SRIdevelopedthe General Plan of the city , he as s umesthat in a verys hort time fromthe previous17. 5thous andhectares of factoriesandplantswill be only7, 5 thous andhectaresof territory .Manyof them have to leave their homes . 83 indus trial z onesoccupy14. 6per cent of the capital - over 15, 700hectares . T he larges t, ex cept for “ SerpmI Molot�are Kapotny a ( 767 hectares ) ,South Harbour ( 632hectares ) ,SouthButovo ( 582hectares ) , Kolos hin ( 506hectares ) . Due to the development of metropolitan indus trial areas , according to calculationsSUENI iPI General Plan of Mos cow " ,one can cons truct a 30million s quare metersof real es tate. Portfolio Olga Sankova
Public spaces -multipurpose public spaces -multipurpose park spaces -specialized public spaces - cultural and educational, sport and recreation specialized public areas, public zone of mixed placement of these objects in the protected areas
Living areas -areas of living microdistricts and multi-family residential blocks -area of districts and microdistricts multi-family housing -area of districts and microdistricts single-family housing
Industrial spaces - industrial areas
-protected natural areas
-communal areas
-water areas
-special areas Transport infrastructure areas
According to the Government of Moscow, about 24% of enterprises are unpro table, the average depreciation of xed assets of more than 47%. In addition, many companies no longer meet modern health and environmental regulations and requirements of an architectural expression, which in recent years increased substantially. The share of revenues in Moscow on income of industrial enterprises is around 20%, while taking into account the income tax, this percentage rises to almost 65%. In production facilities in the city employs about 600,000 Muscovites, representing 19% of the economically active population. Approximately 60-65% of the residential area (and closer to the center and more) took oďŹƒce, retail businesses, hotels, social, cultural, sporting, administrative oďŹƒces, recreation areas, utilities, communications, etc.
-linear zone of external transport and roads citywide signi cance -other areas of external transport -other areas of external transport of protected areas
Still, experts say, industrial sites are now the most attractive, but at the same time the most diďŹƒcult target for investment. The attractiveness lies in the fact that the size, location and low-density development of industrial zones allow the implementation on the basis of their large and interesting investment projects.
Portfolio Olga Sankova
-project area
Portfolio Olga Sankova
A nalysis ofthe d istrict Lefortovo, accord ing to the g eneralplanofM oscow 20 25. A ccord ing to oďŹƒcialstatistics, as of0 1.0 1.20 0 9, M oscow 's popu lationis 10 .50 9 m illion. M oscow is hom e to abou t 7% ofthe popu lationofthe Ru ssianFed eration, prod u ces 20 % ofthe g ross d om estic prod u ct.M oscow provid es 21% ofretailtrad e, 30 % oftu rnoverinw holesale trad e infood , 14% offoreig ntrad e and has 25% ofthe totalvolu m e ofpaid services to popu lationofthe cou ntry.M oscow 's share inthe totalvolu m e ofRu ssianinvestm ents in xed assets is 12%. A verag e annu alg row th ing ross reg ionalprod u ct, starting in20 0 0 am ou nted to 10 8%, ind u strialprod u ction- 115.6%,reald isposable incom e - 110 .4%, xed capitalinvestm ents - 10 6,7%, retailtu rnover- 10 6,1%, tu rnoverinw holesale trad e infood prod u cts - 10 5,5%.Cu rrently, there is the positive trend s ofd em og raphic d evelopm ent:the g row th offertility, red u cing m ortality, increasing life expectancy. H ow ever, inm ore acu te problem s oftransport, eng ineering and socialinfrastru ctu re. A ccu m u lated problem s and the chang ing socio- econom ic and spatiald evelopm ent ofthe city d em and ed u pd ating the existing M asterPlanofM oscow .
Onthe territory of"Serp iM olot" factory, accord ing to the m asterplanofM oscow , planning to org anize a specialpu blic areas, w ith em phasis onthe form ationofcu ltu rald evelopm ent .A lso a partialpreservationofthe ind u strialareas inthe Sience technolog y sectorand sectorBu siness d evelopm ent. A ccord ing to the schem e forinfrastru ctu re d evelopm ent is expected placem ent ofobjects ofsm allbu siness and cu ltu rald evelopm ent. A nalyzed the situ ationinthe d istrict Lefortovo it is obviou sly that the popu lationneed ofobjects ofcu ltu rald evelopm ent and new areas forrecreationand sports.
