow reading of the works of those who did.

Equally, our biases tend to make us take longer-term threats

Without a knowledge of biblical and classic stories or those

less seriously. In human history, we know unsustainable social

of the Golden Legend of the Middle-Ages, of the characters

and economic structures eventually rupture unpredictably in

of Shakespearean theatre, we in turn will have a palette for

revolution. Biological history tells us that ecological systems can

expression with fewer colours from which to paint our pictures

collapse rapidly once a tipping point is passed. From earliest

of the world. As a result, they risk being less precise, with

times, myths have warned us of both truths. Some are so

contrasts drawn too sharply and cheaper in their humour.

powerful, like the story of the Great Flood, that they defy our cultural amnesia although we tend to relativise them to children’s stories rather than hold on to them as icons of insight for all.

Answering the Critics of History If there is such a value in having this type of understanding why


did we abandon it? The reasons are various and important

With historical perspective comes meaning. There is nothing

because if we are to recover the past we need to take account of

more grounding than having a sense of belonging to a story

why we rejected it. Histories like these require some sort of canon

much larger than our own. One of the wonders of modern

- a selection of works that represent ‘the best of what has been

science is that it gives an ability to find our place in the history

thought and said’, painted, sculptured and composed.

of the universe. Here is where the trouble begins. Current orthodoxy in much of There is something profoundly grounding when we contemplate

the humanities opposes the notion of a canon, arguing: it has

that we are formed from star dust and have a lineage through

created the powerful to advance their own interests; it shouldn’t

an extraordinary chain of the creatures of the planet. We deepen

be the point of reference because women and minorities are

these senses that are part of something larger when we see our

under-represented; is objectionable because it implies progress out

place as heirs to the history of people who came before us.

of which colonisation springs; devalues non-western; and anyway there is no such thing as objective goodness, truth or beauty.

Creativity and Excellence The ability and confidence to access that history expands our

There is something to be said for all these arguments and each

capacity for creativity and excellence. It was a point made

needs to be accommodated.

beautifully by the English poet and educator Matthew Arnold when in a similarly troubled time he wrote a poem called Dover

A canon needs to be open and debated rather than closed and

Beach. It sums up for his time much of the argument that we are

established by authority.

in an age of huge potential but an ignorance of the past is taking us down a troubled path. He put it this way at the end of that

The role of power in culture should be explored but since it will


always exist it is better to understand it rather simply reject culture because it exists.

for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams,

The works of women and minorities should be given due place

So various, so beautiful, so new,

within an understanding of how gender and discrimination have

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

shaped history but also within one that still accurately places the

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

lighthouse of thought and culture by which we have navigated.

And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

We can be more humble about the notion of progress without

Where ignorant armies clash by night.

giving up on the idea that we have and should strive to improve the human condition.

He wrote his answer in his book Culture and Anarchy in 1867. ‘We need to know, on the matters that most concern us, the

We can explore our tradition without any sense of devaluing

best that has been thought and said in the world; and through

the other traditions. Moreover, unless we truly understand our



tradition we won’t properly understand, therefore be able to

To support self-directed exploration, we are creating a shelf in

respect, what a tradition is let alone have much to bring to

the library with the 100 works that changed western history.

the conversation with those deeply versed in their own world

We are creating these through a conversation with students


and staff. It will include books of philosophy and literature, CDs of music, and books with images of the pieces of art and

Finally, in a world where the logical extrapolation of


post-modern scepticism about truth and goodness are ‘alternative facts’ about climate science and a justification of

For students interested in giving more of a liberal arts dimension

the return of torture by the democratic state, it should give us

to their courses, we have created guides to university subject

pause to think that those sceptical and post-modernist claims

selection. One of these guides will enable a student doing any

have dangerously overreached.

course to use their ‘breadth’ subject to select subjects that give them a liberal arts flavour but also alert them to the very large

Liberal Arts and Sciences at Ormond

gap in the University offering for anyone wanting an overview of Western civilization.

The provision of a liberal arts and sciences education was central to the founding vision of the College. Our Scottish founders

In parallel, we will offer a set of guides to the big histories of the

saw that an education in the classics, which is the focus of

biological and physical universe so that students can easily get

English universities, had to be brought up to the present and

their hands on them.

to embrace strongly a scientific understanding of the world. [Later in this edition, we highlight this through an article about

We are creating two more formal extra-curricular offerings.

Hebert Strong]. The notion of bringing the riches of the past into conversation with the present is the very meaning of our motto

The first, we will be offering a ‘Great works that changed

Et Nova Et Vetera, quoting as it does a passage from the Bible.

history’ as a summer and winter intensive. This would be based on the flipped classroom intensives we have been piloting in the

As a College, we have recognised that we need to make it an

last few years. It would enable us to offer 20 students at a time,

explicit project to return to those roots because a Liberal Arts

a rich experience and give us the chance to refine a course.

and Sciences philosophy guides neither the national school curricula nor that of the university. This project aims to work

The second, a course on the ‘History of Life and the Universe’ as

within the existing university curriculum and to supplement it.

an introduction to the two other great narratives and offer them as winter and summer intensives.

Within the curriculum, we will encourage all our teaching staff to continue and expand their current practice of providing historical

In time, we will look to add to that offering to ensure students

and cultural context for the content students are learning on

can access the breadth required for a liberal arts and sciences



In supplementing the curriculum, we look to those who have

We recognise that changing the educational agenda doesn’t

been and remained committed to this agenda in other places.

happen quickly but we believe it is important to begin that work.

The modern approach to a liberal arts agenda was pioneered

If we want to head down the path of hope rather than despair,

in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s beginning at

the path of the more civilized world, then we could do worse

Columbia University with the creation of courses that introduced

than recover the resources to grow our capacity for choice

students to the great books of western culture. Today, a range

and plurality, perspective and judgement, meaning, creativity,

of universities in the United States still have versions of a great

excellence and literacy.

books program, the most notable being Columbia University, The University of Chicago, The University of Texas at Austin, and Boston College. Our approach is a little broader than great books and extends to great works so we could include music, art and architecture on the agenda. Our view is that a similar logic needs to be extended to the world of science.

For more information contact me on master@ormond.unimelb.edu.au @_RufusBlack

We will start by supporting student self-direction and then move to creating a more formal extra-curricular offering.

No.94 JUNE 2017


Student life

O-week: An impressive week-long program of activities to give incoming students a warm welcome into our community.

Master’s Dance: students donned their finest to dance in style in the Dining Hall.

Master’s Challenge: This year’s challenge helped us raise funds for the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation.

Men’s Hockey: a winning effort against Trinity.

Ormond Shorts: semester 1 drama production was held across multiple locations on our campus for a dynamic experience.

Regatta Intercollegiate Rowing: Men’s and Women’s 1st VIIIs and Men’s 2nds wins.

Women's Hockey: a great effort by the team to reach the finals.



Ormond Day: students organised a host of performances to celebrate Ormond spirit.

24-hour Rowing Challenge: in support of the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, our students led this initiative to raise funds and awareness for brain cancer.

Women’s Touch Rugby: the first in our collegiate history, the touch match marks the start of a new tradition.

Mother’s Day lunch: we welcomed mothers from around the country and the world to join their sons and daughters for lunch.

Pride Week: student-led recognition and celebration of our LGBTIQ+ community (the Men’s Hockey team wore pride-coloured laces in support).

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Men’s Rugby: The annual Ormond v Trinity rugby match was as hard fought as ever.

No.94 JUNE 2017


Learning at Ormond

Budget Week Tour: understanding Australian policy-making and politics thanks to Canberra alumni.

Ethics workshop: examining contemporary ethical challenges through the lens of key philosophical schools of thought.

Music soiree: international music duo Y-Squared with Yelian He on cello and Yasmin Rowe on piano play music from Mendelssohn and Piazzolla.

Peter Doherty lecture: Noble Prize recipient, Prof. Peter Doherty gave a fascinating lecture for our weekly Science Symposium about his career.

3 Day Startup: Ormond students joined Wade Institute's startup bootcamp for a weekend of ideating, validating and pitching.

World of Work: experiencing real workplaces - Ernst & Young visit.

John Brumby: the former Premier spoke to students about the trends that will affect business in the next decade.



Drawing workshop: Community Counsellor, Richard Ward, guided students through an experimental drawing workshop to exercise an alternative form of thinking.

MD Dinner: our medical students connected with alumni in the medical field over dinner in the MCR.

Fridays @ 1: each week students lead robust discussions about challenging political and social topics of the week.

Science Symposium: students try out a VR experience created by Master of Entrepreneurship alumni and discuss how it’s changing the world.

Robson Speaker: Bill Gammage, Professor and author, gave a lecture on the history of Aboriginal land management and the lessons we can learn and apply today.

Scholars Dinner: celebrating first class honours scholars and speeches by our most recent Rhodes Scholars.

