Bete Grise Lighthouse, 24
Big Bay Point Lighthouse, 12, 24–25, 26, 28, 136
“Big Blow” (1913), 39
Big Red (Holland Harbor) Lighthouse, 42, 43, 65
Big Sable Point Lighthouse, 69
Big Sandy Life Saving Station, 114
Biloxi Lighthouse, 90, 150
Birely, Linda McLeod, 81
“Black Fleet,” 120
Blackbeard, 157
Bodie Lighthouse, 157
Bois Blanc Island Lighthouse, 102
Boom Island Lighthouse, 2
Borden, Lizzie, 136
Borden Flats Lighthouse, 136
Border, Peter Nelson, 68
Boston Harbor Fog Cannon, 78
Boston Harbor Lighthouse, 8–9, 78, 79
Boston Light, 90
Boston Lighthouse, 61, 90
Boyle, Patrick, 103
Boyle, William, 103
Boyle Marina Lighthouse, 76, 77, 93–94
Boyter, Robert, 94
Brilliant Beacons (Dolin), 2
Broadwater Beach Marina Lighthouse, 151
Brown, Albert, 33
Brown, Annie, 144
Brown, Oscar, 144
Browns Point Lighthouse, 144
Bruce, James, 100, 104
Burke, Mike, 138
Burlington Canal Main Lighthouse, 128
Byers, Jane, 17
CCalumet Harbor Lighthouse, 65
Cana Island Lighthouse, 42, 43, 50–51
Caney [Cana] Lt. House, 50
Cape Beal Lighthouse, 138, 139
Cape Blanco Lighthouse, 147
Cape Bonita Lighthouse, 78
Cape Crocker Lighthouse, 76, 77, 98
Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, 62, 145
Cape Flattery Lighthouse, 145
Cape Hatteras, 60
Cape Hatteras Light Station, 157
Cape Henry Lighthouse, 158
Cape Lookout Lighthouse, 156
Cape Mears Lighthouse, 146
Cape Mendocino Lighthouse, 33, 147
Cape Robert Lighthouse, 76, 77, 96
Cape San Blas Lighthouse, 60, 151
Cape St George Lighthouse, 152
Cape Vincent Breakwater Lighthouse, 123, 131
Caribou Island Lighthouse, 33
Carlson, Robert, 33
Carmanah Lighthouse, 138, 139
Carysfort Reef Lighthouse, 60, 61
Castillo de los Tres Reys del Morro, 150
Chambers Island Lighthouse, 48
Chantry Island Lighthouse, 100, 101
Charity Island Lighthouse, 86
Charleston Lighthouse, 156
Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de, 22
Charlevoix South Pier Lighthouse, 42, 43, 69, 70
Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse, 123, 132–133
Chatham Lighthouse, 138, 141
Cheboygan Crib Lighthouse, 76, 77, 82
Cheboygan Front Range Lighthouse, 76, 77
Cheboygan Pier Light, 82
Cheboygan River Front Range Lighthouse, 80–81
Cheboygan River Rear Range Light, 76, 77
Chenoweth, Mike, 25–26
Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, 63
Church Style lighthouse, 6
Clarion, 107
Cleveland, Grover, 45
Cluskey, Charles B., 154
Coast Guard, 135
Cobourg East Pierhead Lighthouse, 123, 129
Columbia Redivina, 145
Congdon, Chester, 14
Conneaut West Breakwater Lighthouse, 118
Cooper, Bernie, 38
Copper Harbor Range, 27–28
Coquille River Lighthouse, 147
Corunna Rear Range Lighthouse, 76, 77, 102
Cottage Style lighthouses, 6, 59
Cove Island Lighthouse, 98
Covell-Meyers, Ileana, 21
Cox, George M., 38
Cream City: The Brick That Made Milwaukee Famous (Stern), 55
Crisp Point Lighthouse, 12, 33
Croft, Mary Ann, 140
Cronstedt, Carl, 163
Crooked River Lighthouse, 152, 153
CSS Virginia, 158
Currituck Lighthouse, 156
Cylindrical Style lighthouses, 6
DDaboll, Celadon, 78
Dalen, Nils, 74
Davis, Abraham, 98
Davis, Flora, 98
Davis, Henry, 98
Davis, Jefferson, 150, 158
Dennis, Jerry, 3–4, 39, 108
Devils Island Lighthouse, 12, 22
Discovery Island Lighthouse, 138, 140
Diskenson (keeper of Quatsino Lighthouse), 141
Dofflemeyer Point, 145
Dolin, Eric Jay, 2
Door County Historical Society, 50
