Oro Valley Vista Newsletter June - July 2015

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Oro Valley


Newsletter June - July 2015

Oro Valley Community & Recreation Center grand


Mayor & council

Dr. Satish I. Hiremath, Mayor Lou Waters, Vice Mayor Brendan Burns, Councilmember Bill Garner, Councilmember

The Oro Valley Community & Recreation Center opened with great fanfare on May 2, 2015, and residents are taking advantage of this incredible addition to our Town’s amenities. Membership enrollment has exceeded expectations, and summer camps are being booked to capacity. Free events like the Drive-In Movie on the Driving Range and adult enrichment classes are bringing in new faces and friends. Exciting new menus are being introduced each month at La Vista Restaurant, and Thursday night is now Pasta Night! Visit us online to learn more about your community center, or come on down for a free tour. We’re located at 10555 N. La Cañada Drive.

NEW! Free adult/senior enrichment classes

Computers 101: I’ve turned it on. Now What?

Mary Snider, Councilmember

All classes will be held in the Sunset Room at the Oro Valley Community & Recreation Center, 10555 N. La Cañada Drive.

Mike Zinkin, Councilmember

To register, call 520-544-1900.

Wednesday, July 29 @ 9 a.m. Instructor: Audrey Sharp, Heart to Harddrive

For Mayor and Councilmembers, call: (520) 229-4700 council@orovalleyaz.gov

Understanding Joint Conditions of the Spine and Treatment

Online Security: Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age

Dr. Stephen Hanks, spine surgeon, will discuss common back injuries caused by aging joints.

Topics include phishing and other scams, anti-virus and anti-malware apps, password protections for online accounts, and securing data on tablets and smartphones.

Joe Hornat, Councilmember

Town Manager Greg Caton (520) 229-4725 gcaton@orovalleyaz.gov Photo banner captions: Oro Valley Mayor, Councilmembers and attendees enjoy the grand opening celebration of the Oro Valley Community & Recreation Center. Copyright 2015 by the Town of Oro Valley. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 7 @ 11 a.m. Instructor: Dr. Stephen Hanks

AARP Foundation Finances 50+ udgeting and Goal Setting (Part 1) B Monday, July 13 @ 9 a.m. Taking Charge of Credit and Debt (Part 2) Tuesday, July 14 @ 9 a.m. Developing a Savings Plan and Protecting Your Assets (Part 3) Wednesday, July 15 @ 9 a.m.

Access more Oro Valley news, events and activities at our website:


Diabetes 101 Join Dr. Leila Wing in her overview to diabetes causes, treatments and implications for the healthcare system. Friday, July 17 @ 11 a.m. Instructor: Dr. Leila Wing

Topics include the ABCs of computer terminology, Windows 7 and 8 operating systems, Internet browsing and email.

Tuesday, August 18 @ 9 a.m. Instructor: Audrey Sharp, Heart to Harddrive

Diverticular Disease Join Dr. Martin in a discussion about diverticulitis and diverticular disease, diagnosis and management. Thursday, August 20 @ 10 a.m. Instructor: Dr. David Martin

The Weekend Warrior and that Problem Shoulder The focus of this talk will be on the prevention and treatment of common conditions such as rotator cuff tendonitis, rotator cuff tears and arthritis. Wednesday, August 26 @ 10 a.m. Instructor: Dr. William Prickett

Oro Valley


Newsletter | June - July 2015

Check out the Your Voice draft plan!

Water Ways

Summer 2015

Save Water with Your Pool This Summer

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The Your Voice, Our Future project has released a draft plan! Find it on orovalley.opencomment.us. Three resident committees have guided the creation of the plan which reflects the community’s vision and guiding principles. The results include highlevel goals and action-oriented policies that will shape decisions about the Town’s future and quality of life for the next 10 years.

What do you think? Did we get it right? Now, tell us what you think! Did we get it right? Your comments will shape the next draft. Check out orovalley.opencomment.us to comment on the draft, YourVoiceOV.com to join the community conversation, or email your comments directly to YourVoiceOV@orovalleyaz.gov by July 31.

