Evaluation report Case: Masterpeace India/Pakistan
Table of content
1. Summary
2. Background
2.1. Expectations
3. Method
4. Reviews
4.1. Expert Review - Concept
4.2. Expert Review - Design
4.3. Focus Group Reviews
4.4. Client Review
5. Conclusion
1. Summary The report contains the evaluation reviews of the concept developed made by Bureau Unity for a case regarding the local charity organizations of MasterPeace in India and Pakistan. The evaluation is made by contacting various experts and people native to India and Pakistan. The reviews take the form of qualitative interviews and surveys which were all based on questions trying to evaluate the different part of the project; concept, visualisations with respect to design and cultural context. The reviews are analyzed and taken into account for the future consideration. Finally, we draw conclusion on wheter or not we believe the concept will work, based on the responses in the report.
2. Background The following findings were made regarding how well our concept holds up. To get more insight into how well we have been doing, a group of people with expertise in different fields and people residing in India and Pakistan. This gives us input both on a professional level, but also on the cultural context in which the campaign will take place. The people were approached and asked if they were willing to particiapte in a set of reviews, where they would get a brief background on the project and go in-depth when it comes to different aspects of the concept.
2.1. expectations Our expectations of each and everyone of the participants was to answer every question sincerely, try to be as truthful and elaborate as possible, and give us constructive feedback rather than ”I like it” or ”I dislike it”.
3. Method The four reviews we have conducted during the process are all based on the same questions wanting to be answered - general feedback of the project and the work within. However, each interview has been adjusted to fit the specific field of which we want to get feedback. The expert reviews were created as regular interviews. A set of questions were asked, but as with every conversation, the discussion became more fluid. We have therefore decided to mainly put down the positives and negatives expressed in the interviews, along with some short quotes. The focus group reviews were created as a online-survey, where the participants were able to answer questions regarding the concept and the executions. The reasoning behind using an online format was based on the fact that we simply had no way of finding time where both we and the participants could connect through other means, seeing as we live on different continents. The expert interviewees are mentioned by name, but in qualitative focus group reviews, we have left the identities of the users anonymous, as per standard research ethics.
4. Reviews 4.1. Expert Review - Concept Name: Peter Övergård Occupation: Concept Design/UX teacher at Linköping University Introduction: We’re starting on a school project for MasterPeace. MasterPeace is seen as an exciting community of social entrepreneurs, volunteers, bloggers, musicians, businesses and other active citizens who connect and work together to fuel peacebuilding and intercultural understanding. Our project focuses on India and Pakistan. The reason we’ve contacted you is because of your position as an expert on communication, and we would love to get some feedback on our work. We have developed a concept called “Painters of Peace”, which is comprised of an intermedial campaign that uses social media, vlogs and a campaign specific website. The concept is based on one simple message: Everyone has a specific talent to contribute with when it comes to peacebuilding, and it’s with these talents the grassroot-movement of MasterPeace can thrive. It is these combined talents that are going to manifest themselves in a physical object with the ”Painters of Peace”-campaign. The campaign will take form by using various marketing methods to get to the final goal of people coming together and painting murals of peace. At the end of the campaign, there will be a joint event on different places in India and Pakistan, where MasterPeacers, artists and local volunteers get together to create something beautiful. Questions: What is your initial reaction to the concept? “The way you present it might be a bit vague, but as a whole I think it could work.” Interesting choices of execution. Sounds like a good choice for the cause. I’m not sure I completely get what you want to say with the concept from just hearing about it. What do you think of the name? Will it work? Well, it is directly connected to what you are doing. I think it might work. Sounds a bit cliché to me. Please explain your thoughts on working with online-vs-offline medias, are the choices of media reasonable? It’s always good to work with a media in which the user can interact with the concept. I believe using social media is a very good example of how this concept could work well. Do you believe that vlogs is the proper choice of media? What are the up- and downsides of this choice? “Very much so. It creates a direct link between the sender and the receiver. People are able to comment, and the sender is able to respond in the coming video.” Would you add any type of media, if it was up to you? Well, you know I always speak fondly of apps. I definitely think some more interaction could benefit the campaign. What are your thoughts on building the campaign towards the mural event? I like the fact that there is a clear end goal for the campaign; Something that can wrap it all up. Do you have anything else to add? Keep up the good work, I would love to see the finished products at some point.
Conclusion: Övergård’s reaction to the concept was overall very positive. He believed in our idea and the way we want to present it. However, there were a few downsides in his opinion. He thought the name could have been developed further, as well as the way we phrase the concept. He also made some suggestions of how to expand the campaign and get more value out of the interaction-aspect of the concept. All in all, though, we got good feedback that nudges us in the right direction.