Doughtery, Peter, 69
Douglas, Thomas, 132
Douglass, James, 8
Drum Style lighthouses, 6
Dueodde Lighthouse, 163
Duffy, John, 81
Duluth Harbor North Breakwater Lighthouse, 14
Duluth Harbor South Breakwater Outer Lighthouse, 14
Duluth North Pier Lighthouse, 12
Duluth South Breakwater Inner Lighthouse, 12
Duluth South Breakwater Outer Lighthouse, 12
Duluth South Harbor Breakwater Inner Lighthouse, 13
Duluth South Harbor Breakwater Outer Lighthouse, 13
Dunkirk Lighthouse, 106, 116
Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, 42, 43, 48, 50
Eagle Harbor Lighthouse, 12, 27
East Charity Shoal Lighthouse, 130
East Point Lighthouse, 138, 140 Eastland, 40
Eddystone Lighthouse, 8
Edmund Fitzgerald, 33, 37–38
Ellerbe Architects, 23
Ericsson, John, 78
Erie Land Lighthouse, 118
Estevan Lighthouse, 138, 142
FFairport Harbor Lighthouse, 106, 118, 119
False Ducks Lighthouse, 123, 129–130
Fårö Lighthouse, 161
Fitzgerald, Edmund, 38
Flowerpot Island Lighthouse, 97
Fort Gratiot Lighthouse, 76, 77, 85
Fort Niagara Lighthouse, 133–134
40 Mile Point Lighthouse, 76, 77, 82
Fourteen Foot Shoal Lighthouse, 82
Frabotta, Bill, 27
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 89
Frankfort North Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 68
Franklin, Benjamin, 61
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 72
Fresnel, Leonar, 72
Frontenac, 19
Frying Pan Lighthouse, 92
GGalle Lighthouse, 161
Galloo Island Lighthouse, 108
Garraty, Anna, 82
Gary, Elbert, 66
Gary Harbor Breakwater Lighthouse, 66
Gibbs, Jim, 144
Goderich Lighthouse, 76, 77, 101
Graham, Jack, 156
Grand Haven Lighthouses, 42, 43
Grand Haven Pierhead Outer and Inner Lighthouses, 65
Grand Island East Channel Lighthouse, 31, 32, 136
Grand Island North Channel Lighthouse, 32
Grand Marais Breakwater Light, 12
Grand Marais keeper’s house, 32
Grand Marais Light, 12, 32
Grand Marais Lighthouse, 16
Grand Traverse Lighthouse, 42, 43, 68, 69
Grant, Ulysses, 89
Grassy Island Range Lighthouses, 42, 43, 49
Grassy Island Rear Range Lighthouse, 6
Gravelly Shoal Lighthouse, 85
Gray, Robert, 145
Grays Harbor Lighthouse, 144
Great Beds Lighthouse, 46
Great Duck Island Lighthouse, 103
Great Lakes, 3–4, 35
Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association, 1, 80, 137
Great Lakes Lighthouses (Oleszewski), 53
Green Bay Harbor Entrance Lighthouse, 49
Griffith Island Lighthouse, 100
Grosse Isle North Channel Front Range Light, 103
Grosse Isle North Channel Front Range Lighthouse, 76, 77
Grosse Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 63, 64
Guardian Angel of Newport Harbor, 89
Gull Rock Lighthouse, 25
Gunilda, 39
Hackett, 30
Hackett, Agnes, 102
Hackett, Andrew, 102
Hackett, Charles, 102
Hackett, James, 102
Hamilton, Alexander, 44
Hanover, Amelia, 154
Harbour Town Lighthouse, 155
Harkness, Bill, 39
Harper’s Weekly, 89
Haze, 122
Heather, 144
Heceta, Don Bruno, 146
Heceta Head Lighthouse, 146
Heceta Head Lighthouse Keepers’ House, 146
Hecla, 19
Hecos, Laura, 148
Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (2010), 128
Hilton Head Rear Range Lighthouse, 155
The History of Fog Signals (Wheeler), 79
History of the Administration of the Lighthouses in America (Wheeler), 45, 46
History of the Great Lakes (Mansfield), 29
HMB Endeavour, 150
HMS Ontario, 133
Hoburg Lighthouse, 162