In this month’s Water Ways Newsletter, you’ll find important information on your sewer rates as well as how to save water and money inside the home and outside with your swimming pool!

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 Using a pool cover can reduce water evaporation by 30-50%. Pools can lose about 1-3 inches of water per week in the summer time. Do not overfill your pool. This helps to keep water from being splashed out of the pool when it’s being used. Backwash pool filters only when necessary and reuse water when appropriate for landscape watering. Check the pool pump. Water should not leak from the pool pump. Replace seals and rings when required. Check the pool auto-fill. Make sure that the auto-fill is shutting down all the way. This can be similar to a leaky toilet and although the water may not flow enough to overfill the pool, you will definitely see it on your bill.

Pima County Sewer Rate Annual Recalculations Your sewer rates are based on your average water use in the months of December, January, and February and are reflected in the August water bills. Reseeding for winter lawns and filling pools in these months increases your overall water use and ultimately your sewer rates. Let your lawn go dormant in the winter and only fill pools when it’s necessary. For questions regarding the sewer portion of your water bill please contact Pima County Waste Water Reclamation Department 520-724-6609. For questions regarding water conservation please contact Karn Boyce, Water Conservation Specialist at 229-5024.

Using Water Indoors, It All Adds Up! Save Water in the kitchen 

Don’t let the water run! Washing dishes with the faucet running can take 25 gallons of water.

Consider installing an instant water heater under your kitchen sink.

Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or microwave instead of setting it under running water.

Soak pots and pans rather than scrubbing them under running water.

Use low flow faucets and aerators. These low flow devices are available to Oro Valley Water Utility customers in the Water Utility office located at 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley.

Garbage disposals use a large amount of running water to work effectively. Kitchen waste can be taken out with the garbage or added to the compost pile when appropriate.

Toilets are the leading cause of household water leaks. It’s always a good idea to test for toilet leaks periodically even if you don’t “hear” the leak. Dye placed in the tank of the toilet will color the water in the bowl if the flapper is leaking. Dye strips are free of charge in the Water Utility office.

Using an in-tank toilet cleaner that contains bleach can be caustic to the flapper and may cause it to deteriorate prematurely.

Don’t forget the bathroom

Check for leaks!

If you see your water use increase or suspect you have a water leak, make your water meter your first stop. Learn how to read your meter and check for leaks on our website at: ww.orovalleyaz.gov/town/departments/waterutility

Want to Save $ Sign up for AquaHawk Alerting - Register Now! Visit Online: http://bit.ly/ovaquahawk

Check out www.orovalleyaz.gov/town/departments/waterutility to find more information on conservation, water quality and customer services available.

Upcoming event: Drive-In Movies on the Driving Range

OV Transit teams up with Parks and Recreation

This summer, the Oro Valley Transit Division has teamed up with Parks and Recreation to support the Summer Youth Programs. Each weekday for nine weeks, Transit will transport youth from one program to the next. The youth are issued Transit tickets as part of their programs.

Join us for a FREE drive-in movie as we present “Frozen,” a PG-rated animated feature. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs or enjoy the show from a golf cart! Food and beverages available for sale.

Transit is available to transport youth from their homes to any location in the greater Oro Valley area including the Foothills Mall, theaters, library and other popular locations. Just call 229-4990 to schedule your ride, or register and book your trips online at www.orovalleyaz.gov.

Date: Saturday, July 18, 2015 Time: 7:15 - 10:15 p.m. Location: E l Conquistador Golf Course at the Oro Valley Community & Recreation Center 11555 N. La Cañada Drive

Design & Production

Town of Oro Valley Communications Division

Misti Nowak, Communications Administrator | (520) 229-4712 | mnowak@orovalleyaz.gov Pia Salonga, Marketing & Communications Specialist | (520) 229-4731 | psalonga@orovalleyaz.gov

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