4.2. Expert Review - DESIGN Name: Joni Hartog Occupation: Graphic web designer (works at De Monsters Amsterdam, an advertisement concept bureau) Introduction: We’re starting on a school project for MasterPeace. MasterPeace is seen as an exciting community of social entrepreneurs, volunteers, bloggers, musicians, businesses and other active citizens who connect and work together to fuel peacebuilding and intercultural understanding. Our project focuses on India and Pakistan. The reason we’ve contacted you is because of your position as an expert on communication, and we would love to get some feedback on our work. We have developed a concept called “Painters of Peace”, which is comprised of an intermedial campaign that uses social media, vlogs and a campaign specific website. The concept is based on one simple message: Everyone has a specific talent to contribute with when it comes to peacebuilding, and it’s with these talents the grassroot-movement of MasterPeace can thrive. It is these combined talents that are going to manifest themselves in a physical object with the ”Painters of Peace”-campaign. The campaign will take form by using various marketing methods to get to the final goal of people coming together and painting murals of peace. At the end of the campaign, there will be a joint event on different places in India and Pakistan, where MasterPeacers, artists and local volunteers get together to create something beautiful. Questions: Which one of these logo’s do you find most attractive and suitable for the campaign? [A selection of four variations of the logo was displayed] I would go for option [the one currently used,], I feel like this suits the “painting” feeling more, especially with the font you’ve chosen. You might have to consider if this would be suitable in India and Pakistan, but I do like how you put the different colors in the background, instead of putting color in the text. This gives a clear vision. Speaking about colors, what kind of colors would you advise to use? I have to be honest, I’m not an expert in intercultural communication, but my colleague has actually travels a lot to India and he always refers to the bright colors they use. Comparing to western design it’s definitely something you have to look into. What is your first impression of the website? I think the overview is clear and cleanness could work here. I like that the menu is not complicated. From my opinion as a dutch designer, I think the colors are a bit too soft, I can see where you are going, but maybe you can spice up the colors. It’s always good to use a couple of bright colors in you resign as a ‘retouch’. And a question, how do people go to the website and how can I get more explanation of MasterPeace? People get in touch with the campaign via social media as Facebook, Youtube. The MasterPeace has a website on it’s own, and you should see this page as a subpage. Alright, that makes sense. As a tip, I would say don’t go too far with the design as this can be seen as a different site or company. I’m not familiar with the visual identity of MasterPeace, but keep that in mind. This is the website of MasterPeace. Do you think it is too different?
I think you should change the colors, you can have a little softness in the design, but I would stick to beige more instead of the blue. Conclusion: I actually changed the design of the website a bit, making it more bright. Also, I changed the blue into a soft beige. Our preference was the first logo as well, so we decided to stick to the first logo.
4.3. Focus Group Reviews Introduction: The focus group got an explanation about the project and the concept. Furthermore they were shown various visualisations and asked to reflect on how well they think the campaign would work in the cultural context of India and Pakistan. The people approached were either living in India or Pakistan, or having migrated from their at some point in their lives. Below, we will present the visual result of the survey.
Conclution: Even though the responses varied in both complexity and positivity. We would still consider the review to have a positive outcome. Some constructive feedback was given, and overall, the participants were very positive. Especially regarding the use of a mural as a medium. Also, we were positively surprised with the response on the useage of vlogs. Many people were very excited about it.
4.4. Client review For the client review, a simple summary was written based on the feedback we’ve gotten from Florian at MasterPeace during our Skype-meetings. Name: Florian Geerken Occupation: MasterPeace Summary: ”My challenge is for you to integrate the campaign with each other. The mural is very powerful idea and we also think about seven worldwide murals but it’s all connected. And I think you can really make a big offline project then mix with online that people can get some information beginning of the campaign. And you create a vlogs and just put how did we start murals, make murals, what is the event. And you can also use that on your new website that your make the campaign that you are carrying out. So you don’t need poster and those of kind things. My challenge is for you to find a way to really focus on the mural and the vlogs, because I really like the combination of those two. Then supported by website and really integrate into together.” Conclusion: Florian has been very positive of our concept from the beginning, and we’ve taken every word of feedback very seriously. We hope that it shows in the final result.
5. Conclusion From our evaluation with the concept expert we’ve learned some great insights. He was very excited about the mural execution. Because he thought it was a perfect fit for the Indian and Pakistani culture. The second thing he liked about the concept was that the vlogs and the online content are build around the offline event, really connecting everything as a whole. The concept expert had some doubts about the language used in our campaign. India and Pakistan are very multilingual and it will be very challenging to keep everyone on the same page. The design expert had some worries regarding the usage of colors. India and Pakistan have a different way of using colors in their expressions. His biggest tip was to really get into the color schemes they use down there. The visualization of the website was something that could definitely work in his eyes. The local focus group were overall very excited about the campaign. They thought that the concept fitted well within their cultural context - especially the fact that it incorporated murals, as they told us about the craze around public art in their countries. As mentioned, the responses were mostly positive, but some questions were brought up about the vlog-format. While it’s a growing media, they were questioning whether or not it would have the impact we have predicted. All in all, we’re satisfied with the responses. Everyone seemed to be pleased with what we have developed, and we feel confident that the end result is something that could work well within India and Pakistan.
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