Concept visualisation report Case: Masterpeace India/Pakistan
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Insights
3. Proposition
4. Positioning
5. Strategy
5.1. Main Goal
5.1.1. Subgoal: Specific target group
5.1.2. Subgoal: On a critical moment
5.1.3. SubGoal: Facilitate the conversation with the target group
5.1.4. Subgoal: Implement directly
5.2. Strategic Mechanisms
5.2.1. Rolemodel-messenger
5.2.2. Identity
5.2.3. Before/After
6.3. Channels
7. Concept
7.1 “Painters of Peace�
7.2. Concept Map
7.3. Executions
7.3.1. Regional Communication Guide
7.3.1. Mural
7.3.2. Online
7.3.3. Vlogs
7.4. Contributors
7.4.1. Vloggers
7.3.2. Mural Artists
7.5. Customer Journey Map
8. Mediaplanning
9. Budget
10. Evaluation findings
11. Appendix
11.1. Concept map
11.2. Regional Communication guide
11.3. Website prototype
11.4. Customer Journey Map
11.5. Media Plan
Abstract This concept visualisation report is based was created by Bureau Unity for the MasterPeace clubs in India and Pakistan. Based on the research made, a final concept has been developed for an intermedial campaign with the name �Painters of Peace� The insights from the research were converted into the campaign found in this report. The report goes through all stages of the campaign, from the proposition to the strategy; from the channels used to the media planning. The visualisations made by the project team are displayed and argued for, with support from evaluations made by people relevant to the target group and field experts.
1. Introduction Throughout the conceptualisation and visualisation phases of the MasterPeace India/Pakistan case, many findings were made. To summarize it, this report was created. It contains all relevant documents related to the concept; from strategy and channels to visualisations of the different campaign elements.
2. Insights The research that gave us the following insights is included in the Research Report. The Research Report can be found accompanying the Concept Visualisation Report. Firstly, the insight that the conflict is perceived as a governmental issue rather than a conflict between the people of the two countries is essential. This shows that the problem to be solved is not based on the population’s awareness of their neighbouring country, but rather on showing constructive, creative ways to connect the populations. While there still seems to be some resentment between the nations, the Pakistani and Indian people are sick and tired of the conflict of their governments. The insight about the conflict is further emphasized by the fact of how the youth of the two countries are open-minded and willing to make a change. The large, young population of both countries makes for a good basis of a target group. The motivation for change is high, which leads to the conclusion that the target group needs to be shown how they can help rather than motivating them. We found out that language can be a big problem for our campaign. There are five major languages in Pakistan, with Punjabi being the most common one, spoken by 44% of the Pakistani population. India is one of the most linguistically diverse nations of the world. English and Hindi are one of the more prominent languages. Using english subtitles is one the most common things to solve the language issue in both countries. Lastly, the research shows the importance and impact of culture in Pakistan and India. Both countries have strong bonds to their history, and show a large amount of pride towards it. Values like family, community and philanthropy are deeply rooted into their culture, and could therefore be used with great effect in the concepts.
3. Proposition Supporting people by giving them means with which to do constructive and creative things is the ”MasterPeace way”. The concept presented in this report takes that statement to heart, and plans to give the people of Pakistan and India the possibility to create something beautiful for peace together.
4. Positioning MasterPeace is a grassroots community, this means that they support local activists to create a movement themselves. Because of this it’s safe to say that MasterPeace and the MasterPeace clubs are a high involvement product. Starting your own movement is something you do with your whole heart. This also means that MasterPeace is a transformational product. The choice you make is very psychological, it is based on your values towards these communities. This means that our communication campaign needs a more psychological approach. This approach will show that MasterPeace is a community with the same values as the target group. These values being: Respectful, social, progressive and most of all philanthropic.
5. Strategy 5.1. Main Goal The new MasterPeace communication campaign will connect Indians and Pakistanis in raising awareness and triggering involvement to build peace together. Expressions of this concept will showcase (awareness), inspire (awareness), encourage (call to action) and activate (call to action).