Meet the Tutors: during O-Week, students mingled with our tutors to better understand how they can make the most of our extensive learning program.

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Making a difference in our local community

Charles McIntosh Arts, 2015, Students’ Club Chair 2017 Outdoor movie night and sleep-out to raise funds for Blanket Melbourne.

The first thing you hear when you enter Ormond as a student

This event has been followed by a series of speakers at Ormond to

is that this is a College that strives to make a disproportionate

further understand and engage with the issue. This includes a case

difference. However, as many communities do, we sometimes

competition, where Ormond students were invited to use their

get stuck looking inward and predominately being focused on

marketing and design skills to create needed new brand logos for

what happens within our College grounds.

use by the Melbourne Period Project on their products.

It takes a walk of 100m beyond our gates to encounter the

During the rest of the year, we aim to continue to hold events

startling disadvantage faced by some of our friends in the local

which both increase our community’s insight into this pressing

community. These are the familiar faces we all know as we make

local issue and make a positive difference to people’s lives. We

our morning coffee run, but whose daily challenges are so

held an Ormond movie night and sleep out to raise funds for

foreign to our own.

sleeping bags for those sleeping rough over winter in Melbourne. In Semester 2, we’ll be packing the annual Homelessness week

Through being attentive to these human experiences beyond

full of opportunities to learn and lend a helping hand.

our gates we discover several things. First, the reason why we as a College strive to help others. Second, that our common drive

In these small ways, we hope to ensure that Ormond always

to help others in our local community is much more important

remains connected to the world outside our gates as this

than any differences of opinion that might exist within our little

connection will ensure that we also flourish as a community.

corner of College Crescent. That’s why we as a Students’ Club have chosen to concentrate our efforts on helping our local community with homelessness. Given this focus, the Students’ Club has created various initiatives aimed at helping homelessness in our area of Melbourne. During O-week we worked with 11 different charitable organisations that all focus on making a difference to homeless peoples’ lives. New students engaged in activities ranging from packing sanitary packs for dispersal around Melbourne to cooking pancakes for morning tea. These activities provided students with greater insight into the complexities involved in the issue while making a meaningful contribution to it. Students are working with Melbourne Period Project to support homeless women



Our own herb garden

Good conversations can so readily lead to innovation. Last year at the staff Christmas lunch, the kitchen team were talking about the costs of fresh herbs but what a difference they made to good cooking. Recalling that a rosemary bush in the College garden had been utilised on several occasions when supplies were short prompted the suggestion we should have our own herb garden. Less than six months later, herbs are growing in raised beds in a section of the garden behind The Centre for Ethical Leadership; previously the Master’s Lodge. Our students joined Colin and Michael, to set up the garden, by using water tank beds and filling them with fresh soil. Before the weather cooled down, an array of herbs was planted. Some will be ready soon, others will bring fresh tastes to Ormond food in spring. The herb garden now adds another dimension to the Ormond gardens. The garden has many beautiful places to it and now it has a productive one as well. Having a herb garden of our own is one of those all-round wins for sustainability. It enables us to deliver food that is better quality, less costly and with fewer food miles. Importantly, the herb garden gives students a chance to be involved with growing food. Looking after the herb garden has become one of the sought-after Student Service jobs. An idea that started as a conversation will now help our students enjoy their food and linger longer over the conversations in the Dining Hall.

No.94 JUNE 2017


Being tested and inspired by nature

Robert Leach Vice Master Buller Huts Undergraduate Hike

Experiencing and being tested by nature helps individuals

Over the Easter Break, eight students trekked the Buller Huts

learn about their personal strengths and how perceptions of

Trail. The 100 km walk was over rugged terrain and included ten

our own weaknesses are often what limit us. Overcoming

peak ascents. The group camped in some spectacular places,

challenges such as fatigue, fear, temporary discomfort and

and highlights included waking up to a fiery sunrise, swimming

unfamiliar surrounds promotes resilience and adaptability.

in the Howqua River, berry picking along the trail, and incredible views from Mt Cobbler. The autumn weather was stable, if cool,

Many young adults want to take risks and, properly managed,

except on the last day which was wild and stormy, adding some

activities such as climbing and abseiling provide a context that

excitement at the finish.

is developmental and edifying, as opposed to some of the other less healthy risks that society offers.

Everyone returned from the trip having created strong friendships and feeling challenged, refreshed and eager to do

Being in the outdoors also encourages the exercise of

more in the outdoors.

leadership, prudent judgment and teamwork, all skills that transfer into everyday life. Interaction between individuals from different peer groups, and between students and staff, is enriching and strengthens the community. With the long-term aim of developing a planned and sequential program, Ormond piloted several outdoor activities this semester. In March, 20 students went rock-climbing and abseiling at Staughton Vale, near Anakie. For some participants, these were new activities and for them it was particularly challenging. Pleasingly, several international

Buller Huts Undergraduate Hike

students took part and it was their first sojourn into the Australian bush. Early in April, a group of graduates hiked at Wilsons Promontory. The team was tested by weather: Adele Redfern said, “An hour after we arrived at Refuge Cove, a thunderstorm set in. That night we huddled under a tarp together, cooking food, playing cards and chatting for hours, waiting out the storm. While the conditions were not ideal, it was one of the happiest moments of the trip.�


Wilsons Promontory Graduate Hike


The forgotten founder

Speech by the Master, Rufus Black, from the Founders and Benefactors dinner

Tonight I want to say a word about our forgotten founder.

He was born in 1841 in Devon England, the son of an Anglican

Unlike Ormond, Morrison or MacFarland or early Council

clergyman. Academically able, he went on to read classics at

members like Balfour or MacBain, this is a founder with no

Corpus Christi College Oxford. Then, in a career development

portrait and whose name is rarely, if ever, mentioned. His

of great moment for his future role in Melbourne, he was

own entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography makes no

appointed in 1866 as assistant to the Professor of Humanity

mention of his association with Ormond.

at the University of Glasgow. There he came to appreciate the Scottish model of education, embrace its progressive agenda

Yet he shaped the foundation of the College as much as

and understand the ways of the Scottish community. During

anyone. He didn’t do it through position or money but

that time, he was briefly Warden of Glasgow’s University Hall

with the power of ideas and the persistence to make the

and came to acquaint himself with communal student living that

case for them. His ideas are deep in the cultural DNA of

was not collegiate in the Oxbridge way.

Ormond. Fortunately, thanks to the work of the historian Don Chambers, we do know a little about his role and I have taken Don’s work as a starting point. Our forgotten founder is Herbert Augustus Strong. When the Ormond College Council first met on 1 December 1877 he was the sole Anglican Englishman sitting alongside 5 Presbyterians of Scottish origin. Clearly there was something unique here.

“He shaped the foundation of the College as much as anyone. He didn’t do it through position or money but with the power of ideas and the persistence to make the case for them.“

To understand why he was there we need to begin with the deep suspicion of Scottish Presbyterians of what they saw as

Strong came on to The University of Melbourne in 1871 as the

the very English idea of Colleges. That scepticism ran so deep

Professor of Classical and Comparative Philology and Logic. Not

that many had supported the campaign against the affiliation

long into Strong’s time the debate erupted about the affiliation

of Trinity College with the University that was waged by The

of Trinity College. He was particularly close to the debate and

Age. They disliked its sectarian character, its elite pretentions

to colleges as he collaborated with Trinity’s Warden Alexander

and they doubted its educational value. Education for them

Leeper on a translation of Juvenal.

was non-sectarian, open to all and lecture based. Two models of education collided.

With experience across both systems he could see and, in time would come to advocate, a new synthesis that would become

Herbert August Strong could see a new synthesis between the

Ormond College.

Scottish and English models. Something truly Australian. It was his personal history that made this possible.

