very much brown indeed

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very much brown



Bears Levels of care Measurements There’s a measure for everything We measure everywhere I’ve been trying to measure Trying and everything I want to care I want my “brighty” bear One of my kind One, And sweet

You wanna be a man? “Alrighty” then! I let you be But don’t dare to destroy this little fantasy I wish it And for so long Holding one real princess My arms And stay Safe I sweet The both of us Me, Like chocolate She’s like caramel We, Melting together Both, Eternity




fertility used to be fat. now it is brown

under the water and over the top The boat Submarine So many things Just think These What a range of things In hood we have done Still in use Guess will never stop Is Art And what a discipline you need to have To make it sharp

e d p

eht redn dna reta pot eht r sgn sgniht fo e enod evah pots reve enilpicsid evah prah

eht red dna ret pot eht sgn en po en prahs ti ekam

under the water and over the top The boat Submarine So many things Just think These What a range of things In hood we have done Still in use Guess will never stop Is Art And what a discipline you have to have To make it sharp

Brown and wait Rust of time Brown to wait Till you come

Cycle And cycles All the way All along Howl!

Howl! All night In silence When awake I, And pain Feeling Rape! Rust And scratches Dry And smashes skin! Ah! Oh! Sometimes And mornings exhausted


Δt = Λ − α

Oh! My eyes My faces Distorted The mask And anger Behind Brown Of waiting And rust Of time

Phone and hood

*Phone and hood

artificial men made nature and real?

patterns and nature.

One ground Somewhere I found Brown the color Where I step I did my search I found Now I leave it there Where is mine Brown, Today is brown Belongs to me All this ground All this land Brown, Is Here, And over there Brown, Is the land where I walk

ab grou

All bout und Brown, One ground Somewhere I found

textures and grids

serutxet dna sdirg

Down to what is dark Brown A bit dirty But strangely sweet Chocolate Bitter? Can be‌ Sweet Same way for me

Dark Blend of the color Brown Is complete Once was brighter Now is dark Once was high Now is deep Gonna stay where is sweet

Time burns everything brown One pot burning hot I listen to the food Melt and caramel

Remain Conclusion To result

Brown, Almost black Once was bad Will become really sweet

On time To be Always No fear Don't care

I left, Forgot it there

My rust Everything You'll always see

Rust and brown Stay to stay




...and fight I fight And drive Hood My wheel Hold Still To the future! Dead or alive!

Will! Still! Hood! Wheel! Hold me tight! Till we arrive!

Bells and bells Trim Pim Tim Ktim And bells Whatever The time flies No rush

place something funny here.

place something funny here.

Gears and push Gears and push Chains Is strong I push Teeth ranging tight Mechanical sound Human experience Spinning and force The all spread Merging to the center

Central Unified One spot Core To the force Nucleus of energy Gears And teeth Ranging Mechanical sound Chains And spin Push He’s strong


He’s strong


what if I open?

brown chat



and one world to


they say "trust"


o "tra

they say "trust"

ord ash"

what to do?





g argolas e er argoladas d

gears e rodas dentadas



and c


haos *no words please

and the bread is brown flour is white bread most of the times is brown taste and flavor I don't know

for now I'll call it brown

s e

the last turn is alway nonsens you have one chair.

s e

ys se

n! n!

you have one window and a boat.

damn! what a lucky man!

and chocola -te

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