Oro Valley Vista Newsletter November/December 2016

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Oro Valley



November/December 2016

Oro Valley’s Your Voice, Our Future General Plan will be on the November ballot! ORO VALLEY MAYOR & COUNCIL Dr. Satish I. Hiremath, Mayor

Over the last three years, community members have come together to craft a plan of action for Oro Valley’s future! The Your Voice, Our Future General Plan is Oro Valley’s new community plan. You’ll see the Plan on the general election ballot this November, so check it out! •

STOP BY COMMUNITY EVENTS. Check them out at www.yourvoiceov.com

HAVE US ATTEND YOUR EVENT. Get informed and share your thoughts. Contact YourVoiceOV@orovalleyaz.gov

CHECK OUT THE PLAN Read about Oro Valley’s future and topics important to the community. Find the Plan at www.yourvoiceov.com

VOTE ON THE PLAN November 8, 2016

Lou Waters, Vice Mayor Brendan Burns, Councilmember Bill Garner, Councilmember Joe Hornat, Councilmember

Harvest Heritage Festival at Steam Pump Ranch Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Road

Mary Snider, Councilmember

Saturday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Mike Zinkin, Councilmember

Dance performances, live music, horse presentations, cultural culinary demonstrations, food trucks, petting zoo and more!

For Mayor and Councilmembers, call: (520) 229-4700 council@orovalleyaz.gov Interim Town Manager Daniel Sharp (520) 229-4725 dsharp@orovalleyaz.gov Photo banner captions: Cocoa Run 5k, Holiday Festival of the Arts & Tree Lighting Celebration, Harvest Heritage Festival at Steam Pump Ranch, the Gaslight Music Hall. Copyright 2016 by the Town of Oro Valley. All rights reserved.

Live music by: Bill Ganz, Greg Morton Band and Lauren Lawson.

Holiday Festival of the Arts & Tree Lighting Celebration Oro Valley Marketplace, 12155 N. Oracle Road Saturda, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. & Sunday, Dec. 4, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. More than 150 artists from around the country and delicious food trucks will converge at the Oro Valley Marketplace for one of the largest holiday-themed celebrations in the region. The tree lighting takes place 4 - 6 p.m. on Dec. 3, and includes musical performances by local students and groups, as well as crafts and snacks for children. This event is held in partnership with the Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance.

New Year’s Day Hot Cocoa 5K Access more Oro Valley news, events and activities at our website:


Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Road Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017, 11:17 a.m. Pre-registration is $20; Race day is $25 The third annual race includes snacks, water and hot cocoa. Runners, walkers and strollers are welcome! Visit us online for details or call 229-5050.

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