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His own liberal Christianity and experience in Scotland

As he sought to find that balance he was enormously prescient

convinced him that education should never be sectarian in

because he worried that these exciting modern subjects could in

the ways of Oxford and Cambridge. He saw the power of the

time eclipse the classics. This was a topic that so concerned him

lecture based system he had been involved with at Glasgow.

that in 1909 he translated from Russian an extraordinary book

Equally, he thought his Scottish students had missed out by

entitled Our Debt to Antiquity, which makes a powerful case for

not being exposed to peer based education and personal

a contemporary relevance of an education in the classical world.

tuition. At an institutional level, he experienced and worried

Remarkably this book was republished in 2011, a mark of the

that the lecture-based system placed unrealistic demands

enduring relevance of this idea not just to Ormond but to the

on the lecturers because teaching at that scale meant they

general world of education.

could never adequately respond to individual student needs - something he thought central to education. He imagined a

Finally, Strong believed in students and scholars being active

Melbourne College could bring both traditions together.

members of the same community. This was a notion that he had grown up with since he went to school at Winchester College

More than that he also imagined it could bring together two

where scholars and students lived in the same community and

approaches to the curricula of universities. The English system

then that he found in Oxford. He led by example in this regard,

placed great weight on the classics, implying that to study

playing football for the University alongside students and

anything else was a lesser educational project. The Scots had

actively encouraging athletics and debating. In time, he would

a far greater focus on the contemporary world, with modern

be one of the earliest tutors to live in residence.

philosophy, European languages and sciences being actively promoted. For Strong, this didn’t need to be a choice. Both

Connected and respected in the Scottish community thanks

could be central.

to his time in Glasgow, he saw the project of a Presbyterian



College as just the vehicle for this vision. Through the 1870s

MacFarland received an honorary doctorate in law from the

amongst those not opposed to Colleges there was another

Royal University of Ireland, the supporting documentation,

vision for a Presbyterian college emerging from the Scottish

which was signed by leading figures at the University of

community where primacy was given to it as a place for

Melbourne, explained:

training Presbyterian ministers. We know little of the way Strong made his case but when the Scottish Presbyterian

In these affiliated colleges the problem of uniting the class

community were galvanised into creating a college because of

lecture system of the Irish, Scottish and German Universities

the threat of losing the land, the idea for the sort of college

with the tutorial system and social advantages of residence

that emerged was Strong’s and he was one of six founding

found in Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin has been successfully

members of the College’s Council.


Strong’s legacy is extraordinary. His vision of that synthesis of

While many had done much to deliver that vision, it is to Strong

Scottish and English systems was genius. It guided us then and

that we owe its fullest articulation and who was its keenest

it guides us now. Our commitment today to diversity, access, a


progressive education equally committed to a liberal arts and sciences agenda and to being a single college community of students and scholars are all ideas that have their foundations in Strong’s vision. This vision was a conscious project and one that was to be explicitly recognised and honoured at the time. When

No.94 JUNE 2017


Life at Wade Institute

Georgia McDonald General Manager, Wade Institute Women Entrepreneurs: Changing the World event, part of Melbourne Knowledge Week

There is always a lot of energy at Wade Institute with classes and

Just as importantly, we have heard from many more nascent

workshops, visits by entrepreneurs and investors, collaborations

entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurs who are creating

between students and basketball on the roof.

companies that are two, five or 10 years old. Entrepreneurs who understand all too well the stage our students are at now, when

Day by day we are working to further the vision that Peter Wade

there are so many more unknowns than knowns and it is so

had when Wade Institute was created to increase the

easy to lose faith.

entrepreneurial capability of talented Australians to help transform our economy at a time when jobs in many industries

Our role here at Wade Institute is to provide a safe place for

are disappearing.

budding entrepreneurs to try out the visions we know they have, and a place to learn from and leverage from the inevitable

This vision is why we are home to The University of Melbourne’s

pitfalls and failings along the way.

Master of Entrepreneurship. A one year intensive, practical and hands-on degree where we combine academic rigour with

Our cohort sizes are small because we know that that is how

building a real-life startup. Our students have shown the

you get the kind of transformational education that is part of

potential to change the world and our goal is to give them the

our mission statement. But we also want to be able to make

skill set and the network to create the companies of the future.

sure we have the capacity to scale our model and reach other would-be entrepreneurs.

One familiar saying in the entrepreneurial world is ‘your network is your net worth’ and there is much truth in this statement. But what I like to say is, if it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes an ecosystem to raise an entrepreneur. Here at Wade we have gathered an ecosystem of supporters, enablers, investors, entrepreneurs, corporates and teachers that underpin our success. Just in the opening eight weeks of semester one we have had over 25 such visitors come to speak and meet with our students. We were honoured to have former Premier, John Brumby speak to us about the engaging in business with China. We had George Foster, esteemed professor of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University take our class through his world famous Tough Mudder Case Study. And we had CEO of Carnival Lines, Ann Sherry speak to us about innovation in a traditional industry.


Summer Intensive: Foundations of Entrepreneurship Practice


That’s why we run a series of weekend programs throughout

Colin, who is a much sought after professor, teaches two of

the course of the year called 3 Day Startup. This is like a

the core subjects in the program:

micro-version of the Master of Entrepreneurship where university students and recent graduates learn to build a startup in just 56-hours. Our next 3DS will be in September and Ormond College alumni are eligible to apply.

Colin McLeod, Academic Director, Master of Entrepreneurship

Creating a Successful Business Model: who you’ll

partner with, how you’ll find people, what resources you’ll need, what channels you’ll use, what market you’ll target, how you create value for your new business. •

Managing Growth and Pathways to Market: challenges

of growth and the ways that both the entrepreneur and the business need to adapt, evolve and grow to create and capitalise on new opportunities.

From Silicon Valley in the middle of the dot-com bubble and a PhD in Commercialising Innovation to a career in multi-nationals and co-founding several successful businesses, Professor at The University of Melbourne, Colin McLeod, knows the mechanics of good business. Colin has worked with, advised, and held Directorships of start-ups dating back to the early 90’s when he was in Silicon Valley. That’s where he saw first-hand that a business needs to be built on more than just funding “I was in Silicon Valley when Amazon, Google, and Apple were getting started. No one understood the internet, but people were getting ridiculous amounts of money for startups that had no more substance than an untested idea. It was a very expensive way to find out that an idea isn’t enough.” Colin has been an integral to the development of Wade Institute from the earliest days. He was one of four designers of the Master of Entrepreneurship curriculum. Today, he is Academic Director for both the Master’s degree and Wade Institute. Here, he wants to create more capable and strategic founders that have a chance to not only survive but also thrive. Professor Colin McLeod

No.94 JUNE 2017



Valentine Finch (1908): A gift of rare images tells a great story

Dr Anna Drummond College Archivist Valentine Finch (right) studying in a room at Ormond.

Late last year Ormond’s archives received a generous donation

Engineering, perhaps thinking it more relevant to a career in his

of photographs recording the University and College career

family’s mining interests.

of Valentine ‘Dick’ Finch (1908). Lloyd and Amelia Finch, Valentine’s son and daughter-in-law brought and donated to

It was a few short years after his University career that Finch

the College a series of photos of College and University life that

found himself at Gallipoli with Ken Aberdeen, who when they

Valentine carefully annotated with the names of all pictured,

met there noted in his diary ‘Dick looks an awful ruffian in a curly

making them even more rare and precious. As well as photos

beard. He has been here since the start and not wounded yet…’

of Valentine’s College and University year groups, there are

Three months later came Finch’s horrific injury, when a bullet took

photos of his stellar career as a hockey player for Ormond, the

out most of his teeth, damaged his jaw, made a hole in his neck

University and Victoria, as well as of his University regiment.

just below his ear and prevented him eating for months.

Amongst the collection is also a photograph of Finch and another student in their study, a photograph that has hung in

Despite this he counted himself lucky: he survived when many

the front corridor of Main Building for some years. Very few of

soldiers perished while waiting for evacuation to a hospital ship.

Ormond’s early students’ lives are so richly documented. In the

Safely in Egypt, Finch and Aberdeen gradually regained their

course of donating the photographs, Lloyd and Amelia related

health. Aberdeen’s diary even records outings in and around

the fascinating story of Valentine’s life, which included a lifelong

Cairo including ‘dinner on the piazza of the Zeitoun Grand Hotel.’

friendship that was born at Ormond and cemented at Gallipoli.

Eventually they sailed home for Perth on the same ship.

The friendship was between Valentine and Kenneth Aberdeen,

Whilst he returned to active service in the 1st Field Engineers

who first met at Ormond. The second place they met was at

and spent time both in England and France, after the war Finch

Gallipoli, where Finch received a bullet wound through the mouth

returned to civilian life, marrying Ethel ‘Pop’ Ross in 1919 and

and where Aberdeen got tuberculosis. By the time the pair had

establishing a sheep station near Wiluna, Western Australia, with

together recuperated in Egypt and sailed home to Perth, a close

his wife and siblings. Perhaps the best legacy of his war service

friendship had been born that would last a lifetime.

was his friendship with Ken – now Dr Ken – Aberdeen, which endured and prospered over the following decades, with annual

Dick Finch began his career as a brilliant Classics scholar: he

family holidays for both couples and their children. Appropriately,

won a scholarship to Scotch College where he matriculated

it was Dr Aberdeen who flew to Wiluna to treat Finch’s burst

at the age of 13, then spent years repeating his matriculation

appendix in 1937.

until he was old enough to progress to University. A scholarship opened the door to Ormond, where he began in 1908 with a

Having survived being twice wounded in the Great War, Valentine

flourish as the only person in first year Arts to be awarded first

Finch died at the age of 47, leaving a wife and four children and

class honours in both Greek and Latin. Despite this success,

bringing to an end decades of friendship begun at Ormond.

after completing the first year of his Arts degree he changed to



Alumni Profile

Diana Hull (2004): Small Business Champion Award winner

Peter Edwards Associate Director, Advancement

It was thanks to a university exchange to Mexico that Diana

Tortillas were sold hot off the machine. Word quickly spread

Hull (2004) discovered real Mexican food. A couple of years

through the Mexican community who would come with their

later Diana was in Peru, working for an Australian NGO,

tortilla cloths, just like they do in Mexico, buy their kilo, wrap

when she was visited by her now business partner. He

it up and take it home. Then La Tortilleria started convincing

was Mexican and they were wondering why Australia was

Australians to do the same thing.

so far behind with Mexican cuisine. He said “Why don’t we open a Mexican restaurant?” With zero experience in

Diana explains “At the same time, we were selling wholesale to

hospitality, they decided on the spot that that is what they

restaurants such as Mamasita and were soon supplying most

would do.

of the Mexican restaurants in Australia. We quickly reached capacity in the restaurant and realized we had to open a

Diana describes herself as “One of those people who when

dedicated production facility and order much bigger equipment.

they say they are going to do something, does it”.