5.1.1. Subgoal: Specific target group We want the target group to be as specific as possible because we are dealing with an high involvement product. Because of the high involvement our target group should be highly motivated.
5.1.2. Subgoal: On a critical moment We will use a broad media mix to get in contact with our target group. The expressions will firstly raise awareness but should on a certain moment create involvement for the target group. They will be activated to get involved in MasterPeace.
5.1.3. SubGoal: Facilitate the conversation with the target group We want the target group to feel like they are part of something big, making them feel important. They should feel like they can make a change, their opinion matters.
5.1.4. Subgoal: Implement directly We want to reach our target group in a direct way, asking them personally to get involved. We don’t mind if people get encouraged by their surroundings, but our main goal is to trigger involvement in a direct way.
5.2. Strategic Mechanisms 5.2.1. Rolemodel-messenger Using current MasterPeacers as messengers and let the target group relate to them. The target group will see that everyday persons can make a change. The MasterPeacer acts as a role model that is very similar to the target group. This exhibits that that their contribution will actually help in creating peace.
5.2.2. Identity By convincing them that being a MasterPeacer and getting involved in the Peace movement is something they want to do; the target group will see that the desired behaviour fits their self-image.
5.2.3. Before/After By showing how big of an impact a small contribution can have we show the target group that it really pays of to get involved in MasterPeace. Research showed that there is a large group of people who is highly motivated but thinks that they don’t have the means to help or think their help wouldn’t make a change. With the before/after strategy we will especially show these people that doing small can change big.
6.3. Channels 6.3.1 campaign specific website A campaign specific website will be created. It will serve as a hub for everything connected to the campaign. Here, you will be able to find information about the conflict, the vision of how to build peace together and give visitors the option of joining. The prototype for the website can be seen in the execution chapter (see 7.3.2.). 6.3.2. Social media MasterPeace India and Pakistan will get their own Youtube channel on which they will upload the vlogs and other video’s covering the campaign. In Pakistan Youtube itself is actually banned so the video’s will also be uploaded on YTPAK. And seeing as Youtube, which would be seen as the primary channel of video communication, is banned in Pakistan, the importance of Facebook becomes ever so bigger. On Facebook, the vlogs will be shared, just as they are on Youtube, but also accompanied by continuous status updates throughout the campaign. This is meant to keep the awareness of the campaign high and keep the target group from losing interest. Instagram is getting a lot of attention lately in both India and Pakistan, they call it their biggest hype. Because of that it’s only logical to use Instagram as one of our ways of sharing as well. Instagram is great for little sneak peaks regarding the vlogs and of course the big mural events.
7. Concept
7.1 “Painters of Peace” As presented in the research report, there are several insights we have to include in our concept. Most importantly, the conflict between India and Pakistan are foremost on a governmental level; the population generally feel next-to-no resentment towards the people of their neighbour. The population, especially the educated youth, are actually very prone to socialize with people of other cultural-, religious- or social origins, and are willing to make a change. This coupled with the fact that both countries have a large young population tells us that a campaign that focuses on giving the people tools with which to work could be very effective if targeted at a younger crowd. Both India and Pakistan are seen as generous and helping people. They are considered to be a helpful nation as they learn to respect others in their religion when they grow up. This tells us the motivation is there, but the ability might be put on the backburner. We want to show that it doesn’t take much to be a part of MasterPeace’s peace building process. All small acts of compassion and love add up and manifest peace. The concept derived from the term “A Day in the Life of a MasterPeacer”, which shines light on the individual peacebuilders in the area and lets their accomplishments be shown. By humanizing the peacebuilding process and making it more easily understandable, MasterPeace shows just how simple and relatable participating is. This speaks to the highly motivated target group by showing them that MasterPeacers are just like them, and that they themselves could be doing the same thing. The Pakistani and Indian MasterPeace club members are regular people with regular talents: intellectuals, lawyers, working class people, teachers, students, and activists. The concept is based on the same mindset as the “Be a Nelson”-campaign. We aren’t Mandelas, we are Nelsons. By making the idea more comprehensible, this is a perfect opportunity to showcasing the concept of MasterPeace to attract new talents. Everyone has a specific talent to contribute with, and it’s with these talents the grassroot-movement of MasterPeace can thrive. Together we can convert those talents into peacebuilding. It is these combined talents that are going to manifest themselves in a physical object with the ”Painters of Peace”-campaign. The campaign will take form by using various marketing methods to get to the final goal of people coming together and painting murals of peace. At the end of the campaign, there will be a joint event on different places in India and Pakistan, where MasterPeacers, artists and local volunteers get together to create something beautiful. Every execution of this concept (see 8.3.) is based on the peacebuilding process. The talents of the target group are needed in this process. Talents can be things they do in their day-to-day life and even these ‘small’ things help creating peace.