Fu nctionaltransform ation - areas ofhou sing estates and resid entialg rou ps
- project area
- m u ltipu rpose pu blic spaces - m u ltipu rpose park spaces - specialized pu blic spaces - protected natu ralareas - ind u strialareas - com m u nalareas - specialareas - linear zone of external transport and road s cityw id e sig ni cance - otherareas ofexternaltransport - otherareas ofexternaltransport of protected areas
Reorg anizationofind u strialareas m od i ed ind u strialfu nctiononpu blic,living , natu raland recreational d evelopm ent ofscience- intensive ind u stries and ad m inistrative and bu siness fu nctions constru ctionofeco ind u stries technolog icalconversionand elim inationofenvironm entally hazard ou s ind u strialareas that requ ire d evelopm ent ofthe project org anizationccz constru ctionofnoise protectionscreens replacem ent ofw ind ow s onthe acou stic rehabilitationand sanitationofsoil - project area 4
Portfolio Olg a Sank ova
Main highways main hightways of city value of Class I main hightways of city value of Class II main hightways district level main hightways of city center value of Class I main hightways of city center value of Class II main hightways district level center other urban road network in Moscow above-ground facilities for the passage of hightways in the ROW Railways outside the street transmission lines pedestrian bridges project area
Living areas as part of multipurpose public areas -areas of living microdistricts and multi-family residential blocks -area of districts and microdistricts multi-family housing -area of districts and microdistricts single-family housing project area
Industrial areas as a part of multipurpose public areas as a part of industrial areas as a part of communal areas as a part of specialized areas
project area
Portfolio Olga Sankova
New planning of Public areas and Business areas as a part of multipurpose public areas as a part of park areas As a part of specialized public areas : administrative business educational
project area
cultural protected natural areas commerce therapeutic sports and recreation transport hubs and highway territories
Social infrastructure management and administrative agencies objects of small business objects of secondary and higher education objects of culture and art retail trade project area objects of catering consumer service hotels wholesale trade in food wholesale trade in non-food items therapeutic sport objects of social protection on district level: administrative business therapeutic children gardens sport educational institutions objects of social protection objects of culture and art retail trade consumer service
subway objects lines of the existing system lines of the speed system station depot planning areas for depot second exit at the existing station new station on the existing system railway objects lines platform monorail line speed tram line railway station
Portfolio Olga Sankova
project area
M asterp lan W h en th e m ajo rity o f p eo p le feelth at an aband o ned ind ustrialco m p lex is ug ly ,it’s transfo rm atio n into a p ublic p arkis even m o re o f a ch alleng e. So m e o find ustrialelem ents w illbe reutiliz ed in a creative w ay p lay ing o n th e co ntrast betw een th e naturaland th e arti cial:th ere are skate p ark aro und th e to w ers and m ultip urp o se p ublic are in fro nt o f th e ind ustrialbuild ing fo r co ncerts , p erfo rm ances,art instalatio n,external exh ibitio ns. By blend ing veg etatio n and ind ustry itry to nd new w ay s o f d evelo p ing m ultip urp o se p ublic area and reg eneratio n o furban ind ustrialz o nes. Th e g reat im p o rtance to th e circulatio n w ith in th e p ark, w ith o ut restricting freed o m o f m o vem ent. Th ere are m any w alkw ay s and p o ssible ro utes,m any o fw ich are unm arked . Th e d esig n aim to establish a balance betw een fo rm al and info rm al veg etatio n. In so m e areas nature seem s to g ro w sp o ntaneo usly as th o ug h t it w as no t p art o fth e o rig inalland scap ing p lan.
Th e m ain p urp o se to o rg aniz e m ultip urp o se p ublic area fo r sp o rt activities, w alking ,art and p ublic events. Attem p ting to avo id accurate d ivisio n into functio nal z o nes fo r d esig ning exible areas by m eans o fenter new o bjects in a co ntext o fexisting sp ace. D uisburg Park.D uisburg ,Germ any
d esig ned / reno vated build ing s existing build ing s p arkarea p ed estrian w ay s p ublic m ultip urp o se area sp o rt area skate p ark p ublic m ultip urp o se/ p arkarea d irectio n o ftraffic (entry into co m p lex) d irectio n o ftraffic (exit fro m co m p lex)
Po rtfo lio O lg a Sanko va
Scheme of pedestrian traďŹƒc
pedestrian ows
Portfolio Olga Sankova
Scheme of cars traďŹƒc
Entrance to a parking is carried out from Schosse Entusiastov str.,Zolotorogskiy val str. and Third transport ring. On the underground oor are located parking and technical zones.Distribution of streams of people between functional zones begins from a parking.Each zone have some exits from parking.
main transport ows
Portfolio Olga Sankova
section 4-4
rst oor plan
exhibition area
public multipurpose area
oďŹƒce area
shopping area
night club parking area
Portfolio Olga Sankova
Functional scheme
existing roof with antiaircraft lanterns and farms
designing polycarbonate facade
existing brick walls night club area conference and movie halls exibition area oďŹƒce area
shopping area
existing structure with columns
public multipurpose gallery parking area
entrance into complex
pedestrian direction in functional zone
exit from complex Portfolio Olga Sankova
section 1-1
section 2-2
section 3-3 exhibition area
public multipurpose area
oďŹƒce area
shopping area
night club parking area
Portfolio Olga Sankova
oďŹƒce area
public multipurpose area
exhibition area
Portfolio Olga Sankova
Facades Existing view
Main view from Shosse Intuziastov street
View from Shosse Intuziastov street
Portfolio Olga Sankova
Facades Existing view
Main view from 3rd Ring Road
Portfolio Olga Sankova