We now have distributors in every state and territory in Australia and also in South East Asia. Just this month we launched into

In 2012 they started researching, formulating a business

the Hong Kong retail market.”

plan and discovered there weren’t any decent tortillas in Australia. All were either frozen or made with corn flour,

Last year, La Tortilleria won the Innovation Award category

a bit like instant potato powder. They realized other

within the Delicious Produce Awards, one of the biggest food

restaurateurs must be in the same boat, and they switched

awards in Australia. In April this year, they also won the Business

their business idea to tortillas.

Growth Award and the Manufacturing Category Award in the national Small Business Champions Awards.

Diana went to Mexico, worked in a tortilleria, then ordered the equipment they needed. In 2013 La tortilleria opened

Reflecting on her time at Ormond, Diana says “There is no

as a combined restaurant and Tortilleria.

doubt that the lifelong friendships I have formed through my time at Ormond have been a vital support to me throughout the

Only Australian grown corn is used. It is cooked, soaked

journey of starting La Tortilleria. The connections I made and the

overnight and stone ground. The whole process takes 24

inspiration I gain through being around so many talented people

hours, as opposed to an hour with instant tortilla powder.

has been a gift that will continue to serve me throughout life.”

Speaking with the neighbors at their site in Kensington, in

Congratulations to La Tortilleria on wining two awards at

the western suburbs of Melbourne, they were told “You’re

the 2017 Australian Small Business Champion Awards.

dreaming, it’s an industrial area, dead at night. You’re not going to get any customers”. Luckily Diana didn’t listen to them.

No.94 JUNE 2017


David Grounds (1948)

Dr Anna Drummond College Archivist

David Grounds (1948), who passed away recently, was an

Graduating from Medicine in the top ten of his year, Grounds

eminent psychiatrist with an abiding affection for Ormond

spent a year at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and then three years

College. A brilliant student, he won a Tasmanian government

as a country GP in Tasmania. With Pat and his growing family, he

scholarship to attend university, having come second in the state

returned to Melbourne in 1957, and spent the next thirteen years

in his school leaving exams.

as a GP and physician. A growing interest in mental health led Grounds to train as a psychiatrist, followed by nearly four decades

Following a long family line of doctors and pharmacists, Grounds

of private practice in this field.

elected to study Medicine and came to Ormond in 1948. He remained at College until he graduated at the end of 1952.

Early in his psychiatric career, he was a key member of the team that established a 90-bed private psychiatric hospital, The

Grounds’ connections to Ormond ran deep: his father Arthur

Melbourne Clinic, which opened in Richmond in 1978. Grounds

(1917) had been in residence and introduced his son to the

subsequently developed a special interest in bipolar disorder, and

College with evident enthusiasm. Arthur also bequeathed to his

his co-authored book about managing the condition, Ecstasy and

son the nickname ‘Boggy’. Arthur’s brother Roy Grounds, a noted

Agony, was widely used and later revised and reprinted.

architect, also had a strong link to the College, having designed the Master’s Lodge (1958) and several other Ormond buildings.

In his retirement, David Grounds kept busy with numerous

The family connection extended further when David’s brother

interests including writing detailed memoirs and frequent

Michael (1950) joined him at Ormond, also to study Medicine.

letters to the editor of The Age. In addition, he always made time to attend events at Ormond and to contribute items to its

In his memoir, Grounds described his time at Ormond as ‘the best


five years of my life’. He relished the social life, and was involved in both College and University theatre; the Chronicle applauded

In the last years of his life, he drew on his late wife’s estate to

the ‘comic touch’ he gave to the somewhat typecast role of a

fund a scholarship in his name, to enable fellow Tasmanians to

country doctor.

have the opportunity of an Ormond College experience. His children have now made a further allocation to extend the life of

During his time at Ormond, Grounds also met Pat Badenach,

this scholarship.

who later created history when the pair married and she became the first Royal Melbourne Hospital nurse to be permitted to work whilst married to a resident doctor at the hospital. When the couple married, Ormond provided the wedding party with accommodation and space for festivities the night before the nuptials.



Vale Peter Loof (1949)

Dr Anna Drummond College Archivist

Peter Loof, who passed away late last year, was a brilliant lawyer,

By the mid 1960s, when the government began preparations for a

senior public servant and criminologist who spearheaded the

national institute of Criminology, Loof began decades of dedication

establishment of the Australian Institute of Criminology.

to the new organisation. Appointed its principal legal officer, he prepared the legislation to establish the Institute, negotiated with the

Loof grew up in Canberra immersed in federal politics: his father

states and shepherded the resulting bill through parliament in 1971.

Rupert Loof worked for the Senate for 39 years and his uncle was

The Australian Institute of Criminology opened in 1973.

the parliamentary librarian. After a short period in the public service as a junior clerk, Peter Loof came to the University of Melbourne

Loof’s links with the Institute were enduring: he served as deputy

to study Law and to Ormond in 1949. During his studies he

chair and later chair of its board of management. In this role he

developed an enduring interest in criminology which was to shape

established the organisation’s links with the United Nations Crime

his career path. This was fuelled by lectures by Dr Norval Morris, an

Prevention and Criminal Justice Network in Vienna and managed

internationally celebrated Australian criminologist, and influential

the Institute’s representation at United Nations meetings, including

Law Professor David Derham (later Sir David Derham), who also

attending UN Crime Prevention and Offender Treatment Congresses

taught him in College tutorials.

in Cuba and Venezuela.

After graduating in 1954, Loof returned to Canberra and began

Peter Loof passed away only weeks after his wife of nearly sixty

a long and successful career in the federal Attorney General’s

years, Ygraine, a former violinist with the VSO, to whom he had been

Department. Amongst other roles he served as Senior Assistant

a devoted carer for many years. Leaving behind two children and

Secretary for Human Rights and brought influential reforms back

three grandchildren, he is remembered as a kind and benevolent

from research visits to Europe, Britain, Canada and the US. He also

person and a dedicated public servant with a strong commitment to

worked towards the appointment of the first Federal Commissioner

human rights and public affairs.

of Human Rights.

The College has learned of the following deaths in our community. Our sympathy is extended to the families of these Ormondians:

Lawrence Bagg (1961) Ben Cowan (1985) Gus Ferguson (1951) Garnet Fielding (1953) Joseph Fraser (1959)

David Grounds (1948) William Lawler (1957) Peter Loof (1949) Adrian Lowe (1949) Henry (John) Moss (1944)

John Parry (1957) Robin Stewardson (1956) Don Symington (1971) Vanne Trompf (1962) Robert Vines (1939)

The College apologises for mistakenly listing Geoffrey Hewitt (1950) as deceased in the November 2016 edition of New & Old. Sadly his brother Graeme passed away in Perth.

No.94 JUNE 2017


Remembered by a grateful College

Dr Anna Drummond College Archivist

In March, the College unveiled a permanent memorial to George Mounsey, groundsman and resident of the College for sixty-five years. At an afternoon tea reception, the Master unveiled the plaque which reads: In memory of George Mounsey (1928-2016), Ormond staff member and resident for 65 years. Loved by generations of students and staff. George's warm friendships, love of football, care for the grounds and tending of the fires will long be remembered by a grateful College. The plaque sits fittingly on the Vestibule fireplace where George lit the fires that warmed generations of students. At the unveiling the Master reflected that George Mounsey was as much a part of the College as any Master or past student and that, like Frank Raleigh, George Mounsey will continue to be remembered and have his story told by Ormondians. The unveiling was attended by a cross-section of the College community including past Masters, past and current staff, and alumni from many decades.



Ormond gardens through the seasons No matter the season, the gardens of Ormond provide a beautiful place of respite for our entire community - protected from the hustle and bustle of the CBD just outside our gates. Here, we’ve curated moments from our gardens from early Summer to the start of Winter. This is made possible by the skillful hands of Michael and Colin, who has worked at Ormond for over 30 years, caring for our gardens (pictured right).