7.2. Concept map The Concept Map (see appendix, 11.1.) visualizes how the different elements of the campaign connects to eachother and what every individual aspect is meant to communicate or trigger. This shows how the social media-aspect covers the entire width of the campaign. In order for the vlogs to be able to convey the message they are meant to, they must be showcased through social media. The mural-event is at the center of the campaign, which visualises how everything is building up towards it. However, the goal of the campaign, from a broader perspective, is to get people to engage and join. That is why all ways lead to the website, where information will be shown to those interested, and joining MasterPeace is easily available .
7.3. Executions 7.3.1. Regional Communication Guide
Regional communication guide Masterpeace India/Pakistan
When working with an international organization such as MasterPeace, it is of utmost importance to acknowledge how the different social- and cultural context affects the external communication. Every region has its own cultural- and traditional standards, which must be taken into account when it comes to designing communication campaigns. Therefore, a Regional Communication Guide (see appendix 11.2.) was created. The Regional Communication Guide focuses on the region of South Asia - more specifically, on India and Pakistan. The guide was created in 2015 by Bureau Unity, a group of students charged with developing a campaign concept for the local MasterPeace clubs of Pakistan and India. The guide is based the research conducted by the Bureau Unity team, and was created to aid the group in its design process. The purpose of this guide is to act as a basis for which future campaigns in the region could be executed, both by local MasterPeacers or external designers.
7.3.1. Mural
A day in the life of a MasterPeacer wouldn’t be complete without the actual physical contact with a MasterPeacer. As said in our strategy and positioning we want to include the target group and not only connect on an online basis. As building events together is one of the strengths of Masterpeace, we think it’s logical to build on those blocks. India and Pakistan are both cultures with rich and colorful art histories, and the streets are filled with it. The goal is to get to know other peacebuilders and to create something big by doing something small. Everyone’s part in this mural is equal and means something. The event will simultaneously take place on four different venues. One in Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Karachi. At these places people will collaborate and create a ‘peace’ of art together. This ‘peace’ of art is a collaboration between an Indian artist and a Pakistani artist, making the outlines for these four massive wall paintings. The most beautiful gesture of this painting is that the actual citizens will be coloring these ‘peaces’ of art together, in a physical way but it can also be seen in a symbolic way. Each step, every action and every -one counts to build peace. It shows we are all united through art. The four murals together is a collective of talent, energy, love and warmth between both cultures. When the murals are finished the ‘peaces’ of art will be combined into one ‘peace’ that will create awareness for MasterPeace and the togetherness of the people of both Pakistan and India. Showing that the conflict is merely governmental and that the population wants the conflict to be over. Four big murals in some of the largest cities of India and Pakistan will of course generate a lot of awareness for the MasterPeace clubs. But the event can also be seen as an opportunity to recruit new Master Peacers, through speaking with attendees about the cause and why their strengths and talents are perfect for the MasterPeace movement. (personal invitations, information brochures etc.) To raise even more awareness for the campaign everything that happens during the events and the process towards it will be covered with the other executions of the campaign. Really bringing the offline experience to an online environment. This will be further explained in the other execution rationales. 10
7.3.2. Online The online execution covers a website and a social media campaign that uses Youtube, Facebook and Instagram. The website is the place where everything comes together. Highly motivated people who have seen one of the vlogs, the event or got in contact with MasterPeace in any other way and are thinking of joining will be in multiple ways informed about the website. Because here they can find all the extra information they will need to join the MasterPeace club and this is actually the place where you can join. The website offers all the other generated content, more information about the conflict and of course MasterPeace and most important of all; a big join now button. Screenshots of the website prototype can be seen in the appendix (see 11.3.)