Holland Harbor (Big Red) Lighthouse, 42, 43, 65
Homans, James, 55
Hunting Island Lighthouse, 155
Hyacinth, 65
IIda Lewis Rock Lighthouse, 89
Île Parisienne Lighthouse, 34
Imitation Lighthouse, 76, 77
Inknown Light, 76, 77
Ironton, 19
Isle Royale Lighthouse, 17
James Barker, 30
Janet Head Lighthouse, 76, 77, 94
John Jacob Astor, 26
Johnson, Arnold, 44
Jones, Cadwalder, 159
Jones, David, 96
Jones Island Range Rear Lighthouse, 96
Jones Point Lighthouse, 159
KKahn, Louis, 156
Kalamazoo Lighthouse, 67
Kalkan Lighthouse, 165
Karlskrona lighthouses, 163
Kas Harbor Light, 165
Kastellorlzo Lighthouse, 165
Kenosha Breakwater Lighthouses, 42, 43
Kenosha Breakwater Lights, 56
Kenosha Lighthouse, 7, 42, 43, 56
Kerova Lighthouse, 165
Kevich Lighthouse, 54
Kewaunee Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 53
Kimball, Sumner, 114, 115
Kincardine Lighthouse, 76, 77, 99, 100
Kingsville Lighthouse, 106, 110
Korstad, Nick, 25, 28, 136
LLa Pointe Lighthouse, 7
la Salle, Robert Cavalier Sieur de, 38
Lake Carriers Association, 20
Lake Pontchartrain Light, 150
Lambeau , Curly, 49
Lambert, Duncan McGregor, 101
Lambert, William, 101
Lambton, 122
Långe Jan Lighthouse, 163
Lardinois, Anna, 38, 39
Lavoisier, Antoine, 72
Le Griffon, 4, 29, 30, 37, 38, 41
Leamington Lighthouse, 106, 110, 155
Leander’s Tower or Maiden’s Tower, 164
Lee, Robert E., 158
Leick, Carl, 144, 145
Lennard Island Lighthouse, 138, 139
Lewis, Hosea, 88
Lewis, Idawalley, 88–89
Lewis, Isaiah William Penn, 60
Lewis, Winslow, 45, 72, 85, 151
Life Saving Service, 33, 120
Light List, 78
Lightfoot, Gordon, 33, 37
Lighthouse Board, 45–46, 73, 88
Lighthouse Bureau, 46
Lighthouse Digest, 2, 135
The Lighthouse Keeper (Baker), 96
Lighthouse Preservation Manual, 135
Lighthouse Service, 45, 46, 115, 120–122
Lightship Portsmouth, 158
Lime Rock Lighthouse, 88–89
Lincoln, Abraham, 158
Lions Lighthouse for Sight, 149
Little Current Lighthouse, 76, 77, 93
The Living Great Lakes (Dennis), 3–4, 39, 108
Lonely Island Lighthouse, 104
Long Point Lighthouse, 111
Long Tail Point Lighthouse, 52
Louis W Hill, 92
Ludington, James, 67
Ludington North Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 66, 67
Malmö Inre Lighthouse, 163
Malmö Yttre Lighthouse, 164
Manistee North Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 67
Manistique East Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 48
Manitou Island Lighthouse, 87
Manitowang Lighthouse, 76, 77
Manitowoc Breakwater Lighthouses, 54
Manitowoc North Breakwater Lighthouses, 42, 43
Manning Lighthouse, 4
Mansfield, JB, 29
Marblehead Lighthouse, 8–9, 29, 106, 118–119
Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse, 1
Marquette, Jacques, 67
Marquette Breakwater Light, 12, 24
Marquette Harbor Lighthouse, 12, 24
Marrowstone Point Lighthouse, 143
Mather, Cotton, 61
Mathews, Mary, 27
Maynard, Robert, 157
McGulpin, John, 70
McGulpin Point Lighthouse, 70
McKay Island Lighthouse, 104
McLean, Cecelia, 23
McNab Lighthouse, 76, 77, 99
McPherson, Mark, 52
McSorley, Ernest, 37–38
Meaford Breakwater Light, 76, 77, 97
Meares, John, 62, 145
Menagerie Island Lighthouse, 17
Menominee Lighthouse, 42, 43, 49
Mercier, Pascal, 86
Merry, John, 140
Merry Island Lighthouse, 138, 140
Mesiti-Miller, Mark, 148
Michael’s Point Lighthouse, 94
Michigan City East Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 64