No.94 JUNE 2017


Alumni news

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Julia Martinez (1983) is thoroughly enjoying fulltime research thanks to an Australian Research Scholarship and last year published her first monograph, with Adrian Vickers. The Pearl Frontier which is a history of Indonesians in northern Australia. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Michael Stone (1956) is now retired and living in Jerusalem. Michael has published the following works: Orange Light: Selected Poems 1996-2016 (Amazon), Armenian Apocrypha:

Chris Ganly (1988) has recently published a new biography

Relating to Angels and Biblical Heroes (SBL Press Atlanta), due

on Major William Drummond Mercer who resided in Geelong,

for release November 2017, Footsteps in the Sand: A Journal of

Victoria between 1838 and 1851. He was a Scotsman from

Travels in the Sinai Peninsula (SBL Press Atlanta) & due for release

a prominent family who became a Major in the British Army

on January 1 2018 Secret Groups in Ancient Judaism (Oxford

and went on to be an influential settler, squatter and MLC in


Australia. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sarah Martin (Past Ormond staff) author of the Davis Chris Brickhill (1965) will be returning to Venice to live after

McCaughey biography has recently published a new book on

temporarily living in Brazil.

the history of Bush Heritage Australia. The book was launched at Readings in Carlton, October 2016.

Chris is an experienced risk and risk technology professional and formed STORM Technology in 1982 in New York. Chris

Sarah is currently writing the history of the Ormond Ski Club

has two recent publications Risk Traffickers and Singapore’s

which will be launched at the Ski Club’s 50th Anniversary Dinner

Avaricious Oligarchy both available through Amazon.

to be held at the College on Saturday 21 October.

Chris married Antonio Reis in New York in the early 1990’s and they reconfirmed their vows in Brazil in 2004. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Australia Day Honours 2017

Thomas Forrest (1995) completed his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in 1998 in the area of Geophysics and Hydrogeology. In 2001, he completed a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education and has been teaching Secondary Science and Mathematics since. Thomas is a teacher at Xavier College Senior Campus, Kew. Thomas’ other pursuits include being a volunteer firefighter with the Mount Macedon Fire Brigade, where he has spent many hours on fire lines either in Victoria and occasionally interstate. Thomas has been a volunteer PAD Instructor since 2011. In 2014 he was presented the National Emergency Medal for his efforts during the Black Saturday Fires. He lives in Melbourne with his wife Georgina and their 20 month old

We extend our congratulations to the following member of the Ormond community who has been recognised for their substantial contributions to society with 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours: Professor Andrew Bruce HOLMES AC (1962), for eminent service to science through developments in the field of organic and polymer chemistry as a researcher, editor and academic, and through the governance of nationally recognised, leading scientific organisations. We would be delighted to hear from other members of the community who have received an award and are not listed above. T +61 3 9344 1270

daughter Molly. At the time of writing, they were excitedly awaiting the impending arrival of a sibling for Molly.



2017 OCA Dinner and Decade Reunions’

Save the Date: NSW Cocktail Party

New Date: Friday 25 August 2017, 6:45pm The following reunions will be celebrated on the evening; 10 year (2007), 20 year (1997), 30 year (1987) and 40 year (1977). If you were in College during any of these years then this is your reunion and we would like you to join us to celebrate this milestone! 6.45pm - 7.30pm

Pre-dinner drinks and savouries

7.30pm - 10.30pm


College Dining Hall Dress: Black/Ormond Tie

Alumni and parents are invited to attend the NSW Cocktail Party to support the NSW scholarship fund. The event will be held at the home of Rob and Alex Priestley in Mosman, NSW.

For enquiries please email to: alumni@ormond.unimelb.edu.au RSVP: Monday 21 August 2017 Complete form on reverse and return to:

Tuesday 12 September, 6.30-8.30pm

OCA Dinner Ormond College

Please save the date, invitations will be sent shortly.

49 College Crescent

Enquiries to Louise Curran 03 9344 1270 or alumni@ormond.unimelb.edu.au

Parkville VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA or scan and email to: alumni@ormond.unimelb.edu.au Book online at: www.ormond.unimelb.edu.au/event/view/56/

Events Diary Ormond College Open Day

Sunday 20 August

10am - 4pm

Ormond College

OCA Dinner and Decade Reunions

Friday 25 August

6.45 - 11.30pm

Ormond College

NSW Cocktail Party

Tuesday 12 September

6.30 - 8.30pm


Ormond Ski Club 50th Saturday 21 October Anniversary Dinner (Black Tie)*


Ormond College

1881 Club Dinner

6.30 - 8.30pm

Ormond College

Wednesday 25 October

*By invitation only to Ormond ski club members – will be issued by August 2017. For enquiries contact Louise Curran 03 9344 1270 or alumni@ormond.unimelb.edu.au



2017 Ormond College Association Dinner


Please print full name & year of entry

Please print full name & year of entry

Contact number during business hours:_________________ Email address:____________________________________ Names for a table of 12

Peer year

1 (Table captain) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2 _____________________________________________ 3 _____________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________ 5 _____________________________________________ 6 _____________________________________________ 7 _____________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________ 10 _____________________________________________ 11 _____________________________________________ 12 _____________________________________________

OR seat me with (please tick): my age group 2007 year group – 10 year reunion 1997 year group – 20 year reunion 1987 year group – 30 year reunion 1977 year group – 40 year reunion OCA Dinner _____ place/s @ $90 per person _____ place/s @ $75 per person (2014 – 2016 only)

Come to Open Day Sunday 20 August, 10am - 4pm

Total $_______________ Payment Details Cheque (payable to Ormond College) Mastercard

Visa (no Diners/Amex)

Name on credit card: Card number: Expiry: ____ / ____ Signature: ______________________________________

49 College Crescent Parkville VIC 3052 Australia T: 61 3 9344 1100 F: 61 3 9344 1111 E: advancement@ormond.unimelb.edu.au W: www.ormond.unimelb.edu.au ORMOND COLLEGE MAGAZINE


GI V ING TO OR MOND 2 016 Mr S G Longley Prof H Luntz Mr A Lyne, Estate of Mr H S Macdonald Mr D Martin The following donors directed Ms M E McDonald gifts towards scholarships, bursaries, endowments and prizes Dr I E McInnes Dr C R McLennan to support resident students and McMeckan Family academic programs: Foundation Menzies Foundation Anon (2) Mr A G Michelmore & Mrs J H Michelmore AO Mr D S Abraham AM Ms N Milgrom Dr R Abrams Mr R L Milne Dr P J Allen Mr H D Mitchell Mr P E Anastassiou SC Mr T Moran Australian Jewish Ms M Morrison Democratic Society Dr M L Murnane-Griffiths Mr A C Baker AM Mrs M C Barlow Mr T D G Neilson Dr S J Bell Mr M R Nicholson & Dr Mr N J & Mrs D E Bertalli A Hill Mr W & Mrs P Bisley Mr J M & Ms L O'Donnell Assoc Prof R E R Black & Ms Mr R Paterson C E Anderson Mr J & Mrs A K Paterson Ms E J Braun Ms M Patterson Mr K C Brown Mr M G Penington Prof P D Brukner OAM & Mr R & Mrs A Priestley Ms D Tapsall Mr J & Mrs P Rawling Dr B J Cairns Ms S Rennie Mr C J M Canny Prof N Resh Mr M Carnegie Dr A V Robertson Mrs A Cebon-Glass Mr R A Robson CBE CMB Capital Mr B & Mrs D Rock Judge S M Cohen Mr D Rothfield Ms A Coote Dr E M Russell Prof D Copolov Ms S Scott Corrs Chambers Westgarth Ms M Seccull Mr D J Coulter Mr J R F Shipton Prof G Davis AC Ms R Singer Dr E A Dawes & Mr D Ms L Skinner Dawes Dr R E J Smith Hon Associate Justice Mr R T Stewart D M B Derham QC Mr S & Mrs J Stuart Dr J R Donaldson (dec) Mrs A Stubbe & Dr J W Mr F Eastwood Stubbe Sir R Eddington Mr C S Sutherland Mr P Edwards Mr G G M Swinburne Dr P A Foster & Assoc Prof J Mr M A Tehan & Ms C McBain AO Ostor Assoc Prof J Freemantle & Mrs N Tippett Mr J Freemantle AO Mr A E Tudge MP Mr B C Furphy Dr W R Twycross OAM Mrs L M George & Mr R J Mr J M Walter George Mr D A Williamson Mr C B Goode AC & Ms C Mr H Williamson Goode Mr T Wolkenberg Mr A G S Gray Prof A K W Wood Mrs S P Harden Mr J W Woodside Mr J Hasker AM Mr H Zwier Mr A J Healy Mr R J Heathcote Dr I A Hewitt Dr S M Hodson Thompson Building Fund Prof A B Holmes AC Ms S M Holt Members of the Ormond Mr W R Hopper community who made a Dr J H & Mrs C L Iser commitment towards the Mr S Jain Thompson Building Fund in Mr G A & Mrs D Johnson 2016 through a gift or a Mrs C Johnston & Mr T C pledge are listed below: Johnston Bell Charitable Fund Dr J A Johnstone Mr S Schudmak & Ms B Romero Mr L Kamener Ms A Kaminski Prof T W Kay Wade Institute of Ms C S Kay Entrepreneurship Dr S M Keating Mr L Keating Mr P A & Mrs S Wade Assoc Prof J O King AM Mr J W M Knox & Ms R E McGinley Knox General Purpose Fund Mr P J Laver AM & Mrs A Laver Estate of the late Prof R L Dr Y A Layher Sharwood AM Dr R J & Mrs J Leaper Mr D V Lewis