7.3.3. Vlogs A vlog is a type of diary created with video images. Actual MasterPeacers will do these vlogs. With a vlog it’s possible to showcase day to day life, taking “A day in the life of a MasterPeacer” almost literal. There will be weekly updates from the vloggers. They will showcase with short video’s what they are doing for the MasterPeace movement and how these small steps make big changes around them, inspiring the target group to also start with this behaviour. This will encourage the target group to get active themselves. The vlogs will follow the process around the mural event, showcasing what it means to be a MasterPeacer and letting people know that MasterPeace wants them to join. The MasterPeacers providing the content for the vlogs will also actively recruit some new MasterPeacers and just give insights in what it really means to be a MasterPeacer giving the target group the opportunity to identify with the desired behaviour of joining the MasterPeace club. The vlogs can be found on different social media channels, such as Youtube, YTPAK, Instagram and Facebook, making it easier to reach the target group. This is discussed more in detail in the channel section (see 7.3.2.). With vlogs we want to really showcase what it means to be a MasterPeacer. This will happen in an inspiring way, that will encourage the target group to get involved in the Masterpeace clubs. The vloggers will serve as messengers and they will let the target group relate to them. The target group will see that everyday persons can make a change. The MasterPeacer acts as a role model that is very similar to the target group. This exhibits that that their contribution will actually help in creating peace.
11 Episode timeline
The people of Pakistan and India don’t feel like there’s a conflict. Introducing vloggers.
The indian and Pakistani vloggers will meet up for the first time. Showing that they want to work together to make the region into a better place.
5 6 MEET UP 2
Vloggers are explaining why they think the “MasterPeace-way” is a good one. They share impressions.
The vloggers meet up for a second time. This episode showcases how the people of Pakistan and India are very similar.
This episode will showcase the talents of the artists and collaboration between the Indian and Pakistani artist.
Everyone can help. All types of talents are needed to build peace. “We need every motivated person to help.
Visiting the locations, the vloggers meet the people living there and get to know their stories, showcasing how the situation would benefit because of peacebuilding.
8 BIG BUILD UP Come join us this (day of event) on one of the mural locations and create Peace together. Help us to help you solve this conflict by giving you and the people around you a voice.
9 BIG EVENT By creating art we can raise awareness that together we can make a stand, showing that when you combine people’s talents big things can happen. Even literal, look at this immense mural.
10 AFTERMOVIE Recap. Showcasing the results of the whole MasterPeace project. A retrospect on everything that was accomplished over the last few weeks.
The episode timeline above gives a brief introduction to what the different vlog episodes are meant to contain and communicate. The ten episodes all focus on the positivity and hopefullness connected to MasterPeace and the final event. More detailed information and visualisations of each episode can be found on the following pages. 12 Episode guide S01E1 Introduction: Introducing the Indian and Pakistani vlogger. Also Introducing the process of the vlogs that will showcase the journey towards the big mural event. this episode will explain the conflict between India and Pakistan. MasterPeace will explain how they feel about the conflict and how they want to help solve it. Masterpeacers and random people will share opinions about this conflict. MasterPeace will also state that they will need your strengths in this process to make the event into a succes. Most important message of this episode: MasterPeacer: “The people of Pakistan and India don’t feel like there’s a conflict. It’s an agenda of Super Powers to market their weapons and Pakistan and India are the best buyers for these weapons.” and of course an explanation of what MasterPeace does and will do to help solve the conflict.