Michigan Triangle, 41
Milne, Alexander, 150
Milwaukee Breakwater Lighthouse, 55
Milwaukee Clipper, 66
Milwaukee North Point Lighthouse, 42, 43
Minnesota Point Lighthouse, 23
Mission Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 69
Mississauga Lighthouse, 10
Mississauga Point Lighthouse, 134
Mohawk Island Lighthouse, 110
Morley, Paul, 16
Morse, Andrew, 78
Mukilteo Lighthouse, 144
Munising Front Range Lighthouse, 12, 31
Munising Rear Range Light, 12
Munising Rear Range Lighthouse, 31
Muskegon Life Saving Station, 113
Muskegon Lighthouses, 42, 43, 66
Muskegon North Channel Pier Lighthouse, 66
Muskegon South Breakwater Lighthouse, 66
Muskegon South Pierhead Lighthouse, 66
Mystic, 122
Nakkehoved Lighthouse, 150 Nancy, 97
Nancy Island Lighthouse, 76, 77, 96, 97
När Lighthouse, 161
National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act (NHLPA, 2000), 53, 135
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA, 1966), 135
National Maritime Historical Society, 1
National Park Service, 135
New Canal Lighthouse, 150
New Cape Henry Lighthouse, 158
New Dungeness Lighthouse, 145
New Orleans Daily Picayune, 90
New Pelee Point Lighthouse, 109
New Point Henry Lighthouse, 158
New Presque Isle Lighthouse, 76, 77, 82–83
New York Times, 89
New York Tribune, 89
Newark Light, 134
Nikolaus Island Lighthouse, 164
No Name Lighthouse, 155
Nootka Lighthouse, 138, 142
North Breakwater Lighthouse, v
North Cape Lighthouse, 161
North Head Lighthouse, 145, 146
North Pierhead Light, 51–52
North Pierhead Lighthouse, 67
North Point Lighthouse, 55
Northern Express (newspaper), 28
OOak Island Lighthouse, 156
Oakville Breakwater Lighthouse, 123, 128
Ocrachoke Lighthouse, 157
Odenwald, Laura, 14
Odenwald, Ode, 14
Ölands Södra Udde Lighthouse, 163
Old Baileys Harbor Lighthouse, 42, 43, 51, 136
Old Fort Niagara Lighthouse, 6, 123
Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse, 76, 77, 80
Old Point Comfort Lighthouse, 158
Old Point Loma Lighthouse, 149
Old Presque Isle Lighthouse, 83
Olcott Lighthouse, 134
Olcott Lighthouse Society, 134
Oleszewski, Wes, 53
Onoko, 29, 30
Ontonagon Lighthouse, 12, 27–28
Ora Endress, 33
Orient Point Lighthouse, 7, 62
Outer Island Lighthouse, 22
PPachena Point Lighthouse, 138, 139
Paul, James, 28
Pelee Island Lighthouse, 116
Pelee Passage Lighthouse, 103, 106, 109, 123
Pelz, Paul J., 154
Peninsula Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 48, 137
Pensacola Front Range Day Mark, 151
Pensacola Lighthouse, 151
Perry, Oliver, 112
Peshtigo Reef Lighthouse, 49
Peterson, Charlotte Ann, 25–26
Peterson, Coleman, 25–26
Petre Point Lighthouse, 131
Pharos Lighthouse, 8
Pleasonton, Stephen, 45, 88
Poe, Orlando Metcalfe, 64, 81, 83
Poe Reef Lighthouse, 158
Poe Style lighthouses, 6
Point Arena Lighthouse, 61
Point Betsie Lighthouse, 42, 43, 68
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse, 148
Point Clark Lighthouse, 76, 77, 100
Point Edward Front Range Lighthouse, 76, 77, 101
Point Fermin Lighthouse, 89, 90, 148
Point Henry Lighthouse, 158
Point Iroquois Lighthouse, 12, 34, 123
Point No Point Lighthouse, 143
Point Pelee Lighthouse, 109
Point Vicente Lighthouse, 148
Point Wilson Lighthouse, 143
Pointe Aux Barques Lighthouse, 76, 77, 84
Polanski, Wayne, 41, 105, 124
Polygonal Style lighthouses, 6
Porphyry Point Light, 12