Scholarships, Bursaries & Prizes

Dr E Lewis AM Dr C N Luth Mr I W Macmillan The Annual Giving program Dr T A Male provides members of the Ormond Dr D S Mansell community with an opportunity Rev A J & Rev B Matthews to support the College through Mr D R Millen a mailed appeal once during Mr M R Morrison the year. Donors to the 2016 Dr M L Murnane-Griffiths Annual Giving program are listed AM & Mr M J L Griffiths below in two sections—alumni MBE (by decade) and parents, staff & Mr J Nairn friends of the College. Mr R E Nelson Hon A B Nicholson AO Rev J S Petrie ANNUAL GIVING SIGNATORIES Mr B C Randall OAM Dr J G Roberts Those donors identified by an Mr R I Ross asterisk* are 2016 signatories— Prof I H Sloan AO & Mrs people who lead their peers in J Sloan encouraging their philanthropic Mr P H Sloane support for the College. We are Dr P L Sprague most grateful to our team of Judge B H Stott signatories who generously assist Dr P W Sutherland the College by providing their Prof A M Taylor AM leadership and advocacy. Mr G M Wheeler Rev T G Williams

The Annual Giving Program

ANNUAL GIVING – ALUMNI (BY DECADE) 1930-1939 Rev W M Morgan 1940-1949 Anon (1) Mr C A Baker AM Mrs M M Banks OAM Prof W A Bate OAM Dr H D Breidahl Mr N G Cameron Dr O M Coltman Dr E L Francis Mr G C Gaze (dec) Mr G Hirth Dr A M Liebhold Mr P R Loof (dec) Mr J R Peart Mr D W Rogers AO * Mr G A Tingate 1950-1959 Anon (3) Mr P G Allard Mr D B Andrew Mr I K Bainbridge Rev B A Ball Dr M J Bannister Mr M E & Ms M Barden Rev A E Bell Dr J F Besemeres Dr A J & Mrs J A Bothroyd Rev C R Brandt Mr P W Brotchie Mrs L D Chapman Dr R M Cook AM Dr B M Currie Sir D M Dawson AC KBE CB Mr J S Edwards Rev E K Edwards Dr G A Freeman Dr J A & Mrs D Frew General P C Gration AC, OBE Mr A W Gunther Dr W H Huffam * Dr M S John OAM Rev C W Johnson Dr J R Lawry Mr R A Leggatt (dec)

1960-1969 Anon (1) Prof W R & Ms H J Adam Dr P M Ashton * Dr D M Birks Mr W Bisley * Dr K & Mrs W Bitans Mr M A Brian OAM Mr R J Bugg Mr G J Caple Emeritus Prof T R Carney AO Dr P J Carpenter Dr W F Christophersen Prof S D Clark Dr G A Clarke Dr G R & Mrs N Courtis Mr A W Coutts Mr D A Crawford AO Mr R B Crawshay Mr L A Cresswell Mr R S Cutler * Dr J B Dawson Dr A R Disney Mr G J Drayton Mr C M Drew Dr I B & Dr C Driscoll Mr D K Eager Mr J R Edquist & Ms D Price Dr M R Edwards * Mr M D Elliot Prof M D Esler AM Mr B N Gallacher Mr C D & Mrs M Gibson Mr J R Hart Mr P A Hartley Mr G F Hayes Dr C Hazlehurst Mr R J Heathcote Mr G R Henning Prof A D Hibberd Mr A M Hillier Mr G Hindle Mr P M Hobday Prof A B Holmes AC Mr N F Hyden Mr I M Jillett Mr L C Jolley Mr T L Jones Hon C R Kemp * Mrs N L Killip OAM Dr J H La Nauze Mr W C L Lang Mr B E Laws Mr G C Laws Mr D S Lennie

Mr D W Libling Mr R G Long Dr M J MacDonald Prof S F Macintyre AO Mr I L Maclaine-Cross Mr D R McConaghy Prof D J McDougall Dr J McEwen PSM Mr P L McKeand Dr A G McKinley Dr D I McLaren Mr R J McOmish Dr P M Motteram Mr P M Norman Mr A D Page Mr F W Paton Mr C J Penfold Mr G A Peterkin OAM Mr J M Pfeiffer * Mr I A Renard AM Mr K E Richards OAM Prof E L Ritman Prof I C Roberts-Thomson Dr D M Robson Mr A M Robson Mr D L Rundle & Ms V Rundle PSM Mr R G Rutter Mr R G Sanderson Mr G J Skene Dr J F Stickland Dr R A Sundberg AM QC Mr A Suvoltos Mr R H N Symons Mr J A Thomson Mr D W Torrens Mr R M Touzel Mr D Westland Mr S M Westwood Prof D G Williamson Mr J W Woodside 1970-1979 Anon (4) Mrs S N Baird * Dr C M Bayly Dr G P Bearham Mr P A & Ms J Birch Dr G S Blanch Assoc Prof A M V Brooks Mr P N Cameron Mr J F Chambers Mr I L Cochran Dr D S Conochie Dr L M Dawborn-Gundlach Hon Associate Justice D M B Derham QC Assoc Prof H P Ewing Mr B T & Mrs B A Fenner Mr J P Field Dr A L Fisher Mr R Fyffe Assoc Prof L E Grigg Mr J R Guy Mr P J Holloway Mrs B V Hopper Mr J A Hutton * Mr S A Johnston Mrs C Johnston Mr P J Loftus * Mr M R Ludgate Mr G J Lyon Dr A V Maclean Ms N S McKeough Mr A G Michelmore & Mrs J H Michelmore AO Ms J A Moore Mr R G Mummery Mr N G Mummery Mr T D G Neilson Mr I Nisbet Dr I G Pattison Dr A J Penington & Dr L P Williams


GI V ING TO OR MOND 2 016 Dr P H & Mrs G Rehfisch Dr B A Robertson Hon M J C Ronaldson Dr A M Rowe Dr T W Secomb Ms D Tapsall Mr P A Tilley Dr J T Took McNally Dr K J R Watson Ms N E White * Mr P S Wilson AM Mr I J Wise Dr J A Woods

Mr D C Dyer & Ms K A Murray Ms S E Gofton Dr J H Henderson Mr R C H Jackson Ms L S Leong * Ms R A Merrin Mr M J Poulton Mr M J Reid Ms F E Reilly Dr M J Roberts Mr W M Robinson Mr E P Tay Mr L D Tomkin

1980-1989 2000-2011 Anon (1) Mr R J Abraham Mrs J H Akhurst Mr R P Backwell Ms M Bishop Assoc Prof R E R Black & Ms C E Anderson Rev Prof I Breward * Mr H A & Ms Z J Cameron Mr H A Cameron Dr A J Campbell Ms T G Coltman Mr M J Cook * Ms S E Draper & Mr R M Ponsford Ms C A Graham Mr T K Griffith * Mr P M Grutzner * Mr A M Hedley * Hon G A Hunt MP Mr J M Huntington Dr R L Jeffree Mr M I Jones Dr E A Kayak Rev P H Kissick Dr Y A Layher * Mr A J Le Deux Dr R J Leach Ms C J Lidgerwood Mr A J Light Ms P A Loane Prof F A Macrae AO Mr R T Marcolina Mr J B Mawson Mr P C McDonald Justice S G E McLeish Mrs S C Meggitt & Mr E J H Meggitt Dr V A Morgan Mr S J & Mrs K Motteram Prof P J Nicholson Ms M R Ogilvie MP Mr A A Philip Mr G Rose & Ms E J M Bridger Mr M Ryder Ms L M Saunder Mr M G Smith Dr J L Smith Prof C J Stern & Mr A Welsh Mr N R Strong Mr J A Thevathasan Mr T Wallis Mr S M Watson Dr A M Wilkin Dr N L Woodrow 1990-1999 Anon (4) Mrs N S Bolch & Dr S J M Bolch Mr A Chadder Dr S K K Chong Mr J W Clarke Mr B F Dowling * Dr R Dridan