S01E2 Show togetherness: The indian and Pakistani vloggers will meet up for the first time. Showing that they want to work together to make the region into a better place. They will have a talk with the MasterPeace club leaders to discuss the conflict. The MasterPeace club leaders will address that they need every person that is motivated to help to get involved in the Peacebuilding process, because if you make small steps together big changes will follow. Most important message of this episode: MasterPeacer - “There is ”No Conflict Among the People of Both Countries”. The only parties interested are the governments and their super powers. If the conflict would go away the weapon industries would go bankrupt, that’s why these companies and the government keep the conflict alive.”
S01E3 Promoting MasterPeace: The vloggers share their impressions of the meeting with the MasterPeace leaders, explaining why they think the “MasterPeace-way” is a good one. Ending the episode by explaining what the progress for the coming episodes will look like. Most important message of this episode: “There is a simple way to build peace. Give the power of peace to the people and governments will eventually follow”
S01E4 The artists: This episode will showcase the talents of the artists that design the mural. It will showcase that every strength or talent can be helpful in the MasterPeace peacebuilding process. It will also give some sneak peeks into the design for the mural raising suspicion. Most important message of this episode: MasterPeacer - “We need every motivated person to help. Because everyone’s talent, every little step, every contribution can when combined make a serious change!�
S01E5 Visiting and “recruiting” someone for the event: This episode will showcase the importance of togetherness.Together we can achieve great things, turn every little step into big changes. Through showcasing that every talent is welcome in the peacebuilding process this episode will also be inspiring to highly motivated people to join the MasterPeace movement. Most important message of this episode: Everyone can help. All types of talents are needed to build peace. “We need every motivated person to help. Because everyone’s talent, every little step, every contribution can when combined make a serious change!”
S01E06 Second meetup: The vloggers meet up for a second time, discussing what they’ve learned so far. This episode showcases how the people of Pakistan and India are very similar, and how they all want to reach the same goal - peace. Most important message of this episode: The people of the region share a common goal, and with positive, constructive activism, the goal is within reach. The future is full of hope and possibilities.
S01E07 Visiting the locations: In this episode, the vloggers visit the locations where the big event will take place. They meet the people living there and get to know their stories, showcasing how the situation would benefit because of peacebuilding. Some outlines of the mural paintings will as well be showcased to give some more hints on what the end result will look like. Most important message of this episode: Meeting some people in the area, showing how peacebuilding could improve their situation. “The help is needed, and we all can get together to make a change. There is so much positivity and hope here�
S01E08 The big build-up: The event is almost there. This is the final step in the big-build up towards the event. The locations of the murals will be shown. Final preparations will be made and showcased, this will also show a lot of people helping in any way they can, showcasing that every talent is needed. Most important message of this episode: Come join us this (day of event) on one of the mural locations and create Peace together. Help us to help you solve this conflict by giving you and the people around you a voice.
S01E09 The big event (Live on locations): This episode will cover the four events showing the process of every mural coming alive. Visitors of the event will be interviewed covering subjects like MasterPeace, the conflict and creating peace. Of course the final result of the murals put together will be showcased. Most Important message of this episode: MasterPeacer - “By creating art we can raise awareness that together we can make a stand, showing that when you combine people’s talents big things can happen. Even literal, look at this immense mural.�
S01E10 Aftermovie: Recap. Showcasing the results of the whole MasterPeace project. A retrospect on everything that was accomplished over the last few weeks. Most important message of this episode: Look what we’ve accomplished, but there is still so much to do. Join MasterPeace and help us create even more peace and solve more conflicts.
7.4. Contributors We will hereby present a number of potential contributors to the campaign. The list is in no way definite and could be changed at any given date, but the people and networks presented here are meant to give a rough idea of the types of people who might be interested in helping out with the campaign.
7.4.1. Vloggers The vlogs are a vital element of the campaign, and therefore the vloggers themselves must be chosen with utmost care. The people and networks presented below were chosen based on three factors: Indian vloggers For the Indian vloggers we have chosen for a shortlist of three. All three of these people are in some way active as a vlogger; more importantly, they all have a large group of followers which will lead to more people getting in touch with the campaign.