Porphyry Point Lighthouse, 17
Port Burwell Lighthouse, 106, 111
Port Dover East Breakwater Light(s), 106
Port Dover Lighthouse, 106, 112
Port Henry Breakwater Lighthouse, 110
Port Henry Lighthouse, 110
Port Ontario Light, 132
Port Sanilac Lighthouse, 76, 77, 84–85
Port Stanley Breakwater Lighthouse, 106, 111
Port Stanley Lighthouse, 106, 111
Port Townsend Pseudo Lighthouse, 143
Port Washington Breakwater Lighthouses, 42, 43
Port Washington Breakwater Lights, 55
Port Washington Lighthouse, 6, 42, 43, 54–55
Portlock, Nathaniel, 140
Portlock Point Lighthouse, 138, 140
Pot Style lighthouses, 7
Pottawatomie Lighthouse, 50
Powel, John Wesley, 91
Presque Isle Front Range Light, 53
Presque Isle Front Range Lighthouse, 76, 77, 83
Presque Isle Lighthouse, 106, 117
Presque Isle North Pier Lighthouse, 106, 117, 118
Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse, 123, 129
Prince Edward Point Lighthouse, 123, 130
Prior, George, 28
Prior, William, 28
Pulteney Point Lighthouse, 138, 141
Putnam, George, 46
Pyramidal Style lighthouses, 6
QQuatsino Lighthouse, 138, 141
Queen’s Wharf Lighthouse, 129
RRace Rocks Lighthouse, 138, 139
Racine North Breakwater Lighthouse, 42, 43, 56
Ranger, 128
Raspberry Island Lighthouse, 12, 23
Rawley Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 53
Red Bluff Lighthouse, 144
Revenue Marine Service, 114
Richards, George, 140
Richards Landing Lighthouse, 76, 77, 93
RJ Hackett, 30
Roanoke River Lighthouse, 157
Roberts, Bruce, 45
Rock Harbor Lighthouse, 13
Rock of Ages Lighthouse, 16
Roosevelt, Franklin, 46
Roosevelt, Teddy, 158
Rosedale, 130
Ross, Don, 33
Ross, Nellie, 33
Round Island Lighthouse, 91–92, 151
Rouse Simmons, 38
Rudyard, John, 8
SSand Hills Lighthouse, 12, 27
Sand Island Lighthouse, 22
Sand Point Lighthouse, 6, 12, 26–27, 42, 43, 48–49
Sandy Hook Lighthouse, 8–9, 79
Santa Catalina Yacht Club Lighthouse, 149
Santa Cruz Breakwater Lighthouse, 148
Santa Cruz Lighthouse, 148
Sapulski, Wayne, 4, 11
Saugeen River Front Range Lighthouse, 99
Saugeen River Rear Range Lighthouse, 76, 77, 99
Scottish Bonnet Island Lighthouse, 132
Segerstad Lighthouse, 163
Selkirk Lighthouse, 123, 131, 132
Seraglio Point Lighthouse, 164
Seul Choix Lighthouse, 6
Seul Choix Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 47
Shanks, Ralph, 120
Sheboygan Breakwater Light, 54
Sheboygan Breakwater Lighthouse, 42, 43
Shelton-Roberts, Cheryl, 45
Sheringham Lighthouse, 138, 139
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 89
Sherwood Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 50
Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes (Lardinois), 38, 39
Shoal Island Lighthouse, 91
Shubrick, William, 45
Sinclair, Donald, 100
Skeleton Frame Style lighthouses, 7
Skene, Peter, 140
Skunk Bay Lighthouse, 144
Smeaton, John, 8
Smeaton’s Eddystone Lighthouse, 71
Smith, Ella, 90
Smith, John, 159
Smith, Mary, 90
Smith and Post, 107
Smith Island Lighthouse, 144
Smith-Stanley, Edward, 111
Sodus Point Lighthouse, 123, 132
Sostratus of Cnidus, 8
South Baymouth Inner Lighthouse, 76, 77
South Baymouth Outer Lighthouse, 76, 77
South Haven Lighthouses, 42, 43, 65
South Manitou Island Lighthouse, 4
Southeast Shoal Lighthouse, 106
Sparkplug Style lighthouses, 7
Spectacle Reef Lighthouse, 81
Spider Style lighthouses, 7
Split Rock Lighthouse, 12, 20–21
Spokane, 30