Ms L E Barnett Mr P R Burgess Mr D S Fraser Ms A L Griffiths Ms L C Michelmore Mr A G Miller Mr T J Paton Mr J D Stewart Mr V Vadhanasindhu Mr A Van Groningen *

Annual Giving – parents, staff and friends Mrs G B Ahamat & Mr A R Ahamat Ms A E Badger Ms D J Bambra Mr D Barnett Mrs B Borghesi & Mr G Borghesi Dr P Boxall AO & Ms K Chester Mr D Bradford & Mr M C Williams Ms S A Broglio Mr D Carlson Mrs C Carroll & Dr P Carroll Dr H N Collins Dr J Cosgrove Mrs A Culhane & Mr M Culhane Mrs M Dalton & Dr R Dalton Ms A Dudek & Mr B Banducci Mrs K Elliott Prof B Giles-Corti Mr R Grinter Mr P & Mrs D Hammond Mr P & Mrs J Heinz Mrs N Hodkinson & Mr M Hodkinson Mrs C L Iser & Dr J H Iser Ms S Jenkins Mrs C Johnston Dr A Kipen Mrs R Legge Dr P Lejins Mrs E Loane Ms G Lowe & Mr A Lowe Mrs J Lu Mrs A Mason Mr F S McArthur AM & Mrs B A McArthur Mr D McMillan Dr F Mendelsohn Ms J Meredith Mr S Murdoch Mrs R J Page Mrs C Pilgrim Mrs N Swift & Mr R Swift Ms H Sykes Mr A & Mrs C Thomas Mrs C Tod Dr R Ward Mr J S & Mrs S Weddell Ms P Wells Mr J F Wright, Estate of Ms H Zabakly

1881 Club membership The following members of the Ormond community have advised the College of their intention to include the College in their wills, thereby joining our bequest society, the 1881 Club. Mr D S Abraham AM Dr P M Ashton Mr N J Bertalli Mr W Bisley Mr R J Bugg Ms L R Cain Dr B J Cairns Mr S L Carland Mr I L Cochran Dr H N Collins Mrs G Cook Dr R M Cook AM Ms M Crabtree Dr I J Fairnie Mr T K Griffith Mr M J L Griffiths MBE Ms L M Grogan Sakas Mr A W Gunther Mr J R Hart Dr C Hazlehurst Rev Dr J A Henley Dr N L Holding Dr W H Huffam Mrs E Hull Mr C Hull Mr J A Hutton Prof J R Irwin Mr R C H Jackson Mr T C Johnston Mrs N L Killip OAM Ms P M Leeming Mrs B J MacInnes Ms I G Macnab Prof D J McDougall Mr A G Michelmore Mr R L Milne Dr M L Murnane-Griffiths AM Prof B J Norman Mr D H Owen Mr K E Richards OAM Dr G S M Robson Mr D W Rogers AO Dr E M Russell Ms A M Ryan Prof N P M Sacks Mr M A Shields Mr G J Skene Mr R A Slater AM Dr J A Snell Dr W J Spring Mr A Suvoltos Mr G G M Swinburne Mr R K A Taylor Dr J T Took McNally Mr P A Wade Mr M C Williams Dr A D Wilson Mr J W Woodside Deceased: Dr J B M Blair Ms M M Ferguson Sir J R A Glenn OBE Mr I A Gordon Mrs A G Gregory Dr A D Grounds Dr R C Gutch OAM Mr R A Leggatt Mr J A Lyne Mrs J M McCaughey AO Dr K D Nunn Prof R L Sharwood AM Prof E C Slater Mr W G Stott

This report lists donors to Ormond College from 1/1/2016 to 31/12/2016. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If an error has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact the Advancement Office on T +61 3 9344 1149 or E advancement@ormond.unimelb.edu. au so that we can amend our records.



SCHOL A R SHIPS Supporting students on their career journey

Two of our current country students

from school to college and University

I realise how fortunate I was to have a free

Emma Haege and Claudia Mudge, both

life and the move from the country to

education. My father had the means for

studying Science, are receiving support

Melbourne so much easier. It has helped

me to attend Ormond and he constantly

from the Isabel Pond Scholarship

me to focus on my studies, as I don’t

reminded me that I was attending “the best

established in 1986 through a bequest

have to spend every spare hour working.

college in the best university in Australia”.

to the College.

It allowed me to accept this amazing

Given not everyone has the means, I wanted

opportunity of residing at Ormond

to create that opportunity for others. I’m


at a stage in my career now where I have

Emma, who comes from a large family in

the time and energy to look back and

rural NSW is grateful for the scholarship for “providing the financial support

Ormond allowed me to study at my

acknowledge the folks and institutions that

needed for me to live in Melbourne and

dream university in my desired course

opened doors for me.

study at one of the best universities in

and come to Ormond where I have

Australia. The scholarship has meant the

involved myself in many sports, forums

If a student is willing and able, then we

world for both myself and my family,

and events to which I would otherwise

must make opportunity available. We need

who have supported me throughout my

have never been exposed.”

more women in STEM careers, so I’m keen to support women studying the sciences.

education. Belinda MacInnes (1981) is continuing the Being at Ormond has enabled me to

tradition of leaving a gift to the College

I may not be the next private or public

meet people from a range of diverse

to support student scholarships. Coming

organisational leader who can influence

backgrounds, which has expanded my

from a small school of only 400 students,

change (for the good) on a large scale, yet

knowledge and appreciation of other

University was overwhelming for Belinda:

by leaving a gift I can do it on a small scale.

cultures and helps foster a collective

“The security and place of belonging

The student who benefits from a

spirit within the college. Without the

that Ormond provided was crucial

scholarship may be the next Prime Minister

continuing generosity of donors many

in supporting my studies, sport and

or Entrepreneur or CEO or Scientific

people, including me, would not have

socialising. The College tutorials were a

mastermind that influences change on

the opportunity to attend college and

life saver for me, as often I couldn’t attend

a state, national, international or global

experience all that it has to offer.”

tutes at the university due to being

stage. I’d be honoured and humbled to

overwhelmed. The network of friends

have supported that person in a small way

For Claudia, who is from Albury

and professionals that I made at Ormond

on their career journey. They must not be

“Receiving a scholarship was such a

are still in my life today. In fact, I married

stopped simply due to a lack of means.”

privilege; it helped to make the transition

one of them! I


John Leaper (1968), Jenny Leaper and Natan Skinner (3rd Yr Arts)

For Future Generations John Leaper was the first in his family

that this scholarship should be made

me try my hand at many different activities

to come to Ormond, made possible by

available for generations to come”.

– such as sports I hadn’t previously tried

the MacFarland Scholarship established

and drama. The privilege of attending

(initially as Foundation Scholarships) and

This year’s recipient of the John Leaper

Ormond for my third year has only been

endowed by John MacFarland upon his

First in the Family Scholarship is Natan

possible due to the generous support of

death in 1935.

Skinner, who came to Melbourne from

John. I’m immensely grateful for the John

Mountain Coast, Queensland:

Leaper First in the Family Scholarship and

John wanted to provide others with

“When applying for Melbourne University,

what it has already done for my life in so

the opportunity he was given and

I hadn’t even heard of Ormond. Yet

many different ways. I’m sure the legacy of

established the John Leaper First in the

being a part of the vibrant and diverse

John’s generosity will continue to impact

Family Scholarship to support students

community here has been one of the

me for the rest of my life.”

from 2014-2017. Over that period John

most enriching experiences of my life,

saw firsthand the difference his support

providing me with a strong start to my

was making “It was always my hope

adult life and allowing me to flourish.

that the experiences for these young

Having tutors so accessible has strongly

people would be as beneficial as they

facilitated my academic success, while

were for me. Meeting with each of the

being involved in the broader community

students who received the scholarship

through the many opportunities offered

during the last 3 years convinced me

has broadened my horizons by allowing II

S C H O L A R S H I P S R E C I PI E N T S 2 0 1 7 Access Scholarship Tiana Nemec

Science 1

Alex Lyne Educational Trust Patrice Cialdella Arts 2 Ji Eun Kim Master of Cultural Materials and Conservation Joshua Symes Commerce 1

All Rounder Scholarship Mia Zitzlaff

Arts 1

Australia Post Scholarship Kawsar Taleb

Master of Entrepreneurship

Brett Kagan Ph.D. Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Bryce Kenyon-Quigley Science 2 Xinhao Liu Doctor of Dental Surgery Claudia Mudge Science 1 Meredith Ong Doctor of Medicine Katrina Puchalski Doctor of Dental Surgery Andrew Rowse Master of Entrepreneurship Harry Sexton Science 3 Daniel Stables Commerce 2 Daniel Stow Science 2 Michael Thorpe Master of Architecture Jonathan Ucinek Doctor of Optometry Kaixiang Wang Doctor of Philosophy – Engineering Charles Wilkens Master of Environments Edwina Williams Science 2 Georgina Winchester Arts 2 Joanna Yan Master of Entrepreneurship Carmen Yuen Master of Landscape Architecture Benjamin Ziegeler Doctor of Medicine