Being Indian This Youtube channel has over 600.000 subscribers and is one of the most popular Youtube channels in India. But more important, they share the message our campaign wants to spread. The Being Indian channel recently aired a profile for peace video in which they address all the matters that MasterPeace India and Pakistan wants to address.
Kanan Gill Kanan Gill is a famous youtuber in India. Gill has over 300.000 subscribers to his channel. Of course this reach is very important, but more important is the nature and character of Kanan Gill. Gill is a very down to earth guy who doesn’t try to hard to be funny (as most of the Youtube channels do) and is very sincere.
23 Pakistani vloggers Humans of Pakistan A team of photographers showcasing the everyday life of Pakistanis. Has ~50k followers on Instagram, and are constantly promoting messages of peace. Are, just like BeingIndia, supporting the #ProfileForPeace campaign. The network has a huge reach, and even though the focus of Humans of Pakistan is not the photographers’ personalities, we believe that MasterPeace Pakistan could benefit greatly from working with them.
Mahira Khan Famous bollywood actress and a big Indian fanbase. Almost 1 million followers on Facebook. Seeing as she has gained popularity in both India and Pakistan, she would be an ideal choice when it comes to exposition and connecting the countries.
7.3.2. Mural artists While the murals are meant to be a collaboration between all those who are interested in joining, there should be an experienced artist overseeing the creation process. Below, you find a shortlist of Indian and Pakistani artist who we find suitable for the job. They are selected based on their contribution to social change, experience and talent. Indian artists
Shilo Shiv Suleman Street artist and social activist. Founder of the “The Fearless Collective�, a group dedicated to raising social awareness through art. Held a popular TedTalk in 2012, which got over one million views.
Harshvardhan Kadam A motivational speaker and street artist, Harshvardhan is known for his surreal look into the world, based on the things he sees in life and his dreams. He travels through India to discover new worlds while doing the things he loves the most, painting. He also makes animations and interactive productions.
Daku An expressive graffiti artist that is actively protesting against the government through his art. Daku is known for his activating work that he shows with art and typography. He uses bright colors and his work is not religious based.
25 Pakistani artist/designer
Mohammad Akram Spaul Akram Spaul has been considered a renowned artist for years, with his extremely refined style of realism that is easily comprehended by the large masses. He has tons of experience within the field of painting, seeing as he has been working in the creative line of work for such a long time.
Imran Qureshi Pakistani artist, who is used to painting on floors or walls. His massive portfolio of work contains expressive, creatively constructed, big-size paintings and murals. He could be the perfect choice for the project, 足given the chance.足
Students from the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture Contact person: Munawar Ali Syed In July, 2015, a group of 200 artists got together to paint over the littered walls of Karachi. The idea behind the project was to replace hateful graffiti with positive ones. While no specific, high profile artists are mentioned in the article, Munawar Ali Syed (the supervisor of the event, teacher at the school) could probably point you in the right direction and find a artist capable and willing to take on the MasterPeace mural project.
7.5. Customer journey map To visualise how we expect the campaign to play out in regards to connecting with the target group, a Customer Journey Map was created (see appendix 11.4.) The CJM-document shows the different touchpoints where the target group get in contact with the campaign, divided into three stages: before, during and after. Furthermore, the choices of media used to create these touchpoints is summarized as well.
8. Mediaplanning The Media Plan (see appendix 11.5.) is a brief summary of how the campaign is meant to take its course in regards to which medias will be used and in which stages. The timeline shows when each type of media is introduced in the campaign and for how long they will run. The plan is still relative to change, depending on the resources MasterPeace are able to put into the campaign; Contributors, volunteers etc.
9. Budget No ”real” budget has been implemented into the report, seeing as MasterPeace are not operating within the classic business model. Rather, the way to go is through engaging people to contribute by means rather than money. There will be need for people continiously working on the campaign - such as film assistants, social media operators, volunteers at the event etc. This is the MasterPeace area of expertise, however, and they should reasonably be the ones responsible for this part of the planning.