SS Mataffa, 20
St Augustine Lighthouse, 154
St Joseph Front Lighthouse, 42, 43, 64
St Joseph Rear Lighthouse, 42, 43, 64
St Marks Light Station, 153
St Simons Lighthouse, 154
Stannard, Charles, 26
Stannard Rock Lighthouse, 26, 61
Steamboats and Sailors of the Great Lakes (Thompson), 38
Steinbeck, John, 86
Stern, Andrew, 55
Stingray Lighthouse, 159
Stony Point Lighthouse, 33
Stratford Shoal Lighthouse, 136, 137
Strawberry Island Lighthouse, 94
Sturgeon Bay North Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 52
Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal Light, 51, 52
Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal Lighthouse, 42, 43
Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse, 156
Sunset Point Lighthouse, 2
Sylvan Beach Association, 68
TTable Bluff Lighthouse, 147
Taft, Howard, 46
Tasman Island Lighthouse, 150
Tawas Point Lighthouse, 76, 77, 83, 84
Tenders—The Unsung Heroes (Shanks), 120
Terry, John, 49
Terry, Mary, 49
Thames River Range Rear Lighthouse, 102, 103
Thames River Rear Range Lighthouse, 76, 77
Thimble Shoal Lighthouse, 46
Thirty Mile Point Lighthouse, 123, 133
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse, 45
Thompson, Mark, 38
Thordoc, 17
Thorn, William, 92
Thunder Bay Island Preservation Society, 84
Thunder Bay Lighthouse, 84
Thunder Bay Lighthouse Support Group, 16
Thunder Bay Main Light, 12
Thunder Bay Main Lighthouse, 18
Tibbetts Point Lighthouse, 123, 130–131
Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, 89
Tinkham, Ralph, 20
Tobermory Lighthouse, 76, 77, 98
Toronto Harbour Lighthouse, 133
Tower, Charlemagne, 19
Travels with Charley (Steinbeck), 86
Traver, Robert, 26
Traverse Magazine, 68
Trial Island Lighthouse, 138, 140
Trinity Head Lighthouse, 147
Turtle Island Lighthouse, 112
Two Harbors Breakwater Light, 12
Two Harbors Breakwater Lighthouse, 15
Two Harbors Lighthouse, 12, 15, 19, 136
Two Myrtles, 122
Two Rivers North Pierhead Lighthouse, 42, 43, 53–54
Tybee Island Lighthouse, 155
Umpqua River Lighthouse, 146
US Coast Guard, 46, 114, 122
US Lighthouse Society (USLHS), 1–2, 45, 135, 137
USCG Fir, 122
Üsküdar Breakwater Lighthouse, 164
USLHT Clover, 122
USLHT Dahlia, 120
USLHT Lamplighter, 120
USLHT Marigold, 81, 122
USLHT Watchful, 120
USS Monitor, 158
VValley Camp, 92
Vancouver, George, 145, 148
Vase Style lighthouses, 7
Vermilion Lighthouse, 119
Vernon, 54
Victoria Harbour Lighthouse, 76, 77
Victoria Harbour Rear Range Lighthouse, 96
Voelker, John, 26
WWarren (keeper of Quatsino Lighthouse), 141
Washington, George, 44
Waukegan Harbor Lighthouse, 6, 42, 43, 63
Wawatam Lighthouse, 76, 77, 92
WE Fitzgerald, 38
Welcome Island Lighthouse, 18
Welland Canal, 30, 107, 124
Welsh, Joseph, 26
West Point Lighthouse, 143
West Sister Lighthouse, 112
Whale Rock Lighthouse, 89
Wheeler, Wayne, 45, 46, 79
White River Lighthouse, 3, 67
Whitefish Point Lighthouse, 12, 33, 34, 38
William E. Dever Crib Lighthouse, 64
William Edenborn, 20
William Livingston Memorial Lighthouse, 103
William Roesch, 30
Wilson Channel Rear Range Lighthouse, 93
Wilton, Derek, 148
Wind Point Lighthouse, 42, 43, 55
Windmill Point Lighthouse, 76, 77, 104
Wisconsin Point Lighthouse, 12, 23
Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, 146
Yaquina Head Lighthouse, 146
Young, Ammi, 145
Younghans, Maria, 90
Younghans, Perry, 90