Hugh Collins Scholarship Sally Jenkins Annie Tran

William Barak Scholarship Eylania Naawi Paul Payne Elia Shugg Caleb Weston

Arts (Extended) 1 Arts (Extended) 2 Arts (Extended) 2 Arts (Extended) 2

Science 1 Commerce 1

Coltman Scholarship Daniel Lee Oliver Rasmussen

Environments 3 Science 2

Bate Family Scholarship Sophia Cassimatis

Arts 2

Corrs Chambers Westgarth Entrepreneurs Scholarship Mary Minas

WJ Bayles Scholarship David Barrell

Master of Engineering

Xavier Healy Sarah Nethersole

Arts 3 Biomedicine 2

Binowee Scholarship Madeleine Mercer Teina Te Hemara

Arts 1 Juris Doctor

Master of Entrepreneurship

Qiannan Huang Doctor of Dental Surgery Brett Kagan Ph.D. Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Benjamin Ziegeler Doctor of Medicine

Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright Stephan Oehler Karthikram Rajesh

Conrad Crockett

Master of Engineering Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Master of Engineering

Jack Buckland Engineering Scholarship David Barrell

Doctor of Physiotherapy

Ruby Jeffrey Robyn Bedford Daniel Stow

Arts 1 Arts (Extended) 2 Science 2

Arts 2 Master of Engineering Arts 3 Arts 2 Master of Engineering Science 1

General Scholarship Fund Benjamin Butler Megan Carney Kali Close Patrick Dawson Matthew Hall Kathleen McGovern Unaswi Ndaba Anna Ritchie Kristianna Scheffel Thea Shields Joyce Williams Connor Wright Chengyi Zhao Nick Ziemkiewicz

Science 1 Arts 2 Science (Extended) 1 Master of Science (Physics) Commerce 1 Arts 2 Commerce 3 Arts 2 Arts 2 Arts 2 Science (Extended) 3 Arts (Extended) 2 Doctor of Theology 0 Commerce 1

Ian Gordon Family Scholarship Arts 1

The David Grounds Scholarship Science 1

Richard & Verna Gutch Scholarship Jade Smith Genevieve Walsh

Arts 1 Arts 1

John Hasker Scholarship Daniel Lee Olivia Nemtsas

Environments 3 Environments 2

Hewitt Family Scholarship Thea Shields

Arts 2

Mervyn Bourne Higgins Scholarship

Megan Carney

Arts 2

Master of Entrepreneurship

Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop Scholarship Cairns Scholarship

Daniel Lee

Pompey Elliott Rural Scholarship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Speech Pathology Arts 2 Master of Management Commerce Ph.D Science Biomedicine 2 Biomedicine 3 Doctor of Medicine Arts 2

Ellie Haege Toby McCarney William Morrison

Meredith Hodson Michael Thorpe

Arts 2 Master of Architecture

Impact Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Environments 3

Doctor of Medicine

Peter Callow Memorial Scholarship Fund Jesper Andersson Jennarita Calvi Sophia Cassimatis Nehal Chugh Geoffrey Creber Louise Dorignon Sanlin Fisher Susan Huntington Peter Jardim Anthony Jenkins

Sarah Alley David Barrell Tahlia Davidson Anthony Jenkins Hanxiao Jiang Tiana Nemec

Gavin Saturn Douglas Scholarship

Sir Tom Dunhill Bursary Fund

Addison Davis

General Bursary Fund

Master of Engineering

George Cabble Bursary Fund Scout Morris

Arts 1 Arts 2 Biomedicine 2 Bachelor of Design 1

Kate Easther

Dew Scholarship in Medicine

Darby Dunstan & Joan Dunstan Scholarship Warwick Bisley Scholarship

Sienna Amarant Natasha Kennedy-Read Ethan Koschitzke Ashleigh Miller

Hamish Litt

Credit Suisse Entrepreneurs Scholarship Sakshi Thakur

Neville and Di Bertalli Scholarship

Master of Entrepreneurship

Fielding Menzies Scholarship

Laura Youngson

Master of Entrepreneurship

Indigenous Scholarship Arts 3 Commerce 1 Agriculture 1

Amy Gibbs Arts (Extended) 1 Aliya Chalmers Arts 1

Pompey Elliott Memorial Scholarship William Johnson

Arts 1

John & Margo Irwin Scholarship Patrick Dawson Hanxiao Jiang

Master of Science (Physics) Master of Engineering


S C H O L A R S H I P S R E C I PI E N T S 2 0 1 7 Christian Johnston Goldman Sachs Gives Scholarship Ruby Lieber

Dr Merrilyn Murnane-Griffiths Scholarship

Nigel Sacks Scholarship

Danielle Cody

Peter Jardim

Science 4

MYOB Scholarship

Renate Kamener Indigenous Scholarship Kinjia Munkara-Murray Patrick Mercer

Melanie Williams

Arts (Extended) 3 Arts 3

Helen Keating Scholarship Arts 3

Dr Thomas John Moore Kennedy Scholarship Sarika Suresh

Doctor of Medicine

Master of Entrepreneurship

Arts 3

John Leaper Scholarship Natan Skinner

Arts 3

MacFarland Scholarship Master of Architecture

McLean Family Scholarship Evangeline Ginnivan Peter Jardim Elsie Kingston

Arts 1

STEMM Scholarship Milosh Milosh

Ormond NSW Chapter Scholarship Todd Fernando Benjamin Hooppell Adrienne Koor

Master of Entrepreneurship

Ph.D. Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Science 4 Commerce 2

Anvita Bhasin Leanora Collett Keely Malady Thomas Turner Julie Turner

Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship

Harold Stewardson Scholarship Brett Kagan Alex McMillan

Ph.D. Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Master of Public Health

McLennan Scholarship Biomedicine 2 Fine Arts – Screenwriting 2 Arts 3 Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing Arts 1 Doctor of Medicine

Mid 80’s Alumni Scholarship Catharine McKay

Naomi Milgrom Scholarship

Hartley Mitchell Scholarship Eleanor Woods

Arts 2

McGrath Government School Scholarship Matthew Hall

Commerce 1

Ellinor Morcom Scholarship Oliver Rasmussen

Stewart Family Scholarship

George Swinburne Scholarship

Science 3 Master of Public Health

Arts 3 Arts 2

Chloe O’Bryan

Olivia Nemtsas

Environments 2

Cavan Fairall Emma Haege Mark Kovacev Claudia Mudge

Arts 1 Science 1 Science 1 Science 1

Priestley Family Access Scholarship Lochlan Bull

Commerce 1

Benjamin Ziegeler

Arts 2

Barry Taylor Philosophy Scholarship Eleanor Woods

Doctor of Medicine

Frank Raleigh Scholarship

Master of Entrepreneurship

Doctor of Theology

Tobias Edwards Alex McMillan

Dr Donald Pryde Scholarship Doctor of Medicine

Chengyi Zhao

Henry Caldwell Elsie Kingston

D K Picken Bursary Biomedicine 2 Doctor of Medicine Arts 2

Dr James Stewart Scholarship

Bill & Joan Paterson Scholarship

Isabel Pond Memorial Scholarship

Arts 2

Wade Family Scholarship Rhoanna Furneaux Olivia Hartwig Ady Waters Nick Ziemkiewicz

Arts 1 Arts 1 Arts 1 Commerce 1

Wade Institute Financial Assistance Freya Berwick Chun Lam Scout Morris Nader Salameh

Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship Master of Entrepreneurship

Eileen Watt Medical Scholarship

Syrah Torii

Arts 1

Benjamin Ziegeler

Sir Lindsay Ride Scholarship

Women’s Scholarship

Kaixiang Wang

Megan Carney

Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering

Arts 2

Yeram-boo-ee Bursary

Bessie Robson Music Scholarship Eric Beale Oliver Rasmussen

Doctor of Medicine

Music 3 Science 2

Charlotte Little Mark Nannup

Arts (Extended) 3 Fine Arts (Theatre Practice) 1

Mrs L & Pte DL Robertson Bursary Science 2

Donald & Isa Munro Scholarship Henry Boydell Tahlia Davidson Thea Shields

Ph.D. - Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Doctor of Medicine

OCA Scholarship

Ormond Entrepreneur Scholarship

Ellie Haege

Daarshinie Nadarajan

Brett Kagan Sarika Suresh

J D McCaughey Scholarship

Michael Thorpe

Dr W D Saltau Scholarship

Syrah Torii

Talia Davidson

Adeline Gabriel Sophie Gibson Noah Hildreth Marjorie Main Syrah Torii Benjamin Ziegeler

Doctor of Medicine

Science 2

Chengyi Zhao

Doctor of Theology

John D Rogers Scholarship Environments 2 Arts 3 Arts 2

Max Jelbart

Fine Arts – Screenwriting 1


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