10. Evaluation findings For the evaluation for the concept and the executions, we contacted a design expert, a DOP, a concept expert and people residing in India and Pakistan (all fitting within our mentioned target group). From our evaluation with the concept expert we’ve learned some great insights. He was very excited about the mural execution. Because he thought it was a perfect fit for the Indian and Pakistani culture. The second thing he liked about the concept was that the vlogs and the online content are build around the offline event, really connecting everything as a whole. The concept expert had some doubts about the language used in our campaign. India and Pakistan are very multilingual and it will be very challenging to keep everyone on the same page. The design expert had some worries regarding the usage of colors. India and Pakistan have a different way of using colors in their expressions. His biggest tip was to really get into the color schemes they use down there. The visualization of the website was something that could definitely work in his eyes. The DOP said that we should use a film and edit style that the target group is accustomed to. Indian and Pakistani people are fans of bollywood movies, they use a different style of filming and editing, this is something that should be beared in mind when the vlogs are being filmed. The local focus group were overall very excited about the campaign. They thought that the concept fitted well within their cultural context - especially the fact that it incorporated murals, as they told us about the craze around public art in their countries. As mentioned, the responses were mostly positive, but some questions were brought up about the vlog-format. While it’s a growing media, they were questioning whether or not it would have the impact we have predicted. All in all, we’re satisfied with the responses. Everyone seemed to be pleased with what we have developed, and we feel confident that the end result is something that could work well within India and Pakistan.
11. Appendix 11.1. Concept map
11.2. Regional Communication guide
Regional communication guide Masterpeace India/Pakistan
regional differences: tone of voice
regional differences: Typography
regional differences: colors
Masterpeace brand guidelines
Table of content
When working with an international organization such as MasterPeace, it is of utmost importance to acknowledge how the different social- and cultural context affects the external communication. Every region has its own culturaland traditional standards, which must be taken into account when it comes to designing communication campaigns. The Regional Communication Guide focuses on the region of South Asia - more specifically, on India and Pakistan. The guide was created in 2015 by Bureau Unity, a group of students charged with developing a campaign concept for the local MasterPeace clubs of Pakistan and India. The guide is based the research conducted by the Bureau Unity team, and was created to aid the group in its design process. The purpose of this guide is to act as a basis for which future campaigns in the region could be executed, both by local MasterPeacers or external designers.
masterpeace brand guidelines
While it is, as stated, important to recognize the challenges cultural differences provides when it comes to communication, maintaining a strong, recognizable brand image is vital. Therefore, the basis of the communication guide must always come from the current MasterPeace brand guidelines regarding the use of the logo and basic typography. The opposite page briefly show the styleguide of MasterPeace as a whole. For more in-depth information, please refer to the brand guidelines document of MasterPeace.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
regional differences: colors South Asia is a place of color. From the Hindu spring festival of Holi to architecture & fashion; in India and Pakistan, bright, saturated colors are seen everywhere. Thankfully, the MasterPeace primary colors are both bright and saturated, but there is profit to be had in being expressive with the choices of color when it comes to advertising in the region. While the color of the MasterPeace brand elements should not be meddled with, other bright colors could advantageously be incorporated in the communication. We would encourage designers to be bold and daring when it comes to color choices, but to set some sort of standard, we provide a few examples to the right. With the frequent usage of bright colors comes setbacks.Notably, the colour black has very strong connotation in Indian culture. It represents death and evil in a way which might be foreign to the untrained western eye. Therefore, the usage of black and dark gray should be carefully monitored as to not create accidental, negative associations.
regional differences: typography Just like the colors, the typography of the region is expressive. The wide range of languages spoken and written in the region could be seen as problematic, but also a opportunity. Whether communication is done in Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Punjabi, English or any other of the many languages is situational, depending on where the communication is taking place. The decision of this should be adviced by the local expertise. Whatever the case, it should be noted that the communication in the region should not be limited by having to be written in English Helvetica or Arial, but rather be left more open to the choice of the designer.
हिन्दी یباجنپ संस्कृतम्
regional differences: Tone of voice
• Focus on the similarities of the Pakistani and Indian culture, and how they share a common history.
• Don’t use communication that implies that there is some sort of competition between the countries.
• Don’t focus on the differances between the countries and their culture. This could reinforce prejudices.
The MasterPeace brand guidelines about focusing on positivity still applies. Seeing as the socio-political situation of India and Pakistan is quite tense, there are a few more things to consider:
• Be inclusive with the choice of language, make sure that all the affected people understand the message
• Never imply that there is a conflict between the people of the two countries.
• Avoid using too many western-influenced references in the communication, seeing as large numbers of people feel some resentment towards western culture, based on its past experiences.
• When doing communcation that involves both countries, avoid using terms or sayings only used in one country. Be inclusive.
• If speaking about the conflict, make sure that the focus is on how the conflict is a governmental issue rather than a conflict between the people of the countries. • Show the possibilites of working together with the neighbouring country. • Use cultural references native to the region to further connect with the target audience. 8
All in all, communicators should remember to follow the brand guidelines set by MasterPeace, but there is profit to be had if they add some regional �spice� to it. Sometimes, the western way of standardizing communication just don’t work in an intercultural scenario. As the reader might have noticed, many of these guidelines are not as absolute as one might expect from a communication guide. This is done on purpose to allow the communicator to adapt to the newly arisen trials of designing for an unfamiliar cultural context. Hopefully, these general guidelines will prove useful to local MasterPeacers wanting to promote events on their own and external designers alike.
11.3. Website prototype
11.4. Customer Journey Map
peace CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP BEFORE EVENT The campaign will be announced several weeks before the actual event happens. We want to create awareness of the event on Facebook and advertise with the vlogs on Youtube and link them to the
NOOR (24)
Noor is a journalist student from Karachi, she started studying journalism because she wants to tell the stories of people being disadvantaged by the government.
while waiting and
It’s quite busy and
she decides to take
#Painters of Peace,
canvas with the
There is a big
the motivational
voice of one of
she listens to the
While painting,
other people and
gets in touch with
with her friend and
She gets a drink
you bracelet’
gets a ‘thank
participation she
As a reward of
she checks the
‘liked’ the
Since she
so she can
her friends,
new club with
to create a
She decides
This event will be
She gets to the
walking around,
initiate local
filmed as a timelapse
event and sees that
there are a lot of
recap of the
This event will take place at several places in India (Mumbai, Dehli,Bangalore) and Pakistan (Karachi)
She knows what
a lot of people are
with the logo of
event, and she
where people collaborate and create a piece of art together.The goal is to get to know other
participating. The
talks about societal
MasterPeace and a
and will inspire new
She goes to the
are doing and gets
speakers, which
matters and the
Masterpeacers to build
Facebookpage and
inspired by the work
a picture of her
inspires her to take
peacebuilders and to create something big by doing something small. This event can also be seen
While working, Noor sees it’s about
photographers and
contribution to this
catches a glimpse connecting and peace.
drawing outlines
filmers that are
feels proud she
as an opportunity to recruit new Master Peacers, through speaking with attendees about the cause
of an advertorial on
they do to create
and seeing people
inspirational flyer to
activities in her
take home.
and why their strengths and talents are perfect for the MasterPeace movement.
Facebook about She is interested and
peace together. She
big mural.
#Painters Of Peace. watches a vlog.
filming the event.
in action makes her
decides to go there
happy to be here.
with her friends.
11.5. Media Plan
Media plan main goal
To reach the target group on multiple fronts, rising the exposure in intensitivity as the campaing evolves. Leading up to the big event, and providing feedback to the target group afterwards.
timeline Week
Big event
The campaign starts out with launching the website and creating/preparing social media accounts. Before the vlogs are actually launched, there should be some teasers on Facebook and Instagram. When the vlogs are presented, they should be released twice a week. After the event, the �Aftermovie�-vlog is uploaded and feedback of the campaign is given through the social media.
Vera Kusumawidjaja - 1616386 Willem van Helvoirt - 1643155 Oscar Manfred - 1685299 Bokyung Ku - 1684961